Working with chakras. Opening, cleansing and harmonizing the chakras. Chakra breathing. Energy cleansing - important recommendations for healers! How to cleanse channels and chakras

This article talks about how energy cleansing is carried out, also collected here effective tips and important practice points.

There are many subtleties and points that you should know in energy healing.

What mistakes should you avoid when performing energy cleansing?

It is incorrectly believed that two channels run along the spine - from the crown to the tailbone, and they feed the entire body with energy. The inaccuracy is that the channels are arranged differently. They are not solid, and during their movement they break off at the level of the shoulder blades and enter the soul.

From the heart, the paired channels diverge. One pair goes down to the coccygeal chakra¹, and the other goes up to the parietal chakra. Such misunderstanding leads to subsequent errors in diagnosis and treatment.

In treating diseases, it is very important for a healer to see not the diagnosis, but the deep energetic root cause of the disease itself. Physical disorders and doctors’ diagnoses always hide the true essence of the disease.

Only by opening it can one begin to eliminate the disease itself.

How to start energy cleansing?

For effective treatment you should know many points, such as the structure of the human subtle body, its properties, as well as methods of influencing them. Start off energy healing a person should begin by clearing the parietal chakra.

She, as a receiver, connects a person with the Higher Powers (God, the Universe - you can call it differently), through her he receives high energies. This chakra also serves as the main outlet for negative energy, which causes its pollution.

After contamination of the parietal chakra, a person is no longer able to cope with his negativity on his own, as a result he begins to get sick.

It is the contamination of the parietal chakra and the interrupted connection with the Higher Powers that make a person energetically defenseless.

Sometimes, over the course of a lifetime, so much negativity accumulates that it is impossible to clear it quickly. Even the most powerful healer will not be able to heal such a patient instantly.

Therefore, having cleared the patient’s parietal chakra, the healer opens two doors at once, one for the entry of high cleansing energy, and the second for the exit of weakened negativity.

Such cleansing will remove bad energy from a person for 24 hours, gradually leading him to health.

The healer himself is not able to work so much, but by creating conditions for cleansing, he significantly speeds up a person’s recovery. Once the crown chakra has been cleared, the healer should ensure that it does not become contaminated again with dense negative energies. It should be cleaned from time to time if necessary.

How to cleanse the crown chakra?

You need to clear the parietal chakra with hand movements until a flow of negative energy flows from it. It feels like a stream of negativity coming out of your head. Negative energy needs to be set in motion by weakening it and removing it with hand movements.

During this period of cleansing, it is advisable for the patient to increase the frequency of his energies through prayer. If a person weakens the negative from within, then it comes out of the energy much more easily.

The sequence of the healer's actions is also important. If, for example, a person has a curse, but the parietal chakra is polluted, then cleansing should begin with it. Until the channel with the Higher Powers is cleared, a person will not be able to receive high cleansing energy through prayer.

Anyone can do energy cleansing!

By developing the sensitivity of the palms to energies, everyone can independently master the practice of healing with their hands.

A novice healer can work at his own discretion, listening to his intuition.

Usually, during energy cleansing, rotational movements of palms folded in a boat are used. Rotational movements come from the place of contamination. Thus, by catching a negative charge with the field of his hands, the healer removes it from the energy.

Correct diagnosis is the foundation!

In energy healing itself, correct diagnosis is very important.

For example, if you feel tension and slight pain when pressing on the groin area, then this is sure sign pollution of the groin chakra. There can be many causes of illness, but main principle is that diseases appear where there is negative energy.

What kind of energy this is, the healer himself must figure out, this will help him choose the right “antidote.”

Therefore, it is important for a healer to learn to feel what kind of energies they are - damage, a person’s bad thoughts or a curse. After all, only an accurate identification of the problem will help eliminate it.

Sometimes the difficulty for a healer in such work is that the patient has a lot of different problems. It happens that negativity, like a layer cake, is an accumulation of various negative energies.

In such cases, patients with high expectations are often dissatisfied with the duration of treatment. Some patients do not understand the scale of the work, and after being healed, they continue to give birth to negative energies again.

In this case, treatment of such people will be unproductive. The main point of a healer’s work is to strengthen the connection with the Higher Powers, which will lead people to purification. If this is impossible, and the person is not ready to change his habits, then after a while the disease will return.

Basic principle of healing

This principle lies in the fact that a person receives high energies from the Higher Powers from above, through the parietal chakra. Therefore, the accumulated negativity goes from bottom to top. The exception is when a person himself generates high energies. In this case, high frequency energy moves from the human soul.

When the energy is cleansed, the negativity begins to weaken and begins to move, trying to get out. All this is often accompanied by pain in the head and body. Just as thick oil moves slowly through pipes, negative energy moves reluctantly and slowly through energy channels.

In places of “stagnation” a person experiences pain, and negativity begins to penetrate into the tissues. In order to heal, a person needs to increase his internal energies.

Physical crisis of cleansing

Immediately after the cleansing of negative energy in places where it accumulates, a physical crisis of cleansing begins. It is due to the fact that in places where negativity is most concentrated, spasms occur and the blood supply to cells is disrupted.

As soon as the spasms go away, blood movement is normalized, and it immediately begins its cleansing work.

Sometimes there are so many lesions in the body that it causes intoxication in a person. It all happens because waste from the affected areas immediately enters the bloodstream.

You can independently diagnose intoxication by looking at inflamed and painful lymph nodes. The more severe the illness, the stronger the intoxication will be. During this period, it is recommended to drink a lot of water. Bathing and sweating also help reduce the effects of intoxication.

Usually, immediately after intoxication, the patient experiences dramatic relief and recovery.

Cleansing the chakras with your hands

Often a person has several chakras contaminated at once, and a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the subtle bodies. At a certain period in a person’s life, the movement of energy is blocked.

The healer’s task is to weaken and set in motion the negative, up to its complete removal from the structure of the subtle body.

The disease manifests itself only when negativity is in the energy of the physical body.

There are different approaches to cleansing the chakras, but the most correct way to cleanse all chakras is through the parietal one. The sequence of such cleansing from above gives a good result, since the crown chakra is the main gate for the entry of high energy.

If, for example, you start clearing the groin chakra when the parietal chakra has not yet been cleared, then there will be no way out for negative energy.

