Complex of floor exercises 2. Gymnastics and athletic training. Uniform for physical training classes

1. Exhale. Using diaphragmatic breathing, fill the lower part of your lungs with air (the belly expands). Then, without pausing, continuing to inhale, you expand your chest and air enters the middle part of your lungs. Finish your inhalation with clavicular breathing, filling the upper part of your lungs with air. Thus, inhalation during full breathing occurs smoothly, without jerking, in a wave-like manner. After doing this, there may be a short pause and begin to exhale completely in the reverse order, that is, first the upper exhalation occurs with the simultaneous lowering of the ribs and collarbones, then the middle and lower ones. The exhalation time with correct full breathing is approximately 2 times longer than the inhalation time. When performed correctly, a feeling of peace and tranquility arises, heart rate and blood pressure decrease, and performance increases.

2. Technique of execution - inhale through one nostril, exhale through the other, and then vice versa. After the next exhalation, close the left nostril with your middle finger and inhale through the right nostril. A short pause. Then close the right nostril with your thumb and, opening the left, exhale. Pause. Inhale through the left nostril. A short pause. Close the left nostril with your middle finger and, releasing the right nostril, exhale. Pause. Repeat the described breathing cycle 5 times.

3. Exhale as much as possible, then take a full deep breath. Hold the air in for 3-5 seconds. Purse your lips as if you are about to whistle. Then exhale the air sharply, as when coughing. Pause for 2-3 seconds and then exhale again. Repeat until all the air is expelled from the lungs. It must be remembered that you need to exhale air with effort. Otherwise, the exercise will not give the desired effect.

4. Stand as freely as possible, but straight. Make sure that your shoulders are lowered, your neck is free, do not hold on to the instrument (piano), feel good support in your legs. Breathe evenly and calmly, like a healthy person breathes. Now that you're ready, just smile and push a little air through the crack between your teeth. You should have made the "S" sound. Now do the same, only together with the movement of your stomach. Pull your stomach in with the sound “S”. The stomach is pulled in with a small push, and the air is pushed out through the teeth. This is done at a frequency of approximately once per second. Try doing thirty of these pushes in one breath. Remember that between pushes, at the first stage, you cannot take an additional breath. You must fully understand all the sensations that arise during the exercise. What muscles do you feel? That's right if you feel especially strongly the oblique muscles of the abdomen, or the lower abdomen (on the sides). If you run out of air, rest and try the exercise again, just remember that the more you inhale, the faster you will run out of breath. Before the exercise, you need to inhale as usual, without raising your shoulders and completely calmly. Once you have managed to complete this exercise without difficulty, try to expand it by fully exhaling after the thirtieth push. Exhale all remaining air while bending deeply. Then, having exhaled everything without taking in air, slowly rise and continue the exercise. So you can expand this exercise to three inclinations or more. That is, 30 pushes with the sound “C”, bend over and exhale completely, slowly rise and continue pushes, 30 pushes and bend over again with an exhale, and repeat everything again. There is a little secret in this exercise that will be revealed only after the student has tried to do the exercise at least three times. To reveal the secret right now means depriving the student of his own experience of correct breathing and possibly pushing him onto a falsely easy path. One little hint: have you ever owned a bicycle or an air mattress?

5. Imagine that you are a large multi-colored inflatable ball. After the game, they put you on the grass to rest and pulled out the plug so that the air would slowly escape. You rest and release the air slowly, slowly. Why rush? This exercise can be done in the company of the same funny balls. I wonder who will last longer. Just before imagining yourself as a ball, pay attention to your shoulders again. Don't take a big breath to round out. If you don't understand, take a deep breath and try jumping. I assure you, it will be very difficult for you. To feel light, just relax. So, take a normal breath, slightly support your lower abdomen, and in a thin stream, at the sound “C,” begin to release the air. Try smiling, as this will help you think about something pleasant. Once you have felt your body and your abdominal muscles in particular, you can start singing.

6. Inhale for the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, for 5, 6 - hold your breath, for the count of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 - exhale.

7. Take a short breath, hold your breath a little, and as you exhale, start counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Do not speed up the counting rate, do not take in air.

8. Say a counting tongue twister, inhaling at the place indicated *, and continue exhaling as long as there is enough air: “Like on a hill, on a hillock there are thirty-three Egorkas*: one - Egorka, two - Egorka, three - Egorka and so on further."

