How to behave during labor and childbirth so that everything goes smoothly and with pleasure. Practical advice: how to behave during childbirth Tips during childbirth

Useful prohibitions

Or what not to do during childbirth

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that childbirth is a natural, or, in the language of doctors, a physiological process. But this does not mean that at the moment the baby is born, his mother can behave as she pleases. In order for the birth of a baby to end successfully, a woman needs to learn some restrictions that must be observed during childbirth.

Don't forget your exchange card . When going to the maternity hospital, you definitely need to put this important document in your bag, because in its absence, doctors can only glean information about your pregnancy from your lips, but even if you are a doctor and all the information presented turns out to be reliable, then there is no official confirmation that you went through all the examinations and tests, no. And this circumstance allows us to think that the tests, in particular for AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis, could be positive. Therefore a woman without exchange card may not be admitted to the maternity hospital or placed in a special observation unit. You also need to take your passport with you, and if a contract was concluded with the maternity hospital, then documents confirming this. In addition, you must have an insurance policy with you, preferably with a copy.

By the way, if you forget some of your personal belongings at home, it will not be so important, because in all maternity hospitals, if necessary, you will be given slippers (but it is better, of course, to take them with you), and a robe and nightgown overwhelmingly medical institutions issued to the mother in labor without fail.

You can't rush, you can't fuss. With the onset of labor, with the first contraction, there is no need to rush out of the house. After all, contractions - involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, manifested by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back - may at first be irregular and appear at long intervals (30 minutes or more). Such contractions in no way lead to rapid dilatation of the cervix; they allow you to take your time, think everything through, get ready and get to the maternity hospital. Thus, the duration of the first birth, as a rule, is 10-12 hours, the second and subsequent births occur faster (6-8 hours), but the woman still has enough time to get to the maternity hospital. Your relatives should also remember that there is no need to rush, especially if among them there is a driver who has undertaken to deliver the expectant mother to the maternity hospital. You should hurry in cases where the previous birth was fast or rapid, when the waters poured out, especially if the waters are not clear, but have a greenish tint, which indicates that the baby is suffering inside the womb; and, of course, in cases where blood is released from the genital tract, this is possible with placental abruption - a condition that threatens both mother and baby. In other cases, during the first birth, you can go to the maternity hospital when the intervals between contractions average 10 minutes, and during the second and subsequent births - 15 minutes. This statement is true if you can get to the maternity hospital within an hour to an hour and a half.

In many maternity hospitals, women in labor are not allowed to eat or drink during labor. . This requirement is justified by the fact that during childbirth there may be a need for general anesthesia, and there is a possibility of regurgitation - the reflux of stomach contents into the mouth, and from there into the lungs, which, in turn, can lead to severe pneumonia (pneumonia). In addition, during contractions, due to the reflex connection that exists between the cervix and the stomach, vomiting sometimes occurs. The more contents are in the stomach, the greater the likelihood of such phenomena.

During contractions, you should not squeeze or strain - on the contrary, you should relax all muscle groups as much as possible. During the first stage of labor, the cervix smoothes out, the uterine os opens, which allows the baby to be born. At the same time, uterine contractions seem to push the fetus out of the uterus. If at the same time you strain the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles of the limbs, then this tension creates an obstacle to the baby’s movement along the birth canal. In addition, tension in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to cervical spasm. A situation may arise in which painful contractions do not lead to the opening of the cervix. Among other things, tension during contractions can cause increased pain. When tension occurs in the body, hormones are released that cause a decrease in the pain threshold. It turns out that the more a woman tenses, afraid of the pain of the upcoming contraction, the stronger the pain becomes. If there is no muscle tension, then all emotional reactions die out, including manifestations of pain. Thus, if the body is completely relaxed during childbirth, this eliminates the excess tone of the circular fibers of the lower segments of the uterus and cervix, which cause pain during contractions. In a state of complete relaxation (relaxation) and calm, the activity of the uterus during childbirth is perceived simply as muscle contraction.

