A signal girl about the army, men's uniforms, cosmetics and relationships with men. Profession signalman Who are signalmen

In the age of information technology, the issue of communication is more relevant than ever. The volume of transmitted information is growing at an unprecedented pace from year to year, new lines are being laid and radio towers are being built. Mobile communications have long been part of our everyday life. Are you interested?

A signalman is a specialist who ensures the uninterrupted operation of networks aimed at transmitting information.


The first signalmen appeared with the birth of electricity. Developing a system for transmitting current to streets and premises is their main responsibilities. With the development of technology and the advent of telephone communications, the profession is associated with them.

Signalmen ensure uninterrupted transmission of information. The activity consisted of installing and developing a telecommunications system in such a way that it could ensure smooth operation. During World War II, signalmen were directly responsible for the lives of soldiers. The outcome of the battle depended on the correct transmission of information, its encoding and setting up communication channels. Typically, specialists in the field used Morse code combined with code concepts.

With the advent of mobile communications and wireless signal transmission methods, the relevance of this type of activity has only increased. The profession will be in demand as long as humanity has a need to exchange information at a distance.


The profession of a communications operator is very capacious. The specialist is responsible for transmitting information at all levels. There are several areas of activity for telecom operators:

  • Network communications engineer. Wire technology specialist. He selects equipment, calculates the amount of necessary materials and components. The signalman knows everything about the cable structure and its varieties. Only he can correctly select the method of transmitting a certain type, type and volume of information.
  • Wireless technology communications specialist. These are specialists in the industry of transmitting digital signals through electronic media located at a distance from each other, without connecting via cable. For example, the connection between Wi-Fi and a desktop computer is the result of development by telecom specialists.
  • Signalman for mobile operators. This is working with strong cellular signals. The responsibilities of a telecommunications technician include designing, calculating distances, and installing telecommunications towers. The equipment provides reception and transmission of signals in a limited area. The wireless Internet signal is also transmitted through the same towers.
  • Military signalman. This is a master of establishing radio communications in an unintended environment. It has all the necessary equipment for receiving and transmitting signals. This specialist is also responsible for their security and coding.
  • Signalmen of electrical networks. The range of responsibilities includes installation, maintenance and modernization of equipment.

A signalman is a generalist. An almost eternal profession. Specialists in this field will be in demand until humanity ceases to need knowledge and information transfer.

What specialties to study?

To obtain a diploma, you must choose one of the specialties:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems.
  • Radio engineering.
  • Cartography and geoinformatics.
  • Radiophysics.

These specialties will allow you to get a position in any reputable organization.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

The work of a communications operator is quite similar to the work of a system administrator. Only in addition to mental labor, you have to use physical strength. Every day a signalman performs a number of duties:

  • Monitoring the operation of communication transmission facilities. Using special programs, the signal transmission from point A to point B is monitored. If a malfunction occurs, one of them disappears.
  • Troubleshooting communications. If the signal disappears, the signalman is obliged to find out what is the cause of the malfunction. This could be a cable defect, problems with the power supply or hardware. To do this, a specialist goes to the point.
  • Diagnosis of problems using special programs. Faults are identified by elimination. If the equipment and power supply are in order, then the problem is in the cable.
  • Development of an optimal signal transmission scheme. It includes the design of special structures. They are responsible for receiving, processing and further transmitting the signal.
  • Setting up communication equipment.
  • Organization of uninterruptible power supply, including emergency sources.
  • Repair work of varying complexity.
  • Creation of a telecommunications network. Every large company has such structures. They are developed by signalmen.
  • Calculation of necessary consumables: their type and quantity.
  • Development and organization of communication points in unprepared areas for the purpose of transmitting and receiving operational information. This area relates to military communications specialists.

Signalman is the profession of the future. The means of information transmission are at the stage of constant development and modernization. For uninterrupted communication with the outside world, signalmen are needed.

Who is this profession suitable for?

The main criterion is a high level of attention. After all, the slightest loss of concentration is fraught with more serious breakdowns and costs.

A signalman must have an analytical mind. This is a precise profession that requires performing not only physical labor, but also mental activity aimed at developing and analyzing prospects.

Dexterity of hands is an indispensable quality of a signalman. Quite often you have to work in hard-to-reach, dangerous places.


The profession is quite in demand. Mobile operators are constantly expanding their coverage to ever larger areas. The signalman is an irreplaceable employee responsible for the implementation of these processes.

