Leash and reins for the child for safety and learning to walk. Does my child need a leash to walk? Safety leash for children

The first timid baby steps are always a joy for mom and dad. So that they are not overshadowed by numerous painful falls, manufacturers are creating new accessories that protect against such failures. Their list also includes a special children's leash. What it is and how to use it correctly so as not to harm your baby will be discussed in this article.

What is a children's leash and what types are there?

Children's reins is a fairly simple invention, the main function of which is to control a baby who is just starting to learn to walk. This is a product made of soft but durable ribbons that gently clasps the child, and mom or dad grabs the free end.

This design is especially convenient for parents of twins or triplets, as well as for those mothers and fathers who have back problems and cannot lead their children by the hand, or constantly bend over to them. Also, such unique walkers are convenient for learning to walk in public places.

There are various types children's leashes. Parents decide which one to choose for their baby depending on personal preferences, the child’s age and financial capabilities.

Experts believe that the safest option is reins with a dense, rigid handle, which is attached to the body using special panties, and not under the armpits. It avoids excessive stress on the spine.

A leash that attaches to the baby’s shoulders, chest and armpits is also convenient. To prevent chafing, it usually has a soft fabric lining on the chest. The main advantage is that the straps of such reins can be adjusted, so they are suitable for wearing both winter and summer clothes.

And the most simple model consists only of strong slings and fasteners that can be easily adjusted as needed. But it is best used only for older children who are already able to stand on their feet, but are not yet very confident in their steps. After all, such reins are not able to support the child; they only slightly control his balance.

There's another one original model, which consists of a backpack to which a leash is attached. This is a great option for independent kids who don’t like to hold their parents’ hands.

What age are they intended for?

It is difficult to accurately answer the question at what age the accessory in question can be used. It depends individual characteristics child development. The model, which is attached like panties, can be used as soon as the child begins to try to take his first steps independently. The baby will hang in it like on a swing. But simpler models without strong fasteners are best left for older people.

Review of popular walker reins

When choosing a special leash for your baby, first of all you should pay attention to his comfort and safety. The device must be durable and reliable. It is better to avoid models with Velcro, as the baby can unfasten them on his own.

Also, the product should not rub or squeeze children's skin.

Leash Canpol Babies

Comfortable children's reins with a bright, eye-catching design. Burgundy model with blue trim. They were made using durable, strong fabric that will not tear or fray for a long time.

With this design, parents will be able to help their baby take his first steps independently without falling or getting hurt.

Their main feature is that such reins can easily be transformed into a safe place for a stroller or a high chair at lunch. Therefore, we can say that this is a two-in-one accessory.

Chicco reins First steps

Chicco produces a wide variety of comfortable accessories for children. They also have reins in their assortment. Many of them have a non-standard design, so both parents and children will like them. For example, some models have a portrait of a panda bear on their chest.

The design has very convenient fasteners. It allows the mother to save her back from excessive stress during the period when the baby takes her first steps. With it, the child will not have to be held in your arms all the time. They are equally convenient to use both at home and outdoors. The parameters of the products are easily adjustable, so they will suit a wide variety of clothes.

Best Baby

These reins are a special soft but strong belt made of light fabric with narrow shoulder straps. They have an extra ribbon on the back for mom or dad to hold on to.

Many buyers will certainly be attracted by the cost of this product. It averages only 150 rubles. You can purchase such reins at any children's goods store.

The product has a strong plastic fastener on the back that a child will not be able to unfasten. You can wear it comfortably on both winter and summer clothes.

Reviews from moms

Angelina: I sewed the reins for my daughter with my own hands, because at the time when they were needed, the family did not have any extra money. The product turned out to be no worse than purchased. Therefore, I advise all mothers who know how to sew at least a little to do it themselves. And if there is already in the house sewing machine, then there will be no problems at all.

Galina: For us, the Best Baby reins were completely useless. It’s good that they are at least inexpensive, otherwise it would be a waste of money. I bought them for 130 rubles. We had a baby blue model. We only tried to use them a couple of times. The child constantly pulled the strings from behind. I tried to turn around. I completely forgot about walking. Maybe it’s our restlessness, I don’t know.
In the end, he still learned to walk only hand in hand with me or with dad. Therefore, I think that the product is useless.

