Congratulations on Road Transport Worker's Day (Happy Driver's Day). Congratulations on the day of road transport workers Congratulations on the day of road transport

Motorist Day (Road Transport Workers Day) was celebrated on the last Sunday of October

Without exaggeration, it can be stated that the history of land vehicles began with the invention of the wheel. But times have changed, the rhythm of life has accelerated, and now we can no longer do without cars, buses, trolleybuses - transport plays a role in our everyday life increasingly important role.

Cars are irreplaceable, and there are more and more of them every year. Cars have become high-speed transport, thanks to which we have the opportunity to cover vast distances and get to the most inaccessible corners of the world. In this regard, the number of professions serving road transport is also increasing. And the driver’s profession has been and remains one of the most widespread.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in many countries there are holidays dedicated to these professions. After all, the personnel of road transport is the basis of its life activity. During the era of the Soviet Union, the Day of Road Transport Workers was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 1976 No. 2847-IX, and then confirmed by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days”, and was celebrated in the last Sunday .

Motorist Day- This professional holiday not only drivers, but also repair workers, engineering and technical workers, managers of motor transport enterprises and everyone who works conscientiously, fulfilling their professional duty. Without the dedication to the profession of these people and their sense of responsibility for the work, the daily life of the city and its inhabitants is impossible.

Cars have left a significant mark on the events of world history. This includes the first tests of a home-made car in 1885, the world’s first automobile competition in 1894, and the founding of the world-famous automobile company Ford Motor in 1903. These and many, many other unforgettable events.

Today is the holiday of those who know
Without which a man is not a man,
Without which he cannot be happy,
We are talking, of course, about the car.

Let there be no nails on the way,
Don’t let a traffic cop wait for you in the bushes,
No one on the road was able to get around,
Well, the engine whispered as quietly as possible.

So that your dear car does not get sick,
I always knew how to get started in no time,
But no matter how much you love him,
Leave him today to get drunk!

Congratulations on the Day of Road Transport WorkersOctober 25, 2014

Dear road transport workers!

Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Road transport today is a connecting link between many industries and regions; the economic potential of the entire country depends on its condition. Therefore, the issues of developing the road network and ensuring traffic safety are of particular relevance and require coordinated work of all levels of government.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without road transport. But we don’t even think about how hard the work is for professional drivers, those who deliver cargo, who ensure the smooth operation of enterprises, and who work on passenger transport. Well-functioning operation of motor transport is one of the components of the smooth functioning of the entire national economy of the country.

Road Transport Workers Day is a holiday of drivers, workers, engineers and employees, managers of motor transport and passenger automobile enterprises, industrial scientists and teachers of educational institutions. In solving all the problems facing the industry, the experience of veterans of automobile and passenger transport who have dedicated themselves to their favorite profession is invaluable. best years life. Head of the Lensky District Municipal District Sergei VYSOKIKH.

Dear workers of motor transport enterprises, dear motorists!

On behalf of the District Council of Deputies and myself personally, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Road Transport Workers Day.

Motorist Day is a professional holiday for road transport workers, which is celebrated annually in Russian Federation. This is a holiday not only for drivers, but also for all those who, due to their activities, are somehow connected with cars - repairmen, engineers, managers of motor transport enterprises. Modern life cannot be imagined without cars. Without them, the transportation of passengers and cargo, the development of all spheres of life and our Lensky district is impossible.

Thanks to road transport, humanity has a lot of opportunities. Each of us is well aware of how significant the role of road transport is in modern life, and especially in living conditions in our northern region, when a car is sometimes the only means of transportation through difficult forest routes. Our special gratitude and recognition goes to those who are on duty behind the wheel every day, having chosen the profession of driver as their life’s work.

Motor transport is the most important link in the economy - it ensures the activities of any developed society. Today, road transport workers face a number of important tasks: further improvement of road transport, ensuring its safety, expanding the range and improving the quality of transport services provided.

The driver's profession has been and remains one of the most widespread. On the eve of this professional holiday, I would like to thank all representatives of this industry for their dedication to their work, high professionalism, and responsible attitude to work. Special thanks go to veterans for their years of fruitful work and their enormous contribution to the development of the transport system of our region.

