Alexa rhinoplasty. Unsuccessful plastic surgery of the stars.

For more than two hundred years, women all over the world can afford to correct the imperfections of their appearance with the help of plastic surgery. Most of all, the stars resort to the services of plastic surgeons. And Russian stars are in no way inferior to their foreign counterparts. And there are those who even overdo it. Unfortunately, plastic surgery is not always successful, and the stars on this list are proof of this.

So, watch 12 Russian stars before and after plastic surgery!

1: Kristina Sysoeva

The London socialite, in pursuit of perfection, removed, inserted and corrected everything that was possible. Not a trace of her natural appearance remained. Although the star herself claims that she has never turned to plastic surgeons, and maintains her figure with a sports regime.

2: Alexa

The Star Factory graduate has been trying for many years to find her ideal lip shape, but so far without success. Even 10 years ago, the singer began to enlarge her lips and still cannot calm down. Her experience was also not very successful.

3: Sasha Project

Sasha Project had breathing problems, and she turned to doctors for help, who suggested that she, at the same time, correct the shape of her nose. The result was so disastrous that the singer had to leave her career and take up health. She performed 9 more operations, but was unable to regain her previous appearance.

4: Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya is another Russian star who is crazy about plastic procedures. Her experiments with lips caused her mouth to stop closing. The TV presenter admitted that it did not look very attractive, and still reduced her lips. Another disappointment for Masha was breast augmentation. Her breasts are different sizes.

5: Love Uspenskaya

The 63-year-old singer does not age over the years. Her face looks younger and younger, and even young girls envy her slender and fit body. But Lyubov Uspenskaya was so carried away by injections that her skin acquired an unnatural shine, and her face became inactive.

6: Oksana Pushkina

In 2003, TV presenter Oksana Pushkina decided to inject Botox for the first time to get rid of wrinkles. As a result, her entire face became covered with hard bumps, which caused constant inflammation. Oksana told reporters about her bad experience and warned everyone against such procedures.

7: Larisa Dolina

Larisa Dolina is one of the few Russian stars who said that she would never resort to plastic surgery and prefers to meet her age with dignity. But, looking at her photo, it seems that the singer is cunning. For a 61-year-old woman, her face looks too taut and facial expressions are practically absent.

8: Vera Alentova

Vera Alentova first turned to a plastic surgeon for help back in the late 90s. She did a circular facelift. Later, the actress did several more operations, but they were not entirely successful. Asymmetry appeared in her face, and her appearance changed almost beyond recognition.

9: Natalia Andreichenko

The famous "Miss Perfection" performed several plastic surgeries in pursuit of youth. The actress never got rid of her age, but she lost her individuality. Lip augmentation does not suit her at all.

10: Masha Rasputin

Masha Rasputina is a big fan of plastic surgery. If you look at the photo of the singer 20 years ago, you get the impression that these are absolutely two different people... She not only enlarged her breasts, but also changed the shape of her nose and chin, added implants to her cheekbones, and corrected the shape and size of her lips.

11: Ekaterina Barnabas

The star of Russian television and participant in "Comedy Woman" performed so many manipulations on her face that it seems as if there are two different people in these photographs.

12: Alla Pugacheva

Alla Borisovna has already done so many plastic surgeries that it is impossible to count: several times she has done herself liposuction, facelifts, breast lift and changing its shape with the help of implants. She also resorted to blepharoplasty (tightened eyelids and removed bags under the eyes). However, in the end, the pop queen overdid it, and now her face looks terrible and unnatural. And all the surgeons refuse her further operations.

And yet, there is nothing better than natural beauty. After all, nature creates us individual and unique, and we are trying to change it, which leads to disastrous consequences. Take care of yourself and your beauty!

Alena Shishkova, whose changes we studied in detail quite recently, from the age of 18 began to work on her appearance. And the work, as you might guess, was carried out not only in the gym, but also in the plastic surgery clinic. However, the efforts have borne fruit. Aliona, who looks like a Barbie doll, became “Vice-Miss Russia 2012”, conquered rapper Timati with her incredible beauty and gave birth to a daughter from him. You can endlessly look at those eyebrows and lips!

Maria Gorban

Actress Maria Gorban is a mystery girl ... It is surprising for us how this pretty girl turned herself into a “rubber Zina”. The once very pretty Masha did just a merciless tuning: she worked on the shape of her nose and lips, even her cheekbones and face shape changed, her eyebrows, of course, became “standard”. In a word, my own mother does not recognize.

