You will be happy, I will help you read online. You will be happy, I will help! “Red List” talisman for believing in your uniqueness

Current page: 1 (book has 6 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Natalya Pravdina
You will be happy, I will help!

© Pravdina N., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

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I give you Happiness!

I put all my love for you, my dears, into this book. This includes my many years of experience, the practices accumulated during my work and tested by thousands of clients, and, of course, my positive outlook on life. I am sure that you will be able to absorb my love from the pages of this book and awaken your source of attractiveness, sexuality and magnetism. After all, in order to become happy, achieve harmony in life, First of all, you need to... love yourself! But, of course, I will pay the greatest attention in this book to love. Whatever one may say, without love, tenderness, enthusiastic words, romance, family, a woman’s life cannot be called very happy.

Practices and illustrations will help you achieve everything you need for your personal happiness. They will set you up for love and success, create such an amazing atmosphere around you that any desire will come true. These vivid images will make every moment of your life bright!

So, the time has come to part with suffering and failure and start a new happy life!

What awaits you on the path to Happiness

Now you don’t have to waste time searching for various benefits and techniques to attract happiness. Here is the shortest (and coolest!) guide that will help you become a magnet for other people, achieve mutual understanding and harmony in relationships, or find your soulmate, fulfill cherished wish and will achieve many, many more things. And all this in 15 small lessons.

We'll start with self-love. You will discover enormous potential in yourself, gain confidence and finally notice your uniqueness and originality.

Self-love is the most valuable thing in our life!

My dears, you all deserve happiness. If you are lonely, if you are unlucky, if you look with longing and envy at your more successful friends, it’s time to awaken your inner feminine energy, take care of your image and open up to meeting new people.

Don't forget that your main weapon is positivity! And here you will learn how to cope with difficult situations and treat failures with a light heart.

My powerful affirmations, meditations, and Feng Shui practices will help you with this.


In each lesson you will find illustrations that will help you quickly and easily master all the secrets of happiness. I recommend creating a study schedule. Don't try to master as many practices as possible at once. It takes time to reprogram yourself for a new happy life. So let's take our time.

It is best to exercise 2-3 times a week. I recommend that you keep a notebook and write down the practices you perform in it. After mastering each lesson, be sure to record your results (how your attitude towards yourself has changed, how others began to perceive you, etc.).

You will see that regular practice will not keep you waiting long for positive changes. Right now you can turn your life around, you just have to really want it!

And one more parting word. We have the ability to materialize our thoughts. Once you start to form an image in your head happy life full of love and success, believe me, it will be so!

Secret 1
Get started! From the mood for change

Look at the faces of the people you meet every day on the street, at work, in transport. It seems that the vast majority of them have huge wild cats scratching at their souls. And a cheerful, lively, joyful face is so rare that it is remembered for a long time, isn’t it? Now you have already accomplished an important preparatory stage to your rebirth.

Do you think a negative, insecure person can change the mask on his face from gloomy and painful to charming in the blink of an eye? Unlikely, even if he or she is a very good actor.

There is no point in trying to change something in your life until you have changed yourself. No matter how hard you try to do this, familiar situations and people will follow you until you accept them. Only then will you be able to free yourself from them. Why is this happening? Because in order to climb to the next step, you need to lean on it, you need to use what you’re standing on to push. And our support is everything that we have now.

But accepting your life as it is now does not mean holding on to it. After all, everything in the world flows and changes, nothing lasts forever under the sun. We need to open ourselves up to change.

Let changes come into your life!

If you are afraid of change, it will not be able to enter you because you will be tense. Relax and give time for the new situation to mature. Trust life, trust yourself. Start with your sincere desire for change and do the most best choice for yourself.

How? Every time you are faced with a choice, ask yourself: “Is this good for me or not?”, “Do I like it or not?”, “Does this make me happy?”, “Will this serve my development?” Sacrifice does not bring happiness. Women often sacrifice their own interests for someone they love, but end up suffering themselves.

Thousands, millions of people live as if they were not masters, but guests in own life. They constantly look around at those around them, wait for instructions from above, refuse to make important decisions on their own...