9. This is an exercise to train the diaphragm. Say the text below without closing your mouth. You can imagine that you have a filling and you can’t close your mouth: You can’t eat for two hours? Terrible!
I didn't have breakfast in vain.
I want to eat more than ever!..
Wait two hours? Nonsense!
There is character, there is will,
If I can’t, I won’t eat!

10. Imagine that your chest and lungs are an accordion. Play it: when the syllable is stressed, the arms, bent at the elbows, bounce off the sides:

Wow, oh wow!
We put on sweaters
Hands joyfully on your sides,
Yes, “hopaka” with the guys!
Whoops! Whoops! Gop-la-la!
Let's dance and make our hearts merry!

- Appendix “Audio Materials” (disc), section No. 2.

Are you able to easily do in one approach (without a break between exercises): 50 push-ups, 50 abdominal exercises, 50 squats, and 50 calf raises?
If the answer is yes, congratulations! So you're ready to move on.
For those who are not yet ready, I do not recommend mastering the exercises of the second complex until you have developed sufficient strength in the first.
The main groups of exercises will remain the same, only the load will increase...

Be sure to do a warm-up, especially when the complex is performed in the morning. In addition to a simple warm-up (arm swings, body bends, etc.), do 30 exercises from the first set: 30 push-ups, 30 leg raises (or crunches), 30 squats, 30 calf raises. Also do 6 pull-ups. This will be your warm-up before complex No. 2.

Let me remind you: in order to move on to push-ups of the second set, you must be able to do 40-50 push-ups in one approach without any problems (or at least 100-150 times a day).
So, in this complex we will use the following types of push-ups: finger push-ups, , And .
1) finger push-ups- ordinary push-ups, in which the hand is placed on the floor like a spider, resting on the fingers. The exercise is not difficult, and if you can do 50 regular push-ups, you can easily do 30-40 finger push-ups. The position of the hands can be either shoulder-width apart or wider than shoulder-width apart - try both methods.
2) one-arm push-ups with support- may seem quite complicated at first glance. The technique is as follows: in a prone position, we lie on the floor on our stomach, arms as in regular push-ups (only the elbows are as close to the body as possible), and we spread our legs a little wider. Then we put one hand behind our back and try to do push-ups on one hand. Most likely you won’t be able to do this, but this is not necessary now - you should feel exactly how your legs should be positioned (how wide), your arm, and your body should be in order to be able to do push-ups on one arm. Your body will tell you the correct position. For example, we decided to do push-ups on our right hand. The hand should be placed almost under you, and the knee of the left leg will look to the left, and not to the floor (i.e., the entire leg will be practically turned to the side).
Has your body position become approximately clear? Then we put our left hand (which was put behind our back) on the floor, but we don’t lean on it like our right hand, but we put it on the index finger, and not too close to the body - all this is necessary so that you transfer as little weight as possible to it. Thus, our left hand will serve as a support and to maintain general balance during push-ups. The main weight of the body will fall on the right hand. These are not yet push-ups on one hand, but they are no longer simple push-ups on two hands - this is a transitional version of push-ups.
Perhaps at first the index finger of the left hand will not be able to support part of the body weight - then place your left hand on two fingers (index and middle); if this is not enough, put it on five fingers and gradually remove one at a time.
Do these push-ups as many times as you can, first on your right hand, then on your left supporting hand. Try not to forget about the distribution of body weight - it should be on the supporting hand, the second hand serves only as support.
3) one-handed fist push-ups with support- the technique of execution is exactly the same as in previous push-ups, only the supporting hand is placed not on the palm, but on the fist. At the same time, the amplitude of push-ups will increase slightly.

Ab exercises
We won’t change anything much here - crunches and leg raises while lying down will be enough. The only thing is that you can make the exercises a little more difficult. For example:
1) Crunches on a high support- these are essentially ordinary twists (raising the body from a lying position, knees bent, hands behind the head, rising until the chest touches the knees). The only thing is that your feet are not on the floor, but on a high surface, for example on a sofa or chair. Thus, the load on the abdominal muscles increases.
2) Flexion. The exercise technique is as follows: lie on the floor, hands behind your head, legs extended, knees closed. We begin to raise the body, as in ordinary bends, and at the same time we begin to raise our legs (when lifting, we bend our legs at the knees - up to 45 degrees at the top point of the lift). It is necessary to touch your elbows to your knees at the top point of the lift, and lower to the starting position. It may be difficult to maintain your balance at first, but you will quickly get used to it.

