When is Hairdresser's Day? When is Hairdresser Day in Russia? Congratulations on Hairdresser's Day. Who is he, the hairdresser: who celebrates the holiday

Most people who live in civilized conditions visit a hairdresser from time to time. This is a necessary, very important profession, without which modern society can't get by. A good haircut is not only the key to a neat appearance, but also an opportunity to express yourself and create an attractive and winning image. People who work in this field cannot help but have their own professional holiday. Hairdresser's Day is celebrated every year on September 13th.

History of the holiday

The art of hair cutting appeared a long time ago - it was mastered by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. They not only knew how to do hairstyles, but also made wigs. Over time, this profession has been improved. So, in the Middle Ages, people developed a passion for braiding. All this eventually resulted in a fashion for hairstyles that were real works of art.

In the eighteenth century, this was a real trend - women wore towers, ships, houses and entire gardens on their heads. It was not an easy test, but fashion obliged it to be passed with dignity. Over time, attitudes towards hair and hairstyles have become simpler.

Practicality came to the fore and laconic haircuts appeared. Today, there are no restrictions at all: neither in length, nor in hair color, nor in shape. The modern hairdresser not only changes appearance using your skill. This is a master who treats hair, restores it after complex and harmful procedures, and performs many other tasks.

IN modern world The services of hairdressers are in great demand. This profession has rightfully become prestigious. The Soviet past of simply serving staff is far behind us. Now in Russia, according to statistics, there are more than 200 thousand hairdressers and about 70 thousand salons.


The exact date of the proclamation of Hairdresser Day is unknown, despite the fact that the profession itself arose in the Ancient World.

It is known that the wives of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt used the services of private hairdressers and used henna and basma to color their hair. From the frescoes that have survived to this day, it is clear that Egyptian women wore complex hairstyles, using fresh flowers, ribbons and hoops to decorate their hair, and thanks to historians, it is known that ancient Egyptian craftsmen had analogues of razors and scissors among their tools. In addition, the primary tool for curling curls was a metal rod heated over a fire.

In Ancient Greece, hairdressing received a new level of development, because then the first beauty salons were founded, where hairdressing fashionable hairstyle could a woman of a noble family, where they were served by slaves trained in hairdressing. In addition, manicure services were offered.

Ancient Greek women dyed their hair using herbal infusions, and the most fashionable color was light brown with a red tint. The fashion for Greek hairstyles was set by the empress, who was followed by other women. They were packing their long curls in various hairstyles, using real pearls for decoration.

The first professional school of hairdressing was organized only at the end of the 19th century, in the USA, where diplomas were awarded upon completion of training.


Even though it's not Barber's Day official holiday, On September 13 and 14, craftsmen receive congratulations from grateful clients.

For this holiday, many salons organize various promotions, give away coupons and arrange discounts on the services provided. Conferences and master classes, advanced training courses are also held, and diplomas are issued. Competitions for mastery of the instrument are held among specialists. But most of the craftsmen spend this day at work.

In addition, hairdressers celebrate the Day of Trade and Consumer Services Workers, as well as International Beauty Day.

On September 13, Russia celebrates Hairdresser Day. This profession originated in Ancient Egypt. The first barbers cut hair for the pharaohs and used almost the same tools as modern barbers. We tell you what holiday it is today and how one of the most sought-after professions of our time appeared.

What date is Hairdresser Day in Russia?

Hairdresser's Day is not considered an official day off and is not a public holiday.

It doesn't have a clear date. According to the generally accepted version, Hairdresser Day is celebrated on September 13th. However, some groups celebrate it on September 14th.

It is unknown when Barber Day was established. Until the 2000s, representatives of this profession celebrated Trade and Consumer Services Workers Day and International Beauty Day.

History of the “ancient” profession

The origins of the profession go back to Ancient Egypt, where hairdressers dyed hair, made wigs and curled hair using metal rods heated over a fire. Already in those days, the Egyptians had analogues of modern haircutting scissors.

The first hairdressers and beauty salons appeared in Ancient Greece. To beautify yourself was a luxury: only noble ladies could visit such establishments. Ancient Greek hairdressers dyed their clients' hair using herbal infusions, curled fashionable hairstyles, and wove decorative jewelry into their hair.