How many people cheat on themselves every day, every hour, pretending to be someone else, hiding their true nature! How often do you do worse to yourself than your most sworn enemy would do?! This can manifest itself in a thousand different little things - from what you eat to what words you repeat to yourself... And what is the result? Unfulfilled dreams, vain expectations, regrets about missed opportunities...

No, this scenario is not for you and me, my friends! Therefore, remembering the classic: “Shine always, shine everywhere, until the last days, shine - and no nails! This is our slogan and the sun!”

When you learn to regularly feed yourself large doses of uplifting, positive, kind words- then you will become the sun in your own life. And not only in your own life, but also in the lives of everyone around you!

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Ritual “New attitude towards yourself”

1. Take a position lying on the floor. Close your eyes, spread your arms and legs slightly to the sides. Take a few breaths in and out. Completely relax your entire body, starting from your fingertips and toes to your neck muscles.

2. Imagine yourself on the shore of a gentle sea, which gently rolls onto the shore with waves. Now mentally imagine yourself in one of the roles:

Pop superstars who are showered with flowers by fans;

Chinese Emperor;

Russian President;

American multi-billionaire Bill Gates;

A guest at the Ritz Hotel in London or Paris.

3. Stay in this role for 5 - 10 minutes, then open your eyes.

Exercise "Shell" for renewal

1. I. p. Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you, rest your hands on the floor behind your buttocks.

2. Stretch your chest and head towards your feet. Go as low as possible without painful sensations. Feel how you withdraw into yourself, turn into a shell.

3. Take three breaths and return to I.p.

4. Stretch your legs again, pull your chest towards your knees. Now you have completely retreated into your shell.

5. Swing in this position in different directions. Stay in the subconscious. At this moment, imagine how you take all the necessary strength from your subconscious.

6. Then return to I.p. – open the updated shell.

Ritual “Finding inner strength for change”

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back.

2. Take the crystal, pointed at one end, and hold it in your palms. Raise your hands in front of you.

3. Close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly and deeply, imagining how the beneficial energy of a transparent crystal completely envelops your body in a transparent light radiance.

4. Say to yourself:

I'm getting strong

I feel lightness and peace throughout my body

My body is filled with the beneficial energy of crystals

5. After five minutes, open your eyes and slowly come out of the pose. Finish the session, stand up and stretch your whole body upward, as if an invisible force is pulling you to the heavens by the crown of your head.

Talisman “Happy Photos” for positive changes

In order for you to finally begin to experience positive life changes, I recommend acquiring your happy photos (if you don’t already have them) and turning them into your talisman of positive changes.

1. Find (or take, if you don’t have) a photo of you smiling happily in the arms of the man of your dreams. With one important exception - if this man is currently outside of your life, and simply put, this is your ex-lover, then without regret we throw away this photo, since we are attracting new relationships, and do not want a repetition of the old ones.

2. If in at the moment such ideal man is not observed nearby - do not panic. You know what type of man you like? Great. Arm yourself with scissors and cut out a prince from a magazine that suits your age and appearance and boldly put it together with your photo.

3. Place the photo next to your bed.

4. Every day before going to bed, “put on” your happy image from the photo. Repeat mentally to yourself:

I love and am loved!

My life is changing for the better!

I open the doors to happiness and positivity!

I accept changes in my life!

I'm ready for a new life full of love!

I look at the world through the eyes of love!

I am gladly ready to open up to love!

The love given to me by birthright awakens in me!

I am happy to share the light of love!

My changes are positive in every way!

Secret 2
Believe me! Into your uniqueness

You are exactly who you are, and that’s wonderful! There is no ideal people– and you are no exception (just in case, check to see if wings have appeared behind your back?). But you change, you grow, you act from the best intentions - and this is enough to accept yourself without blaming anything.

Treat yourself with attention and tenderness.

Now you and I will purposefully adjust your self-esteem in order to bring it closer to the real state of affairs. Namely, to the realization that you are unique!

