Scenario for the New Year holiday “Journey to the Sweet Land. Scenario for the New Year's holiday "a journey to a sweet fairy tale" for children of the middle group Scenario for the New Year's sweet fairy tale

New Year's party script for students middle group

« New Year's adventure onfabulous FactoryCokay»

Goals:Creation New Year's mood, congratulating children on the New Year; aesthetic and creative development children; uniting the children's team.

Venue: elegant assembly hall of the kindergarten

Details: decorated Christmas tree; attributes for games - yoghurts, small Christmas trees - 2 pcs., paper candies (15 cm), snowballs of different sizes, children's shovels; candies - for dancing made of paper, snowflakes - for dancing, a cauldron with gifts.


Adults: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Mrs. Candy, Santa Claus, sister gnome, snowstorms - parents of children.

Children: candies, marmalade gnomes, sugar bunnies, snowflakes - girls.

Progress of the event:

To the music of the “New Year’s song” the children enter the hall,There is a decorated Christmas tree in the center, the children line up in a semicircle. The presenter welcomes the guests.

The blizzard scatters snow,
He invites us to a holiday,
Because it's New Year.

Coming very soon.
Santa Claus is already rushing towards us,
A miracle will happen soon!
Christmas tree beauty
The lights will light up!
Let's start the holiday together
Happy New Year's Day!

Let's congratulate everyone on the holiday.

New Year's poems

Zhana lived, Zhana lived

Zhana zhylga zhana zhyr

Zhasyl shyrsha zhanynda

Bilep barlyk bala zhur

Zhana lived! Zhana lived!

Zhanalyk izde sep.

Zhana an, zhana zhyr,

Zhazyp ber bіzge sen.

Let us skate and ski!

It"s winter, it"s winter, (its vinte, its vinte)

It's great fun for me! (its great fan fo mi!)

New Year Day, happy day! (new year day, happy day)
We are glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say: (we all dance and sing and hey)
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!” (welcome, welcome New Year Day)

Tamasha, tamasha,

Shyrshamyz tour zharasa.

Basynda asem zhuldyzy-

Koz toymaidy karas.

Tauda tuyp, tauda osip

Shyrsha keldi ortaga

Kandai zhaksy shyrshamyz

On shyrkayyk barshamyz

Tanya came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently!

Presenter: Hello, hello, Christmas tree,
Dressed in gold!
We are a Christmas tree for you
Let's sing a song!

The song “Shyrsha” (Herringbone) is performed

Light up the lights bright,
Green beauty,
Bright flashlights
Light up our faces.
Multi-colored toys
We really like yours
Christmas tree is elegant -
All children: Shine, shine, burn!

The children clap their hands and the lights light up.

Presenter: And the Christmas tree also liked the song, look how it lit its lights. Let's play with our Christmas tree.

Game with Christmas tree (2-3 times).

Presenter: Our Christmas tree is lit up
Golden lights.
And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out. /children stomp their feet - the lights go out/
Clap, clap, say - come on, Christmas tree, burn. /Children clap - the tree lights up the lights/
Grandfather Frost always brings sweet gifts to the children for the holiday.
Let me tell you a secret, where are these gifts made?
Presenter: Are you interested? /children’s answer./ Then listen. Far, far away in Lapland there is a large confectionery factory - “Sladko”. They make delicious chocolates, caramels, marmalade and other sweets. But this factory is not simple, but magical. All the candies, waffles, cookies are talking there. They are really looking forward to being put into colorful boxes and taken to children for the New Year.
- It’s true, it’s true, they are so cheerful and mischievous, and they really love to play. They also love to sing and dance.
- Today is the New Year, I will make sure that everyone gets to this fabulous factory “Sladko”. / Addresses the children / Do you guys want to? /children's answer/
Snow Maiden: Well, on the New Year, as you know, all wishes come true. Come out and I will do some magic.

Children go to the center.

Do you hear, blizzard? Do you hear the snow?
Catch us all, all, all.
And take it to Lapland

Place it near the Christmas tree.

(Children close their eyes and spin around to the music).
The music stops. The house moves out and the lights come on, illuminating the inscription “Sladko Factory”.

Host: And here is “Sweet”. And this is a gingerbread house. Lady Sweetie lives there. Before I knock there, sit down on the chairs and relax after a long journey.

Mrs. Confetia comes out

Mrs. Sweetie: Who is bothering me, who is calling me?

Host: We are the ones who are disturbing you.
Mrs. Sweetie: Why did you return to Lapland for New Year? Maybe you forgot something?

Host: No, Mrs. Sweetie, I didn’t forget anything. Today I will introduce you to the guys for whom you prepare your New Year's gifts.
Mrs. Sweetie: With the guys, where are they?
Presenter: Yes, here they are. Guys, say hello to Mrs. Sweetie.
Mrs. Sweetie: Hello my dears!
Hello my dears!
(To guests): I hasten to greet dear guests.

In the Kingdom of Miracles and Sweets!
Magical transformations await you here
And everyone will find something to suit their taste.

What holiday are you celebrating?

Children: New Year

Mrs. Sweetie: Oh, how interesting, we are just preparing New Year's sweet treats. Do you know what New Year is?


What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
This is the laughter of happy guys
Near all the decorated Christmas trees!

And there are toys on the Christmas tree -
Beads and balls sparkle.
The tree also congratulates
Happy New Year to all the guys.

Santa Claus will come to the holiday,
We are glad to meet him.
Let's spin around merrily
Dance around the Christmas tree.

Here is our bright Christmas tree,

Our whole Christmas tree is sparkling with stars.

Golden rain falls from the Christmas tree.

Oh, how much fun we have, Christmas tree with you.

Keldi tagy Zhana zhyl

Quantumen of freedom.

Kutty bolsyn kuanysh

Kuttyktaymyz s_zderdi.

Song "Christmas tree green needle"
Snow Maiden: And now Mrs. Sweetie, let's introduce the kids to the inhabitants of your Kingdom.
Mrs. Sweetie. There are countless good things in the Kingdom.
Whatever you want, it’s all there!
Very tasty marmalade
Delicate, sweet chocolate,
Flavored waffles
And mints.
Want to meet them?

The children agree. Mrs. Sweetie claps her hands 3 times.

Mrs. Sweetie. My sweet candies, run to me.
1 Candy – child:

I am a shiny candy!
I'm very glad to see you, kids!
Look at the outfit
Caramels are hanging here! (spinning)
2 Sweetie - child:

We are not simple candies, all the wrappers are gold.
Look at us, we will dance for you.
3 Sweetie – child:

Don't look like that, kids.
You girls and boys.
We're afraid now
You're going to eat us all up! Am!

Candy Dance (performed by children)

Mrs. Sweetie: And at our factory, everyone really loves playing games. Do you want to play with us?

Game "Collect candies for the Christmas tree." The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Host: Who else lives with you?

Mrs. Candy: Look at how kind the gnomes are, the jelly beans, and they're being watched older sister The gnome still lives with us.

Sister gnome:

I am the eldest sister marmalade gnomes.

In this kingdom of Lapland, all very fond of sweets. In the holiday we hang Christmas socks and santa claus comes at night until all the children are asleep and lozhit gifts.

I have a lot of brothers and sisters call them jelly gnomes. go out and show yourself.


I'm the big sister of the jelly gnomes.

In our kingdom of Lapland, everyone loves sweets. On a holiday, we hang up New Year's socks, and Santa Claus comes at night while all the children are sleeping and hides gifts in them.

I have many, many brothers and sisters, their names are jelly gnomes. Well, come out and show yourself.

