Presentation on the theme of New Year. Presentation on the theme "New Year holiday" The best New Year's interactive presentation

New Year is a favorite holiday for both big and small. You can immerse yourself in an atmosphere of serenity, joy and happiness with the help of various games that can be played both in kindergarten, and at home with children, and New Year's holiday It will be fun and bright for everyone, a real relaxation for body and soul.



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New Year's games with children New Year is a favorite holiday for both big and small. You can plunge into the atmosphere of serenity, joy and happiness with the help of various games that can be played both in kindergarten and at home with children, and the New Year holiday will become fun and bright for everyone, a real relaxation for the soul and body.

Tiger's Tail All players line up, holding the person in front of them by the belt or shoulders. The first in this line is the head of the “tiger”, the last is the “tail”. At the signal, the “tail” begins to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The task of the rest of the tiger’s “body” is not to come apart. After several attempts by the “tail” to catch up with the “head”, the children change places and roles.

Poetry competition Children are asked to take turns (you can pass a snowflake) to come up with New Year's rhymes: Rhyme options: grandfather - summer nose - frost and child - year calendar - January Smeshika - snowflake Dudochka - Snow Maiden Run - snow Needle - Christmas tree

Snowball In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric. “Lump” is passed on and Santa Claus says: We all roll a snowball, We all count to “five” - One, two, three, four, five - You should sing a song. Or: Should I read poetry for you? Or: You should dance a dance. Or: Let me tell you a riddle...

Snowflakes Paper snowflakes are suspended on long tinsel fixed horizontally. The players are blindfolded and try to remove snowflakes to the accompaniment of cheerful music. When the music stops, the bandages are removed and the trophies are counted. Whoever collected the most snowflakes wins

Laughter Each player gets a name: snowflake, firecracker, Christmas tree, tiger, candle, flashlight, etc. All names must be related to the New Year. One presenter is selected and asks various questions to everyone in turn. The presenter should not know the names of the participants. Participants answer any question from the presenter with their name. For example: - Who are you? - Snowflake - What do you have (points to nose)? - Flashlight - What do you like to eat? - Christmas tree The one who laughs is out of the game. Alternatively, the one who laughs must guess a riddle or complete some task.

Hares All players wear bunny ears. Children are divided into teams and a head of cabbage is placed in front of them at an equal distance. To the New Year's music, at the signal of the presenter, the bunnies take turns jumping towards their cabbage. They take the leaf off it and jump back to their team, passing the baton to the next hare. The fastest bunnies raise their cabbage leaves up as a team, informing everyone of their victory.

Piglets For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

Who will be the first to decorate the Christmas tree Children are divided into 2 teams, which are given the task: to decorate their small Christmas tree first from the same number of balls and tinsel. The game is accompanied by New Year's music.

New Year's bags Each participant receives a bright colorful bag and stands near the table. On the table there is a large box with various small items New Year theme(unbreakable toys, tinsel, streamers, firecrackers, sparklers) and ordinary small souvenirs not related to the holiday. Participants wear blindfolds and, accompanied by cheerful music, take out objects from the box, putting them in their bags. When the music stops, the game stops, the children's bandages are removed, and they empty the contents of their bags. The winner is the one who managed to collect the most New Year-themed items.

Find the Christmas tree. Two teams of players must line up in two columns. The captains are presented with a set of New Year's flags, the penultimate one complete with the image of a Christmas tree. At the signal, the captains pass the flags down the chain to their players, and the last child in the column collects the kit. As soon as the captain discovers a flag with a Christmas tree, he immediately shouts “Christmas tree!” and raises the flag up. The team that finds the Christmas tree first is considered the winner.

Assemble a Christmas tree Several players are asked to assemble an image of a Christmas tree from a cut picture (puzzles), whoever completes it first wins.

Cheerful monkeys Santa Claus reads poems and shows movements: We are cheerful monkeys, We play too loud. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes. And we’ll even show each other our tongues. Let's jump together to the ceiling, raise our finger to our temple. Let's stick out our ears, tail on the top of the head. Let's open our mouths wider and make grimaces. As soon as I say the number “three”, everyone freezes with grimaces. (Children “freeze” in a funny grimace)

New Year's game library for primary schoolchildren with presentation

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, teacher primary classes Category I, GPD teacher of Category I, class teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of the material: I offer you a selection New Year's entertainment for conducting thematic leisure time in the classroom, in a group (Santa Claus’s birthday, New Year’s kaleidoscope); for organizing extracurricular activities according to the course. This material will be useful to teachers primary school; class teachers, GPA teachers, for children 7 - 8 years old.
Purpose of the lesson: organizing children's themed leisure, creating a festive mood.
- strengthen the ability to solve riddles and crosswords;
- develop logical and imaginative thinking;
- develop the creative potential of children;
- learn to act independently and in a team; choose the right solution;

Page for the curious
New Year is a holiday that comes at the moment of transition from last day year on the first day of the next year. Celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar. The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC.

