How can you cure sore nails? Treatment of fingernails and toenails after gel polish, extensions. Traditional recipes, pharmaceuticals, IBX system. Treatment of nail fungus with salt

Our nails are susceptible to many diseases - fungus, infections, brittleness, peeling... How to return them to a healthy and well-groomed appearance? We will tell you what there are nail diseases and how to deal with them.

Major nail diseases

Every woman wants her hands to always be well-groomed. This is a symbol of health and beauty. Due to poor diet, lack of vitamins or infection nails become brittle and layered.

1. Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis is a painful and unpleasant disease caused by a fungal infection. The disease appears as a result of tissue damage by tiny fungal microorganisms, to which toenails are especially sensitive.

So, onychomnycosis is a type of mycosis. She may have different options manifestations: for example, you may notice that the edge of the nail has raised, and underneath it there is gray skin. White spots may appear on the nails, which should serve as an alarm signal.

Another possible symptom is a noticeable roughening of the skin folds surrounding the nail. With this disease, nails quickly become brittle and layered.

How to treat onychomycosis?

The main advice is do not try to treat onychomycosis yourself. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis based on the test results. Treatment will depend on the type of infection affecting the nails.

There are three main types of fungal microorganisms that cause onychomycosis:

  • yeast fungi
  • mold fungi.

If your nails are affected by dermatophytes, you will be prescribed necessary creams, which will soften the nails and help remove the infection. Other types of fungal infections are usually treated with tablets.

You should not self-medicate. However, during the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, You can prepare several simple natural remedies to relieve inflammation:

  • Add to spoon olive oil 3 drops of tea tree oil. Dip a cotton swab into this mixture and apply to the damaged nail. Repeat this procedure for 20 days. It's very simple! Tea tree oil can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or natural food store.
  • Dip the finger with the infected nail into a container with lemon juice. Treatment will also take 20 days.
  • A glass of apple cider vinegar will also come to the rescue, in which you should soak a finger with a nail damaged by infection. After the procedure, dry your finger thoroughly with a napkin. The course of treatment is 10 days.

2. Ingrown toenail

- This is a very common disease. The scientific name for this nail disease is onychocryptosis. With it, the edge of the nail (most often on thumb legs) grows into the skin, causes pain and provokes infection.

This can happen for many reasons:

  • something heavy fell on my leg
  • You for a long time walked in tight, uncomfortable shoes
  • you damaged your nail as a result of any activity
  • the nail is too weak by nature and is often subject to similar problems

How to treat an ingrown toenail?

  • Treatment of ingrown toenails in most cases requires medical intervention. Infection can cause complications.
  • Remember the main rule: It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it. You should pay special attention to the prevention of onychocryptosis. For example, pay attention to the shape of your nails. Always cut them straight, not round or oval shape, otherwise the edges of the nail may cut into the skin.
  • There are several home remedies to treat ingrown toenails. It is best to use products that act as natural antibiotics and can relieve inflammation and infection.

For example, place a clove of garlic on the damaged nail, apply a bandage over it, and leave it overnight. It is also helpful to soak the injured finger in onion juice (for about 20 minutes).

Repeat these simple procedures every day for a week and Wipe your fingers well after finishing the procedure each time.

In addition, salt water baths are considered a very effective remedy for this nail disease. It’s easy to prepare them: just fill a bowl with water, add 5 spoons to the water sea ​​salt and stir. Take this foot bath for 20 minutes. You will soon notice the result!

3. Peeling nails

Another common problem is flaking, peeling nails.

Thin layers, similar to scales, begin to separate from the nails. Nails look untidy and cling to clothes... And besides, peeling nails are a sign of health problems.

Among the most common diseases, it is worth noting problems with, dehydration, chemical poisoning of the body, poor diet, lack of sleep, anxiety, stress or other problems of the nervous system.

How to treat peeling nails?

It is best not to delay or try to ignore the problem. See a dermatologist as soon as possible. The doctor will order the necessary tests and prescribe treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

If you have a nail disease, you can speed up recovery: Include foods high in calcium, vitamins A, B and D in your diet and exclude those that interfere with the absorption of calcium (for example, coffee).

It is also helpful to drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables to prevent peeling nails. Here are some more useful tips:

  • Don't use cheap, poor quality nail polishes. They may contain chemicals that damage nails.
  • Buy special anti-flaking nail enamel at the pharmacy. and cover your nails with it at least 3 times a week.
  • Do not cut or tear off the loose scales, so as not to damage your nails even more.
  • Take note of a simple and effective remedy: soak your fingers in a bowl for 3 minutes. Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week.
  • To get rid of peeling and moisturize your nails, use olive oil. It's simple and effective natural remedy perfectly nourishes and moisturizes nails.

