Anorexia VKontakte group. “I’ve always been chubby”: confessions of participants in the public “Typical anorexic. naive question about anorexia

Ten years ago, Rachel Farrukh and Rod Edmondson were a beautiful, healthy couple. They met at a fitness club where Rachel was a client and Rod was a personal trainer. The girl was 27 years old. With a height of 170 cm, she weighed 57 kg.

At some point, Rachel decided that she would look better if she dried out her abs. An innocent, at first glance, desire turned out to be the fact that at the age of 37 the woman began to weigh 18 kg.

It looks creepy. So much so that you want to look away from Rachel, as if from a corpse. Meanwhile, she is alive.


Rachel can't walk on her own. Her husband quit his job to look after her.


Once upon a time, these two looked like a cheerful, energetic couple.

Photo: facebook,

Now Rachel complains that her brain is working much slower than she would like.

Photo:, casian

Any article about this unfortunate woman is accompanied by praises for her loving husband, who abandoned not her, but his job, because Rachel needs constant care.


By inertia, I also wanted to join the harmonious chorus of those praising the selfless Rod, and I even started writing a post called “Love for an anorexic.”

But then suddenly my signature flashed through my head: “Wait a minute!”

And where, exactly, was this personal trainer looking when his beloved was literally drying up? What made a slender, active, healthy girl turn herself into a barely alive creature peeing and pooping in diapers?

Photo:, casian.

Isn't it the fact that her beloved trainer was staring at asses in his rocking chair? Or maybe he, in the presence of Rachel, sang the praises of fitness divas with six-pack bellies?

It’s quite obvious to me that Rachel went into weight loss because of her complexes, but where was her husband at that moment? Why did he allow a situation in which a woman nearby was dying from self-doubt?

Look how beautiful Rachel was and what she has become.

Photo:, casian

Girls, now - attention: I’ll tell you something important.

If you feel ugly next to a man, know: this is not your man. He's not right for you. Run away from him.

Have you ever had situations when your complexes worsened during a relationship with some man? How did it end? Tell us.

Four stories about those who are ready to die for a slim body

Photo: From the personal archive of the hero of the publication

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They call each other butterflies and wear a red thread on their wrist. They consider protruding collarbones and matchstick legs to be the standard of beauty. They “cut themselves” as punishment for failure - an extra slice of orange and tea with a spoonful of sugar. They know that they can die, but this does not scare them. They are afraid of one thing - getting better. They are anorexic.

If you ask a passerby who an anorexic is, nine out of ten people will answer approximately the same: “A painfully thin girl.” Sometimes they add terrible details: “Half-bald, with bruises covering half her face and purple nails.” But protruding bones are not the main sign of an eating disorder. Fat women also worship the cult of thinness.

The anorexic is obsessed with food, dieting and calorie counting. She cannot eat a piece of cake even on her birthday without remorse. And if he allows himself to “cheat” (that’s what girls call planned “gluttony” to speed up metabolism), then he goes hungry or goes to the toilet to “cleanse”.

The sick girl has a calculator in her head: she will tell you how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in any type of cottage cheese and explain why those who are losing weight should not eat grapes. The butterfly's motto is: "Good girls don't eat." They feed those around them. Anorexic women love to cook and get angry when loved ones refuse fatty, high-calorie foods.

If relatives do not want to eat, the patient may become aggressive - even hit, explains psychologist Nina Muratova. – An anorexic woman is subconsciously afraid that the same thing will happen to people dear to her as to her. She willingly goes to the stove. In order not to break down, he chews sugar-free gum or washes down his hunger with water. He even gets perverted pleasure, admiring his iron will. But patience is not unlimited - in most cases, anorexia turns into compulsive overeating. This is uncontrolled gluttony, in which there is no feeling of fullness and no understanding of what you are eating. The patient may swallow an incredible amount of food at once and become hysterical. She gets no pleasure from this - she only reproaches herself and suffocates from the heaviness in her stomach. As a result, the girl not only regains the lost kilograms, but also becomes fuller than she was before the diet.

“I was chewing coffee and realized that something hard was rolling around in my mouth. My tooth"

Anya (all names have been changed for ethical reasons) from St. Petersburg. She is 20 years old. We met her in a group of anorexics on VKontakte - there the girl is “motivated” by photographs of skinny women her age. We communicate via Skype. She is afraid to name her weight - she writes a three-digit number in a notebook. 108 kilograms. Two years ago the girl weighed 43:

Now even “my friends” call me a former anorexic. Those close to me think that I have “over-treated”. I became a kolobok again - that’s how they teased me at school. In the 11th grade I gained weight to 60 kg. She didn’t feel especially complex, didn’t react to ridicule, and then... Classmates discussed graduation, sewed outfits. And I thought that I would “make” these rich beauties - I would become the queen of the ball. I’ll come light, airy and make a splash.

