Steam facial baths help a woman take care of her appearance. How to make steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads Steam facial bath using soda

Steam facial cleansing at home is considered a useful and highly effective procedure. It is suitable for those people who want to get rid of skin problems. After just a few sessions, you will notice a positive result. The skin will become smoother, softer, brighter, acquire a healthy tone, and the number of acne will significantly decrease. This is achieved through the medicinal herbs that the steam bath contains.

The following effects can also be noted:

  • the contents of the pores become softer and come out either on their own or after using a scrub;
  • medicinal steams soothe the skin and relieve inflammation;
  • the skin is cleansed of toxins, sebaceous deposits and cosmetics;
  • cellular respiration becomes better, the yellowish or grayish tint of the skin disappears, a slight blush appears;

Afterwards, it is recommended to apply moisturizing masks, since a steam bath with or with bay leaves helps the pores open and receive the greatest amount of necessary substances from creams, scrubs and other cosmetics.
The procedure is also popular because it is very easy to carry out on your own. Everything you need can be found in the store, and at a low price. A steam bath for the face at home will cost less than a service in a beauty salon, and at the same time it will be no less effective.

Indications and contraindications

Steam facial baths for acne, dark spots and other problems can be done by all people who care about their appearance. They are especially recommended for those who have serious skin blemishes, for example, acne. It happens that there are not enough cosmetics to treat the face, and it is necessary to undergo expensive procedures aimed at cleansing the epidermis and relieving inflammation. In such a situation, a steam bath is perfect, replacing the expensive services of a specialist.

Before conducting a session, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. They exist because steam affects not only the epidermis, but also blood circulation. A steam bath should not be used for people who have acute cardiovascular pathologies, respiratory diseases, or asthma. It is also recommended to avoid exposure to steam when your body temperature is high. If your health problems are chronic, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor about whether this procedure can be performed. This is necessary in order to avoid unpleasant side effects.

What will you need?

In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to purchase certain items. Some of them may already be at home, while others will have to be looked for in the store. First of all, you need to stock up on a small plastic basin or other container with a volume of 3 liters. It must be clean and not used for other needs, for example, for washing. That is why it is better to buy a new one and use it only for steam baths in the future.

You will also need a large, thick towel that will completely cover your head when you bend over a container of water. It is important that it does not allow air to pass through at all. In addition, you need to purchase medicinal herbs in dry or fresh form. They can be chamomile, bay leaf, lavender, and others. They should not cause an allergic reaction in a particular person. After this, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself.

How to make a steam bath

In total, the preparatory activities, the procedure itself and the actions after it will take about 30 minutes. It is necessary to allocate time for this in advance so as not to do everything in a hurry. First you need to boil about 2-3 liters of water, which will then be used for the bath. It is also necessary to prepare a tincture or decoction of medicinal herbs; you will need about 1 glass per liter of pure boiling water. All ingredients must be mixed in a bowl and placed on the table.

Now you need to tie your hair so that the strands do not interfere. You need to bend over the basin and immediately place a thick towel on the back of your head so that the water with the broth does not cool down ahead of time. If it becomes excessively hot, then you need to increase the distance of your face to boiling water, and then gradually reduce it.

The procedure itself can last approximately 5-10 minutes. It must be stopped when the steam disappears. After the bath, you do not need to immediately wash or wipe your skin. It will be much more useful to wait until the moisture evaporates itself. Only after 10 minutes can you wipe your face with a dry cloth. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub and apply cream. The session should be performed once a week.

Effective recipes

There are different methods, and all of them are considered effective. For yourself, you can choose the one that is designed to combat a specific problem.

Recipes that have proven themselves:

  • For acne. It is good to add the following herbs to baths that are supposed to fight inflammation and acne: string, calendula tincture, aloe, lavender. You can also use chamomile and plantain.
  • From wrinkles. To get a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use the following ingredients: rosemary, sage and dried chamomile.
  • For oily skin. To dry your face and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you should use horsetail, mint, oak, aloe, and linden.
  • For dry skin. In this case, experts advise adding thyme, calendula or oregano.
  • From blackheads. A tincture of nettle or rowan fruit will help get rid of this problem. It is also recommended to add about 50 grams of salt to boiling water.

It is advisable to prepare steam baths with only one of the listed ingredients, since experts do not recommend mixing several herbs at once. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

Healthy, well-groomed facial skin is the key to success and the “calling card” of not only women, but also men. However, this is serious work: to achieve a really good result, washing your face every day and applying cream at night is indispensable. A steam bath for the face is an inexpensive skin care procedure accessible to everyone, the results of which will not take long to come. Details are in the article.