Marmalade gnome-child:

Herringbone green
Fluffed the branches.
On prickly feet
Delicious sweets.

Marmalade gnome-child:

Chocolate candy is always brown.
Chocolate cake is always brown.
Chocolate milk is always brown.
I like brown, don’t you?

Marmalade gnome-child:

Liked the most colors
To me brown,brown.
Because it's very sweet
Each chocolate bar has a color.

Marmalade gnome-child:

Sugar, sugar, sugar
My Cotton

Marmalade gnome-child:

Glass candy
Pink, blue, green, orange
Any color.

Marmalade gnome-child:

Leading: Gingerbread houses,
Chocolate beads
Gummy gnomes.

Chocolate bears came to us for the holiday.

« Merry Christmas"(Song on English)

Sister gnome: Thank you me little friends. I go home Lapland

Snow Maiden: Come play with us.

Game « Feed me mom sweets». IN game play 3-4 parents.

Sister gnome: Well I have to go to his factory, to prepare Christmas gifts. Good bye. Well, it’s time for me to go to my factory to prepare New Year’s gifts.

Snow Maiden: What beautiful candies and marmalade gnomes! Turns to Mrs. Sweetie./ And who, Mrs. Sweetie, will you introduce us to?:

Mrs. Sweetie:

And I'll introduce you to sugar bunnies.
Come on, bunnies, come out
Stretch your legs.

Sugar bunny - baby:

I'm not a simple bunny
I'm fluffy, mischievous
Take a quick look around

Sugar for the bunny best friend.

Sugar bunny - baby:

Winter has a lot of snow,

Little white fluffies.
We gathered for the Christmas tree

In sugar shoes.
Even the nose, tail, paws

the frost doesn't bite us
But still to the children’s Christmas tree,

we want to cry.

Dance of the hares.

Host: What delicious bunnies they must be. Now I'll catch one and eat it.

The presenter is trying to catch the bunnies.

Host: Eh, I didn’t catch a single one.

Mrs. Candy: Don't be upset, candies and sugar bunnies are magical and you can't eat them. And after the holiday I will treat you to candy.

Guys, do you know that we are real assistants to Santa Claus. The New Year is coming soon and Grandfather Frost should come to us in Candy Country to buy gifts. But how will he get to us? (sound of a blizzard).

Dance - parents "Metelitsa".

Presenter: The blizzard is in earnest, the holiday is coming soon, don’t sit down, otherwise Santa Claus won’t be able to get to us for the holiday!

Mrs. Sweetie: In order for Santa Claus to come to us for the holiday, let's invite him!

Music sounds, children close their eyes.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter to the music.

Santa Claus: I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!

Hello, guests! Hello my dear little friends!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I send winter greetings to everyone,
For adults and children,
Dads, moms, grandmas,
For girls and boys.

Snow Maiden : Armysyndar balalar! Salemetsizder me, konaktar! Men senderdi korgenime ote kuanyshtymyn!

Mrs. Sweetie: We are very glad to see you.

Snow Maiden: Take a break from the road, Grandfather Frost, and the guys will tell you poems.

New Year's poems.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

And there are lanterns and golden balls on it.

Good Grandfather Frost brought the Christmas tree to us here.

So that we are on New Year, they danced with her.

Dance, sing along. Stomp on your heels.

Good Grandfather Frost brought us gifts.

Father Frost, Father Frost, you brought us a Christmas tree.

We're starting a round dance because it's New Year.

Ayaz-ata kelip tur,

Bizge salem berip tur.


Zhil kuantty barshany

Toy is a bastalda's masquerade,

Ayaz ony baskardy.

Dad chose a Christmas tree

The fluffiest, most fragrant

Round dance song “It’s good that the New Year comes to us every year.”

Santa Claus: Wonderful song!

Here's what's interesting:
How will I get out of the circle?
Host: We won't let you out!

Children: You got into our circle,
Stay here.
You can't leave, Frost,
Don't break out!
Santa Claus: Let me go, dear children,
After all, I love to dance more than anyone else in the world!
The legs shake and do not stand still.
So let's all dance together, friends!

Musical game "We will now go to the right, to the left».

Santa Claus: There are so many sweets floating around,
It seems to me that I’m just melting!
Oh, save me. Help,
Cool it, cool it!

Presenter: You, Grandfather, don’t be afraid,
Sit down and calm down.
We know how to help you:
Let's start the dance quickly.

Hey snowflakes, fly

And cool the Snow Maiden!

1 Snowflake - child:

We are white snowflakes

We fly, we fly, we fly.

Let the breeze swirl us around

We don't want to fall!

2 Snowflake - child:

And may winter be beautiful

Our round dance is conducted.

We're having fun, we're having fun -

Let's celebrate the New Year!

3 Snowflake - child:

We are white snowflakes

We fly here and there

And the Christmas trees are fluffy

They call us all over.

Dance of Snowflakes.

The Snow Maiden invites Santa Claus to play with the children.
Game "Snowflakes and fluffs". Music sounds - “Polka” by N. Sizov. The players move in a crowd around Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, turning around themselves at the same time. After some time, the direction of movement changes: the round dance moves in the other direction. The Snow Maiden says: “The fluffy snowflakes got tired on the fly, stopped spinning, and sat down to rest.” The players stop and crouch. After resting a little, they resume the game.

Santa Claus: Thank you Mrs. Sweetie for the excursion, we had an interesting time at Sladko.

Mrs. Sweetie: Thank you for visiting me on such a wonderful holiday.

Santa Claus: Thank you, friends,
They amused me.
Oh, how many fairy-tale heroes today with us!
Hey funny friends

Well, jump here!
Come out! Come out!
Have fun with your guests!

Song "White Snowflakes".
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys made us laugh today,
New Year's gifts are deserved.
Mrs. Candy: With the magic of Grandfather Frost, gifts turn out even tastier and sweeter.
Father Frost:

I love children very much
And I give gifts to everyone
But in order to receive gifts,
We need to cook them now.

Santa Claus: Come on, Mrs. Sweetie, get your supplies, we’ll prepare gifts for the children.

Mrs. Sweetie? Of course, I’ll help, because you’re at Sladko, I have a lot of seasonings, marmalades, and chocolates. Come on, helpers, bring the spices here.

(A large cauldron decorated with tinsel is brought out. There are several covered gifts in it.)

Father Frost:

I'll put oranges, followed by tangerines.
And a little serpentine and golden nuts.
The gingerbread cookies are crispy and the ice cubes are clinking.
New Year's stars, cold snowflakes.
And delicious chocolate, I’m happy to give it to the kids!

It’s as if I put everything
Where are the gifts? (looks inside) Oh, I forgot.
We need to put snowballs.
Come on, Snow Maiden, help me, please, bring the snowballs, and I will cook them.

Snow Maiden: Now, now Grandfather. (Carries snowballs and accidentally scatters them.)

Oh guys help me

You will find all the snowballs.

Game "Collect snowballs". At the end of the game, all the snowballs are brought into the cauldron.

Santa Claus: Cook, cook, gifts!
Eniki, beniks, gingerbreads, brooms,
Undy, fundy, chundy - hey!
Brew us a pot,
Gifts soon!
(Santa Claus takes gifts from the cauldron)

Santa Claus: Now we have to go, the kids are waiting for us in another kindergarten. Goodbye!
Father Frost:

I wish you to grow and not get bored!
The teachers shouldn't be too upset.
Well, next year
I'll come visit again.
Snow Maiden.

The hour is coming, the hour of parting,
Let the Christmas tree live in your memory.
Let's say "Goodbye" to each other
To new meeting, New Year!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.

