Lessons on speed reading and memorization techniques. How to master the technique of fast reading with a high level of memorization. Vertical eye movement

Russia, Moscow

Fast reading and memorization technique

5 important rules for quick reading

Rule #1. For the first time, a text of any difficulty level must be read in one go. You can’t look back through a text you’ve already read. Returning to the text and comprehending what has been read occurs only after the first reading without regression.

Rule No. 2. Use a reading algorithm that allows you to get the most information after the first reading. Read the title and author first. Understand and read the title of the source and the data from it. Understand the core problem. Extract facts for later reflection.

Think about the features of the material, treat it critically. Identify what is new in what you read.

Rule #3. For further comprehension, use an algorithm consisting of three blocks. The first block is keywords, the second is a semantic series, and the third is dominant information, the main semantic part.

Rule No. 4. Read without articulation. This will help you speed up your mental processing of information.

Rule No. 5. Concentrate. Develop peripheral vision and memory.

Read without regression: how and why?

Regressions– these are return movements of the eyeballs with the aim of re-reading a previously viewed text. This is the most common drawback found in people mastering speed reading techniques. The number of regressions can be around 5% of returns per 200 words. This significantly reduces the speed and quality of reading.

The speed of reading and its technique should be subordinated solely to those goals, objectives and guidelines that the reader himself sets for himself.

Regression occurs in readers due to habit or low level of concentration. Often you can get rid of regressions with the help of internal attitudes and concentration.

However, in special cases You can resort to autogenic training methods.

Getting rid of regressions instantly increases reading speed several times.

Reading without articulation: difficulties and features

Articulation– these are movements of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, contraction of the vocal cords, larynx). Articulation can occur silently.

Reading a text to yourself is often accompanied by silent pronunciation of what you read. This also significantly affects the decrease in reading speed and occurs due to the fact that a person reads not with his eyes, but with his larynx.

Thus, reading speed is limited by “speech tongue twister” - the speed of oral speech when a person speaks very quickly.

Inner speaking - certain type mental articulation. Only by completely getting rid of all types of articulation (reading aloud, silent articulation, internal pronunciation) can you get closer to successful speed reading.

To begin with, you can use the “knock-rhythm” method (tapping the reading tempo with your index finger). To suppress external articulation, you can press your finger to your lips while reading.

Increasing your reading speed will also eliminate pronunciation. The more information the brain needs to process, the less time it will have for “extra” actions. Including articulation.

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Reception: what is it?

Reception– reasonable returns to the text already read. Following the first rule of quick reading, it is necessary to resort to reception only after the first, without regressive, reading of the text.

The purpose of this process is to comprehend the difficulties encountered in the text during the first reading. The need for it arises when thoughts, ideas or questions arise caused by the text.

Why constantly develop attention and memory?

Attention is the most important catalyst in the reading process. In moments of distracted attention, large fragments of text are read mechanically. This seriously affects overall reading comprehension and contributes to frequent regressions.

Concentration of attention contributes to a more complete and rapid understanding of the text read, which significantly reduces the number of regressions and receptions.

Attention is characterized by several factors: concentration, stability, switching, distribution, volume.

– the level of composure and concentration of the reader on reading.

Sustainability determines how long the reader can concentrate his attention on reading.

Factor switching attention determines how quickly a person can change the object of concentration of attention, transfer it from one area of ​​activity to another.

Actually attention span determined by the number of objects captured by a person’s attention upon rapid presentation.

It is necessary to comply with the mandatory norm daily.

The generally accepted norm for most speed reading techniques is: two to three newspapers, one magazine (preferably technical or scientific) and 100–150 pages of any book.

The study and application of speed reading techniques is carried out due to its influence on various aspects of human psychophysical activity.

Diligence and regularity are the key to quickly mastering speed reading techniques.

Memorizing while speed reading: is it real?

Scientists, during a series of experiments, have proven that fast reading significantly activates thinking processes and is one of the progressive means of improving the quality of the educational process.

Refusal of regressive (slow) reading helps to increase the ratio of understood and assimilated information in relation to the number of characters read during the first reading.

