The baby's first steps are shoes. First steps: how to choose the best shoes for a toddler

Choosing boots for your baby is quite simple. You just need to know what you should pay special attention to, and what little details are important not to miss. If you are just thinking aboutwhat shoes to buy for a child, we will try to help you.

First, let's try to answer the question at what age should you buy your baby's first shoes. A newborn baby spends all his time in socks. During walks, parents wear thicker and warmer socks, in winter knitted booties, but it’s too early to buy boots.

When the baby starts walking, it’s time to buy the first shoes in his life. The child will wear these shoes outside while walking. At home, doctors recommend that children go barefoot. This is an excellent prevention of flat feet. But if you have cold floors at home, for example, you will have to buy a second pair of indoor shoes for your child. There is nothing wrong with this, but only if the shoes are chosen correctly. Let me make a reservation right away that house slippers and rubber slippers are not suitable for a child! Under no circumstances buy cheap Chinese slippers for him, no matter how bright they are, and no matter how funny they squeak when walking. You will ruin your child's foot. For both street and indoor shoes, there are uniform selection rules that must be strictly adhered to.

How to choose the right shoes for your child

There are several basic requirements for children's shoes. You must remember them and be guided by them when choosing shoes for your child.

Requirement #1

Children's shoes should be made only from natural material. This is due to the fact that the heat exchange system in the child’s body works poorly, and synthetic materials lead to the baby’s feet constantly sweating, and the child feels discomfort when walking. Heat exchange is normalized only at the age of 13-14 years. Then you can start allowing your child to wear shoes made of synthetic materials. But it is still advisable to abandon it altogether.

If you cannot afford to constantly buy shoes made of genuine leather for your child, do not forget that textiles and knitwear are also natural materials. Therefore, in the warm season, shoes made of durable fabric rubber sole with a leather insole can be perfect for your baby.

Requirement #2

Children's shoes should be stable, light and fit well on the foot.How to choose shoes for your child, corresponding to such parameters? To comply with these requirements, choose shoes with a hard toe and heel, small heels and flexible soles. Never buy flip-flops or flat-soled sneakers. Also, avoid shoes with tapered toes. They absolutely do not fit the shape of a child's foot.

Requirement #3

Children's shoes must be of high quality and always new. Shoes in a pair must have the exact same shape, without distortions, folds or wrinkles. The insole should not fidget, it should be glued. The same applies to the lining of shoes; it must be completely stitched.

Do not put previously used shoes on your baby. This can lead to the appearance of flat feet, even if before this he did not have any problems with the shape and arch of the foot. Shoes should fit perfectly on the foot and gradually take on the shape of the foot during use.

Requirement #4

Children's shoes should not be too big. Of course, the child grows quickly, and parents try to buy shoes as they grow. This is absolutely true. But in pursuit of savings, you shouldn’t “go too far” by buying shoes that are 2-3 sizes up. more legs baby.

In such huge shoes, the child will constantly rub calluses, shuffle, get tired when walking and periodically even fall. An inappropriately sized arch support can cause flat feet in a child.

It is better to take sandals or shoes with Velcro, which allow you to slightly adjust the fullness of your feet. And leave a little free space, about a centimeter on the toes and near the heel. To do this, when your child tries on shoes, lightly press on the toe of the shoe. You should feel a half-centimeter free there. And from behind, try to insert your finger near the baby’s heel. In total, this will be the very necessary supply that will allow the child to wear shoes for a full season. Maximum, second. Don't even count on more. But don’t worry, you can save money, for example, if you use children’s sandals at home in the winter from summer.

How to choose a child's shoe size

The size of the foot can be easily determined by placing the child's foot on cardboard and tracing it with a pencil. After this, use a ruler to measure the distance between the most protruding points of the heel and toe. The distance in centimeters will be the size of children's shoes you need. So you need to measure both legs and choose the larger value. In this size you can purchase shoes from European manufacturers. In Russia, a slightly different sizing system is used, the mass size system. The size is taken as the length of the child’s foot in units, considering that one unit is equal to 2/3 cm.

But it is best, of course, to try on shoes on the baby’s feet to avoid inaccuracy. If your child is not particularly enthusiastic about shopping, you should cut out the baby’s foot print outlined in pencil from cardboard, and you can put it in any shoes he likes, so that the child does not have to try on the entire store, but only needs to try a few of the most successful options.