The peculiarity of the negative is that it has a solid structure. When the healer begins to withdraw negative energies movements of his hands through the crown, then he pulls them out of all the energy in one large charge.

As the healer gains experience and practice, he will apply individual approach. For example, it is better not to touch damage with your hands at all, since it can seriously contaminate your fingers and suppress the sensitivity of your hands to energies.

Healing is knowledge, mastery of energies and improvisation in each case, but general principles still remain unchanged.

In order not to absorb negative energies, the healer should generate high energies in himself, in particular, the energy of love.

Turning to prayer helps to quickly cleanse yourself and improve the quality of healing work.

Treatment based on photography

Despite the fact that treating a person with personal participation is preferable, sometimes, various reasons this is impossible. Then the healer can have an energetic impact on the patient using his photograph.

It is more difficult to work this way than during a personal meeting, when you can feel all the contaminated areas with your hands.

In the case of photography treatment, one should also cleanse a person’s energy through his parietal chakra. However, when treating using a photo, constant communication with the patient is necessary; it is very important for the healer to know about changes in his condition during the course of treatment. With practice, mastering healing from photography will become increasingly easier.

If a healer develops and practices healing, his abilities will gradually increase.

Dmitry Belousov

I often had to observe how many people go to grandmothers and psychics, pay money to have the “damage”, “evil eye”, etc. removed from them.
But “evil eye” and “damage” are popular names for magic programs. In order to put on a program, it is not at all necessary to be a magician, sorcerer, etc., it is enough to simply be energetically strong man and know cosmic laws. True, a person who consciously goes to cause harm to another will, according to universal law, be held responsible for this. If all witches and wizards knew how they would pay for their actions to the forces whose services they use, they would never do this.
I have never understood people who take money for healing or removal of programs. Honestly, this criterion can be used to determine how hard a person works. The Light Bearer will never charge for treatment. After all, he received this gift from above as a GIFT and has no right to take money for it. After all, you cannot imagine Christ charging a “dachshund” for his services.
I will teach you how to remove any energy programs from your subtle bodies.
In Indigo language this is called “cleansing the chakras.”
The essence of the exercise:
1. First we enter the “Ray of Love” (see exercise 2).
2. Now we are in the center of the chest in a rich green color. Inside the heart chakra we see a huge number of energy vortexes and flickering sparks. It is desirable that they all move clockwise.
The flickering sparks inside the chakra should move in an orderly manner, the energy vortex should follow a clockwise direction.
The chakra easily yields to the will of its owner. You can set its direction and rotation speed.
If, for example, the energy vortex does not want to move to the right (clockwise, if the observation point was above the chakra), then you can force it to do so by force of will.
The faster the flickering sparks move within your chakra, the higher and purer your vibration. For people with low vibrations, rotation occurs very slowly.
If you see some lumps, geometric objects, black holes, dust, etc. in your chakra, this means that you have negative programs. These programs may look different depending on what type of energy they are “made” of.
3. Direct your “Ray of Love” directly into these programs and transform them into pure energy, spinning clockwise inside your chakra.
For those who saw “dust” on the chakra (and this is also a program), the image of you wiping dust from glass with a cloth may be suitable.
When working with this chakra, remember that it generates the energy of love. Many programs located on this chakra are our own and are associated with “dislike.” This could be our selfishness, pride, hatred of people, envy, etc. Hatred towards people or a specific person produces energetic poison (imperil), which corrodes the love chakra and releases poisonous fumes into the aura. Only the energy of Love can neutralize it. The Annahata chakra is responsible for the functioning of the heart. If you have heart problems, then you should reconsider your relationships with others. Perhaps you lack love - then don’t demand it from others, but start giving it to people yourself: help others unselfishly and love will never leave you. Your chakra will begin to produce and receive this energy. This will directly affect your well-being, both physical and spiritual.
When you are sure that your chakra is clean, shimmering and functioning correctly, move on to the other chakra above it - the blue Vishuddha.
First, we fill it with light in the same way, only this time clean, transparent, blue. And then we correct the direction of the energy vortex and flying sparks inside the chakra.
The third step is the removal of programs that have settled on this chakra.
The creativity chakra Vishuddha is also responsible for the throat and respiratory tract. If you have a sore throat and you clean this chakra well, it will definitely go away.
Now let’s rise higher and direct our “ray of love” to the Ajna Chakra. We must have it richly blue. It should be cleaned very carefully, because this chakra, like a sponge, absorbs magical programs. We apply all three previous stages of chakra cleansing. When working with the Ajna chakra, you should remember that it is also responsible for the activity of the brain.
The uppermost chakra, Sahasrara, is usually very easy to clean. One should be pure saturated purple. She is responsible for the connection with God, for the flow of his highest energies into our body.

And now we descend to the level of the lemon-yellow chakra - manipura, located in our solar plexus. She should pay a lot of attention, since we are all human and subject to emotions. Often emotions give rise to our claims against each other, and we do not always cope with them. For many people who passionately desire to control others and are unable to realize their desire for power, this chakra has many gaps born of anger. This anger, like imperil, literally devours the chakra from the inside. This chakra is responsible for activity internal organs. Please note: domineering, oppressive and nervous people who do not know how to control their emotions usually have problems in the intestinal area. The more they are exposed to their negative emotions, the more often they experience “explosions” (the release of negativity) in this chakra, and this immediately affects their health.
Be careful when you remove programs from the chakra, do not leave pieces of them inside. Spin the chakra in the right direction and select for it suitable color, corresponding to what place you want to occupy in communication with others. Typically, this chakra should be lemon yellow in color.
Let's go lower, to Svadhisthana. We apply three steps to cleanse the chakra.
Let us remember that this chakra is responsible for reproductive function. We remove programs, make sure that the chakra is clean and healthy. We establish the flow of energy. We make our own adjustments to its color, if necessary.
And we are left with the last chakra - Muladhara - the chakra of connection with the Earth. After completing the three main cleaning steps, make sure that your chakra is clean, sparkling, without various “spots” and “irregularities”. Energy should flow in it without obstacles and not create any traffic jams. When working with the chakra, mentally run down the legs, clearing the channels through which energy flows to us. Remove all kinds of traffic jams and energy nodes, dissolve them with the “Ray of Love”. If your feet have been bothering you, you will feel better.

