What is bioenergy: key concepts, exercises. What is human bioenergy? Practice meditation

Many people choose a bioenergetic treatment method instead of traditional medicine. Scientists explain the effectiveness of this method by improving blood circulation, so a person can get rid of pain. People who believe in psychic abilities say that positive energy can heal large number diseases.

Features of bioenergy treatment

It is believed that the human biofield is located at a three-meter distance from the human body. The whole world is created with energy. In the human body, it flows in special lines and can accumulate in the seven main chakras, they are located in a vertical position, starting from the crown area, ending with the coccyx, each of them is responsible for a specific human organ and nerve. Thus, energy is closely related to the physical shell; if a large amount of negative energy accumulates, problems with internal organs may arise.

If a person is healthy, the shell with energy can form a biofield that surrounds the human body, it is evenly distributed, there should not be any damage in it. Due to stress, nervous tension, traditional healers They say that because of the evil eye, it is difficult to maintain your biofield in a normal state, which is why a large number of diseases appear. When a person is sick, energy vampires They feed on his energy, so the patient gets worse.

Please note that bio energy healing The idea is that you don’t need to buy a large amount of medications and start using them in batches, this is the only way you can help yourself for a while, then you will get sick again. All drugs can heal one organ and cripple another. Bioenergetics experts argue that it is important to overcome not only the physical problem, but also the energetic and mental one, because it is because of them that a large number of diseases develop.

Treatment with palms of hands

A large amount of energy accumulates in the palms of the hands and fingers; it is from these areas that it comes out, so energy is treated by applying the hands.

If you are not being deceived and the specialist is truly highly qualified, he will definitely tell you whether the disease can be cured with energy or whether urgent surgical intervention is necessary. With the energy of hands it is impossible to heal diseases such as heart attack, stroke, various injuries, acute cancer, and malignant tumors at the last stage.

If you are experiencing severe headaches or discomfort in the stomach area, viral infection, bronchitis, laryngitis, bioenergetic treatment can help you if you consult a specialist.

Hand energy healing technique

1. Rubbing your hands until they become hot.

2. The idea that light comes from the whole body to the fingertips, so a person feels warmth, after which he feels much better.

3. The patient should lie down, sit in a position that is comfortable for him, then say what is bothering him, then the bioenergetics specialists establish the cause of the disease and put their hand on the sore spot.

4. Please note that the person doing the treatment must do everything while standing, so he can distribute all his energy evenly.

5. A woman always heals with her left hand, and a man with his right. The treatment process involves inserting fingers over the area that hurts. First you will feel cold in this area, then heat.

6. The energy specialist, with all the power of thought, directs energy to the affected area, so he can get rid of the cold and darkness from the sore spot. If the patient feels a warm palm, the treatment helps.

In some situations, you have to pull the pain out of the body; to do this, the energy specialist visualizes an image in front of him and gently pulls out all the pain through his fingertips. Then he moves his arms away and shakes off his hands. Imagine how pain throws you into a burning volcano, it will be possible to get rid of negative energy, which, after it has been neutralized from the body, begins to accumulate in the room.

Often people who have been treated in this way say that at first their health condition may worsen, but then it becomes easier. This is explained by the fact that the body is very weak, so it recovers with delays.

Not everyone can heal with bioenergy; it is a gift. Some people can devote all their energy to treatment, but do not know how to replenish its reserves. This is dangerous for the person who is treating, he can become seriously ill - it is this organ that accumulates a large amount of energy, for this it needs to be specially restored.

How to train your own energy flow?

The task is quite difficult because you need:

1. Pay attention to your behavior - angry, irritable, envious people will never be able to have positive energy.

2. You can try to train using this method: take the palm of another person, imagine how you are rolling a ball, then warmth appears in both palms, you feel an energy ball.

3. Without closing your palms, mentally transfer heat from one to the other.

Remember, whether the treatment will help or not depends on the power of thought, the one who treats must make every effort to help the patient, and he must believe that the bioenergetic treatment will help him, and he will quickly recover.