In order to minimize stress during childbirth, you should use all possible reserves, which lie in inhalation, taking a comfortable position, self-numbing massage and mood.

With the onset of contractions, when the pain is not severe or prolonged, you can breathe deeply and evenly during the contraction (so-called slow breathing). When involuntary contractions of the uterine muscles become more frequent and painful, rapid shallow breathing (similar to dog breathing) can be used.

Certain poses help you relax as much as possible: standing by the bed with support on the headboard, sitting on a large ball, lying on your side.

You can reduce pain and relax by making circular movements with your fists in the lumbar region, stroking under the abdomen on both sides of the pubic symphysis parallel to the inguinal fold. A warm shower is also relaxing.

During childbirth, it is important to think about their successful outcome and the upcoming meeting with the baby.

Having relaxed at least once during a contraction, you will understand that it is much easier to endure the unpleasant sensations associated with uterine contractions.

You should not strain during doctor’s examinations (during these examinations the doctor determines the dilation of the cervix, the position of the fetus, the advancement of the head or pelvic end), since tension will also only increase the pain. During the vaginal examination, try to breathe quickly and shallowly, relax all muscle groups, especially the muscles of the perineum.

During childbirth, you should not lie on your back. This restriction is valid not only for the period of childbirth, but also for the second half of pregnancy. Lying on her back, the pregnant uterus compresses large vessels (such as the aorta and inferior vena cava), which leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the heart, brain, other organs, uterus, and fetus. This, in turn, leads to oxygen starvation of the baby and stagnation of venous blood in internal organs(including in the uterus). This is what the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome consists of. Therefore, if for one reason or another you are in bed during contractions, you need to take a semi-sitting position or lying on your left side.

You should not sit during childbirth. This rule should be followed towards the end of the first stage of labor, when contractions have already become quite frequent - after 1-2 minutes - and strong, and even more so when you first have the desire to push. At this time, the baby’s head is already entering the birth canal, and, sitting down on the bed, expectant mother creates an obstacle to the birth of the head.

You should not scream during contractions. While screaming, you exhale air and lose strength, while air is vital for the baby, who is already experiencing oxygen starvation during contractions. This is due to the fact that at the moment the muscles of the uterus contract, the uterine vessels feeding the placenta are compressed, their lumen becomes narrower, and the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrients. During the scream, the expectant mother also experiences oxygen starvation; as already mentioned, she loses strength, which will be very useful to her during pushing. By the way, screaming during pushing also does not contribute to the successful course of the process of expulsion of the fetus.

It makes no sense during painful contractions to demand that you do C-section. A caesarean section operation is performed only in accordance with medical indications, since it, like any surgical operation, is associated with certain risks that exceed the risks that arise during childbirth. A caesarean section is performed only in situations where vaginal birth is fraught with serious danger to the life and health of the fetus or the woman herself.

Childbirth cannot end through the natural birth canal in the following cases:

· Premature placental abruption - this situation is accompanied by bleeding, which is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus.

· Placenta previa (the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus).

· Transverse and oblique position of the fetus in the uterus.

· Severe late toxicosis of pregnancy - convulsions, increased blood pressure, which cannot be treated with medications.

· Discrepancy between the sizes of the mother's pelvis and the fetal head.

· Loss of umbilical cord loops.

· Tumors of the uterus, ovaries, bladder blocking the birth canal and preventing the birth of a child (for example, uterine fibroids).

Doctors monitoring the course of pregnancy and childbirth, if any of these complications occur, will promptly raise the question of the need for surgery, but in the absence of indications, it is not advisable to require surgery.