How to give yourself the mindset to remember?

You need to give yourself a command to remember and get as ready for work as possible. First you need to assess the complexity and volume of the upcoming information.

Concentrate on the required reading speed. Estimate the approximate amount of time needed to thoroughly assimilate the material. At this time, it is necessary to allocate a period for memorization and part of the time for repetition.

The best setting is to self-monitor the quality of the material you read. You can use the method of listening or retelling the studied material.

Memory technology

The figurative grouping technique works great. Its essence is to highlight seven main semantic blocks (key ideas) in the text. For each selected block, you need to create a mental image, a key picture.

Each picture should contain no more than seven key details. The selected images should be bright, voluminous and easy to remember.

For 10–20 seconds you need to fix the images in short-term memory. This is necessary in order to transfer them to the archive long-term memory. After these manipulations, the keyword will call up a picture, and it will pull with it a semantic segment of the text read.

Effective exercises for mastering speed reading techniques

Shooting method

The text must be viewed within 30 seconds. After this, you need to form mental answers to 3 questions:

  • What three facts were most memorable?
  • what needs to be clarified?
  • Where are the main ideas in the text?
  • How can you briefly express the ideas of the text?

The process of viewing the text is repeated 4 times.

Each time, after viewing, it is necessary to present the facts of the studied text in the form of plot images and images. It is necessary to clearly highlight the novelty of the information received after each viewing.

Speed ​​reading techniques of famous people

Most of the great politicians and creators were fluent in the technique of speed reading.

  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin read more than 2500 words per minute. It was in this that the secret of the leader’s enormous amount of knowledge and skills was hidden.
  • Joseph Stalin owned an outstanding library and read at least 500 pages every day. He used colored pencils to highlight key words and ideas in the text. Several in one reading session.
  • Raymond Lullia invented the first speed reading techniques, which were later perfectly mastered by Alexander Pushkin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John Kennedy and others.

Whether you're reading a textbook in a philosophy seminar or reading the morning newspaper, reading may seem tiresome. Learn speed reading techniques to complete this task much faster. Speed ​​reading will worsen your understanding of the material, but with proper practice you can partially overcome this defect.


Part 1

Learn to read faster

    Stop saying words to yourself. Almost every reader mentally pronounces the text (subvocalization) or is distracted by repeating the word. This helps the reader remember the terms, but also slows down the reading speed. Here are some ways to minimize this habit:

    Cover the words you have already read. When reading, your eyes often return to the words you've already read. Basically, these are short-term movements that do not improve understanding in any way. Use a bookmark to cover words after reading them, breaking yourself of this habit.

    • These "backslides" also occur when you fail to understand the material. If your eyes jump back a few words or lines, it's a sign that you need to slow down.
  1. Let's move on to eye movement. As you read, your eyes move in jerks, stopping on some words and skipping others. Reading only happens when your eyes stop. If you reduce the number of movements per line of text, you will learn to read much faster. But be careful—studies have been done that reveal the limit to what a reader can see at one time:

    • You can read eight letters to the right of your eye position, but only four to the left. This is about two or three words at a time.
    • You notice letters 9-15 spaces to the right, but are unable to read them.
    • Ordinary readers cannot read the words on other lines. Learning to skip lines and still understand the material is extremely difficult.
  2. Reduce the amount of movement your eyes make. Typically, your brain decides where to move your eyes based on how long or familiar the next word is. You'll be able to read faster if you train your eyes to go to specific places on the page instead. Try the following exercise:

    • Take a bookmark and place it above a line of text.
    • Draw an "X" on the bookmark above the first word.
    • Draw another X on the same line. Place it three words further for good understanding, five words for simple texts and seven words for skimming key points.
    • Continue drawing X's at the same spacing until you reach the end of the line.
    • Try to read the line as quickly as possible, lowering the bookmark down and concentrating only on the text under each “X”.
  3. Read faster than you can understand the text. Many programs are built on the principle of increasing reading speed using reflexes, so that the brain gradually learns to adapt to the new pace. This method has not been thoroughly studied. Your speed of moving through the text will undoubtedly increase, but you will understand little or nothing. Try this method if you're looking to achieve maximum reading speed, and hope that a few days of practice will help you understand the material better. Here's how to do it:

    • Follow the text with a pencil. Come up with a phrase that will take you exactly one line of text to pronounce at a calm pace.
    • Try reading for two minutes at the speed of a pencil. Even if you don't understand anything, concentrate on the text and keep your eyes open for a full two minutes.
    • Rest for a minute and then speed up. Now try reading for three minutes, but now the pencil should cross two lines while you pronounce the phrase.
  4. Use speed reading programs. If the above methods do not help you achieve your goal, try rapid sequential visual presentation. In this technique, a phone app or computer program displays text one word at a time. This allows you to choose any reading speed. But don't increase the speed too high, otherwise you won't be able to remember most of the words. This method is useful for quickly browsing the news, but not while studying or reading for pleasure.

    Part 2

    Quickly view text
    1. Know when a quick review is warranted. This reading method can be used for general familiarization with the text without deep understanding. You can quickly skim through a newspaper to find an interesting article or identify key points while reviewing your textbook before a test. A quick glance does not replace a full reading.

      Read titles and section headings. Read only the chapter titles and any subheadings at the beginning of large sections. Read the titles of all news articles or contents in the magazine.

      Read the beginning and end of the section. All paragraphs in textbooks usually contain an introduction and conclusions. For other types of text, read the first and last paragraph of the chapter or article.

      • Read faster if you are familiar with the topic, but don't try to beat yourself. You will save yourself time by scrolling through unnecessary text, but it is still important to understand the meaning of what you read.
    2. Circle the important words in the text. If you want to learn more, then instead of just reading, quickly skim through the text with your eyes. Now that you've got the hang of the section, you'll be able to highlight key words and highlight important areas. Stop and highlight the following words:

      • Words that are repeated several times
      • Main ideas – often include words from the title or section title
      • Proper names
      • Italic, bold text, or underline
      • Unfamiliar words
    3. Study the pictures and diagrams. You can get most of the information from them without having to read mountains of text. Spend 1-2 minutes studying each diagram in detail.

      If you get confused, read the first sentence of each paragraph. If you are confused by the material, read the beginning of each paragraph. The first sentence or two will remind you of the main points.

      Use your notes. Go back and look at the words you circled. Can you get a general understanding of the material after reading it? If you get stuck on a certain word, try reading a few sentences around that word to remind yourself of the topic. As you do so, circle the additional words.

    Part 3

    Reading speed determination
    • At some point, reading quickly will cause you to stop absorbing information or remember it worse.
    • Don't trust products designed to teach you speed reading. Many of the tips in this article are the same as the teaching methods.

Speed ​​reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster Peter Kamp

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Title: Speed ​​Reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster
Author: Peter Kamp
Year: 1979
Genre: Self-improvement, Foreign business literature, Foreign applied and popular science literature

About the book “Speed ​​Reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster" Peter Kamp

Peter Kamp has been a speed reading teacher since 1966 and one of America's foremost researchers in the field of dynamic reading. He taught speed reading to White House employees, employees of many large firms and interested people.

In the age of information technology, where the success of any person has become directly dependent on how productively and quickly he can receive and analyze information, an assistant book simply had to appear, designed to save those “drowning” in a sea of ​​information.

“Speed ​​reading. How to Remember More by Reading 8 Times Faster” by Peter Kamp has become such a lifeline. It took the author about four years of research and development to create self-study methods that allow you to study independently as optimally and effectively as with the help of a teacher. The book contains all the scientific works ever written in this area.

In the self-teaching book “Speed ​​Reading,” Kamp takes as a basis the research techniques of Evelyn Wood’s school of dynamic reading, and also shares his knowledge and many years of experience in teaching speed reading to both children and adults.

Kamp explains the features of his system unobtrusively and clearly. Explains in detail what changes should be observed in students during the training process.