Personal fitting is also important in order to find a pair of shoes that best suits your foot size. After all, some children have fuller feet, and because of this, shoes of their size may not fit them. Don't wear shoes that put too much pressure on your feet in hopes that your child will wear them out. This will most likely lead to deformation of the weak bones of his foot.

How to choose winter shoes for a child

It's winter outside, and many parents are involved in the selection of winter children's shoes. What recommendations can you give them?

Give preference to shoes made of genuine leather, with natural wool inside. In these boots, your baby's feet will sweat less. Size winter shoes must fit the child exactly, since in both large and too small boots, the feet will quickly freeze.

And most importantly, do not forget about the most key requirements - a wide toe, a comfortable last, a hard heel and a small heel.

Visiting a children's shoe store can be a real challenge for kids and their parents. Unlike adults, children, to put it mildly, do not really like numerous fittings. But the problem is that young children’s legs grow quite quickly, which means that whether you like it or not, you have to buy new clothes at least once a season. And here it’s up to the parents to decide how to lure their child into the store, and then also persuade the child to try on several pairs of shoes to choose the right size.

But it was like that before. Now, in the era of online shopping, it is much easier for mothers. While your child is sleeping sweetly, without even leaving the house, you can choose a new pair of boots or sandals for him that will fit him. And to choose, it is enough to know the real size of your child’s feet. And it can be determined using different methods.

What you need to know about children's feet

The foot in children is formed until about 8 years of age. Until this time, it consists of fragile cartilage, weak muscles and a layer of fat. It is at this time that it is important to choose the right shoes, taking into account all the structural features of a child’s foot. Shoes should not be loose or tight, squeeze or deform the foot.

How younger child, the faster the length of his foot changes. And in order not to miss the moment when your baby’s shoes become too tight, it is important to measure your feet with some regularity:

  • every 60-90 days – for children under 3 years old;
  • every 4-5 months – at the age of 3-7 years.

Children 2-3 years of age can change 2-3 shoe sizes per year. IN preschool age the leg increases by about 2 sizes every year, and for schoolchildren - by a size or two.

How to tell if a child's shoes are too small

Have you noticed that your child has difficulty and without much joy pushing his foot into his once favorite sandals? This is a sure signal that it's time to buy bigger shoes. Although you should not rely on the child himself to say that he is uncomfortable, for example, in old shoes. At least when it comes to very young children. The fact is that the feet of babies are protected by a layer of fat, which reduces the perception of pain. That is, the child himself may not understand that the shoes are too small for him, but his foot is slowly deforming.

Therefore, it is important to regularly examine children’s feet: whether there are calluses, red spots, abrasions on the feet, and whether the baby curls his toes when he walks. You can tell that a child has outgrown the shoe by the back of the product (hangs over the heel), its upper part (very stretched) and the toe ( thumb closer to the edge of the boot than 15 mm).

How to correctly measure a child's foot size?

There are several ways to determine your baby's shoe size. But first, it is important to measure the current length of his foot. This value is a segment from the extreme point on the heel to the tip thumb. But you cannot measure the foot when the child is sitting or lying down. In this case, the indicators will be far from real. To measure the leg correctly, the baby must stand, and the whole process looks something like this:

The second method is a little easier. To measure, use a wet footprint on paper or newspaper.

The third method involves using a special measure on which a scale is marked in millimeters or centimeters.

But in any case, the child must stand confidently on both legs. In this position, the length and width of the leg are slightly greater.

And now the fun begins. If for adults, to find out their shoe size, it is enough to remember only the length of their feet, then for children this is not enough. You will have to perform a few more manipulations with the resulting numbers.

To begin with, add 0.6 cm to the length of the foot (in cm). You will get the first number, to which you add 0.6 cm again. After that, find both numbers in the dimensional grid that determines the shoe size in centimeters. The size between these two numbers will be optimal for children's shoes.

But sometimes two sizes can “lurk” between these indicators. In this case, the final choice will have to be made taking into account the fullness of the leg. For a fuller look, give preference to a larger size. If your child is thin, choose a smaller size.

