The tricks of the unwilling or the adventures of Santa Claus. Scenario for a New Year's party for the speech therapy group "Tricks of the Unwanted, or Santa Claus in Africa" ​​(older age). Round dance “Do you hear someone coming”

The script for the New Year's holiday "The Tricks of Nekhochukha" is intended for children of senior preschool age. The script includes funny New Year's songs, games, and dances. Characters: Reluctant, Wizard Suleiman, Snow Queen, Santa Claus - adults. Fairy tale, Savages, Oriental beauties - children.



MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 38"

Berezniki, Perm region

musical director

Usoltseva Olga Yurievna

New Year's holiday scenario

for children of senior preschool age

"Tricks of the Unwanted"

Children enter the hall to the music and line up around the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Everyone ran into the hall singing and laughing,

And everyone saw the forest guest.

Tall, beautiful, green, slender,

She glows with different lights,

Isn't she a beauty?


Presenter: Happy New Year,

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness and joy

To all the guys and guests

Children read poetry:

Hello, forest Christmas tree,

Silvery, thick,

You grew up under the sun,

And she came to us for the holiday.

You dressed up amazingly

So elegant, so beautiful,

All covered in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights!

You came to the joy of the children,

New Year we will meet together!

Let's start a song together,

Let's dance merrily!

Today is a wonderful day

It won't melt away without a trace.

This New Year's holiday

We will never forget!

At the decorated Christmas tree with your friends

Let's quickly spin in a merry round dance

Round dance: “Somewhere there is a Christmas tree on the edge” by A. Filippenko

Children sit on chairs

Presenter : Sit down more comfortably, you will, of course, be surprised -

On this good New Year, a Fairy Tale is coming to visit us!

A girl comes in - “Fairy Tale” with a flower, sings:

Quiet, quiet, quiet, don't frighten off the fairy tale,

Don't rustle your dress and wear a mask.

Transform into a bunny, a red fox

Find the Fairy in the fairy forest.

Miracles cannot appear on their own,

You can see them with kind eyes.

And then the cricket will play a song,

A magical flower will bloom, like in a fairy tale.

Fairy tale: A fairy tale came to visit you and brought you a flower.

And the flower is not simple, but so magical!

Take my flower, say my cherished words,

And then you will see wizards and miracles!

The presenter takes the flower and invites Skazka to go to the children and have fun with them at the holiday.

Presenter me: Guys, with the help of this magic flower we can invite guests to the holiday! Let's ask him to make Santa Claus appear in the hall.

Magic flower, help us, invite Santa Claus to the hall.

To the music of “Cucaracha,” Nehochukha enters the hall.

Sings: I don't want, I don't want, I don't want anything.

Don't invite because

I go everywhere myself!

I'll do some magic, I'll ruin everything,

The holiday won't come at all

Well, who wants, well, who wants,

New Year without Frost?

Oh, look at them! Sit down and celebrate! Santa Claus is waiting! Oh, it's hilarious! Well, I can't! (laughs). Well, wait, wait!

Presenter: Excuse me, but who are you?

I don't want to: I repeat for those who don’t understand: I am the great and powerful sorceress I don’t want to! I don't want to play, sing and dance! I just want to do magic!

Presenter: Can you really do magic?

I don't want to: Well, I’m telling you, I’m a sorceress! And I bewitched your Santa Claus - I don’t want any holidays or round dances, I don’t want!

Presenter: Where have you ever seen D.M himself bewitched by someone? You don't even look like a sorceress!

I don't want to : Not similar? Well, hold on! Now I'll show you my magic

I don't want to: Choriki, Moriki, uhty-bukhty, come on, Christmas tree, go out instantly!

The Christmas tree is going out!

I don't want to: That's it, dear children! Now sit, wait for your Frost, but for some reason I don’t want to stay at your holiday, I think I’ll go for a walk! (leaves)

Presenter: Guys, it seems to me that D.M. I just got stuck somewhere, and while he’s on his way to us, let’s continue the celebration.

"Dance with with magic wands"(song "Rozhdestvenskaya")

The children sat down.

D.M. enters to the music “Ki-ko-ko.” in shorts, flip-flops, and sunglasses. The only parts of the costume are a beard and a hat. Carrying an inflatable ring and a sports bag. Nehochukha follows him with a fan in her hands and a chair. D.M. offers with a gesture. sit on a chair, fans him with a fan.

Presenter: Hello, Grandfather Frost, where is your magic staff? What about the bag of gifts? Aren't you cold without boots? We've been waiting for you, because the New Year is already on the doorstep.

D.M.: I don’t know anything about the New Year! I don't want any gifts. Although, I already have one gift. This lady gave me a ticket to Africa! Therefore, very soon the plane will take me to this hot country. Finally, I can rest like a human being. Ah, Africa! Ah, Bounty! It’s so romantic - sun, sea, fruits, palm trees, monkeys, and it seems that a whole tribe of savages is about to jump out from behind a palm tree!

Music sounds, children perform " DANCE OF THE SAVAGES"

Presenter: Guys, what are we going to do? After all, Nehochukha was able to bewitch D.M., and without him, what a New Year! Let's try to restore his memory.

Children come out:

What's wrong with you, Santa Claus?

Are you overcome by sclerosis?

Confused parts of the world

Confused winter with summer.

The children got up early in the morning,

Looking out the windows: in the yard

Oranges and bananas

They ripen in December.

What's happened? What's happened?

The sea splashes at the entrance.

You can throw yourself into the wave

And then another one.

Wow, how the sun is shining!

But where is the New Year?

There is no snow and no Christmas tree,

Come to your senses quickly, Grandfather!

Bring back the burning frost,

A branch of a prickly Christmas tree,

And on the river there is a crust of ice.

And bananas, oranges,

There is no reason to be upset -

Always available in stores!

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, it is so wonderful when winter comes! Listen to the song here:"WHITE SNOWFLAKES"

D.M.: So, I don’t need any snow, winter, and so on... (looks at his watch) And anyway, I’m late for the plane, and I still need to buy sunblock! Wow, babies! (leaves)

I don't want to: Well, are you convinced? I am a real sorceress!

Presenter: If it’s real, then it should not only be able to cast a spell, but also be able to disenchant it. Break the spell of our Santa Claus!

I don't want to : I won’t think so! Happy Stay! (leaves)

Presenter : Guys, what should we do? How to disenchant Grandfather Frost?

Child: I know! We should invite the wizards.

Presenter: That’s right, but it will help us meet the wizards—magic flower!

Turns on the flower and says the magic words:

Magic flower, help us, invite wizards to visit!

Music is playing , the wizard Suleiman enters the hall, makes passes with his hands, scatters confetti, the presenter sets up a table covered with a scarf.

Suleiman : The wizard Suleiman does everything honestly, without deception!

He pulls off the scarf, revealing three vessels underneath.

Water, cold water,

Tap water!

You, water, cool down,

You will turn into a magical one!

You, water-water,

You are my wonderful friend!

Become not transparent

Become, voditsa, red!

You, water-water,

Light as frost.

Become not transparent

Turn, water, blue!

You, water-water,

My friend, you are cold,

Become not transparent

Become green, water!

During the trick, Suleiman comments on what is happening.

The presenter is surprised, everyone applauds.

Suleiman: With the wizard Suleiman, everything is honest, without deception.

Suleman invites “Oriental beauties” to dance

Presenter: Wizard Suleiman, we are convinced that YOU are a real wizard, so we want to turn to you for help!

Suleiman: What worries you, O most beautiful of the beautiful!

Presenter: The evil sorceress, Reluctant, bewitched our Santa Claus, sent him to hot Africa, and now it is very hot there, Santa Claus may melt, and the New Year will not come. Help me break my grandfather's spell.

Suleiman: Wah-wah-wah, what grief! My charms are not that strong. Sorry, but I can't help you. Farewell, dear youths, it’s time for me to return to my fairy tale!(leaves)

Presenter : What a pity! We'll have to turn to another wizard, and the magic flower will help us again!

Walks in to the music Snow Queen

Snow Queen: In the distant kingdom, in the white kingdom

Among the snow, among the ice floes.

I live like a queen, the cold is my only companion.

It's cold everywhere in my house, I own the kingdom of ice

And everywhere the snowflakes are circling, circling, circling and flying.

Tell me, why did you call me? Answer quickly, otherwise I’ll freeze it and never be able to thaw it!

Presenter : Wait, Snow Queen, don't be angry.(cringes ) It’s so cold next to you, I really hope I don’t turn into an icicle.

Snow Queen:What, were you scared? Well, well, don't be afraid, I was joking. True, my heart is icy, but at heart I am a kind queen, and I really love playing with children!