“Speed ​​Reading” consists of 36 chapters, which are structured according to the principle - from simple to complex. All lessons are thought out in detail. After presenting the theoretical material, we present practical tasks With detailed instructions on implementation. Also in the book is large number illustrations for examples, which undoubtedly inspires the reader for subsequent studies.

The essence of the main teaching method of this book is the approach to reading with the help of the hand. And also in calculating reading speed. If in the usual approach to reading a person assembles a word from letters, then a “speed reader” usually collects information from a group of words located on different lines. Kamp takes the average number of words per line and correlates it with the number of lines on the page. And such a skill can be acquired through training alone.

The author describes in detail the capabilities of all high-speed stages and the amount of work to be done. The method is incredibly good, both for those who are just starting their journey in speed reading, and for those who have already achieved good results, but want to achieve even more.

It is difficult to disagree with the author that speed reading is really in the best possible way acquire free time for pleasant activities and all sorts of important matters. And the self-instruction book by Peter Kamp “Speed ​​Reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster" will tell you in detail about this!

Published in Russian for the first time.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Speed ​​reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster" by Peter Kamp in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Speed ​​Reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster" Peter Kamp

To get the most out of this book and improve your skill at the fastest rate, I suggest you work through no more than one chapter per set, ideally one per day.

In the beginning, since the first sentence usually gives us an idea of ​​the content of the entire paragraph, we begin by reading the first line of the paragraph using an emphatic hand motion, then move down three or four lines and move in a circular motion through the rest of the text.

First: how significant is the material I'm reading, overall? Once you answer this question, try to narrow your goal even further by answering the second one.
Second: What do I want or need to remember (as specifically as possible) from the material I am about to read?

This chapter will be written using the same formula: first introducing the main idea, then developing it, and then concluding. Subsequent chapters, each with its own main idea and structured in the same way, will be integral parts of the development of the main idea of ​​the entire book. And in the final chapter, or epilogue, all the main ideas of the author are usually brought together.

This is what usually happens. In fact, 95% of paragraphs state the topic in the first sentence.

The purpose of dividing text into paragraphs is to structure it by combining a group of sentences into a single semantic block. Therefore, all phrases in one paragraph must relate to the same topic.

To use your hand to increase your reading speed, first extend your index finger as shown in Fig. 2. Then move your fingertip along each line of text you're reading under the word line. When your finger reaches the end of the line, lift it about an inch, quickly move it to the next line and start the process again.

Peter Kamp

Speed ​​reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster

Peter Kump

Breakthrough Rapid Reading

Published with permission of Prentice Hall Press, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. and Andrew Nurnberg Literary Agency

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 1999

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. This edition is published by arrangement with the Prentice Hall Press, a member of Penguin Group LLC, A Penguin Random House Company

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

* * *

This book is well complemented by:

Speed ​​reading in practice

Pavel Palagin

Brain Development

Roger Sipe

Brain rules

John Medina

Evelyn Nielsen Wood,

who, through tireless efforts in the face of unimaginable obstacles, was able to revolutionize speed reading and bring her amazing ideas to millions of people,

and Douglas Wood,

to the person who always supported her and without whom not a single stage of this long journey would have been possible

It's not difficult to run a kilometer and a half in eight minutes, but even the fastest runner in the world can hardly do it twice as fast. Watch a champion swim the 100m and you'll easily notice that he can't do it twice as fast as you (assuming you're a good swimmer).

However, there are people who read three, five, and even ten times faster than you. In fact, ever since books began to be printed, there have always been a number of people - a very small, limited group - who could read incredibly quickly, devouring books at breakneck speed.

You may have heard that John Kennedy was one of these people. Theodore Roosevelt usually read one book a day during his presidency. before breakfast. Oliver Wendell Holmes, on the way to the Supreme Court, quickly looked through the pages of his materials, after which he could answer in detail all the questions about what he looked at. These are just a few examples of famous people. In fact, there have always been many ordinary people who easily and quickly read magazines and books.