How to determine size based on baby's foot length

All the methods described above are suitable, as you might guess, for children who already walk confidently. How to determine the size for babies whose first steps are still ahead, or who are just starting to learn to walk? This is the only case when a ruler or string will help to determine the shoe size. The baby can lie down. The main thing in the procedure is to correctly measure the length of his foot. And based on this indicator, you can choose the size of the first ones.

How the fullness of the leg affects sizing

The fullness of the leg is determined by the circumference of the forefoot and is indicated by symbols of the Latin alphabet (the closer the letter is to the beginning of the alphabet, the thinner the leg is). There are 9 levels of fullness, including main (5 sizes: E, F, G, H, J) and half (4 sizes: E ½, F ½, G ½, H ½). The difference in foot circumference between levels is 3.5 mm. And now some tips on choosing shoes, taking into account the fullness of a child’s foot.

Fullness E and E ½ – means shoes that run 1-2 sizes too small. Suitable for thin legs with low instep (but you will still have to take shoes 1 size larger).

Fullness F - for thin legs.

Fullness F ½ - for thin or normal legs with a low instep, it “fits” better on girls.

Fullness G - for normal legs, on thin legs it will “walk”, for high insteps take shoes a size larger.

Fullness G ½ - for normal legs with a high instep, they fit better on boys.

Fullness H - for full feet with a high instep, usually these are models with laces.

Fullness J – for very full legs with an extremely high instep.

For small children (up to 3 years old), models G, G ½, H are best suited. With age, when the fat layer decreases, the traditional fullness of shoes for girls remains within the limits of F, F ½, G, for boys - G, G ½, H. Although there are exceptions.

Shoes and stock: how not to make a mistake

It is not so important what model of shoes you choose and for what season. In any case, new shoes should be with a reserve. And this is not only a reserve “for growth,” as some parents suggest. It is also needed for other purposes.

It is necessary to determine the same supply by the insole of the shoes that the child is currently wearing. For comfortable wearing, you will have to add a few more millimeters to its length - you will get a size that is actually suitable for the child.

But the supply of shoes for different seasons should also be different. In summer sandals or sandals, you need to add from 6-8 mm to 1 cm to the actual size. If you choose sports shoes or demi-season shoes, the margin is at least 1 cm, for winter ones - 1-1.5 cm.

And now about why exactly such a (in some cases quite large) reserve is needed. These extra millimeters are necessary for the so-called bend (push). In their absence, the foot begins to deform. It is also important to take into account physiology: when walking, the size of the foot lengthens (almost 7 mm). The extra space in the shoe prevents pressure on the foot, eliminates the possibility of your baby starting to curl his toes, and also allows the foot to grow freely. A larger supply in winter shoes will allow you to wear warm socks, and an additional air cushion will protect your feet from the cold.

And one more note. When buying shoes with a reserve, it is important to pay attention to completeness indicators. Because in some cases, plus 1 cm in length noticeably affects the width of the shoe, which can “dangle” on a thin leg. In this case, there will be no benefit from the stock.

How to understand that the stock has been selected incorrectly

The first sign of an insufficient supply (more precisely, its complete absence) is the child’s shoes “butt-to-butt”. In such shoes, he will curl his toes when walking (in closed models), and in sandals, his toes will extend beyond the edge of the sole. Another signal - the instep support is not in its place.

In shoes that are too large, the arch support will also not stay under the arch of the foot, which means it will not perform its functions in preventing flat feet. For this reason, too much stock is highly undesirable when purchasing. Large shoes cause irregular gait and broken toes.

Upon purchase summer shoes with the bow open, it is not difficult to determine the adequacy of the reserve. But what about buying closed models? Still, relying solely on the words of a child is a very risky business. But there are several ways to solve this problem.

The most effective. Remove the insole from the shoes you are purchasing, place it on the floor and ask the child to stand with his bare foot on it. It is important to ensure that the heel is in the correct place. Now all that remains is to evaluate the position of the toes and the length from the edge of the insole to the tips of the toes.

If the insoles cannot be removed (although this should already alert you), you can make a cardboard model of the child’s foot (outline it as you would to determine the size), which you can then insert into the selected model. In this case, the toe parts will have to be combined, and the stock parameters will be determined by the heel.

There is another way. While the child is trying on a new thing, try to feel the position of the big toe in the boot or shoe. And then again evaluate the adequacy of the free space.