Presenter : Well, guys, let's please the Snow Queen with her favorite game?

Game "Snowflakes-chillers"

Sn. Cor.: How fun you were playing, but why did you call me?

Presenter: The evil Reluctant woman has bewitched D.M., can you remove her spell?

Sn.Kor: Don't want to? I've never heard of her. I'm sorry, but I can't help you, and it's time for me to leave. It’s very hot here, but I love the cold, I love the cold. Goodbye!(leaves)

Presenter: Guys, what's going on? Neither the wizard Suleiman nor the Snow Queen could help us, apparently the Nekhochukha’s spell was very strong.

Let's look at the flower again.

Magic flower, help us, invite a wizard to visit!

Nehochukha enters the hall again: Well? Didn't work out? Now are you convinced that I am a real sorceress?

Presenter: If you don’t want to, disenchant our Grandfather Frost, he will be hot in Africa, he may melt, and without Santa Claus the New Year will not come!

I don't want to: I won’t even think about it! Life isn’t bad for me even in the old year!

Presenter: Doesn't agree. We'll have to scare her, call the robbers! Hey, robbers, come out and show your dance!

"Dance of the Robbers" (boys)


1. Who called the crazy guys here?

Hey, help me, fellow pirate!

They beat our people, get rid of them, destroy them!

Catch the one who doesn't want to!

On New Year's Day, any robber

Having fun near the Christmas tree

Offend Santa Claus

Not good at all!

3.Well, what if it’s against us?

Someone is speaking

Pistols will help us

Everyone knows this!

I don't want to: Oh, come on, put the weapon away. I'll tell you everything.

The robbers take their seats

I don't want to : For my witchcraft to lose its power, I must say the word “I want” three times in a row, but you won’t force me!

Presenter: And we are not going to force you. (takes out a large candy)

Do you want some candy?

I don't want to: No, I don't want to. Is she chocolate?

Presenter: Of course...

I don't want to: Don't want. What about nuts?

Presenter : Necessarily! And how big, tasty, fresh...

I don't want to snatches candy, screams: Give it to me, I want to eat it so bad!

Presenter : Yeah, so you said I WANT for the first time. (gong sound)

I don't want to : It's just an accident.

Presenter: I don't want to, guess my riddles.

I don't want to: No, I don't want to!

Presenter: Well, no need. I'll tell them to the guys.

What kind of carved stars

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through-lace,

Will you take it - water in your hand?

The reluctant woman screams loudest: Snowflakes!

Presenter: You didn't want to guess!

Reluctant: And now I want!

Presenter : And here is the second time you said I WANT! (gong sound)

I don’t want to, our guys really love to play musical instruments, do you want us to teach you too?

I don't want to : Here's another! Don't want!

Presenter: Well, as you know!

Orchestra: "Play with me"

The reluctant woman takes the musical instrument, joins the children, and the presenter notices this.

Presenter: We have a new musician in our orchestra!

I don't want to : I also want to play, I liked this bell so much!

Presenter : So you said the word I WANT three times! (the gong sounds) This means that Grandfather Frost has broken his spell, and will be here any minute. So you won't be happy.

I don't want to : Choriki-moriki! What will happen now! (hiding behind the Christmas tree)

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall:Hello guys! Hello, dear parents!

I don’t understand how I ended up on a plane that was about to fly to Africa. It's hot there, I would melt.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, I don’t want to come up with all this. She put a spell on you!

Father Frost: Come on, come here, beauty! Here's your ticket, go to Africa instead of me! (knocks with staff) Krible-krible-boom!

Against the backdrop of light and sound effects, Nehochukha spins and disappears from the hall.

Father Frost: Well, now everything is in order!

Santa Claus lights the Christmas tree and wishes everyone a Happy New Year

Guys, were you waiting for me?

Presenter: We, Santa Claus, have been waiting for you all year. And we learned poems and songs for you. Listen here.Song “Santa Claus Walked Through the Forest”

Father Frost: Wow kids, well done! And now, kids, it's time to play!

Santa Claus organizes a game - “Snow Porridge”

2 children participate. Everyone receives a bowl of fake snowballs and a wooden spoon.

Father Frost: Grandfather Frost will now ask you a tricky question.

Do you like to play snowballs? (YES)

Do you like to lick snowballs? (YES)

I don’t advise you, brothers, to overeat on snow porridge!

Now we’ll play - we’ll find out who’s the most dexterous!

At the command of D.M. Participants use a spoon to transfer snowballs from their basin to the opponent’s basin. The winner is the one who does it faster, or the one who has D.M. after the clap. Fewer snowballs remain in the basin.

D.M.: Now, come out and start a round dance!

Round dance: “Russian Santa Claus”

D.M.: Guys, aren't you afraid of frost?

Children: A blizzard is blowing outside, the wind is howling,

Let's go for a walk anyway, don't let it scare us!

D.M .: I'll freeze your hands!

Children: And we will clap!

D.M .: I'll freeze your feet!

Children: And we will begin to stomp!

D.M.: I'll freeze your ears!

Children: And we will close them!

D.M.: I'll freeze your cheeks!

Children: We'll hide them too!

D.M .: I’ll crawl into your fur coat, you’ll immediately tremble,

And you can’t run away from Santa Claus!

Children: Let's run away!

Father Frost: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.

Presenter: Sit down, grandpa, relax, and we will read you poetry!

Individual poetry reading

Presenter: What a wonderful holiday we are having with Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost : Really wonderful!(to parents ) So our dear guests were with us throughout the holiday, but I remember you all. Just recently we sang the same songs and read poems. Do you remember that? And now your children are growing up, and how dexterous and skillful they are. In suits and not recognizing where the Daughter is Tanina, where is Serezhin’s son?

Presenter: It doesn’t matter, grandfather, now we’ll ask the guys to find their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and sit on their laps.

Children go to their parents.

Presenter: Well, grandpa, did you recognize everyone?

Father Frost: Yes, now I remember everyone, how similar they are! Okay and foldable! Let there be as many such happy moments as possible. Hug each other tightly and keep that warmth. I wish you happiness, goodness and peace. And finally, please me, sing my favorite song. Have you forgotten which one?

Children and parents perform “THE FIR-STREET WAS BORN IN THE FOREST”

D. Moroz: Children, I played with you, danced around the Christmas tree.

And now I have to go, goodbye, kids!

Surprise moment

Presenter: Grandfather, haven’t you forgotten anything? The kids are waiting for gifts...

D.M.: Gifts are here! Gifts are here! But where did I put the bag of gifts? I forgot something kids!

Presenter: Grandfather, was the bag red? With snowflakes?

D.M.: Yes, yes, red, with snowflakes! There are gifts for all the kids!

Presenter: So Nekhochukha took him with her to Africa. I thought it was her bag!

Music sounds, Nehochukha enters the hall with a bag, wiping sweat from her forehead.

I don't want to: Ugh! I don't want to go to this Africa! It's so hot there! Lions, gorillas, crocodiles! Dear Grandfather Frost, forgive me, don’t send me to this Africa anymore. I’m good now...I brought your bag of gifts.

D.M.: Well, okay, okay, I'm not angry. Hurry up and open the bag and help distribute gifts!

I don't want to: opens the bag and takes out a banana. Oh, I mixed something up again, this is my bag with bananas, and yours, with gifts, remained in Africa.

Presenter: Santa Claus, will the children really be left without gifts?

D.M.: Don’t be upset, my dears, both small and large! I am a wizard, I will give away the gifts that I prepared for you very soon! And you, I don’t want to, help!

I don't want to: I'll help, I'll help, grandpa. Tell me what needs to be done!

D.M.: Bring me the cauldron here! (carries)

Put it here on the table! (puts)

Salt, sugar,

A little snow and tinsel!

I'll add some water too!

Just a minute, friends! (closes the lid)

He walks around the cauldron, saying the words:

Snow, snow, snow,

Ice, ice, ice,

Miracles for the New Year!

You, boiler, help us!

And give gifts!

He opens the lid and takes out a gift!

And now, in the bright light, I will give out my gifts!

Gift distribution

D.M.: The time has come - it’s time to part, I wish you more children:

Be strong, don’t get sick, don’t be bored,

Be kind, smart, brave!

I’ll come to your holiday in a year,

I’ll bring a new fairy tale with me!Goodbye! (leaves)

Presenter: The Christmas tree sparkles with lights, as if saying goodbye to us. Let's walk around the Christmas tree and admire it again. (walk around the tree, go into groups).