After completing the cleansing, we return mentally to the center of our chest, to that same white dot. We take a deep breath and exhale, after which you can open your eyes.

Chakra cleansing can be done twice a week. But if astral attacks are frequent on you, carry it out as soon as you feel the need.
Having mastered this technique, you can learn to control many energy processes in your body. You don’t need to go to psychics, you yourself must restore order inside your body. And you have nothing to fear anymore negative impacts for your health. Now you know how to do general cleaning.
Teach your children this from childhood and they will grow up healthy.

Chakra color therapy

Human energy channels (meridians) are a complex of chakras and small channels connected into one system. There are various systems and sciences that study human nature. Among them there are both traditional sciences and esoteric ones.

Man is a complex organism with a multidimensional nature. Everyone agrees with this. And this gives us the right to confirm the fact that each of us is a conscious and intelligent individual who can independently manage his microcosm, which we will talk about in this article.

Energy information matrix

Unrequited love, suffering, loneliness... There is a 100% white way to attract true love into your life! Many women and men have already tested the effect of the amulet of love. With its help you will finally get a real, harmonious relationship...

The energy information matrix is ​​a collection of energy shells around the human body, also called an aura. The main type of energy is nourishing, connecting, creating. It is this type that forms the aura. The aura, in turn, includes three physical shells (three-dimensional) and four supraphysical (polymer).

As for human energy channels, there are three main ones:

  1. Sushumna – central;
  2. Ida – left;
  3. Pingala - right.

In addition to the main ones, there are also two additional channels:

  1. Anteromedian functional;
  2. Posterior-median manager.

The central channel of Sushumna is also called the Middle Way. It functions without human intervention, everything is done spontaneously. The beating of the heart, breathing, the appearance of thoughts - these actions and many others are beyond control, Sushumna is responsible for them.

The right channels contain data regarding a person's future, his thoughts and other information regarding what will happen. The generated energy of action subsequently enters the brain.

The left channels of Ida are responsible for a person’s past. It is from here that the subconscious draws images, memories, and information. Here, too, various desires are formed that drive each of us.

Working with channels

If you are interested in the question of how to open human channels and meridians, then below we will try to answer this question. The environment plays an important role in this case. You need to choose right time and place.

Having sat comfortably and relaxed, you need to go into the rest phase. To do this, let go of your thoughts, relieve tension from your muscles, relax your body. Closing your eyes, imagine that you are in the air, floating and everything around you is transparent and light. Next, you need to imagine that you have opened the secret “faucets” of your body that contain energy. Think about steam coming out of them and then coming back in. The steam should be light and light.

Looking inside yourself, try to see the light that comes from your toes and hands, gradually filling your whole body. This light fills your body very slowly, you begin to glow from within. When your whole body is filled with light, you need to preserve this moment for as long as possible. During it, your energy channels will open. Wait until you feel peace and maintain it for as long as possible. This sign is a warning that you can return back to our world.

In order to close the channels, you should take a deep breath and exhale and open your eyes. This completes the process. You need to sit in this position for a little longer, relaxing and resting.


Cleansing energy channels is a very difficult task, since it requires certain knowledge and skills. It is recommended to carry out cleansing in the presence of a Teacher, who can help and advise if something goes wrong.

IN everyday life It is much easier not to clog energy channels than to clean them later. To do this, you need to tune in to a positive mood, exclude the possibility of communicating with negative people who do not influence you very well, avoid unpleasant situations and smile more.

Below we will look at one of the simple methods that will partially cleanse a person’s energy components. This exercise should be done during the waning month. This is the time that is considered the most suitable for cleansing rituals.

You should be completely alone indoors. It is best to use candles for lighting. Spread something soft on the floor, a blanket or blanket will do. Position yourself on it so that your body is resting, with your back to the floor. Lying on the floor, close your eyes and imagine that you are not at home, but in zero gravity.

Now imagine energy leaving your body in the form of steam. gray. It will represent everything negative and bad that you want to get rid of. When all the gray leaves your body, imagine that its place in your body is taken by light energy. It fills your body, and it, in turn, begins to glow a little. Light spreads throughout the body and fills every cell of the body.

Cleansing usually takes about half an hour. During this time you must leave dark energy, and light will come in its place. Once your body is completely glowing, you need to proceed to the completion of the ritual. To do this, you need to imagine that the light remains inside you. At this moment, you should take a deep breath, and then exhale, and open your eyes. This completes the ritual, but it is recommended to remain in a relaxed state for another ten minutes.

Cleansing can be done no more than once every two months, or less often if you feel good and think positively.


There are special exercises that allow you to clean energy channels through a set of simple manipulations with your arms and legs. These exercises are quite simple and at the same time effective in combating energy blocks.

Hand complex

The exercise is performed standing. The right arm is extended to the side and fixed in a position parallel to the floor. Now the palm should be pulled towards you and returned to its previous position. Next, you need to stretch your hand towards the wall, imagining how force runs through you, from your shoulder to your fingertips. If trembling or tension appears, then everything is being done correctly.

Now this exercise is repeated with the left hand.

After this, you need to take three deep breaths and exhales, completing which you should raise your two arms up, connecting them above your head in a straight position. Now you need to lower them slowly, keeping your palms together.

This concludes the exercise.

Foot complex

Standing straight on the floor and lowering your arms along your body, you need to relax. After this, the right foot is placed on the heel, as if it were falling under the floor. The toe of the foot should be stretched at the top, and the energy should be concentrated in the heel, which then passes into the toe. After this, the leg straightens. If at the moment of straightening you feel some trembling, then the exercise was performed correctly.

This exercise is repeated with the left leg.

The complex ends with a breathing technique: three deep breaths and exhalations.

By completing these exercises, you will be able to clear the energy channels, which will allow you to fully prepare for the arrival of strength. Do everything possible to ensure that the energy you fill during the day after the complex is bright and positive.

These exercises can be repeated every few weeks. By paying sufficient attention to one’s aura and its purification, a person is left with nothing negative.

Restoring the energy field

Often the cause of various diseases, poor health and problems can be a depleted human energy field.