It is not advisable to demand pain relief when the doctor says it is too late. The most commonly used medications for pain relief are nitrous oxide, narcotic analgesics, and epidural anesthesia. Nitrous oxide, which is given through a mask, can be used until the end of contractions because this mixture is eliminated immediately after inhalation - through the upper respiratory tract. Other methods of pain relief - the administration of narcotic analgesics, epidural anesthesia - are used only at a certain point in labor. Thus, narcotic analgesics are usually administered when the opening of the cervix is ​​5-6 cm; if the analgesic is administered later, then there is little time left until the end of labor (full opening of the cervix is ​​10 cm, while opening up to 3-4 cm is the longest stage of labor), and the baby who received a certain dose of the drug may be born in narcotic depression , up to depression of the respiratory center. If epidural anesthesia is performed before the end of labor, then at the moment of pushing the woman will not feel the urge to push and will not be able to effectively strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

You cannot push for the first time without the permission of your doctor or midwife. When, after a period of contractions, you have a desire to push, similar to the urge to defecate (the desire to empty the intestines), you cannot realize this desire immediately. Premature pushing can lead to injury to both mother and baby. The urge to push occurs when the fetal head begins to press on the pelvic floor muscles. It should be borne in mind that the threshold of sensitivity for all women is different, therefore, for some, pushing begins when the head has not yet moved far along the birth canal and is high, and for others, when the head is already located on the pelvic floor and There is only a short section of the road left to cover. If events develop as described in the second case, then you will be allowed to try your hand immediately, but if the head is still high, then you need to make attempts using special breathing techniques. This need is justified by the following: the fetal head must pass through the birth canal gradually, since during this short but difficult path it undergoes a so-called configuration: while passing through the birth canal, the bones of the skull are superimposed on one another like a tiled roof. This occurs due to the fact that between the bones of the skull there are sutures and fontanelles - areas where there is no bone tissue, but for now there is only connective tissue (after the baby is born, these areas begin to be covered with bone tissue). If you start pushing when the fetal head is still at the very beginning of the birth canal, the change has not yet occurred, then its passage may be traumatic for the child.

Another circumstance that determines the need for timely pushing is the condition of the cervix. If you start pushing when the cervix has not yet fully opened, then when moving the head forward with the help of contraction of the abdominal muscles (and this is pushing), there is a possibility of injury - rupture of the cervix by the fetal head.

Thus, when you first feel the urge to push, breathe quickly and shallowly (push), and then call one of the medical staff to come to you.

While pushing, you should not push on your face or puff out your cheeks. . Correct attempts are the key to the success of the second stage of labor - the period of expulsion of the fetus, that is, the condition of both the woman herself and her baby depends on the behavior of the mother during this period of labor. In order to push well and correctly, you need to take in a full chest of air; this can be done without difficulty even if this is your first time trying to master it. Further actions may be incorrect. Thus, some women in labor puff out their cheeks, strain their facial muscles, but the pushing is ineffective, and the fetal head does not move along the birth canal. In addition, after such attempts, small hemorrhages may form on the face and eyes. In order for the birth to end quickly and safely, it is necessary, after you have taken a full chest of air, to swallow it (but not exhale), press your chin to your chest, rest your feet on the devices provided specifically for this on the birthing bed, and use your hands to pull the rails of this bed towards you. It is necessary to strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall as much as possible (a person performs similar actions when constipated). You need to push for an average of 20 seconds, after which you need to exhale smoothly, then immediately inhale a full chest of air and repeat all over again. Such actions must be repeated three times in one attempt.

You can’t expect your baby to start smiling at you in the first second and sucking your breast with pleasure. Childbirth is a complex, time-consuming process not only for the mother, but also for the baby. Sometimes the baby needs rest in order to grasp the nipple well with his lips and receive the first drops of colostrum, because in order to eat, the baby needs a lot of strength. And a smile is a conscious manifestation of emotions that appears only when the brain structures reach a certain level of development.

After the birth of your baby, you can’t think that everything is over. After the baby is born, you still have to give birth to the placenta, after which you will have a procedure for examining the birth canal. And all this is the very beginning of your new life as the mother of your wonderful baby.

We hope that following these prohibitions will help you successfully overcome all the difficulties that are possible during childbirth.