Tricks of Nehochukha or Santa Claus in Africa Characters: Children, Presenter, Nehochukha, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus. Children come out to the music and dance. 1. We are starting a children's ball, a fun, noisy carnival! We invite our friends for the holiday: hurry up and join us here as soon as possible! 2. The Christmas tree came to visit us and glows with lights. Let our friends celebrate the joyful hour with us! 3. Let’s dance and sing under the Christmas tree, because it’s New Year’s today. Look, everyone, and we will begin our New Year's holiday. 4.Waving a shaggy branch at us for a happy New Year! They know, all the guys know - a glorious holiday - New Year! 5.Soon our beloved Santa Claus will be with us. He won’t forget anyone, he’ll bring a cartload of toys! 6. Together with the Snow Maiden we will start a round dance. Listen, Christmas tree, to our songs! ALL: Hello, Hello New Year!
7.The Christmas tree shines on us with golden lights. We'll stomp our heels, that's how much fun we have! 8. Let the holiday make us laugh and invite us to dance. After all, he gives us smiles, let him smile at the guests!
A song is being performed. A voice is heard: Hello, hello! Hello children!
I, Elka, am glad to meet you here! And at this New Year’s hour, I also congratulate you! The ringing of a metallophone
Presenter: Do you hear? The needles on our Christmas tree suddenly began to jingle. Maybe they are ringing for us to turn on the lights?
Child 9: Our Christmas tree cannot be without lights today!
Presenter: Well, then what are we talking about? We need to light the Christmas tree! (To everyone) Move a little further away and say in unison: “Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up with lights!” Children repeat, the lights don’t come on. Presenter: Apparently, it’s not loud after all, our tree didn’t wake up. Maybe someone was silent? Let the audience say it more friendly! All: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up!
The lights on the tree light up. Presenter: It was not in vain that we tried with you. The Christmas tree lit up! The most fun in the world New Year's holiday Let's meet, Join the round dance, After all, today is the New Year!
ROUND DANCE Children sit down. Presenter: Oh, guys, be quiet, be quiet, I hear something strange! Someone is rushing here to us, someone is running soda to us.
The Snow Maiden appears in the hall.
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, happy winter snowy weather,
With clear days, skis, skates,
With a white snowstorm, with a New Year's tree!
Congratulations to the children, all the girls and boys!
Ved. Hello, Snow Maiden, where is your grandfather? Our children are already tired of waiting.
Snow Maiden. I have magic snowflake. With its help, we can invite guests to the holiday! Let's ask her to make Santa Claus appear in the hall. “The snowflake is magical, help us, invite Santa Claus to the hall.” Nehochukha runs into the hall to the music. Reluctant: Finally I came, finally I found you! Wow, there are a lot of people in the hall! I know you were all waiting for me! Presenter: What kind of miracle is this? Sorry, where are you from? I’m looking at you for something, but I don’t recognize it. Nehochukha (sings to the melody of “Cucaracha”): I, Nehochukha, Nehochukha! I don't want anything! Don’t invite me because I go everywhere myself! I’ll do some magic, I’ll ruin everything, the holiday won’t come at all. Well, whoever wants it, whoever wants it, will have a New Year without Frost. Oh, look at them, sitting down and celebrating! Are you waiting for Santa Claus? Oh, I can't! (laughs). Well, wait, wait! Presenter: Who are you? Nehochukha: I repeat, for those who do not understand: I, the great and powerful sorceress Nehochukha! I don't want to play, sing, dance. I just want to do magic. Presenter: So, do some magic for your health, great Reluctance, and we will celebrate the New Year. Reluctant: (angry) Oh, you are! Well, sit quietly, now I’ll ask you a question! I’ll bewitch your Christmas tree, blow on the lights (he runs around the tree and casts a spell, the lights go out) And in general, I’ve bewitched your Santa Claus! I don't want any holidays. Don't want! Presenter: What did you do, why did you turn off the lights? Why are you telling us fairy tales here, where has it been seen that someone bewitched Santa Claus himself? You don't even look like a sorceress. Reluctant: (indignantly) I’m not like that!? I?. .. Make a wish. Presenter: I want a magical starry night to appear before us right now! Reluctant: But - oh, problems! Choriki - Moriki, everyone spin around, the starry night will come to us!
Presenter: What beauties, just a sight for sore eyes, stay with us for the holiday.
Reluctant: That's it, dear children! Now sit, wait for your Frost, but for some reason I don’t want to stay at your holiday, I think I’ll go for a walk!
Snow Maiden. Guys, it seems to me that D.M. was just delayed somewhere, but while he is coming to us, let’s continue the holiday.

Round dance
D. M. enters to the music “Ki-ko-ko” in shorts, flip-flops, and sunglasses. The only parts of the costume are a beard and a hat. Carrying an inflatable ring and a sports bag. Nehochukha follows him with a fan in her hands and fans him.
Snow Maiden. Hello, Grandfather Frost, where is your magic staff? What about the bag of gifts? Aren't you cold without boots? We've been waiting for you, because the New Year is already on the doorstep.
D.M.: I don’t know anything about the New Year! I don't want any gifts. Although, I already have one gift. This lady gave me a ticket to Turkey! Therefore, very soon the plane will take me to this hot country. Finally, I can rest like a human being. Ah, Türkiye! Ah, Antalya! It's so romantic - sun, sea, fruits, palm trees, oriental beauties! (dreaming)
Performing "Oriental dance"

