Air humidity in the apartment for a child. Optimal temperature in a newborn's room Normal temperature in a children's room

For a child who has just been born, it is important to create favorable conditions. This is necessary so that the process of adaptation of the body to the external environment goes better and without any consequences. It is important to take care of the room and place where the baby will play and sleep. But that’s not all – the air temperature in the room plays an important role.

The newborn sleeps a lot at first, but all internal organs work with redoubled force. This is especially true for organs associated with metabolism. Therefore, you should not be afraid that he may freeze: even if the air temperature is 18 degrees, the baby feels quite comfortable. Adults may experience discomfort at this temperature level. This is due to poor diet and lifestyle, resulting in impaired thermoregulation.

A person releases excess heat from the body through the lungs and skin.

  1. The air a child inhales is cooler than his or her own body temperature. Passing through the respiratory organs, the air warms up. When you exhale, excess heat comes out. The greater the difference in temperature, the more active heat transfer occurs.
  2. Excess heat can escape through sweat when the room is hot and the lungs are unable to cope. Excess salt and moisture are released with sweat.

Violation of these mechanisms leads to the appearance of the following symptoms.

  1. Dry mouth occurs and thrush may develop.
  2. The nasal mucosa dries out, swells, and crusts appear. All this makes breathing difficult, the child stops sleeping peacefully and becomes irritable. A cough may occur.
  3. Due to the release of moisture, the child may experience constipation.
  4. Skin problems appear. Particularly affected are the areas under the diaper. Irritation, dryness, and inflammation of the skin occur, especially in the folds (diaper rash).

Against this background, dehydration may occur, which requires urgent hospitalization.

The best temperature regime for a newborn

The optimal temperature in the room should be 20 degrees. It is at this mark on the thermometer that the child’s body functions without interruption. It is better to buy a room thermometer and hang it directly above the baby’s crib. In this case, you can be absolutely sure that the created conditions are comfortable for the baby. Don't trust your personal feelings.

In the summer months, you can use air conditioning - it is only important to ensure that the air flow passes at a great distance from the crib. In the summer, you can do the following to ensure that the room temperature is at the required level.

  1. The room should be ventilated frequently. At this moment the child is moved to another room. It is worth ventilating for at least 30 minutes 4 times a day.
  2. If heating appliances get very hot, you can cover them with a towel. To create moisture, wet them with water.
  3. In hot weather, there is no need to wrap your child in extra clothes.
  4. Drinking plenty of fluids will help replenish the loss of salt and fluid in the body.
  5. You can take a bath several times a day. This is both hardening and hygiene. You should not specifically warm up the room before swimming. After water procedures, the child needs to be kept in a terry towel longer so that the body gets used to the set temperature regime.
  6. It is worth abandoning the canopy over the crib and high sides - in addition to collecting dust, they prevent the free circulation of fresh air.

If the temperature in the room is about 19 degrees, then the child can be dressed in a light shirt and rompers, and then the sleep will be sound and restful. It is worse if the temperature is the same or slightly higher, and the child is wrapped in a warm blanket. Young children tolerate cool air better than overheated air.

If the room temperature is low (about 14 degrees), the child's body begins to work even harder to generate the necessary heat. It won't do any harm. Hardening occurs, which is useful in resisting colds, but this only applies to healthy children. We are not talking about children who were born prematurely - for them the optimal indoor air temperature is 24-26 degrees.

What signs can you use to understand that a child is not cold or overheated?

These include the following:

Conclusion: for a healthy child, the normal temperature in the room is 18-20 degrees. If the child has a cold or is premature, then the temperature norm rises to 26 degrees.

How to recognize overheating or hypothermia in a newborn

If a child is overheated, the following symptoms occur:

  • severe crying;
  • refusal to eat;
  • redness of the skin;
  • breathing and heartbeat become frequent;
  • skin disorders (prickly heat, rash).

Signs of hypothermia:

  • hands and feet become cold;
  • the nasolabial triangle becomes blue;
  • the skin turns pale and becomes marbled.

