Parent meeting Hello! Let's get to know each other." Parent meeting "getting to know the parents" An approximate outline of the story about the teacher

Going to school is a turning point in every child's life. The beginning of school education radically changes his whole way of life. The carelessness, carelessness, immersion in the game characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many requirements, responsibilities and restrictions.

First parent meeting.

Topic: Meet the Parents first grade students.


Improving the socio-pedagogical competence and culture of parents;

To acquaint parents with the psychological characteristics of a younger student;

To rally the team of parents for further joint work.

Good afternoon dear parents! Welcome to our school! I'm glad to see you at our first parent-teacher meeting. . I understand how exciting the moment your child enters school is for you. I heartily congratulate you and your children on this stage of growing up. My name is -----

I am very pleased to meet new students and their parents, but the moment of our meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you are worried, but, to be honest, I am too. Will we get an understanding? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first graders? It is on this that the success of our joint work depends.

From the first of September, everything will be different for your children: lessons, teacher, schoolmates. It is very important that at the same time you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. Learning means teaching yourself. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandparents study with children. He studies with his students and teacher. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and united.

Can you make a clap with one hand? Need a second hand. Clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one hand. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second hand (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. this implies learning success rule at school:

- only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in the upbringing and education of children.

Going to school is a turning point in every child's life. The beginning of school education radically changes his whole way of life. The carelessness, carelessness, immersion in the game characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many requirements, duties and restrictions: now the child must go to school every day, work systematically and hard, observe the daily routine, obey the various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the requirements of the teacher, to do in the lesson what is determined by the school curriculum, diligently do homework, achieve good results in academic work, etc.

In the same period of life, at the age of 6-7, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, and the social circle are transformed.

The child is not always well aware of his new position, but he certainly feels and experiences it: he is proud that he has become an adult, he is pleased with his new position. The child's experience of his new social status associated with the emergence of the "internal position of the schoolboy" (LI Bozhovich).

The presence of an "internal position of a schoolchild" is of great importance for a first-grader. It is she who helps the little student to overcome the vicissitudes of school life, to fulfill new duties. This is especially important at the first stages of schooling, when the educational material mastered by the child is objectively monotonous and not very interesting.

Parents play an invaluable role in maintaining the "internal position of a schoolchild" in a first grader. Their serious attitude to the child's school life, attention to his successes and failures, patience, obligatory encouragement of efforts and efforts, emotional support help the first grader to feel the significance of his activity, help to increase the child's self-esteem, his self-confidence.

New rules.

Numerous "possible", "impossible", "should", "should", "correct", "wrong" fall on the first grader like an avalanche. These rules are connected both with the organization of school life itself and with the inclusion of the child in a new educational activity for him.

Norms and rules sometimes go against the immediate desires and motivations of the child. These rules need to be adapted. Most of the first grade students are quite successful in this task. One can agree with the opinion of a number of psychologists that a healthy, inquisitive child who believes in himself and knows how to build relationships with other people is included in school life without serious problems.

However, the beginning of schooling is a major stress for every child. All children, along with overwhelming feelings of joy, delight or surprise about everything that happens at school, experience anxiety, confusion, tension. In first-graders in the first days (weeks) of attending school, the body's resistance decreases, sleep and appetite may be disturbed, the temperature rises, and chronic diseases become aggravated. Children, it would seem, act up for no reason, get annoyed, cry.

The period of adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, exists for all first graders. Only for some it lasts one month, for others - one quarter, for others - it stretches for the entire first academic year. Much here depends on individual characteristics the child himself, from the prerequisites he has for mastering educational activities.

The main task of parents:

Create a general attitude, a general position of the child in relation to school and learning. Such an attitude should make entering school a joyfully anticipated event, cause positive attitude to the upcoming study with other children at school and make the study itself a joyful and interesting activity.

The knowledge of first grade students is not evaluated in points, so instead of asking: “What mark did you get?” ask: “What was interesting about the lessons? Which of the guys did you meet? What did you eat in the cafeteria today?”; Praise your child for the smallest successes and achievements.

Successful studies largely depends on the effective cooperation of the family and the school, so be ready at any time to leave your affairs and take care of the child.