But you shouldn’t push your finger between the child’s heel and backside. Many parents choose this method, although in fact the result may be incorrect if the baby tucks his toes and automatically moves his foot a little forward during this assessment.

Shoe sizing systems

Let’s say you already know exactly the length of the child’s foot, and also calculated how many additional millimeters to add to this indicator so that the baby feels as comfortable as possible in the new thing. But this number is not yet the shoe size. This is just a characteristic that will serve as a “starting” point for the final choice.

But first, it is important to tell you what size designation systems are used in the world today. The most famous are metric and mass. According to the first, shoe size is calculated by the length of the foot (in centimeters). In this system, the step between sizes is 0.5 cm. The basis of the pin mass system is the so-called pin (1 pin is 0.66 cm). Finding out your shoe size using this method is also easy. If you add “reserve” to the length of the foot and divide the resulting amount by 0.66 (dimensions), you will get the required size of the new item.

Size charts in different countries

European shoe sizes are usually determined using the size system. Russian sizes used to be based on the metric system, but are now also measured in shtikhs. However, it is important to understand that in different countries Manufacturers of children's shoes around the world can adhere to their size chart, which is somewhat different from the Russian one. Also, American sizes are determined using a completely different method. Therefore, to choose the right one child size, it is important to pay attention to the country of origin of the shoes and take into account the size match.

Sizing chart

Foot length (in cm)

Russian size

European size

US size

Size chart for metric and weight systems

Foot length (in mm)

Metric system

Non-mass system

Size chart by age

Child's age

Foot length (in cm)

Size (European)

From one year to 4 years

From 5 to 8 years

Children from 9 years old

And finally, it would be useful to remind you: properly selected shoes for children are the key to a healthy musculoskeletal system. When choosing a model for your baby, first of all pay attention to the size and fullness indicators, and only then to fashion trends in style. After all, shoes for a child are not so much a stylish part of the wardrobe, but rather a detail that is important for them. correct formation feet.

How to choose the size of children's shoes on the Theo Leo website?

There are several ways to choose the right shoe size for your child on the Theo Leo website:

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 01/23/2017

The right choice of shoes for a child determines his future health. If you choose the wrong size or poor quality shoes, this can lead to flat feet. A child's leg consists of cartilage, which can lead to its deformation as a result of mechanical stress.

That is why it is necessary to correctly determine the size of the shoe; it should not put pressure or squeeze the leg. At the same time, too large shoes lead to excessive stress on the spine; it will be difficult for the child to walk in them, he will stumble, which will lead to frequent falls. How to choose the right size shoes for your baby? To choose the right shoes for your child for the winter, we recommend that you read this article.

Measuring the child's leg

To correctly measure a child’s feet and determine the size of winter shoes, it is necessary to measure in a standing position. Since the foot can shrink up to 10 mm while sitting, the child will have to walk in the shoe rather than use it while sitting. The measuring procedure is as follows:

  • The child must be placed on a flat surface, having previously placed a sheet of paper. Then trace the foot, placing a pencil or pen in a vertical position;
  • Using a ruler, measure the length from big toe to heel. Both feet should be measured as sometimes there is a difference of 0.5 cm. If the length of the feet differs, the larger of the measurements must be taken into account;
  • It is best to take measurements in the evening, since the leg may swell slightly towards the end of the day;
  • To determine the length of the feet in babies under one year old, you can use a string, the length of which must be measured using a ruler after taking measurements.

It is necessary to add from 1 to 1.5 cm to the results obtained. Since in just a couple of months the child’s foot will grow up, and for winter shoes free space is necessary for warming.

How to correlate the results with winter shoe sizes

Some shoe manufacturers use a line-mass system for measuring, in which one line = 2/3 cm (0.66). Whereas the metric system assumes that the size corresponds to the length of the foot in mm.

The table below will help you determine what shoe size your child should choose.

If the table is not in front of you at the time of purchase, you can very easily calculate the shoe size for your child. To do this, add 1-1.5 cm to the length of the foot and divide by 0.66.

If the shoe size is indicated according to the line-mass system, the following table will help:

In the table presented: M – metric system, Ш – line-mass system.