Thank you for your loyalty to the profession, for your endurance and patience! With all our hearts we wish you accident-free traffic on the roads, safe roads, mutual courtesy, reliable cars and green traffic lights! Health and prosperity to everyone! Chairman of the District Council of Deputies of the Lensky District Municipal District Marina BALAGUROVA.

Dear Lena residents – veterans and road transport workers!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Motorist Day!

For us, Lena residents, this holiday has long become one of the city’s favorite holidays. In Lensk, every family has both professional drivers and car enthusiasts.

Delivery of cargo to the northern regions of our republic is the main task of professional Lensk drivers. It is difficult to overestimate the work of our motorists for the development of the economy and social sphere of our city, region and the republic as a whole.

Road transport is a constant movement, but the car is always driven by a person. Every day Lena drivers deliver hundreds of tons of cargo to the right addresses, solve the problem of passenger transportation, ensure the operation of enterprises, road construction, trade and construction organizations, medical, educational, fire departments and many other institutions.

This year, the oldest enterprise in Lensk, LATP-2 PU Almazdortrans, is celebrating its anniversary. I express special gratitude to all employees and veterans of this enterprise for their responsibility and professionalism in their work!

I think that work Lena driver worthy of perpetuation. Therefore, soon, as part of the improvement of Lensk, a sculptural composition dedicated to the drivers of our city will appear in the city.

Dear road transport workers!

Your attitude to work, patience and dedication to your work are an important guarantee of the safety and quality of life of people not only in our city.
Thank you for understanding the importance of your business and for your conscientious work. I wish you health and prosperity, success in any endeavor, peace and goodness to you and your loved ones!
I.o .g of lava municipal municipality "City of Lensk" Oleg BRYANSKY.

Dear workers and veterans of road transport!

We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday!

On the last Sunday of October, Russia traditionally celebrates Road Transport Workers Day. The car has long become an integral part of our daily life. Every day, hundreds of cars take to the roads of our city, carry cargo, deliver them to work and on business. Road transport is a constant movement, but the car is always driven by a person.

Hundreds of our fellow countrymen work in this area: drivers, repair workers. Their work is complex and responsible, requiring high professionalism and organization. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of motor transport for the economy and social sphere of our Lensky district. In many settlements it is still the only means of communication, providing the population with transportation needs.

A motorist is a special profession, with its own romance, its own traditions, character and way of life. This is very intense and honorable work, requiring high physical and emotional dedication and professionalism. Motorists successfully solve the problem of freight and passenger transportation, ensuring the livelihoods of the entire diamond region.

Veterans of the motor transport industry, whose best traditions are passed on from generation to generation, deserve deep gratitude.

We are confident that road transport workers, enhancing glorious traditions, will successfully solve the problems facing them, making their worthy contribution to strengthening the economy of our city, AK ALROSA and the entire Western Yakutia.

On this holiday, we wish you, dear workers and veterans of road transport, success in your work, good health and family well-being, trouble-free work and good mood! May good luck always accompany you on your journey! Director of PU "Almazdortrans" - Coordinator of the company's enterprises in the Lensky district Andrey BUKHAROV. Chairman of the trade union committee of the Almazdortrans PU Valery SOLOVIOV.

The administration and trade union committee of the Lensky motor transport enterprise No. 1 PU "Almazdortrans" wholeheartedly congratulate the workers and veterans, former employees, who are on a well-deserved rest, Happy Road Transport Workers Day!

In our city and at our enterprise, the work of a driver has always been and remains held in high esteem. You often have to work in difficult and even extreme conditions, but you never lose heart, and loyalty to your work and such sacred concepts as mutual assistance, a sense of comradeship, and professional pride help you in this.

Warmest congratulations to the veterans who devoted the best years of their lives to their native enterprise. Your work has established the glorious traditions of motorists. Today, these traditions are preserved and passed on to the younger generation along with experience and knowledge.

On the day of road fans, we congratulate you with all our hearts

All those who were chosen by the gods to rule the route and destiny.

May a bright angel protect you day and night on your journey,

To your cherished goal you could always come.

Good luck and health to everyone, kind words, there is warmth in the family,

So that huge Russia can travel happily!

Dear employees and veterans of the motor transport enterprise, colleagues!

