How to look good at 6 years old. “Where are you going?”: How to live when you look younger than your age. Jewelry to help

People often feel younger than they look. You cannot stop time, but you can achieve harmony between the internal and external. Sometimes the simplest trick helps. Here are some tricks that will instantly rejuvenate you.


If your eyebrows are too prominent, emphasized and defined, you appear older. To make your appearance more fresh, give your eyebrows thickness - this option is subconsciously associated with youth. The color of the eyebrows should match the hair or be slightly darker. Use eye shadow rather than pencil to make your lines softer and more natural. Sculpting adds years, so it is better to avoid it.

Creamy textures in makeup

Powdery textures make the skin more mature. You can turn your face into a mask and highlight even small wrinkles. To look younger, use cream textures in your makeup. This applies to blush, eye shadow, highlighter and other products. Such cosmetics will not emphasize the texture of the skin and will refresh the face.

Light foundation

If you apply a thick layer of foundation, it will get into your wrinkles and highlight them. A light foundation with reflective particles is much better: your skin will be filled with radiance, it will become young and fresh. Look for the most natural remedies without a mask effect.


Avoid applying dark blush to your cheekbones. Emphasized cheekbones look elegant, but add age, as does pale skin without any blush at all. Use blush with a slight sheen. Choose fresh shades of pink or peach, depending on your skin type. Gently apply them to your cheeks rather than your cheekbones for a more expressive look.

Brown pencil instead of black

Dark pencil around the eyes adds years. Your eyes appear smaller and redness becomes more pronounced, making you look tired. Use a brown or dark blue pencil - these shades brighten your eyes and hide age. This is a great option for both everyday and holiday makeup!

Long and voluminous eyelashes

If you don't accentuate your eyelashes with makeup, your face will appear older. Use eyelash curler and volume mascara. Wide eyes make you look ten years younger, so be sure to keep this in mind when wearing makeup.

Hair volume and shine

A hairstyle without volume and shine makes you look older. To appear youthful, add volume to your curls with mousse or foam. Finish styling with an oil mask: apply a little on your palms and run your fingers through your hair from the middle to the ends. The optimal hair length is below the chin, but above the shoulders. This haircut looks the freshest and highlights the face well.

Lightening certain areas of the face

Pigment spots, circles under the eyes and other dark spots do not decorate anyone. To appear younger, you need not only to hide dark spots, but also apply concealer to the corners of the eyes and lips, at the outer corners of the nostrils and on the chin.

Light shadows on the upper eyelids

If you wear dark eyeshadow, your eyelids will appear lower and your eyes will look tired. To give your face a fresh look, use light shadows. Apply darker shadows where the eyelid droops. This will make your eyes more expressive.

Wet effect lipstick

Matte lipsticks reduce volume, make the skin look dry and accentuate wrinkles. All this gives age. To look younger, use lipstick with shimmer particles that distribute light and visually soften wrinkles. In addition, your lips will appear fuller.

Balance between sun tan and paleness

If you are too tanned or, on the contrary, your skin is too pale, you will look older. For a fresher look, you want golden or caramel skin tones. Yellowish undertones warm the skin, making you look younger, which is why Asian women always appear younger than they really are.

Blonde hair

Dark hair emphasizes mature skin with all its age-related changes. If you want to look youthful, choose a shade slightly lighter than your natural shade. In this case, your hair will look completely natural, while effectively refreshing your face.

Perfume with grapefruit scent

Surprisingly, women who prefer grapefruit-scented perfumes seem younger to others than they really are.

These days, looking your age is practically bad manners. Women are ready to give all their money and soul in addition to hear the cherished: “I will never give you your years!” And men have not considered their years to be wealth for a long time, although they do not demonstrate it so obviously. Against this background, it seems even strange that there are people who consider too young an appearance a real problem.

But they exist. We tried to find out what prevents those who look 10 years younger than their age from living.

Daria, 27 years old: “The child will be run over!”

— It’s nice to look younger than your age, but it often gets in the way. I worked in a shopping center as a promoter, and every day a woman came up to me and said that the employer does not have the right to exploit me for 10 hours, because I am a minor, and this is a violation of the Labor Code. I couldn’t convince her that I had already graduated from college. During rush hour, the ladies on the bus usually shout, looking at me: seat the child, otherwise they will run him over!

Maria, 26 years old: “Everyone is rude to me!”