Here we will do the same as push-ups - we will squat almost on one leg, the second is used for support and maintaining balance.
The technique is as follows: place your feet wider than your shoulders, and place your hands behind your head for convenience. Then we transfer all the weight to one leg, let it be, for example, the right leg. At the same time, we place our left foot on the toe. We begin to do squats, trying to ensure that almost all the weight falls on the right leg. When squats, do not move the knee of your right leg to the side! It must look forward. The back should be straight, you cannot hunch. We squat to the point where the thigh of the right leg is parallel to the floor.
Do the same exercise with weight transfer on your left leg. Take your time, watch your technique. You probably won't be able to do this exercise more than 15 times on each leg at first. But don't give up and it will bring great results!

Calf exercises
Here we will practically leave everything as it is - that is, raising one leg to the toe, the second leg in the air. Be sure to use a stand (a thick book under the ball of your toe) to increase the amplitude of the exercise.
Let's add one more exercise: jumping on one leg. Try to jump as high as possible (don't bend the knee of your supporting leg before jumping), but do not damage the Achilles tendon - do these jumps after calf raises so that the tendon is stretched and ready to work.

In this complex, pull-ups are considered one of the main exercises. Two types of pull-ups will be used.
1) Pull-ups with a regular grip - hands shoulder-width apart, pull yourself up until your chin touches the bar.
2) Variable wide grip pull-ups. Execution technique: straight grip wider than shoulders, pull up until your chin touches the bar, lower yourself down, and pull up until your back of your head touches the bar - try to touch the bar with your upper back. So we pull ourselves up alternately: touching with the chin - touching with the back of the head - touching with the chin - touching with the back of the head...
In total, for the daily complex you will have to do 50 pull-ups. If you get less, then after the complex it is advisable to “finish off” the number of pull-ups up to 50. For example, during the complex you did 32 pull-ups - after the complex, before they cool down, do 18 more. It doesn’t matter if it’s 3 times 6 , or 7+7+4 - the main thing is that the total number of pull-ups per day is at least 50.

Example of FRs complex No. 2:
1) Warm-up - 30 exercises of the 1st complex + 6 pull-ups.
2) 40 finger push-ups with arms wide apart; 40 crunches on a high support; 20 squats on one leg with support; 50 calf raises; 12 pull-ups.
3) 15 push-ups on one arm with support; 40 bends; 20 squats on one leg with support; 40 jumps on one leg; 10 wide grip variable pull-ups.
4) 15 push-ups on a fist of one hand with support; 40 crunches on a high support; 20 squats on one leg with support; 50 calf raises; 12 pull-ups.
5) 15 push-ups on one arm with support; 40 bends; 20 squats on one leg with support; 40 jumps on one leg; 10 wide grip variable pull-ups.

Complex No. 2 is considered developed,
if you are able to do in one approach:
- 30 push-ups on one arm with support (on each arm);
- 50 bends;
- 35-40 squats on one leg with support (on each leg).
- and also if you perform at least 50 pull-ups per complex.

This complex is considered quite difficult, so if you feel that you have overtrained, do fewer approaches, repetitions, or even complex No. 1. Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet so that the body can fully recover.
In addition to the complex, it is recommended to perform aerobic exercise - running/biking/swimming. Of course, the complex also develops the cardiovascular system, but not enough, so jogging 5-10 km / cycling / swimming in the pool or in reservoirs in the summer will greatly strengthen your body. In addition, thanks to complex No. 2, you will be able to show very good results in these sports, since you will already have a base in the form of developed muscles.

“Eleven” - straightening your right arm and simultaneously with turning your body to the left, move your arm to the side and back until it stops, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at your right hand (do not move your legs).

“Twelve” - turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.

“Thirteen” - sharply bend forward until your fingers touch the floor, palms back (do not bend your legs).

“Fourteen” - straighten up, raising your arms forward, move them to the sides and back until failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist.

“Fifteen” - sharply lean forward until your hands touch the floor, fingers clenched into a fist, palms back (do not bend your legs).

Exercise 2 Floor exercise set No. 2(Fig. 2).

Performed on 16 accounts.

“One-two” - forcefully pull your arms back to full strength, unclench your fingers, palms forward and, rising on your toes, slowly raise your arms to the sides, then up, palms inward, stretch, look up.

“Three” - lowering yourself onto both feet, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.

“Four” - make a wide lunge to the left with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides, palms down and turning the head to the left.

“Five” - push your left leg to your right, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.

“Six” - make a wide lunge to the right with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides, palms down and turning the head to the right.

“Seven” - push your right leg to your left, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, palms to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.