Olga M.: Great accessory! I've always had problems lifting weights. Therefore, I was very afraid that during the baby’s first steps I would suffer greatly. As a result, I bought Chicco reins and forgot about the problems. I only had to slightly support my daughter. No stress on my spine. I recommend it to all fragile mothers!

Can I do it myself?

If you have time and desire, you can make such reins for a child with your own hands.

You will need to purchase:

  • 4 semi-automatic plastic clasps;
  • 4 meters of special material – textile sling.

First of all, the child’s parameters are measured - chest circumference (the main thing is to leave some room for the fastener), the distance from the middle of the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is measured arbitrarily, depending on the height of the parents.

When I first saw a picture of a child on a leash, I was shocked, and that’s an understatement.

Immediately, associations arose with a dog on a leash, kept on a leash so that it would not attack and bite people or run away.

A child on a leash (as a “harness” is softly called) seemed wild and terrifying to me. What is this? Is it the attitude of treating a child like a pet or laziness that has dulled parents so much? In general, I decided that this was a joke, a photo joke.

However, to my regret, it turned out that this is a very common phenomenon in America and Asia. But now progress has reached us and I notice this invention, I see mothers on the street “walking” their children, alas, I can’t call it anything else.

Yes, I won’t lie that I didn’t consider another point of view. I thought about this when my twins turned 1 year old, they became very active and learned to walk, run, and my husband and I jokingly thought about buying them leashes to make it easier for me to walk with them.

Proponents of the leash say that it is a very practical device for supporting a child, an assistant in learning to walk, so that the child does not fall. In addition, the leash allows you to control the child’s movement and prevents him from running away from adults over long distances, in general this is the safety of the baby, he will not get lost in the crowd, he will always be in sight. This is also a good way to protect against child abduction.

I definitely wouldn’t buy it for my older daughter. But why did I think about it when the twins were born? Let's go in order.

Firstly. Two children of the same age with their own interests, whims and hysterics, this is tough, especially on the street, where there is a lot of interesting, new things and a very large space.

Twins are different personalities, different people and develop accordingly differently. If they were sitting together in the stomach and were born on the same day and almost at the same time, it does not mean that they are absolutely the same and will develop in the same way and experience the world in the same way, explore it together. It’s completely different with us, maybe because we immediately perceived them as individuals, and later we noticed that their interests were completely different and during the walk they scattered, even rode on different swings, played with different toys.

Secondly. I am an opponent of walkers and other tools for teaching walking, I believe that the child himself must sit down, he must begin to walk. This is a natural development. Before starting to walk, the child’s body must be ready and strong so that there are no problems in the future.

Thirdly. Due to their age, children do not understand that there is danger on the street, cars, bad people, swings, other children with their own interests.

Of course, it was hard to keep track of two at once; at first I walked with them alone in a stroller, but they didn’t want for a long time sit in it and when they got out, my husband helped me (he came home from work, met us for a walk and joined us), we walked together, followed their adventures, and also at the same time the eldest, fortunately she is already an adult girl and knows perfectly well the rules of behavior on street.

We didn't buy leashes

We are for the natural development of children, for children to learn new things and discover something interesting, because this is an integral and important part of a child’s development. And without research, discoveries will not happen. We are for the child to learn about the world through his own experience. Of course, as parents, we do everything to make the experience as painless as possible. Therefore, we do not restrict children, but teach and warn about the danger.

It’s great that it remained just a joke, we didn’t buy leashes, but still, treating a child like a dog is wild for me personally.

Even if at first it was not easy for me to walk alone with the children, but it did not last long, because over time my children learned to walk together, obey, not run away, they understand that there is danger (cars, bad people).

Now the children walk and play together, they have common interests, they don’t run away, they begin to listen and understand, they themselves already notice the danger (they don’t run out onto the road, don’t throw themselves in front of cars, hold hands). Another big plus is that the eldest daughter helps, teaches the younger ones how to behave on the street. So now walks are just a pleasant pastime.