Victoria Lopyreva

Photos of Victoria Lopyreva "before" and "after" plastics also look very eloquently side by side. In the face of "Miss Russia - 2003", everything is "new" too: the nose, lips, and fillers were not without. Victoria's upgrade was really serious; it is scary to imagine how many painful procedures she underwent for the sake of her beauty "by the standard".

Oksana Samoilova

Another "sister" of our heroines is Oksana Samoilova, the wife of rapper Dzhigan, whose whole life is devoted to the difficult task of self-admiration and improving her own appearance. If Oksana's passport had her photo before the plastic surgery, the beauty would probably have been detained at the border, because these are two different people.

Anastasia Reshetova

Anastasia Reshetova, rumored to have become Timati's new girlfriend, is like Alena Shishkova, but only with dark hair. The differences end there. As you may have guessed, just a few years ago Anastasia was completely different and, by the way, very pretty. But Reshetova wanted to be even more beautiful, and that's what happened.

Christina Sysoeva

Kristina Sysoeva is not just a woman, she is a meme! Other beauties are still far from her "perfection": the voluminous lips of Christina, hung with brands, slightly interfere with speaking (however, this is exactly the case when it is better to keep silent), and you can cut yourself on her high sharp cheekbones. Learn girls!

Maria Pogrebnyak

The wife of footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak lives a luxurious life in Moscow (before that the Pogrebnyak couple lived in London), produces a clothing line and, most importantly, takes selfies all the time. Of course, earlier Maria (she, by the way, is a close friend of another London star - Christina Sysoeva) did not look at all the same as today. There were no these amazing lips, and the shape of the nose seems to be completely different ... However, long white hair (the key to success among football players) Maria always wore.


Singer Alex, whose songs we have not heard for a long time, is one of the pioneers in the matter of reincarnation. It occurred to her to transform her face into a rubber mask when other girls were just starting their tuning. What happened next, we all know: photos of Alexa with puffy lips now and then flash on the net.

Isa Anokhina

The duck girl is about Aiza Anokhin (once Dolmatova). The lips of a star attract all the attention, they are so voluminous. Of course, just a few years ago, such splendor was not observed on Isa's face, and the shape of the cheekbones was completely different.

Evgeniya Feofilaktova

Another beautiful "doll-mukla" is Evgenia Feofilaktova, a participant of the "Dom-2" project. On all the other participants in our list, Eugene looks like Native sister... And all thanks to plastic surgery! Evgenia was a prominent girl even without "tuning", and now she looks like an ideal wax figure. To hell with individuality!

Russian celebrities who did not benefit from the correction of their appearance
It is no secret that the beauty of many Russian film and show business stars is the result of the art of plastic surgeons. In order to look good at any age, domestic celebrities will never refuse to use the expensive services of doctors. Actresses and singers are always ready to improve their face and figure, finding real and sometimes imaginary flaws in them. For some stars, a slight correction of appearance is only beneficial. And it causes serious, sometimes irreparable harm to others. The reasons for unsuccessful plastic procedures may be different: some of the popular artists in the pursuit of beauty changed their sense of proportion, some were unlucky with the surgeon, others did not listen to the recommendations of the doctors and underwent surgery, despite their persuasions. We have compiled a list of those celebrities whose experiments with their own appearance have brought, to put it mildly, dubious results.

Alexa after plastic surgery and before
It is difficult to understand what prompted the young participant of the "Star Factory-4" Alex (Alexander Chvikov) to turn to the services of plastic surgeons. Nature rewarded the singer with a weak voice, but at the same time - a completely pretty face, which did not need to be improved at all. However, having from birth beautiful shape lips, Alexa decided to increase their volume

Julia Volkova

Julia Volkova after "plastic surgery" Julia Volkova before
The young singer managed to do a lot in her short life. Volkova starred in the Yeralash newsreel, sang in the Fidgets group, gave birth to a daughter and a son from her two common-law husbands and experienced overwhelming success with the pseudo-Lesbian duet Tatu. Bright events in his personal life and career, they forced the "tattoo" already in early years resort to the help of plastic surgeons. However, Yulia's face did not become prettier and younger from this. The singer, who celebrated her 26th birthday at the end of February, looks much older than her years: the face of the “tatu” has become like a mask.
The singer plucked her eyebrows, drew them with the help of tattooing, and also increased the volume of her lips. And, apparently, she overdid it. Volkova's new lips look unnatural, and in combination with bright red lipstick, it is completely vulgar.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya after "plastic surgery" Masha Malinovskaya before

