Avon women's perfumes with descriptions of fragrances and reviews. The best from Avon: perfumes for women and men All types of Avon perfumes

A company producing perfumes, cosmetics and care products, specializing in direct sales. The company's products were first sold as goods California Perfume Company. Avon brand ( rus. Avon) was registered in 1932.

Sales of Avon products are carried out by traveling salesmen - sales agents who search for buyers, to whom they offer goods based on samples and manufacturer catalogs. The traveling salesman receives a certain remuneration from the manufacturer, the amount of which depends on the quantity of goods sold.

In 2012, Coty Inc. intended to buy out about 20% of Avon's shares, but the deal was not approved by Avon's board of directors.

On at the moment, Avon ranks second (after Amway) in the world in terms of sales among similar companies. The brand's products are available in more than a hundred countries. The largest sales market is Brazil.

Avon tries to maintain the brand's reputation by taking part in charitable activities (the company owns The Avon Foundation for Women, which protects women's rights; since the early 1990s, Avon has supported the fight against breast cancer). However, in the company's history there have been cases of corruption and discrimination against employees, and Avon has also been criticized for poor communication with employees.

Avon has not tested its cosmetic products on animals for sale in the United States since 1989, but some countries require that cosmetics sold in their countries be tested on animals. Therefore, Avon is not included in PETA's cruelty-free list.

The composition of the fragrance in an oriental floral style was created in 2001 by perfumer Harry Fremont. Over the years, the scent has not lost its relevance, remaining a bestseller to this day.

“Tenderness and charm” is the first thing that comes to mind after inhaling the classic floral scent. The top notes of the aromatic pyramid are dominated by white freesia, shaded by the scents of ylang-ylang and water mint. The “heart” notes clearly capture the presence of white peony, complemented by water lily and rose. white. Oriental notes are subtle, but give the eau de toilette their charm and mystery. When first applied, the aroma sounds sharp and confident, but after a few minutes a smooth, delicate and refined scent is felt that will accompany the owner for 4 hours.

This universal daytime perfume is designed for warm spring and early summer. It will fit especially harmoniously into the image of girls and young women.

The company offers a whole line of Pur Blanca perfumes, which, in addition to the classic white scent, includes orange, pink and blue versions. The perfume is produced in simple but very stylish packaging - a transparent bottle with a cap, the color of which matches the version of the perfume.

Top note: Freesia, Ylang-Ylang Heart note: Peony, Rose, Water Lily End note: Musk, Sandalwood, Heliotrope


A popular fragrance for women is one of the representatives of the Today Tomorrow Always trilogy. This is the most important, first chapter, which tells about the germination of fragile shoots of love in the heart. It’s not for nothing that the product bears the proud name “the most best perfume”, because their composition was awarded the FiFi Award Fragrance Of The Year Women`s Private Label 2005.

The perfume contains many different notes. At the beginning of the sound, freesia, cactus and white pepper are clearly felt; in the core there is a place for jasmine flowers, hibiscus, Chinese buddleia and strelitzia. The stable, deep trail deserves special attention - it includes woody and aquatic chords, musk, rose and cedar. A skillful combination of ingredients allows you to enjoy the perfume for 10 hours, feeling the opening of more and more captivating notes with every minute.

Today is one of the few perfumes that suits all women without exception. Enthusiastic reviews can be heard from young girls, stately ladies and from the men around them who prefer mysterious, charming images. However, the warm soft notes of the trail will be inappropriate for outfits in a sporty and informal style.

The fundamental bottle is made of heavy glass and has a minimalist design. The golden atomizer is hidden under an ornately shaped transparent cap. There is a mini version of the perfume that can easily fit into a woman's purse.

Top note: Pepper, Cactus, Freesia Heart note: Tuberose, Orange blossom, Hibiscus, Strelitzia (bird of paradise) Base note: Musk, Cedar


The release of the Incandessence fragrance was timed to coincide with the beginning of the new millennium and is dedicated to the emergence of an updated image of the modern woman. The owner of this perfume is a beautiful lady from whom an inner radiance emanates, which is like a bright sun that attracts everything around.

The aromatic composition is based on mimosa flower. Even the ancient Indians attributed to this plant the ability to heal diseases, restore vitality and heal the soul. That’s why the sweet honey aroma is so attractive, intoxicating and energizing. The composition begins with notes of sophisticated lily of the valley and multi-faceted bergamot, which are harmoniously intertwined with juicy ripe peach. In the “heart” the sound of the perfume reaches its climax thanks to the seductive scent of peony, cool chords of lily, velvety rose, freesia, charming magnolia and anemone. The breathtaking trail is created from woody musk notes - iridescent and multifaceted.