It is easy to correct this situation by following the basic rules:

  • rest. One of the most best methods restoring a person's energy field is considered good rest. And this is not necessarily a dream. This could be watching your favorite movie, listening to music, taking a bath, or meditating. A person at this moment should have only positive thoughts and pleasant feelings.
  • hobby. If you have a hobby, doing what you love will help you cope with problems and recover. A great idea would be a walk with your pet, a visit to a museum, an exhibition, or anything else that, as a rule, brings you pleasure.
  • putting things in order. Cleaning is considered an excellent method of getting rid of bad thoughts. Along with the garbage, you throw away all the bad things that have accumulated inside, and this opens the way for new emotions, energy and all the good things.

Remember that if you hold a grudge or are angry with someone, it will be very difficult to restore your energy field and recharge with positive energy. Therefore, first you need to let go of all negativity, making room for positive thoughts.

Cleanse energy channels

Reason for Cleaning Energy Channels

  • Have you noticed that a lot of energy is spent on the result;
  • The feeling of energy has become heavy, thick, viscous;
  • The connection has been lost, the energy comes in bursts;
  • It is simply impossible to be filled with energy;
  • you worked lately with very dirty people;
  • You experience negative emotions on an incomprehensible basis;
  • Abilities have faded.

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The main points by which you can determine that the energy channels are clogged, and it’s time to put them in order.

The closing of energy channels is described in the article “Closing human energy channels”.

Energy channels are clogged

We must remember that negativity is energy that does not allow other types of energies to pass through. If you worked with negativity, people who were dirty, then it could remain in your energy structure and clog your energy channels. Energy stops passing from one energy place to another.

Clean energy channels

It needs to be clarified that cleansing comes from negativity. Negativity cannot be washed out because it would take thousands of liters of energy to wash out a dirty barrel by simply adding clean water to it. Negativity can and should be removed from its location and then destroyed.

Cleaning requires more energy than the total volume of negativity. A large amount of negativity in the channels cannot be removed with less energy.

When cleaning canals, it is important to see their structure and the cleaning process. It is very important to completely clean all channels. If a person leaves an “uncleaned” energy system, the negative will soon gain its power again.

Completely clear channels produce powerful results almost immediately. A person feels 100%, everything works out both in life and in abilities.

It's very surprising to watch this on the money channel. After cleaning it, more than a week's worth of clients call within a day. Everyone wants to work with a person. Everyone is interested in him.

Clean your energy channels yourself

You can clean the canals yourself, but you need to know that cleaning occurs at the expense of energy. And if a person does not have sufficient energy, it will not be possible to complete the cleansing, which means that the negative will again block and infect the energy, and soon with new strength will show itself. Therefore, a person must accumulate energy in reserve for cleaning, and then there will be a deep and lasting result.

It is important to accurately see the cleaning process and be aware of it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of missing the negative and then it will be able to block the channels again.

Pay attention when cleaning

  • It is worth understanding that cleaning occurs with pure energy, and it primarily pushes out negative energy, which means that pressure and short-term pain are possible.
  • It is forbidden to “store” negativity, only burn it. Because, as a rule, the person then “catches” it himself. And a huge amount of negativity leads to very serious immediate problems. Stomach grip, nerve pinching, limb failure.
  • Cleansing is often accompanied by increased euphoria and joy.
  • Not only cleaning is important, but also the ability to keep the space under control after it. Maintain clean energy contact. And after the cleaning session, behave in such a way as to avoid the accumulation of negativity. Positive emotions, good environment, working in a positive way even with the most difficult things.

Help in cleaning energy channels

If you can’t remove the negativity on your own, you can seek the help of a specialist. Deeply and professionally clean your energy system. Help can be found in the service: Cleaning energy channels.

After cleaning, you can choose which energy channels a person wants to open and develop in himself. To get a deeper answer, it is worth reading “Human Information Channels,” where the most popular channels are described, which open up their possibilities.

Cleansing and restoring human energy

Cleansing and restoring human energy is a very labor-intensive process that must be taken seriously. There are several effective ways that will help improve human energy. We will talk about them in this article.

In the article:

Restoring human energy

Each person uses two types of energy: vital (physical) and free (creative). There are various ways increasing energy. For example, if your level of physical energy has decreased, then all you need to improve the situation is good rest ( healthy sleep) and good nutrition.

If we are talking about free energy, then increasing it is a longer and more painstaking process. However, there are some tips that can improve the situation.

First, give up bad habits. Have you noticed that people who frequently drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs live much shorter lives? This is not surprising. After all bad habits not only have a detrimental effect on health, but also reduce the amount of vital energy of the individual. People fade away, burn through their reserves of energy in a very short time.

Secondly, free yourself from energy vampires. Did you know that there are people who will happily feast on someone else's power? Take a simple test to find out if you are energy vampire or a donor and determine who from your environment fits which description.

Once you find out that there are such vampires in your society, try to limit your communication with them, and you will see how life will change for the better. Get rid of negativity.

A significant way to restore and improve a person’s energy is to get rid of envy, anger, irritability, jealousy, regrets and fear. All these emotions bring the individual out of balance, making the person weaker and taking away his energy.

Exercise breathing practice. If you believe the reviews, such practices not only help to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain (which has a beneficial effect on health), but also have a positive effect on energy balance.

Do energy exercises. There are special exercises that will help you connect to the energy of the cosmos. For example, this exercise can be done on a sunny day. Sit somewhere where no one will disturb you. Stand up straight, facing the sun, stretch your arms forward.

Close your eyes and imagine that through your hands the energy of the sun is pouring into your body, filling you, charging you with strength. Feel how you are renewed, saturated with new energy. Just a few minutes of such relaxation a day is enough. After completing the manipulations, be sure to thank the source of life.

Energy cleansing is a very important manipulation that will help restore your energy and remove breakdowns and deformations in the energy field.

This exercise is suitable for those who are just learning to feel their body, their energy. Each individual has two main energy flows running along the back. Find a comfortable position, sit on the floor, straighten up and relax.

Feel the first flow that passes through the top of your head and out through your legs. After this, feel the second current, which is directed from the ground through the legs to the tailbone and rises to the top of the head. In the first stages, you will learn to feel these flows only in principle. With regular training, you can even learn to control them, speed them up or slow them down.

When you feel that the power of these flows is increasing, this will indicate that your energy field is being cleansed and various blocks are leaving. Subsequently, you will realize that your well-being is improving, and your strength begins to flow.