The long 9 months of waiting have finally come to an end, just a little more and a huge new world will meet your baby, but in the meantime, the expectant mother has a little time left to relax, gain strength and complete all her work.1. Final preparations
2. Correct behavior during childbirth and during contractions

1.1. Calm
1.2. Rest
1.3. Breath
1.4. Stay optimistic
1.5. Don't hold back your moans and screams
1.6. Move

3. It has begun!
4. How do you understand that labor has begun and further delaying a trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Very often, expectant mothers at the end of the 9th month of pregnancy complain of accumulated fatigue and dream that labor will begin as soon as possible. Really.

A huge belly, all sorts of unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling, heartburn, and sleep disturbances cause the expectant mother a lot of inconvenience and interfere with normal rest and relaxation.

Meanwhile, the expectant mother is visited by all sorts of questions, such as how to behave correctly during childbirth and labor before the upcoming important event: waiting for the inevitable painful sensations often frighten women, especially those who are giving birth for the first time or have already experienced difficult previous births. Do not give in to panic: not a single woman has remained pregnant forever, in addition, how the birth will go largely depends on your mood, so it is important to know how to behave correctly during childbirth.

Final preparations

So that the long-awaited hour X does not take you by surprise and passes comfortably, and in the first days after the birth of the baby you can be completely immersed in caring for her, without being distracted by all sorts of unimportant things at that moment, it is better to prepare for the start of labor in advance. .

Try to complete all important unfinished business before the last weeks of pregnancy. So, it is recommended to think about the things that you may need in the maternity hospital and after discharge starting from the 36th week: pack a “duty” bag with everything you need - clothes, hygiene products and documents.

Perhaps, it is important for any woman to feel safe during childbirth, as well as to feel complete trust in the medical staff, so it is better to choose the maternity hospital and the doctor with whom you are going to give birth in advance. If you have the opportunity to meet with a doctor on the eve of this important moment in your life, talk, ask him questions that concern you - be sure to do so - such a conversation will significantly add confidence and help you get into the right frame of mind.

Try to finish urgent and important household chores - this, of course, does not mean that in the last weeks of pregnancy you need to scrub the entire apartment until it shines or iron a whole closet of diapers. Such labor feats will only bring overwork, but it is imperative to prepare the minimum necessary for the first days, collect a discharge kit and take care of the care of older children, if you have any.

In the last days before the baby is born, try to follow a certain diet - light and healthy food that does not overload the stomach will come in very handy in case labor suddenly begins. Eat often, but little by little - this will help you survive heartburn and accumulate the energy that you will soon need.

Correct behavior during childbirth and during contractions

How you behave during childbirth will determine how easily and quickly you will be able to bring your child into the world.

If you have not read or heard anything about the upcoming process, it’s time to remember and put into practice all your knowledge. No wonder antenatal clinics very often it is recommended that expectant mothers take a course of lectures on pregnancy and childbirth. Classes on how to behave during childbirth: how to breathe properly, relax, what pushing is and other important aspects will help the mother in labor in this difficult and responsible process.

1. Calmness

It is very important not to lose composure and listen to the doctor’s advice: panic and hysteria have never helped anyone give birth healthy child– you will only waste your energy and take your breath away.

2. Rest

Be sure to rest between contractions - in the first stage of labor, when the uterus is just beginning to contract, the pain is not too severe and the expectant mother can easily survive it. At the stage of intensification and frequency of contractions, a break between them was invented by mother nature so that the woman could take a breath. Very often, women in labor recall that they even managed to sleep in the short period between each contraction.

3. Breathing

It is very important to master correct - this will help speed up and facilitate the process of the baby passing through the birth canal. And also reduce pain during contractions.

4. Stay optimistic

A positive attitude and the ability to maintain composure are important components of success. Humor and jokes contribute to the release of the pleasure hormone, which is a powerful natural pain reliever - it’s not for nothing that the medical staff in the delivery room tries to joke with women who are preparing to become mothers any minute.