The latest version of the bottle resembles the bright sun in shape and content. The white lid symbolizes the rising sun, and the golden base symbolizes its sunset.

Top note: Bergamot, Lily of the valley, Peach Heart note: White lily, White peony, Magnolia, Mimosa, Rose, Freesia Final note: Clove, Musk, Teak wood

Little Black Dress

“Small black dress” – this is how the name of the perfume is translated, dedicated to the image of an elegant beautiful woman with refined taste. Over the 15 years of its existence, the Little Black Dress scent has become an eternal classic and cannot get lost among many other Avon perfumes.

As the initial notes of the eau de toilette, we chose moon jasmine with a sweetish tint, delicious tart ginger, a spicy note of coriander, the elegance of an intoxicating apricot flower and a cyclamen accord. The multifaceted beginning of the composition gives way to fragrant notes of gardenia and ylang-ylang, seasoned with pink pepper. At the foot of the olfactory pyramid are vanilla-musk tonka beans and plum-sandalwood accords.

Little Black Dress is perfect as an office perfume and will fit well into business style clothes. But the scope of application of the fragrance is not limited - in a youth outfit and an evening ensemble the perfume will sound in a new way.

The square bottle made of thin glass is devoid of frills. Its only decoration is a rectangular cap with a black stripe and a gold base.

Top note: Cyclamen, Coriander, African ginger, Jasmine, Apricot flower Heart note: Gardenia, Ylang-ylang, Pink peony Base note: Sandalwood, Tonka bean, Musk, Japanese plum


The product is part of the classic Avon fragrance group. Older customers love this perfume for the memories of their student years and youth that it revives. Young girls use fresh perfume to create bright, memorable images.

The “calling card” of the brand was the blue-style eau de toilette. Classification assigns a product to a group oriental scents. The combination of the tenderness of yellow freesia and the spiciness of white pepper opens the perfume composition. The sweet, intoxicating beginning quickly goes away, revealing new deep notes - ripe pear, exquisite ylang-ylang, cloves and Damask plum. The trail of perfume is no less complex - it is woven from sandalwood, musk and vanilla, thanks to which the perfume has a confident sound and does not lose its richness for a long time.

Perceive is most often purchased by romantic and feminine people who want to emphasize individuality, fragility and sophisticated style.

An interesting bottle of eau de toilette is made in the shape of a shard of ice. Crystal clear, transparent, delicate blue color, it beckons with its depth, inviting you to plunge into a wave of freshness.

Top note: White pepper, Yellow freesia Heart note: Clove, Damask plum, Pear, Ylang Base note: Sandalwood, Musk, Vanilla

Eve Duet

The first double fragrance from Avon was presented in the fall of 2017, and the American actress Eva Mendes became the face of the advertising campaign. The originality of the fragrance lies in the fact that the bottle consists of two polar vessels, each of which contains its own scent.

Fragrance Radiant yellow emphasizes tenderness. It is dominated by floral shades, represented by sparkling notes of clementine, delicate water lily and piquant amber. This exquisite airy scent gives you a feeling of freedom and flight. Aroma purple Sensual is flavored with fruity notes of juicy plum. She is enveloped in a thin trail, woven from intoxicating water lily and mysterious patchouli.

Each version of the perfume can be used separately or mixed into one bouquet. The composition is chosen so as to sound harmoniously in any variations and improvisations. Perfume can be used at any time of the day and changed according to your mood, creating images for the evening or an eventful day.

Both bottles of perfume are united by a common silver-colored clip lock. Each can be detached and taken with you to refresh your scent throughout the day.

Top note: Bergamot, Wild plum, Pink pepper Heart note: Water lily, Night jasmine, Rose Base note: Cocoa, Musk, Patchouli


The captivating aroma was presented by the famous tennis player Maria Sharapova. The masters of the unique composition were John Gamba, Adriana Medina and Sonia Constant. In the formula of the eau de toilette, they relied on night cereus. This is the most mysterious plant in the world, the flowers of which reach 20 cm in diameter. Their wax-like petals, glowing in the dark, bloom for just one night and close at dawn.

1 Pur Blanca5/5
2 Today5/5
3 Incandessence4.9/5
4 Little Black Dress4.8/5
5 Perceive4.7/5
6 Eve Duet4.7/5
7 Luck4.6/5

The rating of the best perfumes from Avon could be continued, because the company produces so many different scents that can satisfy the most polar preferences. All that remains is to experiment and test unique perfumes on yourself, which are sold at an affordable price.

Avon cosmetics are popular all over the world. Every woman and every man can choose the ideal product for themselves from the wide product lines presented in the catalog. Avon perfumes are held in special esteem. Men's and women's perfumes have bright, recognizable aromas and have an attractive, affordable price. Today we will talk about the spirits of the company in the content of this article.