What are the benefits of a steam bath for the face?

Even infrequent procedures (once a month is enough) can have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The pores open and cleanse: the dirt and toxins that accumulate in them are brought to the surface.
  • The skin becomes smooth, soft and hydrated.
  • The complexion improves due to oxygen saturation and improved metabolism.
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands are activated.

Contraindications for use

A steam bath for the face is contraindicated for persons:

  • Hypertensive patients.
  • For asthmatics.
  • Having inflammations and infections on the face.
  • With reinforced hair in the area exposed to steam.
  • With enlarged pores and blood vessels on the skin.

What herbs are used for steam baths?

Steam itself has a healing effect on the skin, and if you supplement it with a herbal decoction, the effectiveness of this procedure will increase several times. For these purposes the following are used:

  • Bay leaf - this steam bath for the face will give the skin firmness and elasticity and increase blood circulation.
  • Licorice - removes toxins.
  • Celandine - widely used in facial steam baths for acne. It perfectly fights inflammation, acne, age spots, and relieves the skin of herpetic eruptions.
  • Plantain - has tonic and calming properties.
  • Wormwood - a bitter herb will relieve acne, blackheads, blackheads, dermatitis, rashes, and also cope with fine wrinkles.
  • Burdock perfectly disinfects, opens and cleanses pores.
  • Chamomile is an excellent choice for dry skin. A steam facial bath with chamomile will cleanse pores, soothe irritations, relieve inflammation and have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Calendula is ideal for those with oily, problem skin. It has powerful bactericidal properties, dries out inflammation and heals wounds.
  • Oregano - perfectly cleanses and tones.

Steam facials at home

In order to be a beautiful owner of glowing healthy skin, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons. A steam bath is also available to you at home.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face, be sure to apply a rich cream, paying attention to the eyelids and the area around the eyes. For convenience, it is better to tuck your hair under a shower cap or put it in a high bun.

Well, now about the main thing: how to make a steam bath for the face? To do this, you will need any pan or wide fireproof cup. In a suitable container, you need to bring a liter or a half of the decoction to a boil (the herbs should be selected depending on the desired effect), remove from the heat and let stand for a minute or two (immediately after boiling, the steam is too hot and will damage the skin). After waiting the required time, you need to breathe over the broth from a distance of 30-40 cm, covered with a terry towel. The procedure time is selected depending on the skin type, but more on that later.


What to do after a facial steam bath? After the procedure, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature and pat your face dry with a napkin using smooth movements. After 15-20 minutes, it is recommended to apply your usual care cream or nourishing mask. Those with oily, problem skin are advised to continue cleansing: for this you can use a scrub, a spoon of Uno, or a mixture of baking soda and salt. After a steam bath, the pores of the face are enlarged, and the dirt and oil present in them can be easily removed. Such regular cleaning can once and for all get rid of deep impurities and give the skin cleanliness, freshness, even color and health.

Precautionary measures: going outside immediately after a steam bath is extremely undesirable, as this can provoke excessive pollution and, as a result, an inflammatory process. It is best to make it a rule to perform this procedure before going to bed. It is possible at other times, the main thing is that you have the opportunity to lie down for 20 minutes after the procedure.

Duration and frequency of procedures

The duration of the session depends on the skin type:

  • Dry skin - steam baths are not recommended. If necessary, it is allowed to carry out procedures no more than once every two months. The duration of the session is no more than 3 minutes.
  • Normal skin - a steam bath can be done once a month, duration - about 5 minutes.
  • Oily skin - no more than twice a month, procedure duration - 8-10 minutes.

Recipes for steam baths

There are many recipes for preparing infusions used to maintain beauty:

1. Steam baths for oily skin (1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water):

  • Chamomile + mint.
  • Sage + coltsfoot + horsetail.
  • Juniper berries, calendula, birch bark, chamomile.
  • Oak bark, mint, chamomile, linden blossom.

Each decoction can be supplemented with 2-3 drops of essential oil. For oily skin, it is better to use tea tree, lavender, sage and pine.

A facial steam bath with baking soda has a beneficial effect: it perfectly softens pores, relieves inflammation, and fights peeling. In addition, after steaming, oily skin must be further cleansed. To do this, you need to use a tampon soaked in boiled water, dip it in soda and salt (preferably sea salt) and “walk” it along the massage lines all over your face, removing blackheads and cleaning the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

2. Steam baths for dry skin (the proportions are the same as in previous recipes):

  • Chamomile + licorice + bay leaf.
  • Orange zest + comfrey + rose + dandelion.
  • Linden + hawthorn + sage.