— I hardly wear makeup, I wear a backpack, overalls and a Panama hat. I’m twenty-seven, but even the doctors at first decide that I’m only seventeen years old. There is only one thing that worries me: automatically deciding that I have not yet crossed the threshold of adulthood, people often treat me condescendingly, if not rudely. It is especially difficult to deal with the official world of Russia, such as passport offices and hospitals. Everyone there is sure to be rude to me: from those waiting to those receiving. True, as soon as they find out that I’m almost thirty, they fall into confusion - a clear illustration of “expectations and reality.” This dynamic is especially offensive: why don’t I deserve the same thorough, calm tone of communication if I’m N years younger than you thought?

Andrey, 29 years old: “They demanded that the car be returned to my parents!”

Because of my teenage appearance, I look 14, so I can’t arrange my personal life. It is difficult to find a girl who wants to look older than her man. I dreamed of working as a driver, but they constantly stop me and check my documents at every checkpoint. When they see the age, they are surprised. A couple of times they stopped me in the middle of the road and demanded that I return the car to my parents. When I showed my license and invited me to my 30th birthday, they apologized. You have to travel by metro and bus, because you never know how a trip by car will end.

Marina, 36 years old: “They decided that I was a child mother!”

— I am petite, short in stature. Clients at the bank didn't treat me because I looked like a teenager. I had to add years to myself with “age-related” hairstyles and formal clothes. And when I got married and my husband and I moved to new home, the neighbors started asking questions. When my daughter was born, I began to go outside with a stroller and noticed that the grandmothers at the entrance were looking at me somehow askance. Once I heard people discussing me. They decided that I was a child mother, although I was already 27. Once in kindergarten The new teacher, giving me the child, muttered that the parents could come for their daughter themselves, and not send their sister for her. But I can wear youth clothing and I don’t look ridiculous in it. My daughter and I shop at children's store identical funny T-shirts or sundresses for a family look. And on the playground I can climb any ladder or slide with my child.

Evgeniya, 27 years old: “They didn’t hire me!”

— I always looked 10 years younger than my age. Because of this, I was not hired to work at the bank, despite my honors diploma. Although I might not have studied anything at all at university, the teachers were ready to give me grades for my angelic look. I tried to apply more makeup, but it looks funny. I'm married, but I'm not ready to have children yet because I feel like I'm half a child.

Irina, 42 years old: “He just didn’t know what to do!”

— It turned out funny with my second husband. I fell in love so much that for the first time in my life I began to take more or less active steps, making it clear that I wanted to date him. And he just didn't know what to do. I’m 39, I looked young, the men were surprised, they say, the maximum you can give is 32. And he is almost 50, and he thought that the difference between us was 18-20 years. And so he almost shied away from me, saying, why does he need such a big difference, he wanted a family, he was looking for a woman a little younger than himself, but obviously not almost 20 years younger! When he found out my age, he just exhaled and relaxed, and began making dates.

— I’m 26, but I look at most 16! This causes me great inconvenience! It’s okay that in the store they ask for your passport, I’m used to it. Although it's funny to see how wide the eyes of the sellers are when they see my date of birth. At the hospital, when I go through a medical examination, they also constantly ask how old you are, like, boy, do you need to go to a children’s hospital - it’s infuriating! When I meet someone on the Internet without a photo, they give me 25 years of communication, but when I show my photo, they write: don’t lie, it’s not you! But those who I like, and especially those who are older and we are on the same level of communication, always do not let me go beyond the friend zone... Sometimes I just negotiate with available girls, because girls my age are not interested in me, and young girls are not interesting to me.

Olga, 27 years old: “They thought I was 12!”

“I’ve long been accustomed to the fact that they don’t sell me alcohol, so at the checkout I immediately show my passport without waiting for questions. The funniest incident happened at my cousin's wedding. The guests opposite noticed that I had a bottle of whiskey in my hands and said: “Try it a little, and then give it to the adults, okay?” They thought I was 12. Friends reassure me that at 40 I will look 30, but now that doesn’t make it any easier.

Tatyana, 28 years old: “I was late for class!”

“Students also sometimes think that I’m still in school, and my colleagues mistake me for a student. Last winter, I walked into the school where I work, stood there waiting for my glasses to sweat, then the janitor came up to me and so warmly asked: “Are you late for class?”

Anastasia, 30 years old: “How did they trust you with such an expensive camera?”