5. Don't hold back your moans and screams.

“Correct” low, prolonged groans, like those that escape the lips of an athlete during periods of highest stress, help to relax and relieve pain. Screams - sharp, sudden, uncontrollable - on the contrary, will interfere with labor, causing muscle tension and spasms.

6. Move

If your condition allows it, you don’t need to be tied to an IV or carry out continuous monitoring of the fetus’s condition, be sure to take advantage of the situation to alleviate your condition. Painful contractions in motion, taking a position that is convenient for you personally, are much easier to survive than lying down. In addition, the vertical position helps speed up the birth process and facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

There are some positions in which mother and baby feel much easier and more comfortable during childbirth. So, for example, by kneeling down during very strong contractions, you can help yourself by making it easier, and gradual smooth squats will increase the pressure on the cervix, and accordingly speed up labor.

If it is not possible to maintain freedom of movement for some reason, then it would be optimal to take a position lying on your left side: this position is optimal for rest and creates minimal pressure on the walls of the uterus and baby.

It's begun!

So, you felt that the end of pregnancy is already close: they are manifesting themselves more and more intensely, and perhaps they are already present. obvious signs the onset of labor, such as the appearance of regular contractions or the discharge of amniotic fluid.

Of course, the appearance of the first signs of the onset of labor is not always a reason to immediately rush headlong to the maternity hospital. Childbirth is a long process, consisting of several periods, and at the initial stage, many women in labor are more comfortable staying at home.

How do you understand that labor has begun and further delaying a trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Discuss with your doctor exactly when it is worth making a follow-up call and heading out in advance - this time depends on the intensity and frequency of labor contractions. Record the duration of contractions and the break between them - in this case, it is recommended to create a table. As soon as labor pain has reached the control value that you agreed on with the doctor, it’s time to pack your bags.

Perhaps it seems to you or you are sure that the process is going wrong - in this case it is better to trust your feelings and once again consult with a specialist, at least by phone. If you notice signs of obvious abnormality, such as vaginal bleeding or water that has a greenish tint or bad smell, immediately call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital.

How to behave during childbirth and contractions video

* Pure scarlet blood is released from the genital tract (in any quantity and at any stage of pregnancy);

* Poured out amniotic fluid, or are leaking. Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the waters. Remember the time when they poured out or began to leak.

* Contractions are frequent and painful.

If in your case labor began with contractions, try to remember the time of the first contraction. Write down on paper what time the contraction started and how long it lasted.

From the moment labor begins try not to eat(at most you can afford something “light”: yogurt, tea, crackers, crackers) and don't drink too much. Many maternity hospitals do not allow this, because... vomiting may occur; Plus, anesthesia may be required during labor, and if the stomach is full, food may enter the lungs, which, of course, will lead to adverse consequences.

Necessarily listen to the doctor and midwife who are delivering your baby, so as not to harm themselves or the baby!

During contractions:

You will not be able to control the frequency and strength of contractions.

If there are no contraindications ( premature birth, rapid birth, breech presentation, poor health of the mother or child), try to move more, especially at the very beginning of labor: walk around the room, change body position more often. This will speed up the birth process, blood circulation will be better, and more oxygen will flow to the baby, which is very important.

Need to try to relax all the muscles as far as possible. Firstly, when a woman tenses up without even wanting to, she can create an obstacle in the way of the baby being born. Secondly, if you strain, the process will be more painful (due to the hormones that are released during stress).

Ways to relieve tension:

1) Breathing during contractions: when they are not strong and do not last long, breathe evenly and deeply; when contractions become painful and frequent, you can breathe quickly and shallowly (much like a dog’s breathing). The main thing is to breathe, don’t hold your breath!