Word from the director of the kindergarten.

Mrs. Sweetie:

Happy New Year mom,
Happy new year dad,
Congratulations on the holiday
We are very glad to see you.

Today is such a wonderful day
won't melt away without a trace
Won't melt away without a trace
Snow Maiden:

We happy holiday this.

We will never forget!

New Year, New Year, New Year!
He brings hope to all people.
All together: Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness!

List of used literature:

    Methodical manual Zerek bala. Music (4+), Almaty kitap. 2014.

    Kupriyanova T. M. Music for kids. Games, songs, dances, noise orchestra. Academy of Development. 2011.

    Yudina S.E. We invite friends to the holiday. Musical scenarios and songs for kids Development Academy. 2002.

    Sound dance textbook (discs).

    Antipina E.A. Musical holidays in kindergarten. Creative center "Sfera", M., 2002.

    Kashigina E.A. New Year's holiday. Issue 1. Development Academy 2008.

    Chupina T.V. Title: New Year's holiday. Issue 2. Development Academy. 2008.

    Antipina E. A. Title: New Year's holidays in kindergarten. TC SPHERE. 2010.

    Zaretskaya N., Root Z. Title: Holidays in kindergarten: Scenarios, songs and dances. Iris press. 2008.

Sweet New Year

Holiday for children of middle preschool age

Exercise - entrance “Happy New Year, dad, mom”


Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you

May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

Children: 1. What a miracle our Christmas tree is!

My eyes widen.

The needles glitter with tinsel,

This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!

2. Everything is silver,

Lush and slender

Only she doesn’t shine with lights!

3. To make the tree perk up,

Looked more cheerful

Smiled at all the boys

Let's light some lights on it!


Together we will say with you:

Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children: Christmas tree, light up the lights!(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)


Speak very quietly

Come on, guests, help!

Let's say loudly, with full force:

Become beautiful, Christmas tree!


Become beautiful, Christmas tree!(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)


Still quiet, still weak.

We all need to shout together:


“One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on, everyone claps their hands)

4th child:

You have become even more beautiful

You have become even more wonderful!

On this long-awaited holiday

Let's warm the Christmas tree with a song.

Round dance______________________________


Now hurry up and sit down.

On this good New Year

I feel like someone is coming soon

A smart one will come to us in the hall.


  1. Winter has come to us again:

There's lace on the trees,

The lace moon is shining,

Christmas tree in a golden hat!

  1. The carved stars are shining,

The lacy trees are sleeping,

They have dreams in winter -

Fairy tales of sweet winters.

  1. Such a sweet fairy tale.

Even the stars in the sky are melting!

There are swings and carousels

And houses made of caramel,

Even pine trees, even spruce trees

In the fairy tale of caramel!

Princess Gourmand enters the hall:

Princess Gourmet:

I am caramel joy -

I'm an inventive gourmand,

I even have a hat

From sweet caramel,

Even the bow is sweet,

You can check it!

Does everyone love caramels?

Mint? Strawberry?

Lemon? Mustard?

Caramel Pepper?

Just Lollipop?

Sweet? Salty?

With condensed milk?

Chupa-chups? Lollipops?

You guys are great!

Let's, guys, let's prepare a surprise for Grandfather Frost, bake a sweet cake... There's a magic ladle under the tree, we also need a big cauldron. Come on, gingerbread gnomes, help, and quickly bring the cauldron.

1st Gingerbread Gnome:

We gingerbread have appeared

From fairyland

Our shirts are sweet

And sweet pants!

2nd Gingerbread Gnome:

We stayed today

on the road all day

we have zest eyes

And the hat is askew!

Dance "In the Gingerbread House"

After the dance, a large cauldron is brought out.


I'll give everyone a job

Don't skimp on eggs, don't skimp on flour

Pour in more sour cream and cream!

To make the pie tastier

We need to put cottage cheese

Poppy, coconut and chocolate

Multi-colored marmalade.


Who's talking?

Came from a fairy tale!

And also add songs and dances!

Mix everything needed for the pie in a cauldron.

Magic words to say.

In the meantime, IT WILL BE NOT MUCH!)

Well, guys, help out, sing a song together (start dancing)!



I am white snowflakes

I'll turn it into sugar!

Here are some sweet snowflakes for you

And eyelashes in the snow!

Dance "Sweet Snowflakes"


Oh, I don’t see, I lost it!!!


What's happened? What's missing?

Tell us what to look for?

We will all help.

Gourmand: (crying)

The most delicious, the sweetest,

I lost my fragrant candy.


Look under the chairs, kids, ( look)

Maybe there are candies in there?

Our dear guests,

We lost the candy

Maybe you've seen her? (wait for the guests' response) (everyone is looking)

The holiday must continue

No time to look for her...

Sweetie 1 (girl):

Go behind the Christmas tree

And look under the branch,

I've been sitting under it for a long time,

As you search, I see.

Gourmet goes to the right, Sweetie runs away, Gourmet goes to the left, Sweetie goes in the other direction and comes out to the audience.

Sweetie 2:

Look at me, all of you,

I'm a funny sweetie

Very fragrant

And it tastes good!

Gourmand: ( comes out from behind the tree)

Well, where have you been?

Oh, look, she's grown up.

And she even spoke.

What a miracle, what a miracle!

Sweetie 3:

I'm not only saying

I dance and sing.

But I have a request for you,

You don’t just need to eat me….


For us there is no simpler request,

Are there any other barriers to fun?

Sweets: No!


Green Christmas tree, fluffy branches,

They will dance near the Christmas tree, sweet candies.

Dance "We are candy"

A cry is heard: “Ah-ah! If only I could make it in time, I wouldn’t be late!” the Sweet Dragon runs into the hall and sings a song from the film “Sweet Fairy Tale.”

Mustard is no good for me

And I run from pepper,

Mustard makes you sad

And I can cry.

I love chewing candy

Marmalade and sweet honey.

Anyone who loves this business

He will always understand me!

Sweet tooth: Is this where they give out gifts? I love this very much!

Gourmand: Wait, who are you?

Sweet tooth: I am from the Dragon family,

And my name is Slastena.

If I smell something sweet,

I'll swallow it now!!! (sniffs the air)

Woohoo! It smells like candy...What do you have there?

Let's all get here quickly! To me, to me, everything to me!

(steps on the candy, it trembles)

Oh, how big you are

What a fragrant

I'll eat you right away….(opens his mouth and points with his finger)

Quickly into my mouth, you jump!


What should we do? Help!

You will save us from trouble.


Hide among the children

Then the villain won't find it!

(the sweets run away and sit down in their places)

Sweet tooth: Where are the candies? How angry I am! I forbid this ball!

I don't want to play, sing and dance!

And in general, I don’t want any of your holidays,

And I don’t want round dances! Give me all the gifts quickly, to me, everything to me...

Gourmand: Sweet tooth, shame on you! After all, children also want gifts.

Sweet tooth: Do you know who I am? You know what I am! You know, how I’m used to it – everything is for me, for me and for me! I'll dine here for the whole year! While Santa Claus is away, we need to keep up...

He takes the cauldron and runs away from the hall.


What should we do, what should we do?

What are we going to treat Grandfather to?

And here it seems he is.

Father Frost

Hello my friends,

I came to your Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

White snow laid the path,

The blizzard helped

Together with grandpa

I found myself in a fairy tale.

Father Frost

Such a sweet fairy tale

Even the snow on the cap is melting,

And a beard covered in icicles.

Children, are you happy to see us?

Children: Yes!

Snow Maiden:

To make the fairy tale more interesting!

And we will give you a song.

Round dance ______________________________________________

Father Frost.