I drew conclusions for myself, but how do you feel about this?

Small survey:

1. Do you have a leash (harness) for your children?

2. Will you buy it for your baby when he just starts walking?

3. What if you had twins?

4. What if there are triplets or more children?

Answers in the comments.

Top-top... Hurray! The baby stepped.

A timid step, then another. And suddenly - he fell! How nice it is if on a soft fleecy carpet...

And if - on the road? It would seem that tears, bruised palms and soiled clothes certainly cannot be avoided.

Or is it possible to survive your first independent walks without annoying troubles?

What is a baby leash?

Probably, in childhood, many played “horse”: the child running in front was caught with a rope by the belt or armpits, and the ends of the rope were held by the “rider”. This children's fun served as an example for creating a children's leash.

A child's leash, or reins, or harness is a device that will ensure the baby's safety while learning to walk, and will allow the mother to take the strain off her back. It is quite inconvenient to lead a child by both hands when the little pioneer demands to walk again and again.

Why does a child need a leash for walking?

When a baby just begins to learn to walk, his movements are uncertain and poorly coordinated. With the help of reins, it is convenient for an adult to control the child’s movements and prevent falls. The baby's hands are not busy, and this helps to balance, maintain balance, and play.

When going shopping with your baby, for example, you can be sure that the novice runner will not get lost in the crowd, will not run far, and will be in the mother’s field of view.

Important to remember! You can’t drive your baby with insurance all the time! In safe places, you should let your child run around on his own. After all, if he does not learn to fall, he will not know what caution is.

Leash for a child: pros and cons

There is no clear opinion among parents about the benefits of leashes. Some people purchase them in advance, even before birth, and then actively use them. Mothers with more than one toddler can be called special connoisseurs of this invention. They know firsthand how difficult it is to walk with an active baby.

Opponents of the reins consider their use unacceptable. This, in their opinion, humiliates the child, putting him on the same level as animals walking on a leash. There is also an opinion that children’s posture and psyche deteriorate.

A children's leash undoubtedly has its advantages:

  • protection against falls and injuries
  • The leash is adjusted individually to the child's size
  • in a leash, the baby feels balance, and he has to place his legs correctly: lean on his entire foot
  • affordable price

The main drawback is the ethical and aesthetic perception of others. In our country, walking reins are not very common, and for many who meet a child on a leash on the street, this sight causes bewilderment and condemnation.

If worn for a long time during the day, the reins may rub the baby's delicate skin.

Important! A walking leash is not a teaching tool, but only a safety net when teaching a child to walk!

Types of leashes for teaching a child to walk

There are several types of children's leashes. Their difference from each other is in the design and method of fastening.

Leashes with a hard handle holder and soft panties for fixation

Externally, this model resembles the well-known “jumpers”: durable textile panties and long straps ending in a holder. These are some of the safest leashes. This model allows you to evenly distribute the load on the baby’s fragile spine.

The disadvantage may be the price, which is the highest for this model among all types of leashes for children.

If you don't use a diaper during your walk, you can be prepared to wash the leash after each use.

Leashes that attach to the child’s chest, armpits and shoulders

A very convenient option. Allows you to avoid chafing thanks to the sewn-in fabric insert on the chest.

The straps are adjustable so you can choose the optimal length. This makes it possible to put the reins on even bulky winter clothes.

Sometimes straps can rub your armpits due to their high position, so it is better to wear them on thick clothes with sleeves.

Leashes made from slings and fasteners

This model is the simplest. Consists of slings and fasteners, adjustable along the entire length.

You can use such a leash only when the baby is already confidently standing on his feet: the leash only controls balance, but does not provide support.

The straps can cut into your baby's skin and cause chafing.

The big advantage is the low cost.


This option looks like a backpack behind a child’s back, and a leash is attached to the backpack.

Very suitable for hyperactive kids, does not restrict movement. However, in such a leash the support for the shoulder girdle is minimal, and this leash is not suitable for a child who walks poorly.

Children's walking leash: what to look for?

