The sneaker's secret is why they see different colors. What color are the sneakers pink or gray? It's not that simple! Plays a role, age, gender, profession and even phone number


More than two years have passed since a dress of a strange color appeared on the Internet, which caused a huge amount of controversy and gossip.

And now users of the World Wide Web are arguing about what color this pair of sneakers is.

Initially, one of the users posted a photo with sneakers on his page on the social network Twitter, then the photo spread throughout the Internet.

Optical illusion

So take a look at this photo. What color are the sneakers?

Some claim that the sneakers in the picture are gray with blue (or menthol) laces. Others claim that this is a pink pair of shoes with white laces.

Briton Nicole Coulthard put on public display a photo of Vans sneakers that one of her friends sent her.

The catch is that she still can’t figure out what color these sneakers are – gray with mint blue laces or pinkish with white.

The girl herself claims that the shoes are pink. However, she wanted to know what Facebook users thought. Nicole posted a photo and asked what people thought of her.

“Guys, what do you see in the photo? Please confirm that the color of the sneakers is pink and white,” Nicole captioned the photo.

The girl said that her friend bought the shoes some time ago and sent a photo to her mother. To which she confidently stated that “blue suits her.”

Optical illusion trick

“My friend retorted that the sneakers were pink. But when she looked closely at the photo, she also saw that they were blue. How can this be? After all, she definitely bought pink ones!” – Nicole continues her story.

Do you still remember the madness of 2015 when everyone on the net was arguing about what color the dress was? He was replaced by a new sower of chaos. Now people are wondering about the color of the sneakers!

Many users social networks we missed the riddles and rushed to discuss what color the sneakers in the photo were – gray and mint or pink and white. While part of the Internet population was arguing with foam at the mouth, the other (boring) half resorted to common sense. People began to argue that Vans does not make mint gray sneakers, so the photo was most likely manipulated or taken in the wrong lighting.

The mystery was resolved fairly quickly, and hopefully no one's relationships were damaged. The girl with the nickname Alisha, who posted the now viral photo in a new post, announced that in fact the sneakers are really pink with white laces. She confirmed that everything depends on the light! However, this discovery does not change what some people have seen pink color and in the picture with changed lighting...

It's really all about the play of light and the peculiarities of ours. Let's remember this until the next such stuffing!


The transition week between 2019 and 2020 finally gives us the opportunity to relax a little and take a break not only from work, but also from astrological events. Last week there was the Winter Solstice, Eclipse, New Moon and now, charged with the energy of these events, our actions and thoughts, we are moving into 2020. Let go of all grievances, this is very important on an energetic level. Give thanks for the meetings, mistakes, gifts and lessons that the year has brought you. And make your wildest wishes - they will come true! I don’t recommend writing them down and then burning them and eating them; it’s better to write them in your new diary or on a separate sheet of paper, and at the end of next year burn them and wash them off with water. Or keep it as a keepsake. Wishing you the brightest and most sincere happiness in the New Year!

You will learn how to spend the transition week between 2019 and 2020 from the Lunar calendar.

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Which seemed white and gold to some, and blue and black to others, as a new controversy began on social networks. Briton Nicole Coulthard posted in Facebook a photograph of Vans sneakers and said that she and her friend saw the color of shoes differently: one sneaker was gray with turquoise laces, and the other was pink with white.

In the editorial office of The Village, ten people voted for gray, and only three saw pink. For some, the color of their shoes changed by the end of the day. In fact, the sneakers turned out to be pink.

To stop the debate, we talked to an ophthalmologist, a psychologist and an artist and figured out why people see colors differently and what influences this.

Svetlana Snytko

General Director of the Center for Therapeutic Ophthalmology, ophthalmologist

The reason for different perceptions of colors is impaired color vision. These violations can be established using Rabkin tables . Color perception depends on visual pigment; this indicator is most often congenital, but can also be acquired - after injury or neuritis.

Rabkin's polychromatic tables are used to identify color blindness. According to the degree of color perception, they are distinguished: trichromantics (normal), protoanopes (people with impaired perception in the red spectrum) and deuteranopes (people with impaired color perception of green).

Sergei Klyuchnikov

psychologist, director of the center for practical psychology

The perception of color is influenced by living conditions, the state of a person in at the moment, professional training and general condition of the visual organs. Physiological causes include visual defects, such as color blindness, as well as situational mood. In a gloomy mood, a person reacts to dark shades, and in a positive mood, the picture for him becomes sunny and cleaner.

Sophistication in identifying colors also plays a role. This aspect may be related to natural conditions or special training. Northern peoples who live in Chukotka or Alaska distinguish much more colors of snow, since the success of hunting and survival depend on this. Professional education also plays a role: artists have a sharper palette of perception.

It is enough for an ordinary person to see approximately, and he already draws a conclusion about the picture. Due to the visual culture that has now befallen us, the array of color information, people no longer recognize shades, they define them rather by shape. Color has ceased to be an indicator in our conditions.

Mikhail Levin

artist, curator of the Pre-foundation Art & Design and Contemporary Art programs at the British Higher School of Design

From the point of view of emotional perception of color, it is influenced by cultural background, social status, and upbringing of color vision. People associated with creative activities are distinguished by their observation of colors. When a person is constantly in contact with this, he sees color more sensitively and deeply and places accents more strongly.

In order for a color to be perceived calmer or, conversely, to cause an emotional outburst, a certain harmony of colors is created. And this combination can just influence perception. The same red can be perceived differently depending on the color around it. There are scientific works by Joseph Albert about tools for influencing the perception of colors.

Perception also varies depending on the conditions and location. This is why artists always work in daylight - colors are perceived better in a natural environment.

These experiments with a dress and sneakers look like some kind of illusory trick. I think this is because the image is shown digitally. The human eye reacts differently to images on the screen. There are settings that you can use to adjust color rendering. For some, it is more suitable when the color is more saturated, but for others, high contrast begins to hurt the eye.

Again, about cultural perception: a parallel can be drawn with. For a person raised in Japanese culture, a riot of color is typical, but for a European it is not. Many of my students complain about this exhibition as a painful experience: some even get headaches. We are simply not used to perceiving such intensity of colors.

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