“I’ve long been accustomed to the fact that I look about 22-23 years old, and if without makeup, then generally 16-17 years old.” What makes matters worse is my short stature– 160 cm, natural blonde hair and baby dimples. Funny situations happen in connection with my line of work. I am a photographer (I shoot weddings, portraits, etc.). And a couple of times, when I came to the shoot, the groom’s parents, for example, or other people who didn’t know by sight, came up to me and said: “Girl, when will the photographer come? How did she entrust you with such expensive equipment?..” I laugh, and they blush and turn pale with embarrassment when it turns out that I am the photographer, and not just guarding the camera...

Any woman over 30 wants to find a rejuvenating apple. Salons, cosmetic companies and clothing designers offer a whole arsenal of products to make a woman feel fresh and young. How to look younger than your age? Change your lifestyle and take care of your body. Let's look at the main techniques.

Even if you feel young, wrinkles and unhealthy coloring can easily reveal your true age. To keep your face fresh, just listen to the advice of cosmetologists.

  1. Wash with special products - foams, gels. Choose only gentle products. Aggressive ones will make the situation worse. Dry skin ages faster.
  2. Be sure to cleanse your face in the evening before going to bed. Find the right remedy for you. For example, Sophia Loren recommends removing eye shadow and mascara with regular vegetable oil, since this area is the most delicate and dry.
  3. Wash your face with water at room temperature. Sudden changes thin the epidermis. Cold and heat have a detrimental effect on blood vessels. Networks or redness may appear.
  4. Chemical residues accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. It is not recommended to wear makeup for too long: it “tires” the epidermis.
  5. After cleansing, immediately moisturize your face. Fluid deficiency is the main cause of premature aging.
  6. To the owners oily skin you should be careful: you may have to give up your favorite creams. Over time, the sebaceous glands begin to produce less secret. Drying components deplete them even faster.
  7. Protect yourself from the vagaries of the weather, especially from the sun's rays. The ideal option is a sunscreen with a moisturizing effect. They need to be used daily, before each time you go outside. An acceptable level of protection is SPF 15. It is advisable to treat all exposed areas of the body to prevent the appearance of age spots.
  8. It is necessary to regularly clean with scrubs and peels, otherwise dead skin particles will interfere with the “breathing” of living cells. The result will be an unhealthy gray color. To prevent moisture loss, give preference to soft scrubs made from soda or coffee grounds. After 40, it is advisable to switch to superficial chemical peels.
  9. Buy only those products that suit you age group. At 37 years old, it’s too late to use a lotion marked “20+”, and “50+” is still too early. Manufacturers carefully select a composition that will ideally cope with defects at a certain age stage.

Always monitor the condition of your face not out of habit, but based on the conditions. If necessary, change the care line


One of the most delicate issues is the use of decorative cosmetics. If you choose the wrong image, it will dramatically age you. How to look younger than your age with makeup?

  1. Consider age. If nude lipsticks are suitable for women at 30, then at 50 they will give a sickly look.
  2. Be careful with foundation. Colors other than natural and their improper application add years. Approach the issue of choice responsibly. For example, with enlarged pores, it is better to prefer a light liquid texture that can be evenly distributed and hide defects.
  3. Don't pluck your eyebrows down to the thread! On the contrary, try to maintain optimal thickness. If the skin begins to sag, visually lift the corners. It is advisable to use a brown pencil.
  4. During the day, black color makes wrinkles more noticeable. Saturated shades distract attention. Ideal options are dark garnet, graphite, brown tones. Complete the look with bright details: jewelry, shoes, clutches.
  5. As you age, you should move from cold and “flashy” colors to warm and natural ones. Bright shadows highlight and visually make the eyes smaller. You can use products with a slight metallic effect.
  6. After 50, give up foundation. Replace it with powder and blush. The latter should be “cool”, with a slight admixture of lavender. The right blush will lift your face by highlighting your cheekbones.

Don't be afraid to experiment and look for your own look. There are always exceptions to all rules. Just don't overdo it: teenage clothes and fashionable hairstyle can turn you into a “younger” lady


The overall impression directly depends on the condition of the curls and their “shape”. Changing your hairstyle will already make you feel different. How to care for your hair and what haircut to choose?