Fragrance line

People of various social categories and ages choose quality Avon products. The spirits are playing important role in creating a certain style, image, should be chosen depending on the situation. The company presented a huge variety of perfumes, and not only perfumes are endowed with aroma. Your favorite scent can be contained in shower gel, toilet soap, body spray, deodorant and other products. This is very important, because the aroma of a deodorant that does not match the main perfume can spoil the overall picture. The same applies to hygiene products, cooling spray or moisturizer (lotion).

It is worth noting that Avon is a perfume for any occasion. The presented line has many evening scents for romantic date, business meeting and walks in the sun. Daytime scents should tone, envelop with coolness, and bring freshness to your appearance. There is a scent with notes of citrus, grass, sea breeze and chypre.

The company has also provided a lot of interesting things for men. The aroma affects not only its owner, but also those around him. Do you want to look like the legendary James Bond? Or emphasize your business image and social status? Or do you need a fragrance for a club party lover, a company leader or a fashionable dandy? On the pages of the Avon catalog, which is updated every month, you will find everything your heart desires!

Choosing perfume and proper use

The Avon company has prepared fragrances for each season. Perfume for summer is subtle and cool, bringing an atmosphere of joy. Winter options are warmer, enchanting and bewitching, like falling snow or ice shining under the light of lanterns.

Also every age group will find its scent in the Avon line. The perfume is created even for small children; it does not contain alcohol. A favorite of little ladies, the line is called Hello, Kitty! Young girls will find floral, fruity, bright and tantalizing perfumes among the many aromas. For older women, business ladies or girls choosing more classic perfume compositions, there are many scents available.

You should not mix scents, as the result can be really terrible. It is also not advisable to “shower” yourself with perfume from head to toe. Professionals recommend applying small quantity fragrance on the neck and wrists. All notes in a fragrance are important, not just the first ones, and the trail will fully reveal itself only if used correctly. Experts also advise storing the open bottle in a cool place to avoid the aroma from eroding.

Fragrance capacity

"Avon" - perfumes presented in various containers. Here you will find a standard bottle of 50 ml, a medium one of 75 ml, a large one of 100 ml and a mini version of 10 ml. There are also so-called 4 ml samples. If the scent is new to you or too expensive, then you can purchase just this option.

"Avon": men's perfume

The company has produced dozens of fragrances for the stronger sex; I would like to talk about the most popular ones, which are real bestsellers.

"Full Speed" from Avon is a bright, bold and memorable perfume. The composition is based on the aromas of juniper, cedar, tangerine and musk. He fell in love with men who are confident in themselves, who know what they want to get from life, and who achieve their goal.

"Varnish" is one of the new products of the Avon company. Men's perfumes, photos of which can be seen in every catalog, and you can feel the aroma by rubbing the page, were liked not only by men, but also by women. The owner of this fragrance will not go unnoticed and will be in the center of everyone's attention, especially women's. Woody and amber compositions are discernible in the heart of the perfume. This is a perfume for energetic and confident men.

The following scents are also popular:

  • "Just Play";
  • "Avon Homme";
  • "Premier Lux";
  • "Black Swede Touch";
  • "Aqua";
  • "Today."

"Avon": women's perfume

There are so many fragrances for women that sometimes ladies get lost in the choice. Let's talk again about the most popular "long-livers" of the Avon perfume line.

Women's perfume "Little Black Dress" or "Little Black Dress" has been on the market for more than ten years. This fragrance belongs to the family of oriental, sensual and elegant. This perfume became so popular that the manufacturer expanded the line by adding “Little Red Dress” and “Little White Dress”.

"Incandessens" is a kind of face of the Avon company. Women's perfumes, photos of which can be found in every company's cosmetics catalog, have been on the market for decades and are still extremely popular. They are chosen by women of all age categories. They are sensual, gentle and bewitching.

I would like to separately mention other hits:

  • "Today";
  • "Pur Blanca";
  • "Femmy";
  • "Persiv";
  • "Aion Prima";
  • Far Away.


This trio has become one of the most favorite scents of women. The first fragrance was the Today perfume and first appeared on sale in 2004. A year later, this perfume won in the category "Best feminine scent year".

This trilogy is suitable not only for a romantic meeting, but also for a business date. The main components of the aromas are hibiscus, pepper, musk, orange blossom, cactus and white freesia.

The Avon cosmetics brand was created thanks to fragrance samples. Businessman David McConnell, who sold books, decided to give perfume testers to women as gifts. Realizing that gifts were of greater interest, the entrepreneur changed his field of activity. In 1886, the California Perfume Company was registered, the range of which included five fragrances.