In Ancient Rome, this day was dedicated to Janus - the god of choice, doors and all beginnings. The month of January got its name in honor of the god Janus, who was depicted with two faces: one looking forward and the other looking back.

We all come from childhood, and kind family holiday The New Year will help everyone get together, wish happiness and good luck in the coming year and, of course, play fun games, organize competitions and sweepstakes...
Then you've come to the right place!
- Make yourself comfortable! No! No! Today you can jump up and down with pleasure, shout loudly if you know the right answer, run into the center of the hall if your legs want to dance. The most cheerful, musical, intellectual gift is guaranteed. 1st round (guess the riddle)

1. Whose drawings are on the window,
What's the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter Grandfather (Freezing)
2. Here is Santa Claus walking through the mountains,
And he carries his bag on his shoulder.
He leans on a stick on the way.
Tell me, what is it called? (Staff)
3. Santa Claus stands by the Christmas tree,
Hiding a laugh in his beard.
Don't keep us tormented for too long
Untie it quickly... (Bag)
4. What a kind Grandfather Frost
Did you bring it for us in your bag? (Present)
5. If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday? ... (New Year)
6. There is noise everywhere on this holiday!
An explosion followed by cheerful laughter!
Very noisy toy -
New Year's... (Clapperboard)
7. On trees, on bushes
Flowers are falling from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Just not the scented ones. (Snowflakes)
8. Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow-white guest.
He called her daughter.
This girl... (Snow Maiden)
9. The hedgehog looks like her
You won't find any leaves at all.
Like a beauty, slim,
And for the New Year it’s important. (Christmas tree)

2 round (Remember and name the title and author of the fairy tale from the passage)

1. It’s light in the clearing, as if from the sun. In the middle of the clearing a large fire is burning, almost reaching to the sky. And people are sitting around the fire - some closer to the fire, some further away. They sit and talk quietly.
The girl looks at them and thinks: who are they? They don’t seem to look like hunters, even less like woodcutters: look how smart they are - some in silver, some in gold, some in green velvet.
She began to count and counted twelve: three old, three elderly, three young, and the last three were still just boys. (“Twelve Months”, Slovak fairy tale)

2. Uh! There was a kiss colder than ice, it pierced him right through and reached his very heart, and it was already half icy. It seemed to Kai that a little more and he would die... But only for a minute, and then, on the contrary, he felt so good that he even stopped feeling cold altogether. (H.H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”)

3. A girl sits under a spruce tree, trembling, and a chill runs through her. Suddenly he hears Morozko not far away, crackling through the trees, jumping from tree to tree, clicking. He found himself on the spruce tree under which the girl was sitting, and from above he asked her:
-Are you warm, girl? (Russian folk tale"Morozko")

4. And over the winter she became like a girl of about thirteen: she understands everything, talks about everything, and in such a sweet voice that you can hear her. And she is so kind, obedient and friendly to everyone. And she is as white as snow; eyes like forget-me-nots, light brown braid to the waist, no blush at all, as if there was no living blood in her body... And even without that she was so pretty and good that she was a sight for sore eyes.
(Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”)

3 round (Name words with the same root for the word – snow-)

1. Snow falling from the clouds, accompanied by squally winds (snowfall)
2. Snow or ice crystal, most often in the form of six-rayed stars or hexagonal plates at the ends (snowflake)
3. Simple Snow Sculpture Created in Winter (snowman)
4. Herbaceous plant with blue-white flowers that bloom immediately after the snow melts (snowdrop)

4th round (Dress up the Christmas tree)

When all the toys are in their places, you will learn which item should not be hung on the Christmas tree and how to handle it correctly.