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware.

Come on, show me your hands.

Yes, put it behind your back.

Who will I touch?

I'll freeze those, jokingly.

The games “I’ll freeze” and “We won’t let you out” are played.


We'll let you out, Grandfather Frost, if you dance.

Dance of Santa Claus.

Father Frost

How hot it is here!

Give me some cold water, Snow Maiden,

So as not to melt me.

(The Snow Maiden brings up an opaque mug with confetti, Grandfather Frost pretends to drink, then with a sharp movement “pours” the water onto the audience.)


Sit down, Grandfather Frost, relax under our Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

You sang songs and danced.

But they haven’t read poetry.

I want to see it now

Who is braver here?

Poetry readings and solo performances for children.



Snow Maiden:

We have something, grandpa.

The snow on the Christmas tree is melting!

Father Frost.

Who's being naughty here?

Who is stopping you from celebrating the New Year?


This is probably Slasten's Dragon again.

The guys were preparing a surprise for you, but he ruined everything for us.

Father Frost:

I'll have to do some magic

Magic words to say.

Come on, staff, help.

Give us back the dragon!

The little dragon, whirling, appears in the hall and takes out the cauldron. He cries and asks for help.

Father Frost:

I'm sick! You are allergic to sweets.

Now we have to take you to the doctor.

Sweet tooth:

Grandpa, forgive me

Let me go next year.

I'm returning the pie to you

I promise to be good.

I will no longer - “me, me, me!”

I will be like this: “both for you and for me!”

Father Frost:

Let's sing a funny song to the dragon.

After all, he has corrected himself.

Song "Dragon", the little dragon dances.

Father Frost:

This is how they respected the old man!

I've walked a hundred roads!

I stopped by to see you too, friends!

But the time has come to say goodbye,

You can't do without a gift!

In this sweet cheesecake

There is a tricky surprise.

I confess to your ears:

There's my gift for the children!

(He opens the pie, and there are gifts!

Gift distribution

Father Frost:

Our fairy tale is lace -

Sweet fun -

It's already come to an end,

We need to break up!

New Year's fairy tale

Coming towards us!

“Goodbye,” we say, “

And see you again!”

Snow Maiden:

Sweetly the heart skips a beat -

The clock strikes 12!

Father Frost:

The native walks on the Earth

This sweet New Year!

Together: Happy New Year!

"New Year in Sweet Fairyland"

New Year's holiday for children of middle groups.

MADOU d/s No. 78

Musical director

Batanova Olga Viktorovna


Characters: Adults: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Princess Caramel, Chupa Chups

Children: Sweets - girls, sugar bunnies, chocolate bears, lollipops - boys

Props: christmas tree, shiny basket, candy wrappers, Caramel Palace, large bag without bottom, musical instruments, small candy, large candy, gifts.

The hall is decorated with colorful lanterns and garlands of candies. There is a Christmas tree in the center of the hall.

Cheerful music sounds (the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, music by L. Bekman, lyrics by R. Kudashev), children enter the hall.


What a miracle in our hall!

It's like we're in a fairy tale:

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, all sparkling and glittering.

Just like that, a Christmas tree, a green needle!

Beautiful Christmas tree! Do you guys like it?

1st child:

Our Christmas tree is simply amazing!

How elegant! How beautiful!

High - surprisingly!

Good - a feast for the eyes!

2nd child:

Beautiful Christmas tree, green branches,

And gilded beads swing on them.

1st presenter.

Winter brought us a wonderful holiday,

The green tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung up,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

Round dance “Oh, snowflakes are flying” r.n.m. ( around the Christmas tree)


Happy New Year

And I invite all the children to dance

Choreographer's New Year's dance

the children sat on the chairs.


Happy New Year,

We wish you all good health!

I hear the ringing of bells,

Someone is coming to visit us.

That's right, Santa Claus is standing at the entrance

Shakes the snow off his hat.

Let's shout loudly and call Santa Claus.

The children are calling Santa Claus. Voices are heard from behind the door: “Awww!”

To the music of the song “Blizzard” (music by N. Potolovsky)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.


Hello, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Father Frost:

Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

There are so many people in the hall!

A glorious holiday will be here.

So it's true what they told me

Why are they really waiting for me here?

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year,

We wish you all good health!


Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka, our guys were waiting for you.

They learned songs and dances for the holiday.

Father Frost:

I really like to sing songs. I ask you to stand in a circle and sing a song.

Children perform the song “Santa Claus” by muses. Vitlina.

Father Frost:

I am a funny Santa Claus.

I walked to you for a long time past pine and birch trees.

I love kids, I love funny laughter

I also love to play with children

Game “It’s frosty outside.”

Snow Maiden:

While Santa Claus was playing with the children, look. You lost your mitten.


Or this mitten?

Father Frost:


Game "Catch up with the mitten."

Father Frost:

Oh, I finally caught her.


New Year is very sweet

It's made from chocolate

And from various sweets,

New Year's joys.

Just one question:

Where does Santa Claus get them?


Grandfather Frost, do you always come to the children’s holidays with sweet gifts?

Father Frost: Yes.


Tell us a secret, tell us where you get these gifts?

Father Frost:

Are you interested?

The children answer.

Then sit down and listen...

Father Frost:

Far to the north there is Sweet Country.

Instead of snow there are gingerbreads, cookies, marshmallows.

There are houses made of candy canes, marmalade trees,

There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

I collect gifts there all year long,

Princess Caramel helps me there.

But this country is not simple, but magical.

All the candies, cookies, waffles and gingerbreads are talking there.

They are really looking forward to being placed in colorful boxes.

And they will take it to the children for the New Year.


Is this possible?

Father Frost:


No, Grandfather Frost, we don't believe you. Today is the New Year, make sure all the kids get to a fabulous candy land. Well, at least for fifteen minutes. (Addresses the children.) Do you really want to?

Father Frost:

Well, on New Year's Day, as you know, all wishes come true. Now we will go with you to my sweet fairy tale.

The magic begins. We are going to my sweet country

Magic music sounds.

Father Frost: Close your eyes, and I will do magic.

Blizzard howl

Father Frost:

Do you hear, blizzard?

Do you hear the snow?

Catch us all, all, all.

Take us to the sweet candy land,

Place it near the Christmas tree. Let's go with you children to the sweet caramel country.

The lights go out. Children have flashlights in their hands

Hold each other’s hands tightly and don’t stray from the road, follow me.

Music sounds. K. Khachaturian lyrics G. Sapgir “Song of Chocolates” from the film “Sweet Tale” The lights go out. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden lead the children, walk to the palace in a snake pattern, first in front of the Christmas tree, then lead the children to the palace.. Father Frost:

Check out this sweet sugar palace.

Princess Caramel lives there.

Lanterns are lit at the palace.

With your sweet friends.

Before I knock on the palace,

You sit down after a long journey and rest,

Children sit on chairs.

Santa Claus approaches the palace and knocks.

Father Frost:

Who lives in the palace, show yourself on the porch

Princess Caramel dances to the music

The music stops. Princess Caramel comes out of the palace into the middle of the hall so that the children can see and examine her.

Princess Caramel(surprised). Grandfather Frost, why did you return to the sweet land on New Year's Day? Maybe you forgot the gifts of caramel and chocolate?

Father Frost. No, Princess Caramel, I haven't forgotten anything.

I brought my children here

Brave cute kids.

Show them all your sweet friends quickly

Princess Caramel:

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to have a sweet tooth!

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles and sweets.

I'm Princess Caramel.