Thus, with the help of bioenergetic treatment, it is possible to store up a large amount of energy and give it to sick people. This type of treatment will help get rid of migraines, paralysis, inflammation, peptic ulcers, mental problems, dropsy, myopia, thyroid diseases, restore blood, and heal. The disease can be diagnosed and treated through contact with a sick person, or at a distance using the resonance method. The main thing is not to fall into the hands of incompetent scammers; some use this method and can deceive.

I thought it was necessary to write this article for all my students. It will be useful and interesting to everyone who is just starting to engage in psychic, remote and bioenergetic assistance and does not know me personally. It will also be of interest to everyone who professionally practices bioenergy and any healing techniques.

All my recommendations are based on my own experience. Practicing bioenergy since 1993, I myself have learned a lot. There was no one in particular to give any advice. I have my own mistakes and carelessness. I believe that safety precautions should be present in any business. And even more so with bioenergetic influence between the healer and the patient. Having no idea about this, many who influence someone else’s aura, doing any manipulation with it, expose themselves and their loved ones to danger every day. My family and I are very tightly connected by ancestral networks and etheric cords. Anyone who helps people should know this. The healing profession is very energy-intensive and takes a lot of your personal energy and time. You are subject to three times as much negative attack as the average doctor or psychologist. When dealing with bioenergy and interacting with the aura of other people, we do not even realize how much danger such contact is fraught with! The path is not easy. But it is interesting and filled with pleasant moments. Especially when you are welcome and thanked.

Anyone who enters into an energy duel with evil spirits or lower astral inhabitants is exposed to their influence and attacks on his aura. We must teach ourselves to follow the rules and learn them by heart, trying to break them as little as possible.

Let's start the day in the morning

  1. Let's start with our lifestyle, clothing style. I won't write about bad habits, alcohol and smoking. This is simply unacceptable when practicing healing, as it carries strong connections to the healer’s aura. This constantly feeds the entities, which takes energy from the healer himself and interferes with the processes of self-regulation and self-healing of the biofield.
  2. You got up in the morning. Be sure to look at your biofield. During the night, the lower astrals love to sneak up and influence our biofield. It's good if you do energy exercises in the morning. Do qigong, yoga or other physical or energetic exercises. Be sure to do a grounding practice and restore your connection with the Earth. This is very important. Since along this cord there is a release from the center (Tan Tien) of the entire negative energy from your biofield to the center of the Earth and goes into development. Be sure to put protection on the biofield. Or better yet, several. Especially at 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 29 lunar days. Wear amulets or charms.
  3. Try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Never wear clothing made from polyester or other synthetic threads interwoven with natural threads. This creates resonance in the aura and a strong negative electromagnetic field. It is better then to wear pure synthetics or cotton.
  4. Try to tune in to a positive perception of the world in the morning. Think about whether you are harmonious today. When going to work, think about it: if there is no harmony in your soul, discomfort, what caused this? Do a psychoanalysis while you're on the bus. Don't drive. Push it back to a later date.

In the evening, after a working day

Despite the burden of worries and household chores, we must not forget that we are not ordinary, but special inhabitants of this planet. Healers and everyone who practices healing practices deal with bioenergy every day. What does contact with the lower worlds bring? These guys are not asleep and are waiting for the right moment to influence us and drink our energy. And if our biofield has been subjected to energetic aggression and has been damaged, then expect them to visit, especially in the evening and at night.

Once a week, make it a habit to clean your home bioenergetically. Check the security of your apartment or house, remove unnecessary open portals. Entities and negative elementals enter the house through them. Strengthen your defenses. Close the house bioenergetically. Especially windows and entrance doors.

You decide to engage in remote treatment or assist a patient

First of all, think about your responsibility to this person. Calculate your options. Anyone who practices Reiki, be sure to ask if this person can be helped or assisted?