Games are used at the first parent meeting, when the teacher meets the parents and introduces them to each other. Can it be done traditional way(he is known to everyone), and if for a while we forget that we are adults, then ... play.

Name game. Participants take turns calling their names and characterizing themselves by the first letter of their name or, by agreement, by any letter, by all letters. For example, the name Olga is a dazzling smile, easy-going, vegetarian, blue-eyed ...

Name history. All participants in the meeting tell how they got their name and what it means. You can also talk about your last name. This is very interesting information not only for parents, but also for children.

My social role. The educator calls his name and his significant social role: "I am the educator." Then, in order, each parent names their social role.

Name letters. It is proposed to dream up what the letters of the names of the participants look like, what character they have, what color they are, “good” or “evil”, etc. You can use different approaches when analyzing the same letter, the more there are, the more interesting and the better the image of the person who presented his name is remembered. It is advisable to select a new image each time when repeating letters.

Bingo. A sheet of paper is divided into 8 10 parts. Each part contains a phrase. These phrases can be prepared in advance by the class teacher, or they can be compiled by the participants in the parent meeting themselves. Talking to each other, parents find among the participants in the meeting people who are somewhat similar to them. For example, “I was born in February”, “I love quiet evenings”, “I have a large collection of stamps”, “I like winter”, “I love the sea”, etc. Participants need to find as many people as possible who have similar qualities to them .

Favorite animals. Each participant draws or names his favorite animal and tells what attracts him to it, how it is connected with his character. You can accompany the situation with actions and movements characteristic of this animal.

Introducing yourself and your neighbor. Participants are divided into pairs. First, parents talk about themselves in pairs, then you need to create small groups and introduce each other. The one about whom they are talking, if necessary, supplements what has been said. The group then introduces its members to all parents.

Item of my childhood. Various objects are laid out on the table. It can be a ball, a doll, a note, etc. Everyone chooses for himself the subject that is associated with his childhood, and tells the corresponding episode from his life.

Movie I would like to make. Participants are invited to discuss which episode from their lives they would like to film, what genre of film they consider acceptable for this (popular science, documentary, fiction). Which directors and actors would they invite? Why?

introduction-introduction. Everyone should get to know their neighbor and introduce him to everyone. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to positive personal characteristics that could be of interest to all those present.

Neighbor view. Each parent chooses a mate from those present. Next comes the communication on the principle of a journalistic interview. The presentation of the neighbor takes place taking into account the regulations (1-2 minutes), the humorous component in the message is encouraged. At the end of the presentation, the winner pair is determined.

Hobby. Each participant draws a symbol of his hobby on paper. It is forbidden to talk while doing this. Participants must, using only a visual representation, find a partner, that is, someone who has similar interests to him. Next comes the presentation of each other with the determination of the accuracy of the match.

Let's tie knots. Participants are given threads 30-40 cm long. Parents tie their threads if they have something in common. It can be a professional aspect, family, external sign, favorite color, number of children, etc. As a result, one common thread is formed. Then each talks about what united them into a common system.

I feel good. Parents sit in a circle. The teacher stands in the center and says, “I like those who have bright eyes (or short haircuts, or those who wear glasses, etc.)”. Those to whom this sign is related get up from their seats and take chairs vacated by others. The teacher also participates in this game. The one who is left without a place continues the game.

Compliment. Participants become in a circle. Passing each other a pencil or pen, they say compliments or pleasant words, which most clearly represent the image of this person.

kind word. One of the parents sits on a chair in the center of the room, the others must say very quickly good words to his address. Who hesitated, he replaces the participant sitting on the chair. The game lasts 5-7 minutes.

We build squares. To play, you need a rope 7-8 m long, the ends of which are tied, and scarves to blindfold. 8 volunteers are invited. The teacher blindfolds them, they are placed in a circle and given a rope in their hands. Then they offer a task: disperse so that a square is formed. During the exercise, you can talk to each other, consult. The rest of the group watches in silence. At the end of the exercise, everyone discusses the actions that were done by the group. If desired, the exercise can be repeated.

Building a tower. To build a tower, take any items. It can be built from various boxes, plastic bottles, cocktail straws and other materials at hand. All participants of the parent meeting are divided into subgroups. Each receives the same number of items and the task of building the highest and most stable tower possible. When building, group members are prohibited from talking to each other. The winner will be the group whose tower is the tallest and strongest. The main goal of this game is to show how important it is to be able to negotiate without words when performing a common task.