Ved. What should we do, what should we do? How can we defeat evil?
Guys, let's try to bring back the memory of Santa Claus!
Children come out:
10. What's wrong with you, Santa Claus? Are you overcome by sclerosis?
Confused parts of the world, confused winter with summer.
11. The children got up early in the morning, looking out the windows: in the yard
Oranges and bananas ripen in December.
12. What happened? What's happened? The sea splashes at the entrance.
You can throw yourself into a wave, and then into another.
13. Wow, how the sun is baking! But where is the New Year?
There is no snow and no Christmas tree, come to your senses quickly, Grandfather!
14. Return the burning frost, the thorny Christmas tree branch,
And on the river there is a crust of ice. And bananas, oranges,
There is no reason to be upset - there is always stock in stores!
Ved. Grandfather Frost, it is so wonderful when winter comes.
D.M.: So, I don’t need any snow, winter, and so on... (looks at his watch) And anyway, I’m late for the plane, and I still need to buy suntan cream! Wow, babies! (leaves)
Reluctant: Well, are you convinced? I am a real sorceress!
Snow Maiden. If it’s real, then it should not only be able to cast a spell, but also be able to disenchant it. Break the spell of our Santa Claus!
I don’t want to: I won’t even think about it! Happy Stay! (leaves)
Ved. Guys, what should we do? How to disenchant Grandfather Frost?
Children: We need to invite wizards.
Snow Maiden. That’s right, but a magical snowflake will help us meet the wizards! “The snowflake is magical, help us, invite the wizards to visit!” Music sounds and Baba Yaga appears in the hall.
Ved. Hello, Grandma Yaga! How are you, how are you?
Baba Yaga: Ugh! How she scared me! Who is she, said the FAQ?
I'm not Babushka Yaga, I'm now a completely friend!
Cream, cosmetics, massage, I’ve become much younger!
I'm not old Yaga - I'm called Madame Yaga!
Ved. We need your help, you are respectable and smart
And you’ve been vacationing here for a long time: you see a lot, you know a lot!
Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, excuse me, I was on vacation,
I was treated, sunbathed and improved my health
Chavoy called me? I flew to you for three days. (Preens)
Ved. We want to celebrate the New Year with joy at the tree,
And Santa Claus is nowhere to be seen!
She didn’t want to be here, she put her own order in place,
I gave Santa Claus a drink and bought him a ticket.
She sent us to Turkey and made us suffer!
Baba Yaga. What is New Year, what is it eaten with?
Ved. Don't eat it. And New Year is...
Children in chorus: The snow is fluffy. The Christmas tree is fragrant.
Songs, dances, jokes. Games, jokes.
Santa Claus with Snow Maiden.
And a whole cart of gifts.
Baba Yaga. I love to sing and dance and I want a present.
Snow Maiden. To receive a gift, you need to dance in a circle.
Baba Yaga. Eh, it was not! Persuaded.
Round dance - game “We will go left now”
Snow Maiden. Well done Baba Yaga, take the candy. (gives lollipop)
Baba Yaga: Thank you. Okay, I'll return Santa Claus to you.
Chufras, mufras, I’ll turn around and circle around the tree.
I'll knock, I'll spit, I'll knock, and Santa Claus will turn. (He casts a spell and leaves the hall)
Nehochukha enters the hall.
I don't want to. What didn't work out? Are you convinced that I am a real sorceress?
Snow Maiden. If you don’t want to, disenchant Santa Claus, he will be hot in Turkey, he will melt, and without Santa Claus the New Year will not come!
Reluctant: No! I'm fine with the old one!
Ved. Doesn't agree. We'll have to call the robbers! Robbers, come out and show your dance!
Performing "Dance of the Robbers"
Robbers: 1. Who called the crazy guys here? Hey, help me, fellow pirate!
They beat our people, get rid of them, destroy them! Catch the one who doesn't want to!
2. On New Year’s Day, any robber near the Christmas tree has fun,
Offending Santa Claus is not at all appropriate!
3. Well, if someone opposes us,
Pistols will help us, everyone knows that!
Reluctant: Oh, put away your weapon. I'll tell you everything. For the witchcraft to lose its power, I must say “I want” 3 times, but you won’t force me!
Ved. And we won't. Do you want some candy?
I don't want to: I don't want to. Is she chocolate?
Ved. Yes
I don't want to: I don't want to. What about nuts?
Ved. Yes! And how delicious it is.
Reluctant woman (grabs the candy): I want to eat it!
Ved. So you said the first I WANT.
Nehochukha: It's accidental.
Ved. Guess the riddle.
Don't want: I don't want!
Ved. I'll tell the guys a wish. What kind of carved stars
On a coat and on a scarf? All through-lace,
Will you take it - water in your hand?
Reluctant: Snowflakes!
Ved. You didn't want to guess!
I didn’t want to: I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to, but now I want to!
Ved. Second I WANT! I don’t want to, our guys really love to play musical instruments, do you want us to teach you?
Don't want: I don't want!
The reluctant woman takes the musical instrument and stands next to the children.
Reluctant: I want to play too!
Ved. This is the third one I WANT! This means that Grandfather Frost will be here any minute. Reluctant: What will happen now!
Santa Claus enters.
D.M. Hello guys! Hello, guests! Hello, granddaughter. I don’t understand how I ended up on a plane that was about to fly to Turkey.
Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, it’s Unwanted who bewitched you! And put out the lights on the Christmas tree!
D.M. Come on, come here! Here's your ticket, go to Turkey instead of me! Krible-krible-boom! (The reluctant woman backs away and runs out of the hall)
D.M. Well, now everything is in order! All that remains is to light the lights. Can you guys help me?
Snow Maiden. Guys, we will repeat the last words of Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Come on, Christmas tree, wake up! (everyone: “Cheer up!”) Come on, Christmas tree, smile! (everyone: “smile!”) Come on, Christmas tree, one-two-three! (all: “one-two-three!”) Shine with the light of joy! (everyone: “burn!”) (The Christmas tree doesn’t light up)
Ved. Grandfather Frost! We've been waiting for you all year. Join us in a round dance.
A round dance is being performed
Santa Claus: I, guys, old grandfather, guys, I’m many years old! But as soon as I come to the Christmas tree, I immediately start the games. Whoever wants to play with me gets a snowball.
Snowball game
D.M. Well done! Guys, aren't you afraid of frost?
The game “We will run away from the wind!” is being played. (Children: There’s a snowstorm blowing outside, the wind is howling, Let’s go for a walk anyway, don’t let it scare us! D.M.: I’ll freeze your hands! Children: And we’ll clap! D.M.: I’ll freeze your feet! Children: And we will stomp! D. M.: I’ll freeze your ears! Children: And we’ll cover them! Children: We’ll hide them too! , immediately tremble, And you won’t run away from Santa Claus! Children: Let’s run away!
D. M. Children, I played with you, danced around the Christmas tree. And now I have to go, goodbye, kids!
SNOW: Grandfather, it’s time to give gifts to the children!
D.M.: Yes, granddaughter! Certainly! Such good guys deserve gifts! And now, Sack, your time has come! 1,2,3 – show us what’s inside! (looks and there is nothing in the bag) Oh, oh, oh! Ah, ah, ah! My head is gray! And I forgot my gifts at home!... Granddaughter, give me my phone, I need to call...
The Snow Maiden gives Santa Claus his cell phone, Frost dials the number (voice 1) and says into the phone:
D.M.: Hello! My miracle device! Hurry up to kindergarten!
I forgot gifts for the guys!
VOICE OF THE APPARATUS: (in recording 2) – Yes, I’m already coming, I’m coming……. (beat - run)
D.M.: Wow, how quickly you showed up! I immediately found myself in the hall!
VOICE OF THE APPARATUS: You forgot to put the gifts in the bag,
I had to rush to you myself.
What a forgetful grandfather you are...
D.M.: What can I do, because I’m already many years old...
Well, let's not waste time,
After all, the kids are waiting for gifts!
Give me a snowball, granddaughter
Let's get gifts!
Snow Maiden gives Frost a snowball
D.M.: Look carefully, kids......We put a snowball here (throws the top hole) and we get a gift....
A child's felt boot flies out of the device (voice by BAMS)
D.M.: Granddaughter, what is this?
SNOW MAIDEN: Felt boots grandfather....
SANTA CLAUS: This is probably for you, keep it...
SNOW MAIDEN: No, not my size, grandpa...
SANTA CLAUS: And not mine... (knocks on the DEVICE)
VOICE: Hee hee hee
SANTA CLAUS: Don't joke with me like that,
VOICE OF THE APPARATUS: Yes, I got cold on the way, or the battery ran out.
Get me in the mood, warm me up...
SANTA CLAUS: Don’t be angry with your grandfather....I’ll warm you up now......We connect... (voice acting - magic + the device is working), we charge and we receive gifts......
PRESENTATION OF GIFTS (each child comes to the machine, puts a snowball and receives his gift)
SNOW: Grandfather, it’s time for us to say goodbye! Let's hurry up another kindergarten!
D.M: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday!
I wish you a lot of joy and health, kids!
Well, next year I’ll come visit you again!
SNOW: Goodbye! Wait for us in a year! (leave).

Tatiana Makarova
Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children of senior preschool age. "The tricks of Nehochukha or the adventures of Santa Claus"

Dear colleagues! Autumn is over holidays. And again and again we are faced with the question of how to come up with something so interesting for our kids for the New Year? I present to your attention New Year holiday scenarios. It was a success, with a bang! Almost all roles were played by parents!

New Year's scenario for older children

« The tricks of Nehochukha or the adventures of Santa Claus»



Snow Maiden

Grandfather Freezing

I don't want to


Jungle Beasts - Boys

Oriental beauties – girls

Sultan is a boy

Attributes: wicker chair; banana; inflatable ring; plane ticket; cell phone; bag of bananas wrapped in fancy paper by quantity children; 1 travel suitcase on wheels; present.

Children and the Snow Maiden greets the guests in the green.

Snow Maiden: Everyone, hurry up and hurry here! After all, time cannot wait!

New Year, snowy holiday It's high time we started!

To the music of F. Churchill "Circle gallop" children in New Year's dressed in costumes, they run into the hall, perform a dance and stop in front of the Christmas tree, facing the audience.

Leading: With blizzard, wind and frosty winter holiday is coming to us.

And, of course, Grandfather Freezing He will bring us all gifts!

Tell me guys, what is this a holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly, we meet...

Children in chorus: New Year!

Leading: Hello New Year's holiday! Christmas tree and winter holiday!

We invited all our friends to visit today.

1 child: Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate

May they come next year


Good luck and success to you

2 child: Let it be for you people

Not afraid of worries,

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

Opening song « New Year's holiday» sl. and music S. E. Kozhukhovskoy

(collection "Bell" No. 24, 2002, p. 14)

Snow Maiden: To our Christmas tree New Year's We'll come slowly

Let's admire it and see... the tree is really good! (stand around the tree)

3 child: What a miracle our Christmas tree is!

My eyes widen.

The needles glitter with tinsel,

This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!

4 child: Everything is silver, magnificent and

Only she doesn’t shine with lights!

Snow Maiden: To make the tree perk up and look more cheerful,

Smiled at all the kids, let's light some lights on it!

Let's say together together you: “Christmas tree, light up the lights!”

Children: Christmas tree, light up the lights! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Snow Maiden: Speak very quietly, come on, guests, help!

Let's say loudly, with full force, become beautiful, Christmas tree!

All together: Become beautiful, Christmas tree! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Snow Maiden: Still quiet, still weak, we should all shout together necessary:

“One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”

All together: “One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on, everyone claps their hands)

Leading: You have become even more beautiful, you have become even more wonderful!

On this long-awaited holiday Let's warm the Christmas tree with a song.

Round dance « New Year's round dance» music Schneider

(notebook "New Year")

Snow Maiden: Now we’ll rest and go to the chairs! (Children sit on chairs)

You guys, don't be bored, in unison, together answer:

If the snow covered the trees and houses,

So, snow is coming to us...