Having chosen one or another model of reins, it is worth checking how well it meets the safety and comfort requirements.

  1. Safety. Some important rules! When purchasing, it is important to determine the strength of the slings and fasteners. You should not buy a model with Velcro, otherwise the child will be able to remove the leash himself. You should not allow your child to play with the leash by himself or with other children. Care must be taken to ensure that the slings do not twist around the child’s neck.
  2. Comfort. The materials from which the leash for learning to walk is made must be strong, but not hard, so that the baby’s skin does not rub or be crushed. The slings must be adjusted individually to the height and build of the baby.
  3. Price. The simplest leash for walking costs from one hundred rubles. The more famous the brand and the more complicated the model, the higher the price. For those who want to save money but have a high-quality children's leash, you can make this little thing yourself.

Pay attention! You should not use a leash for walking before 8 months, until the baby begins to move, at least holding onto the hands of adults with both hands.

DIY leash for a child

Some craftswomen sew the leash themselves. The advantage of a homemade leash is the ability to adjust the length of the handles and choose the appropriate color.

To sew a leash, you will need about 4 meters of textile sling or strong braid and 4 semi-automatic fasteners - fastex.

  1. First you need to measure the baby's chest circumference. You need to measure in clothes appropriate to the season when you plan to walk. You must remember to leave a small margin for fasteners.
  2. Then the length of the future straps is measured: from the middle of the child’s chest over the shoulder to the back. The straps need to be basted to the chest piece.
  3. The handle of the leash is measured to be such a length that it is comfortable for an adult to lead the baby without bending over.
  4. The handle of the leash is sewn to the chest part.
  5. Fasteners are attached to the ends of the braid.
  6. You can sew a thin pad to the chest to make the baby more comfortable.
  7. The leash is ready.

This simplest model of children's reins does not require any special sewing skills. You can even do without sewing machine. Having spent very little money and time, you can build a little thing no worse than those offered by the industry of goods for babies.

Leash for a child: reviews from parents

Olga Shipunova (Omsk). When our overly active daughter got reins at 11 months, I finally learned what quiet walks were. We chose the Love&Carry model. I'm happy. And my daughter also likes it, she can grab anything with her hands instead of giving them to me, and run around calmly.

Yulia Akimkina (Belovo). I have twins. When they got out of the stroller, I couldn’t walk with them alone. We bought Lindam leashes. Very comfortable, do not rub! And I don’t care what grannies whisper about. The main thing is that now we walk safely, and we have forgotten about broken knees.

Anna Lavrova (Novosibirsk). My grandmother gave me a Chicco harness. Very cute, with a teddy bear on her chest. We couldn’t go for walks with her; it was uncomfortable for the child to run around on a leash. But we liked being buckled into a stroller or high chair. This harness turned out to be universal.

Irina Shabalina (Murmansk). The BabyOno leash is an excellent thing, of high quality. But it’s our own fault that we didn’t use it enough. We started walking in the summer, in the heat. I was afraid that my sweaty little body would rub through my T-shirt. They wore it a little in the fall, but they no longer needed much support - they ran on their own.

Polina Kostyuk (Moscow). Maybe I used the children's leash incorrectly, but I absolutely did not like it. We bought a Polish model Womar. My son rubbed his armpits after his first walk. We put it on a warm blouse later - it still rubs. I do not recommend this leash to anyone.

Sergey Ovchinnikov (Perm). I walked with my grandson a couple of times - “I was left without legs and back.” They advised me to buy a leash. In our store only from the Malyshastik company were found. Not expensive at all. Now my back doesn’t get tired, and my grandson doesn’t run away. My daughter and son-in-law laughed at first, but then they themselves began to take the leash for a walk with their tomboy.

A walking leash makes it much easier for mom to walk with her baby. The simple design provides support for the baby and prevents it from falling. You can take your child across the road without fear: he will not escape and fall onto the roadway. You can safely go to the store: the baby will not get lost in the crowd, and the mother will be able to carry her purchases with her free hand. You can just walk on the site and know that the walk will be without bruises and scratches.