3. Steam baths for normal skin:

  • Bay leaf, marshmallow, cloves, fennel, rose, chamomile.

These herbs can be used either individually or in combination with each other (1 tablespoon per liter of water). You can give yourself additional pleasure from the procedure by adding essential oils of sandalwood, lavender or bergamot to the decoction.

4. Steam baths for combination skin:

The choice of herbs in this case depends on what type of skin you gravitate towards: if it is drier, then herbs should be chosen that are suitable for dry skin, if oily, then vice versa. Owners of the combined type can afford a steam bath once every ten days.

5. Steam baths for aging skin:

  • Licorice, ginger, nettle, mint, eucalyptus, bay leaf.

Steam baths with the addition of cinnamon, fennel, and lemon zest are ideal for aging skin. You can also add rosemary or sage essential oils. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Steam baths for aging skin should be done no more than once a month. Such procedures ensure that the skin is saturated with moisture, acquires elasticity and firmness, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

The use of steam baths in facial care is suitable for owners of all skin types. The special impact of the complex procedure helps cleanse pores, remove impurities, and accelerate epidermal renewal. Thanks to the herbal base, the skin is soothed and the complexion is refreshed.

Feature of the procedure

The effectiveness of steam on the skin is as follows:

  • Cleansing pores and skin. Pimples and blackheads are removed.
  • Contaminants are removed. However, in some cases, additional cleansing with peeling or scrub will be required.
  • The epidermis is saturated with oxygen. As a result, the face looks healthy and with a natural glow.
  • Reduces irritation and inflammation.
  • The results of the functioning of the sebaceous glands are removed, toxins are removed.
  • Skin tone is evened out.

In order to see the positive effect of the procedure, a facial steam bath at home can be performed only a few times. The main thing is that it is performed correctly, this will help prevent burns or allergies to one of the components used.


  • Weak vessels.
  • High blood pressure or temperature.
  • Chronic pathological processes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system.

If you have doubts about the possibility of carrying out a procedure with steam, you should first seek advice from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Carrying out

A steam bath for the face at home should be performed following simple recommendations:

  • The optimal time is in the evening so that the skin has time to fully recover.
  • The face should be cleaned first.
  • After the session, it is recommended to rest for at least half an hour.
  • Decoctions must be prepared in advance. Fresh herbal infusions are brewed for 5 minutes, dried ones - about 30 minutes.

This facial care procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Boil water. Its quantity is taken based on the displacement of the container that is used.
  2. Add a previously prepared decoction of medicinal herbs to boiling water, mix the mixture carefully.
  3. Remove hair completely, it is better to tie a scarf.
  4. Bend over a container of steam, cover your head with a towel to block the flow of cold air.
  5. There is no need to lower your face very low so as not to burn the skin. The water will gradually cool down, so after a while you can lower your face lower.
  6. The duration of steam exposure is about fifteen minutes, while the effect is as intense as possible.
  7. There is no need to wipe your face after steaming; the skin should dry on its own.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

A properly administered steam bath will get rid of many skin problems, make it healthier and improve its appearance.

Active Ingredients

Facial cleansing will be more effective when using medicinal herbs. Essential oils added to the decoction also have a positive effect on the epidermis.

The choice of components depends on the type of skin:

  • Combined - decoctions from the fruits of rowan, mint, celandine, yarrow, and bergamot oil are used.
  • Dry - infusions of parsley, sage, lemon balm, and almond oil are used.
  • Fatty - decoctions with the addition of chamomile, nettle, calendula, and tea tree ether are suitable.
  • Age - coltsfoot, thyme, sage, rosemary oil are used.

If you have an individual intolerance to certain components, you should discard them or replace them with more suitable ones.

Thanks to the essential oils and medicinal herbs included in the bath, you can improve the appearance of your facial skin and reduce the manifestations of age-related changes.


Baths and face masks eliminate peeling and create a softening and healing effect. The most effective recipes:

  • With sage for expression wrinkles. Ingredients: five drops of rosemary oil, 150 ml of sage decoction, which should be quite concentrated. The decoction is filtered and mixed with essential oil. Steam treatment time for leather is about ten minutes. Under the influence of hot air, the skin is saturated with natural ingredients, and the production of elastin is activated. After several procedures, the face is rejuvenated and looks refreshed.
  • Steam facials for acne. Ingredients: chamomile flowers – 15 g, water – 1 liter, tea tree ether – 7–9 drops. Pour chamomile into a container, add water, boil for ten minutes, strain, add oil. The exposure time of the steam bath is 7–10 minutes. The procedure will help restore the condition of the epidermis, dry out ulcers, and normalize the secretion of glands.