All together: Winter!

Snow Maiden: A whole swarm of white leaves is circling and circling above me,

These light fluffs are called...

All together: Snowflakes!

Snow Maiden: If your hands get cold and your nose turns red,

So Grandfather has gone wild...

All together: Freezing!

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, they've said it all! All the riddles have been solved!

Let the holiday will be more fun, we will invite guests to our place.

After all, they say on New Year’s Eve that you won’t want to,

Everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

Enters the hall I don't want to, sings:

I don't want to: I - I don't want to, I - I don't want to, I don't want anything.

AND your holiday will not take place, but I’ll keep quiet about it.

I'll do some magic, I'll ruin everything, and the holiday won't come at all,

Well, who wants, without Grandfather Frost Celebrate the New Year today!

Oh, look at them, sit down, celebrate! Are you waiting for Santa Claus??

Oh, I can't! (Laughs) Well, wait, wait!

Snow Maiden: Excuse me, who are you?

I don't want to: I repeat for those who do not understand, I am a great and powerful sorceress I don't want to!

I don't want to play, I don't want to sing and I don't want to dance! I just want to do magic!

Snow Maiden: So, do magic for your health, great one I don't want to, and we will be New Year


I don't want to: Oh, you are! Well, meet, meet your holiday! Only Santa Claus

You can’t wait, I bewitched him!

Snow Maiden: What fairy tales are you telling? Yes, where has this been seen, so that Santa Claus

did someone cast a spell? You don’t even look like a sorceress!

I don't want to: It doesn't look like it! Yes I am. Me. I'm great I don't want to. Yes, I can do anything! Brrrrr...

What good do you have here?: wind, cold, freezing, snow. Brrrrr...

It's the sun! Sea! Sand! Palm trees.

(Rubs hands, rolls up sleeves)

I don't want to(lights go out, The unwilling woman casts a spell) Choriki-moriki, Christmas tree, spin!

The Sultan and the beauties appear here!

"Dance of the Sultan and Eastern Beauties"

Snow Maiden: (addresses I don't want to(suspiciously) I still can't believe that you

Grandfather himself was bewitched Frost!

I don't want to: If you don’t believe me, do as you wish! Wait for yours Frost, but I don’t want something

yours stay on holiday! (He lifts his nose and leaves)

Snow Maiden: Guys, don't worry, I think Grandfather Freezing I just got stuck somewhere.

And while he is coming to us, let's continue our holiday.

So that everyone's eyes sparkle and no one hangs their nose,

We will start dancing soon so that Grandfather will come to us Freezing!

Dance “Look, don’t yawn, start the dance again”

("Well, goodbye" Kaplunova, disc 1, track 17)

(Children sit on chairs)

Dance music is playing ( "Mamba" or "Ki-ko-ko", or the group Bonnie M. or "Jamaica").

Grandfather enters Frost in shorts, sandals, T-shirt, sunglasses, baseball cap, wearing a white wig with a beard. Carrying an inflatable ring, a suitcase, eating a banana. Followed by Reluctant woman with a beach chair, plane ticket. Grandfather frost sits in a chair, I don't want to fanning him.

Snow Maiden: Hello, grandfather Freezing! Where is your magic staff?

And the bag with gifts? Aren't you cold without boots?

We've been waiting for you, because the New Year is just around the corner...

Grandfather Freezing: I don’t know anything about the New Year! I don't want any gifts or surprises.

I don't want any holidays. This lady gave me a ticket to Africa.

Finally, I can rest like a human being.

Ah, Africa. It's so romantic - the sun, the jungle, the animals...

It seems that right now they will appear from behind the palm trees... (rolls eyes)

“Dance of the Animals” (performed by boys, music by A. Simon “Ha - f a - na - na"

Snow Maiden: Guys, what are we going to do? After all, after all The unwilling woman was able to cast a spell

Santa Claus, and without it, what kind of New Year? Let's try to return

memory of Grandfather Frost!

Poem “Grandfather Frost is forgetful”(children read)

1. What's wrong with you Grandfather Freezing?

Are you overcome by sclerosis?

Confused parts of the world

Confused winter with summer

I forgot that you are Freezing?

2. The children got up early in the morning

Looking out the windows: in the yard

Oranges and bananas

They ripen in December!

3. The hippopotamus is glistening with sweat,

Elephant pushes hippopotamus:

It's time for a swim!

Impossible heat!

4. What happened? What's happened?

The sea splashes at the entrance,

You can throw yourself into the wave

And then another one

5. Wow, how the sun is baking!

But where is the New Year?

There is no snow and no Christmas tree,

All together: Come to your senses quickly, Grandfather! (Shake him)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Freezing, it's so wonderful when winter comes!

You can play snowballs, sledding, skating!

Look how the guys do it.

Our winter-winter has piled up a lot of snow,

Well, we got on our skis and ran across the snow. (children "ride" on skis)

The ice on the skating rink is sparkling, inviting us to go for a ride. (children "ride" skating)

Let the blizzard blow, we will not be afraid,

We race fast on sleds and have fun riding. (children "ride" on a sled)

Musical warm-up "Winter Fun"

Grandfather Freezing: I don’t need any snowballs, sleds or skates! (looks at his watch)

I'm late for Africa, I have a plane in 2 hours, and I still need cream for

you need to buy a tan!

(Runs away. Remove all attributes)

I don't want to: Well, we are convinced that I am a real sorceress, I can do anything! And so that

my witchcraft has lost its power, I have to say “I want” three times in a row.

Only you won’t force me!

Snow Maiden: And we are not going to force you if you want to dance with us -

you'll get up yourself.

I don't want to: Don't want!

Snow Maiden: Well, no need! We'll have fun without you!

The introduction to the general dance sounds

I don't want to: Hey! Hey! Stop! How is it without me? I want to dance too!

Snow Maiden: Yeah! So you said “I want” for the first time! (Sound of cymbals)

So be it, dance with us.

General dance to music « New Year's toys » gr. "Brilliant"

Snow Maiden: And now, I don't want to, guess my riddles.

I don't want to: Don't want! (goes to the side)

Snow Maiden: Well, no need! Then the guys will guess all the riddles.

I'll ask you guys, can you give me the answer?

But think first "Yes" answer or "No".

Game for auditory attention “What doesn’t happen on a Christmas tree.”

Snow Maiden: - Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?

And what about the painted balls and stars?

Perhaps oranges?

Funny, pink pigs?.

Feather pillows?

And honey gingerbread?

Bunnies made from cotton wool?

Chocolate bars?

- Old clay pot?

Shiny galoshes?

I don't want to: (sits down with the children) Wait, wait... I want to solve riddles too!

Snow Maiden: You didn’t want to guess.

I don't want to: I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to, but now I want to! (Sound of cymbals)

Snow Maiden: So you already said “I want” for the second time! Okay, I give you permission

solve riddles. Let's continue!

Red lanterns?

Bread crumbs?



- Old pillows?

Crumpled newspapers?

Delicious candies?

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys, you solved all the riddles!

I don't want to: I really enjoyed playing! I still want it!

Snow Maiden: Hooray! So you said “I want” for the third time! And this means that your witchcraft

no longer valid. (Everyone clap)

Music sounds, Grandfather enters Freezing in his real outfit with a ticket and a bag.

Grandfather Freezing: Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! I don't understand how I

found himself on a plane about to fly to Africa? It's hot there, I

I would have melted!

Presenter: Grandfather Freezing! This is all I didn't want to come up with an idea, she put a spell on you!

Grandfather Freezing: (I don't want to) Come on, come here, beauty! Here's your ticket, go to

Africa instead of me! Krible - krable - boom! (Knocks with staff)

(Against the background of light and sound effects I don't want to spins and disappears from the hall with the bag).

Grandfather Freezing: The music calls us into the circle, join in the round dance.

Let's celebrate the New Year with song, dance and fun!

Song - round dance "Glorious New Year" sl. and music S. Nasaulenko

(collection "Bell" No. 27, 2003, p. 23)

Grandfather Freezing: And now I want to play with you guys,

Around Grandfather Frost I ask you to get up quickly! (children stand around D.M.)

Game "Living Circle"

Grandfather Freezing: Come on, children, one, two, three, everyone in a circle, quickly, freeze! (children freeze)(Grandfather Freezing runs from place to place, children must form a circle near Grandfather


Come on, children, one, two, three, Grandfather Frost, surround! (the game is repeated 2-3 times)

I don't want to: And now everyone - disperse! Get scattered!

We will dance again, please repeat after me!

"Comic dance for show" words and music by Bobkova, Solomykina

(collection "Bell" No. 35, 2006, p. 28)

(children sit on chairs)

Grandfather Freezing: They sang songs, danced, but didn’t read poetry.