Some features of choosing winter shoes for a baby

To choose the right size of winter shoes, you can use the following tips:

  • Remove the insole and compare it with the child’s foot;
  • When the insole is not removed, you can trace the foot using a pencil or pen. This tool must be held strictly in a vertical position, this will allow you to correctly outline the leg without making it smaller or larger. Then cut out the resulting design and insert it into the shoes, using your fingers to evaluate its position inside.

It would be incorrect to evaluate the reserve by inserting a finger into the shoe the child is wearing, since the baby may bend his fingers. You should also not try on winter shoes while sitting or lying down.

You should also measure the length of the leg about once a month. She is growing quickly, perhaps the baby is wearing shoes that are too small for him. A child may not feel pain due to a thicker layer of fat than an adult.

Leg fullness

We must not forget about the individual fullness of the leg. Fullness can be narrow, medium or wide. If your child has narrow feet, you should not purchase boots with toes that are too wide, as the load on the muscles will be distributed incorrectly. Do not allow your baby's foot to dangle inside the shoe. Conversely, boots should not put pressure on the fragile cartilages of the foot, so as not to deform them. Tight shoes also impair blood circulation.

The fullness of the shoe does not match the foot if the shoe is difficult to fit on it. Do not force shoes onto a child. If the seller assures that shoes made of genuine leather will stretch, then this will happen after the baby rubs the calluses on his feet. Shoes should initially be comfortable. In addition, if during the first fitting the boots are too tight for the baby, then over time the foot will grow even more.

If, during fitting, the foot does not fit well in the shoes, or wobbles are noticeable while walking, there is no need to buy these shoes for the reason that they are designed for a fuller foot.

Choosing shoes according to age

You should purchase winter shoes for children according to their age. A child under one year old does not need to buy walking shoes before he starts walking. Putting on winter boots will be problematic; it will not be possible to properly fix the leg due to weak muscles.

For babies, it is better to choose warm fur booties or felt boots. When he starts walking, then you can buy walking shoes.

If a child develops calluses or redness in the form of stripes after wearing shoes, most likely the shoes are too tight for him and he is forced to curl his toes.

To buy children's shoes, it is better to take your child with you to the store. If it is possible to remove the insole and measure its length, this must be done. While trying on a pair you like winter boots, it is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to walk, parents need to watch him at this time. He should not shuffle his legs or bend them.

We must not forget about the peculiarity of children under 5-6 years of age not to feel discomfort when trying on shoes due to reduced sensitivity. Therefore, the baby may be mistaken in claiming that the boots do not squeeze him.

Materials for winter shoes

Children who have already started walking need to choose shoes made from natural materials so that the skin can breathe. Boots made of genuine leather are considered in this regard the best option. This is due to its ability to stretch and mold to the shape of the legs.

That is why you should not put someone else’s used shoes on your child. Because the material inside the boots is deformed due to wear by the original owner.

It would be good if the inner contents of the shoe were made of natural fur. Faux and synthetic fur are shiny, real fur will be dim. Textiles can also be used to make shoes. Felt, wool, and drape materials are suitable for the winter option.

The disadvantage of such materials is the insufficient rigidity of the backdrop. Therefore, children under 9-10 years old should not wear such shoes on a regular basis, or they can choose boot models combined with leather and textiles. Winter boot lock with inside must be covered with fur to prevent the leg from freezing.

Leatherette is not suitable for winter shoes; this material does not allow air to pass through and does not withstand low temperatures. To distinguish genuine leather from artificial, you need to put your palm on it for a few minutes, the surface of the unnatural material will remain cold. If there is an open section of skin, you can try to pull the thread out of it. Whenever possible, shoes are made of artificial material.

Among the variety of models presented, you can find nubuck shoes. This is what they call ragged skin. Externally, this material resembles velvet. Such models look attractive and beautiful. At the same time, they are not entirely practical, since they deteriorate appearance under the influence of moisture. In addition, such material requires special care.

Requirements for children's shoes

In order for your baby’s feet to form correctly, you need to buy children’s shoes taking into account some features:

  • The heel must be strong and rigid to secure the foot. This applies to children whose age has not reached 10-12 years.
  • The sole should bend, and only at the bend of the foot.
  • The top of the boots and sides should bend. They must be made from soft materials so that the child does not experience discomfort while walking, and in case of an accidental fall does not injure his leg.
  • It is necessary to have a heel, which is necessary for the formation of correct gait and posture. Too large a heel will cause the child to fall forward, and a lack of heel will cause the child to fall backward.
  • The toe of the boots should not be too narrow so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

When walking, you should not put too much clothing on your child. If your baby's shoes are too tight, his toes will certainly become cold due to the lack of movement. If the boots are too big, the heat will not be retained inside.