Breakthrough in speed reading

It wasn't until the 1940s that the first major breakthrough in speed reading was made. School teacher from Salt Lake City figured out how to turn average readers into super-fast readers. Since then, thousands of people have been able to at least triple their reading speed and improve their reading comprehension. However, this could only be learned in classroom training, and students had to pay hundreds of dollars in tuition.

And now all these revolutionary methods are available to you in a new format - an innovative tutorial with simple exercises. It took four years of rigorous research and testing to develop these self-study methods that allow you to practice at home in your spare time. Everything that was once written on this topic, a whole world of knowledge from this area, is at your service. And you can learn to speed read in just a few weeks.

Every day of our lives we are practically buried under an avalanche of literally more than a million words: magazines and newspapers, educational materials, business correspondence, reports... and most importantly - books that you would like to read, when you have time for this. You are literally drowning in an ocean of words!.. All because the number of printed materials is growing every year and over the past ten years more of them have been published than in all previous centuries. Moreover, the volumes are increasing daily. However, thanks to the new methods outlined in this book, you will learn how to become one of the world's fastest readers in this endless sea of ​​​​words.

Some of the innovative techniques you will learn

You will learn how to read faster and better. Faster means mastering any text at the speed of thought. You will understand when to speed up and when to slow down. You will learn all the tricks of effective reading. You will absorb information at a speed that you previously thought was incredible. Plus, you'll get huge additional benefits, like those listed below.

You will learn how to remember what you read, and concentration will become part of your habits. You will begin to think more clearly and organize your daily reading. This will allow you to free up more time for other activities. You'll soon become much more interesting to your friends, family, and even yourself as you learn more and more new materials.

By following the proven methods described in this book, you will find that your thinking has reached its highest possible potential. It is very important that the book contains several texts for training reading. On them you will immediately begin to practice the reading methods you are learning.

Start today, and within a week you'll be able to read at least 30% faster, meaning you'll now be able to finish 40 pages in the same amount of time it would have taken you to read 30. You won't need any tools or equipment - you will learn to use your own built-in “reading accelerator”. Then you'll begin doing the innovative exercises that have helped hundreds of thousands of people double or triple their reading speed in just a few days.

You'll learn the techniques writers use to structure their works, allowing you to work with texts even faster. You will easily cope with the most difficult to understand materials. Moreover, you will discover many new ways of reading - yes, there are others besides the only one you are familiar with.

Even your attitude can affect your reading speed, and you'll learn what you can do about it. There are four chapters devoted to educational reading, from which you will learn how to comprehend any science faster and better, using all modern methods that allow some students to get the highest scores, spending half as much time studying as others. You can read much more than one newspaper a day or two magazines a week if you learn how to do this instantly. Gaining the amazing yet realistic ability to read a book a day is also included in this course. And you will find very, very much more in it.

Let me tell you how I started speed reading. In 1966, I was very concerned about the reading lists I received in graduate school. Then I saw a commercial on TV where a young man was sliding his finger across the page, running through thousands of words per minute. I immediately called to reserve my last spot in Evelyn Wood's Reading Dynamics course, which was being held on Saturday morning. Thanks to this amazing course, I was able to read more than five times faster in just a few weeks. Educational materials began to be incredibly easy for me. In fact, studying has now become so easy that I was able to get a full-time job (I was invited to become an employee of the Reading Dynamics organization). And at the same time I even had free time!

In 1967, I met Evelyn Wood, a remarkable, determined woman who dedicated her life to helping others enrich their lives through reading. And it was from her that I learned that a person’s intellectual organization begins with the ability to quickly assimilate printed materials. Just a few years later, I not only taught this amazing skill to the White House staff, but also became the National Director of Education for Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics - at Evelyn Wood's personal request.

After leaving Reading Dynamics, I decided to find a way to help people self-teach speed reading techniques and thereby make them available to hundreds of thousands of people who desperately need them but cannot afford expensive classroom training. This book is a completely new self-instruction format that contains exercises most suitable for working alone. You can practice based on your own rate of progress or the amount of time you can afford to practice. In this book you will find all the theories and methods that are taught in the best speed reading courses, as well as new ones that I discovered and developed during my own work that you will not find anywhere else.