  • From blackheads. Ingredients: 20 g of yarrow and ½ liter of water. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for about 3-5 minutes. Steam exposure time is 10–12 minutes. The procedure is effective in the fight against comedones, for softening sebaceous plugs, and removing impurities. A deep cleansing of the epidermis is performed.
  • Steam bath to cleanse pores on the face. Ingredients: string and chamomile – 5 g each, tea rose ether – three drops, water – 300 ml. The herbs are crushed, poured with boiling water for 3–5 minutes, then floral essential oil is added. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After completing the steam cleaning, it is advisable to wipe your face with lemon juice. The procedure activates processes inside cells, tones and smoothes the skin. Helps restore a beautiful complexion and moisturizes the skin.
  • To fight acne. Ingredients: 10 g of calendula, five drops of pine ether, half a liter of water. Calendula is brewed and essential oil is added. Exposure time is 3–5 minutes. Boric alcohol is used to wipe the face after the procedure. If you use such a sauna regularly, the development of pathogenic microorganisms is stopped and the healing of rashes is accelerated.

  • For dry skin types. Ingredients: paraffin – 30 g, almond oil – 5 ml, lavender ether – two drops. The paraffin is heated in a water bath, the oils are mixed. First, a mixture of oils is applied to the skin, then paraffin is distributed with a spatula. The exposure time is half an hour. The procedure helps to quickly restore the skin, eliminate dryness, and smooth out wrinkles. It has an effective effect if the skin has lost its elasticity and often flakes off. Helps eliminate irritation and relieve swelling.
  • For oily skin. Ingredients: 10 g nettle, 5 g mint, orange and sandalwood oil - two drops each, water 300 ml. Essential oils are added to the brewed concentrated decoction. Exposure time is about 10 minutes. The skin is cleansed and toned, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, metabolic processes are improved, irritation and greasiness are eliminated.
  • For normal skin type. Ingredients: elderberry 1 tbsp. l., parsley - 1 tsp, water - 200 ml, patchouli essential oil - three to four drops. Elderberry and parsley are crushed and poured with boiling water, brewed for fifteen minutes, then ether is added. Exposure time – 7 minutes. After the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin. A steam bath is recommended to maintain freshness and rejuvenation, improve complexion and strengthen capillaries.
  • For combination skin types. Ingredients: plantain and linden flowers – 5 g each, water – ½ l, bergamot ether – seven drops. The herbs are brewed and mixed with essential oil. The duration of the procedure is six to eight minutes. Helps perform emergency skin cleansing for rapid skin restoration and renewal. With the help of SPA sessions, you can remove comedones and solve the problem of enlarged pores.

  • To achieve the desired effect when performing steam baths, it is advisable to use only natural ingredients. It is not recommended to add soda or alcohol-containing products to a mask or bath; they can harm the skin, especially if there are rashes or ulcers.

Thanks to facial care using steam, you can cleanse and heal the skin, making it tightened and fresh.

A worthy alternative to deep skin cleansing in a beauty salon is homemade facial steam baths. Such procedures help to effectively combat blackheads, acne and clogged pores. It is not necessary to buy special equipment for this purpose; you can get by with kitchen utensils and a towel. To increase the effect, herbs, soda, aromatic oils and other components are added to the water.

Benefits of steam baths and contraindications

A steam bath is ideal if you need to refresh or cleanse your facial skin. This procedure is deservedly called the most effective in terms of cleansing.

  1. Firstly, steam normalizes the functioning of the fatty and sebaceous glands, which means it prevents the appearance of comedones and other problems.
  2. Secondly, by expanding the pores, the process of further cleaning and caring for the skin is significantly simplified.
  3. Thirdly, skin metabolic processes and blood microcirculation improve.
  4. Fourthly, a face with smooth and rejuvenated healthy skin always looks well-groomed.

However, this useful and pleasant procedure is not suitable for everyone. And this especially applies to those diagnosed with bronchial asthma or hypertension. Steam cleaning is not recommended for facial irritations and diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. It is not advisable to do steaming for those who have a lot of hair on their face or blood vessels located close to them. Particular care should be taken by those with dry skin prone to allergies, rashes and peeling.

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Steam at the service of different skin types

The first thing you need to do before a steam procedure is to determine your skin type. Each of them requires a different approach.

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Features of steam baths for oily skin

Oily skin is most in need of steam cleansing, but there are other benefits you can reap in addition to cleansing. Calendula helps dry the skin and heal wounds, oregano helps cleanse pores and refresh the surface of the skin, chamomile helps soften it, and bay leaf improves blood circulation.