By her 30s, the model, TV presenter and former deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma managed to remake herself with the help of "plastic" beyond recognition. Masha inserted silicone implants into her breasts and corrected her face by enlarging her lips. It's funny that earlier Malinovskaya categorically denied any interference in her appearance with plastic surgery, referring to her young age. However, already at the age of 24, at the celebration of her birthday, the TV presenter accidentally exposed her silicone breasts. And the upper lip over time protruded more and more upward and became like a "hare". Having ceased to hide the obvious, Masha frankly told about her plastic surgeries in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak for the magazine "OK!" Malinovskaya admitted that she regretted lip plastics, and called breast pumping with silicone a rescue operation.

Masha Rasputina

Masha Rasputina after "plastic surgery" Masha before

After Masha Rasputina married businessman Viktor Zakharov and gave birth to a daughter in 2000, the singer's appearance underwent a thorough reconstruction. A wealthy husband spared no expense to make his wife younger and more beautiful. The vocal pop star has her breasts enlarged and her face radically changed. Rasputina corrected the shape of the lips, nose, chin, eye cut, and enlarged the cheekbones. What happened in the end is unlikely to cause envy. Rather, fright. New large features Masha's faces in combination with her inimitable facial expressions can, when suddenly meeting her on a dark night, bring the faint of heart to a heart attack.

Oksana Pushkina

Oksana Pushkina after the "plastic" Oksana Pushkina before

As a result of the introduction of an unknown drug, the TV presenter began to develop inflammation, the nasolabial folds of the face acquired a bluish tint, the skin became covered with bumps and reddish spots. After that, a criminal case was opened against the doctor, and Pushkina was forced to put a thick layer of makeup on her face before each broadcast. The TV presenter had to go through a number of cosmetic procedures, which, however, did not help her completely get rid of the consequences of the fatal injection.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalia Andreichenko after surgery before surgery

"You are perfect!" - sang children, uncles and aunts in a wonderful Soviet film about Mary Poppins, played by Natalya Andreichenko. The movie star did without plastic procedures for a long time. Over the years, the actress's appearance has changed naturally - from a burly Russian peasant woman in the film "Siberiade" to a prim English nanny in "Mary Poppins, bye!" Being married to director Maximilian Schell, with whom Natalia lived in the United States, Andreichenko first turned to the services of plastic surgeons there. Since then, the actress has performed several operations to correct the shape and increase the volume of her lips. Natalia did not like her own thin lips, she wanted to see them more plump. And one of the operations was unsuccessful. As a result, Andreichenko received large, uneven lips that stretch into an unnatural, forced smile. Apparently, the actress was out of luck with the surgeon.

Elena Proklova

Elena Proklova after "plastic surgery" Elena Proklova before (still from the film "Mimino")

The famous actress and co-host of the Malakhov + program has always tried to improve her appearance with the help of plastic surgery. And I never considered it shameful to admit it! And he calls the talk that a woman over 50 looks good thanks to some kind of cream frankly stupid. Over the past few years, Elena has repeatedly turned to the services of plastic doctors. The actress made herself an eyelid lift, smoothed wrinkles thanks to Botox injections, and enlarged her lips with collagen injections. Proklova was very pleased with the result of plastic correction. But the artist's colleagues at first even stopped recognizing her. The new appearance of the actress became the object of parodies in the program "Big Difference", but Elena was not embarrassed. Proklova intends to continue to seek help from plastic surgeons.

Vera Alentova

Vera Alentova after "plastic surgery" Vera Alentova before

The star of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" showed her new face, transformed by plastic surgery, at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the popular film in 2009. Appearance the actress became the main topic of discussion that evening. According to experts, the artist underwent a circular lift, smoothed out wrinkles with Botox, changed the shape of the lips and increased their volume, removed the double chin, and tightened the eyelids. With some facial features of Alentova, the surgeons clearly overdid it. The actress's eyes became different sizes, her lips turned out to be pumped. Perhaps Vera Valentinovna began to look younger than her years, but this a large number of plastics made her almost unrecognizable.