With the advent of new communication means and operators, vacancies for telecom operators or communications engineers also arise.

Prospects for the profession

The main prospect of the profession is the presence of constant demand and demand. The signalman does not have to worry about losing the relevance of his knowledge and skills.

The profession offers the possibility of improvement. With the advent of new technologies, the need for additional knowledge increases.

A good signalman can count on a business partnership if he combines his skills with the knowledge of another specialist.

Graduates of Russian universities with a degree in communications are in great demand abroad. This specialty allows you to obtain a work visa with the prospect of citizenship in more developed countries.

There are different troops in the Russian army. And communications units are part of the Armed Forces of our state. So, what kind of work does a signalman do in the army and what are his responsibilities?

About troops and service

Almost any conscript can get into this unit. Even the one with fitness category B4.

Military communications are an integral part of the command and control system of the RF Armed Forces. And also its material basis. The efficiency of troop leadership and the subsequent timeliness of the use of weapons and combat equipment depend on how well developed military communications are.

She has come a long way of becoming and improving. At first, the simplest visual and audio means of communication were used. But technology has developed, and now multi-channel and automated systems have already found application. However, operational communications are under the control of special specialists. And each of them is called a signalman. They occupy a special place in the army.

Briefly about the specialty

The signalman will always be relevant. It will cease to be in demand only if wars cease to exist. A signalman in the army learns a lot. In particular, be responsible for at any level. Nowadays, communication systems and means are very well developed. And a lot of things are automated. This makes the work of the relevant specialists easier. If they were able to establish communication in almost any situation before, today this does not cause problems at all.

The main task that a signalman in the army learns to perform is to transmit information over long distances using a minimum of resources and equipment. Although in our time the arsenal of this specialist includes a considerable list of equipment. With its help, you can not only transmit, but also receive signals, and also encode them and perform data decryption. True, there is one disadvantage that every signalman in the army and in the service should know about. If hostilities begin, there is a possibility that unit commanders will receive one order. According to it, they are obliged to destroy their signalmen along with their equipment. But this is the case if there is a high probability of them being captured by the enemy.


You can become a signalman if you complete military service in the appropriate unit. But the guys who go into the army by conscription do not choose their troops. And many girls think that becoming a signalman is a good idea. In fact, you can get this specialty at a civilian university. And then go to serve in the Armed Forces. They willingly accept young people who have studied at higher educational institutions, for example, MADI, MTUSI, MAI, MSTU.

It’s also worth knowing that there are specialized educational institutions. And they train military communications specialists there. It is better to go there if a person knows in advance that he wants to engage in this particular activity. The most popular university is the Military Academy of Communications named after Budyonny and them. Bauman. If serving as a signalman in the army does not seem promising, then you can try to apply to one of these institutions.


A military signalman endures considerable physical exertion. He is required to regularly pass standards for proficiency in infantry ground combat skills. And that's not all.

In addition to this, a signalman in the army must do a lot of other things. Responsibilities include equipment repair work, e.g. He is also obliged to monitor the operation of the communication means and devices intended for this. If problems arise, a specialist must fix them as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to be able to establish the reason why they appeared. If you can’t fix what happened, you need to go to the problem area and deal with it on the spot. To troubleshoot problems, a specialist must carry out diagnostics. If there is no other way out, then determine the malfunction by elimination.

Each specialist in this profile must also draw up an effective signal transmission scheme. He is also obliged to monitor the uninterrupted power supply and regularly check emergency power sources. These specialists must also organize and develop communication nodes. Moreover, in any area where it is required. Here's what a signalman in the army and in the service needs to know.

What skills do you need to have?

To achieve success in a certain field of activity, you must have a predisposition to it. For example, guys serving in the Airborne Forces need to be physically tough, strong and not afraid of heights. Sailors should not be seasick. What about signalmen? These fighters must also be in good health. But, besides this, it is also important to have an analytical mind, attentiveness, developed intelligence and dexterity. These people will have to do hard work, so it is also important to be a patient person.

By the way, this profession is very profitable. For example, the average salary for a signalman in the Khabarovsk Territory is about 60 thousand rubles.

Signalman rights

They are also worth knowing about. Each signalman has the right to request from structural units information and all the necessary materials that he needs to perform his work and duties, as provided for in the Charter. This specialist may also prohibit the use of a dangerous or faulty service item - be it a device, structure, equipment, mechanism or structure.