Disapproval of others? For those who are wary of this, it is worth considering what is more important: backward views on life and upbringing or the comfort of the child and your own peace of mind.

The first steps of a child are a long-awaited joy for parents, however, such joy can be overshadowed by a large number of falls and associated injuries. Reins for children can ensure complete safety for beginners.

This fairly simple device is useful for monitoring a child who is still learning to walk and is unsteady on his feet. Reins or a leash for teaching a child to walk will be useful for those parents who physically cannot lead the baby by the hands (for example, with back pain), who often go with the baby to crowded places (train station, shopping centers), and for those who want facilitate the period of rapid growth in the child’s physical activity. The reins are also convenient for those who have children the same age or twins.

Manufacturers offer several models of children's walking reins, depending on the age and personal preferences of parents.

What should you keep in mind when choosing reins for your baby?

  1. Safety. When choosing reins, check how strong the lines and clamps are. During walks, do not allow your child to play with the leash on his own or lead other children with the help of the reins. Do not choose reins that are secured with Velcro; your child will be able to unfasten them on his own.
  2. Comfort. When purchasing reins, consider the degree of comfort of the device: the materials should not rub the child’s skin or crush him while moving.

Some parents who consider reins to be a successful and useful device are deterred from purchasing reins by the price. In this case, many mothers wonder how to make reins for the child themselves. We offer you a master class on sewing the simplest model of children's reins. To do this, you don’t need to be a professional seamstress, and you can even do without a sewing machine.

DIY reins for children

To make a leash you will need 4 meters of textile sling and 4 fastex (semi-automatic plastic fastener). To correctly calculate the length of the slings, you should measure the child and add a few centimeters for clothing and smell.

Today the market for children's goods is literally overcrowded various kinds pleasant and useful things, which are designed to make life easier for the child and his parents, to save them from many forced “feats” of parenthood that have accompanied caring mothers and fathers from time immemorial. Some of the proposed innovations have a controversial reputation, often due to misunderstandings and insufficient experience in their use: one can recall at least the controversy ten years ago regarding diapers and their possible harm to the health of the child - the experience accumulated over the years has dispelled all fears, confirming their exceptional convenience for both parents, and for the baby himself. Other inventions, received very warmly, over time succumb to oblivion as untenable, without confirming in practice the initially stated advantages.

The so-called “baby reins”, or, in other words, “leash”, have a huge army of admirers who were able to take advantage of the opportunities they provided and realize the idea embedded in them, significantly simplifying their life at a certain stage of the baby’s development. Their opponents are also numerous and offer their arguments, which are largely based on the moral and ethical ideas of these people and unproven concerns regarding the formation of correct posture. If you have not yet had time to accept this or that point of view, we suggest that you take a closer look at the reins for the child and find out how they can be useful specifically for you.

So, children's reins are a device that has a predominantly belt design and is designed to control and maintain a safe position in space of the body of a child who has not yet learned to walk confidently. Pediatricians often recommend using a leash as a temporary aid when teaching a child to walk.

Many parents enthusiastically accepted this device for walking their overly active and restless child, and it is the role of the leash that greatly confuses opponents of children's reins, who saw in this a direct analogy to walking pets. However, the author has evidence of what is called “from life”, when in the old difficult times, without many years of maternity leave, children were entrusted to the care of old people who were no longer able to work: what do you think, were they able to run after the little fidget in a bent position? Those same rope reins were a real salvation, although they were not as comfortable and safe for the child as modern ones. Of course, it was not customary to talk about many things in public.

What kind of reins are there for a child?

Modern reins are offered in several types, which differ slightly from one manufacturer to another. Let us immediately note that products from reputable brands are made of higher quality materials, the stitching of the seams is neater and more reliable, and the straps are designed to minimize the load on the body and skin baby.

The simplest reins are a belt leash, which is attached to the child’s armpits.

They are also, as a rule, the most budget-friendly. But, at the same time, they are not the most comfortable: the straps can rub delicate skin, and the child’s arms seem to be in an extended position, which, you see, is not very comfortable and convenient for playing, and the clasp on the chest can press during particularly strong pressure They are often purchased by parents with low financial resources or for short-term, situational use.