“Eight” - jump to stand with your legs apart in a wide step, arms up, palms together with a clap above your head, tilt your torso back.

“Nine” - sharply bend forward to failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).

“Ten” - without stopping, straighten up, raising your arms forward, turn your torso to the left and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides and back until they stop, palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist (do not move your legs).

“Eleven” - without stopping, turn your torso straight, join the palms of your hands and sharply bend forward until failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).

“Twelve” - without stopping, straighten up, raising your arms forward, turn your torso to the right and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides and back until they fail, palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist (do not move your legs).

“Thirteen” - without stopping, turn your torso straight, join the palms of your hands and sharply bend forward until failure, hands between your legs, palms together (do not bend your legs).

“Fourteen” - straightening up, jumping to bring your legs shoulder-width apart (feet parallel), squat to failure, arms forward, palms down.

“Fifteen” - jump with your legs apart in a wide step, arms up to the sides, palms inward.

“Sixteen” - jumping drill.

Exercise 3. Floor exercise set No. 3(Fig. 3).

Performed on 16 accounts.

The starting position is a combat stance.

“One-two” - rising on your toes, unclench your fingers and slowly raise your arms forward, then up to the sides, palms inward, look up, stretch.

“Three” - lowering your arms forward, take a crouching position, connect your knees and toes, palms parallel.

“Four” - push, straightening your legs back, take a lying position.

“Five” - bend your arms, raise your left leg to failure, turn your head to the left.

“Six” - straighten your arms, take a lying position, turn your head straight.

“Seven” - bend your arms, raise your right leg to failure, turn your head to the right.

“Eight” - straighten your arms, take a lying position, turn your head straight.

“Nine” - push your legs into a crouching position, connect your knees and toes, palms parallel.

“Ten” - straighten up with a jump and stand with your legs apart in a wide step, bend your arms behind your head, press your palms to the back of your head (right one on top), elbows to the sides and back until full, look straight.

“Eleven” - tilt your torso to the left (do not bend your legs).

“Twelve” - without stopping, tilt your torso to the right (do not bend your legs).

“Thirteen” - without stopping, straighten up and tilt your torso back, arms to the sides and back to failure, palms forward (do not bend your legs).

“Fourteen” - without stopping, tilt your torso forward until your fingers touch the ground with your palms back (do not bend your legs).

“Fifteen” - straightening up, perform a jump upward with your legs bent together, arms to the sides, palms forward and take the “Plank” position (half-squat position on both feet, heels together, toes and knees apart, arms forward to the sides, palms inward, look straight ).

“Sixteen” is a drill position.

Exercise 4. Pull-ups on the bar(Fig. 4).

Hanging with an overhand grip, bending your arms, pull yourself up (chin above the bar), straightening your arms, lower yourself into a hanging position. The hanging position is fixed.

Exercise 5. Raising legs to the bar(Figure 5).

Hanging with an overhand grip, raise your legs to the bar until they touch the bar and lower them down. The hanging position is fixed.

Exercise 6. Lifting by inversion on the crossbar(Fig. 6).

Hanging with an overhand grip, bending your arms, raise your legs to the bar and turn around the axis of the projectile to come out point-blank with your arms straight. The positions of the hang and support are fixed, lowering into the hang is performed in an arbitrary manner.

Slight bending and spreading of the legs, slight deviation of the body from a stationary hanging position are allowed.

Swinging movements are prohibited.

Exercise 7. Power lifting on the bar(Fig. 7).

Hanging with an overhand grip, bending your arms, place one bent arm at point-blank range, then the other; Continuing the movement, go straight to straight arms. The position of the hang and the stop are fixed; lowering into a hanging position is performed in an arbitrary manner.

Lifting by force with both arms, slight bending and spreading of the legs, and slight deviation of the body from a stationary hanging position are allowed.

Jerking and swinging movements are prohibited.

Exercise 8. Back swing dismount on the bar(Fig. 8).

For 1st year cadets of military educational institutions: rise with a coup, swing in an arc, dismount with a backward swing.

For 2nd year cadets of military educational institutions: hanging, swinging, lifting with a curtain of the right (left) outside, swinging the leg back to point-blank range, swinging in an arc, dismounting with a swing back.

For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions: hanging, swinging, kipping, turning back in support, swinging in an arc, jumping backwards (Fig. 8).

Slight bending and spreading of the legs, unstable landing are allowed.

Exercise 9. Bending and extending the arms in support on the uneven bars(Fig. 9).