Fauna. Each of the participants chooses which animal, bird, fish, plant he will try to depict with the help of gestures, facial expressions, movements. The group guesses who portrayed which creature and exchanges opinions.

Mimic. Parent meeting participants are divided into two teams. Each team in turn thinks of another phrase or proverb using facial expressions and gestures.

Gestures. One of the participants shows a gesture to his neighbor. He repeats the gesture shown and adds his own. The next participant repeats the previous two gestures and shows his own, etc.

sit on a chair like this how he sits: the chairman of the examination committee; a monkey mimicking someone present; trained dog; a bride at a wedding, etc. All these roles can be associated with the problem under discussion in order to focus on certain aspects in such a playful way.

Clap. The teacher sets the pace at which each participant clap their hands - in turn, one after the other and in the opposite direction. The main thing is not to lose pace. At the command of the teacher, the direction in which the claps are beaten off changes. You need to be able to figure out who should make the next clap. The exercise can be made more difficult by changing the rhythm, the strength of the clap, etc.

Talk. pronounce a short phrase from one word with different intonation: quietly, loudly, viciously, stuttering, gently, mournfully, with surprise, defiantly, intriguingly, etc.

Define a color. One of the parents leaves the room. In his absence, the rest choose one of the colors (red, blue, yellow, green or black). After the absentee returns, all participants in turn begin to show the intended color with the help of gestures, facial expressions, body movements. The participant must guess it.

A computer. All participants are given letters. At the command of the teacher, the participants line up in alphabetical order. The teacher calls a proverb, saying or line from a poem, and the participants “print” it, each slapping their own letter, punctuation mark. Everyone pauses together.

Voice acting. One team comes up with a situation and plays it without words. Another team must create a script for this "silent" scene. Then the second team plays their situation, and the first creates a scenario. At the end of the game there is an exchange of opinions.

Group mirror. Teachers hang a pre-designed poster on the wall and ask parents to introduce themselves one by one. Each parent briefly talks about himself, and teachers at this time record his personal data and hobbies on a poster (see table). The poster should be hung in the reception area for several days after the meeting so that each parent can refer to this information at any time. At follow-up meetings, parents can be encouraged to wear nameplates. Parents receive general information about those they meet. A variety of information can be entered in the column with the inscription "Most of all I like to do ...". relating both to the sphere of professional activity and concerning the personal interests of parents. Such an acquaintance procedure takes a little time and can be successfully used even in large groups. Since all information about the participants is recorded in writing, it can always be used at the right time.

Option: All parents write information about themselves on separate cards and stick them on a poster or display stand.

Family symbols. Teachers offer each parent to draw on a business card near the surname a drawing, image or symbol with which other participants could better remember the surname. During the task, parents can consult and help each other in drawing. After each participant draws his symbol (or during acquaintance, introducing himself), he explains what connection exists between the symbol he has drawn and his last name. This method contributes to the establishment of a favorable group psychological climate, which is very important at the first meeting, when some parents may experience a psychological barrier. Business Cards should be large enough. Drawings are made with a felt-tip pen so that they are clearly visible even from a long distance.

Parent meeting"Hello! Let's get to know each other."

Event duration : 60 min.

Meeting participants : parents, class teacher, subject teachers (optional).

Event type: first parent meeting in 5th grade.

Conduct form: informational and practical conversation.

Target:get to know the parents and create a mood for further cooperation between parents, class teacher and teachers.


1. Promote the process of active participation of parents in the life of the school and class.

2. To promote the establishment of a favorable psychological microclimate between parents, children and teachers.

3. Introduce parents to subject teachers who will work with children.

4. Hold parent committee elections.

Expected results.

The parent meeting will help create a positive attitude towards further work and cooperation with parents.

Time spending: at the beginning of the school year.

Equipment:multimedia projector, presentation, pens, note paper, drawings "Wish Tree", questions for the game "Introduction", business card template.

Preparatory work for the meeting:

1. The study of literature on the topic of the parent meeting.

2. Prepare a presentation about the teachers working in this class.

3. Before the meeting, prepare and give questionnaires to parents. (Parents should bring completed questionnaires to the meeting and give them to the class teacher).