There is a stereotype among the older generation that warm clothes and shoes tend to be heavy and thick. However, it is necessary to dress the child according to the weather; excessive overheating can lead to improper sweating. In addition, modern technologies do not stand still; materials have been developed that are both light and warm. Now you know how to correctly determine and choose the shoe size for your baby, as well as what requirements the model you like must meet, all you have to do is go to the store to purchase suitable option for a child.

The comfort, activity, and even proper development of the child’s legs depend on how well the child’s shoes are chosen. That is why questions about its correct selection and size selection are among the most common.

In modern children's stores, consultants can help with choosing a size. But often parents are simply lost, because boots of the same size can have completely different numbers on the soles. Further in the article we will look at how best to choose shoes for a baby, and we will pay special attention to determining the size of the feet.

Choosing the right shoes is an opportunity to avoid problems in the future

A child's first shoes are booties. It would be a stretch to call them that, because they are used primarily for beauty and to keep feet warm. They are worn until the baby begins to stand up.

Decide for yourself how much booties you need. They will be convenient for a walk so that the baby does not sit in the stroller wearing only socks. If you decide to buy them, then give preference to lace-up products. The Velcro does not stick so tightly and a small fidget can easily remove them.

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Buying our first real shoes

You need to buy it when the child begins to walk. This allows you to firmly fix the baby’s leg, giving it the correct position. At the same time, the child can be in it not only outdoors, but also indoors.

Many mothers strive to put their child in real shoes as soon as he begins to stand, holding onto support. They motivate this by the fact that in shoes the baby will stand on his heels faster. But orthopedists do not recommend doing this until the child still walks. The exception is children with identified musculoskeletal disorders. In this case, orthopedic shoes are used.

On average, a child begins to walk from nine months to 1.2 years. It is during this period that you should buy your first shoes.

The following requirements apply to it:

  • It is desirable that it be made only from natural materials, both outside and inside;
  • Pick up tall model so that it securely fixes the ankle. An excellent option would be lace-up boots, because they are the ones that can secure the foot well;
  • The backdrop should be solid, rigid with a rounded top. This will protect the baby’s foot from rubbing;
  • Shoes should have low heels;
  • The toe is chosen to be round, wide and slightly raised;
  • The shoe should be about 1 cm larger than the foot, no more. Otherwise, your leg will simply dangle in it;
  • If you plan to buy shoes with arch supports, consult your doctor first.

When purchasing, be sure to ensure that the instep does not put pressure on your foot. It is desirable that the sole be made of soft material.

Determining the correct size of your baby's feet

To ensure maximum comfort of the leg, it is necessary to determine its size correctly. This often causes some difficulties for parents, and some of them do it completely wrong.

Scheme for correct measurement of a child’s leg

So, what not to do when choosing:

  1. You should not be interested in the child’s opinion about whether the shoe is too tight or not. A child's foot adapts slowly to new conditions. Therefore, even small shoes may seem just right. In addition, the child may really like sandals or boots, so he may say anything to get them. There are also the opposite cases when the child does not like the color or style at all;
  2. Do not place the shoe on your baby's foot to find out the size. The size of the sole is rarely the same as the size of the inner insole;
  3. Don't check the gap between your child's toes and sock by sticking your finger behind his heel. The baby may instinctively curl his toes, causing a false decision to be made that the shoes are too small.

Most often, parents use a size chart that corresponds to the length of the child’s feet and his age.