Don't forget about hydration

It is also necessary to humidify the air. When it enters the respiratory tract and lungs, it warms up and becomes enriched with moisture. As you exhale, the air has high humidity. If a baby inhales dry air, then his body performs the function of moisturizing with maximum force. As a result, energy is wasted and the body becomes dehydrated. To moisturize you need:

  • purchase a humidifier or hang wet terry towels around the room;
  • do wet cleaning regularly;
  • ventilate the room.

The optimal air humidity in the room where there is a baby should not be less than 50%. If the air humidity in the room is high, the baby sweats, but heat production decreases or stops, and there is a risk of getting sick. The situation is aggravated by the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls. This negatively affects the child’s respiratory tract - in addition to respiratory diseases, allergies may occur.

Air humidity in an apartment for a child: standards according to GOST and the consequences of deviation from them, recommendations from pediatricians

Air humidity in an apartment for a child: standards according to GOST and the consequences of deviation from them, recommendations from pediatricians

Microclimate determined in the room parameters air. Temperature and relative humidity are the main indicators comfort for the life and healthy development of the child.

For preschool institutions GOST 30494-2011 determines optimal temperature norms from 18 to 22°C during the cold season and 22-24 °C in warm. Relative humidity according to standard tables in winter it should be 30-40% , and in the summer 30-60% .

State standards provide for microclimate standards specifically for kindergartens. At home monitoring of the air condition in the child’s room must be carried out constantly in order to create favorable conditions for its development, exclude disturbance of water balance, prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases.


Optimal temperature and humidity in the nursery

A feature of a child’s growing body is fast metabolism, which is accompanied by increased heat release. At the same time, the process thermoregulation carried out through the lungs or skin. A person inhales air at room temperature, and exhales air heated to body temperature and humidified to 100% .

If the air in the room not enough cool and humid, then heat transfer slows down, and the child begins to sweat. And since the reserves of water and salt in the baby’s body are limited, dehydration can come very quickly.

Optimal temperature range for a child's room ranges from 18 to 20 °C. is considered an indicator in 50-70% . During the daytime during air procedures, the temperature in the room can rise to 20-21 °C, and during night sleep should not exceed 18-19 °C.

Airing the room should be done several times a day and be sure to before bed baby. In this case, the window must be opened to 5-10 minutes.

This microclimate promotes healthy development child, normal metabolic processes, good mood and appetite. Unnecessarily Warm and dry air can cause drying of the mucous membranes, the formation of crusts in the nose, difficulty breathing, and coughing.

Excessive sweating and as a result, dehydration of the body threatens poor digestion, constipation, and blood thickening.

How to measure humidity in a nursery?

You can determine the level of humidity in the apartment, including in the nursery, using psychrometric hygrometer. It's usually hang on the wall in the nursery. On the body of the device there are two thermometer and table determination of relative humidity.

One thermometer shows real temperature in the room (you can find out about its optimal readings). The tip of the other thermometer is wrapped permanently moisturized strip of fabric. Based on the difference between the temperature values, the accurate relative humidity indicator.

Modern Electronic hygrometers have a small body; they can be installed on or moved to other rooms. The temperature and humidity values ​​​​in the room are displayed on the device screen, additionally they can show time and barometric pressure.

Some devices equipped memory function and can record changes in readings over a certain period of time.

Hygrometer must always be in the children's room. The accuracy of the instrument readings cannot be replaced by any approximate calculations using available means. Optimal Microclimate parameters are very important for the normal development of a child.

What to do if the room is damp?

Excessive humidity in a baby's room is as unfavorable as excessive dryness. Too humidified air significantly lowers the room temperature.

Hypothermia a child in a damp room is at risk of frequent colds diseases that begin with rhinitis. If measures are not taken normalization humidity in the room, then a chronic runny nose can develop into sinusitis.

Constant dampness causes the development of fungal microorganisms on furniture.

Toxic spores with the air enter the lungs and esophagus of a fragile child’s body. Hence the occurrence of allergic reactions, general intoxication, mycoses of internal organs. With dampness and excess air humidity it is necessary fight by all available means.

How to normalize (lower) humidity levels?