Caramels live here. But I can’t introduce you to my sweet friends; an overseas guest, Chupa Chups, appeared in my kingdom, took all my candies and doesn’t want to share them with anyone.

Yes, here he is, an overseas guest.

Chupa Chups comes in.

Dance "Chupa Chupsa"

Song "Chupa Chupsa" music. To Lviv

Guten morgen gram merci.

Here I am, an overseas guest!

Elegant and beautiful

I lean on a cane

I always say: “okay”

I'll be surprised and call out "Oops"

I want to amaze the children

I am the great lollipop"

Princess Caramel:

You really are great.

Even if it's just a lollipop. But where are my sweets?


They fled. Here, only the candy wrappers are left.

Take some candy wrappers and dance with them.

"Dance-game with Wrappers"

Princess Caramel:

You see, Santa Claus, all the candies have fled from my palace.

How should we celebrate the New Year?

Father Frost:

Don't be upset, Princess Caramel. I’m a wizard, and now I’ll fix everything. I’ll conjure, conjure, and turn these candy wrappers for our children into candy. I closed all my eyes and began to cast a spell.

Santa Claus casts a spell, music sounds. With a wand in his hands, he approaches the girls and turns them into candies.

Father Frost:

Look, our children are not children, but delicious and sweet candies.

Princess Caramel:

Oh, really, these are my sweets. Sweetie friends, come out and show me your outfit.

sweets come out

1-I Sweetie: We are naughty, tasty and sweet candies.

Just look at us - how smart we are.

2-I'm Sweetie: We were wrapped in shiny and bright candy wrappers.

They tied bows for us. We are very, very sweet!

3rd Sweetie: Caramels, marmalades, chocolates, lollipops.

We are also delicious, oh, what good fellows!

4th Sweetie: Can't exist without sweets New Year's Eve,

To be taken as a gift - we really dream!

5th Sweetie: Caramels, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate,

We are standing by the Christmas tree, rustling candy wrappers.

6th Sweetie: We, Sweeties, on New Year's Day

People came to have fun.

Aren't we good?

Let's dance our hearts out here.

Dance "Sweets"

Chupa Chups: Oh, what beautiful sweets,

I'll catch you all now. And I'll take it with me.


You catch us first. And then take it!

Game "Catch-up"».

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, you did a great job of delighting us with sweets. Now do some more magic and turn our boys into bears and bunnies.

Santa Claus casts a spell

Princess Caramel:

Here come the sugar bunnies

They're running to our Christmas tree

Chocolate teddy bears

not a step behind

"Dance of Sugar Bunnies and Chocolate Bears."

Chupa Chups:

How delicious are the sugar bunnies and how fragrant are the chocolate bears!

These are exactly what I need.

Get into my bag.

Bunnies and bears climb into the bag. But since the bag has no bottom, all the bunny boys crawl out of the bag on the other side, rise to their feet and run to their chairs. Chupa Chups picks up the bag, but the bag is empty.

Chupa Chups:

Oh, where are the bears and bunnies? There are no rabbits or bear cubs in the bag. Did I let them in here? (He is surprised, feels in the bag, looks at the bag. And it has a hole) Ah, now everything is clear to me, they ran into the hole. Well, I was left without delicious sugar bunnies and chocolate bears. (disappointed goes behind the tree)

Princess Caramel:

Well, I've scattered everyone again

Somewhere were my good friends lollipops - cockerels on sticks.

They also know how to dance well.

"Dance of the Cockerels" music To Lviv

Chupa Chups: Tsipa-chicka cockerel caramel lollipops.

I brought toys for you.

And the toys are not simple musical ones.

Take the toys and play with them

Yes, cheer up Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, come out

Show your prowess!

Stomp your feet harder

Clap your hands more cheerfully!

Father Frost. Hey guys, what to hide?

I really love to dance!

Dance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden orchestra music. "Lady" b. n. m.

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm tired of dancing, friends!

Now I’ll rest and listen to poetry.

Snow Maiden:

No, Grandfather Frost, we have no time to rest, the Christmas tree is not lit.

Father Frost:

How is it not burning?

Snow Maiden:

I invite you to see whether the lights on the Christmas tree are on or not?

(The children stood by the Christmas tree)

3rd child:

There are no lights on the tree - why?

Today we need bright light for fun!

Father Frost:

Ay-yay! What a mess!

Green beauty, light the lights!

Guys, let’s shout together “Christmas tree, burn!”

(Children do.)

Nothing works out

The lights don't come on!

Come on, girls and boys,

We'll shake our finger at the tree,

(Children do.)

And now we'll all clap

(Clap their hands.)

And we'll trample everything with our feet. (They stomp.)

Father Frost :

You probably

Make your eyes kinder

We must say the words like this,

So that you don’t dare refuse!

Snow Maiden: Ah, beautiful Christmas tree!

Oh, everyone likes the Christmas tree!

Please turn on the lights

On a New Year's dress.

Let us stroke you tenderly, (stroke)

Let's blow a light breeze, (blow)

And we will sing a song for you.

The round dance “Christmas tree - forest aroma” is performed

Father Frost:

Now, that's a completely different matter!

My whole soul began to sing!

Everything is now ready for the holiday!

I fulfill your request,

I light the lights on the Christmas tree! ( The lights come on.)

Chupa Chups: (claps his hands, children support):

It worked, it worked!

The tree is lit up!

We will sing and play,

Celebrate the New Year near the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

Yes, guys, let's sit quietly,

It's time to rest,

And under the elegant Christmas tree

Children sit down

1st child:

Mother Yelka to daughter Yolka

I combed all the needles,

I bought fashionable shoes,

I made a brand new dress!

I dressed up my daughter Yolka,

She ruffled her bangs with a branch:

“Get ready to go to the children’s garden!

The children will be very happy!

2th child:

Go baby, hit the road

Don't forget the decorations!

Amazing in a new dress

You will look beautiful!”

3th child:

The Christmas tree came running to the kindergarten,

There are a lot of guests and children there!

I shook off the branches, stood up,

Here is the beginning of the holiday!


Grandfather. The guys want to play with you.

Father Frost:

Play? Why not play?

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands

Yes, put it behind your back,

Who will I touch?

I'll freeze it in earnest.

Presenter:“And now we’ll see! Our guys are fast and nimble, they are not so easy to freeze!” We play next to the chairs.

Game "I'll freeze"

Rules of the game:

Participants stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. Santa Claus stands in the center of the circle and shouts: “I’ll freeze it! I’ll freeze it!” tries to catch the outstretched palms of the players, and when Santa Claus approaches, they all put their hands behind their backs. Santa Claus scolds the caught player a little: “Ay-ay-ay! Santa Claus froze you!”

Father Frost:

Oh, well done guys - they played well.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, make some more magic of yours with a magic wand.

Father Frost:

So this is me in a moment. (Looks at the Christmas tree. Finds candy.)

Shall I treat you to some candy?


Grandfather Frost, but she is so small. There won't be enough for all the guys.

Father Frost:

I’ll now wave my magic wand and make a big candy out of a small one. But I also need your help, guys. Blow harder on the candy. The harder you blow, the larger the candy will become.

We'll blow on the candy

Let's do some magic together.

You, sweetie, grow up,

Bring gifts for everyone.

(He walks around the tree and exchanges the small candy for a large one.)

Look, guys, what a big candy it turned out to be!

Chupa Chups:

Oh, what a big candy, I want this candy. Give it to me.

Father Frost:

Chupa Chups don't bother us, this candy is for the guys.

Chupa Chups:

I want it too, give me some candy.

Father Frost:

No, it's for kids.

Chupa Chups:

One candy is not enough for all the children. You do a little magic and conjure gifts for all the children.