4. Festive decoration of the classroom.

Assembly structure.


Activities, methods, techniques

Approximate duration of the stage

Organizational part

1.opening speech teachers.

2. Production of business cards.

2 minutes.

3 min.

Main part

3. Acquaintance with the class teacher.

4. Game "Acquaintance".

5. Presentation "Let's get acquainted" about the teachers of the class.

6. Problems and advice.

7. Game "Very good"

8. "Wish Tree".

9. Elections of the parent committee.

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.



10. The final word of the teacher.

"Clap your hands"!

5 minutes.

1. Introduction by the teacher.

Dear parents, hello! I I congratulate you on a joyful event! Your kids have grown up! They became students of the 5th grade and they begin a completely new, but interesting life. What will she be? This question worries now not only you, but also me, the class teacher of your children. How will relations develop between students, what difficulties will they have to face and how to make sure that these difficulties are less? As you can see, we have a problem with many unknowns. But before we start looking for solutions, let's get to know each other!

2. Making business cards.

I suggest you make a business card. This will help us get to know each other better and make it easier for us to communicate during the meeting. Let your business card reflect what you would like to hear about yourself, and the information about yourself that you consider important. Business card template and pens on tables. Parents are working on creating business cards.

And now we will define some rules that must be observed during our first conversation with you. We will not criticize anyone, and scold, evaluate and condemn. Our task today is to get to know each other and create an atmosphere of mutual disposition and trust.

3. Acquaintance with the class teacher.

So let's get to know each other! I'm your new class teacher. My name is…. Further story according to the plan.

Sample outline of the story.

1. Surname, name, patronymic.

2. Age.

3. Education, specialty.

5. Awards.

6. Marital status.

7. Features of character.

8. Requirements for parents and children.

9. You can contact me by phone _____ or email ___.

10. Personal website of the teacher.

Now it's time to get to know each other.

4. Game "Acquaintance".

Purpose of the game:reducing the level of emotional tension between the meeting participants and establishing contact; during the game, learn as much as possible about each other.

Rules of the game.All parents sit in a circle. The class teacher starts the game "Acquaintance". He stands in the center of the circle. Offers to swap places for all those who have a common feature. Name this feature. For example, "Change places those who have one child in the family." Everyone who matches this trait should switch places. In this case, the leader should try to have time to take one place from the free ones, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a place continues the game.

It is better to prepare leading questions in advance and write them on the cards. The facilitators draw a card and read the question. They can offer theirs.

Sample questions for the game. Swap those....

Who loves to sing.

- who plays sports.

- who knows how to sew and repair.

Who can play a musical instrument.

Who helps their children to do their homework.

Who loves New Year.

Who is ready to go on a hike with us.

Who is ready to help me in raising children.

Thank you for your work! So we got to know a little about each other.

5. Presentation "Let's get acquainted" about the teachers of the class.

And now let me introduce you to the teachers who will work with your children. The class teacher introduces those teachers who came to the meeting. Speech by teachers - subjects.

Introduce other teachers using the presentation.

Show presentation "Let's get acquainted" in which the class teacher talks about teachers.

An example outline of a story about a teacher.

1. Surname, name, patronymic.

2. Education, specialty.

4. How many years has he been working at the school.

5. Results of the work. Awards.

6. Requirements.

7. Photos.

6. Problems and advice.

Children's lives during the transition from elementary school changes in 5th grade. And these changes are very noticeable. A number of serious problems arise. I would like to immediately warn you about these changes.

Problem number 1 - new learning conditions.

In elementary school, one teacher constantly works with the child. Usually the teacher knows well what abilities children have and therefore can at any time help them understand a complex topic, support and encourage them in difficult situation. In addition, classes are held in the same room, and classmates are around. However, when moving to the middle link, the student is faced with the fact that everything familiar and understandable suddenly changes. New subjects appear and classes are held in separate rooms. Each subject is taught by a specific teacher. Where is the cabinet located? What is the teacher's name and what subject does he teach? All this must be remembered.

Problem number 2 - requirements for the student.