In 1939, the company was renamed Avon. According to one version, the creator of the brand was in love with the landscapes of the English city, so he gave his company the name of the river along which it is located. In 1989, the company abandoned animal testing. Since 2000, the brand has been involved in charity events to support women with breast cancer.

Features of Avon perfumes

Avon offers a wide selection of men's and women's perfumes. The assortment includes legendary scents that girls and boys dream of. Every year, perfume shelves are replenished with new compositions, while perfumes that have not received audience recognition are discontinued. If you are a fan of one of these scents, hurry up and buy your favorite bottle.

Fragrant waters designed for women of different ages And social status. The collections feature delicate fragrances for young girls, citrus compositions for active ladies and oriental perfumes for femme fatales. In the men's line, guys will find fresh eau de toilettes for the office and sports, and tart aromas for the evening.

The company's products are intended for the mass consumer, so Avon is pleased affordable prices. The company's assortment includes inexpensive eau de toilettes that need to be renewed several times a day. There is also long lasting perfume. They stay on the skin for eight hours. The brand offers to supplement the line with deodorant, shower gel, body cream, as well as a travel version.

How to choose your perfume online

MakeUp website is a great way to get eau de toilette and cosmetics at an affordable price. It’s easier to choose eau de toilette in an online store with the help of reviews. And if you have been thinking about purchasing for a long time, we recommend purchasing samples. Delivery works throughout the country. Within 14 days from the date of order, you will receive the parcel at a convenient point in your city. The larger the order amount, the cheaper the delivery cost.

Surprisingly, it is men who often create companies that seek to please women. Men anticipate desires and embody them in fragrant and inexpensive perfumes.

It is especially convenient when the product itself comes to your home as a gift from the catalog. It is this delivery method that has made AVON one of the most beloved by many women in the world.

Information about the perfume manufacturer Avon

The brand began to exist in the century before last and was founded by a traveling salesman who traveled around America with various goods. Distance and lack of time for women did not allow them to spend time shopping, which meant that the store had to come to their home.

The first 5 mono-fragrances with floral names became the basis for the development of a worldwide brand.

Catalog of the best women's perfumes of the Avon brand

Double perfume Avon Duet

  • Fragrance notes: Floral-fruity and floral-woody aromas echo notes of water lily and tart patchouli.
  • The scents harmoniously complement each other, create an overall composition and reveal energetic sparkling notes on the skin.
  • – this is a real fragrance for controversial and unpredictable girls.

Avon Prima perfume

  • Fragrance notes: Woody-chypre notes reveal the aroma of Provençal rose and jasmine.
  • A sophisticated and feminine scent turns any woman into a prom queen. Reveals differently on the skin, filling the space with spicy vanilla aromas.

Perfume Avon Premier Lux

  • Fragrance notes: A floral chypre scent with notes of grapefruit and magnolia with a sandalwood trail.
  • The luxurious aroma reveals itself from the first seconds of application with notes of currant leaves, diluted with delicate accord notes of white flowers.

Avon Femme perfume

  • Fragrance notes: An intoxicating floral musky aroma with light notes of pink grapefruit and magnolia flowers.
  • A feminine, sensual scent that unfolds according to your mood. A sweet aroma with notes of freshness is suitable for the holidays.
  • For the cold season, the most suitable are those that remain on the skin for a long time.

Avon Butterfly perfume

  • Fragrance notes: The main notes of bergamot and gardenia leave a noticeable musky trail.
  • A light aroma, as if a fluttering butterfly moves through your body and gives spring mood citrus and floral notes.

Perfume Avon Attraction

  • Fragrance notes: Magnetic woody-fruity aroma with top notes of blackberry.
  • The captivating scent from the first notes reveals a pleasant fruity sweetness. It is not cloying, but rich and persistent.

Avon perfume reviews

The Avon brand has a wonderful bright and colorful catalog with photos, and women's perfume It takes up many pages. Women share their impressions of the fragrances, and a brand representative comments on the choice and shares tips.


I want to write my review about popular perfumes Avon Little Black Dress from a limited edition that I received as a gift. I used it before and was pleasantly surprised that the relatively inexpensive AVON perfume turned out to be very long-lasting. A jar without a spray bottle is actually convenient and economical. I can smell the aroma even with the lid closed, and I can smell the exotic notes of jasmine and coriander on my skin all day long.

Expert comment: The brand pays due attention to the design of the packaging and the bottle itself, which is why many people like to buy this perfume as a gift. This scent is more of an evening scent, it is complex and multifaceted, but as feminine as the black dress itself.


I have great respect for Avon perfumes and would like to leave my review of the fragrances Lac and Cherish, they are very similar to me. This is a perfume with bright notes of the east. Top fruity notes and sandalwood trail are very attractive and recognizable. I heard something similar in fragrances, they are just as polyphonic, similar to an oriental bazaar with many spices.

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