Many who contact us have strong connections to dark worlds due to negative karma from past lives. Some clients who come to me for help have themselves been involved in dark deeds, witchcraft, murders in past reincarnations and have strong connections with the lower worlds. They have serious karmic blocks in their aura, they bear serious punishment for their actions in past lives. Often people make deals with the dark ones in this life and have stable channels of communication with the Dark Hierarchies. Such a person needs to be helped with caution. You must be very strong in Soul and energetically. Possess high spiritual vibrations. A person must first realize and choose which side he is on. Without his consent, it is impossible to interfere with his fate and aura. Advise him to read prayers for sins. Give a recommendation to read them for 40 days. Then ask if he has a desire, if he consents to the voluntary cleansing of his Soul from dark energies? Fight with them in the Soul? Advise him to read prayers, the Bible, and listen to spiritual music. Engage in spiritual practices, raise your vibrations. Mentally ask God for forgiveness for your sins in the past and in this life. Don’t refuse a person right away, just don’t rush into battle right away and cleanse his aura. After all, he was brought to you so that you could give him an impetus and information about what was happening to the person, what the exit and path was next. Definitely his Soul is looking for a way out. And we, as healers, must help anyone! This is why we came to Earth. And the Higher powers help us in this. You can't judge a person right away. Everyone has sins and negative karma. And we are with you too. But they help us the same way. And we have a common goal - to get closer to the Creator!

When the darkness begins to dissipate, you can already do something to help. But evaluate your capabilities. Make a treatment plan. Maybe you need to start not with cleansing the negative, but with cleaning karma, psychoanalysis or stress relief. Patients are different. Many people carry very strong negative emotions like anger, resentment, hatred, fear. They are under severe stress. Which attracts negativity to them and culminates its karma, condensing it to the limit on the etheric body. By doing this, patients create stable channels of communication with negative entities, dark worlds, and black Egregors. In response to these emotions, the patient may open or manifest reincarnation blocks (negative memory of past reincarnations, strong experiences of a person in past lives such as war, death, loss, bereavement, etc.). This causes these channels to continually re-open and creates resistance so that your treatment may not be effective.

Then you need to figure out what the reason is. Ask the patient to forgive or calm down. Give Reiki sessions or other similar practices. We must first dispel such emotions. Recommend sedatives and choleretic herbs, if they suit him. Also, the patient may experience maximum negative negative karma coming from past lives or inherited from relatives, then events become intense. And intervening without patients understanding the problem, what it consists of and what its root is, is fraught with danger for you. You will receive a strong blow to the biofield, and maybe to your loved ones, and the patient will have a strong aggravation of events at the event level. He may not be ready for this. And not only is he at risk of severe mental stress and breakdown. Everything in his life will begin to collapse and transform through negative events, up to a breakup, divorce, trial, loss, illness, etc. This will happen to you too. You will simply be cursed and slandered. This will have a negative impact on your karma and can attract negativity into your life. You'll get a good slap in the face. Therefore, in such cases, approach the problem with caution at first. Perhaps you first need to cleanse the client at the karmic level. The energies of the Lemurians of the 4th stage and Karuna Reiki are very well suited for this. See frames, pendulum, cards, runes. What will happen if you do this to the client, cleanse the aura, start removing karma, give a Reiki session, etc., and what will this lead to? Play it safe. Look at all the options for help, what this leads to, and what you will get as a result of this. Necessarily. Don't forget about it! Don't rush into battle right away. Otherwise you'll get a great deal.

  1. If you are tired, you don't feel well. And a person calls or comes to you for help. Don't touch it. Your energy reserves are at a minimum, your defenses will weaken. Don't try to play the hero or the trouble-free healer. Reschedule the meeting or conversation. This will protect you from attacks on the astral plane. All the same, you are weak and your help will not be of any use, since everyone who turns to us asks for sympathy and a portion of our pure energy. By doing this you will save your energy and you will not need to restore it. The evening will pass in peace and harmony.

Don't forget these rules. Otherwise, you can get very sick or get sick. Not everything is clear to us. Heaven also has its own rules. Pray to God and the Archangels for such patients. Ask them for the healing of such Souls. Believe me, you are already helping them with them.