I want to see now if you have any courage!

Presenter: Sit down Grandfather Freezing, listen to what poems our children learned for you.

Children read poetry for Santa Claus

Grandfather Freezing: I really liked yours holiday, songs sang, danced and poems

you read it. How can I thank you? Can I give you a treat? Everyone

I want to surprise you and give you gifts! (Looks around)

Where is my bag?

Presenter: Red? (With snowflakes)

Grandfather Freezing: Yes, yes. There were gifts for everyone.

Presenter: (timidly) And his I don't want to She took it with her to Africa... I thought it was her bag!

Music sounds and appears I don't want to, dragging a bag behind him, wiping sweat from his forehead.

I don't want to: Oof! I don't want to go to this Africa! It's hot there! Lions, gorillas, crocodiles... Cute

Grandfather Freezing, don't send me to Africa anymore, I'm your bag of

I brought gifts! Now I want everything!

(Unties the bag, there are bananas)

Oh! I got everything mixed up again! New Year bag with gifts in Africa

stayed! But I'll fix everything! I'll call the airport now!

(Pulls out mobile phone, dials the number)

Hello! Airport? Bring a bag from Africa urgently! Red, with

snowflakes! Oh, that is, with gifts! Where to bring it? Guys, what is it called?

your kindergarten?

Children: “Strawberry!”

I don't want to: What street is it on?

Children: Marine Avenue!

I don't want to: Order! Gifts will arrive soon.

In the meantime, we are waiting for gifts, let’s go dancing now!

Dance with parents

The sound of an airplane approaching is heard.

I don't want to: Grandfather Freezing, do you hear?. The plane has arrived! I'll bring a bag now

gifts. (runs out of the hall, takes the bag and comes back)

Grandfather Freezing: Well, that's good! The luggage was delivered to the kindergarten on time!

(D.M. unties the bag, The reluctant woman helps him, bananas tied together with a rope are pulled out of the bag)

Grandfather Freezing: Oh, what is this?. Where are the gifts?

I don't want to: Grandfather Freezing, I probably took the wrong bag...

For now, you treat the guys with bananas, and I’ll run for another bag. (runs away)

Grandfather Freezing and Snow Maiden treat bananas for children.

(I don't want to brings a bag of gifts)

Grandfather Freezing: (unties the bag) These are real gifts!

Happy New Year! I give gifts to everyone!

(Funny music sounds. Gifts are distributed)

Grandfather Freezing: Here we go New Year's holiday it's time for us to finish

I wish you to grow big, kids.

Snow Maiden: I'm in New I wish you success in the year, more cheerful, loud laughter.

And so that you weren't afraid of the frost, did more skiing and sledding!

I don't want to: I wish you, kids, to always be cheerful,

Listen to your mom and dad, don’t ever get sick!

Grandfather Freezing: So that you don’t have any worries, I will return to you in a year!

(characters leave the hall)

Children and adults leave the hall.

Scenario New Year's party for speech therapy group

(older age)

Attributes:wicker chair; banana; plane ticket; 4 small staves for little Santa Clauses; a screen decorated with African landscapes; cell phone; a basket of bananas wrapped in fancy paper - according to the number of children; travel suitcase on wheels; present.


Presenter, Santa Claus, Reluctant,

Little Santa Clauses - 4 boys

Snow Maiden - girl

Savages - 4 boys and a girl

Cockerel and hens - stewards - a boy and 2 girls

To the song “Zimushka - winter” by A. Filippenko, children in New Year's costumes They enter the hall, stand around the tree, and perform a round dance.

Presenter. Our dear guests, we hasten to congratulate everyone.
May good luck and success come to you in the coming year.
May it be for you, good people who are not afraid of worries,
It will be not just a new year, but a happy new year!

1. What a miracle our Christmas tree is! My eyes widen.
The needles shine with tinsel, the Christmas tree is so beautiful!

2. You have become even more beautiful, you have become even more wonderful!
On this long-awaited holiday, we will warm the Christmas tree with a song.

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Presenter: Now hurry up and sit down. On this good New Year

I feel like someone, strange, is already coming towards us.

Children sit on chairs.

Leading. Miracles are happening near the Christmas tree today,
Listen, guys: you can hear someone's song!

Nehochukha enters the hall.

I don't want to. I don't want, I don't want, I don't want anything.
Don’t invite me, because I go everywhere myself!
I'll do some magic, I'll ruin everything, the holiday won't come at all,
Well, who wants, well, who wants, New Year without Santa Claus!

Oh, look at them, they’re sitting down and celebrating! Are you waiting for Santa Claus? Oh, I can't! (Laughs) Well, wait, wait!

Leading. Excuse me, but who are you?

I don't want to. I repeat for those who don’t understand -

I am the great and powerful sorceress Nehochuha!

I don't want to play, sing and dance! And in general, she bewitched Santa Claus! I don’t want any of your holidays, and I don’t want any round dances!

Leading. Where has it been seen that someone bewitched Santa Claus himself? You don’t even look like a sorceress! (dismissively)

I don't want to. Doesn't look like it?! Yes I am! Me!.. Make wishes!

Presenter (capriciously) I want little Santa Clauses to appear here right now!

I don't want to. What problems?

He rubs his hands, rolls up his sleeves, pulls up his trouser legs...

The light goes out, Reluctance casts a spell.

Choriki - Moriki, Christmas tree, spin! Little Santa Clauses, come here!

“Dance of Little Santa Clauses” - “If only there were no winter.”

At the end of the dance they remain.

Little Santa Clauses:

Santa Claus 1. Grandfather Frosts were small,
Fairy tale crumbs covered with hats,
Mother Winter loved us very much,
She watered and fed us herself.

Santa Claus 2. We lived with her joyfully, without troubles,
Snowflakes make breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Our hats have grown with us too,
The Frosts grew up and came to kindergarten.

Santa Claus 3. Together we learned foreign languages,
Together we prepared bags with gifts.
So that any country any people,
Happy New Year today!

Leading. Bravo to the younger generation of Santa Clauses!

Santa Clauses sit on chairs, applause.

The presenter addresses Nehochukha.

Presenter (with suspicion) Still, I can’t believe that you bewitched Santa Claus himself!

I don’t want to. If you don’t believe it, do as you wish! Wait for your Frost, but I don’t want to stay at your holiday. (He lifts his nose and leaves)

Presenter. Guys, don’t worry, I think that Santa Claus was just delayed somewhere.

So that everyone's eyes sparkle and no one hangs their nose,

Santa Claus ordered us to start dancing soon!

Dance “Winter”.

Children sit on chairs. Dance music “Jamaica”, music, etc. sounds. T. Vali. Santa Claus enters wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and sunglasses. Carrying a suitcase, eating a banana. Nehochukha follows him with a beach chair and a plane ticket.

Presenter (shocked): Hello, Grandfather Frost! Where's your magic staff? What about the bag of gifts? Aren't you cold without boots? (hanging) We've been waiting for you, because the New Year is on the doorstep...

Santa Claus (impressively): I don’t know anything about the New Year! I don’t want any gifts, I don’t want holidays. My aunt gave me a ticket to Africa. Finally, I’ll have a rest like a human being (closes eyes, dreams) Ah, Africa! It's so romantic - sun, sea, fruits, savages...

“Dance of the Savages”, music. A. Simone “Ha - fa - na - na”

I don’t want to. Yum - yum - yum - yum, (does magic on children)
Top clap! I'll put a spell on everyone around me!

Oh, guys, come out and dance with Grandfather!

Comic dance “Jolly Santa Claus was walking.”

Presenter: What should we do, what should we do? How can we defeat evil?
Guys, let's try to bring back the memory of Santa Claus!

Poem “Forgetful Santa Claus”

What's wrong with you, Santa Claus? Are you overcome by sclerosis?
Confused parts of the world, confused winter with summer,
Forgot that you are Frost? The children got up early in the morning,
They look out the windows: in the yard, oranges and bananas ripen in December!

The hippopotamus is glistening with sweat, the elephant is pushing the hippopotamus:
It's time for a swim! Impossible heat!

What's happened? What's happened? The sea splashes at the entrance,
You can throw yourself into a wave, and then into another one.

Wow, how the sun is shining! But where is the New Year?
There is no snow and no Christmas tree,

Come to your senses quickly, Grandfather! (Shake him)

Father Frost. I don’t want any snow or a Christmas tree! (looks at his watch)

I'm late for Africa

I have a plane in 2 hours, and I still need to buy sunblock!

Runs away. Remove all attributes.

I don't want to. Well, we are convinced that I am a real sorceress, I can do anything!