Each person is unique - and it is this uniqueness that makes him an invaluable part of the general universal flow of life! Each person carries a unique divine plan laid down at birth. And all the features, all the individual traits, abilities and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses human beings - they are all part of this divine plan.

But whether this plan will be realized, whether it will reveal itself in all its splendor, or whether it will remain an unfulfilled promise, an ungerminated seed, depends only on you.

My dear, beloved readers, each of you is a co-author with God!

When you feel a spiritual kinship with the divine, when you feel like you are part of the universal infinite mind, it fills your soul with happiness.

And a happy person attracts more and more happiness and love. And it depends only on you whether you will remain an unsightly pebble, a rough diamond, or become a sparkling jewel, a diamond that adorns this world!

Do you know that the word “charisma” is translated from Greek as “gift of God”? And what is charisma if not a manifestation of a person’s individuality, his unique traits, abilities, talents that distinguish him from other people?

Every person has individuality, that is, charisma, everyone has his own God-given gift!

It is this gift that determines a person’s calling and contributes to his unique success in life.

But why, you ask, is charisma clearly manifested in some people more clearly than in others?

First of all, everyone has their own gift. Charisma can be different. The most important thing is that it is always a reflection of a person’s individuality, which means that in any case it is beautiful and valuable. Charismatic person– not necessarily the loudest and brightest. Agree: a quiet, calm voice often turns out to be much more expressive than a loud and annoying one!

Secondly, a person with great inner strength, shows his charisma - individuality - more actively. A weak person buries his talent in the ground, giving in negative influence environment, – and because of this he only becomes even more deprived of strength and ends up in a vicious circle.

Charismatic people believe in countless choices. There are no restrictions for them. So create a masterpiece from your own life. No one will do this for you!

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Ritual “Belief in your uniqueness”

This practice will help you believe in yourself; you can always be a winner, regardless of the events that happen in your life. Just believe in yourself.

1. Stand in front of a mirror.

2. Looking at yourself, read some previously learned poem or speech.

3. At this time, look at yourself with admiration, imagine that you are already at the pinnacle of fame.

4. Give yourself a round of applause after reading the monologue. If you don't like your performance the first time, practice again until the applause comes out of your hands.

Aroma bath to reveal individuality

1. Take a comfortable position and relax.

2. Take a bath with essential oil nutmeg, adding 1-2 drops to it, or light scented candles, adding 5-7 drops to them.

Practice “Gaining Charisma”

This practice will help you recharge your batteries, gain inner resilience and charisma.

2. Then ask permission to come closer. If you feel that everything is in order, slowly approach the trunk, walking around it clockwise. Try to feel the spirit of the tree and open your heart to it.

3. Lean against the trunk, wrapping your arms around it. Focus on the magical power of oak and calm your breathing. Free your mind and tune into the energy of the tree.

4. After the ritual, thank the tree for the strength and energy received.

“Red List” talisman for believing in your uniqueness

This exercise will help you realize your capabilities, increase your self-confidence and have a positive outlook on life.

1. Make a list of your strengths right now. First, write down everything that comes to mind. Positive qualities, abilities, talents, virtues, successes, hobbies, inclinations, characteristics, interests... Include everything in the list, even not the most obvious qualities. For example, you cook well, or dress tastefully, or are highly organized... Any little thing associated with the energy of success and joy can be a potential source of strength for you! Write down your strengths right here.

For example,

I'm cheerful.

I know how to listen to others.

I'm sexy.

I have perfect figure.

I'm leading healthy image life.

I can play the piano.

I'm successful at work.

I achieve my goals.

I find new friends easily.

If you want to add something else, feel free to add it.

2. Now select from the list those items that give you true pleasure and that you want to return to again and again. What would you do every day, voluntarily and with pleasure - and how would it feel?

Now, from the selected items, leave those in which you feel truly happy. Remember: do people around you often say that you have the ability to do this? By engaging in this type of activity, showing these qualities, do you receive recognition, reward, praise? Do you recall with pleasure the time when you showed yourself in exactly this way, in this particular business? Great! This is what you need – your strengths in action!