For many centuries, people obtained most of the information they needed through reading. Despite the centuries-old history of the appearance of printed materials, the need for high reading speed has appeared only among modern people.

The main incentive was the excessively increased volume of information, the perception and assimilation of which requires accelerated methods. The speed of reading texts by the average person does not exceed 500-700 printed characters per minute, which causes certain difficulties in mastering the material and requires more time to read it.

Speed ​​reading methods - what's the secret?

The very mention of the speed reading technique raises reasonable questions among many about what can be done to increase speed? Knowledge and application of a number simple rules will significantly increase the speed of perception of the material read, and will allow you to study basic methods and principles. Most of the techniques are carried out by eliminating problems that arise due to a number of factors and habits. So, let's look at the main problems that prevent us from reading required material at the required speed.

The concept of regression means following the read text with the eyes in the opposite direction in order to read the line again. This problem is considered the most common; it is a mistake to think that this method is more conducive to memorization. Many readers automatically re-read the text twice, without even concentrating their attention on it. The average re-reading occurs approximately 10-15 times for every 1000 words of text, which means that the person returns to the beginning of the line and starts reading it again.

In this case, there may also be justified repetitions due to the emergence of new thoughts and ideas; this category of repetitions has received the terminology reception. Its main task is a detailed understanding of the material, which requires additional reading of the text. Speed ​​reading rules help make the use of this method an effective aid at the final stage of reading.

Regressions encourage the gaze to make forward movements in the opposite direction, while there is no justified need for this. If this continues in every line read, then the reader will have to re-read the text twice, and accordingly the reading speed will be lower by the same amount. Such regressions are the most important drawback that reduces reading speed; most often, eye returns are unfounded.

The reason for the occurrence of regression is simple to the point of banality - most often - it is simply the force of habit that arose when reading complex texts or simple inattention, when the need for repetition arises. Simply eliminating regressions will increase your reading speed up to two times, and the correctness of text perception up to three times. Now that your reading speed has increased significantly, you can move on to the next stage.

Reading without using articulations

This concept includes the involuntary use of the tongue and lips, the automatic repetition of what is read “to oneself.” The movement of the speech organs has a direct impact on the speed of reading, significantly slowing down the process. The intensity of such movements is determined by skills, habit and a high level of complexity of a particular text. From early childhood such a skill develops in the wrong direction, which automatically affects the appearance of articulations.

For most people, it is difficult to admit that they have such a concept as articulation, although from the outside we often hear a person “mumbling” something while reading. Thanks to modern methods research, it was possible to find out that almost everyone has such a phenomenon as articulation; x-rays showed the activity of the elements of the pharynx responsible for the pronunciation of sounds. The possibility of eliminating the pronunciation of words even mentally is considered the most rational method of learning to read quickly.

With Vikium you can organize the process of training on the basics of speed reading with an individual program

If you have the belief that you do not pronounce words, in fact this is not the case; the school teaching methodology itself was structured in such a way that articulation (pronouncing out loud) was instilled from school. Relearning is much more difficult than learning again, but the basic techniques of quick reading will radically change the situation for the better.

Methods for solving the problem of repeating reading material

There are several learning techniques to cope with the existing defect, which makes it possible to increase reading speed:

  • If speaking involves the movement of facial muscles, whispering, or other sounds produced, you should simply take some object in your teeth; a pencil is best. The degree of its compression and the unpleasant feelings at the same time will teach you to keep any mechanical movements under control, and you will be able to eliminate the repetition process that interferes with fast reading;
  • Repeating words in thoughts is considered a more complex defect, since the speech center of the brain is involved here. The applicable method for eradicating this deficiency is called “wedge by wedge.” Its meaning boils down to the fact that the speech and motor centers of the brain are adjacent, so reading should be trained to a certain rhythm (not musical), making rhythmic movements while reading. At first glance it looks complicated, but quite effective and efficient.