Different teachers have different requirements. Some of them asked to have a common notebook for class work, while others asked for a simple one. The geography teacher requires contour maps to be brought to each lesson. In literature lessons, the expression of one's own thoughts is more valued. In history lessons, students are required to document their performance. And all these new requirements must not only be remembered, but also tried to be observed.

Problem number 3 - the lack of constant control of the class teacher.

When students move to high school the class teacher cannot constantly monitor the students, their behavior, the preparation of homework, cannot fully organize their leisure after school. Therefore, fifth graders may get the impression that none of the teachers needs them. So, you can not do something, and perhaps no one will even notice it.

As you can see, dear parents, the problems are very serious. We will talk in more detail and detail at the next meetings. Now let me give you some advice. You will help your child if you follow these guidelines.

1. Show interest in the affairs of the child, communicate and discuss with him the results of the past school day.

2.Help me learn the names of new teachers.

3. Do not allow physical measures of influence.

4. Encourage the child, and not only for academic success.

5. Give the child independence in academic work.

6. Organize control of the child's learning activities.

7.Create conditions for the development of independence. A fifth grader must certainly have household chores for which he is responsible.

8. Since fifth graders strive to be the best, you need to support them. Do not humiliate or offend children. After all, it will be difficult to return, then love and respect for oneself.

7. The game "Very good."

And the first thing we will learn today is to support the wonderful aspiration that our children have. I know 42 ways to say the phrase "Very good." How much are you?

Parents offer a variety of options.

Sample answers.

You are on the right track now


You made it


This is good

I'm proud of what you did

You do it very well

I'm happy to see this work!

Good job

You are close to the truth

Congratulations! This is what you need!

I knew that you could do it

You are a fast learner

By doing this, you will succeed

I couldn't do better

This is the right way

Day by day you do it better

It's nice to see such smart kids.


Your brain worked great


You will succeed


This is wonderful work

You make it beautiful!

You're right!

How much you have done!

Keep it up!

Good girl!

I'm proud of you


Well done!

I like your thought process

I have never seen anything better

Significant breakthrough!

You are incredible today!

This is your victory

It's already a success

I'm really happy for you


Your work has brought me much joy.

I believe in you!

Well done parents! I am sure that now you will easily find the words in order to express gratitude to your child, to praise him for the work done.

8. "Wish Tree".

Wish tree.

Starting educational and educational work with children, I would like to consult with you, dear parents. On the tables you have pieces of paper on which a tree is drawn - the "Tree of Desires".

On each branch of the tree, you can write answers to the following questions.

1. What class activities can I help with?

2. What activities in the classroom must be carried out?

3. What were some interesting events in your school life?

4. What customs and traditions were there in your class that would be meaningful to today's students?

5. What issues of upbringing concern you?

Parents enter their answers and give them to the class teacher. Based on these records, it will be possible to plan the joint work of the class teacher, parents and students.

9. Election of the parent committee.

In order for our cooperation to be more productive and close, it is necessary to choose a parent committee for the class. Is there anyone who wants to? Your suggestions? Discussion. Vote.

Dear parents, thank you for coming to our first and not the last meeting. And if you have any questions, claims, wishes, if you need to consult with me, talk about the successes and failures of your child, I will be happy to help you. And now I will ask you to give me the questionnaires. For those who could not do this at home, I will ask you to stay and fill out"Questionnaire for parents" .This is very important information for me, it will help me in my work with children.

10. Reflection.

Can you make a clap with one hand? You're right. Not! This requires a second hand. After all, cotton is the result of the action of two palms. So, the teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second hand, that is, you, dear parents, the teacher is powerless. From here it can be deduced good rule: only together, all together, we will overcome the difficulties in raising and educating children. So let's all clap together. The teacher touches the palms of the parents with his palm. Then he proposes to end the meeting with applause. The class teacher starts clapping, followed by the parents, one by one.

Presentation template.


1. Derekleeva N.I. "Parent meetings grades 5-11", M., "VAKO", 2004

2. Aloeva M.A., Beisova V.E. Handbook of the class teacher. Grades 5-8”, Rostov n / a, Phoenix, 2005 (I give my heart to children).