Driver's Day is a holiday for all transport workers, without exception. The core values ​​of any transport enterprise remain the people who work in it. This year Lensky Motor Transport Enterprise No. 2 turns 50 years old. Looking at the past and present, we can say with confidence that every driver and employee of the department is a high professional. Drivers who travel thousands of kilometers delivering the necessary cargo for the needs of the joint-stock company ALROSA and the residents of Lensk, as well as all those who ensure the smooth operation of drivers - all, as one, are irreplaceable links in one mighty chain of the half-century-old Lensk Motor Transport Enterprise No. 2 .

I wish people working in the transport sector and the team of Lensky ATP-2 further coordinated work, new production achievements and, most importantly, smooth and accident-free roads! Alexey ERYOMIN, head of LATP No. 2 of the Almazdortrans PU.

Motorist Day- one of the most national holidays. After all, the last Sunday of October is considered “theirs” not only by representatives of the driving profession, but also by a huge army of car enthusiasts. Today, an equal sign is increasingly being put between “motorists” and “car enthusiasts,” and any newcomer, even who got behind the wheel less than a year ago, also feels involved in this date.

Road Transport Workers Day established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. The Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. Podgorny and the Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. Georgadze signed a decree establishing the annual holiday "Day of Road Transport Workers", which should be celebrated on the last Sunday of October.

Later, the same decree dated November 7, 1996 No. 1435 was signed by the President of the Russian Federation “On establishing the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers.” By this decree, President B.N. Yeltsin confirmed the continuity of traditions. That is, road workers were also involved in the celebration of “Motorist Day”. This probably caused some controversy, and a little later, in accordance with the decree of Russian President V.V. Putin dated March 23, 2000, the professional holiday of road workers began to be celebrated on the third Sunday in October.

Who is a real motorist? A simple person with a driver's license who knows which traffic light color is red and which is green? Yes, he, of course, must know this. And he can safely be called a rider of the “iron horse” and a conqueror of highways, sometimes weather-beaten and slightly smelling of gasoline.

But a real motorist is one who also knows perfectly well where is right and where is left. Who never confuses the brake pedal with the gas pedal, or the carburetor with the gearbox. Which, even in the dark, will find where the car’s engine and gas tank are.

And what is most important is that a true motorist values ​​life. Because, once behind the wheel, no matter a moped or a thirty-ton truck, he values ​​human life above all else.

He understands that when in motion his vehicle poses a potential threat to the health of people in other cars and sometimes slow pedestrians. And he also understands that speed is good, but what’s more important is to return home safe and sound. Moreover, not only to him alone, but to all road users.

Congratulations on the Day of Road Transport Workers.
Motorist's wishes

Cars rush along the ground,
The heroes are behind the wheel,
You are no stranger to road dust,
Today in Pskov, tomorrow you are in Tver.
Happy Driver's Day today!
Neither a nail nor a rod, we say.
Happiness, health and good luck
We want to wish you today.

The roads are safe today
Today our city is both empty and clean:
Today marks a personal holiday
No, not a driver - a motorist!
And you are called by this proud word,
And it seems to us that this is not without reason;
We wish that in a new car
There's room for all your friends!

Congratulations on Motorist Day in verse

Happy Transport Workers Day
Congratulations today!
Do you like driving cars?
Turn the steering wheel and press on the gas:
On a trailer, in the cabin, in the body
And on the bus every hour
You carry cargo around the planet,
You are taking us on business.
Repair and wash
Yes, you take risks sometimes.
You are worth a lot to the country;
Everyone is a master or a hero!
Also, always be healthy,
At the helm - like the first time,
And supernova roads
Fortunately, let the wheels rush you!

Having memorized the ABCs of driving,
To the conquerors of roads,
Who knows a lot about repairs -
Admiration and delight, our congratulations:

Dear ladies, boys, rockers, ministers,
To all hardworking mechanics:
Neither nail nor rod for you,
Good luck and roads without holes, motorists!

It came pretty quickly
And they couldn’t help but notice!
The smile of a motorist
Thick steering wheels won't hide it!
I wish you a clear road,
The car is strong, and besides
Don't hear the policeman's whistle
Among houses and muddy puddles.