3. Now that you have selected your true strengths from the general list, write them down on a separate sheet of paper. Best to use colored paper or red cardboard - to activate the energy of strengths.

4. Then light the candles and place the “red” list in front of you.

5. Re-read it again, adding a phrase to each point “I am unique because...!”

For example, “I am unique because I have the perfect figure! I am unique because I can play the piano perfectly!” etc.

6. After establishing your uniqueness, hang the “red list” in a visible place so that you always pay attention to it and do not forget about your uniqueness.

Practice “My name is joy”

Your name is your identity. Appreciate and love him, put only positive meaning into him. To fill your name with positive energy and awaken your individuality, perform a simple ritual.

1. Take an orange, cut off the top and remove the top part of the pulp to create a small indentation.

2. Insert an orange candle into it.

3. Use a birch twig to write your name on the orange several times.

4. Then take cinnamon and sprinkle a little on the candle. Now light a candle and bring it along with the orange to the solar plexus, imagine how vital energy penetrates your body and your name, filling it with health, sweet aroma and sunshine.

5. Meditate for 5 – 10 minutes, then blow out the candle.

* * *

To consolidate practical exercises, do not forget about affirmations. Repeat them regularly, this is the key to revealing your individuality and belief in uniqueness. Hang a list of basic affirmations on your bathroom mirror or on the wall above your bed where you will see them regularly. Then you will be able not only to re-read them more often, but to download them into your subconscious without even reading, but only by looking at the sheet of paper. And, of course, when there is such an opportunity, repeat affirmations out loud, with expression, highlighting and being aware of each word!

I affirm my harmony and uniqueness!

I am the one and only!

I was created according to God's plan and worthy of love!

I allow myself to be happy!

Secret 3
Remember! Happiness is inseparable from positivity

A large number of negative thoughts, fears, restrictions and grievances sooner or later transform into the corresponding quality of the surrounding reality: troubles, problems, losses, illnesses... But it’s worth replacing the usual ones negative thoughts new, positive, as their number first gradually, and then rapidly begins to turn into favorable changes, amazing surprises, fateful meetings.

The more positive thoughts, the higher the quality of life!

This is the natural law of the Universe. The more we concentrate on what we want, the positive, the more often we notice the endless abundance of the Universe, the brighter and more significant it manifests itself in our lives!

When you feel good, when you are filled with joy, when you laugh, you radiate the energies of happiness, success, love. But you remember, my dears: what we emit is what we receive! That's why good mood economically profitable!

Forget about that “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.” The universe views laughter in a completely different way - as one of the most high levels energy! Laughter not only prolongs life and improves health (yes, this is true, modern scientific research this was confirmed!), but also raises the quality of life to a new level! The point is that The energy of laughter brightens and cleanses the human biofield– and therefore the vibrations it emits.

By laughing, we part with our mistakes and cleanse ourselves of bad karma! We can say that laughter is a kind of energy charge. We use positive energy to replace negative energy. So I recommend taking laughter seriously!

You can take it like vitamins every day. Moreover, without any risk of allergies, overdose or side effects. Laughter is the best prevention of blues, depression, apathy, boredom and thousands of other dangerous diseases.

Laughter and fun are a powerful magnet for love!

Therefore, my dears, I urge you: rejoice every day, celebrate every event, laugh like children and with children, have fun with friends, smile at passersby...

After all, joy is the priceless treasure of life. Fun and love go hand in hand - remember that. When people laugh together, a feeling of trust and kinship arises between them, haven’t you noticed?

Learn at all costs to be a source of happiness, joy, positive events for yourself and for others. No matter what bad happens, tell yourself: “Everything bad will pass, it’s not forever, it’s temporary!”

Consider also this: nothing in the world happens by chance. We are all parts of the same Universe. And all events in our lives, both pleasant and unpleasant, are certain signs and signals of the Universe! It is not an accident or a coincidence that this particular problem has affected this area of ​​your life. This is a pointer to read. A sign that will show you the path to love and joy!