People often have problems related to the condition of their nails. Women who always want to look perfect and beautiful suffer from this especially. Such problems include various fungal infections or ingrown toenails. Many people are interested in the question of how to treat nails using traditional methods, because these methods have already helped many people get rid of nail diseases.

Let us note right away that the use of folk remedies for fungal diseases does not at all imply the abolition of drug treatment. On the contrary, these two methods complement each other.

Treatment with iodine

Iodine is rightfully considered the most effective method in the treatment of fungal diseases. The affected areas of the nail should be treated at least 2 times a day. Thus, if after some time the pain has decreased, then we can say that the use of iodine has given a good result.

It's important to remember. If a person has problems with the thyroid gland, you should consult a doctor before using this type of treatment, since excessive use of iodine can harm this gland.

Plant juice for nail fungus

Often the burning and pain may not stop, indicating that it is time to try another treatment option. It's time to use compresses containing propolis extract, garlic, rowan leaves, or smear the affected area with celandine or onion juice.

Foot baths

Baths are a great help in the fight against fungus on nails. You can immerse the affected nails in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, vinegar or essential oils, which has antiseptic and antifungal effects. Grapefruit or tea tree seed oil works great.

Eucalyptus and Kalanchoe for nail fungus

Eucalyptus tincture, which can be used to lubricate affected nails, helps a lot. In addition, you can use Kalanchoe juice and eucalyptus oil. You need to lubricate the nail up to 3 times a day.

Prevention of fungal nail diseases

If such a disease occurs quite often, it’s time to think about prevention. Various preventive measures will protect against the return of infection. First you need to review your menu. You should give up alcohol, beer, sugar, confectionery, yeast and even bread based on them. If the disease is left to chance, it will be quite difficult to cure it later. In this case, you simply cannot do without medications.

In addition, you need to take care of treating shoes with antibacterial agents. A weak solution of acetic acid is suitable for this. Old slippers belong in the trash can. You should not try on or wear someone else's shoes. Bathhouses and beaches should be visited with your own slippers. Weekly baths with tea tree essential oil will not hurt.

Solving the problem of ingrown toenails

Some folk methods will help a person cope with the problem of ingrown nails. It is important to remember that if a person is experiencing severe pain, there is suppuration, or the nail is very ingrown, there is simply no way around it without professional help. In such cases, folk remedies are not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous.

Butter compress

You can achieve good results with a daily compress with butter. Apply a thick layer of oil to the problematic nail. And put a finger cap and a sock on top of your finger and leave it on for the whole night. In the morning, remove the compress and remove any remaining oil, and wash your finger, while trying to lift the nail at least a little. If this works, you should definitely place a little cotton cloth under the corner of the ingrown toenail.

Castor oil bath

This procedure will also help raise the edge of the nail. We will need about 3-4 liters of heated water, to which we add 100 ml castor oil and 1 glass of salt. Having lowered your foot into the solution, keep it there until the water becomes cool. In this case, the edge of the nail should rise easily.

Fighting infection with ingrown toenails

The problem of an ingrown toenail often gives a person unpleasant and painful sensations. When carrying out treatment, you need to ensure that no infection occurs or does not get infected, so you should wash the nail with a weak solution of soda, potassium permanganate, furatsilin or essential oil. In case of complex problems, especially if they worsen, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who can even advise surgical treatment of an ingrown toenail.

How to strengthen your nails

To keep your nails always looking good, you should take care of them. Regular baths with the addition of vegetable oils (especially olive) will help improve the health of your nails. Applying lemon juice will have a similar effect. To do this, your nails should be lubricated with it daily. Currant juice (black and red) is good for rubbing.

Sea salt and baths based on it help cope with brittle nails. A similar result can be achieved by using beeswax, which is applied to the nails before bed. In conclusion, it should be noted that all of the above folk methods are safe and usually do not have side effects. However, before using any method, it is best to consult a doctor.

Not many girls can boast of strong, healthy nails. After all, our ecology and food system are not always in in better shape. But there are ways to help yourself. We’ll look at how to treat your nails at home yourself in this article. I would like to warn you right away: nail treatment is a labor-intensive process that can last for months, but the result obtained in the end will certainly be justified.

Why do nails need to be treated?