He can also study documents defining his rights and obligations. If a signalman works not in a military organization, but in some enterprise, then he has the right to make any proposals for improving the system or work process.

And each specialist can ask the commander to provide the best organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of his activities.

What should conscripts expect?

Modern service is no longer the same as it used to be, so it is not surprising that many potential soldiers wonder what a signalman does in the army. Basically the same as the rank and file of other units. Soldiers of the communications department perform physical activity, go into uniform, and attend lectures on their specialty. When they are transferred from the training unit to the combat unit, more intense activities begin. They can send a private to the central console, on duty. There you need to receive and process calls. There is also an option to get to the switch.

Many conscripts are afraid of learning Morse code. In general, as many modern signalmen who have served their required term say, now there are no serious requirements for knowledge of this specific “language”. As a rule, only the basics are studied. Although it all depends on the unit where the soldier ends up. Everywhere there is a different attitude towards this type of activity.


The uniform of signalmen in the army is easily recognizable by their chevrons. The main symbol of these troops is golden, vertically positioned lightning bolts. Three are directed upwards and the same number are directed downward. They show off against the background of outstretched wings. This is a small emblem. There is also a middle one. It depicts a golden double-headed eagle holding silver lightning bolts in its claws. And on his chest you can see a red triangular shield with a rod.

And finally, a large emblem. This is a coat of arms. It depicts a small emblem in a black quadrangular heraldic shield. It is framed by a silver wreath, in the upper part of which the emblem of the Russian Armed Forces can be seen.

By the way, lightning symbolizes the variety of means and wings reflect mobility and efficiency of information transfer. Having remembered these associations, you can easily recognize signalmen by their emblems.

The work of telecom operators is somewhat reminiscent of the work of system administrators. But military specialists of this kind often have to withstand serious physical exertion and, of course, keep themselves in good shape by regularly passing standards for the skills of conducting ground infantry combat.

In addition, the military signalman must:

  • Monitor the operation of communications equipment. Using special programs and devices, monitor signal transmission between communication points.
  • Troubleshoot communications problems. Find out the causes of the malfunction if the signal disappears. If the local location of the defect is determined, go (if necessary) to the problem area to troubleshoot.
  • Diagnosis of problems, determination of faults by elimination.
  • Drawing up an effective signal transmission scheme. Design of structures for appropriate purposes.
  • Equipment setup.
  • Organization of constant power supply, testing and use of emergency power supplies to communication facilities.
  • Repair work.
  • Creation of telecommunication networks.
  • Calculation of quantities and determination of the type of necessary consumables.
  • Organization and development of communication centers in any area for receiving/transmitting operational information.
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A military signalman is a prestigious and interesting profession. The merits of the Signal Corps in the Second World War cannot be overestimated. And already in those years it was determined that women could handle such work quite well.


In 1919, signal troops were created in the USSR. Their main tasks were:

  1. Ensuring uninterrupted transfer of information.
  2. Installation and development of communication systems.

During the Second World War, the lives of soldiers largely depended on the work of signalmen. The correctness of the transmission of information, the reliability of information encoding, the correctness of setting up communication channels - all this directly influenced the possible outcome of each battle. Typically, in the field, Morse code was used, combined with code concepts. Today, with the improvement of communications, the popularity and importance of this profession has only increased.


The profession of a military communications operator will cease to be relevant only when the wars stop. Military signalmen are responsible for transmitting information at all levels. Communication systems today are automated and very well developed. With their help, information is transmitted quickly, over vast distances, sometimes to several objects at the same time. Military signalmen carry out training and educational tasks on mobile and stationary communication systems every day. Such specialists can establish communications in any environment, in any location, using a minimum amount of resources and tools. The arsenal of a military communications operator includes a wide range of equipment designed for receiving/transmitting signals, as well as encoding and decrypting data.

The main disadvantage of the work of a military signalman is this: in the event of combat operations, there is a possibility that during a retreat, unit commanders may receive an order to destroy their own signalmen along with their equipment if there is a high probability of them being captured.


Often, the work of signalmen is somewhat reminiscent of the work of system administrators. But military specialists of this kind often have to endure serious physical exertion and, of course, keep themselves in good shape by regularly passing standards for the skills of conducting ground infantry combat. In addition, the military signalman must:

Who is it suitable for?

A military signalman must have the following qualities:

  1. Good health, stamina.
  2. Analytical mind.
  3. Attentiveness.
  4. Above average intelligence.
  5. Dexterity, ability to perform small, painstaking manual work.