Santa Claus casts a spell at this moment the candy begins to move and runs away, Santa Claus and Chupa Chups run after it out the door.

Santa Claus and Chupa Chups are returning back with a big candy, carried on a sled)

Father Frost: Oh, somehow I caught up.

Father Frost: Here are gifts for the guys. Okay, guys, we were in Sweet Fairyland, but it's time for you to return to kindergarten, and our heroes to a sweet fairytale palace.

The phonogram “Blizzard” plays

Guys, close your eyes, and in a minute you will find yourself in kindergarten.

(Children close their eyes.)

The blizzard will catch us all,

IN kindergarten take it!

Magic music sounds Chupa Chups and Caramel go to the palace

So we returned to our kindergarten.

Guys, did you like Sweet Fairyland? Here are your gifts. He unwraps a big, big candy there, gifts.

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost: Have you received all the gifts? Guys, did you like Sweet Fairyland? Next year we will definitely go somewhere else, but now other kids are waiting for me. Our holiday has come to an end. Goodbye (Leaves.)

The holiday ends.

Batanova Olga Vuktorovna

Natalia Klinushkova
Journey to a sweet land scenario for a New Year's party. Middle group.

Journey to Sweet Country.

Middle group.

Children under New Year's song they enter the hall, dancing.

Ved. What a miracle in our hall!

It's like we're in a fairy tale:

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, all sparkling and glittering.

Just like that, a Christmas tree, a green needle!

Beautiful Christmas tree! Do you guys like it?

(Children answer.)

1st child Our Christmas tree is simply amazing!

How elegant! How beautiful!

High - surprisingly!

Good - a feast for the eyes!

2nd child Beautiful Christmas tree, green branches,

And gilded beads swing on them.

3rd child But there are no lights on the tree - why?

Today we need bright light for fun!

Ved. Green beauty, light the lights!

The guys will shout together “Christmas tree, burn!”

(Children do.)

Nothing works out

The lights don't come on!

Come on, girls and boys,

We'll shake our finger at the tree,

(Children do.)

And now we'll all clap

(Clap their hands.)

And we'll trample everything with our feet. (They stomp.)

You were probably joking

Make your eyes kinder

We must say the words like this,

So that you don’t dare refuse!

Ved. Ah, beautiful Christmas tree!

Oh, everyone likes the Christmas tree!

Please turn on the lights

On New Year's dress.

We will stroke you tenderly, (stroking)

Let's blow a light breeze, (blowing)

And we will sing a song for you.

Song "Christmas tree" sl. I. Chernitskaya, music. T. Popatenko

Christmas tree. Now, that's a completely different matter!

My whole soul began to sing!

Now ready for the holiday!

I fulfill your request,

I turn on my lights! (The lights come on.)

Ved. (claps his hands, children support):

It worked, it worked

Our Christmas tree is lit up!

We will sing and play,

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

ROUND DANCE "HAPPY NEW YEAR" sl. M. Lapisova, music by E. Zharkovsky

Ved. The wizard Frost comes to us for the holiday,

He brings joy and gifts to children.

We want to know Santa Claus secret:

Where does he get so many delicious sweets from?

Christmas tree. Far in the north there is Sweet Country.

Instead of snow there are gingerbreads, cookies, marshmallows.

There are houses made of candy canes, marmalade trees,

There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

Grandfather Frost collects gifts there all year round,

Princess Caramel helps him there.

Ved. Let's go, friends, to a caramel fairy tale!

We will rush there on a fast sled!

You and I will walk along winter paths

And in sweet Then we will get the kingdom.

Music children ride around the Christmas tree on a sled.

Ved. We ran very, very fast,

Where did we end up?

Reb. To the clearing, to the meadow

A snowball is falling quietly.

The snowflakes have settled down,

White fluff.

Song-dance "Oh, they're flying, snowflakes are flying"

Ved. We visited the clearing,

But we didn’t see any sweets there!

Let's get back into the sled,

Let's have fun running down the hill.

Children "get into the sleigh", "are going" sitting listening to music.

Ved. We were sledding

IN found ourselves in a sweet fairy tale,

Princess Caramel lives here,

He has been waiting for us to visit for a long time.

Princess Caramel comes out to the music.

Caramel. Hello my friends!

I'm glad to have a sweet tooth.

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles and sweets!

I have countless good things in my kingdom,

Whatever you want, it’s all there!

Very tasty marmalade

Gentle, sweet chocolate,

Waffles and cookies, jams and preserves.

Do you want to see my sweet friends?

(Children answer.)

Then help me quickly.

(Claps hands): One, two, three!

Where are my girlfriends, the laughing candies?

Hurry to the Christmas tree and amuse the children!

Coming out "Candy Girls".

1st Sweetie. We are mischievous, tasty and sweet.

Just look at us - how smart we are.

2nd Sweetie. Can't exist without sweets New Year's Eve,

To be taken as a gift - we really dream!

3 Sweetie. Caramels, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate,

We are standing by the Christmas tree, rustling candy wrappers.

4th Sweetie. We, Sweeties, on New Year's Day

People came to have fun.

Aren't we good?

Let's dance our hearts out here.

"Candy Dance".

Ved. Which sweet girlfriends!

We need these as a gift!

"Candy" sit down.

Ved. Oh, look, they've run away! Only candy wrappers left...

"Dance of Wrappers".

Ved. Dear Caramel, we have something for you question:

Where did the kind Grandfather Frost stay for so long with his granddaughter Snegurochka?

Caramel. He put the gifts in a bag, and then dressed up,

And in the kindergarten by the Christmas tree I had been waiting for the children for a long time.

Ved. What to do? What should we do?

How can we return Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden to the fairy tale?

Caramel. I'll tell you a secret, Guys:

We need to call musicians,

Let them take the tools in their hands

And Santa Claus will be invited here!

Ved. We have talents, miracle musicians!

Caramel. Here come the sugar bunnies

They are running towards our Christmas tree.

Chocolate teddy bears

Not a step behind.

I really, really want to

Chocolate bears

Help on New Year's Day

For girls and boys.

"Dance of Chocolate Bears and Sugar Bunnies".

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter to the music.

Father Frost. Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho...

It wasn't easy to find you!

They came to your kindergarten this morning

And they found a Christmas tree in the hall.

But the children did not wait for their grandfather,

On a sled to the sweets rushed off.

We followed you -

And now we have found you, friends!

Hello! Good evening everyone!

We are very glad to meet you!

Snow Maiden:

Everyone has changed today.

Look how the kids dressed up!

Marmalade candies, chocolate bears,

Sugar bunnies, mint caramels.

Spin around, spin around

Show yourself to Frost! (Children spin around.)

Presenter: Good Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you.

We dreamed of singing a song for you at the Christmas tree.

Song "Father Frost" sl. E. Nemirovsky, music V. Gerchik

Father Frost. If I'm so good

Put all your hands up

But first for beauty

I'll freeze everyone's noses!

Ved. Santa Claus loves him very much

Pinch children's noses!

Game “I’ll freeze it!”

Ved. Santa Claus, dance,

Show your prowess!

Stomp your feet harder

Clap your hands more cheerfully!

Father Frost. Hey guys, what to hide?

I really love to dance!

Only you can help me

Yes, dance with me. Granddaughter, help us dance!

Performed "Dancing with Santa Claus".

Father Frost. Be careful, friends!

I'll catch up with you now!

(Children scatter to chairs in the hall.)

Ved. Now let's sit quietly,

It's time, children, to rest,

And under the elegant Christmas tree

Children read poetry.