Questionnaire for parents

1) Full name

Mother: ________________________________________________________________
2) Phones
home: _____________________________________________________________

e-mail ________________________________________________________________
3) Home address

4) Place of work, position, work phone
mothers: ________________________________________________________________
dads: ________________________________________________________________
5) The number of children in the family where they study: ________________________________________________________________

6) Education(higher, incomplete higher, secondary special, secondary, incomplete secondary):
mothers: _______________________________________________________________
dads: _______________________________________________________________
7) Social position(worker, employee, entrepreneur, student, pensioner, unemployed, disabled):

mother: ________________________________________________________________

dad: ________________________________________________________________
8) Social status(emphasize):

complete family, low-income families, large families, refugee families, families of Chernobyl liquidators, families with disabled children, single-parent families (single mothers, mother brings up children, father brings up children), live with relatives (under guardianship with allowance, under guardianship without payment allowances, without registration of guardianship)

9) Child's hobbies : ________________________________________________________________

10) Personal characteristics of the child ( isolation, leadership, anxiety, lack of independence, etc.): ________________________________________________________________

11) Additional information: ________________________________________________________________

Parent meeting of future first graders 2013-2014 G.

Let's bring up together

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count.

To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.”

Wenger L.A.

The purpose of the parent meeting:

Creation of conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing a child for school.


  1. Introduce parents to each other.
  1. To acquaint with the difficulties of adapting the child to school and give recommendations on this topic.
  1. arm practical advice and advice on how to prepare your child for school.

Proceedings of the meeting

(Parents before the start of the meeting take tokens of a certain color and sit in groups by color.)

  1. Registering parents, greeting, introducing yourself, taking minutes.

Hello. I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students. Today, not only you are worried, but, to be honest, I am too. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first graders? It is on this that the success of our joint work depends. I'm glad for all of you. In order for us to be comfortable together, let's get to know each other a little. Let's start with me, my name is Lyudmila Lyudvikovna, I'm 27 years old. I have a higher pedagogical education, I graduated from the Pedagogical College No. 1 named after K.D. Ushinsky, Moscow City Pedagogical University. Work experience for 5 years, I worked at an advanced school of Progymnasium 1709 in the North-East Administrative District, in connection with the transfer, I came to this school.

Now it's your turn. Each of you say to your group neighbors what your name is and write on one flower petal how best to address you(by name, by name and patronymic.)

(There is a flower cut out of paper on the tables in groups.)

Very well. We got to know each other a little.

From the first of September, everything will be different for your children: lessons, teacher, schoolmates. It is very important that at the same time you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn. Learning means teaching yourself. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandparents study with children. He studies with his students and teacher. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and united.

Can you make a clap with one hand? Need a second hand. Clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one hand. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second hand (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. From this we can deduce the first rule:

Only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in raising and educating children.

Take everything by flower. Color them.(On the tables are the same flowers in size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.)Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color, shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two absolutely identical flowers?(Not.) We are adults UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS, we do everything differently. Hence our second rule:

Never compare your child to others! There is no one or something better or worse. There is OTHER! We will compare, but only these will be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.

Success is every step a student takes on the path to new achievements. And in order for you to see the achievements of your children, there is a portfolio. This portfolio will contain the best works, diplomas, etc. Therefore, it will be necessary to buy folders for each student (but I think that we’d better do this centrally)

Our school leads an active lifestyle: there are many events, holidays, excursions, olympiads, I suggest that we start a book “Photochronicle of our class” Maybe someone has the opportunity to photograph our life, print these photos, thereby creating this book? The first such holiday is September 1st. Please think about this question.

The life of the class is built not only on learning, but also on joint collective affairs. Now think in groups, consult and decide what events, holidays together with you we could spend in the first class. Maybe someone can organize a holiday, a trip, an event. Write your joint sentences in the middle of the flower.(Parents fill the flower.)

Our school, as you know, works according to the educational program "School of Russia". For the successful education of your children, you will need to purchase copybooks, workbooks and additional aids (again, I think that all this should be done centrally). Our class is not equipped with anything in terms of visual aids, so I will ask you to buy if possible. The classroom will have to be renovated, so at the end of August, before the start of the school year, it will be necessary to put the class in order, I hope I can count on you.

I think it's time to move on to another issue, this is the choice of the parent committee and decide together on centralized purchases teaching aids, stationery, etc. Is there anyone????