Lyudmila Gurchenko

The star of Russian cinema has repeatedly fallen under the knife of a plastic surgeon in her long life. The last time the actress, beloved by millions, decided on an operation when she was already over 70. Doctors dissuaded Gurchenko from another "plastic surgery", pointing to her venerable age, but Lyudmila Markovna was adamant. And as they looked into the water - the operation was unsuccessful. The previous ones also affected surgical interventions- the skin on Gurchenko's face became thinner and lost the ability to regenerate. Therefore, the postoperative sutures healed hard and for a long time. The performed circular facelift and lip contouring did not bring noticeable improvements to the actress's appearance. Rather, on the contrary, the already elderly artist has grown old.

Pugacheva has no luck with plastic ...

Nastya Zavorotnyuk unsuccessfully increased the bust

Varum's results are too noticeable

Today, finding a star who has not done plastic surgery is an almost impossible task. The world of show business dictates its own rules - you must always look as impressive and beautiful as possible. And if everything is clear with the body - you can just do a lot of fitness with a cool instructor, and then everything will be ... then, in order to "correct" your face, you need to contact a plastic surgeon.

We present to your attention 30 stars Before and After face plastic surgery.

Cristiano ronaldo

Photos from the covers of Cristiano Ronaldo cannot but cause delight, but his old photos are unlikely. This transformation was simply necessary.

Kim Kardashian

One of the most talked about women getting plastic surgery is Kim Kardashian.

Ashlee Simpson

According to the singer Ashlee Simpson, she has always had complexes because of her nose and after the operation began to feel more confident. Although her nose has undergone only minor changes.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox decided to get away from the image of a sexy girl next door and slightly tweaked her facial features, but this only made her more beautiful.

Victoria Lopyreva

Anna Faris

We know and love actress Anna Faris the way she was first seen in the movie "Boys like it", and the image of a busty and lush-lipped beauty suits her.

Keti Topuria

Keti Topuria today looks very stylish and sophisticated, all the changes went to her only good.

Jennifer Conelli

Jennifer Conelli has become more and more beautiful over the years, but in the latest photographs she is simply not recognizable. Would she have become such a famous Hollywood beauty if the plastic surgeon had not corrected her nose and removed Bisha's lumps?

Ivanka Trump

Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, has seen a surprising change in her appearance after she got rid of her family nose. Now the girl looks more feminine and sophisticated.

Natalia Podolskaya

Natalia Podolskaya slightly corrected her nose, and it seems to us that she did right choice and began to look much better.

Kylie Jenner

The youngest daughter of the Kardashian family, Kylie Jenner, simply amazes with her transformation! The girl's facial features have noticeably changed, but this is not only the result of weight loss, the work of a plastic surgeon is visible here.

Blake Lovely

Blake Lively tweaked the shape of her nose a bit. If she had not given her face sophistication, she would not have made it into the TV series "Gossip Girl".

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones has repeatedly denied that she had plastic surgery. But her old photographs make us think differently. It looks like the actress did some minor nose correction.

Jennifer Lopez

All the gossip goes around Jennifer Lopez's priests, but do not forget that the singer also corrected her nose.

Avril lavigne

Avril Lavigne was shy at the beginning of her career and hid behind long straight curls. But later the singer found herself.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus turns from little Hannah Montana into uninhibited a grown girl, well, the first step towards self-affirmation was plastic surgery.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya became famous for her lips throughout the country and received the nickname "snake woman".

Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray, who became famous in the movie "Dirty Dancing", changed the shape of her nose and lost her role in the movie because of this. The producers explained this by the fact that she had lost her individuality.

Taisiya Povaliy

Taisiya Povaliy looked very fresh and charming in her youth, but the 90s dictated their own rules of beauty, and the image had to be changed.

Elena Proklova

Elena Proklova, known to the entire Soviet people for the role of Gerda in the film " The Snow Queen”And Larisa Ivanovna in“ Mimino ”, after 40 she began to noticeably change in her face. To date, she has been credited with plastic nose surgery, botox and enlarged lips.

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan has been the idol of all fashionable schoolgirls since the early 2000s (well, who of us has not seen the film " Mean Girls"!). But for many, it was a very disappointing change in her appearance over the past five years.

Yulia Volkova

The former soloist of the Ta-Tu group, Yulia Volkova, was remembered by us as a sweet girl with an innocent face, and many of the changes in her appearance seem too cardinal.

Alena Shishkova

Alena came to Moscow from Tyumen as a tender girl. I must admit, her appearance has undergone dramatic changes. Also, the girl fell in love with rapper Timati, gave birth to a daughter, broke up with him and fell in love again. And she became famous throughout the Internet for her answers during the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

Maria Gorban

Over the course of several years, the young actress from a pretty-looking girl has turned into a woman with downright predatory features.