1st child Mother Yelka to daughter Yolka

I combed all the needles,

I bought fashionable shoes,

I made a brand new dress!

I dressed up my daughter Yolka,

Patted my bangs with a branch:

“Get ready to go to the children’s garden!

The children will be very happy!

2nd child Go baby, hit the road

Don't forget the decorations!

IN amazing new dress

You will look beautiful!”

3rd child The Christmas tree came running to the kindergarten,

There are a lot of guests and children there!

I shook off the branches, stood up,

Here is the beginning of the holiday!

4th child New Year is very sweet,

It's made from chocolate

And from different sweets,

New Year's joys.

Just one question:

Where does Santa Claus get them?

Father Frost. Hey guys, girls and boys!

We had so much fun, we deserved the gifts.

Caramel, hurry up, the kids are waiting for gifts!

(Caramel leaves to get the bag.)

Snow Maiden: Rest, grandfather,

And for the sake of my mind, I’ll start exercising.

I'll tell you a secret, guys.:

I have riddles for you

Sweet, pleasant, understandable to all children.

The Snow Maiden makes a wish « Sweet riddles» :

I can be Tula, mint,

Chocolate and printed.

I'm not a bun or a decoy,

They call me... (Gingerbread)

There is such a wonderful house,

The children settled in it.

So similar to each other

Multicolored girlfriends

And their well done brothers -

Caramels… (Lollipops)

In bright elegant dresses

We are always happy to surprise

All filled with marmalade

And nut-fudge,

And also with snow cherries,

And with a crispy, tender waffle.

Children love everything in the world

Chocolate… (Candies)

It's tile, but not in the bathroom,

Not a candy, though sweet,

No deception here:

It's just... (Chocolate)

Caramel pulls out a bag, from which a slurping sound can be heard.

Caramel. Father Frost! Can you hear it?

Someone is eating your candy.

Who's in your bag?

Who rustles the wrappers?

A comic soundtrack of laughter, the Presenter approaches Caramel.

Snow Maiden: Are there any sweets or toys in the bag? (Looks into the bag.)

Yes, a cunning sweet girl has settled there!

She is a great friend to all candies.

She loves cookies, candies,

Also chocolate, marmalade and rolls.

And he loves jam with semolina porridge.

And she ate the gifts at your holiday.

There was only one pillow left in the bag.

(Takes out a pillow).

Such a glutton with a sweet tooth!

Father Frost. Not be upset, kids,

I'll treat you all to some candy.

I just need a saucepan.

Ved. We have one tricky one!

(Takes out "cunning pan".)

Caramel, Snow Maiden, don’t yawn, help Santa Claus!

Caramel and Snow Maiden serve Santa Claus what he calls.

Father Frost. I’ll put smiles in it, (collects from children

Wrappers, candy wrappers from the basket)

Cookie- "fish", (cookies in a bag)

I’ll add a little snowballs...

You need to stir everything with a spoon. (bring a spoon to Santa Claus)

And do some magic. ( "casts a spell")

Phonogram of hissing, gurgling.

Ved. (looks in): Yes!

All the candy wrappers are cooked -

And they turned into gifts.

Father Frost. Get some magic candy, kids!

He takes out a gift and treats the children.

Gifts are given to children using large candy.

Ved. What a beauty! This is how delicious it is!

We will say thank you to our cunning fool!

Children. Thank you!

Ved. It's time, it's time to go back,

And the sleigh has been waiting for us for a long time.

Goodbye, Caramel,

Goodbye, Santa Claus!

Children "leaving" from the hall. Caramel and Santa Claus wave after.

Scenario New Year's party in the middle group

"Sweet New Year"


Children enter the hall to the music of V. Verezhnikov

“What is New Year?”

Perform a dance formation.


Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you

May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

Children perform the song “New Year” by music. M. Root


1. What a miracle our Christmas tree is!

My eyes widen.

The needles glitter with tinsel,

This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!

2. Everything is silver,

Lush and slender

Only she doesn’t shine with lights!

3. To make the tree stand up,

Looked more cheerful

Smiled at all the boys

Let's light some lights on it!


Together we will say with you:

Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children: Christmas tree, light up the lights!(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)


Speak very quietly

Come on, guests, help!

Let's say loudly, with full force:

Become beautiful, Christmas tree!


Become beautiful, Christmas tree!(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)


Still quiet, still weak.

We all need to shout together:


“One, two, three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on, everyone claps their hands)

4th child:

How many different lights are there on the Christmas tree?

You, Christmas tree, have become even more beautiful,

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's start our own round dance!

Round dance: “Around the fluffy Christmas tree” music by P. Slonov


Now hurry up and sit down.

On this good New Year

I feel like someone is coming soon

A smart one will come to us in the hall.

Children sit on chairs. The front light goes out. It's snowing. Quiet music is playing, the Snow Maiden (adult) enters the hall, dances, speaks the words against the background of music………….

Snow Maiden:

Winter has come to us again:

There's lace on the trees,

The lace moon is shining,

Christmas tree in a golden hat!

The carved stars are shining,

The lacy trees are sleeping,

They have dreams in winter -

Fairy tales of sweet winters.

Such a sweet fairy tale.

Even the stars in the sky are melting!

There are swings and carousels

And houses made of caramel,

Even pine trees, even spruce trees

In the fairy tale of the one from caramel

I hasten to greet

Dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles,

In the Kingdom of Sweets.

Magical transformations await you here

And each to taste

Find a treat!

And here is the mistress of the kingdom - the Queen of Sweets.

The Queen of Sweets enters the hall to the music.

Who is bothering me, who is calling me?
Snow Maiden:

It's me, Snow Maiden.

Today I will introduce you to the guys/

Queen of Sweets.

Hello my dears!
Hello my dears!
Snow Maiden:

And now, Queen of Sweets, let’s introduce the kids to the inhabitants of your Kingdom.

Queen of Sweets.
There are countless good things in the Kingdom.
Whatever you want, it’s all there!
Very tasty marmalade
Delicate, sweet chocolate,
Flavored waffles
And mints.
Want to meet them?

My sweet candies, run to me.
1 Sweetie.

I am a shiny candy!
I'm very glad to see you, kids!
Look at the outfit
Caramels are hanging here!

2 Sweetie.

We are not simple candies, all the wrappers are gold.
Look at us, we will dance for you.
3 Sweetie.

Don't look like that, kids.
You girls and boys.
We're afraid now
You're going to eat us all up! Am!

Girls perform the Candy Dance music by V. Popatenko
Snow Maiden:

What delicious sweets! I really want to try them………(The girls run away)

Snow Maiden:

What cunning sweets, they all ran away./Turns to the Queen of Sweets./Who else will you introduce us to?:

Queen of Sweets.
And I’ll introduce you to sugar bunnies and chocolate bears…….

Come on, bunnies, come out

And surprise all the people!

Bunnies run out to the music.

Sugar Bunny:

I'm not a simple bunny
I'm fluffy, mischievous
Take a quick look around

Sugar is a bunny's best friend.

Sugar Bunny:

Winter has a lot of snow,

Little white fluffies.
We gathered for the Christmas tree

In sugar shoes.

Queen of Sweets:

Come on, little bears, little bears,

Chocolate babies

Come out quickly

Stretch your legs.

Chocolate bear:

I'm not a simple bear

I'm chocolate, naughty

Take a quick look around

Chocolate is my best friend.

Chocolate bear:
Even the nose, tail, paws

The frost doesn't bite us
But still to the children’s Christmas tree,

We want to cry.