In order to be in the child's room, you need to find out reason his promotion. To identify source of dampness in the house, you need to attach a piece of glass to the outer wall of the room. If there is a problem between the glass and the wall condensate, which means moisture enters the room from outside.

Insulate external structures are better with materials with good vapor permeability, for example (read about how to insulate walls in an apartment in). Additionally increase the amount heating devices.

With periodic increases in humidity levels as preventive measures you can use common recommendations:

  • Full airing the room three times a day;
  • Insulation of a window opening;
  • Repairing leaks through seams and ceilings of external structures of the house;
  • Installation oil cooler at insufficient temperature conditions;
  • Thermal insulation of niches behind heating appliances;
  • Installation moisture absorbers with absorbent material;
  • Usage household dehumidifiers.

Advice: To achieve the goal (normalizing the humidity level), all or some of the listed methods of lowering the humidity level are used. The main thing is not to overdo it and continuously monitor the microclimate in the child’s room.

We create a comfortable microclimate in the nursery

in winter, when the humidity of outdoor air decreases naturally, the level of indoor air humidification sharp decreases due to the operation of the central heating system.

Dry hot air is not suitable for a room where a child remains for a long time.

So ? To create a favorable microclimate in the nursery necessary:

  • Open windows three times a day 10-15 minutes;
  • Carry out thorough wet cleaning morning and evening;
  • Dilute on the windowsill mini-greenhouse;
  • Arrange open water tanks: vases, aquariums, in places inaccessible to children;
  • Hang up on heating appliances, decorative containers for water evaporation;
  • Use household humidifiers air.

Installing a household humidifier will help fast cope with excessive dry air. Modern nozzle or membrane type devices are equipped with a system for regulating the intensity of moisture spray and automatically turn off when the humidity in the room increases. Ultrasonic humidifier It works silently and safely, so it is convenient to use in the baby's room.

What do the doctors say?

According to pediatricians, it is better "over-moisten" air in the room than to dry it out. When breathing, the child gives up a certain amount of water from the body to humidify the exhaled air. Therefore, the drier the air in the room, the more water the child loses.

At water imbalance, the baby experiences discomfort and becomes restless, as he is constantly thirsty. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat dry out, breathing becomes difficult, which prevents you from eating normally.

Having studied the experience of many generations, pediatricians came to conclusion that you should not keep your child in greenhouse conditions. Air in the nursery must be fresh, moist and moderately warm. With intense metabolic processes in a growing body, such conditions will be optimal for promoting the health and normal development of the baby.

Fluctuations in the level of humidity and temperature in the nursery negatively affect the well-being and vital signs of the baby. Therefore, in the child’s room, it is necessary support air parameters at a constant level.

To do this, carry out regular microclimate control children's room using a hygrometer. In case of minor deviations from the norm, a number of preventive measures are taken to improve the situation.

From the following video You will learn about the air humidity in the child’s apartment:

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A comfortable atmosphere in a children's room is necessary for the health and well-being of every baby. It is not surprising that parents strive to maintain optimal air temperature and humidity at home.

However, fearing that the baby will freeze, some adults try to warm it up by any means, allowing it to overheat through improper actions.

This is why it is so important to know what the temperature in a newborn’s room should be and adjust its parameters to suit your baby.

One of the main features of a baby is the high rate of metabolic processes in his body, even during sleep. During metabolism, a certain amount of heat is released, which requires release into the environment.

In the human body, heat exchange occurs in two ways - through the respiratory system and through sweating:

1. In the first case, the child breathes air whose temperature is lower than body temperature.

Air masses, having passed through the “air duct” and the lungs, begin to heat up in order to carry away excess heat with exhalation. If the air temperature is significantly lower than the child’s temperature, then heat transfer increases.

2. The process of sweating is also important for the functioning of the human body. The increased temperature “blocks” the respiratory mechanism, which is why sweating is activated.

The excretory system of the baby produces fluids that come out onto the skin and remove salts necessary for the body.