Focus, bending your arms, lower yourself into emphasis on bent arms; straightening your arms, go point blank. The stop position is fixed; When lowering, the arms bend completely.

Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.

Swinging movements are prohibited.

Exercise 11. Forward swing dismount on uneven bars(Fig. 11).

For 1st year cadets of military educational institutions: emphasis on the hands, swinging, lifting with a forward swing into a sitting position with legs apart, swinging the legs inward and swinging back, swinging forward, dismounting to the right with a turn to the left, holding the pole with both hands.

For 2nd year cadets of military educational institutions: emphasis on hands, swinging, lifting with a forward swing into a squat with legs apart, grabbing hands forward, somersaulting forward into a squat with legs apart, swinging legs inward and swinging back, swinging forward, dismounting to the right with a turn to the left holding onto the pole with both hands.

For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions: emphasis on the hands, swinging, lifting the swing forward, swinging back, swinging forward into a sitting position with legs apart, intercepting the arms forward, forcefully standing on the shoulders (hold for 2 s), somersaulting forward in sitting legs apart, swinging legs inward and swinging back, swinging forward, dismounting to the right with a turn to the left, holding the pole with both hands (Fig. 11).

It is allowed to dismount with a forward swing in the other direction.

Exercise 13. Long jump over horse(Fig. 13). For cadets of military educational institutions. The height of the horse is 120 cm, the bridge is 10-15 cm high, it can be installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a running start, pushing with the legs from the bridge, reaching for the support with your arms, placing your hands on the far half of the horse, pushing off with your legs apart, arms up and to the sides, straightening up to land.

It is prohibited to overhand, push with one leg, or touch the mat with your hand(s) after landing.

Exercise 14. Jump with legs bent across a horse (goat) wide(Fig. 14). For cadets of military educational institutions. The height of the horse (goat) is 120 cm, the bridge is 10-15 cm high, it can be installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a running start, pushing with your feet from the bridge, reaching for the support with your hands, placing your hands on it, bending, bending your legs, until your feet pass the vertical, push off with your hands, straightening up to land.

It is prohibited to push with one leg or touch the mat with your hand(s) after landing.

Exercise 15. Bend the torso forward(Fig. 15).

Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs secured, tilt your torso forward until your elbows touch your knees, return to the starting position until your shoulder blades touch the floor. The exercise is performed for one minute.

Slight bending of the legs is allowed.

Exercise 16. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down(Fig. 16).

Lying support, straight torso, bend your arms until your chest touches the floor, straightening your arms to take a lying support position.

The exercise is performed without stopping.

Exercise 17. Forward somersault(Fig. 17).

Drill stance, crouched position, put your hands forward, tilting your head to your chest, push off with your feet and, grouping, roll forward into a crouched position, stand up.

Exercise 19. Turn to the side(Fig. 19).

Drilling stance, with a step of your feet, bend your torso, bending your left leg, place your left hand on the floor, with a swing of your right leg and a push of your left leg, consistently leaning on your hands, go through a handstand, legs apart. Alternately pushing off with your hands and lowering your legs, stand in a stance with your feet apart. The side turn is performed in both directions.

It is carried out in any room or on a flat area.

Exercise 21. Kettlebell Snatch(Fig. 21). The weight of the weight is 24 kg.

Stand - legs apart, grab the handle of the weight from above with one hand, consistently lift the weight up and lower it down without touching the floor, first with one hand, then without rest after changing hands - with the other. The position of the weight at the top is fixed on a straight arm, changing hands is carried out on the forward swing.

It is forbidden to rest in a position where the weight is lowered down, or to touch parts of the body with your free hand.

There are two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.

Exercise 23. Jumping on a trampoline(Fig. 23).

For 1st year cadets of military educational institutions training flight personnel: two main jumps, a belly jump, a main jump, a sit-up jump, a main jump, a jump with a 180° turn, a main jump, a tuck jump, two main jump.

For 2nd year cadets of military educational institutions training flight personnel: two basic jumps, a forward (backward) somersault, two basic jumps.

For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions training flight personnel: two main jumps, a belly jump, a main jump, a sit-up jump, a main jump, a jump with a 180° turn, a main jump, a tuck jump, main jump, forward (backward) somersault, two main jumps.

It is prohibited to jump off the trampoline net.

Basic jump

Jump on your stomach

Jump to the saddle

Rotate 180

Jump into factions

Forward somersault

Rice. 23. Trampoline

Exercise 24. Rotations on a stationary gymnastic wheel(Fig. 24).