For increased oiliness, a facial steam bath with juniper is ideal; this plant not only cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Also, if you are prone to increased fat content, cosmetologists recommend the following combinations:

  • oak bark with birch buds, chamomile, calendula, juniper;
  • sage with horsetail and coltsfoot;
  • chamomile with linden blossom, mint and oak bark;
  • bay leaf with sweet dill, lavender, calendula, chamomile and cypress.

To enhance the effect, add essential oils of pine, tea tree, and sage to the water.

For oily skin, weekly steaming sessions lasting no more than 25 minutes are recommended. If you have combination skin, the mini-bath time is reduced.

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Healthy normal skin does not require steam cleansing. But the procedure may be recommended for acne or other skin problems. For normal skin types, a facial steam bath with chamomile is most suitable - it disinfects and heals minor injuries.

Chamomile can also be used in mixtures with other beneficial plants: licorice, rose, thyme, sandalwood, cloves, comfrey, fennel. It makes sense to enrich any composition with essential oils of lavender, bergamot, and vanilla. Ylang-ylang oil is especially useful for aging skin and the first wrinkles.

The duration of a beauty session for normal skin is no more than 15 minutes. Frequency - if necessary.

If you have dry and sensitive skin, it is not advisable to use steam treatment. But you can steam your face once every few months by choosing the right herbs or infusions. Plants are brewed or mixtures are made from them in any combination: chamomile, bay leaf, licorice, comfrey, dandelion, sage, linden.

The duration of the procedure is no more than three to five minutes. After the session, the face must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

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How to properly cleanse your face with steam

First, prepare everything you need for the steam bath:

  • towel;
  • basin or pan;
  • cream or mask;
  • loose clothes;
  • suitable herbs and oils.

Even ordinary water is suitable for quick steaming, but it is advisable to use infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants. If these are flowers and leaves, it is better to prepare infusions by pouring boiling water over the raw materials, and if they are bark, twigs and roots, the ingredients should be cooked in a water bath for 15–25 minutes. There is no point in observing any exact proportions; just take a handful of herbal raw materials and a liter of water.

To avoid burns, bend over the boiling water no lower than 20 cm. Make sure to close your eyes, and not only because of the risk of getting burns - the components of the decoction or infusion can cause irritation. During the mini-bath you should breathe deeply and relaxed. At the slightest discomfort, you should immediately lift the towel.

Steam treatments are best done on a weekend or at night. After completing steaming, wash your face with water at room temperature and disinfect with tonic.


The positive aspect of steam baths is that they can be carried out not only in beauty salons, but also in. This cleansing method is suitable for all skin types. It is recommended to do steam baths at least once a week, but for people with oily skin it is better to do them twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, it is optimal to carry out the procedure every two weeks. Steam baths should be avoided by people with asthma or allergies to plants.

Cleanse your face thoroughly. You can use any product except scrubs. Wash your face with warm water so that no dirt or oil remains on it.

Boil the water. You will need at least 0.5 liters of water. You can take a saucepan or a wide and deep bowl. Steam baths are most often water-based, but for maximum effect and pleasure you can use herbs or essential oils, which must be chosen carefully.

For oily skin, use lavender, green tea, eucalyptus or tea tree oil, thin slices of lemon, chamomile, and mint. For dry skin, use lavender, chamomile, rose oil, green tea. Chamomile and lavender are suitable for sensitive skin, and lavender, green tea and tea tree oil are suitable for combination skin.

Place the selected ingredients into a pan of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Before the procedure, cool the tincture slightly. This way the steam won't be too hot and will avoid skin irritation. In addition, steam that is too hot can cause cracks in the skin.

Grab a towel and get ready for the procedure. Tie your hair into a bun to keep it out of the way. Bend over the pan and place a towel on top so that your entire face is exposed to the steam. There should be at least 20 cm between your face and the surface of the water

Close your eyes as some of the ingredients you put in the water may irritate your eyes. Breathe deeply and relax. If you feel uncomfortable due to the heat, take short breaks by removing your towel from time to time.

Take a steam bath for 10-20 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, 10 minutes will be enough. Those with oily skin should increase the procedure time to 20 minutes.

Dry your face with a towel, lightly touching it. Apply a nourishing mask. After exposure to steam, the pores on your face are wide open, and additional skin care products will be more effective. A honey mask is recommended for all skin types. If you have oily skin, you can use an egg white based product. Apply moisturizer to your face, rinsing off the mask with warm water. It will help soften the skin and relieve irritation after the procedure.

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