On the Day of Road Fans,
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
All those chosen by the Gods
Rule the route and destiny.
May the bright angel protect you,
Day and night on the way,
To achieve your cherished goal
You could always come.
So that your families can wait
Dads, breadwinners and husbands,
We will warm you with our faith,
And we'll get you home soon.

Good roads and good weather,
Let the troubles go away quickly!
Driver, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Have a reliable car, and don’t rush!
Let the ride be excellent, comfortable,
And it always brings you joy!
And let them wait at home with great love,
After all, the driver is fully worthy of happiness!

Congratulations on Motorist Day in prose

One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. And an important professional achievement that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps. Continued success to you in this!

Dear owners, enthusiasts, auto mechanics, drivers and everyone related to automobile transport! On this day, I sincerely greet you on Motorist Day, the main holiday of users of wheeled vehicles. On this day, you are all equal to each other, and, congratulating you, I congratulate the whole country: there is not a single corner in it where there is no car. Therefore, I wish the whole country two things that cannot exist separately - correct movement and mutual respect! Happy holiday to you, friends, colleagues, like-minded people!

Please accept congratulations on Motorist Day, Happy Driver Day to those who can proudly consider themselves part of this glorious profession, that is, the majority of the population of our country. Almost every adult on October 28 will consider himself involved in this holiday.
What do we want to wish to the whole army of motorists: both those who have associated themselves with motor transport professionally and the so-called “amateurs”? Of course, first of all, an accident-free environment on the road, straight, wide and level roads, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect on them, health, family well-being, good luck! May you only be able to overcome time and space on your life and automobile routes!

SMS congratulations on Motorist Day

Are you driving today?
You go, you don’t get bored,
And together with the road
You are celebrating a holiday.
May you, driver, be lucky
There will be everything you need -
Strong tea and sandwich
And it’s not boring on the way.

Dear friend, you are a good and experienced driver, and your car is your second wife. I wish you unearthly good health, smooth and spacious roads, mutual understanding with the traffic police. May your faithful “iron horse” never let you down on your journey, and as the saying goes, “Neither nail nor rod”!

You don't know what to give for Motorist Day? GIVE A FUNNY VOICE CARD FOR CAR DRIVERS' DAY!

Cheerful and kind audio congratulations on Motorist Day at the service Grattis: poems and songs. All car enthusiasts and professional drivers celebrate the holiday, so congratulations will be relevant for millions of people.

Your friends will receive an incoming call and hear your chosen musical card, a comic voice greeting on Motorist Day

Cool congratulations on Motorist Day

Congratulations, little man,
Happy day, motorist,
And we wish you tirelessly,
It takes three hundred years to rush along the road.
Don't lose your health
Skip other people's slander
Be happy in all respects
The main thing is to be in family decisions!

You're serious and sober behind the wheel,
Well, in life - a joker, a comedian,
That's why we love you,
Your holiday has come, congratulations,
We wish you doubly happiness,
So that you are always and everywhere in order
On your iron horse.

Happy Motorist Day Congratulations!
I wish you all the best, my friend!
I wish you easy control of the steering wheel
And don’t confuse a holiday with drinking!

Happy holiday, friends,
Congratulations to all of you!
No skid, no diarrhea -
That's what we want!
Not a nail or a rod to
Haven't met again...
There is less anger on the roads
You should have noticed!
Let them not nag at women
Evil fools,
And they won't let you go
Evil witticisms!

In many countries, the car has become an integral part of social life, and the relatively young profession of “driver” is one of the most common. In Russia, road transport workers have their own holiday, emphasizing respect for this profession - last Sunday of October. Motorist Day was officially established in 1976, and later confirmed by additional government decrees.

With the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was preserved unchanged only in Belarus; in other CIS countries it was modified or completely abolished. Today in the Russian Federation this is not only a professional holiday - it also unites amateurs, ordinary people, true fans of the automotive world, passionate about the history of the development of the automotive industry.

The self-propelled carriages that appeared at the end of the 19th century were considered amusing curiosities. And even now they will seem like that to a modern person. In Germany, they managed to preserve an outstanding example of 1885, designed by K. Benz. Another name without which it is impossible to consider the history of the car is the German designer G. Daimler. It was he who proposed 4 wheels instead of a 3-wheel model.