By helping people, we take on a lot of negative energy and pass it through the aura. Because of this, our intercellular space at the energy level is polluted with bioenergy-informational garbage. Therefore, you need to regularly cleanse yourself not only energetically. But also physically. Remove waste and toxins from the body. It’s good to cleanse your intestines, liver and kidneys. Cleanse the body with water. Use herbs and infusions. Dietary supplement It's very convenient. In particular, monitor the condition of the kidneys (they work through the second energy center); he suffers greatly from energy deficiency when energy is lost through stable channels of its selection to entities and negative elementals. Women healers suffer from the female system, men suffer from kidney problems. The liver and gallbladder, and especially the pancreas. The third energy center, vampires like to sit on it, and our clients connect in the form of stable selection channels on the etheric body. Also, we take all the negativity to this chakra, and it needs to be cleansed regularly. Even in Ancient Atlantis, special attention was paid to this chakra. All techniques for accumulating and preserving energy in it are aimed at it. Its exhaustion is fraught with danger for the healer. Makes him weak and energetically vulnerable. And the predators of the lower astrals immediately sense this. The liver and kidneys are the main laboratories that remove everything unnecessary in the body such as waste and toxins. Take dietary supplements regularly. Arrange yourself a vacation in nature. Take a vacation. If you are tired, don't work, it will make you vulnerable and exhaust you. When restoring the patient’s health and during any manipulations with the biofield of another person, defective red blood cells are formed in your blood. A large load falls on all organs of the physical body. The brain and spleen begin to actively utilize these red blood cells. The circulatory and cardiovascular systems are particularly affected. Therefore, doctors, healers, psychologists, all suffer from heart disease in different options. This shortens their lifespan. The reproductive system and thyroid gland are also at risk. 5 energy center Communication. Take good vitamins regularly. Take your health seriously. Take preventative measures for your cardiovascular system. Unload your schedule, don’t work yourself to the point of exhaustion. Monitor your hemoglobin. It is good to use the herbs "Gingko biloba", "Gotu kola". dietary supplement Fish oil. They thin the blood, which prevents defective red blood cells from creating blood clots in the cardiovascular system and bloodstream. Good luck to you in this difficult task.

Bioenergy is a previously unusual and unfamiliar word to many that has become very firmly entrenched in our lives for many years now. Currently, bioenergy therapy is well understood by many people along with such words as aura, esotericism, etc.

So, what is bioenergy? Some people mistakenly believe that bioenergy is something like extrasensory abilities, and it is inherent only in selected people. Let's try to give the correct answer to the question of what bioenergy is.

Basis of the concept

Bioenergy. This word comes from the Greek language and literally means “life, activity.” Bioenergy can be briefly described as follows: in the human body throughout its life, energy processes constantly occur that affect life.

Bioenergy is very important because its insufficient level leads to various diseases in people. Therefore, in order to live fully and be a healthy person, you need to monitor your bioenergy and strengthen your own energy field. For example, many manuals on bioenergy advise for large physical activity slowly relax your muscles, this way you can normalize bioenergy metabolism and improve your health.

Bioenergy therapy was introduced by the Australian doctor W. Reich, who was a follower of the famous psychologist. A. Lowen began to use bioenergetic theory for treatment purposes. He came up with a technique that consisted of several exercises. By the way, many of them are still successfully used by modern bioenergy therapy.

Bioenergy books say that every person has a very close connection between body and soul. It turns out that psychology has a great influence on how people feel, and also vice versa - if a person manages to feel good physically, his psychological state is also good.

It turns out that there are certain channels through which bioenergy is connected to the body. If a person learns to perform bioenergetic exercises correctly, he will be able to harmonize the state of his soul and body.

Bioenergy therapy is currently used by many specialists to treat a variety of diseases. Moreover, the principles of bioenergy are also used in order to be able to find the right way out from the most difficult life situations.

By and large, bioenergy therapy is based on the fact that human life occurs on two levels - physiological and metaphysical. If with the first everything is clear - this is what people hear, see, touch, etc., then metaphysics is the subconscious, in which psychological processes take place, which then turn into the physical level.


It is noteworthy that people can perform healing using bioenergy at home on their own if they learn at least the simplest techniques. It is very important that they do not cause any side effects. Practical exercises boil down to the fact that people can receive energy from several sources:

  • The first is what we inherit from our parents.
  • The second is the energy produced by the combustion of oxygen.
  • The third is the food we eat every day.

All people throughout their lives can receive energy through 8 systems present in the body: respiratory, immune, reproductive, digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, excretory and endocrine.

It has been known since time immemorial that bioenergy exercises are very beneficial for the body. Currently, there are still tribes in the world that use only bioenergy to treat a variety of diseases and are confident that only this method works well. By the way, it is used in many practices - tantra or, for example, yoga.