Before prescribing nail treatment, you need to find out the cause of the disease, since it is its treatment that will give a positive result. Many are probably surprised and ask the question: “Why can nails hurt?” Yes, nails are a human organ, which, like all other organs, is susceptible to disease. Nail diseases include:

  • yellowness of the nail plate;
  • its delamination;
  • increased fragility;
  • flowering nails;
  • deformation of the shape and plate of the nail;
  • growth slowdown.

In addition to the disease, such consequences can be caused by the use of products with aggressive chemical components during the manicure procedure or the use of poor (low-quality) materials in care.

Because nature has created man so thoroughly that his systems and organs are directly interconnected. Therefore, the manifestation of symptoms on the nails indicates a malfunction within the body. Simple strengthening and external influences will not give much effect if you do not find out the reason that provokes the symptoms that appear on the nails.

Reasons that contribute to a negative impact on the nail plates, both on the hands and feet, include:

  • nicotine, smoking has a negative effect on the surface of the nails;
  • unbalanced diet, consumption of fast foods;
  • vitamin deficiency (lack of minerals and vitamins);
  • fungus;
  • abuse alcoholic drinks and coffee;
  • constantly being in a stressful situation.

By eliminating these causes, it will be much easier to cure marigolds from symptoms.

How to treat nails using modern medicine?

Modern medicine today does not stand still and, depending on the disease, offers its own solutions to the problem. Sometimes, treatment of diseases of the nail plates takes quite long period. It should be prescribed by a doctor (mostly a dermatologist) depending on the disease and its symptoms. Let's look at the main treatment methods that medicine offers today.

How to treat nails with laser? Lasers are mainly used in medicine to treat inflammatory processes and ingrown nails. With its help, therapeutic and preventive actions are carried out on the affected areas. This allows the disease to be localized, preventing it from spreading. The operation lasts a maximum of 30 minutes and is 100% effective.

How to treat nails medicines? The following range of diseases are treated today with the help of medications:

  • fungal infections;
  • infection;
  • injury to the nail plates;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • destruction of the structure and integrity of horny tissue.

Based on the causes of the disease, they are used various means, such as:

  • tablets and vitamins;
  • spray and drops;
  • ointments and gels.

How to treat nails with polish m? Varnishes help strengthen, minimize delamination and brittleness. Such procedures are usually carried out in salons. Their main task is to eliminate external defects (deformation, yellowness, bloom), as well as strengthen the stratum corneum in order to prevent chipping.

Traditional medicine to help sore nails: how to treat them?

You can also help your nails at home. You ask how? In case of delamination, fungus, or increased fragility, you can contact folk medicine. With its help they can be brought into proper form. Folk remedies will help you cope with sore nails using natural remedies.

How to treat and strengthen nails? Recipes for folk remedies

  1. Tablespoon vegetable oil+ one capsule of vitamin A + three drops of iodine. Rub into fingertips for 20 minutes, remove excess paper napkin. Do not wet your hands for the next three hours.
  2. 9% table vinegar 3 tablespoons + 120 ml. oils (you can use olive or sunflower). Heat the mixture to room temperature and dip the ends of your fingers into the warm mixture for 15–20 minutes.
  3. A tablespoon of sea salt + 100 ml. water. This bath is considered strengthening.
  4. Wipe your nails with freshly squeezed lemon juice, as it helps strengthen them.

How to treat nail fungus using traditional methods?

Fungus is not a pleasant disease and requires long-term treatment. In addition to pharmaceutical products, you can use folk remedies in the fight against it. Let's look at several recipes that will help treat this disease.

  1. Initially, for greater effect, it is necessary to steam the affected area. Sprinkle a layer of kitchen salt on it. Make a bandage, preferably so that it does not get wet. Keep this compress for 5–12 hours. It is convenient to do it at night. So, you need to treat within a week.
  2. Make a paste from propolis and medical alcohol. Initially, a bath is made using potassium manganese (potassium permanganate), then apply the previously prepared gruel to the affected area and wrap it. Leave for 6 hours and remove. Make such compresses until the symptoms of the fungus disappear.
  3. After a bath with potassium permanganate, dry the affected areas and lubricate them generously with pharmaceutical iodine. Such procedures must be done until the symptoms disappear.

Fungus is a rather terrible scourge that spreads quite quickly, so if you do not see significant improvements after using folk remedies, then it is better to contact a specialist for help.