Salary, career

The salary of a military communications operator can range from 20,000 rubles and above. The salary amount, of course, directly depends on the region, climatic conditions and the strategic importance of the location to which the specialist is assigned. In the Khabarovsk Territory, a military signalman (junior officer) receives, on average, 60,000 rubles. If you are not satisfied with the prospect of a military career, after completing military service you can easily find a job in civilian life. Professional specialists are needed by companies providing mobile communications and Internet services, as well as many other enterprises, ranging from small to large or medium-sized businesses. Average salaries for signalmen (not military) range from 19,000 rubles (province) to 48,000 (Moscow).

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However, for a long time there was no way to transmit information over longer distances, except for the transmission of an information carrier (in the form of a messenger, letter, etc.)

Types of communication

Depending on what substrates and phenomena were used to encode messages, the connection can be distinguished using:

  • electrons - telecommunications (wired and radio communications)
  • photon radiation - modern fiber optics, some types of signal towers, flashlight signals in Morse code, atmospheric and space laser communications
  • sequences of symbols from dyes on the material - writing on paper, smoke in the atmosphere
  • relief or change in the shape of a material - cuneiform, optical disc

Depending on the data transmission medium, communication lines are divided into:

  • satellite
  • air
  • ground
  • underwater
  • underground

Depending on what the message carries, according to the physical principles underlying communication lines, the following types of communication can be distinguished:

  • Wire and cable communications - transmission is carried out along the guide medium.
  • Radio communication - radio waves in space are used for transmission.
    • DV, SV, HF and VHF communications without the use of repeaters
    • Satellite communications - communications using space repeater(s)
    • Radio relay communication - communication using terrestrial repeater(s)
    • Cellular communication - communication using a network of terrestrial base stations

Depending on whether the sources/receivers of information are mobile or not, they distinguish stationary (fixed) And mobile connection ( mobile, communication with moving objects- SPO).

Based on the type of signal transmitted, analogue and digital communications are distinguished.


Depending on what information is transmitted, there are analog And digital connection. Analog communication is the transmission of continuous messages (such as sound or speech). Digital communication is the transfer of information in discrete form (digital form). However, discrete messages can be transmitted over analog channels and vice versa. Currently, digital communications are replacing analog communications (digitalization is taking place), since analog signals can be represented as discrete signals and, after transmission, converted back (the conditions that ensure the possibility of such conversion are set by Kotelnikov’s theorem) without significant losses.

Communication system

In general, a communication system (CS) consists of terminal equipment(OO, terminal device, terminal, terminal device) the source and recipient of the message, and signal conversion devices(UPS) from both ends of the line. The OO provides primary processing of messages and signals, conversion of messages from the form in which they are provided by the source (speech, image, etc.) into a signal (on the source, sender side) and back (on the recipient side), amplification, etc. The UPS can provide signal protection from distortion, formation of a channel(s), coordination of a group signal (a signal of several channels) with a line on the source side, restoration of the group signal from a mixture of useful signal and interference, dividing it into individual channels, error detection and correction on the side recipient. The communication line may contain amplifiers and regenerators. Amplifier - simply amplifies the signal along with interference and transmits it further, used in analog transmission systems(ASP). Regenerator(“receiver”) - restores the signal without interference and re-forms a linear signal, used in digital transmission systems(DSP). Reinforcement points/regeneration points can be serviced or unattended, OUP, NUP and ORP, NRP, respectively.

Modulation is used to generate a group signal and match it with the line.

Communication network

Data network

A network is a set of communication lines and intermediate equipment/intermediate nodes, terminals/end nodes designed to transmit information from the sender to the recipient with specified quality of service parameters (that is, we can quickly, but some of the information will be lost (bad), we can do well but slowly , we can do it quickly and well, but it will be more expensive, etc.). If there are several sources of information (senders) and several recipients, a separate communication line can be laid between each pair. However, this approach becomes ineffective even with a sufficiently small number of sources and recipients. Instead, a structure is usually organized in which the number of communication lines is much smaller and channels are organized on the lines (using compaction), and the exchange of information between nodes is ensured using switching technologies. Some of the network characteristics are reliability And survivability. Vitality is the ability of a network to perform its functions under conditions of adverse external influences (structural changes, etc.). Reliability is the same as survivability, but while maintaining quality of service.


Standards in the communications world are extremely important because communications equipment must be able to communicate with each other. There are several international organizations that publish communication standards. Among them.

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