The second most popular and very systematic way to cleanse human energy is communication with nature. As you know, there are a lot of vampire trees. These are aspen, poplar, linden. Their peculiarity is that they are able to pump negative energy out of a person.

Nature will help cleanse your energy, you just have to try

Go to such a tree, hug it, stand with it for a few minutes. When you are completely cleared of negative energy, you can go to a maple, birch or oak tree. Such trees are donors; they are able to charge with positive, creative energy.

It is worth noting that for those who are no longer beginners and have a good connection with their subconscious, a very popular and widespread method of cleansing is meditation.

Using this practice (especially if it is combined with the recitation of certain mantras), you can get rid of negative energy. The more often a person meditates, the easier it is for him to find areas of accumulated negative energy and get rid of it. In most cases, it is recommended to imagine that the black spots of negativity are washed away clean water and go into the ground.

Cleansing human energy with salt

Salt is a very important attribute, which is often used in various rituals. This is the only natural substance that is used in its original form and which concentrates the energy of the earth. Its amazing properties have been known since ancient times.

People revered this product and valued it in the same way as gold. For example, in ancient times, 1 ounce of salt was equal to 1 ounce precious metal. In Rus', guests were not welcomed without salt and bread; in ancient times, this product was considered a symbol of well-being. In ancient China, cake coins baked from salt dough were even used as money for some time.

Today it is known that salt is capable of capturing, storing and transmitting energy and information. This product has very strong energy that can absorb negativity. The product has strong cleansing properties and is therefore used to eliminate negative energy. There are three techniques that will help you cleanse human energy.

In the first case, you should arm yourself with a large container of rock salt for 21 days in the morning or evening. You need to stand in it with your bare feet and trample the product.

During such actions, imagine that all the negativity that you have goes into this salt. Such manipulations last no more than 15 minutes. At the end of the ritual, the used product must either be washed off with water or buried.

Everyone knows the power of salt.

The following method is suitable for those who are constantly forced to communicate with a large number of people and experience information overload. This method is also suitable for those who suffer from insomnia.

You need to place a small container (preferably made of clay) near your bed and pour salt into it. The container should stand near the bed until the product begins to darken. This is a sign that you need to replace the salt with new one.

As you know, many of the jewelry that we wear tend to absorb the energy of its owner and take on all the negativity. This is especially true for various amulets and jewelry with magical precious stones.

Such amulets must be cleaned regularly (how to clean amulets). For just three days, place the jewelry in a container with salt, and after the specified time, the attribute will be completely cleared of your negative energy.

These methods will help you improve your energy and cleanse yourself of negativity. Remember, it is advisable to carry out such manipulations as often as possible, regularly. And then, you can be sure, it will bring the desired result.


This article talks about how energy cleansing is carried out, and also contains effective tips and important points of practice.

There are many subtleties and points that you should know in energy healing.

What mistakes should you avoid when performing energy cleansing?

It is incorrectly believed that two channels run along the spine - from the crown to the tailbone, and they feed the entire body with energy. The inaccuracy is that the channels are arranged differently. They are not solid, and during their movement they break off at the level of the shoulder blades and enter the soul.

From the heart, the paired channels diverge. One pair goes down to the coccygeal chakra¹, and the other goes up to the parietal chakra. Such misunderstanding leads to subsequent errors in diagnosis and treatment.

In treating diseases, it is very important for a healer to see not the diagnosis, but the deep energetic root cause of the disease itself. Physical disorders and doctors’ diagnoses always hide the true essence of the disease.

Only by opening it can one begin to eliminate the disease itself.

How to start energy cleansing?

For effective treatment, you should know many points, such as the structure of the human subtle body, its properties, as well as methods of influencing them. Energy treatment of a person should begin with clearing the parietal chakra.

She, as a receiver, connects a person with the Higher Powers (God, the Universe - you can call it differently), through her he receives high energies. This chakra also serves as the main outlet for negative energy, which causes its pollution.

After contamination of the parietal chakra, a person is no longer able to cope with his negativity on his own, as a result he begins to get sick.

It is the contamination of the parietal chakra and the interrupted connection with the Higher Powers that make a person energetically defenseless.

Sometimes, over the course of a lifetime, so much negativity accumulates that it is impossible to clear it quickly. Even the most powerful healer will not be able to heal such a patient instantly.

Therefore, having cleared the patient’s parietal chakra, the healer opens two doors at once, one for the entry of high cleansing energy, and the second for the exit of weakened negativity.

Such cleansing will remove bad energy from a person for 24 hours, gradually leading him to health.

The healer himself is not able to work so much, but by creating conditions for cleansing, he significantly speeds up a person’s recovery. Once the crown chakra has been cleared, the healer should ensure that it does not become contaminated again with dense negative energies. It should be cleaned from time to time if necessary.

How to cleanse the crown chakra?

You need to clear the parietal chakra with hand movements until a flow of negative energy flows from it. It feels like a stream of negativity coming out of your head. Negative energy needs to be set in motion by weakening it and removing it with hand movements.

During this period of cleansing, it is advisable for the patient to increase the frequency of his energies through prayer. If a person weakens the negative from within, then it comes out of the energy much more easily.

The sequence of the healer's actions is also important. If, for example, a person has a curse, but the parietal chakra is polluted, then cleansing should begin with it. Until the channel with the Higher Powers is cleared, a person will not be able to receive high cleansing energy through prayer.

Anyone can do energy cleansing!

By developing the sensitivity of the palms to energies, everyone can independently master the practice of healing with their hands.

A novice healer can work at his own discretion, listening to his intuition.

Usually, during energy cleansing, rotational movements of palms folded in a boat are used. Rotational movements come from the place of contamination. Thus, by catching a negative charge with the field of his hands, the healer removes it from the energy.

Correct diagnosis is the basis!

In energy healing itself, correct diagnosis is very important.

For example, if you feel tension and slight pain when pressing on the groin area, then this is a sure sign of contamination of the groin chakra. There can be many reasons for diseases, but the main principle is that diseases appear where there is negative energy.

What kind of energy this is, the healer himself must figure out, this will help him choose the right “antidote.”

Therefore, it is important for a healer to learn to feel what kind of energies they are - damage, a person’s bad thoughts or a curse. After all, only an accurate identification of the problem will help eliminate it.