And so that my witchcraft loses its power,

I have to say “I want” three times in a row.

This is just what you won’t expect from me!

Leading. And we won’t force you,

If you want to dance with us, you can get up yourself.

I don't want to. Don't want!

Presenter. Well, don’t! We'll have fun without you!

Game-dance “One-two-three”

Children dance in a round dance around the tree and perform movements as they dance.

We'll go right now - one, two, three.

And then let's go left - one, two, three.

We will clap our hands loudly - one, two, three.

And we stamp our feet together - one, two, three.

And now we will turn around - one, two, three.

And we’ll smile at each other - one, two, three.

We will never get bored - one, two, three.

Let's start the round dance from the beginning - one, two, three.

The reluctant woman stops the music.

I don't want to. Hey! Hey! Stop! How do you dance? I want to learn that too!

Leading. Yeah! So you said “I want” for the first time! (Cymbal sound)

So be it, dance with us.

The round dance is repeated until the middle of the second verse, ending with the following words.

Come on, together, all the people - one, two, three.

Let's say loudly: "Happy New Year!" - one, two, three.

(Children sit down)

Leading. And now, I don’t want to, guess my riddles.

I don't want to. Don't want! (goes to the side)

Presenter: Then the guys will guess all the riddles.

If what I name could hang on the tree,

You should clap together and say “Yes”!

If the item is not a New Year's decoration,

You have to stomp and say “No.”

Game for auditory attention “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree.”

There are a lot of toys on our Christmas tree,
So many that you can’t count them!
What else is hanging on the tree, you'll have to guess!

Bunnies made from cotton wool? (Yes) - Chocolate bars? (Yes)
- An old clay pot? (No) - Loud cockerel? (Yes)

Reluctant (sits down with the children) Stop, I also want to solve riddles!

Presenter: You’ve already said “I want” for the second time! (Click of cymbals) Okay, I let you guess the riddles.

Red lanterns? (Yes) - Bread crumbs? (No)
- Beads? (Yes) - Firecrackers? (Yes)
- Old pillows? (No) - Crumpled newspapers? (No)
- Delicious sweets? (Yes)

Well done guys, you solved all the riddles!

I don't want to. And I still want to play!

Leading. Hooray! So you said “I want” three times!

This means that your witchcraft no longer works.

(Everyone clap)

(The music “Jamaica” plays, Santa Claus enters in his real outfit with a ticket)

Father Frost. Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! I don’t understand how I ended up on a plane that was about to fly to Africa? It's hot there, would I melt?!

Children. Santa Claus! It was the Unwanted woman who bewitched you!

Santa Claus (I don't want to) Come on, come here, beauty! Here's your ticket, go to Africa instead of me! Krible - krable - boom! (Knocks with staff)

(Reluctant woman spins around and disappears from the hall with the bag).

Father Frost. The music calls us into the circle, join in the round dance.
Let's celebrate the New Year with song, dance and fun!

Round dance song “Santa Claus”

Father Frost. Well, you sang the song, but answer me, friends,
Why did I feel sad? Where is my Snow Maiden!

(children shrug)

Father Frost. Come on, be quiet, don’t disturb! We must continue the celebration!
Don't be sad in vain, because today is New Year!

Children, my magic staff will find the Snow Maiden for us.

(leads along the children with a magic staff)

Who danced the best here? And aren’t you tired of playing?
Charm is not a figurine (stops at the Snow Maiden girl)
Isn't it the Snow Maiden? I can’t resist, come out and dance!

Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Leading. We'll sit for a while and look at the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Thank you guys for saving me. How can I thank you? Can I give you a treat? I want to surprise everyone and give them gifts!

(Looks around)

Where's my bag?

Leading. Red? (With snowflakes?)

Father Frost. Yes, yes. It contained gifts for everyone.

Presenter (timidly) And Reluctance took him with her to Africa...

(Music sounds, Nehochukha appears, drags a basket, wipes sweat from her forehead)

I don't want to. Ugh! I don't want to go to this Africa! It's hot there! Grandfather Frost, don’t send me there anymore, I even brought you a basket of gifts! Now I want everything!

(bananas in the basket)

Oh! I ruined everything again! The New Year's bag of gifts remains in Africa! But I'll fix everything! I'll call the airport now!

(Pulls out his mobile phone and dials a number)

Hello! Airport? Bring a bag from Africa urgently! Red with snowflakes! Oh, that is, with gifts! Where to bring it? Guys, what is the address of your kindergarten?

Children. City of Syzran!

I don't want to. Order! Gifts will arrive soon! Guys, in the meantime, help yourself to bananas.

(Santa Claus and Nehochukha treat everyone with bananas - beautifully packaged)

(The music “Stewardess” performed by V. Presnyakov sounds; three hen stewards and a cockerel enter the hall with a suitcase on wheels containing gifts).

Father Frost. Thank you, charming stewards! You delivered your luggage to the kindergarten on time! (Opens the suitcase) These are real gifts! Happy New Year! I give gifts to everyone! But first, dance!

Dance “Metelitsa”.

Distribution of gifts.

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year, and we give you instructions,

May you be healthy and prettier every day!

Santa Claus. So that there is fun and laughter in your life,

Happy New Year, Happy New Year! Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year! You are waiting for me. I'll come!

(they say goodbye and leave)

Scenario of the New Year's party "Tricks of the Unwanted,
or Santa Claus in Africa" ​​(older age)

Leading; Father Frost; I don't want to; Little Santa Clauses – 4 boys
Savages - 4 boys; Piglet flight attendants – 3 girls; Snow Maiden

Attributes: wicker chair; banana; inflatable ring; plane ticket; 4 small staves for little Santa Clauses; cell phone; present.
To the New Year's song, children in New Year's costumes enter the hall and stop around the Christmas tree.
Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Presenter: Our dear guests,
We hasten to congratulate everyone.
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you
May it be for you, good people,
Not afraid of worries,
It won't just be new,
And happy New Year!

Song “New Year's round dance

Children What a miracle our Christmas tree is!
My eyes widen.
The needles glitter with tinsel,
This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!
Everything is silver, lush and slender,
Only she doesn’t shine with lights!

Leading. Guys, who do you think can help us light the Christmas tree?

Children. Grandfather Frost.

Leading. Let's call him .

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost. Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Hello children,

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, joy,

Happy life - one hundred years

And a hundred pounds of health.

I'm very happy today

And I'm friends with the guys,

I won't freeze anyone

I won't give anyone a cold.

It's good for you, but only
The lights on the tree are not on.
To make the tree stand up,
Looked more cheerful
Smiled at all the boys
Let's light some lights on it!
Together we will say with you:
Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children Christmas tree, light up the lights! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Speak very quietly

Father Frost. Come on, guests, help!
Let's say loudly, with full force:
Become beautiful, Christmas tree! All
Become beautiful, Christmas tree! (The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Father Frost. We need to call the magic lights for help." calling the lights»

Dance of the Lights

Father Frost. We all need to shout together:
“One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!” All
“One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”
(The lights on the Christmas tree come on, everyone claps their hands)
Children You have become even more beautiful
You have become even more wonderful!
On this long-awaited holiday
Let's warm the Christmas tree with a song.
Song “The Christmas tree is a prankster”,

Leading Now hurry up and sit down.
On this good New Year
I feel like someone
He's still coming to us here. (Children sit on chairs)

Father Frost. Near the Christmas tree today
Miracles happen
Listen guys:
I can hear someone's song!

This is probably my granddaughter Snegurochka!

(Nehochukha enters the hall and sings)
I don't want to. I don't want to
I don't want to
I don't want anything.
Don't invite
I go everywhere myself!
I'll conjure
I'll ruin everything
The holiday won't come at all
Well, whoever wants
Well, whoever wants
New Year without Santa Claus!

Oh, look at them, they’re sitting down and celebrating! Did you invite Santa Claus? Oh, I can't! (Laughs) Well, well, sit here and celebrate!
Leading Excuse me, but who are you?
I don't want to I repeat for those who don’t understand -
I am the great and powerful sorceress Nehochuha!
I don't want to play, sing and dance!
And in general, I will bewitch your Santa Claus!
I don't want any of your holidays,
And I don’t want round dances!

Father Frost. Where has it been seen that someone bewitched me, Santa Claus himself? You don’t even look like a sorceress! (dismissively)
I don't want to Doesn't look like it?! Yes I am! I!...
Make wishes!
Father Frost.(capriciously) I want young (little) Santa Clauses to appear here right now!