As a result, the child begins to overheat, the symptoms of which are:

  • drying of saliva, which can lead to candidiasis (thrush);
  • the appearance of crusts and scabs in the nasal passage, making normal breathing difficult;
  • problems with the tummy, since the lack of fluid does not allow the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to absorb milk (gastric juice thickens);
  • the occurrence of diaper rash - redness of the skin under the diaper and in the folds (this is how the baby’s skin reacts to salty sweat secretions).

Increased sweating is extremely dangerous for the child’s body, since in special situations such severe loss of fluid occurs that to eliminate it, emergency hospitalization is carried out and intravenous infusions are prescribed.

Hypothermia is just as dangerous for a child, since it increases the risk of colds, which are fraught with the most serious undesirable consequences.

Signs of hypothermia in a child’s body are:

  • cold hands and feet;
  • bluish tint of the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • pale skin.

To eliminate both of these conditions - overheating and hypothermia - parents need to maintain normal air temperature and humidity so that the baby feels as comfortable as possible.

You should not rely on the advice of experienced mothers or grandmothers when it comes to your baby’s health. Moreover, pediatricians and neonatologists have long determined the basic physical parameters for a children's room.

So, according to their research, the room temperature for a healthy newborn should be between 18-22 degrees. You can monitor these indicators using a thermometer near the baby’s crib.

However, that’s not all, since the optimal room temperature in an apartment depends on several conditions:

  • For normal sleep and relaxation in summer, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 18 degrees. To prevent overheating, you will most likely have to purchase an air conditioner.
  • With the beginning of the heating season, the temperature in the room of a tiny newborn changes significantly, as does the humidity. If during the period of activity of children the temperature can be within 23-24 degrees, then for sleep you can use an air conditioner to bring the readings to 18-20 degrees (this is the norm).
  • In general, it is especially important to prevent the child from overheating during sleep. Normal room temperature at night should not exceed 22 degrees. In an overheated room, it will be uncomfortable and stuffy for a child to sleep, so babies will wake up and cry.

In addition, the baby’s personal characteristics should be taken into account: some will be able to sleep at 19 degrees, but for other children such a room temperature will seem too cold. That is why every mother should monitor whether her infant’s feet are cold and whether he is wet during sleep.

You should also take into account the fact that the above temperature indicators are only suitable for children born at term.

A premature baby needs to create special conditions, since his thermoregulation is poorly developed. Therefore, the room temperature for a premature newborn is 25 degrees.

It is important to observe the temperature regime not only for the room in which the child sleeps and rests, but also in the bathing room. Some parents are sure that a child up to the age of five can and should be bathed in a heated room. However, they are wrong.

If you bathe your baby in a hot room, then after moving to a cool bedroom the baby may become hypothermic and catch a cold. Therefore, you should not deliberately overheat the room for swimming.

If you want to harden your baby from birth, gradually accustoming him to low temperatures, on the contrary, after bathing, do not rush to dress him in numerous clothes, but give him an air bath.

To ensure that the temperature in the newborn’s room corresponds to optimal levels, you need to determine what “weather” is most suitable for your baby. You don’t have to worry about overheating and hypothermia if:

  • the child feels normal and behaves calmly during sleep;
  • the child’s skin is dry, no redness is observed;
  • the child’s limbs are warm, he is not covered with goosebumps;
  • breathing and heartbeat are not too rapid.

When the air temperature differs significantly from standard values, it is necessary to immediately begin optimizing the home microclimate.

Your actions will depend on how many degrees in the room are too much or too little.

If your home is hot and stuffy, you can:

  • regularly ventilate the room (3-4 times a day), taking the child to another room at this time or going for a walk with him;
  • install the air conditioner away from the child - in another room or at a distance from the baby (he should not fall under the directed air jets of the air conditioner);
  • radiators blazing with heat are covered with thick blankets, blankets, and blankets that retain the heat inside;
  • remove excess clothing from an infant - you can leave the baby in one diaper;
  • Constantly supplement the child with water to prevent overheating and reduce the risk of dehydration;
  • bathe your baby in slightly cool water more often;
  • get rid of various bedside canopies, which not only serve as a dust collector, but also interfere with heat transfer.