Sometimes the difficulty for a healer in such work is that the patient has a lot of different problems. It happens that negativity, like a layer cake, is an accumulation of various negative energies.

In such cases, patients with high expectations are often dissatisfied with the duration of treatment. Some patients do not understand the scale of the work, and after being healed, they continue to give birth to negative energies again.

In this case, treatment of such people will be unproductive. The main point of a healer’s work is to strengthen the connection with the Higher Powers, which will lead people to purification. If this is impossible, and the person is not ready to change his habits, then after a while the disease will return.

Basic principle of healing

This principle lies in the fact that a person receives high energies from the Higher Powers from above, through the parietal chakra. Therefore, the accumulated negativity goes from bottom to top. The exception is when a person himself generates high energies. In this case, high frequency energy moves from the human soul.

When the energy is cleansed, the negativity begins to weaken and begins to move, trying to get out. All this is often accompanied by pain in the head and body. Just as thick oil moves slowly through pipes, negative energy moves reluctantly and slowly through energy channels.

In places of “stagnation” a person experiences pain, and negativity begins to penetrate into the tissues. In order to heal, a person needs to increase his internal energies.

Physical crisis of cleansing

Immediately after the cleansing of negative energy in places where it accumulates, a physical crisis of cleansing begins. It is due to the fact that in places where negativity is most concentrated, spasms occur and the blood supply to cells is disrupted.

As soon as the spasms go away, blood movement is normalized, and it immediately begins its cleansing work.

Sometimes there are so many lesions in the body that it causes intoxication in a person. It all happens because waste from the affected areas immediately enters the bloodstream.

You can independently diagnose intoxication by looking at inflamed and painful lymph nodes. The more severe the illness, the stronger the intoxication will be. During this period, it is recommended to drink a lot of water. Bathing and sweating also help reduce the effects of intoxication.

Usually, immediately after intoxication, the patient experiences dramatic relief and recovery.

Cleansing the chakras with your hands

Often a person has several chakras contaminated at once, and a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the subtle bodies. At a certain period in a person’s life, the movement of energy is blocked.

The healer’s task is to weaken and set in motion the negative, up to its complete removal from the structure of the subtle body.

The disease manifests itself only when negativity is in the energy of the physical body.

There are different approaches to cleansing the chakras, but the most correct way to cleanse all chakras is through the parietal one. The sequence of such cleansing from above gives a good result, since the crown chakra is the main gate for the entry of high energy.

If, for example, you start clearing the groin chakra when the parietal chakra has not yet been cleared, then there will be no way out for negative energy.

The peculiarity of the negative is that it has a solid structure. When the healer begins to remove negative energies with hand movements through the crown of the head, he pulls them out from all the energy in one large charge.

As the healer gains experience and practice, an individual approach will be applied to each patient. For example, it is better not to touch damage with your hands at all, since it can seriously contaminate your fingers and suppress the sensitivity of your hands to energies.

Healing is knowledge, mastery of energies and improvisation in each case, but the general principles still remain unchanged.

In order not to absorb negative energies, the healer should generate high energies in himself, in particular, the energy of love.

Turning to prayer helps to quickly cleanse yourself and improve the quality of healing work.

Treatment based on photography

Despite the fact that treating a person with personal participation is preferable, sometimes, for various reasons, this is not possible. Then the healer can have an energetic impact on the patient using his photograph.

It is more difficult to work this way than during a personal meeting, when you can feel all the contaminated areas with your hands.

In the case of photography treatment, one should also cleanse a person’s energy through his parietal chakra. However, when treating using a photo, constant communication with the patient is necessary; it is very important for the healer to know about changes in his condition during the course of treatment. With practice, mastering healing from photography will become increasingly easier.

If a healer develops and practices healing, his abilities will gradually increase.

Dmitry Belousov

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¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which the vital energy(Wikipedia). You can learn more about the human chakra structure here >>>

Energy cleansing of a person.

Energy cleansing of a person.

Today we will talk about how important energy cleansing is and why you need to start observing it.

What is cleaning?

Cleaning is the removal of negativity that interferes with a person’s life.

How can he interfere and what kind of negativity is this?

First of all, we clean the internal clamps, blocks that impede the flow of energy in the human body. Ideally pure people can be counted on one hand, and these will probably only be saints who constantly pray, and thereby purify their energy and keep their soul and body clean. All other people need to cleanse their body periodically to prevent various diseases, including colds.

Imagine that our body consists (on the energy plane) of many different energy channels. The thickest energy channel is in our spine. The main flow of energy passes through it, directed both from us to space and from space to us. If this main channel is clogged, then a person develops serious illnesses. Most often, the disease occurs precisely from the presence of negativity, various blocks. Blocks appear from stress, fears, evil eyes, damage, in general, all the bad things that humanity has managed to invent over thousands of years. To remove all this, energy cleansing and various cleansing rituals are carried out. There are a lot of them, including those that use both Christian and Scandinavian egregors, that is, runes, elemental energies, etc.

If a person who decides to engage in magic, in particular extrasensory perception, or developing the ability to manage energies, does not have energy blocks removed, then he may experience unpleasant sensations called diseases of spiritual development. That is, this is a feeling of pressure in the head, temples, various parts of the body, some kind of incomprehensible spontaneous pain.

What does this come from? A person tries to develop the ability to pass through himself large number energy, but he has a block on one of his channels and the energy that moves along the channel cannot penetrate through it. It (energy) begins to accumulate in this place and the organ located next to this place becomes uncomfortable and begins to hurt.

Techniques for human energy cleansing.

Which ones exist? simple techniques cleanings that you can use for yourself in everyday life. The simplest thing is express cleaning, which breaks off various bindings. This is a breathing practice that is carried out as follows. As soon as you feel any discomfort, do the following: completely exhale the air from your lungs, hold your breath to the maximum. That is, an indicator that you are more or less clean is that you were able to hold your breath on a full exhalation for seventeen, twenty seconds or more. If you were able to hold your breath for less than twelve seconds, it means that something is already on you and with this breath you are breaking off some bindings from yourself, removing them, making your condition easier using the express method.