Boys perform “Dance of Sugar Bunnies and Chocolate Bears” by T. Kopylova
Snow Maiden:

How delicious bunnies and bears must be. Now I'll catch one and eat it./The Snow Maiden is trying to catch bunnies and bears./
Snow Maiden:

Eh, I didn’t catch anyone.

Queen of Sweets.

Don’t be upset, Snow Maiden, sweets, sugar bunnies, chocolate bears are magical and you can’t eat them.

Snow Maiden:

We see that the Kingdom is prospering.

Everything here pleases and surprises us.

Queen of Sweets:

And here is my friend.

Prince Marmalade


Marmalade I am sweet, different

Both transparent and colored.

Eat me guys

I will be happy for you with my soul.

Queen of Sweets

Now listen

About Prince Zephyr,

He's famous too

In the whole world………

Prince Zephyr comes out


I am Marshmallow

And I will say……..

I love you guys!

I'll have some tea with milk.

And a crunchy pretzel.

I am fragrant, snow-white.

And it tastes incredibly tender!

Queen of Sweets

And here comes Princess Gourmand………..

Princess Gourmand comes out. Dances a free dance at the choice of the musical director.

Princess Gourmet:

I am caramel joy -

I'm an inventive gourmand,

I even have a hat

From sweet caramel,

Even the bow is sweet,

You can check it!

Does everyone love caramels?

Mint? Strawberry?

Lemon? Mustard?

Caramel Pepper?

Just Lollipop?

Sweet? Salty?

With condensed milk?

Chupa-chups? Lollipops?

You guys are great!

The Queen of Sweets invites Zephyr, Marmalade and Gourmand to dance.

The Sweets dance is performed

Snow Maiden:

There are so many sweets floating around,
It seems to me that I’m just melting!
Oh, save me. Help,
Cool it, cool it!

The Snow Maiden is seated on a chair………

Queen of Sweets:

We will do our best

Hey, call Ice Cream here.

Ice cream.

I am a cold lover

My house is among a pile of ice

You, Snow Maiden, don’t be afraid.

Sit down and calm down.

This is my big family.

How to help you

We know -
Hey, snowy nights, fly,

And cool the Snow Maiden!

1 Snowflake:

We are white snowflakes

We fly, we fly, we fly.

Let the breeze swirl us around

We don't want to fall!

2 Snowflake:

And may winter be beautiful

Our round dance is conducted.

We're having fun, we're having fun -

Let's celebrate the New Year!

3 Snowflake:

We are white snowflakes

We fly here and there

And the Christmas trees are fluffy

They call us all over.


Snow, snow, snow, snow

Shedding branches

On a birch, on a pine

Snow candies.

5 Snowflake

Frosty winter, blizzard forest.

The snowstorm will gather all the clouds.

Snowy drifting snow will swirl everyone around

And it will lift the house to the roof.


And it spins faster and faster.

Snowflake white round dance.

Frost falls on the branches

On a frosty Russian New Year.


Oh yes snowflakes, everyone worked hard,

They lay down in an even pattern, like a rug,

The trees are all covered with fringe,

The branches bent down to the ground.

The lights go out, the snow turns on, the girls perform

Dance of snowflakes “Silver snowflakes” music. T. Morozova

Snow Maiden:

The thread curls into a ball.

The trees sleep in a sweet sleep.

In the land of winter sweet dreams

Grandfather Frost is walking!

Music is played for the entrance of Santa Claus at the choice of the music director.

Santa Claus enters

Father Frost

Hello my friends,

I came to your Christmas tree.

White snow laid the path,

The blizzard helped

The month illuminated my path

And helped me get there

To the kingdom of miracles

To the Kingdom of Sweets!

Such a sweet fairy tale

Even the snow on the cap is melting,

And the beard is covered in icicles

Are you happy to see me?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost:

Come on guys, hurry up and join the round dance!

A sonorous, cheerful song

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

They perform the song “Jolly Santa Claus” by K. Veselova

Queen of Sweets:

We have something, grandpa.

The snow on the Christmas tree is melting!

Snow stuck to felt boots -

Snow porridge.

Father Frost:

And this, children, is me being naughty,

I really love porridge

I'll play with you

Don't be afraid - I won't melt.

The game “The cook cooked porridge for us” is played.

Santa Claus and the children, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying

The cook cooked porridge for us,

Arranged it on plates,

Who doesn't have enough porridge -

Runs off for more.

Santa Claus is catching up with the children. Play 2 times. Santa Claus dances with the captured children.

Queen of Sweets:

Grandfather Frost, you see how clever and cheerful our children are, this is because they eat a lot of porridge.

Father Frost:

You sang songs and danced.

But they haven’t read poetry.

I want to see it now

Who is braver here?

Reading poetry of the teacher's choice.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, how nice it is on our Christmas tree!

Where, grandpa, is the surprise?

New Year's, sweet?

What did you bring us in the bag?

Santa Claus goes backstage to get a bag of gifts

He pulls him into the center of the hall and says:

Father Frost:

It’s so hard, I prepared a lot of gifts for the kids.

A cry is heard: “Ah-ah! If only I could be on time, I wouldn’t be late!”, he runs into the hall

Slasten's little dragon

Sweet tooth:

Is this where they give out gifts? I love this very much!

Father Frost:

Wait, who are you?

Sweet tooth:

I am from the Dragon family,

And my name is Slastena.

If I smell something sweet,

I'll swallow it now!!! (sniffs the air)

Woohoo! It smells like candy...What do you have there?

Let's all get here quickly! To me, to me, everything to me!

(notices the candy, takes her to the middle of the hall, she is trembling)

Oh, how big you are

What a fragrant

I'll eat you right away….(opens his mouth and points with his finger)

Quickly into my mouth, you jump!


What should I do? Help!

Save me from trouble.

Snow Maiden:

Hide among the children

Then the villain won't find it!

Snow Maiden helps Sweetie hide.

(sweetie runs away and sits down in her place)

Sweet tooth:

Where are the candies? How angry I am! I forbid this ball!

I don't want to play, sing and dance!

And in general, I don’t want any of your holidays,

And I don’t want round dances! Give me all the gifts quickly, to me, everything to me...

Queen of Sweets:

Sweet tooth, shame on you! After all, children also want gifts.

Sweet tooth:

Do you know who I am? You know what I am! You know, how I’m used to it – everything is for me, for me and for me! I'll dine here for the whole year!He takes the bag of gifts and runs away from the hall.

Father Frost:

I'll have to do some magic

Magic words to say.

Come on, staff, help.

Give us back the dragon!

The little dragon, whirling, appears in the hall and brings in a bag of gifts. He cries, asks for help…………..

Gives away a bag of gifts

Father Frost:

I'm sick! You are allergic to sweets.

Now we have to take you to the doctor.

Sweet tooth:

Take your gifts.

Grandpa, forgive me

Let me go next year.

I'm returning your gifts

I promise to be good.

I will no longer - “me, me, me!”

I will be like this: “both for you and for me!”

Let's dance together..

Children, together with the heroes of the fairy tale, perform the dance “Lemonade Rain” by music artist Krasnov.

After the dance, children sit on chairs. Everyone says goodbye to the Little Dragon. Slastena leaves.

Father Frost:

I've walked a hundred roads!

I stopped by to see you too, friends!

But the time has come to say goodbye,

You can't do without a gift!

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost:

Our fairy tale is lace -

Sweet fun -

It's already come to an end,

We need to break up!

Queen of Sweets:

Sweetly the heart skips a beat -

The clock strikes 12!

The chimes ring out

Father Frost:

The native walks on the Earth

This sweet New Year!

Together: Happy New Year!!!

The final song “Where the New Year Comes From” by muses. Verezhnikova

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