If the temperature is low and the child is cold, it is necessary to purchase a heater that cannot be placed next to the crib in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

If the room temperature exceeds 20 degrees, in addition to turning on the air conditioner, it is necessary to monitor the “suit” of the infant. There is no need to put on a hat and socks; a regular undershirt will suffice, and a bodysuit is best.

Since a baby wrapped in diapers cannot warm up by moving, it is necessary to dress him a little warmer to avoid hypothermia.

It is believed that swaddling somewhat disrupts natural heat transfer, so the child is definitely not in danger of overheating.

The child also practically does not move in his sleep, which is why he is usually covered additionally, but first you need to check the temperature regime. At temperatures above 18 degrees, cotton blankets are not recommended.

Remember that in a room where the air conditioner is running, and you are a little cool, the child, on the contrary, is warm and comfortable.

Before dressing him in numerous clothes, touch his limbs - if they are warm, then the baby is warm. If the skin is reddish and moist, then the child is hot.


Another important indicator of a normal microclimate is air humidity.

Most often, the apartment is quite dry, especially with the beginning of the heating season. This is why parents need to maintain ideal humidity - around 50-70 percent.

You can find out its indicators using a special device.

If the air is too dry, you can correct the situation by purchasing a high-quality humidifier. Can't buy an automatic device? Increase your humidity levels with these old grandma techniques:

  • place jars or basins of water around the crib;
  • install an open aquarium next to the child;
  • hang wet towels on the radiators.

So, the optimal temperature in the room of a healthy newborn usually does not exceed 18-20 degrees. Ideal humidity levels range from 50 to 70 percent.

Such parameters are important for the well-being, mood and health of the little person. It is in your power to create for him the best conditions for normal growth and development!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Having been discharged from the maternity hospital, a caring mother tries in every possible way to protect her baby, creating him comfort and coziness in the house. After all, he seems such a defenseless, fragile creature. Is it possible to overdo it and even harm the baby with your actions? Let's talk about the air temperature in the newborn's room.

Room temperature and baby's health

Why does the question even arise, what should be the temperature in the room for a newborn? The fact is that we all know the fact that the thermoregulation of a child’s body is imperfect. This means that the baby can easily become cold or overheated.

Often parents, as well as grandparents, try to wrap the newborn warmer and warm the room with portable heaters if, as they think, the room is cold. At the same time, the windows in a child’s bedroom are often sealed so that someone does not accidentally “let the cold in.”

Dear parents, remember: The proverb “a pair of bones doesn’t break” is in no way applicable in this situation. It is much more dangerous for a little person to overheat than to overcool! And here's why.

In infancy, a baby’s body produces a lot of heat due to intensive metabolism. He needs to get rid of this heat either through the lungs or through the skin.

If the room temperature is 18-20 o C, then cool air, figuratively speaking, gives it the opportunity to lose heat. But if the room temperature is much higher, for example, in the summer heat, the body has nowhere to give off heat. And then the child begins to actively sweat. The baby's skin becomes wet and salty, which can lead to dehydration, and in infancy this is very, very dangerous.

The baby should sleep in optimal and comfortable conditions

If there is not enough water in the body

Overheating and, as a consequence, dehydration, indirectly or directly causes the following problems:

  • diaper rash;
  • flatulence (due to a lack of fluid, intestinal juices thicken);
  • dry crusts in the nose;
  • dry nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • thrush in the mouth.

The other extreme is when it's too cold. The baby has not yet learned to generate heat using the mechanism of muscle tremors. Therefore, there are situations when a child runs the risk of hypothermia, even if the room is not very cold. It is important to remember that the baby’s limbs freeze faster, but the back, head and neck can quickly overheat.

From all of the above, we conclude that the optimal room temperature for newborns is 18-20 o C, but not higher than 22 o C. At the same time, the child should not be cold. The golden mean is achieved through the clothes on the baby.

However, there is no need to dress the baby like a cabbage. Moreover, it is useful to give your baby air baths for a few minutes before feeding and when changing a diaper.

Importance of Humidity

Humidity is another important factor on which the health and well-being of the baby depends. In a children's room, the ideal humidity is 50-55%.