The first self-propelled cars did not even have a steering wheel, and its functions were performed by a lever. The patents received by the inventors in time forever secured their status as the founders of this land transport, and the company they founded, Daimler-Benz (although now it has a different name) produces the famous Mercedes.

Russian craftsmen did not have time to receive the laurels of their creators. The first domestic ancestor of the car was designed in the spring of 1896 by E. Yakovlev and P. Frese. The unit with a 2 horsepower motor was presented at the Novgorod industrial exhibition, and although it has not been preserved, there is a copy in the museum.

France mastered the first more mass production in the world. The origin of the word “chauffeur”, which took root in the Soviet Union, is interesting. It comes from the French language, in which it itself became a symbol of scientific discoveries at the end of the 19th century. The literal translation of "stoker" refers to the steam engine, when coal and firewood were used. It was necessary to have a fair amount of dexterity in the process of planting and management.

France also has another achievement - the first automobile race took place from Paris to Rouen in 1894. Already at the dawn of the automobile industry, each manufacturer tried to prove that its copy was the best. 102 samples took part in the first races. Peugeot set a record of that time - 20 km/h.

Mass domestic production has its own history and dates back to 1932, when the first car was released from the assembly line at the Gorky Automobile Plant (not without the participation of another legend of the automotive industry - the Ford company). At first our cars were copies of American ones, but then they acquired their own identity, taking into account local realities.

For a long time, a private car was considered a luxury - in the Soviet Union it was such for a long time, until the end of the 70s, because the main part of the products produced were trucks. The car left a significant mark during the Second World War - for example, the GAZ-MM, nicknamed the “lorry”. It made up up to half of the fleet of all cars, and it was the “lorry” that most often walked along the blockade “Road of Life”. Therefore, on Motorist Day, front-line drivers who transported strategic cargo and the wounded are not forgotten. Flowers are laid at the monuments to motorist soldiers.

Today, anyone who wants to take part in the holiday will be surprised by the number of events organized for this occasion, especially in large cities. They are satisfied not only by local authorities and activists - large dealers of some popular brands are actively involved. Car rallies to significant places, flash mobs, quests, competitions in driving skills - participants or spectators will not be bored. This holiday is far from formal: it can provide a good, positive mood even to those who have no professional connection to it.

On the last Sunday of October, the professional holiday of motorists is celebrated. Representatives of this profession, which has become one of the most popular professions today, include road workers and road transport workers. Every citizen who has received a driver’s license can consider themselves to be such.

Statistics show a trend of annual increase in cars on the roads of our country. Roads become a kind of symbol of movement, the most important arteries of a country striving for development, social well-being and economic growth. Therefore, the celebration of Motorist Day extends to a fairly wide category of our population.

Features of the celebration

This holiday was approved by decree of the USSR Presidium in 1980. On the last Sundays of October, it was decided to honor the large army of automotive employees. Even after the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of celebration was preserved, but acquired a different scale. Private car owners, whose number now numbers in the millions, have also joined the employees of motor transport enterprises.

Not surprisingly, many businesses take the celebration seriously. And everyone involved in this holiday often expects congratulations, themed concerts, car exhibitions, competitions and races.

Internationalization of Motorist Day

This holiday is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - friendly states of the post-Soviet space. Despite the fact that its official name is Road Transport Workers' Day, residents of the post-Soviet space can congratulate absolutely all drivers: both professionals and amateurs. Therefore, in these countries the holiday is not so much professional as folk.

Date history

The car is one of the most useful inventions of mankind, and therefore its most beloved. It has existed for a little over a hundred years, but during its century it has managed to go through the path of modernization from a self-propelled device to an ultra-modern car, programmed to perform the most complex functions.

In Russia, serial production of the first cars began in 1908. The Russian-Baltic Plant became a pioneer in this industry. Russo-Balt cars were distinguished by their reliability, which is why they won prizes on long runs and rallies more than once.

In 1946, the legendary Victory was born, which became the pride of the domestic automobile industry. In the post-war years, several automobile factories were built on the territory of the USSR. Subsequently, road transport began to play a key role in the economy.

Today, the scope of use of motor transport is extensive: cars carry out the lion's share of transportation of people and goods throughout the country.

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