Cleaning must be done constantly, since any visit to large crowds of people gives a coating of a certain amount of negativity on the biofield. The next thing you can do without even leaving your place, if, say, somewhere at work you feel unwell after communicating with someone bad person, or in a crowd on the street, or in transport, this is to memorize some simple Christian prayer. For example, “Our Father.” Read this prayer at least mentally and it is advisable to also baptize yourself mentally. There are also short prayers for cleansing - these are “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, “Life-giving Christ”.

Candle cleansing scheme.

Next is a scheme for cleansing yourself with a candle. This pattern is called a "spiral". Enough simple circuit cleansing that you can do in the evening if you feel unwell. The diagram shows that the candle is first held over the human body in a spiral from head to toe, then rises vertically, then falls down and again rises upward in a spiral. At the same time, you need to read a prayer. When you read the prayer three times and carry out all the cleansing manipulations with the candle, let it burn out. This cleansing removes weak everyday evil eyes that occur from quarrels, stress or from one’s own negative emotions.

Rules for maintaining the purity of your energy.

Keeping yourself and your home clean. After you come from somewhere, for example, from a store, a long trip, or just going out to take out the trash, you must come and wash your hands. Washing your hands washes away not only germs, but also negative energy that your hands could pick up from everywhere. It would also be good to wash your face. It was not for nothing that there was a custom in Rus' when, after a journey, a person, a merchant, always came to the bathhouse and first washed himself off the path, and then went about his business.

The second rule of energy hygiene is to try not to become emotionally attached to the situation. That is, if you feel that a tense situation is arising, which can later be reflected by the presence of negativity in your biofield, then try to detach yourself. That is, you are here, but the situation is somewhere there and it does not concern you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Even if this situation concerns you directly and let’s say your bosses are standing in front of you and scolding you for something, just imagine that you are looking at all this from the outside. You will immediately feel much better. You will be able to control your words, your emotions, react correctly, calm down.

If there is an opportunity to avoid negative problems and situations, then take advantage of this opportunity. Try to remain silent rather than say a bad word, because the spoken word already has power and will affect you if the person you offended harbors a grudge against you.

If you are going to visit a place where there are a lot of people, try to protect yourself by getting yourself some kind of protective amulet, or using mental protection. For example, when moving among people, imagine that you are constantly under a waterfall. A large stream of water pours over you, constantly washing and cleansing your body. This will help you develop your visualization, the power of thought, and you will also be able to simply protect yourself. The more often you visualize this, the better this protection will work. You can also imagine that you are in a mirror sphere, which is mirrored outside of you. And everyone who looks at you sees not you, but only themselves. And whatever bad they think about you, they will think about themselves accordingly. All the negativity directed at you will come back to them.

There are also protective words that would be good to know and say at a time when they wish something bad to your face. For example, there are such simple phrases that are easy to remember: “Your speeches are on your shoulders,” “There is a circle around me, it was not me who drew it, but my Mother of God,” “I have twelve strengths, you have five.” These defensive phrases are very helpful in acute moments of disputes and quarrels.

All people should know these basic energy cleansing rules and methods of protection in order to keep themselves constantly in good shape, keep their lives positive, good events and just be happy.

Words of amulets you need to know about...

Words-amulets, agmas (Slavic mantras), quick words, whispers - these are the names of short, succinct words or phrases pronounced in critical situations. And despite the fact that most often they are completely meaningless (at least for modern people), they actually work, saving us from various misfortunes and troubles, and sometimes even from terrible death.

Remove Ber!

The word “amulet” itself is something that is meant to protect, and according to one version it comes from the word “ber” - this is what our Slavic ancestors called an uncontrollable, violent elemental spirit, as well as a connecting rod bear that left its home ahead of time den (Ber's house) and therefore was very dangerous. So the amulet is protection from Ber, it pacifies him and brings peace, harmony and beauty into people’s lives.
The protective power of familiar words

The basis of any amulets is the Word (remember: “in the beginning was the Word..."), and therefore they were enchanted, in other words, processed with a special Word. And depending on what exactly, what emotions and what intention were invested in it, this force became destructive or creative.
The so-called quick words, as a rule, have precisely protective (blessing) power, since “soon” - that is, quickly - you need to say just such words. However, most of them are well known to everyone, and we use them quite often. One of the most common among them is a word that each of us sometimes pronounces more than once a day. This is the word "thank you". By saying it, we seem to bless (protect, ask for protection for him, bless him) some person. From the same series are such greeting words glorifying God as “glory to God”, “with God” (“walk with God”), “hello”, “be healthy” and others. These words have become traditional, and we have forgotten that they are words of amulets.

Who is Chur?

Although there are also long-forgotten, but very effective words of amulets. We know some of them. Such, for example, as the word “chur”. Few people know what this word is and where it came from, but expressions like “keep away from me”, “keep away from me”, “don’t shy away from me” are still alive. We rarely use them, but in vain.
The Slavs had such a god - Chur, the guardian of the family hearth and the boundaries of land holdings. At the border, for him (and for themselves, defining the boundary), they placed special logs with signs-symbols depicted on them, which began to be called chocks (and what has this word turned into now?). The area where Chur ruled received a kind of sanctification in this way, and he strictly ensured that no evil spirit crossed its borders. As a resident of passing roads, Chur had power over the devils. Therefore, in case of danger, it is still advised to remember this Slavic god and shut up, saying: “Beware of me!” And he even protects the secrets of a person’s thoughts. If someone says something unpleasant, you should shut him down: “Keep your mouth shut!” - and the evil wish will not come true. Well, if you find something valuable and you don’t want to share it with anyone, you need to say: “Never mind you!” - and the kind ancient god will save the find only for you.
Another word-amulet, which is better never to use, but it is advisable to know, sounds like this: “Abara”. There is no better word if you are in danger. It is like an invisible weapon against a real, completely visible and tangible weapon. When you are attacked, you need to quickly say this word, and the weapon will lose its power, and the energy of aggression will transfer to the one who emits it.

In any case, it is good because it sounds short (time to think and read conspiracies during real dangerous situation It’s just not), it’s easy to remember and - most importantly - it really helps!

In addition, you should remember that any evil directed against you can be stopped in the name of God. If you are in danger, you need to quickly ask Jesus for help: “Jesus, come yourself and help me, not my enemies!”
If danger is possible - you feel it, but the person is not doing anything yet, then mentally order him: “Don’t touch!”, “Take everything for yourself!”, and the danger will pass you by.