  • Make masks from natural ingredients. Nourish and moisturize. Buy a thermal cap: most formulations go well with it. Heat promotes active penetration of components deep into the hair and scalp.
  • Change the color. Dark shades highlight wrinkles and make you appear older. However, blonde is not the best solution. Lightening dye will turn healthy hair into a mop, and you will achieve the exact opposite result. Change your tone gradually. Good decision– booking or coloring.
  • Don't cut your hair short! Maximum – to the shoulders or slightly below. Curls will distract attention from the changed shape of the face and neck. A short haircut is only permissible if your hair has become dry and lifeless.

Before every time you go out, look in the mirror and ask yourself: “What do I look like?” Don't allow yourself to leave the house without styling. The older we get, the less room there is for error in appearance.


Aroma is an important detail of the image. It has been proven that people, like animals, choose a partner based, among other things, on smell.

How to look younger than your age? Avoid “heavy” perfume. Your choice is fruits, fresh herbs, citruses. Avoid excessive sweetness: it makes you look old. Adhere to the principle of moderation.


Excess weight, stretch marks and sagging areas have never made anyone more beautiful. Painful thinness is also dangerous. A woman is attractive only if she is healthy in appearance.

  1. Play sports. You can lose weight without it, but flabbiness will remain. Besides, physical activities tonify and stimulate psychologically. Of all the variety, it is better to choose swimming. It helps maintain posture and minimally injures the joints. Walking, running and cycling can kill your knees.
  2. Eat right. Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime. Avoid fatty, sweet, fried foods. Try to get more vitamins A and E from foods. Shortage useful substances aggravates dry skin. Just don't prescribe vitamin supplements yourself. Many of them accumulate in the body. You risk getting the opposite problem - oversupply.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. When there is a lack of moisture, the skin and curls are the first to suffer. Chronic dehydration leads to fatigue, migraines, digestive problems, heart disease, etc.
  4. Watch your posture. A proud figure is an integral feature of a beautiful lady. A well-groomed but drooping woman always seems older.

You need to work on yourself comprehensively: not only your face and hair deserve care, but also your body


We are as old as we feel. An unhappy woman is immediately visible: she is constantly dissatisfied, slouches, and is noticeably tired. A positive attitude is the key to beauty. How to look younger than your age?

  • Stop frowning! Look at your old photos. Surely you will see a mischievous girl with sparkling eyes. Try to look at the world the same way you did long ago.
  • Smile. It attracts people. A slight lifting of the corners of your lips is enough for others to begin to perceive you differently.
  • Adjust your character. Get rid of the habits of nagging, complaining and envy. Nothing adorns a person more than kindness.
  • Be less nervous. Stress and tension inevitably affect our physical condition. Learn not to worry about little things. Remember that everything will pass. Discharge quickly and release tension. For example, buy an anti-stress coloring book. Let go of the people in your life who drag you down. Avoid “friends” if they only make you uncomfortable.
  • Have a good rest. It is very important for our body to relax. To look cheerful, we need at least 8 hours healthy sleep. Fatigue immediately affects appearance: posture deteriorates, dark circles appear around the eyes, and the person himself feels disgusting.
  • Stop smoking. Cigarettes age you dramatically: your lips become thin, your hair becomes dull, and your body takes on wrinkles and a gray tint. After prolonged exposure to nicotine, nails, curls and teeth lose natural color. Quitting smoking will make you visually younger in just a month.
  • Avoid alcohol. Drinking alcohol on holidays is not a vice. However, frequent use makes the epidermis dry and deprives it of elasticity. Mentally, a person begins to get stuck in a “swamp”, feels negative emotions and cannot get out. If you're bored without alcohol, try changing something in your life.

All our experiences leave a mark on us. Learn to take life more simply and appreciate the present, rather than cling to the past or worry about the future

Youth is not a gift, but daily work on yourself. Appearance reflects inner world Therefore, under no circumstances should you give up and go with the flow. However, trying too hard is no less dangerous. Be proud of your age and use the wisdom you have acquired!

You will need

  • We must pay tribute to mass culture and the development of public consciousness: the 30th anniversary is no longer the threshold beyond which a “girl” automatically turns into a “woman” and “leave the race.” As the age range for starting a family and having children shifts, so does our understanding of the age at which youth gives way to maturity. And yet, the number “30” has a magical effect on many, forcing them to go to great lengths just to look younger than their age.
  • As we approach 40, the question “How to look younger than your age?” takes on a more relevant sound, as signs of age appear more and more clearly, and accumulated fatigue makes itself felt.
  • The desire to look younger than one’s age is a completely natural desire of any woman, because confidence in one’s own attractiveness is an important component of self-esteem. Unfortunately, time does not spare anyone, and looking 25 years old at 50 is simply impossible, but looking 10-15 years younger than your real age is an entirely achievable goal.