Human bioenergy is divided into three levels, each of which can change at one time or another. Depending on which field you can feel the change in, you can determine which organ needs treatment, or find out what exactly a person is sick with. People who practice bioenergy healing can sense the biofields of others very well, and at a great distance.

They can also use energy healing with their hands, and they manage to feel the biofield through tactile sensations - some kind of tingling, warmth or cold. The most powerful bioenergetics can even see the biofield. To feel what a person is sick with, they direct their own energy to him, and then again use their own energy resources to treat one or another organ. It turns out that the patient’s energy level increases for a while, while the therapist’s energy level decreases.

It is not necessary to use healing through the hands of another person. You can learn bioenergy therapy on your own. To do this, you need to perform simple exercises with which you can understand how to increase your energy level. Special literature widely describes how to recognize your energy and how to become a bioenergy therapist. As a result, you can learn to treat not only yourself, but also other people.

The essence of bioenergy therapy can be defined as a person’s ability to accumulate energy in the body, and then use it to cure a particular diseased organ. It is believed that various ailments can be healed: diseases of the endocrine system, strokes, tumors and other diseases.

Surely many of you have heard wonderful stories about how the effect of energy on the human body is confirmed - people with the power of thought sometimes cure their cancers even at the most advanced, inoperable stages. And this is nothing more than the positive influence of a person’s energy on himself.

How to increase your energy level? First, you need to learn not to waste energy on all sorts of trifles and unnecessary things, then energy will accumulate in the body and it can be used for treatment.

Some secrets

Since the foundations of bioenergetics were laid a long time ago, in ancient times, this knowledge was previously passed on by word of mouth. This method is still used by many to treat various ailments. By the way, Christianity and bioenergy therapy are closely related.

Despite the fact that Orthodoxy does not always welcome the use of some supernatural abilities for healing and other purposes, it can still be associated in some sense with bioenergy. There are even special prayers in which people ask for health for themselves or their loved ones. This is precisely what can be perceived as a kind of bioenergetic effect.

Each person has his own protective energy layer. It is different for each of us. If you are thinking about how to increase its effectiveness, then you should use special exercises with which you can strengthen it.

The denser your biofield becomes, the more difficult it will be for other people and even the environment to influence you. By the way, you can calculate your energy level by your date of birth. Methods by which you can check your energy level are widely described both in manuals on bioenergy and on websites dedicated to this topic.

It is noteworthy that a person’s energy level can be influenced by different life circumstances. They can either increase it or make it significantly lower. Resentment, guilt, psychological discomfort, envy, jealousy, greed, irritability, etc. can lead to energy deficiency.

If you have a lot of unfinished tasks, you may also feel that you are low on energy. Constant anxiety and worry have an equally negative effect on the body. Conversely, when a person is calm, does not get angry, plays sports, walks in the fresh air and performs a number of special exercises, he becomes stronger both physically and spiritually. Author: Elena Ragozina

If you have constant apathy, emotional devastation, lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to urgently contact a bioenergetics specialist. Invisible energy circulates in our body and controls the functions of all organs. If breakdowns have formed in your biofield, this will certainly affect your emotional and physical state.

Astro7 experts can accurately diagnose energy problems and fix them. After working with your vital energy you will feel a surge of strength, many ailments will go away, and your life will become much brighter and harmonious. Contact a bioenergy specialist from the list below right now!

I am a clairvoyant and energy information corrector. Work experience - 15 years. I don't need additional viewing tools to assess the situation. You can't deal with your problems and do right choice? I will not only show you the cause of the problem, but also remove its roots. If the cause goes away, the effect will also go away. Call us, we will find the best solution!

“Helga, thank you very much for your help. I will definitely listen to your recommendations. Thank you!”* - Evgeniy, 30 years old

I own various methods harmonization of the human biofield. I work with the human energy field at a distance and from photographs. My sessions can harmonize your biofield and bring it into a balanced state. Get rid of what prevents you from becoming happier as quickly as possible, and I will help you!