To ensure complete care and healthy nail plates, you need proper care behind them. By care we mean:

  • application of substances to nourish tissues (oils, creams);
  • proper cuticle removal using effective means intended for these purposes;
  • using a tool that causes minimal injury to the manicure;
  • the use of fortified varnishes for strengthening, etc.

To perform all of the above care items, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Compositions in the form of oil and cream must be rubbed in with gentle circular movements.
  2. Before using strengthening compounds, it is better to do a manicure and remove the cuticles.
  3. To enhance the growth of plates, it is worth giving preference to products with liposomes and substances that stimulate the “settlement” of new cells.
  4. You can strengthen the nail plates by applying products with keratin, amino acids, ascorbic acid, and proteins to them.

The main rules that answer the question: how to treat nails sound like this. Carry out regular preventative procedures to strengthen your nails, get your nails done once a week, eat a balanced diet and take care of your hands.

Often the nail plates turn yellow, peel, break, become deformed, or grow too slowly, which makes it impossible to grow to the desired length. Sometimes these are consequences of external factors, bad habits and abuse cosmetic procedures, such as gel polish, extensions, shellac.

In other cases, there is a fungal infection or internal disease. Nails can be successfully treated at home.

Manicurists claim that neither gel extensions, nor gel polish, nor shellac have any effect on the nail harmful effects and that there is no need to carry out any special procedures after a manicure performed with gel polish. However, in reality, the condition of the nail plate worsens after the so-called ideal manicure.

This occurs due to neglect of the rules of the procedure and failure to comply with hygiene requirements:

Home methods for treating nails

There are three nail treatment methods used at home:

How to choose and use care products correctly

For the treatment and restoration of nails at home It is necessary to use care products containing keratin, proteins, and vitamin C.

To stimulate nail growth, formulations with liposomes and warming substances are used, which increase blood flow to the nail plate, thereby increasing the volume of nutrients supplied to it - as a result, nails grow faster.

Manufacturers produce ready-made oil mixtures for nail treatment

Oil or cream should be applied to the cleaned nail with rubbing movements. If you need to speed up nail growth and soften the cuticle, you need to pay more attention to the base of the nail. If the nails are peeling, then the tips of the nail plate should be treated especially carefully. Any product will give noticeable results only with systematic use.

Diet for nail treatment

Treating nails with masks and baths at home is best combined with internal effects, namely adjusting your diet.

The menu should include:

Taking vitamins

An alternative to diet is taking vitamins in medicinal form. Preference should be given to vitamins A, E, B5. Vitamins A and E are sold in capsule form, vitamin B5 in tablet form. But there are also vitamins in the form of ampoules. It is recommended to apply these solutions directly to the nails.

There are special multivitamin complexes that will improve the condition of your nails.

Among them:

  • Amway,
  • Revalid,
  • Fitoval,
  • Vitrum Beauty,
  • Oriflame Hair&Nail NutriComplex,
  • Merz,
  • Perfectil and others.

Special restorative agents

You can purchase products that are applied directly to the nail. These are professional products, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Available in two forms:

  • oils;
  • base coatings.

Coatings include the following:

Of the specialized oils, mention should be made of Fresh Melon Nail Butter. It contains shea and almond butter. It must be used 2 times a week for 30 days. It is also applied to the cuticle.

IBX system

The IBX system is a special two-phase product that is unlike any other. In release form, it resembles nail polish, but penetrates much deeper into the nail and restores it from the inside. So deep that it is impossible to remove the coating.

The IBX system has extremely positive results

First of all, a composition is applied that stimulates nail growth, then one that levels the surface of the nail, filling uneven areas and connecting the exfoliated plates.

If your nails are too brittle, peeling, thinned, or covered with grooves or spots, it is especially recommended to use this treatment method. In its action, the IBX system is equivalent to salon procedure and is often performed in nail salons, but it can also be done at home.

Result after use:

The composition can be used during pregnancy, as it does not contain harmful substances, and can be used constantly, as a base for varnish or gel extension. The effect is noticeable immediately after use.

Main disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • the need to use a UV lamp.

Despite the exceptional results, the procedure itself takes only 10 minutes.

This is done as follows:

  1. Nails should be tidied up and given the desired shape.
  2. Then the plate must be degreased with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  3. Then the product for the first stage should be applied exclusively to the nail plate. The bottle with the product is shaken beforehand.
  4. Immediately the coating must be heated with a stream of hot air (for example, a hairdryer).
  5. Next, remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth and dry the coating in a UV lamp for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Degrease the nail plate.
  7. Next, apply the second step product.
  8. The coating is heated again with a stream of warm air.
  9. Remove the sticky layer again, but dry the coating under the lamp for 5 minutes.
  10. Degrease the nail. If the coating is applied for the first time, then you need to cover the nails again with the second product, if not, then this is the last step.