Oksana Samoilov

Apparently, the wife of rapper Zhigan has now reached her ideal.

Anastasia Reshetova

After plastic surgeons have worked on Anastasia's face, the young model is practically unrecognizable.

Christina Sysoeva

A striking example of striving for generally accepted beauty standards.

For a long time, the beauty of the face and body has been subconsciously associated with the beauty of the soul. Nevertheless, if you look at the statistics, perhaps there is not a single celebrity who avoided a visit to a plastic surgeon ...

The results of plastic surgery of the stars immediately become the subject of discussion, envy and controversy among viewers and fans. The plastics of the face of the stars were not discussed, only the lazy condemned ...

In order to look good at any age, domestic celebrities will never refuse to use the expensive services of doctors. Actresses and singers are always ready to improve their face and figure, finding real and sometimes imaginary flaws in them.

For some stars, a slight correction of appearance is only beneficial. And it causes serious, sometimes irreparable harm to others. The reasons for unsuccessful plastic procedures may be different: some of the popular artists in the pursuit of beauty changed their sense of proportion, some were unlucky with the surgeon, others did not listen to the recommendations of the doctors and underwent surgery, despite their persuasions.

We have compiled a list of those celebrities whose experiments with their own appearance have brought, to put it mildly, dubious results.


It is difficult to understand what prompted the young participant of the "Star Factory-4" Alex (Alexandra Chvikova) seek the services of plastic surgeons.

Before plastics

Nature rewarded the singer with a weak voice, but at the same time - a completely pretty face, which did not need to be improved at all. Nevertheless, having a beautiful lip shape from birth, Alexa decided to increase their volume. Perhaps the singer became a victim of fashion and wanted to make lips like Angelina Jolie.

After plastics

The result of the plastic procedure was terrifying. After the injection of biogel, Alexa's lips were swollen and began to hurt, and there were seals at the injection sites. In the first days after the procedure, the singer could hardly speak, eat, she developed nausea. At the next visit, the doctors rejected the request to surgically remove the drug, fearing damage to the facial nerve. The girl was prescribed a lip massage, which only slightly helped to cope with the negative consequences of unsuccessful adjustments to her appearance.

Julia Volkova

The young singer managed to do a lot in her short life. Volkova starred in the Yeralash newsreel, sang in the Fidgets group, gave birth to a daughter and a son from her two common-law husbands and experienced overwhelming success with the pseudo-Lesbian duet Tatu.

Yulia VOLKOVA before

Vivid events in her personal life and career made the "tattoo" in her early years resort to the help of plastic surgeons. However, Yulia's face did not become prettier and younger from this. The singer, who celebrated her 26th birthday at the end of February, looks much older than her age: the face of the “tatu” has become like a mask.

Julia VOLKOVA after "plastics"

The singer plucked her eyebrows, drew them with the help of tattooing, and also increased the volume of her lips. And, apparently, she overdid it. Volkova's new lips look unnatural, and in combination with bright red lipstick, it is completely vulgar.

Masha Malinovskaya

By her 30s, the model, TV presenter and former deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma managed to remake herself with the help of "plastic" beyond recognition. Masha inserted silicone implants into her breasts and corrected her face by enlarging her lips.


It's funny that earlier Malinovskaya categorically denied any interference in her appearance with plastic surgery, referring to her young age. However, already at the age of 24, at the celebration of her birthday, the TV presenter accidentally exposed her silicone breasts.

And the upper lip over time protruded more and more upward and became like a "hare". Having ceased to hide the obvious, Masha frankly told about her plastic surgeries in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak for the magazine "OK!" Malinovskaya admitted that she regretted lip plastics, and called breast pumping with silicone a rescue operation.


In the same interview, Sobchak also blabbed about her injections of Botox and Restylane. Is it not because of the same drugs that Ksyusha's mouth began to resemble Masha's "hare lip" more and more?

Masha Rasputina

After Masha Rasputina married a businessman Victor Zakharov and gave birth to a daughter in 2000, the appearance of the singer underwent a thorough reconstruction.

Before plastics

A wealthy husband spared no expense to make his wife younger and more beautiful. The vocal pop star has her breasts enlarged and her face radically changed. Rasputina corrected the shape of the lips, nose, chin, eye cut, and enlarged the cheekbones.