Therefore, when faced with any difficulty, problem, or nuisance, first of all ask yourself: “What is this problem trying to tell me?” Once you start looking for the opportunities that are hidden in any situation, the result will surprise you! Just remember that there is a grand plan in the universal mind just for you and your life. All your requests, goals and desires are present there. And even if now they seem unrealistic to you, and the whole world seems to have turned against you, know: right now something better is being prepared for you!

Of course, in order to attract love into your life, you need to regularly, daily engage in reprogramming your thinking. This will allow you to break old habits and develop new ones. Within a week or two, you will notice that you perceive yourself and the world around you differently. Life will seem to sparkle with bright colors, new acquaintances will appear in it, which, perhaps, will develop into something more.

Natalya Pravdina

You will be happy, I will help!

© Pravdina N., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

I give you Happiness!

I put all my love for you, my dears, into this book. This includes my many years of experience, the practices accumulated during my work and tested by thousands of clients, and, of course, my positive outlook on life. I am sure that you will be able to absorb my love from the pages of this book and awaken your source of attractiveness, sexuality and magnetism. After all, in order to become happy, achieve harmony in life, First of all, you need to... love yourself! But, of course, I will pay the greatest attention in this book to love. Whatever one may say, without love, tenderness, enthusiastic words, romance, family, a woman’s life cannot be called very happy.

Practices and illustrations will help you achieve everything you need for your personal happiness. They will set you up for love and success, create such an amazing atmosphere around you that any desire will come true. These bright images will make every moment of your life bright!

So, the time has come to part with suffering and failure and start a new happy life!

What awaits you on the path to Happiness

Now you don’t have to waste time searching for various benefits and techniques to attract happiness. Here is the shortest (and coolest!) guide that will help you become a magnet for other people, achieve mutual understanding and harmony in relationships, or find your soulmate, fulfill your cherished desire and achieve much, much more. And all this in 15 small lessons.

We'll start with self-love. You will discover enormous potential in yourself, gain confidence and finally notice your uniqueness and originality.

Self-love is the most valuable thing in our life!

My dears, you all deserve happiness. If you are lonely, if you are unlucky, if you look with longing and envy at your more successful friends, it’s time to awaken your inner feminine energy, take care of your image and open up to meeting new people.

Don't forget that your main weapon is positivity! And here you will learn how to cope with difficult situations and treat failures with a light heart.

My powerful affirmations, meditations, and Feng Shui practices will help you with this.


In each lesson you will find illustrations that will help you quickly and easily master all the secrets of happiness. I recommend creating a study schedule. Don't try to master as many practices as possible at once. It takes time to reprogram yourself for a new happy life. So let's take our time.

It is best to exercise 2-3 times a week. I recommend that you keep a notebook and write down the practices you perform in it. After mastering each lesson, be sure to record your results (how your attitude towards yourself has changed, how others began to perceive you, etc.).

You will see that regular practice will not keep you waiting long for positive changes. Right now you can turn your life around, you just have to really want it!

And one more parting word. We have the ability to materialize our thoughts. Once you start to form an image in your head of a happy life, full of love and success, believe me, it will be so!

Get started! From the mood for change

Look at the faces of the people you meet every day on the street, at work, in transport. It seems that the vast majority of them have huge wild cats scratching at their souls. And a cheerful, lively, joyful face is so rare that it is remembered for a long time, isn’t it? Now you have already completed an important preparatory stage for your rebirth.

Do you think a negative, insecure person can change the mask on his face from gloomy and painful to charming in the blink of an eye? Unlikely, even if he or she is a very good actor.

There is no point in trying to change something in your life until you have changed yourself. No matter how hard you try to do this, familiar situations and people will follow you until you accept them. Only then will you be able to free yourself from them. Why is this happening? Because in order to climb to the next step, you need to lean on it, you need to use what you’re standing on to push. And our support is everything that we have now.

But accepting your life as it is now does not mean holding on to it. After all, everything in the world flows and changes, nothing lasts forever under the sun. We need to open ourselves up to change.

Let changes come into your life!

If you are afraid of change, it will not be able to enter you because you will be tense. Relax and give time for the new situation to mature. Trust life, trust yourself. Start with your sincere desire for change and make the best choice for yourself.