When humidity levels are too high, fungi and mold actively multiply, which leads to respiratory diseases. With insufficient humidity, other pathological conditions occur:

  1. The child's skin dries out and peels. There is a risk of developing atopic dermatitis.
  2. The mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, drying out, become susceptible to all kinds of infections. The baby may grunt, sniffle, or have difficulty sucking the breast or bottle.
  3. Dry air increases the risk of developing allergic diseases.

Studies conducted in the USA have shown that humidity in the range of 40-60% significantly reduces the viability of the influenza virus in the air.

In view of the above, we draw a second important conclusion: parents need to monitor the humidity levels in the children's room. This can be done in different ways:

  • do wet cleaning;
  • start an aquarium with fish;
  • buy decorative fountains;
  • buy a humidifier.

I would like to say a few words about the last method. Household humidifiers come in steam and ultrasonic types. The latter are quieter and safer. Humidifiers with a hygrometer make it possible to create and control the desired humidity.

We have seen that parents can help their child grow up healthy by creating a comfortable temperature and humidity in the baby's room from birth. Let your children grow up healthy.

When assessing the air parameters in a home, most people first of all pay attention to its temperature, forgetting about such an important indicator as humidity. The subjective sensation of heat or cold, general well-being, the condition of plants and the safety of many household items depend on it. Let's figure out what the norm of air humidity in the apartment is, and also find out what it affects.

The humidity indicator reflects the degree of saturation of the air with water vapor. It can be absolute and relative. In the first case, it is determined how many grams of moisture are contained in 1 cubic meter of air. In the second, the percentage ratio of the actual amount of water in the atmosphere (absolute indicator) and the maximum possible at a given temperature is calculated.

When using such a concept as the norm of humidity in an apartment, a relative indicator is implied. This parameter largely determines the comfort of the indoor microclimate. Both the person and the home environment suffer from too much or too little humidity.

Dry indoor air provokes increased moisture loss through the skin and respiratory tract. This can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • decreased elasticity of hair, nails and skin, accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, wrinkles, peeling, dermatitis;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the symptoms of which are itching, redness, and a feeling of “sand”;
  • thickening of the blood, leading to a slowdown in blood circulation, weakness, headaches, decreased performance, and increased stress on the heart;
  • an increase in the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, causing a slowdown in digestion;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which results in a weakening of local immunity and an increase in the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections;
  • an increase in the amount of respiratory allergens in the atmosphere, which normally should be bound by liquid droplets.

Excess moisture in the air creates acceptable conditions for the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria. As a result, residents of the house may encounter:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, bronchitis, asthma, allergies;
  • feeling of stuffiness or dampness in the room;
  • unpleasant odor due to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • increasing the drying time of washed laundry.

Excessive or insufficient amount of moisture has a bad effect on the condition of home furnishings. Plants dry out or begin to rot, wooden furniture and parquet floors become deformed or “shrink,” paintings fade, paper products lose their structure.

Factors affecting humidity

The main factor that affects air humidity is its temperature. The warmer it is, the greater the amount of water vapor it can maximum accommodate, and vice versa. But when assessing relative humidity, an inverse relationship applies: the warmer the air, the lower its relative humidity will be for the same volume of water vapor contained in it. Therefore, airing in winter makes the air fresher, but less humid. The optimal temperature is considered to be 18-22 ºC.

Water vapor is “taken” from the air in the room:

  • any heating devices;
  • air conditioner;
  • interior items, especially upholstered furniture, toys, carpets.

Any sources of water and steam lead to an increase in relative humidity:

  • aquarium;
  • indoor plants;
  • wet laundry;
  • containers with boiling water (saucepan, kettle);
  • leaking roof;
  • faulty water pipes and plumbing.

Standard indicators

Let's figure out what air humidity is considered normal in an apartment. It depends on the purpose of the premises and the time of year.

Humidity standards for housing:

  • warm period - 30-60%, maximum allowable - 65% (for certain regions with high humidity, this standard can be increased to 75%);
  • cold period – 30-45%, maximum permissible – 60%.