“Olga Fedorovna is my favorite expert on Astro7: smart, wise, open (which, by the way, not everyone likes). Not every person is ready to hear and accept the truth about themselves... I went to her for two and a half years. Olga Fedorovna treats both body and soul like a brilliant surgeon. This is exactly how I imagined a wizard. Thank you, Olga Fedorovna, and Astro7 for such a wonderful expert. An infinite number of stars to you! I love you very much! Low bow to you! All the best!”* - Tatiana, 49 years old

I will help you understand the most pressing and pressing issues with the help of astrology and gypsy cards. I use Tarot cards in cases where confirmation is needed in resolving an issue. Additionally, I use numerological and astrological charts for forecasting various situations. My abilities have been passed down through the generations from my great-grandfather, with more than 27 years of experience.

“Juno, thank you for your work and attitude! A pleasant and sincere person. They encouraged me and helped me make a decision. Thank you!"* - Alexandra, 32 years old

I am a bioenergetics specialist, a tarot reader. Having in my arsenal not only 7 decks of cards from different parts of the world, but also a technique for entering a person’s mental field, I answer the questions that concern you so much. Relationships, family, feelings - this is my profile. Using my tools, I will help you unravel confusing situations.

“I really liked the expert. The present is 100% authentic. According to forecasts, it will be clear later. I talked to many experts, but Eva was very impressive. Thank you very much!”* - Olga, 43 years old

I am a tarot reader and parapsychologist. Tarot is a wonderful tool with which you can find out what is hidden. Thanks to accurate layouts, you can better understand the most difficult situation, solve problems in any area more easily, and find a way out of situations that seem dead-end. The answer to your question is just a phone call away. Call me, I will be glad to help you!

“Attentively, comprehensively, capturing the question from all sides, finding other ways and aspects of the situation, directly, interestingly) He made another layout and gave one important information, in addition to my question, which I thought about... Thank you, it was valuable!”* - Natalya, 32 years old

My psychic abilities allow me to sense my clients from a distance, as well as diagnose their aura. I always empathize with those who turn to me for advice, so in some situations I can have a beneficial effect on your destiny during telephone conversation or from a photo.

“Thank you for your consultation! I would like to especially note your professionalism and deep knowledge of pentacles and hexagrams! Unique sensitivity. Low bow to you! You helped me a lot...”* - Irina, 53 years old

I work with Tarot cards, with numerology tools, as well as with human psychology as such. You and I can find an answer to almost any question, taking into account your character and individual characteristics! I’m waiting for you, and we will certainly succeed.

I am a professional parapsychologist and astrologist, and I read fortunes using Tarot cards. I help you look into the future. I will give qualified advice about karmic influences in the present. I hope that my consultations will help you find peace in your soul and solve many problems. Work experience - more than 20 years.

“Lada, thank you very much for your honest advice. I’ve been communicating with you for several months now and am very pleased with your ability to feel the situation and talk about the emotions and actions of people of interest. Forecasts for the near future have come true and continue to come true, I hope that long-term ones will also come true. Definitely 5 stars. I recommend this expert.”* - Violetta, 39 years old

I am a bioenergetics specialist, professional tarot reader and parapsychologist, fortune teller. I use it in my work various techniques, with the help of which I can find the answer to your question. I diagnose the negative and set up protection. I'll be glad to help you! Work experience - more than 28 years.

“In a word, bravo! All positive reviews The expert is not in vain, I join them. I really liked the consultation and I also want to note that there were no leading questions or any questions at all - only the expert spoke. Thank you, Rose!”* - Olga, 43 years old

I will help you understand the complex life situations, find out the causes of problems and options for future developments. For my work I use Tarot cards, practice numerology and bioenergy. I am a seer and fortune teller. Astrological codes and subtle mystical signs in my hands will give you inner strength, confidence and luck. I'm waiting for your call! *Bioenergetics is not a medical discipline.

"Very good expert! Both as a tarot reader and as an astrologer. It feels like experience. The characteristics of the people are correct. Lyubava examined the situation comprehensively, with a lot of information. Thank you so much!”* - Anastasia, 40 years old

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I am a professional esotericist and clairvoyant with extensive experience, I work using proprietary techniques, I will help you find the answer to almost any of your questions. I will analyze and help remove negative influences. I am engaged in the interpretation of dreams. I review relationships in couples, compatibility, harmonize relationships not only in personal life, but also in relationships with relatives, bosses, employees or neighbors, and give recommendations.