2) Comfortable position: lying on your left side, standing near the bed and leaning on your back, sitting on a large inflatable ball (fitball). It is better not to lie on your back, because... this can lead to oxygen starvation of the child and stagnation of blood in the internal organs, not counting situations where this is necessary: ​​examination, opening of the amniotic sac, CTG, ultrasound, listening to the heartbeat, the birth of a child in the 2nd stage of labor.

3) Pain-relieving massage: You can massage the lumbar region with your fists in a circular motion. Massage of the sacrum helps a lot.

4) Try to sleep or at least pretend to be asleep.

5) Pelvic movements: circular and swaying.

6) Calm, relaxing music can help a lot.

7) Own attitude: think that your baby will be born soon, you will finally be able to take him in your arms and hold him close to you.

When women begin to experience fairly painful contractions, many begin to demand a caesarean section. You shouldn't do that. This operation is performed only for certain indications, when childbirth naturally may threaten the life and health of mother and child. If any complication occurs, the gynecologist who monitors you during pregnancy or the doctor delivering the baby will raise the question of surgery. But, simply because you don’t want to give birth yourself, or you can’t stand the pain anymore, they won’t operate on you.

When contractions become frequent and strong, closer to full dilation of the cervix, and if there is also a desire to push - you can't sit on the bed(it turns out to be an obstacle for the child). You can, for example, sit on a hospital duck.

Try don't shout during painful periods when the uterus contracts or during pushing - again, the child suffers from this due to lack of oxygen, and you also lose more strength, which are better to save.

During pushing:

You may delay or increase your pushing.

You can’t start pushing on your own, because Premature pushing can injure both mother and baby. When you first feel a strong urge to push, push (breathe quickly and shallowly), and immediately call a doctor or midwife.

How to push correctly: take a deep good breath, hold your breath (do not exhale), tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible, trying to help the baby move through the birth canal (imagine that you are struggling to go to the toilet “big” if the pain in the birth canal intensifies - you you're doing everything right). Push for an average of 15-20 seconds, then exhale smoothly to consolidate the result of the push. Try to rest before pushing next time. There are approximately 3 pushes per contraction. It is better to push fruitfully several times than to try to do it continuously during a contraction - this is how the child suffers from a lack of oxygen, and you lose more strength. Try not to shout - it will only get in the way.

Those. there is no need to push “in the face” (strain the facial muscles), puff out your cheeks, as many do - this way the child does not move forward, plus small hemorrhages may appear on the face and eyes.

If you still don’t start pushing correctly, doctors will begin to press on the stomach, as if squeezing out the child. If necessary, obstetric forceps will have to be applied.

If you don't feel any pressure, or they will be too weak, you will be supervised by a doctor and a midwife.

I bring to your attention a video where an obstetrician-gynecologist talks in detail about methods of pain relief for childbirth:

And another video where a specialist from the childbirth preparation center explains which positions are most comfortable:

A maternity hospital is for a woman, people say that the army is for a man. Those who were not will be, and those who were will not forget. Almost every woman can experience such unforgettable sensations, with the exception of cases of surgical delivery. How to make the birth process less painful and is it possible?

The first stage of the birth process is. All expectant mothers may experience contractions with varying degrees of pain. Some will have a barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen, like before their period, while others will be ready to climb the wall, which, by the way, can be done if you have a wall bars at hand. During this period, doctors recommend walking, dancing a little, hanging on something, and swinging on a fitball. It is not recommended to sit at this time, especially on a hard surface. The vertical position helps to more easily survive contractions, and this position also has a beneficial effect on the active dilatation of the uterus.

If you don’t want to eat, that’s great; now it’s important not to overstrain your body with excess food. At great desire to refresh yourself, it is better to choose something light and sweet. You can, for example, eat a banana and drink compote. Don't try to “feed” yourself potatoes. Heavy food most likely will not stay in the body and will be released in the form of vomiting.