If the product is applied as a base, then a manicure with gel polish or extensions can be done on top of it. The worse the condition of the nails, the more often you should use the product: from 1 to 4 times a month. In an effort to improve the condition of your nails, you should not abuse the product by using it too often or applying more layers.

The best way to recover

At home, the easiest way to treat nails is an alcohol solution of iodine. It is considered the best and simplest means of restoring the nail plate. It is necessary to lubricate your nails with a cotton swab with iodine up to twice a week at night. In the morning there will be no trace of yellowness left - the iodine will be absorbed. This product strengthens and whitens the nail plate.

Iodine is a proven way to get rid of nail fungus

Recipes for treating foot fungus

Celandine oil for fungus

After that, the nails should be treated by removing the top most damaged layer of the nail using a nail file.

This is done so that the oil penetrates deeper into the nail plate. After this, the oil is applied using a pipette to each nail. The procedure is carried out before bed every day. Medicinal properties The oils are enhanced when applied warm.

Nail fungus must be recognized early to minimize damage

The process looks something like this:

  1. 1 tbsp. Celandine oils should be mixed in equal proportions with medical alcohol and left to infuse for a day.
  2. Next, you need to moisten a cotton swab and apply 5-minute applications on each nail.
  3. Each finger on which the product is applied must be wrapped in cling film.
  4. After 5 minutes, the composition is removed with a paper napkin.

Use the product daily, preferably after a steam bath. Squeeze the juice out of a whole lemon and add 1 tbsp to it. celandine oils. Make a compress from the resulting mixture on fingernails or toenails damaged by fungus, and wrap it with cling film on top. After 20 minutes, wash off the product.

Recipes with black cumin oil for fungus

Black cumin oil is effective against fungal nail diseases. With it you need to systematically make compresses for the whole day or all night. After moistening a cotton pad in oil, wrap it around your finger and secure the cling film on top, securing the edges with a simple rubber band.

Black cumin oil has a rich composition, thanks to which it has a positive effect on nails

You need to apply compresses 2 times a week until the nail grows back. At the same time, it is processed, filed and trimmed each time to remove the damaged layer. For the best effect, it is recommended to take the oil internally: 1 tbsp. oil per glass of water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey before meals.

Restoration with tea tree oil

Treating your nails at home with tea tree oil helps kill fungal infections, soften cuticles, and improve the condition of the skin around your nails.

There are many recipes that include tea tree oil:

Sesame oil for growth and strengthening

It promotes:

Doctors advise taking warm 10-minute baths with lemon juice before applying sesame oil, and then rubbing the oil into each nail plate with massage movements.

Traditional methods for strengthening nails

Recipes to improve color

Remedies for peeling nails

Manicure procedures, including gel extensions and coating of nails with gel polish, are positioned as completely safe for nail health. But with frequent procedures and neglect of recommendations, the condition of the nails may worsen. Nail fungus can be treated at home; it is possible to prevent the nail plate from peeling, strengthen it, moisturize it and add shine.

Video on how to properly treat nails at home:

Methods for treating nails at home:

Nail treatment with the IBX system:

Strong and elastic nails are a sign of beauty and health. To keep your nails healthy, you need to take care of them and, if the slightest sign of concern appears, take immediate action. The most common problem is splitting and brittle nails. In order to understand how to deal with these symptoms, you need to understand why they occur. Today's site ForYourBeauty. ru will tell you about the causes of brittle nails and methods of treatment at home and more.

Reasons that cause brittleness and splitting of nails

  1. The most common reason is poor nutrition. In order for nails to grow healthy, the body must receive a certain amount of vitamins and protein. At the first signs of brittleness and splitting of nails, you need to think about your diet, and perhaps take a course of vitamins and minerals recommended by your doctor. It is important to keep in mind that complete restoration of the nail plate requires at least 5–6 months, so nutrition needs to be reviewed for the long term.
  2. External reasons. The environment also affects the condition of your nails. For example, nails peel and break due to exposure to household household chemicals (washing powders, dishwashing liquids, etc.) and from harmful conditions at work (paint and varnish works, manipulations with caustic chemicals, etc.). Gardening work also does not add health to the nail plate. In these cases, the mandatory use of rubber gloves, under which hand cream should be applied, will help. Negative external factors that affect the condition of nails also include prolonged exposure to water or cold air.
  3. Improper care. Using polishes and nail polish removers too often dries out the nail plate and can lead to brittleness and peeling. Improper manicure with excessive cutting of cuticles or severe filing of nails also negatively affects their health.
  4. Serious illnesses. The condition of the nails often reflects the health of the body as a whole, therefore, if the above points have already been excluded, then it is recommended to undergo a medical examination. The most common diseases that worsen the condition of nails include: fungal infections, diabetes, hormonal disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, helminth infections, blood supply disorders, as well as other diseases of a long-term, chronic nature.