I chose a dress, I needed to lose ten kilograms to wear it, and there was little time left. I typed “extreme diets” into the search bar and realized that I didn’t understand all the calories and carbohydrates there. I decided to just starve. At first she was dying from the desire to eat - she chewed air and water. On the fourth day, my appetite disappeared completely. Lucky.

For graduation, the hooks on the dress were fastened loosely. I didn’t become queen, but that didn’t matter anymore. I was waiting for the morning to binge eat. I got up at five o’clock, put scrambled eggs on a plate and... couldn’t swallow a single piece. It clicked in my head: you can be even slimmer, even more beautiful. I was no longer hungry, but I ate like in a concentration camp: half an orange and an egg for the whole day.

When I reached 43 kilograms, my hair and nails decided that we were not on our way. One day I was chewing coffee and realized that something hard was rolling around in my mouth. My tooth. I felt a tickle in my stomach - creepy and sweet. I think: now I can eat. I went to the store and bought a sponge cake. She took out a teaspoon, then thought and took a tablespoon. There was no cake after 15 minutes. I ran to the grocery store again and brought 12 pies. Then I no longer had the strength to go out, I crawled to the refrigerator and took a bucket of sauerkraut (I can’t stand it!).

That's it. Now I always eat. I eat when I'm hungry and when there's nothing to do. I look at photos of skinny people, eat again and cry. Sometimes I take out my prom dress - even my paw can’t fit into it. I will still be slim at any cost. You know, fasting is not at all difficult. You just have to start.

“I drew a silhouette of Plisetskaya and tried to squeeze into it”

So where does it all begin? What pushes girls to “improve”?

In my practice, most often I have encountered girls whose illness is a cry for help: “Notice me, notice me!” says Nina Muratova. – Teenagers do not know how to attract the attention of parents and peers. They find what they think is a wonderful way - to lose weight to the point of dystrophy. Such patients categorically do not want to gain weight, because their ultimate goal is not an ideal figure, but pity from others. In essence, it is a slow, conscious suicide. It is difficult to correct behavior in such cases. It’s a little easier to work with those who lose weight “watching TV.” Beauty standards have been imposed on girls. This is the problem of mass culture - either 90-60-90, or cry in the corner. So much has been written/spoken about this, but disembodied creatures are still walking along the podium. But many in the process of treatment realize how mistaken they were. It’s the same with anorexics in love – there are a lot of them, but they are recovering well.

“I’m a victim of love and circumstances,” 19-year-old Sonya rolls her eyes. Laughs so as not to strain the chest - it hurts under any load. We contact the girl via Skype. Recently they were allowed to bring a laptop into the ward of a private Novosibirsk clinic - only those who are recovering can establish “contact with the world”:

My classmates were losing weight for boys. They just whined: “What kind of Poles I have, look at my stomach.” But I didn’t consider myself fat, I didn’t pay attention to my peers. My hero turned forty. He taught at an art school where I tried to become a great painter. Talented, nervous, with graceful fingers, very thin - how can you not fall in love?

My Romeo once brought a portrait of Plisetskaya to class and said: “She is ideal. A woman must be fragile to inspire an artist.” He glanced sideways at me (or it seemed?) and snorted. At home, I lay down in front of the TV and began stupidly flicking through the channels: there’s a skinny girl, there’s a tall one, there’s a blonde one. I wanted to become the same, to get closer to the Muse.

I found out Plisetskaya’s parameters and drew her life-size silhouette on the wall. I tried to squeeze in - somewhere. I began to lose weight: I simply reduced the number of calories. She didn’t eat even 30 percent of the norm of 1500, and before Plisetskaya it was like before the gods of Olympus. I hung her motto above the bed: “Don’t eat!” And she didn’t eat. It became not only pale, but blue. Everyone around was twirling their finger at his temple, and his beloved especially appreciated the efforts. Said: “A woman should have skin the color of a May rose, not a rotten mushroom.” But I didn’t care anymore. I wanted only one thing – to see the number on the scales less than yesterday. If she gained weight, she punished herself with hunger. At first she drank water, then she began to do without it. She was incredibly proud of herself, but when she “got into Plisetskaya,” she felt devastated.