Perform 10 rotations to the left and 10 rotations to the right. The exercise begins and ends at the moment of passing the vertical with your head up. The assessment is based on the total time spent on 20 revolutions, without turning off the stopwatch after completing the first 10 revolutions. It is allowed to start the exercise in any direction.

Exercise 25. Forward backward rotations with loping turns(Fig. 25).

4 series of 5 revolutions are performed, changing the direction of rotation after each series. The exercise begins and ends when the frame passes the upper vertical position. The number of swings during the exercise and between series is not limited.

The exercise is scored based on the amount of time spent completing 4 series.

148. Physical training manuals are allowed to include additional exercises that ensure the development of physical qualities in military personnel specific to their type and type of activity.

149. Prevention of injuries during gymnastics and athletic training classes is ensured by:

high discipline of military personnel;

compliance with the technique of performing physical exercises and good knowledge of self-insurance techniques;

compliance with teaching methods for gymnastic exercises and safety requirements;

reliable assistance and insurance when performing vaults and apparatus exercises;

checking the technical condition of projectiles (straps, carbines, locking devices, etc.);

checking the reliability of fastening the arms and legs when performing exercises on apparatus and simulators.

Hand to hand combat

150. Hand-to-hand combat classes are aimed at developing the skills necessary to destroy, incapacitate or capture an enemy, self-defense from his attack, as well as developing courage, determination and self-confidence.

151. Hand-to-hand combat classes are conducted in military (sports) uniform, testing only in military uniform:

when teaching combat techniques with weapons - on a special site equipped with stationary and portable stuffed animals, targets (braids), portable obstacles (walls, fences, front gardens, inconspicuous obstacles, etc.), trenches, communication passages, dugouts, staircases, house facades with windows, on tactical fields, in guard towns and on obstacle courses;

when learning unarmed fighting techniques - on a flat grassy area, a specially prepared pit with sand and sawdust, equipped with drainage, or in a gym (on a carpet of mats).

152. The preparatory part of the lesson is carried out with and without weapons. When conducting the preparatory part of a lesson with weapons, it includes: drill techniques, walking and running at different paces, dashes, crawling, performing techniques of preparing for combat and shooting offhand, actions on sudden commands and signals, hand-to-hand combat techniques with weapons, including and against targets (stuffed animals), sets of hand-to-hand combat techniques with a machine gun for 8 or more counts.

The preparatory part of the lesson, conducted without weapons, includes: drill techniques, walking and running at different paces, actions on sudden signals and commands, special movement exercises, sets of hand-to-hand combat techniques for 8 or more counts, exercises for two, hand-to-hand combat techniques and foot, self-insurance techniques, exercises in simple martial arts.

complex of techniques RB-N (initial) - for conscript military personnel, during the period of improving initial military training (for university cadets - during the period of combined arms training);

complex of techniques RB-1 (general) - for military personnel of all types and branches of the Armed Forces;

set of techniques RB-2 (special) - for military personnel of units and military units of the airborne troops, marines, motorized rifle units and military units, cadets and students of military educational institutions that train specialists for these units;

set of techniques RB-3 (special) - for military personnel of reconnaissance military units and units, cadets of military educational institutions training specialists for these military units and units.

Table 2

Conscripted military personnel during the period of improving initial military training (university cadets - during the period of combined arms training)

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Conscripted military personnel who served for less than 6 months.

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Conscripts who have served for 6 months. and more

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Contract military personnel who have served for less than 6 months.

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Contract military personnel who have served for less than 1 year (1st year university cadets)

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Contract military personnel who have served for 1 year or more (2nd year university cadets)

All types and branches of the Armed Forces

Contract military personnel who have served for 2 years or more (3rd-5th year university cadets)

All types and branches of the Russian Armed Forces

Airborne forces, marines, motorized rifle units

Personnel of reconnaissance units and units

154. The personnel of subunits and military units of the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, reconnaissance units and special forces units, along with RB-2 and RB-3 techniques, additionally study hand-to-hand combat techniques under special programs.

155. The main part of the lesson is organized at one or more training places. At the end of the main part of the lesson, comprehensive training is carried out, including in the form of training bouts.

156. The section “Hand-to-Hand Combat” includes the following exercises:

Exercise 26. Initial set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-N).

It includes the following techniques for fighting with a machine gun:

“A bayonet thrust (a poke with a barrel) without a lunge” – point the machine gun with the bayonet (barrel) at the target and hit the enemy with a shock movement of the hands, pull out the bayonet and prepare to fight on the spot or continue moving (Fig. 26).

