“They didn’t even call us from the camp to tell us that Vlad had become ill.” The family of the boy who died in Grodno talks about what happened. The reasons why a boy died in Grodno, resting in a camp under a birch bark. A boy died in a birch bark.

The Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into the death of a nine-year-old boy in Grodno. On June 11, the child died in one of the medical institutions of the regional center, where he was transferred from the Berestovitsa Central District Hospital. Before the boy was admitted to the hospital, he was vacationing at a summer camp. It is known that the child lived in the Berestovitsky district. On this moment Law enforcement officers are carrying out a number of necessary measures aimed at clarifying the circumstances of the incident. The boy's relatives told Onliner.by about what happened. _ Now Vlad’s family lives in the village of Pogranichny, Berestovitsy district, in a modest house with his grandmother. At home elder sister deceased boy, Natasha, she graduated from ninth grade this year.

- He was in the hospital in the infectious diseases department - Vlad was very coughing, - the girl recalls. - Then he was transferred to the children's department. He spent a week there and was discharged - they said that Vlad was healthy. After that, he felt fine: he played, ran, behaved as usual. Then the social service told us that Vlad should be sent to a camp. His stepfather drove him. Vlad stayed there for two or three days, and he became ill.
Moreover, the camp didn’t even say that the child had a temperature of 39.5; no one called the parents. I had just arrived at that time to visit my brother - I didn’t even know that he had a fever, I just brought Vlad cookies. I was told that he was in isolation with high temperature and that he was given an injection. Vlad was taken from the camp to the Berestovitsa regional hospital, where he was kept in the emergency room for a very long time.
The Berestovitsa regional hospital denies this information.
“When the boy was taken to the hospital with complaints of abdominal pain, there were no relatives with him,” Deputy Chief Medical Officer Yanina Skrundevskaya told Onliner.by. - We did everything necessary: ​​tests, pictures, called specialists. We are currently conducting an internal investigation; the Investigative Committee has seized all documents.
Andrey, Vlad's stepfather, recently returned from work - the man often goes to Russia and works in construction. He says that the boy was indeed in the infectious diseases department on the eve of his trip to the camp.
- A week before the camp, he was discharged from the infectious disease hospital - he was there from May 23 to May 30 with bronchitis. “I came out of there healthy and didn’t cough anymore,” says Andrey. - Before the camp, we were examined by doctors in Pogranichny - they said that Vlad was healthy and gave him a certificate. In Grodno we took a certificate of vaccinations and sent the guy to the camp. That is, he arrived there healthy. And then this happened... At the Berestovitsa hospital, I went into the intensive care unit without asking, and they kicked me out of there. But I saw Vladik, and he didn’t even recognize me. Then Grodno doctors arrived and took him to the intensive care unit at the regional hospital. There he died...
Vlad’s mother is now in intensive care in Grodno; yesterday she was transferred from Vaukavysk - the woman is due to give birth soon.
“I told my wife about what had happened, she, of course, took it all very hard...” says Andrey.
Let us remind you that a 9-year-old boy became ill at the Berestovitsky health camp. From there in the morning he was taken to the Berestovitsa regional hospital, and in the evening he was taken by ambulance to the Grodno Regional Children's Hospital and transferred to artificial ventilation. It was not possible to save the boy. The Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into the death of the child.

The death of a nine-year-old boy who was brought to the hospital from children's camp near Bolshaya Berestovitsa, shocked many. While the investigation is underway, many refuse to answer questions from journalists. And yet, SG correspondents found out the details.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. pixabay.com

The family has been living in the agricultural town of Pogranichny, Berestovitsy district, since January of this year. The boy has a brother, a 4th grade student, and a sister, a ninth grader, the school in the agricultural town said. Director educational institution Inna Kerget added that their mother and stepfather are raising them, and their grandmother helps them. The family is in good standing and is not registered with the SOP.

The children's health camp "Berestovitsky" refused to comment on what happened. But they confirmed that the boy was indeed improving with them.
Vladik was brought from the camp to the Berestovitskaya Central District Hospital.