By that time, all my friends had abandoned me, my parents were off their feet trying to find an intelligent doctor. I just called my mom and said: “If you don’t take me to the clinic now, I’ll jump off the ninth floor.” In the same room with me, three girls were dying. Two were losing weight for guys, one wanted to become a model. She was very photogenic. When her portrait in a black frame was hung in the corridor, everyone admired it. Now, when I don’t want to finish dinner, I look not at Plisetskaya, but at my neighbors. Anorexics can be inspiring too. For a normal life.

“Getting better is like cutting off your child’s ear.”

To the request: “How to get anorexia?” Yandex produces 400 thousand results. But is it possible to cause a disease if it is a mental disorder? Can. The main thing is the attitude and the right “helpers”.

Anorexics are a powerful movement for extreme weight loss. They call themselves “caste”, “sect”, more often – “family”. And they gather in flocks on the vastness of social networks. There are 760 thousand (!) participants in the “Typical Anorexic” group on VKontakte. Any girl who thinks she has a couple of extra centimeters at her waist can join it. And besides this community, there are also a lot of closed groups - for your own people. Experienced “butterflies” will tell the new girl about the tricks:

The best diet is hunger. At worst, “hard drinking”, when you can only drink water, tea and coffee without sugar.

If you want to eat, drink. If you can’t stand it at all, chew something and spit it out, spit it out immediately!

Lost it? Take the blade in your hands. Let the cuts remind you of your purpose.

It’s not easy to understand the rules of the “clan”. Anorexics have their own traditions and even their own language. The groups have a dictionary for beginners:

MF – low fat (no more than 500 kcal per day);

Drinking – drinking diet;

Flu is an antidepressant that suppresses appetite (experienced people will tell you where the medicine is sold without a prescription).

The girl's illness is identified with a person - the goddess Ana. People paint her, they write poems about her, they call her mom.

In a family of anorexics, everyone supports each other, does not judge or encourage each other to come to their senses. For teenage girls, the world of calories and diets becomes more attractive than the real world, where no one pats you on the head for not eating breakfast.

“I never liked thinness,” 18-year-old Natasha feels her bones. She is from Voronezh. She weighs 34 kg and is 167 cm tall. We also met this girl in a closed community of anorexics:

– I had an Internet friend who hung out in groups about Ana. She told me what was what. I was impressed: I liked that the girls were very friendly. They don’t just lose weight together, but share experiences and keep diaries. At home, no one cared about me. Dad didn’t even congratulate me on my sixteenth birthday, but my girlfriends were flooded with messages. It became clear that my family lives on the Internet, it’s just that we, like-minded people, were scattered in different corners.

I then weighed 56 kg - such a big girl, a caterpillar. To become a butterfly, I bought Flu. I flew for two days: I didn’t want to eat, and I didn’t want to sleep either. I didn’t even get such a high from weed. I lost 7 kg on the pills and the weight has returned. I tried laxatives. Then the girls said that it was possible to “cleanse”, that is, to vomit after eating. I liked the option: you can eat something delicious and lose weight. But hugging a white friend didn’t work: I had no experience. I wrote to the admin of our group. She explained how to put your fingers down your throat, how to contract your abdominal muscles, and generally gave a lot of practical advice.

When I first fainted, the butterflies sympathized with me, but at home they just screamed. They finally noticed that I had become a reed. The mother screams: “Eat!” She hammers on the table with a spoon, stupid. It seems to her that refusing food is my whim. Nobody understands: anorexics CANNOT eat. People think losing weight is difficult. Try giving up cinnamon rolls. But getting better is much more difficult. You already understand that you will soon die, but you are more afraid of weight gain than death. It's like mutilating your own child. Imagine, you carried a baby under your heart, raised it, fed it porridge, and then they offer to cut off his ear. My body is my child. I spent so much effort on “upbringing”, I sculpted my figure and am not ready to change it. I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to live like this either. Will I be able to recover? Don't know.

“I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Only voices got in the way: “Daughter...”

Is it possible to completely recover from anorexia? Doctors disagree. Some claim that recovery is possible if you seek help in a timely manner. According to others, the disease does not go away, but you can “drive” it into remission. Statistics say that in 60% of cases, “former” anorexics return to controlling their weight, emotions, and life.