In the Middle Ages, the fashion for hairstyles and coloring did not go away. However, it was strictly forbidden to dye your hair red - it was believed that it was a devilish color. The fashion for wigs also appeared at this time.

In Russia, interest in hairdressing awoke during the reign of Peter I. Serfs were engaged in this craft, and most often they cut their hair “under the pot”. After the emperor's reforms, masters began to create exquisite hairstyles. People began to adopt European fashion trends.

The profession has existed for millennia, but hairdressing began to be taught only at the end of the 19th century in Chicago. The first hairdressing school was opened here.

These days, a hairdresser is one of the most in-demand professions.

Hairdresser Day: traditions

On September 13, graduations are held at schools where they prepare professional hairdressers. Also on this holiday, salons organize master classes, seminars and competitions to determine the best specialist.

Sometimes on this day craftsmen offer discounts to their clients, and companies organize corporate parties.

Over the past decades, the profession of hairdresser has become very prestigious; it is constantly glorified by eminent specialists who skillfully wield scissors and other hairdressing tools. Professional holiday It is customary for hairdressers in Russia to celebrate annually on September 13, although some specialists celebrate it the next day - September 14. Many hairdressers prefer to celebrate this holiday without leaving their workplace, continuing to work and receiving congratulations from their clients. You can congratulate your hairdresser in an original way with the help of beautiful poems and wonderful postcards.

Congratulations on Hairdresser's Day in poems

I love any coloring, a beautiful haircut,

A hairstyle that no one had ever seen before

It doesn’t matter to whom: a lady, a boy -

You will do it masterfully, and everything will be without problems.

We wish you grateful clients,

That they will not be stingy in paying for your work.

And also various pleasant moments,

Which can inspire you.

Hairdressing is an important job

We can't do without you even a day.

Monday, Friday, Saturday -

It’s not in vain that you give us beauty.

You with magical skillful hands

Always give us good mood,

Let me congratulate you on the holiday,

Get joy from work.

Your hands flutter so much

Gently holding the scissors

Creating a new image

Whirling in a trembling dance.

New color and change of style,

Straighten the curls, curl them,

Cut here, add there,

To surprise the client.

And today is a spring day

I want to wish in my works

Be eternally positive

And don't remember the years.

And serve customers

Just with a smile and jokes!

You are the best master in the world

I will say this without flattery at all.

I sincerely congratulate you,

I wish you happiness and rewards

And so that the path is small

It has become a hundred times wider!

Always follow it forward

And don't be sad about anything

So that your title is “hairdresser”

Gave joy and honor!

Dare to live unhurriedly,

Greet your friends and loved ones

And make this world beautiful!

We appreciate you - just know that!

Congratulations on Hairdresser's Day in postcards

The history of the emergence of the hairdresser profession

The art of hairdressing goes back to ancient times. In Ancient Egypt, every girl considered luxurious hair to be her dignity. At that time, specially trained women took care of the hairstyles of rich ladies. They combed the curls, curled and dyed them, and also decorated them with various details.

Girls of Ancient Greece also loved to take care of their hair. They made special decoctions from beneficial herbs and paints for coloring from natural ingredients. Greek ladies preferred to wear long hair, so local hairdressers were always trying to come up with different types hairstyles, but hair perm was more popular.

Over time, hairstyle fashion continued to evolve. In the Middle Ages, updos and dyed locks were popular. Women at that time were forbidden to dye their hair red, as this color was considered devilish, and women with this color were mistaken for witches. At the same time, a fashion for wigs arose.

Girls in Rus' had their own fashion for hairstyles. It was customary for them to braid their hair and weave ribbons into their braids. U married women There was a slightly different type of hairstyle - they braided two braids and collected them on the top of the head. It was necessary to wear a scarf over the top.

It was only at the end of the 19th century that the first educational institution teaching hairdressing opened in Chicago. This school was equated to higher education educational institution, and upon completion of training a diploma was issued. Since that time, the possibilities of hair styling and coloring have continually expanded, and they continue to improve to this day.

Date in 2019: September 13th, Friday.

When preparing for a holiday or a business meeting, a vacation trip or a business trip, we inevitably rush to the hairdresser so that he can help create the perfect look. unique image, which will help form the necessary impression. Even just when you want changes in life, the easiest way is to change your hairstyle. And again he, the hairdresser, will come to the rescue. But how often do we wonder what holidays the master himself has, with inspiration creating masterpieces on our heads. Let's try to figure out when and how to congratulate the hairdresser on his professional holiday.