Safety rules when launching firecrackers and fireworks:
1. Children are prohibited from lighting firecrackers!
2. Read the instructions carefully before starting!
3. Do not throw burning firecrackers at people and animals!
4. Do not hold the burning firecracker in your hands!
5.Use firecrackers only outdoors!
5th round (Answer the questions in the “Happy New Year” crossword puzzle)

1. Atmospheric precipitation in the form of white flakes, which are ice crystals. (snow)
2. Does the snowman have a carrot instead? (nose)
3. On the face of Santa Claus there is a long, thick, white… (beard)
4. Snowstorm, blizzard. (blizzard)
5. A device in the form of long runners for walking on snow. (skis)
6. Severe cold (with air temperature below zero). (freezing)
7. A small hill of snow and ice, intended for skating. (slide)
8. Symbol of the coming 2018. (dog)
9. An old person. (grandfather)
10. Liquid that has become icy during drainage in the form of a pointed stick. (icicle)
11. Northern guest, this berry grows mainly in the polar-arctic region. (cloudberry)

Reflection (Play activity– Christmas tree decoration, outdoor games, New Year's fun, round dances, tea drinking)

He was in a hurry to come to us for the holiday,
I captured the magic key!
Here it is - an icy key
Under the snow-covered hollow!
So that the fun does not stop,
So that the guys don't get bored,
There will be a festive tree,
Light up our Christmas tree!

4th grade student

Class teacher: Elvira Rimovna Volobueva

G. Megion KHMAO-Yugra

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The custom of celebrating the New Year originated in Mesopotamia. In Russia, the New Year was officially approved in the 14th century by John Vasilyevich the Third, its date was September 1. in 1699, Peter I, by his decree, set a new date for the celebration of the New Year - January 1,

A little history

The star that many place on the top of the New Year's tree is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which shone over the birthplace of Jesus Christ. there is a connection between Christmas and New Year.

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New Year's table

  • In Russia: Olivier salad, poultry, meat or fish dishes, New Year's tangerines
  • In Romania these are cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves
  • in Italy – pork sausage with lentils
  • in Norway – dried cod
  • in China (imagine!) - dumplings
  • Slide 4

    Who are you, Grandfather Frost?

    Name: Santa Claus.

    He is also: Grandfather Treskun, Moroz Ivanovich,

    Frost Red Nose (Rus)

    Appearance: tall man with a snow-white beard. Wears a red or blue fur coat. In his hands he has a magic staff, with which he “freezes”.

    Character: Grandfather used to be stern. With age, the character of Santa Claus has changed for the better, and now the old man is perceived as a kind wizard with a bag of gifts

    Age: Santa Claus is very old

    Place of residence: Ancient Santa Claus, lived in an ice hut, which could be reached, lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

    type of activity:. he visits guests under New Year and distribution of gifts. True, sometimes it requires that the recipient first recite the poem.

    Vehicle: Moves, as a rule, on foot. Travels long distances in a sleigh drawn by three white horses

    The very first Santa Claus was St. Nicholas. When he left, he left the poor family who sheltered him golden apples in his shoe in front of the fireplace.

    Slide 5

    Grandfather Frost in different countries of the world

    Belgium, Austria - Saint Nicholas. .Germany - Weinachtsman. Spain - Papa Noel Italy - Babbo Natale. Kazakhstan - Kolotun Yeah... China - Shan Dan Laozhen.

    Russia - Santa Claus. Romania - Mos Jarile.

    Serbia - Deda Mraz. USA - Santa Claus. Türkiye Croatia - Deda Mraz. Uzbekistan - Noel Baba. Finland - Jolupukki. France - Pere Noel.

    Czech Republic, Slovakia - Mikulas. Japan - Segatsu-san.

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    New Year in Russia

    In Russia, with every chime, people make a wish. It is believed that these wishes will come true in the New Year. How you celebrate the New Year is how the year will be. For this reason, quarrels and troubles should be avoided during the New Year. It is customary to wear new clothes, associated with the personification of the renewal of the year. There must definitely be money - then the family will not need it all year. The New Year has traditionally been considered the most suitable time for fortune telling. Interesting customs and in other countries

    Slide 7

    Quiz "Do you believe that..."

    Yes, since 1700 Peter 1 issued a decree to celebrate in the winter months

    2. In Japan, at midnight, a bell begins to ring and strikes 108 times?

    Yes, every ringing “kills” one of the human vices.

    There are only 6 of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy),

    Slide 8

    3. Do you believe that the first New Year's Day

    did the postcard appear in London?

    Yes, it was mailed in 1843 by Henry Cole.

