Sofia gives birth to 6 children play. Barbara gives birth to six children. Ability to look in adult life

Of course, the Emo culture is not clear to many adults, but it does not prevent it from developing active and stable, bypassing all the obstacles, on this difficult way. In addition, if we talk about such girls like a heroine pregnant Barbara Gameswhich gives birth to six children, sometimes interest in life in such a style, they appear, thanks to their favorite young people. Be that as it may, the character of the game, simply adores everything connected with Emo culture. Make sure that girls will be able to almost immediately, according to the appropriate piercer, on the beauty of Beauty. However, participants do not necessarily love life, which is so pleasant to the girl standing in front of their eyes. Just in search of the application, from among the trendy and modern dressing, it would be nice, pay attention to this stunning toy. But the beauty from virtual expanses, urgently want to change the image, in order to surprise friends, at the upcoming party! A deep evening will go on the night, and will be unsafe to wander through the streets, without defenders. But there is no guy from beauties, and therefore, the wizards should work faster!

It should be noted that in this game, incredibly dynamic music, and many kids will like this fact. With graphics, the developers of the game also did not pumped up, and therefore, to be in the appendix, even more pleasant. Girls like the luxury wardrobe! In fact, clothes like a plan, you can like it, not everyone. Simply put, they usually like only those people who relate to culture with delight, which were said at the very beginning. But this does not mean that babies will be able to find anything that they would have to do.

Yes, and in principle, kids, as well as young people, in modern times, calmly relate to such ends. By drawing up a suit, you need to pay attention to the combination of each element, with the rest. Well, of course, it is more convenient to start, with the selection of haircuts and paints for hair. All hairstyles that are placed creators in this game, exclusively fashionable and interesting. Surely there will be no one crumb that would not like, shoe options for the pretty personnel from the screen. The game contains a giant number of decorations of the appropriate plan for such a modern and unusual girl. Long golfs, short skirts and bright pants. In general, in this fashionable madness, it is easy to find something in its own taste. And what are the dresses here! Amazing shades and interesting length. Just eyes scatter when you realize that the need to choose is given to the participants games for girls about six babara childrenwho gave birth to our pregnant beauty!

Their great-grandfathers played so with a beams of straw: twisted dolls from it, gave names, sewed outfits, arranged whole views. Then there was a turn of real toys, and now - online Games For girls about pregnant women and childbirth. The form changes, and the content remains the same as 100, and 200 years ago.

Ability to look in adult life

Psychologists say that stories about pregnant women and how they give birth, are the second stage of the natural game of the game in the dolls. The first begins at the age of three and is expressed in the imitation of the maternal function. During this period, babies are worn with babies hopes: feed, taucas, bathe, carry in the wheelchair - depict mom.

For years to five to six, a natural question arises: how did the child get into the mother's tummy? Not all moms, but, especially, the dad are ready to paint the process in detail. Yes, it is not required. The version that modern games of pregnant women adhere to the girls in the second stage of knowledge of the world with the help of dolls. Its essence is as follows: the beautiful prince meets the princess, falls in love, the couple kisses, plays a wedding. The young wife immediately rounded the tummy, and a happy family Begins to wait for labor. There is nothing terrible in them too.

In games about pregnant women, the detection process is shown schematically - the mother starts the fight, it is hard to breathe, and after some time, a teaching baby appears from under the skirt. It is assumed to play in them: you need to wipe the pot from the forehead, to correct the hair, serve the driver, do painkillers - free to perform the functions of the midwife. Managing Simple: Actions are made by the mouse, and arrows appear on the screen with prompts that take where to go how to do.

    In the game "Elsa gives birth to twins" helping young mother to gather in the maternity hospital, and after giving birth to the newborn twins, you will be excluded that it's all right. Then, perform all procedures necessary in such cases and take them on the first feeding. Tips will help you. Control

    In the game "Pinki Pay is waiting for a child" Equestrian girl really needs your help. Help her prepare all the necessary things in the maternity hospital, and in the hospital, check the well-being of young mommy. If everything is in order and the birth has passed successfully, take care of the crumb and take it to Pinki. Control:

    In the game "Gift Cleopatra in Water" you should help the queen to give birth in water. So that the child is born safely, follow the prompts. Spent the spa treatments, and then go to the pool, and help the baby appear to light. When you complete everything - take the baby to parents. Control: "Mouse

    In the game "Mom gives birth to the baby" you will take birth at the future mommy. Everything has already been prepared, but you have to measure the temperature, check the overall condition of the feminine and help with childbirth. Born to the baby Running the nose, dug ash and take a waiting mom. Management: "Mouse"

    In the game "Pregnant women: Barbara gives birth" You will learn to properly prepare for the birth of a child. To do this, you will have to visit the courses of special gymnastics with Barbara, and on the day of delivery to assist mommy and her baby. Tips will help you. Control: "Mouse".

    Tear in the opening of a new cafe in the game "Pope Louis: Bakery." You will have to learn the work of the waitress and become the best chef on pie and desserts. Try to perform the tasks and use only the necessary ingredients during baking. Manage "Mouse"

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