"Butt strike from the side" – move the weapon with your right hand to the left, and with your left hand towards you, while simultaneously turning your torso to the left, strike with the corner of the butt. The blow can be delivered from a standing position or with a short step with the standing leg behind (Fig. 28).

144. Gymnastics and athletic training classes are aimed at developing agility, strength and power endurance, resistance to motion sickness and overload, spatial orientation, applied motor skills, cultivating courage and determination, and improving drill bearing.
145. Classes are held at gymnastics grounds, camps, in gyms or specially equipped rooms, on the decks of ships, at training complexes, and on the ground.
146. Gymnastics and athletic training classes include physical exercises on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, vaults, acrobatic exercises, exercises with weights, on simulators and multi-span apparatus, balance, climbing, outdoor games and relay races.
For military personnel and cadets of military educational institutions training flight personnel, physical exercises on a trampoline, a stationary gymnastic wheel, and acrobatic exercises are included.
147. The section “Gymnastics and athletic training” includes the following exercises:

Exercise 1. Floor exercise set No. 1 (Fig. 1).
Performed on 16 accounts.
a similar position is a combat stance.
“One-two” - rising on your toes, clench your fingers into a fist, slowly raise your arms forward, then up, palms inward, look up, stretch.
“Three” - lowering yourself onto both feet, bend your arms forcefully, press your elbows to your body, fists to your shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, look straight.
“Four” - straighten your arms up, fingers clenched into a fist, palms inward, bend over, look up.
“Five” - connecting your toes, squat to failure on both feet, knees together, palms on your hips, elbows to the sides.
“Six” - stand up (do not spread your toes), raising your arms forward, spread them to the sides and back until failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist, bend over.
“Seven” - squat to failure on both feet, palms on hips, elbows to the sides.
“Eight” - stand up with a jump, legs apart in a wide step, hands on your belt.
“Nine” - straightening your left arm and simultaneously with turning your body to the left, move your arm to the side and back until it stops, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at your left hand (do not move your legs).
“Ten” - turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.
“Eleven” - straightening your right arm and simultaneously with turning your body to the left, move your arm to the side and back until it stops, palm forward, fingers clenched into a fist, look at your right hand (do not move your legs).
“Twelve” - turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.
“Thirteen” - sharply bend forward until your fingers touch the floor, palms back (do not bend your legs).
“Fourteen” - straighten up, raising your arms forward, move them to the sides and back until failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement), palms forward, fingers clenched into a fist.
“Fifteen” - sharply bend forward until your hands touch the floor, fingers clenched into a fist, palms back (do not bend your legs). “Sixteen” - jump into a drill position.

Exercise 4. Raising legs to the bar

Hanging with an overhand grip; raise your legs to the bar until they touch the bar and lower them down. The hanging position is fixed.


2. Familiarization and learning of the floor exercise complex No. 2

Exercise 2. Floor exercise set No. 2

Performed on 16 accounts.

“One-two” - forcefully pull your shoulders and arms back as far as you can, turn your hands clenched into fists, palms forward and, rising on your toes, slowly raise your straight arms up to the sides, unclench your fists, stretch.

“Three” - lowering yourself onto both feet, bend your arms forcefully, pressing them to your body, fists to your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, look straight.

“Four” - make a wide lunge to the left with a sharp extension of the arms to the sides and turning the head to the left, unclench the fingers, palms down.

“Five” – push your left leg towards your right and forcefully bend your arms, pressing them to your body; fists to shoulders, shoulder blades close, look straight.

“Six” - make a wide lunge to the right with a sharp extension of your arms to the sides and turn your head to the right, unclench your fingers, palms down.

“Seven” - push your right leg towards your left and forcefully bend your arms, pressing them to your body, fists to your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, look straight.

“Eight” – jump with your legs apart in a wide step, arms up, palms together with a clap above your head, and tilt your torso back.

“Nine” – lean forward sharply, hands between your legs, do not bend your legs.

“Ten” – straighten up, raising your arms forward to shoulder height, turn your torso to the left and with a sharp movement spread your arms to the sides to the fullest extent, clench your fingers into a fist, palms forward, do not move your feet.

“Eleven” - without stopping, turn your torso to the right and repeat the forward bend, hands between your legs.

“Twelve” - without stopping, straighten up and repeat the same movement as on the count of “ten”, only with the body turning to the right.

“Thirteen” - without stopping, turn your torso to the left and repeat the forward bend, hands between your legs.