Correct Actions

If you want to know what to do during contractions, follow these guidelines:

  • Breathe correctly. This will be the key to painless contractions. A woman in a calm and confident state can help herself through a difficult birth journey. The breathing technique should be as follows: inhale slowly through the nose and exhale a little longer through the mouth. You can accompany the exhalation by pronouncing or singing the low vowels a, o or u. The method of diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing is also of great benefit. The woman in labor takes an inhalation, which begins in the abdomen (to do this, one hand can be placed on the stomach and make sure that it rises first when inhaling), and then the breathing phase captures chest(Put your other hand on your chest - it’s her turn to rise). During one contraction you need to take 3-4 such full breaths. Proper breathing will help saturate your baby with oxygen, and incorrect breathing technique will lead to a lack of oxygen in the baby (hypoxia).
  • Don't shout. Screaming will not help ease the suffering, but will only exhaust the woman in labor, and she needs to save energy, otherwise the final stage of labor risks being delayed. Screaming, as well as high-pitched sounds, can have a detrimental effect on the birth process, leading to spasm of the necessary muscles.
  • Relax. In between contractions, and this process can take a very long time (up to 12 hours), the woman needs to calm down and preferably even sleep. This will perfectly restore strength for the subsequent even more important period of childbirth - for pushing. Listen to your favorite music, talk on the phone, do meditation, etc. Help your body relax by any means.
  • Self-massage - maybe massage: massage your lower back with your fists or make stroking movements in the lower abdomen, moving from the groin to the sides.
  • Prepare for childbirth. While there is time, the expectant mother can take a shower, shave, check all her things and documents again and go to the maternity hospital.

Transition period

The relatively calm pain of the latent period of contractions is replaced by an active period, when the pain will be even more noticeable and severe. This stage ends with two scenarios:

  1. Premature labor – your doctor will advise you to lie on your side to slow down the labor process.
  2. Slow movement of the baby's head through the birth canal - in this case, doctors recommend squatting to speed up this process.


Following the contractions come pushing. Here a woman needs to behave as correctly as possible so as not to harm either herself or the baby.

Important! Listen to the midwife! This is the most important thing. Experienced doctors will tell you how to breathe correctly and what to do to minimize the pain of the process. If you feel that contractions have become frequent, with an interval of 1 minute, carefully monitor the urge to push. Doing this now is strictly prohibited. The baby has not yet prepared to come out, and early attempts will cause damage to the baby’s head and will also lead to tears in your perineum.

How to behave during childbirth? It is important to learn how to breathe correctly. This is very simple to do: breathe often, like a dog, or as if you were blowing out a candle. In this case, only the exhalation should be heard clearly and loudly.

Follow your doctor's instructions strictly. A step to the left, a step to the right - a mistake costs your life or your child’s. Remember this great responsibility. As soon as you get the signal to push, you need to press into your chest maximum quantity air, hold your breath and, pressing your chin to your chest, sharply release air through your mouth, creating maximum pressure in the anus.

It is important not to push upward into the head. Excessive pressure can cause the eye capillaries to burst, and the birth process itself will be slowed down.

During one attempt, you need to follow this breathing technique 3 times. If you do everything correctly, already on the second push the baby’s head will appear, and with the next push the baby’s final birth will occur.

Completion of labor

Now the baby is already on your chest and emotions are overwhelming your soul, and the labor period is almost over. All that was left was to push one last time for the placenta to come out. In another way it is also called a children's place. When you hear a characteristic squelch coming from yourself, you know that you have done it, you have completed it. Now the young mother needs to rest for 2 hours. During this time, the medical staff will exercise vigilant control over the woman in labor due to the risk of bleeding.

Sometimes a woman who has given birth creates an illusory feeling of lightness and floating. She feels as if everything inside is full of energy and is ready to run home with her baby in her arms, but these feelings are deceptive. They are the result of the euphoria of victory; in fact, a woman needs proper rest to restore the lost strength.

Let's summarize what behavior would be prudent to ensure that childbirth is as painless as possible:

  1. Breathe correctly at each individual stage.
  2. Take the correct body position to facilitate labor.
  3. Be attentive and calm.
  4. Comply with all requirements of medical staff.
  5. Set yourself in a positive mood.