Master the art of makeup

If you haven't used it before decorative cosmetics- Now is not the time to start. Many women who want to look younger than their age make the same beauty mistake - they start wearing bright makeup. Firstly, a sudden change in image will draw attention to changes in your appearance, involuntarily forcing your acquaintances to peer more closely at your face. Secondly, bright makeup in rich, dark colors - and for some reason these are the ones women choose “for...” - visually adds age.

Don’t be afraid to look “gray” - light, pastel shades of lipstick, eye shadow and powder will give your look freshness and youth. Leave dark and rich shades of lipstick and eye shadow for special occasions and evening receptions. Light pearlescent makeup, when appropriate for the situation, will also work to your advantage.

Take care of your lips - nourish and moisturize them, use special lip scrubs if necessary. Moisturized, smooth lips are one of the great ways to deceive age.

If you haven't already done so, choose a shade of lipstick that suits your skin type. The older you get, the more expensive beauty mistakes become.

Pay special attention to the shape and color of your eyebrows. A well-chosen shape will help you refresh and lighten your image and look younger than your real age. Eyebrows that are too wide or too thin are equally unsuccessful in terms of anti-aging makeup. Try to find a middle ground on your own or with the help of a cosmetologist.

If you use foundation, give up products with a dense texture in favor of more liquid ones, and replace compact powder with loose powder. Rolling into wrinkles, foundations with a dense texture will only emphasize your age, and will not hide age spots and other manifestations of age-related skin changes.

Hair color and haircut

There are two common opinions regarding what older women should have. It is believed that with age, hair color should become lighter and haircut shorter. The first is partly true, but the second is a stretch.

In fact, if you want to look younger than your age, avoid dyeing your hair darker than your natural color. Trying to dye your hair blonde is often the wrong decision. Firstly, with age, hair becomes weaker, more fragile and more vulnerable, it grows slower and falls out more, and bleaching is a rather aggressive procedure. Why put your hair through such stress? Secondly, as we have already said, sudden changes in appearance only draw attention to age-related changes.

If you want to lighten up, then do it gradually, no more than 1-2 shades lighter per coloring. Try playing with tones and colors; perhaps bronding or another non-uniform coloring technique will be an excellent alternative for you to complete lightening.

As for the length of the hair, then short haircut will not help you look younger than your age, but rather, on the contrary, will emphasize your age. If you've been walking with your whole life long hair, and at the age of 40 you suddenly cut them into a bob, then you give a very clear signal to those around you: “I think that I’m no longer young, now I can only walk with short hair" Do you really want this? Look at Hollywood actresses aged 45 and older: how many of them have switched to short hair?

Another argument in favor long haircut: an opportunity to divert attention from the neck, which is the first to reveal a woman’s age. If you want to look younger, don’t cut your hair short, especially if your neck is already showing signs of time, the oval of your face has “slipped” and a double chin has appeared.

A short haircut can be justified, perhaps, only in cases where the condition of the hair has deteriorated sharply with age, and a neat short haircut helps to hide this.

Work on your look

You may be surprised, but often it is your gaze that prevents you from looking younger than your age. All life experience– positive and negative – reflected in your eyes and on your face as a whole. Look at photos of yourself as a teenager. What do you see? A carefree, mischievous, “sparkly” look, unclouded by problems. Of course, it is difficult to look at the world through the eyes of a 20-year-old girl at 40, but try at least not to frown, smile barely noticeably, as if dreaming of something beautiful. If such a youthful look is difficult for you, practice in front of the mirror at first. Over time, you will get used to it, and those around you will certainly notice the changes in your appearance.

Get on the same page with the sun

If you want to look younger than your age, avoid going to the solarium and limit tanning in the natural rays of the sun. Firstly, tanning makes you look older, purely visually, and secondly, UV rays dry out the skin, which already has problems producing collagen and retaining moisture due to age-related changes.

Make it a rule not to appear on the street without sunscreen and, if possible, a headdress. If summer and the beach are synonymous for you, then purchase sunscreen with the maximum level of protection, a hat with wide brim and a beach umbrella and visit the beach only with this “outfit”.

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