    4. Do you believe that in Mongolia on New Year’s Day it is customary to pour compote on each other?


    Slide 9

    5. Do you believe that in Cuba there is such a tradition before the New Year to fill all

    dishes with water, and with the onset of the holiday -

    pour it out of the windows?

    Yes. Before the New Year, people fill glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they throw it out through the open window onto the street as a sign that old year ended happily and the sins were washed away.

    Slide 10

    Do you believe that in China, when the clock strikes, everyone runs to swim in the sea?

    NO! In China, thousands of lanterns are lit during processions to light the way into the New Year. The Chinese believe that the New Year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. Sometimes the Chinese cover their windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits.

    Shan Dan Laozhen (China)

    Slide 11


    When the holiday comes -

    Sweet and wonderful new year!

    Let it be bright and beautiful,

    Will bring happiness and good luck!

    View all slides

    May the New Year be generous,

    Let him not skimp on happiness,

    Let him light the stars on time,

    May all your wishes come true .

    The Old Year is passing.

    Its last page rustles.

    Let the best that was not go away,

    And the worst cannot happen again

    May the New Year be a magical fairy tale

    He will quietly enter your house,

    And happiness, joy, kindness and affection

    He will bring it to you as a gift!

    • It's snowing outside
    • Holiday coming soon... (New Year)
    • The needles glow softly,
    • The coniferous spirit is coming... (from the Christmas tree)
    • The branches rustle faintly,
    • The beads are bright... (shine)
    • And the toys swing:
    • Flags, stars... (crackers)
    • New Year's round dance
    • The children waited for a whole year (a year).
    • Dads, moms, kids
    • We are glad to see the Christmas tree from... (soul)
    • Everyone have fun today.
    • And laugh, don’t be lazy,
    • It's fun to celebrate the holiday.
    • Not for a second... (get bored)









    Competition game “Catch a snowflake”

    • 1 person leaves from each team. Each participant has a paper snowflake. (The snowflake is located behind, almost reaching the floor.) The participants’ task is to tear off the opponent’s snowflake by stepping on it, without allowing their own to be torn off.


    One child sits on a high chair, with his back to the children. The presenter chooses a “sparrow” who comes up behind the person sitting and puts his hands on his shoulders. He says: “Sparrow, tweet!” "Sparrow" tweets: "Chick-chirp!" The person sitting guesses who it is.

    Game "WARMING UP"


    • Game "Warming up" (The game is played to music.)- It’s freezing outside
    • Well, everyone rubbed their noses!... (Three noses.) There’s no need for us to beat our heads,
    • Everyone quickly grabbed their ears!... (We grab our ears.) Twisted, turned,
    • So the ears flew off!... (We turn our ears.) For those who didn’t fly off,
    • They flew on with us!... (We wave our arms.) They shook our heads!... (We shake our heads.) They tapped on our knees!... (We knock on our knees.) They patted on our shoulders!... (We pat on our shoulders.) And now we stomped!... (We stomp. )


    one hand

    Unusual song

    Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, and you can only bark, moo, and crow. So sing the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter” in animal language.

    • Riddles are offered to the teams one by one.
    • * Who scattered the white snow on the river strong ice shackled?
    • With the blizzard, the cold came, what’s her name... (Winter)
    • *The white tablecloth covered the whole world. (Snow)
    • * It grows upside down, it grows not in summer, but in winter.
    • But the sun will bake her, she will cry and die. (Icicle)
    • * Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but walking. (Snow)
    • * He pinches his cheeks and bites his nose.
    • Who is he? Shall we answer? Of course….(Frost)
    • * Not prickly, light blue, hung in the bushes... (Hoarfrost)
    • * Without planks, without axes, the bridge across the river is ready.
    • The bridge is like blue glass, slippery, fun, light! (Ice)
    • * I ride it until evening,
    • But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain,
    • And I always walk up the hill myself
    • And I lead my horse by the rope. (Sled)
    • * On New Year's Eve he came to the house looking like such a ruddy, fat little man.
    • But every day he lost weight and finally disappeared completely. (Calendar)
    • * What are the stars that appear on the coat and on the scarf?
    • Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it, there’s water in your hand? (Snowflakes)
    • * What beauty stands there, sparkling brightly?
    • How luxuriously decorated... Tell me, who is she? ( Christmas tree)
    • * He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree.
    • And when spring comes. Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)
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