After plastics

What happened in the end is unlikely to cause envy. Rather, fright.

Masha's new large facial features, combined with her inimitable facial expressions, can, upon a sudden meeting with her on a dark night, bring the faint of heart to a heart attack.

Oksana Pushkina

In 2003, the TV presenter, together with her friend, figure skater Irina Rodnina, decided to get rid of wrinkles by undergoing rejuvenation sessions - mesotherapy (injection of drugs).

Before plastics

Famous people invited Gelena Rymarenko, a cosmetologist, to carry out Botox and Restylane injections at home. After the first successful plastic procedure, famous friends in 2004 decided to do it again. For Rodnina, the injections had no negative consequences, but Pushkina was not lucky.

Oksana PUSHKINA after "plastic surgery"

As a result of the introduction of an unknown drug, the TV presenter began to develop inflammation, the nasolabial folds of the face acquired a bluish tint, the skin became covered with bumps and reddish spots.

After that, a criminal case was opened against the doctor, and Pushkina was forced to put a thick layer of makeup on her face before each broadcast. The TV presenter had to go through a number of cosmetic procedures, which, however, did not help her completely get rid of the consequences of the fatal injection.

Natalia Andreichenko

"You are perfect!" - sang children, uncles and aunts in a wonderful Soviet film about Mary Poppins, played by Natalia Andreichenko.

The movie star did without plastic procedures for a long time. Over the years, the actress's appearance has changed naturally - from a burly Russian peasant woman in the film "Siberiade" to a prim English nanny in "Mary Poppins, bye!"

Before plastics

Being married to a filmmaker Maximilian Schell, with whom Natalya lived in the United States, Andreichenko first turned to the services of local plastic surgeons. Since then, the actress has performed several operations to correct the shape and increase the volume of her lips.

Natalia did not like her own thin lips, she wanted to see them more plump. And one of the operations was unsuccessful.

After plastics

As a result, Andreichenko received large, uneven lips that stretch into an unnatural, forced smile. Apparently, the actress was out of luck with the surgeon.

Vera Alentova

The star of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" showed her new face, transformed by plastic surgery, at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the popular film in 2009.

Before plastics

The appearance of the actress became the main topic of discussion that evening. According to experts, the artist underwent a circular lift, smoothed out wrinkles with Botox, changed the shape of the lips and increased their volume, removed the double chin, and tightened the eyelids.

After plastics

With some facial features of Alentova, the surgeons clearly overdid it. The actress's eyes became different sizes, her lips turned out to be pumped. Perhaps Vera Valentinovna began to look younger than her years, but such a large amount of plastic made her almost unrecognizable.

Lyudmila Gurchenko

The star of Russian cinema has repeatedly fallen under the knife of a plastic surgeon in her long life. The last time the actress, beloved by millions, decided on an operation when she was already over 70.

Lyudmila GURCHENKO before

Doctors dissuaded Gurchenko from another "plastic surgery", pointing to her venerable age, but Lyudmila Markovna was adamant. And as they looked into the water - the operation was unsuccessful.

Previous surgical interventions also affected - the skin on Gurchenko's face became thinner and lost the ability to regenerate. Therefore, the postoperative sutures healed hard and for a long time.

Lyudmila GURCHENKO after "plastic surgery"

The performed circular facelift and lip contouring did not bring noticeable improvements to the actress's appearance. Rather, on the contrary, the already elderly artist has grown old.

Elena Proklova

The famous actress and co-host of the Malakhov + program has always tried to improve her appearance with the help of plastic surgery. And I never considered it shameful to admit it! And he calls the talk that a woman over 50 looks good thanks to some kind of cream frankly stupid.

Elena PROKLOVA before

Over the past few years, Elena has repeatedly turned to the services of plastic doctors. The actress made herself an eyelid lift, smoothed wrinkles thanks to Botox injections, and enlarged her lips with collagen injections.

After plastics

Proklova was very pleased with the result of plastic correction. But the artist's colleagues at first even stopped recognizing her.

The new appearance of the actress became the object of parodies in the program "Big Difference", but Elena was not embarrassed. Proklova intends to continue to seek help from plastic surgeons.

Unsuccessful correction of the appearance of celebrities causes them not only physical harm. Acquiring the same features through the efforts of would-be surgeons, artists lose their individuality.

Having pumped their lips and pulled their face, the star victims of plastic surgery become similar to each other, as if they were cut according to uniform patterns.

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