I don't want to– What problems?
(Rubs his hands, rolls up his sleeves, pulls up his trouser legs...)
(The light goes out, the unwilling woman casts a spell)
I don't want to Choriki-moriki,
Christmas tree, spin!
Little Santas
Show up here!
“Dance of little Santa Clauses

Little Santa Clauses:
Santa Claus 1 Grandfather Frosts were small,
Fairy tale crumbs covered with hats,
Mother Winter loved us very much,
She watered and fed us herself.
Santa Claus 2 We lived with her joyfully, without troubles,
Snowflakes make breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Our hats have grown with us too,
The Frosts grew up and came to kindergarten.
Santa Claus 3 Together we learned foreign languages,
Together we prepared bags with gifts.
So that any country and any people,
Happy New Year today!

Father Frost. Bravo to the younger generation of Santa Clauses!
(Santa Clauses sit on chairs, applause).

Games: 1.

Leadingaddresses Nehochukha. Still, I can’t believe that you can bewitch Santa Claus himself!
I don't want to If you don’t believe it, do as you wish! Well, okay, I don’t want to stay at your party! (He lifts his nose and leaves)

To the alarming music, D. M. spins and leaves the hall
Leading Guys, don't worry, I think Santa Claus will return now.
So that everyone's eyes sparkle,
And no one hung their nose,
Start dancing soon.
Santa Claus punished us!
Dance "Disco"

(Children sit on chairs)
Dance music “Jamaica”, music, etc. sounds. T. Vali, audio cassette “Children's Hit Parade”
Santa Claus enters wearing shorts, a T-shirt, sunglasses, a white wig, beard, (hat). Carrying an inflatable ring, a suitcase, eating a banana. Nehochukha follows him with a beach chair and a plane ticket.

Presenter(addresses the children) Here comes Grandfather Frost! " turns to D.M."Where is your magic staff? What about the bag of gifts? Aren't you cold without boots? (hanging) - We’ve been waiting for you, because the New Year is on the doorstep...
Father Frost ( impressively ) I don’t know anything about the New Year!
I don’t want any gifts, I don’t want holidays.
My auntie gave me a ticket to Africa.
Finally, I can rest like a human being.
(closes eyes, dreams)
Ah, Africa! It's so romantic -
Sun, sea, fruits, monkeys...
“Dance of the Monkeys”, music. A. Simone “Ha – fa – na – na”
I don't want to Yum-li-yum-li, (does magic on children)
Top is fragile!
I'll put a spell on everyone around me!

Presenter(turns to the children in fear0

What should we do, what should we do?
How can we defeat evil?
Guys, let's try
Bring back the memory of Santa Claus!

Poem “Forgetful Santa Claus”
What's wrong with you, Santa Claus?
Are you overcome by sclerosis?
Confused parts of the world
Confused winter with summer
Forgot that you are Frost?
The children got up early in the morning
Looking out the windows: in the yard
Oranges and bananas
They ripen in December!
The hippopotamus is glistening with sweat,
Elephant pushes hippopotamus:
It's time for a swim!
Impossible heat!
What's happened? What's happened?
The sea splashes at the entrance,
You can throw yourself into the wave
And then another one.
Wow, how the sun is shining!
But where is the New Year?
There is no snow and no Christmas tree, (that’s all)
Come to your senses quickly, Grandfather! (Shake him)
Father Frost I don’t want any snow or Christmas tree! (looks at his watch)
I'm late for Africa, I have a plane in 2 hours, and I still need to buy sunblock! ( Runs away.) Remove all attributes
I don't want to Well, let's make sure that I -
A real sorceress, I can do anything!
And so that my witchcraft loses its power,
I have to say “I want” three times in a row.
This is the only thing you won’t expect from me!
Presenter And we won’t force you,
If you want to dance with us, you can get up yourself.
I don't want to Don't want!
Presenter Well, don't! We'll have fun without you!
Dance game “Ku-chi-chi”,

( after the second time Nehochukha stops the music)

I don't want to Hey! Hey! Stop! How do you dance? I want to learn that too!
Presenter Yeah! So you said “I want” for the first time! ( Sound of cymbals)
So be it, play with us.
The game “Ku-chi-chi” continues (Children sit down)

Leading And now, I don’t want to, guess my riddles.
I don't want to Don't want! (goes to the side)
Presenter Then the guys will guess all the riddles.
If what I call
Can hang on the tree
You should clap together and say “Yes”!
If the item is not a New Year's decoration,
You have to stomp and say “No.”
Auditory attention game “What doesn’t happen on a Christmas tree.”
Leading There are a lot of toys on our Christmas tree,
So many that you can’t count them!
What else is hanging on the tree?
You'll have to guess!
- Bunnies made from cotton wool? (Yes)
- Chocolate bars? (Yes)
- An old clay pot? (No)
- Loud cockerel? (Yes)
I don't want to(sits down with the children) Wait, I also want to solve riddles!
Presenter Now you’ve already said “I want” for the second time! ( Crash of cymbals)

Okay, I let you guess the riddles.
- Red lanterns? (Yes)
- Bread crumbs? (No)
- Beads? (Yes)
- Firecrackers? (Yes)
- Old pillows? (No)
- Crumpled newspapers? (No)
- Delicious sweets? (Yes)
Leading Well done guys
We solved all the riddles!
I don't want to And I still want to play!
Leading Hooray! So you said “I want” three times!
This means that your witchcraft no longer works. (Everyone clap)
The music “Jamaica” plays, Santa Claus enters in his real outfit with a ticket
Father Frost Hello guys! Hello, dear guests!

I don't understand how I ended up on a plane that

Were you planning to fly to Africa? It's hot there, would I melt?!
Children Father Frost! It was the Unwanted woman who bewitched you!
Father Frost (I don’t want to) Come on, come here, beauty! Here's your ticket, go to Africa instead of me! Krible - krable - boom! (Knocks with staff)
Against the background of light and sound effects, Nehochukha spins and disappears from the hall with a bag
Father Frost Music calls us into the circle,
Get into a round dance.
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance song “Russian Father Frost”

Father Frost Well you sang the song
But answer me, friends,
Why did I feel sad?
Where is my Snow Maiden! ( children shrug their shoulders)
Come on, be quiet, don’t disturb!
We must continue the celebration!
Don't be sad in vain
After all, today is New Year!
Children, my magic staff
The Snow Maiden will find us. (leads along the children with a magic staff)
Who danced the best here?
And aren’t you tired of playing?
Charm is not a figurine, ( stops at the Snow Maiden girl)
Isn't it the Snow Maiden?
I can't resist
Come out and dance!
Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden to any dance music

Presenter We'll sit for a while and look at the Snow Maiden.

“Song of the Snow Maiden”, music. I. Smirnova, lyrics. O. Boromykova, “Bell” magazine. – 1999.-№16.
Father Frost Thank you, Snow Maiden, for the kind song. And thank you guys for saving me. How can I thank you? I want to surprise everyone and give them gifts! (Looks around) Where's my bag?
Presenter Red? (With snowflakes?)
Father Frost Yes, yes. It contained gifts for everyone.
Presenter (timidly) And Reluctance took him with her to Africa...
Santa Claus look at the clock. There's still time! The plane hasn't taken off yet!

He takes his cell phone and calls the airport.

Hello! Is this an airport? Take citizen Nehochukha off your flight along with her luggage and deliver her to our kindergarten.

Music sounds, Nehochukha appears, drags a bag behind her, wipes sweat from her forehead
I don't want to Ugh! I don't want to go to this Africa! It's hot there! Grandfather Frost, don’t send me there anymore, I brought you a bag of gifts! Now I want everything! ( Unties the bag

Dance "Snake"

I don't want to.Oh! I ruined everything again!

Father Frost. Don't worry , These are not ordinary snakes. This is a symbol of the New Year!
I don't want to.The New Year's bag of gifts remains at the airport! But I'll fix everything! I'll call the airport now!
Father Frost. No need to call, I’ll cast a spell now and the bag will come here on its own.

He casts a spell.

Voice: Grandfather Frost
Father Frost: Who's calling grandpa?
Let him come here quickly
(bag runs in)
Oh my goodness, sack!
He's coming here himself
Where have you gone?
Bag: Started to travel
Father Frost: You must stand still
Or walk with me
Bag: And today is New Year's
It will be the other way around
Father Frost: Wait, wait, wait! Don't go anywhere!
Bag: I'm not a simple bag
I'm magical, that's what I am
Father Frost: Well, jump the bag, spin around,
Show yourself to the guys
(the bag is dancing)
Father Frost: Now tell us...
(the bag runs away)
Wait, wait, wait!
Brings a bag of gifts

Father Frost: Now let's untie it and see what's inside
Oh, yes, there are gifts here
Look at how many of them there are!
Happy New Year!
I give gifts to everyone!

The heroes say goodbye and leave

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