Relative air humidity is not standardized in auxiliary rooms - bathroom, toilet, corridor, pantry and others.

Standards for plants and interior items:

  • for furniture and antiques – 40-60%;
  • for equipment – ​​45-60%
  • for books – 30-65%;
  • for plants – tropical – 80-95%, subtropical – 75-80%, others – 40-70%.

What is the normal level of relative humidity in the apartment where the child lives? Since the intensity of heat exchange processes is increased in young children, they are especially sensitive to non-compliance with microclimate parameters. Ideal air humidity in a children's room is 50-70%. If a child is sick with ARVI or an infectious pathology, then this parameter should not be allowed to decrease below 60%.

To maintain optimal humidity levels, it is often recommended to install humidifiers

Important: During the heating season, air humidity drops to 15-20%. It definitely needs to be raised, especially if there are children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers in the house.

How to measure relative humidity?

Knowing what the optimal air humidity in an apartment should be, it’s worth deciding how it can be measured. The most rational way is to use a special device - a hygrometer.

There are several types of devices - electrical, chemical, condensation, hair and others. There is no need to purchase an expensive professional device for an apartment. The simplest hygrometer with an error of 3-5% is enough. It is often combined with a clock and a thermometer. It is important to place the hygrometer away from sources of moisture and heat.

You can determine humidity using alternative methods - a glass of water, an Assmann table and a fir cone.

Glass of water

Pour water into a glass and cool it to 3-5 ºС. To do this, just put the vessel in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Next, you need to place the glass on the table away from the radiator and watch it for 5 minutes. At the same time, condensation forms on its walls due to temperature differences. Possible results:

  • the glass has dried within a few minutes – the humidity is reduced;
  • the walls remained fogged - the microclimate parameters were normal;
  • Streams of water flowed down the glass - there was too much moisture in the air.

Assmann table

The Assmann table is designed to determine humidity using a psychrometer - an instrument consisting of two thermometers - a regular one and one with a humidification device. Its likeness can be made at home. You must first measure the temperature in the room with a regular alcohol thermometer and write down its value. Then you should wrap its end with a damp cloth. After 5 minutes, the temperature must be measured again. It should go down.

Next you need to look at the Assmann table. The readings of the “dry” thermometer are located vertically, and the temperature difference is located horizontally. Having seen the desired values, you should find their intersection. This will be an indicator of relative humidity.

fir cone

Note: Indirect signs of low indoor air humidity are drying out the tips of plant leaves and electrical discharges emanating from synthetic clothing.

Humidity regulation

At any time of the year, normal air humidity in the apartment should be no less than 30-40% and no higher than 65%. How to regulate it?

Ways to reduce humidity:

  • frequent ventilation of premises;
  • installation of exhaust fans;
  • use of dehumidifiers and climate control systems;
  • timely repair of water pipes and plumbing fixtures;
  • use of heaters and air conditioners;
  • refusal to dry clothes in the room;
  • installation .
  • purchasing an aquarium or decorative fountain;
  • minimal use of heater and air conditioner;
  • hanging wet towels on radiators;
  • periodically spraying water from a spray bottle;
  • use - steam, ultrasonic or traditional;
  • regular wet cleaning;
  • growing a large number of indoor flowers.

Air humidity in a house is an important parameter that affects both the well-being of its inhabitants and interior items. Normally, this figure ranges from 40 to 60%. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in rooms where children and people with respiratory diseases spend most of their time. To regulate the moisture concentration in the air, it is convenient to use household humidifiers and dehumidifiers.


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Benefits and features of using kefir face mask Frozen kefir for face

Facial skin needs regular care. These are not necessarily salons and “expensive” creams; often nature itself suggests a way to preserve youth...

DIY calendar as a gift
DIY calendar as a gift

In this article we will offer ideas for calendars that you can make yourself. A calendar is usually a necessary purchase....

Basic and insurance - two components of your pension from the state What is a basic old-age pension
Basic and insurance - two components of your pension from the state What is a basic old-age pension

Every working citizen understands that he will not be able to work all his life and that he must think about retirement. The main criterion that...