How? Every time you are faced with a choice, ask yourself: “Is this good for me or not?”, “Do I like it or not?”, “Does this make me happy?”, “Will this serve my development?” Sacrifice does not bring happiness. Women often sacrifice their own interests for someone they love, but end up suffering themselves.

Thousands, millions of people live as if they were not masters, but guests in their own lives. They constantly look around at those around them, wait for instructions from above, refuse to make important decisions on their own...

How many people cheat on themselves every day, every hour, pretending to be someone else, hiding their true nature! How often do you do worse to yourself than your most sworn enemy would do?! This can manifest itself in a thousand different little things - from what you eat to what words you repeat to yourself... And what is the result? Unfulfilled dreams, vain expectations, regrets about missed opportunities...

No, this scenario is not for you and me, my friends! Therefore, remembering the classic: “Shine always, shine everywhere, until the last days, shine - and no nails! This is our slogan and the sun!”

When you learn to regularly feed yourself with large doses of encouraging, positive, kind words, then you will become the sun in your own life. And not only in your own life, but also in the lives of everyone around you!

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Ritual “New attitude towards yourself”

1. Take a position lying on the floor. Close your eyes, spread your arms and legs slightly to the sides. Take a few breaths in and out. Completely relax your entire body, starting from your fingertips and toes to your neck muscles.

2. Imagine yourself on the shore of a gentle sea, which gently rolls onto the shore with waves. Now mentally imagine yourself in one of the roles:

Pop superstars who are showered with flowers by fans;

Chinese Emperor;

Russian President;

American multi-billionaire Bill Gates;

A guest at the Ritz Hotel in London or Paris.

3. Stay in this role for 5 - 10 minutes, then open your eyes.

Exercise "Shell" for renewal

1. I. p. Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you, rest your hands on the floor behind your buttocks.

2. Stretch your chest and head towards your feet. Go as low as possible without causing pain. Feel how you withdraw into yourself, turn into a shell.

3. Take three breaths and return to I.p.

4. Stretch your legs again, pull your chest towards your knees. Now you have completely retreated into your shell.

5. Swing in this position in different directions. Stay in the subconscious. At this moment, imagine how you take all the necessary strength from your subconscious.

6. Then return to I.p. – open the updated shell.

Ritual “Finding inner strength for change”

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back.

2. Take the crystal, pointed at one end, and hold it in your palms. Raise your hands in front of you.

3. Close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly and deeply, imagining how the beneficial energy of a transparent crystal completely envelops your body in a transparent light radiance.

Natalya Pravdina

You will be happy, I will help!

© Pravdina N., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

I give you Happiness!

I put all my love for you, my dears, into this book. This includes my many years of experience, the practices accumulated during my work and tested by thousands of clients, and, of course, my positive outlook on life. I am sure that you will be able to absorb my love from the pages of this book and awaken your source of attractiveness, sexuality and magnetism. After all, in order to become happy, achieve harmony in life, First of all, you need to... love yourself! But, of course, I will pay the greatest attention in this book to love. Whatever one may say, without love, tenderness, enthusiastic words, romance, family, a woman’s life cannot be called very happy.

Practices and illustrations will help you achieve everything you need for your personal happiness. They will set you up for love and success, create such an amazing atmosphere around you that any desire will come true. These bright images will make every moment of your life bright!

So, the time has come to part with suffering and failure and start a new happy life!

What awaits you on the path to Happiness

Now you don’t have to waste time searching for various benefits and techniques to attract happiness. Here is the shortest (and coolest!) guide that will help you become a magnet for other people, achieve mutual understanding and harmony in relationships, or find your soulmate, fulfill your cherished desire and achieve much, much more. And all this in 15 small lessons.

We'll start with self-love. You will discover enormous potential in yourself, gain confidence and finally notice your uniqueness and originality.

Self-love is the most valuable thing in our life!

My dears, you all deserve happiness. If you are lonely, if you are unlucky, if you look with longing and envy at your more successful friends, it’s time to awaken your inner feminine energy, take care of your image and open up to meeting new people.