- This is a sensation for you. And we didn’t sleep or eat for three days and three nights. We are also living people, everyone is stressed. We already had a Ministry of Health commission, and all possible commissions. All documentation has been confiscated, call the Investigative Committee,- advised at the hospital.

We reached the grandmother of the late boy, Nina Evgenievna:

- He was so affectionate. He didn’t want to go to the camp, he hugged me around the neck before leaving and said: “Grandma, I love you so much.” I reassured him: they say, I can’t do anything, that’s what my parents decided, you need to go. And then he asked: “Will you come to me?” “I’ll come,” I promised. He also asked me to buy him a car. I didn’t have time... They buried him in Gritsevichi, the grave next to his grandfather’s. My daughter was not allowed to attend the funeral; she is 34 weeks pregnant. She was in storage in Volkovysk. When she found out about Vladik’s death, she felt worse and was transferred to Grodno. I myself fainted at the funeral, I still don’t believe how this could happen...

According to Vlad’s grandmother, he graduated from the first grade of the Grodno special comprehensive boarding school for children with visual impairments and was visually disabled. On weekends, a 9-year-old boy came to his parents or stayed with his great-aunt in Grodno. The child had an older sister and brother. Now his mother has remarried, Vladik called his stepfather dad.

At the Grodno boarding school, it was not possible to talk to the management: the director, deputy director for medical work and pediatrician went on vacation on Monday.

Was it possible to find out the cause of death? The head of the department of the State Committee of Forensic Examinations for the Grodno region, Larisa Bober, threw up her hands: the diagnosis is still being clarified, preliminary medical experts saw manifestations of sepsis. However, in order to accurately establish the pathogen and cause of death, the results of virological and bacteriological studies are needed.

MINSK, June 16 – Sputnik. The investigation into the death of a nine-year-old boy who was vacationing in the Berestovitsky camp is being carried out by commissions of the Ministry of Health and the Investigative Committee, Sergei Tarantsey, chief physician of the Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital, told Sputnik.

The incident occurred in the Berestovitsky district. The day before, on Saturday, a child whose health had worsened was brought from the Berestovitsky camp first to the Berestovitsky hospital, and then to the Grodno regional children's hospital. There he died.

“The commissions of the Ministry of Health are working, the Investigative Committee is working,” Tarantsey said.

Delivered by the resuscitation team

The interlocutor told the agency that the patient arrived to them in serious condition. And the doctors did everything necessary in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

“This is not a situation when there should be any comments... Yes, there was such a child. Yes, he was taken from the Berestovitsa hospital by the resuscitation team. Yes, in serious condition, yes, to the intensive care unit. Everything that is necessary in diagnosis and treatment, Unfortunately, he died on Sunday, June 11,” Sergei Tarantsey commented on the situation to Sputnik.

All diagnoses and conclusions will be made after a forensic medical examination, he added.

As the official representative of the USC for the Grodno region, Sergei Shershenevich, told Sputnik, the necessary examinations have been appointed on the fact, in particular, forensic examinations. Are being interviewed medical workers relatives who provided assistance to the child. Medical documentation is seized and carefully studied, and other procedural actions are carried out. Conclusions will be made only after receiving and analyzing all the data.

In the camp - everything is as it was

The Berestovitsky camp refuses to comment on what happened. Head Alexander Torgonsky told Sputnik that the institution is operating as normal.

“In the camp everything is as it was,” he said.

As reported in the media, before visiting the camp, the boy was lying with bronchitis in the infectious diseases department of the Berestovitsky district hospital. After discharge I felt well. With a certificate stating that he was healthy, he was sent to a camp where the child stayed for two days, after which he became ill. The boy developed a fever and was put in the camp isolation ward and given an injection. Then the patient was taken to the Berestovitsa district hospital, where he was kept in the emergency room for a very long time, relatives of the deceased told reporters.

It is reported that the boy was youngest child in the family, he has a sister and a brother. The mother is now in the maternity hospital and is expecting another child.

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