Table 1. Correspondence table for shoe sizes in different systems

AgeFoot length
0-3 months9,5 0-2 16-17 0,5-1
3-6 months10,5 2,5-3,5 17-18 1,5-2
6-12 months11,7 4-4,5 19 3
12-18 months12,5 5-5,5 20 4
18-24 months13,4 6-6,5 21-22 4,5-5,5
2-2.5 years14,3 7-8 23-24 6-7
2.5-3 years15,2 8-8,5 25 8
3-3.5 years16 9-9,5 26 10
4 years17,5 10-10,5 27 10,5
4-4.5 years18 11-11,5 28 11
5 years18,5 12-12,5 29 11-12
6 years19,5 13-13,5 30 12,5
7 years20-20,3 1-1,5 31 13
8 years20,5 2 32 13,5
8-9 years21 2,5 33 1-1,5
9 years old21,5-22 3-3,5 34 2-2,5
10 years22,2-22,9 4-4,5 35 3-3,5
- 23-23,5 5-5,5 36 4-4,5
- 24-24,5 6-6,5 37 5-5,5
- 25 7 38 6
- 25,5 7,5-8 39 6,5
- 26 8-8,5 40 7
- 26,5 9-9,5 41 7,5
- 27-27,5 10-10,5 42 8-8,5
- 28-28,5 11-11,5 43 9-9,5
- 29-29,5 12-12,5 44 10-10,5
- 30 13 45 11

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The size of the child's foot is measured from the outermost point of the heel to the protruding big toe. This size chart is general. It may differ for some manufacturers. Therefore, it is better to buy shoes for a child only after preliminary fitting.

Correspondence of shoe sizes in different systems

The most common sizes are European. They are measured by the length of the insole. In this case, the unit of measurement is the pin, which is equivalent to 6.7 mm. In children's shoes, the insole is approximately 10-15 mm longer than the actual size of the child's foot.

If you are accustomed to the domestic system of measurements, then everything is easy. European sizes differ from them by one unit upward. Those. European size 21 will correspond to our 20.

With the American system the situation is more complicated. There are several categories, each of which has certain dimensions:

  • Infant – for the little ones;
  • Kids - children's;
  • Youth - teenage.

That is, if you see size 8 in the American system, then it will be different for each category. Therefore, it is worth asking the seller what category of American shoes the option you have chosen belongs to.

Is it worth buying shoes “for growth”?

There must be enough free space in the shoe so that the foot can stretch in width and length. But it shouldn’t be too free either! In such shoes, even a child’s gait becomes shuffling. This is inconvenient and very harmful. If you wear it constantly, the child will eventually get used to this condition and will constantly pull his legs.

There are also other reasons not to take shoes “for growth”:

  • If the foot walks freely on the shoe, the baby will constantly rub calluses on himself;
  • If the little one is just starting to walk, then in such shoes he will constantly stumble, since the leg is not securely fixed.

The same applies to shoes with arch supports. If the size is not selected correctly, the baby’s leg may be deformed.

As you can see, you need to take the choice of the size of the shoes you buy very seriously. After all, the baby’s comfort comes first, and then the decorative qualities of boots, sandals, etc. Upon purchase orthopedic shoes Be sure to consult your doctor about the advisability of such a purchase. If everything is done properly, the leg will develop correctly!

The choice of shoes for a baby is very important, since the child’s future slender posture and confident gait largely depend on the first shoes. There are several important points that you should pay attention to when buying your very first children's shoes.

When should a child wear his first shoes?

At the very beginning, when the child begins to take his first steps at home, socks with socks are enough for him, but when you go for a walk with a baby who is already mastering walking, you cannot do without special shoes. All babies go through this stage at different ages, therefore, we can only give approximate age limits.

Starting from 7-9 months, the baby may want to get out of the stroller for a walk and stand on the ground. May try to stand near a support. Some children already take their first steps (with the help of their parents) at 9-11 months.

As a rule, at about one year of age, children begin to try to walk on their own. And, if previously shoes were needed “in order to stand on the ground,” now the child needs the right shoes so that he can develop independent walking skills.

Initially, buy the right quality shoes:

  • high quality

How to choose your child's first shoes

First, let's determine what features shoes for the little ones should have.

  • Provides a stable foot position while walking;
  • Promotes proper development of the foot;
  • Fixes the heel;
  • Protects fingers from bruises;
  • Protects the legs from twisting (not “short”, completely fixes the ankle joint in the autumn-winter period);
  • Forms all support points;
  • Takes into account all the anatomical features of children's feet.


Important! Children's shoes should be made from natural materials. Due to an imperfect heat exchange system, the legs of young children, and especially their feet, sweat a lot. Therefore, the material from which shoes are made must “breathe”.

In cool weather, soft is preferable. In the summer, you can opt for tufted canvas.

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