“Fourteen” – straightening up, jumping to bring your legs shoulder-width apart (put your feet parallel) and squat down to failure, arms forward, palms down, fingers unclenched.

“Fifteen” - jump with your legs apart in a wide step, arms up - to the sides with palms inward.

“Sixteen” – jump to join your legs, lower your arms and take a drill stance.

3. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar)

Exercise 3. Pull-ups on the bar

Hanging with an overhand grip; bending your arms, pull yourself up; straightening your arms, lower yourself into a hanging position. The hanging position is fixed; when pulling the chin above the bar of the bar.

Pull-ups are performed from a hanging position with straight arms using an overhand grip. It is necessary to pull yourself up so that your chin is higher than the bar; the movement is performed without jerking or swinging movements of the legs.

This exercise is quite simple and familiar to most military personnel. Therefore, it mainly requires the correct structure of training. If preliminary training is required, one lesson is held in which the exercise is performed with assistance (the soldier performing the exercise is supported by the lower leg and thigh by someone providing assistance).

It is advisable to carry out training in performing strength exercises on the crossbar using the repeated method or the maximum effort method. The number of repetitions of the exercise in one approach depends on the level of the current individual indicators of the student, which must be recorded by the commander.

Repeated training consists of repeating an exercise many times with equal power (the amount of effort should be no more than 60 percent of the maximum).

Training using the maximum effort method is carried out after 3-4 training sessions using the repeated method. In training, when the practitioner performs an exercise with maximum effort, it is sometimes advisable to provide assistance in the final stage of the approach in order to overcome the psychological barrier of a certain number of repetitions. You should not stop at achieving the regulatory requirements of the Manual on Physical Training. It is always necessary to create a reserve of motor abilities, guaranteeing the necessary level of preparedness.

The maximum effort method is characterized by performing exercises in which the soldier shows the maximum strength of which he is currently capable. Maximum effort refers to the maximum resistance training weight that a student can lift (perform) without significant emotional arousal. An example of the application of this method can be estimates and checks by the commander of the level of strength development (performing strength gymnastic exercises).

Standards for gymnastics and athletics


Exercise no.

Form No.

Units of measurement

Military personnel undergoing conscription military service who have served
less than 6 months

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, having served 6
months or more

on the crossbar

Number of times

4. Training of floor exercise complex No. 1

Exercise 1. Floor exercise set No. 1

Performed on 16 accounts.

The starting position is a combat stance.

“One-two” - rising on your toes, slowly raise your arms forward and then up; fingers clenched into a fist, palms inward, look up, stretch.

“Three” - lowering yourself onto both feet, bend your arms forcefully, pressing them to your body, fists to your shoulders, look straight.

“Four” – straighten your arms up, bend over, look up.

“Five” – connecting your toes, squat down to full on your entire foot, palms on your hips, elbows to the sides.

“Six” – straighten up, raising your arms forward and moving them to the sides and back until failure (with a jerk at the end of the movement); fingers clenched into a fist.

“Seven” – squat to failure on both feet, palms on hips, elbows to the sides.

“Eight” – stand up with a jump, legs apart in a wide step, hands on the belt.

“Nine” - straightening your left arm and moving it to the sides and all the way back (fingers clenched into a fist), at the same time turn your torso to the left, do not move your legs, look at your left hand.

“Ten” – turn your torso straight, hands on your belt.

“Eleven” - straightening your right arm and moving it to the side and back until it stops (fingers clenched into a fist), at the same time turn your torso to the right, do not move your legs, look at your right hand.

“Twelve” – turn your torso straight, hands on your waist

“Thirteen” - sharply lean forward until your hands touch the ground, legs straight.

“Fourteen” – straightening up, raise your arms forward and, moving them to the sides and back, bend over.

“Fifteen” – sharply lean forward until your hands touch the ground, legs straight.

“Sixteen” – straightening up, jumping to join your legs and take a combat stance.

The exercise is assessed:

  • “excellent” – if the exercise was performed as described, without errors, easily and confidently, minor errors were made during landing;
  • “good” - if the exercise was performed as described, but not confidently enough and with minor errors (incomplete range of motion, slight bending and spreading of the legs, slight bending of the arms and body);
  • “satisfactory” - if the exercise was performed as described, but uncertainly and with significant errors (insufficient range of motion, large flexion and extension of the legs, large flexion of the arms and body, a stop was made or unnecessary movements were added);
  • “unsatisfactory” – if the exercise is not completed or distorted (omission of an element).

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