The fire of a candle carries within itself the Radiance of the Universal Divine Sveta...

People who heal their Soul and their energy spaces from pain, hatred, fears with the help of prayers, meditations and rituals with candles realize how dangerous it is to leave negativity in their energy. It is better to cleanse yourself in a timely manner with the help of a candle fire - after all, in the flame of a candle is the Divine Radiance of the Universal Power of Life.

And it is very correct that they do not want to live in the old way, carrying in their energy the energy of the darkness of the lower planes. Entities of higher hierarchies can penetrate through this negativity, through energy holes in the biofield - and then expect trouble...| This is a very powerful self-purification practice. The most powerful in yoga.

Yes, it is not as easy as, for example, energy gymnastics. But at the same time, this exercise is very powerful - I tell you from my own experience.
For independent energy cleansing, you are unlikely to find anything more effective.

Yes, it requires 11 minutes a day and some effort. But what it can give you is incomparable to your costs. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not, because it’s your life. Opportunities and tools are provided to you.

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle.

Today we will talk about how important energy cleansing is and why you need to start observing it. What is cleaning? Cleaning is the removal of negativity that interferes with a person’s life. How can he interfere and what kind of negativity is this? First of all, we clean the internal clamps, blocks that impede the flow of energy in the human body. Ideally pure people can be counted on one hand, and these, perhaps, will only be saints who constantly pray, and thereby purify their energy, keep themselves and their bodies clean. All other people need to cleanse their body periodically to prevent various diseases, including colds.

Imagine that ours consists (on the energy plane) of many different energy channels. The thickest energy channel is in our spine. The main flow passes through it, directed both from us to space and from space to us. If this main channel is clogged, then a person develops serious illnesses. Most often, the disease occurs precisely from the presence of negativity, various blocks. Blocks appear from stress, fears, evil eyes, damage, in general, all the bad things that humanity has managed to invent over thousands of years. To remove all this, energy cleansing and various cleansing are carried out. There are a lot of them, including those that use both Christian and Scandinavian egregors, that is, runes, elemental energies, etc.

If a person who decides to engage in, in particular, extrasensory perception, or the development of energy management skills, has not removed energy blocks, then he may experience unpleasant sensations called diseases. That is, this is a feeling of pressure in the head, temples, various parts of the body, some kind of incomprehensible spontaneous pain.

What does this come from? A person is trying to develop the ability to pass a large amount of energy through himself, but he has a block on one of his channels and the energy that moves along the channel cannot penetrate through it. It (energy) begins to accumulate in this place and the organ located next to this place becomes uncomfortable and begins to hurt.

Techniques for human energy cleansing

What simple cleaning techniques exist that you can use for yourself in everyday life. The simplest thing is express cleaning, which breaks off various bindings. This is a breathing practice that is carried out as follows. As soon as you feel any discomfort, do the following: completely exhale the air from your lungs, hold your breath to the maximum. That is, an indicator that you are more or less clean is that you were able to hold your breath on a full exhalation for seventeen, twenty seconds or more. If you were able to hold your breath for less than twelve seconds, it means that something is already on you and with this breath you are breaking off some bindings from yourself, removing them, making your condition easier using the express method.

Cleaning must be done constantly, since any visit to large crowds of people gives a coating of a certain amount of negativity on the biofield. The next thing you can do without even leaving your place, if, say, somewhere at work you feel unwell after communicating with some bad person, or in a crowd on the street, or in transport, is to memorize some simple Christian . For example, “Our Father.” Read this prayer at least mentally and it is advisable to also baptize yourself mentally. There are also short prayers for cleansing - these are “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, “Life-giving Christ”.

Candle cleansing scheme

Next, cleanse yourself with a candle. This pattern is called a "spiral". A fairly simple cleansing regimen that you can do in the evening if you're feeling under the weather. The diagram shows that it is first carried out over the human body in a spiral from head to toe, then rises vertically, then drops down and again rises upward in a spiral. At the same time, you need to read a prayer. When you read the prayer three times and carry out all the cleansing manipulations with the candle, let it burn out. This cleansing removes weak everyday evil eyes that occur from quarrels, stress or from one’s own negative emotions.

Rules for keeping your energy pure

Keeping yourself and your home clean. After you come from somewhere, for example, from a store, a long trip, or just going out to take out the trash, you must come and wash your hands. Washing your hands washes away not only germs, but also negative energy that your hands could pick up from everywhere. It would also be good to wash your face. It was not for nothing that there was a custom in Rus' when, after a journey, a person, a merchant, always came to the bathhouse and first washed himself off the path, and then went about his business.

The second rule of energy hygiene is to try not to become emotionally attached to the situation. That is, if you feel that a tense situation is arising, which can later be reflected by the presence in your biofield, then try to detach yourself. That is, you are here, but the situation is somewhere there and it does not concern you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Even if this situation concerns you directly and let’s say your bosses are standing in front of you and scolding you for something, just imagine that you are looking at all this from the outside. You will immediately feel much better. You will be able to control your words, your emotions, react correctly, calm down.

If there is an opportunity to avoid negative problems and situations, then take advantage of this opportunity. Try to remain silent rather than say a bad word, because the spoken word already has power and will affect you if the person you offended harbors a grudge against you.

If you are going to visit a place where there are a lot of people, try to protect yourself by getting yourself some kind of protective equipment, or using mental protection. For example, when moving among people, imagine that you are constantly under a waterfall. A large stream of water pours over you, constantly washing and cleansing your body. This will help you develop your visualization, the power of thought, and you will also be able to simply protect yourself. The more often you visualize this, the better this will work. You can also imagine that you are in a mirror sphere, which is mirrored outside of you. And everyone who looks at you sees not you, but only themselves. And whatever bad they think about you, they will think about themselves accordingly. All the negativity directed at you will come back to them.

There are also protective words that would be good to know and say at a time when they wish something bad to your face. For example, there are such simple phrases that are easy to remember: “Your speeches are on your shoulders,” “There is a circle around me, it was not me who drew it, but my Mother of God,” “I have twelve strengths, you have five.” These help very well in acute moments of disputes and quarrels.

All people should know these basic energy cleansing rules and methods of protection in order to keep themselves constantly in good shape, keep their lives positive, good events and just be happy.

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