Fast Reading Basics Using the Integral Algorithm

The main goal of speed reading is not the number of printed characters obtained, but the efficiency and optimization of the information received, its digestibility and perception of the text read. That is, the book should not just be read, but recorded in memory, comprehended and understood. People don’t think about how quickly they read text; they end up reading it slowly in all situations. There is a certain rule, based on it, the technique of reading and perceiving the material must correspond to the assigned tasks. An individual program and its implementation allows you to switch at the necessary moment and increase your speed reading performance.

Vertical eye movement

When reading any material, a limited angle of view is used, the emerging section of the text is fixed with the gaze, after which the information is analyzed in the brain. The traditional reading method allows you to fix no more than 2-3 words at a time, after which the eye makes new leaps and subsequent fixations. Accordingly, expanding the field of view will allow you to simultaneously receive a larger amount of information, and reducing the number of stops will make the reading process more efficient. A person who has mastered this method no longer perceives a few words in one fixation, but a whole line, a sentence, and, as the skill develops, even a paragraph.

Such reading will not only increase speed, but will also increase the perception of the material, since the brain will not need to assemble a whole sentence from individual phrases and fragments. The meaning of the text will become more clear, which will contribute to better perception and memorization.

Another significant drawback is the movement of the eyes along the line; such messages take time and effort, causing rapid fatigue. Vertical reading will allow you to avoid such movements, saving energy and time in the process of reading the material. Movement of the gaze vertically makes it possible to develop quick reading methods and improve the quality of assimilation.

Highlighting the dominant or main meaning of the text read

The problem of perceiving text material read may be associated with the difficulty of reconstructing the connecting components of objects and the knowledge available about them. When reading a simple text, we gain perception based on the already existing knowledge base, we understand the already known meaning and meaning of words, associating them with our own perception. With texts that are difficult to understand, carrying a flow of new information, the situation is more complicated; it requires the installation of a new logical chain, built in space and time.

The process of comprehending the material read in such a situation requires concentration, a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills in its application, as well as proper mastery of certain thinking techniques. The desire to remember a text evokes a natural desire to understand it, for which the following techniques are used. Key supporting points in the text are highlighted, and anticipation is also used.

The principle of identifying support points in the semantic chain is as follows. The entire text is divided into parts, each of which has its own meaning, which improves reading comprehension and promotes memorization. The supporting element of the text can be any concept associated with it. They can be any minor details, terms or associations that make memorization easier.

Any association, compressed information carrying a general semantic load, can serve as a support. The meaning of this method comes down to the need to understand the main idea of ​​what is written and highlight important and significant phrases. Thus, the central concept is isolated from the text and main idea, which ultimately allows you to collect associated concepts into one general idea, which is the main principle of the general understanding of the text. This technique allows you to gain a general understanding of the text without losing its semantic meaning.

Another important technique for increasing reading speed is anticipation or anticipation of further text based on a semantic guess. You can also define this concept as a psychological prediction of a text located in the future. It is based on methods for determining logical development events, due to the result of the analysis of previous events. Anticipation ensures anticipation of the process, even in those moments when the prerequisites for this do not exist.

It is possible to practice such a phenomenon only if the thinking is productive, for which certain skills should be developed. Here the reader focuses his attention on the holistic content of the written text, and not on its specific parts. The basis for applying the method is understanding the general content of what you read, but not its parts separately.

The need to fully concentrate on doing a certain job allows you to do it more efficiently (carefully). The skill of managing your attention while reading is a key element in reading quickly and fully comprehending the material. Slow reading makes it possible to switch attention to foreign objects, which prevents you from fully mastering the information received. Therefore, the faster we read, the better we understand the material we read. If a person thinks about something extraneous while reading, this may cause him to re-read an entire passage of text again.

Daily quota and fulfillment of obligations

The accepted reading standard is considered to be several news papers, a scientific or technical journal, and about a hundred pages of fiction. Completing such a program will allow you to master and improve the skill of reading at a fast pace and will make it possible to constantly maintain the necessary “form”. The ideal option for implementing all existing techniques is exercise courses to develop such skills.

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