Having found the main cause of poor nail condition, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate it. In this case, further measures to restore the nail plate will be much more effective. There are a lot of recipes to help solve this problem - it all depends on the available capabilities and personal preferences.

Nail treatment at home

The most effective and affordable for home care for brittle nails are baths. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every other day, the recommended duration is 10-20 minutes. There are a lot of options, but the most common components of the baths are:

  • Sea salt(calculated at 1 tablespoon per 100 g of water) with the addition of lemon juice and 2-3 drops of iodine;
  • Vegetable oil with vitamin A capsules dissolved in it (2 vitamin capsules and 2 tablespoons of oil per 200 g of water);

In addition to therapeutic baths for brittle nails, various oils are a good help. At home, one of the most affordable is olive. The ideal option would be to add a few drops to it lemon juice or essential oil. Then you need to apply the oil mixture to your hands, thoroughly rubbing into the area of ​​the nail plate and cuticle. It is best to carry out the procedure at night, so that after applying the oil, put cotton gloves on your hands before going to bed for a deeper effect. The result can be noticed after the first time, but for a long-term effect, the manipulation should be repeated at least 10 times every other day.

Cosmetics for treating and strengthening nails

The cosmetics industry has a wide range of products against brittleness and splitting of nails. These products are also easy to use at home:

  • Healing varnishes. Varnishes rich in minerals, vitamins and protein complexes are very easy to use and effective for strengthening nails;
  • Nourishing creams for hands and nails, containing vitamins A, C, E and keratin. These tools are good helpers and must be used in daily care for both brittle and healthy nails;
  • Healing oils for nails. Oil mixtures are quickly absorbed and contain purposefully selected minerals and vitamins. Such products have a positive effect on the condition of nails and cuticles.

Care with cosmetic products should be daily. Only in this case can you get a quick and visible to the naked eye effect of strengthening brittle nails.

Video: 3 recipes for treating nails at home

Nutrition and vitamin complexes

As mentioned above, it is the lack of nutrients that most often causes splitting and brittle nails.
When creating a healthy diet, you should focus on foods rich in protein. These include: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and legumes. At the same time, you should ensure a sufficient amount of calcium, which is most easily obtained from dairy products and fish. For strong nails also needed magnesium. It is very difficult to obtain it in the required quantity from food, so you should consider pharmacy vitamin preparations.

When choosing vitamin complex attention should be paid to the components it contains and their concentration. A drug that will help restore the beauty of nails must include: calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, E in an amount of at least the daily requirement. It is necessary to take such vitamins for 1-2 courses.

Salon treatments

Sealing the nails– one of the most common procedures. This manipulation is performed using beeswax-based cosmetics. A composition rich in keratin components that accelerate local metabolism is applied to the pre-polished nail plate. The skin around the nail is also treated with a special composition. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a month.

Paraffin therapy- nice and very useful procedure for hands and nails. Due to the influence of warm paraffin and essential oils added to it, the skin and nail bed are deeply moisturized and nourished. A pleasant result is ensured after the first paraffin therapy session.

Strengthening with biogel- Very effective procedure for treating brittle nails in the salon. Nail plate It is covered with a special gel composition, which hardens and protects it from damage. The biogel contains protein-keratin complexes, calcium and other nutritional components. As a result of the procedure, the nails immediately look smooth and well-groomed, and are also reliably protected from external influence for a few weeks.

Folk wisdom, modern medicine and cosmetology have the widest range products that will definitely help restore the health of your nails. If you approach the problem comprehensively, the result will be achieved quickly and will remain for a long time. It is important to understand that nails that peel and break are not the norm. Fortunately, the problem can be solved at home. The situation can and should be changed, because well-groomed and beautiful hands instill confidence in their owner.

How do you treat brittle and peeling nails at home? Share in the comments!

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