Don't forget that your main weapon is positivity! And here you will learn how to cope with difficult situations and treat failures with a light heart.

My powerful affirmations, meditations, and Feng Shui practices will help you with this.


In each lesson you will find illustrations that will help you quickly and easily master all the secrets of happiness. I recommend creating a study schedule. Don't try to master as many practices as possible at once. It takes time to reprogram yourself for a new happy life. So let's take our time.

It is best to exercise 2-3 times a week. I recommend that you keep a notebook and write down the practices you perform in it. After mastering each lesson, be sure to record your results (how your attitude towards yourself has changed, how others began to perceive you, etc.).

You will see that regular practice will not keep you waiting long for positive changes. Right now you can turn your life around, you just have to really want it!

And one more parting word. We have the ability to materialize our thoughts. Once you start to form an image in your head of a happy life, full of love and success, believe me, it will be so!

Get started! From the mood for change

Look at the faces of the people you meet every day on the street, at work, in transport. It seems that the vast majority of them have huge wild cats scratching at their souls. And a cheerful, lively, joyful face is so rare that it is remembered for a long time, isn’t it? Now you have already completed an important preparatory stage for your rebirth.

Do you think a negative, insecure person can change the mask on his face from gloomy and painful to charming in the blink of an eye? Unlikely, even if he or she is a very good actor.

I put all my love for you, my dears, into this book. This includes my many years of experience, the practices accumulated during my work and tested by thousands of clients, and, of course, my positive outlook on life. I am sure that you will be able to absorb my love from the pages of this book and awaken your source of attractiveness, sexuality and magnetism. After all, in order to become happy, achieve harmony in life, First of all, you need to... love yourself! But, of course, I will pay the greatest attention in this book to love. Whatever one may say, without love, tenderness, enthusiastic words, romance, family, a woman’s life cannot be called very happy.

Practices and illustrations will help you achieve everything you need for your personal happiness. They will set you up for love and success, create such an amazing atmosphere around you that any desire will come true. These bright images will make every moment of your life bright!

So, the time has come to part with suffering and failure and start a new happy life!

What awaits you on the path to Happiness

Now you don’t have to waste time searching for various benefits and techniques to attract happiness. Here is the shortest (and coolest!) guide that will help you become a magnet for other people, achieve mutual understanding and harmony in relationships, or find your soulmate, fulfill your cherished desire and achieve much, much more. And all this in 15 small lessons.

We'll start with self-love. You will discover enormous potential in yourself, gain confidence and finally notice your uniqueness and originality.

Self-love is the most valuable thing in our life!

My dears, you all deserve happiness. If you are lonely, if you are unlucky, if you look with longing and envy at your more successful friends, it’s time to awaken your inner feminine energy, take care of your image and open up to meeting new people.

Don't forget that your main weapon is positivity! And here you will learn how to cope with difficult situations and treat failures with a light heart.

My powerful affirmations, meditations, and Feng Shui practices will help you with this.


In each lesson you will find illustrations that will help you quickly and easily master all the secrets of happiness. I recommend creating a study schedule. Don't try to master as many practices as possible at once. It takes time to reprogram yourself for a new happy life. So let's take our time.

It is best to exercise 2-3 times a week. I recommend that you keep a notebook and write down the practices you perform in it. After mastering each lesson, be sure to record your results (how your attitude towards yourself has changed, how others began to perceive you, etc.).

You will see that regular practice will not keep you waiting long for positive changes. Right now you can turn your life around, you just have to really want it!

And one more parting word. We have the ability to materialize our thoughts. Once you start to form an image in your head of a happy life, full of love and success, believe me, it will be so!

Get started! From the mood for change

Look at the faces of the people you meet every day on the street, at work, in transport. It seems that the vast majority of them have huge wild cats scratching at their souls. And a cheerful, lively, joyful face is so rare that it is remembered for a long time, isn’t it? Now you have already completed an important preparatory stage for your rebirth.

Do you think a negative, insecure person can change the mask on his face from gloomy and painful to charming in the blink of an eye? Unlikely, even if he or she is a very good actor.