Every day as a hairdresser, every hairstyle can be safely called a real holiday. But it will still be unfair to the people of this profession themselves. After all, there are those dates when you can give your master a little more than just words of gratitude and congratulations in prose. Let's try to figure out when is Hairdresser Day celebrated in Russia in 2019?

Who is he, the hairdresser: who celebrates the holiday

The main highlight of a person’s image is their hairstyle. Moreover, both festive and everyday occasions are important. After all, you want to look well-groomed and stylish on any day. But you won’t be able to cope with this task without a good haircut. Only a good craftsman with perfect taste can create a real work of art that can perfectly highlight its advantages. And we rush to the artist and designer who will be able to see the client in various options, with different haircuts, and will select the best one.

But it’s not enough to see what the haircut will look like. It is necessary to fit correctly into the client's image. After all, thanks to the right hairstyle, a hairdresser can create the image of an innocent girl or a vamp, a femme fatale or a business lady. Only a real stylist will be able to find the shape, those lines that will emphasize the integrity and uniqueness of the client’s image.

Despite the inevitable influence of capricious fashion, the hairstyle should be appropriate to the time of day, the theme and focus of the event, the style of the woman or man herself, and the personal characteristics of the client, including the shape of the face and figure. Therefore, a good hairdresser always keeps his finger on the pulse, gets acquainted with new products and trends in the fashion world.

Hairstyles are becoming more and more diverse. In the field of hairdressing, new techniques of coloring, extensions, and curls are emerging. And choose the appropriate technique, choose a haircut, suitable for the type hair, only a true professional who improves his skills can determine how the hair will behave after a haircut.

Without a good haircut, it is impossible to create a hairstyle perfect image. It is not surprising that people pay so much attention to caring for their own hair. But it performs not only an aesthetic, but also a hygienic role. Therefore, hairdressers can safely be called doctors and cosmetologists. They will tell you how to properly care for your hair and conduct a series of cosmetic procedures that will revitalize your hair.

And the hairdresser simply must be a psychologist, since often while his hand creates masterpieces, clients pour out their souls, like best friend. AND good master must support the conversation and sometimes give advice. Let's bypass those always dissatisfied customers who also have to be served in the best possible way.

And so, when the door closed behind the one hundred and fiftieth client, our artist, stylist, designer, professional, healer, cosmetologist, psychologist will sit down with relief to give a rest to the legs that are a little tired during the day. But it’s still a holiday in my heart. After all, today everyone left the salon with a sparkle in their eyes, with happiness shining on their face, with the feeling that life is changing for the better. And he, the hairdresser, had a hand in this.

Hairdresser's holidays

Unfortunately, the official holiday calendar There is no date dedicated to the profession of hairdresser. But according to tradition, colleagues and clients congratulate barbers on September 13th. Since people in this profession work according to a schedule, and the holiday is not a day off, the celebration is often postponed to September 14.

But if it is not possible to congratulate your friend on Hairdresser Day in Russia on September 13, 2017, send her funny postcard or SMS another day. This can be safely done on the 3rd Sunday of March, when the Day of Trade and Consumer Services Workers is celebrated. Or give a gift in advance on September 9. After all, on this day they celebrate Stylist Day.

If you are afraid of making a mistake, find out the master’s date of birth. Present funny gifts or funny pictures It can become a wonderful tradition for a hairdresser’s birthday.

Happy Hairdresser's Day pictures and cards

To carry out have a nice holiday In a team with colleagues, make an original wall newspaper, using ready-made photos from places of work and pictures with professional jokes.

Congratulations in verse

Your mission is to give beauty,

Doing intricate hairstyles

And you can even make your dream come true

Using scissors and a simple comb.

And your hard work will always be held in high esteem,

After all, you can force the image to play,

And you were able to change so many destinies,

What a sin not to congratulate you today.

Let your clients be grateful

And work is always a pleasure,

May they reward you with billions

And a drinking song sounds in your honor.

You can get haircuts, hairstyles

You can make it without difficulty,

Find color and choose paints

No mistakes, as always.

Creative success to you all,

Lots of thoughts and ideas

So that work without flaws

She was livelier and more fun.

Larisa, September 1, 2017.

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