And finally, I have prepared a letter with an assignment for my future students, please pass it on to them and help them familiarize themselves with its contents.

You can use e-mail to contact me

If you have no questions for me, thank you for your active participation in the meeting and wish you success in raising children.

List of office supplies

  1. handles blue, green, simple pencils, rulers - 5 pieces each, colored pencils - 2 sets
  2. badges - 25 pcs
  3. checkered notebooks - 60 pcs
  4. notebooks in a narrow oblique line - 60 pcs
  5. checkered notebooks 48 l - 25 pcs
  6. counting sticks
  7. hard cover diaries
  8. coasters for textbooks
  9. pen holders (hedgehogs)
  10. covers for all notebooks, textbooks
  11. notebook for writing vocabulary words
  12. certificates for first graders
  13. A4 paper - 2 packs
  14. chalk, magnets
  15. drawing paper - 5 pcs
  16. decoration for class on september 1

List of educational literature

  1. Recipe k1 class in 4 parts Goretsky V. G. Fedosova N. A
  2. Literacy: A Visual Aid Grade 1 Ignatieva T.V. Tarasova L.E
  3. Russian language Workbook 1st grade Kanakina V.P.
  4. Russian language tests Grade 1 in 2 parts of the Federal State Educational Standard Tikhomirova E
  5. Mathematics Workbook in 2 parts Moro M.I. Volkova S.I
  6. Mathematician: visual aid: Grade 1 Moro M.I.
  7. Mathematics: Numbers from 1 to 10: Grade 1 Buka T.B.
  8. Mathematics and design Grade 1 Volkova S.I. Pchelkina O.L.
  9. The world Workbook in 2 parts Pleshakov A.A.
  10. tests on the subject "The world around us" Grade 1 in 2 parts to Pleshakov's textbook GEF
  11. Atlas-determinant "From earth to sky" for elementary school Pleshakov A.A.
  12. World around 1st grade A set of demonstration tables for Pleshakov's textbook

It's still four months before school. How and what to pay attention to when preparing a child for school?


It is absolutely not necessary to be able to count up to 100, but this, by and large, is not particularly difficult. It is much more important that the child be guided within a dozen, that is, count backwards, be able to compare numbers, understand which is more, which is less. He was well oriented in space: above, below, left, right, between, in front, behind, etc. The better he knows this, the easier it will be for him to study at school. So that he does not forget the numbers, write them down. If you don’t have a pencil and paper at hand, it doesn’t matter, write them with a stick on the ground, spread them out of pebbles. There is plenty of counting material around, so in between times count cones, birds, trees. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example: three sparrows and four titmouse are sitting on a tree. How many birds are on the tree? The child should be able to listen to the condition of the problem.


By the first grade, usually many children already read, at the very least, so you can play sounds with a preschooler: let him name the surrounding objects that begin with a certain sound, or come up with words in which a given letter should occur. You can play a broken phone and decompose the word into sounds. And of course, don't forget to read. Choose a book with a fascinating plot so that the child wants to know what's next. Let him read simple phrases himself.


When discussing what you read, teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, otherwise he will have problems with verbal answers. When you ask him about something, do not be content with the answer "yes" or "no", specify why he thinks so, help bring your thought to the end. Learn to consistently talk about past events and analyze them. Offer a company of his peers to play. For example: the guys think of some object and take turns describing it to the leader, without naming the intended word. The task of the driver is to guess this word. Those who guessed the word should describe the hidden object as clearly as possible. You can play antonyms with the ball. “Black” - you throw the ball to him, “white” - the child throws you back. In the same way, play edible-inedible, animate-inanimate.


Many parents think that the more words a child knows, the more developed he is. But it is not so. Now children are literally "bathing" in the flow of information, their vocabulary is increasing, but it is important how they dispose of them. It’s great if a child can screw in a difficult word to the place, but at the same time he must know the most elementary things about himself, about his people and about the world around him: his address (separating the concepts of “country”, “city”, “street”) and not only the names of dad and mom, but also their patronymic and place of work. By the age of 7, a child may well already understand, for example, that a grandmother is her mother's or father's mother. But, most importantly, remember: after all, a child goes to school not only to demonstrate his knowledge, but also to learn.

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