“Dear Margarita, thank you very much for your advice! I applied for the first time 2.5 months ago, my predictions are coming true! I received answers to all my questions, the expert did not waste time, everything was very clear and precise. It’s very nice to communicate with you, I will definitely contact you again in the future! I wish you all the best! I highly recommend the expert!!!”* - Alina, 22 years old

Winner of the “Battle of Psychics” in the Republic of Tatarstan. Fortune teller and seer. For more than 35 years I have been analyzing and purifying energy based on karma. I will help you identify and eliminate negativity in the past, present and future. I will review the situation and help you determine the reasons. I'll tell you how sincere your partner is. My advice will help you get out of any difficult situations.

“Nelly, thank you so much! You are such a bright and amazing person. After communicating with you, I feel a surge of strength, you give me hope for the best and the desire to live. Thank you!”* - Oksana, 38 years old

I devoted many years to studying bioenergy. I can identify energetic problems and correct them. The biofield, our shield, plays a huge role in our lives. I can work with your subtle energies so that you always feel great and achieve great success in life.

“I am very grateful for the wise, sensible advice; the problem was considered in detail and with conclusions. After the consultation, everything falls into place, and most importantly, everything that was predicted happens. An expert who fully understands your misunderstandings, a lot of positivity, goodwill and wisdom.”* - Marina, 54 years old

I am a tarot reader, psychologist, fortune teller and bioenergeticist*. I will help you, with the help of Tarot cards, clarify relationships in a marriage, look at prospects in your career, work, and business. Tarot cards help you find a way out of the current situation and understand yourself.

“Nani, thank you very much for the consultation. I really liked it. Everything was said clearly, without leading questions, about the past and the future. I recommend!!!"* - Larisa, 49 years old

I am a hereditary psychic. I work with the pendulum, runes and Tarot. I can read information from your energy from a distance. With the help of higher powers, I will help you find answers to your questions.

“An expert, of which there are few. The consultations are simply excellent. The review is short and clear. Pleasant communication. I recommend it to everyone, you won't regret it. From me Olena, I thank you and bow my head to your talent. Thank you.”* - YURY, 57 years old

I am a psychic and bioenergeticist, I have the gift of seeing the future and changing it for the better. I have been practicing for 16 years. I am ready to help everyone who turns to me, because I know that every person deserves happiness. I will show you the shortest path to happiness and teach you to be the “architect” of your destiny. *Bioenergetics is not a medical discipline.

“I consulted Elvira for the first time. An expert helps you see the essence of the situation, eliminating many doubts and questions. It clarifies the situation and directs you to the essence of the problem so that you can see it from the outside and make a decision. We didn't talk for long, but it was productive! Low bow. Thank you. I will listen to the voice of intuition. Good luck!”* - Maria, 37 years old

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Learn to control the flow of energy that gives you strength every day and protects you from negative influence from the outside means getting the secret of harmony. The balance of the movement of energy flows will allow you to experience the beauty and brightness of life in all its fullness! Call me, I will be happy to help you in this difficult matter!

“Incredibly large amount of information! The description of the situation is accurate. The short-term forecast came true. I’m very glad that such an expert appeared on Astro7)) Thank you very much, I will contact you more than once!”* - Elena, 42 years old

I am a bioenergetics specialist, clairvoyant, and international psychic. Work experience - more than 25 years. I own the most various techniques and methods. My abilities came to me through the female line of the family, from my great-grandmother. In my work I use clairvoyance and clairaudience, modern scientific knowledge and spiritual practices.

“Thank you, Caroline, for your help and support! Your sessions help me cope with the problem and give me strength. Thank you very much and God bless you!”* - Elena, 41 years old

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Crochet headband
Crochet headband

Often noticing knitted items on children, you always admire the skill of mothers or grandmothers. Crochet headbands look especially interesting....

Choose clay and make a clay face mask
Choose clay and make a clay face mask

1098 03/08/2019 8 min. Dry skin is prone to redness and flaking, and in some cases, improper care can cause...

Wall newspaper “Family is seven selves”
Wall newspaper “Family is seven selves”

For the first page of the album I look at the photograph and tell you with pride: “Meet, here is my family. Here is dad, mom, cat and me. I can’t live without them...