There is no point in trying to change something in your life until you have changed yourself. No matter how hard you try to do this, familiar situations and people will follow you until you accept them. Only then will you be able to free yourself from them. Why is this happening? Because in order to climb to the next step, you need to lean on it, you need to use what you’re standing on to push. And our support is everything that we have now.

But accepting your life as it is now does not mean holding on to it. After all, everything in the world flows and changes, nothing lasts forever under the sun. We need to open ourselves up to change.

Let changes come into your life!

If you are afraid of change, it will not be able to enter you because you will be tense. Relax and give time for the new situation to mature. Trust life, trust yourself. Start with your sincere desire for change and make the best choice for yourself.

How? Every time you are faced with a choice, ask yourself: “Is this good for me or not?”, “Do I like it or not?”, “Does this make me happy?”, “Will this serve my development?” Sacrifice does not bring happiness. Women often sacrifice their own interests for someone they love, but end up suffering themselves.

Thousands, millions of people live as if they were not masters, but guests in their own lives. They constantly look around at those around them, wait for instructions from above, refuse to make important decisions on their own...

How many people cheat on themselves every day, every hour, pretending to be someone else, hiding their true nature! How often do you do worse to yourself than your most sworn enemy would do?! This can manifest itself in a thousand different little things - from what you eat to what words you repeat to yourself... And what is the result? Unfulfilled dreams, vain expectations, regrets about missed opportunities...

No, this scenario is not for you and me, my friends! Therefore, remembering the classic: “Shine always, shine everywhere, until the last days, shine - and no nails! This is our slogan and the sun!”

When you learn to regularly feed yourself with large doses of encouraging, positive, kind words, then you will become the sun in your own life. And not only in your own life, but also in the lives of everyone around you!

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Ritual “New attitude towards yourself”

1. Take a position lying on the floor. Close your eyes, spread your arms and legs slightly to the sides. Take a few breaths in and out. Completely relax your entire body, starting from your fingertips and toes to your neck muscles.

2. Imagine yourself on the shore of a gentle sea, which gently rolls onto the shore with waves. Now mentally imagine yourself in one of the roles:

Pop superstars who are showered with flowers by fans;

Chinese Emperor;

You will be happy, I will help! Natalya Pravdina

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Title: You will be happy, I will help!

About the book “You will be happy, I will help!” Natalya Pravdina

Together with this book, happiness will enter your home! Happiness to be young and beautiful, confident and successful, loved and loving!

Natalya Pravdina wrote this book for all women and told how, by spending just five minutes a day, you can find true happiness without sacrificing love for a career or health for money.

This book contains only proven recommendations and ways to achieve everything a woman needs - love, prosperity, health, harmony with herself and the world. Not a single extra word - only practices and exercises that the author and her many students have used and continue to use themselves, and very successfully!

This beautifully illustrated book will undoubtedly decorate your home library and make a wonderful gift!

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“You will be happy, I will help!” Natalya Pravdina in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “You will be happy, I will help!” Natalya Pravdina

Remember: in order to remain beautiful and desirable at any age, you don’t need to dress up like christmas tree, it is enough to have a developed sense of self-esteem and unshakable self-confidence.

Allow yourself to enjoy the happiness that you can and do receive here and now. The future will take care of itself. If your relationship harmoniously leads you to marriage, so be it. If not, no big deal. Live in the moment, live in yourself, live in love.

All good things are just beginning for me now.

Note that men feel a woman’s confidence with some kind of fifth sense: “If she is so confident in herself and behaves this way, then there is probably every reason for this.” Men immediately want to understand why this woman is so confident in herself, what secrets are hidden behind this sweet smile, full of inner dignity, and now he is already hooked on his interest.

I let go of suffering and pain. I'm free. I have the right to be who I am.

The most interesting thing is that men, with some incomprehensible sixth sense, begin to feel the invisible change that is happening in your mind, and the relationship instantly changes!

The easier and calmer you feel about love, the easier it finds you, this has been verified!

You must love and at the same time not destroy yourself, not lose your self-esteem.

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