More widely used are reins, which are a modification of the previous design, in which comfort and reliability are provided by a durable bib (sometimes in the form of a T-shirt), which, together with shoulder straps, forms a structure to which leash straps with a comfortable handle are attached.

The leash, it must be said, consists of two durable fabric belts adjustable in length with a rigid handle. The wide, rigid handle prevents the leash straps from getting tangled, and also provides comfort and control over the baby’s body position.

The most reliable and comfortable equipment for the little ones are considered to be reins, the design of which includes a kind of panties that well “unload” the baby’s back, and give the accompanying adult additional comfort when supporting the child.

When wondering which reins are best to buy for a child, proceed from criteria such as your financial capabilities, the tasks that the reins will solve, as well as the age and temperament of the baby. An important criterion when choosing is the quality of workmanship and materials, the reliability of the fasteners (avoid Velcro that a child can unfasten) and the possibility of adjustment.

How to make a leash for a child with your own hands

You can make reins (leash) for a child yourself, showing a little imagination and perseverance, as well as using your needlework skills. This will not require great skill - on the contrary, the manufacturing process can become good job at your leisure, and if it turns out to be reliable and visually attractive, then here’s an idea for a kind of small business.

Scarf reins for children

But first you can try the simplest and most temporary option - making reins from improvised means. Usually they take long scarf or a scarf or diaper rolled into a long strip.

The fabric strip is wrapped across the child's back, and the ends (which should be the same length) are brought under the child's armpits forward, up and back, behind the back. Next, both ends are passed under the fabric (bar) on the back and brought out and up. That's all, we got primitive, but quite reliable reins, corresponding to the first type described above.

Reins from a sling-scarf

A long sling scarf will allow you to build a leash of the second type, with a pick-up on the breasts. To do this, we first wrap the breasts in front with a fabric strip, cross the free ends of equal length behind the back and, as in the previous version, bring them forward, up and back, where we pass not under the bar, but under the crosshairs.

We sew reins with our own hands

Well, now let's talk about how to sew reins for a child with your own hands. It won't be anymore improvised means for quickly constructing temporary reins somewhere on the street during a walk, but a completely serious product similar to commercially available samples.

Actually, you can come up with a design yourself, looking at photos or real reins. After all, in essence, it is just a system of fabric strips. But we offer the simplest design, which, of course, cannot be compared with “real” reins from good manufacturer, however, can serve well.

As you can see in the diagram, we will need two strips of reliable, durable fabric 36 cm long and at least 3 cm wide. These are the front and back of the chest girth. Connect the strips on one side by sewing a piece between them wide elastic band, and on the other, attach an adjustable clasp. You can use Velcro, although we warned against such a decision above - it will not be easy for a child to unfasten it under his armpit; You can make a loop and sew on several buttons to adjust the tightness of the fastening.

Now it’s the turn of leash belts, for which you can use the same fabric strips, only longer, of course (calculate in advance, based on your height, so that it is comfortable for you to lead the child). At the front, the leashes are sewn at a distance of 16 cm from each other, oriented in the center (i.e., each at a distance of 8 cm from the center), while at the back they are sewn, connecting in the center.

So that the child does not get lost in the crowd

Problems may also arise with an older child whom you lead next to you by the hand. And not related to a fall: on the street in a crowded crowd, at a market or a mass event, a child, who is so interested in everything, often tries to slip out, which is greatly facilitated by the crush of the crowd. In such a situation small child can easily get lost and cause you a lot of trouble. In addition, even on a street free of people, a baby can tear his palm out of yours and instantly find himself on the roadway, which, unfortunately, periodically happens in the world, and not always with a happy outcome.

Manufacturers of products for children and parents came up with a solution after getting an idea from the police. This is a leash in the form of a cable, coiled with a “spring” like a telephone wire, with comfortable bracelets at the ends that are securely attached to the wrist of an adult and a child.

Of course, such a leash also has its critics, but it is a real, repeatedly tested (by the police, among others) means of safe escorting. Always think about the child, and not about what others might think.

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