Any woman is capable of giving birth, but only your actions can make this process comfortable and painless. Do not be afraid of anything and expect a joyful meeting with your little one.

A long 9 months are behind us, the time has come when it’s time for the baby to be born. The question arises, especially for those who are giving birth for the first time, how to behave correctly during childbirth so as not to harm the baby and make the process as painless as possible. In order to behave adequately during childbirth, you need to be able to cope with pain and emotions, and most importantly, overcome fear.

Fear arises from the unknown; now there is a lot of useful literature and information about how to breathe correctly and about the physiology of the process itself. The basic rules for overcoming fear are as follows:

  • Awareness. So that the unknown does not frighten you, you can read on forums about the various stages of childbirth; it is better to find out the opinion of mothers who have recently given birth - their information will be more believable and accurate.
  • Smart attitude. If something cannot be avoided, then you need to be ready for it “at all costs.” Everything is individual: someone can give birth easily and quickly, while others will have difficulties, but no one will remain pregnant. You need to try to take the birth process philosophically: do everything you can to the maximum, and for the rest rely on fate and the professionalism of doctors.
  • Preparedness. During pregnancy, they attend trainings and learn proper breathing for different periods of labor. If this does not work out, you need to read the literature on this subject at least a week before the expected date and work on breathing exercises. They really help the birth of a child, prevent hypoxia and distract the mother from pain.
  • Physical condition. The body should not be exhausted before childbirth. When you get into the delivery room, you will need all your strength and energy not to be lazy and follow all the midwife’s instructions.

Childbirth how to behave correctly

It is important to know how to behave correctly and adequately during childbirth. The correct behavior during childbirth is calm, but in such a way that it is clear from the state what is happening. Both extremes will not lead to anything good.

A lot of attention is paid to a screaming woman in labor, but this has a bad effect on the child and can lead to hypoxia.

Too calm, keeping the pain from contractions under control - they simply won’t believe it and may miss the moment when midwife intervention is needed, especially if this is not the first birth, which threatens rupture.

It happens that a woman practically does not feel pain - she feels a little worse than during painful periods, then she still needs to not restrain herself and express herself with moans or breathing exercises your condition during labor and childbirth. How to behave before childbirth: do not panic, if you have already decided to take this step, then there is nowhere to retreat, you need to do everything to give birth to a healthy baby.

How to behave correctly during the first birth: listen to your body and the midwife’s instructions, breathe and push as she says. The main teller of how to behave will be body signals; the main thing is not to be afraid of pain and not to be tense.

How contractions begin

When the first warning signs arise, how to behave during contractions is a question that interests many. After they begin, you should not eat food; in most cases, the body cleanses itself, getting rid of all the contents of the stomach, and extra load is not needed for the digestive system. You can drink some water. At first they resemble training ones, usually the pain is reflected in the lower abdomen or in the back.

How to behave during contractions

The obstetrician guides the prenatal period, as labor approaches, and helps to inhale and exhale correctly during contractions. At the initial stage you need to breathe deeply and slowly, later it is difficult to control yourself, but you need to try to inhale deeply. Over time, the pain of contractions will be forgotten, and a healthy baby will delight you for the rest of your life.


After the pain of contractions, pushing is felt as pressure, when permission is received from the laborer to push during childbirth - relief comes. Breathing is important, pushing requires great physical effort and concentration during the birth period, which can last from a few minutes to half an hour. If behavior contradicts the doctor's requirements, this may lead to rupture of the perineum or uterus.

Birth of placenta

The birth of the placenta is painless and easy; it is important that the baby’s place comes out completely.

Feelings after childbirth

When you put the baby on his stomach and look into his eyes, euphoria sets in, you understand what it was all for and you realize that this stage is finally over. In the first postpartum hours, you need to behave calmly, without loading the body, even if you seem to be full of strength and the postpartum state is not felt.

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