But neither sessions with a psychologist nor medications will help if there is no main thing - awareness of the problem and the desire to fight. Recovery begins with the words: “I need help.”

- I’ve always been a donut. When I went to first grade, the doctors asked my mother during a routine examination: “Are you only feeding the girl donuts?” Of course not. In addition to the crumpets, there were also grandma’s pies, pancakes, homemade sour cream, and nightly chocolates. Until I was eight years old, I didn’t worry; the baby’s apple cheeks were not disfigured. But at fourteen she began to develop complexes. With a height of 158 cm, she weighed 89(!) kilograms.

No, there were attempts to lose weight. The doctors sent me to an endocrinologist every time. He shook his head, thinking how to delicately say: “Girl, you’re not sick. Just fat." Leaving the hospital, I threatened my mother that from now on I would only eat cabbage. And after a couple of hours I was using a wooden spoon to wrap the potatoes in lard. Sometimes I looked through old family photographs. At my age, my mother seemed like a reed – 48 kg. This figure stuck in my head as an unattainable ideal. And I decided that I too could become graceful. With proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, by the first year I lost weight to 62, and during my studies I lost another 5 kg. She didn’t consider herself Tolstoy, and tried to drive away thoughts about her ideal weight.

I clearly remember the moment when I crossed the line separating diet from anorexia. I came home for the summer holidays with a scale under my arm. But in the village, on the uneven floor, they showed first one number and then another. Mom threw the “controller” into the far corner and began to fatten me. I had breakfast with sausage sandwiches (that’s terrible!) and lunch with oatmeal with milk. After a week of this “belly celebration”, I finally decided to weigh myself, found a place that was more level and... plus one and a half kilograms. That was the first time I realized that I could gain weight again. She fell to the floor and started sobbing. Mom and grandmother silently watched the hysteria. Apparently, they were thinking whether to send me to the hospital now or wait.

I consciously joined the ranks of anorexics and learned to lie professionally. Staining plates to prove that she had eaten, drinking a liter of water before weighing herself, cutting food into tiny pieces - “friends in misfortune” helped me master the science. I tried all the strictest diets, starving for weeks. I just didn't take any medications. Don’t think that it was out of prudence - there was simply no money for pills.

A wonderful thought came to mind: eating once a day will definitely not make you gain weight. I just started having breakfast. Then I decided that I shouldn’t overeat in the morning either. Why would I need two apples when I can eat one, or better yet half. No, a quarter. Reduced the number of calories consumed to three hundred. When I saw the number 48 on the scale, I ran to the mirror. She peered into the reflection and felt deceived: “Where is the graceful girl? Why am I still a clumsy fat girl? Anorexics have a distorted perception of their own body. At 39 kilograms (my minimum), I still seemed immense.

My boyfriend Lesha never said: “You need to lose weight,” he even liked curvy figures. Lesha knew about the “unnecessary diet”, but he had no idea about how I was torturing myself. He jokingly grumbled: “And where are your luxurious breasts? A woman should make her want to be eaten, not fed.”

I weighed 45 kg when my family realized that I couldn’t cope on my own. I told Lesha about all my “tricks”, and he took on the role of a nanny: he led me by the hand - I was so weak that I could not climb the stairs to the second floor, and fed me porridge from a spoon. When I agreed to drink flaxseed oil to restore my menstrual cycle, my stern-looking boyfriend almost cried with emotion. He praised me for every 100 grams I gained and did not reproach me when I (once again!) lost precious weight.

For an anorexic woman, the support of loved ones is important. Screaming and swearing only aggravate the situation, and the banal phrase “You can do it!” motivates you to fight.

You just need to fight under the supervision of specialists. It took me a while to find a good one.

I still have nightmares about Doctor R*** - the sweetest granny, the meter with a cap, the bun, the touching butterfly hairpin. I heard her conversation with the intern:

She worked for ten years in Orlovka, thirty in a prison hospital. You can't fool me.

All patients for R*** are the same prisoners. And she didn’t stand on ceremony with me:

You are an inpatient. You need to be tied up and fed. I'll give you a certificate, leave the university.

This is in May. This is in the third year. This despite the fact that no one at the faculty has any idea about my problems.

Print screen from the “Typical Anorexic” community.

I flatly refused to go to the clinic. Then they sent me to a suicidologist (there is such a doctor). The dialogue was as follows:

You need a hospital, otherwise you will kill yourself.

But I don't have suicidal thoughts.

Yes, you just won't admit it.

I better know if I want to die.

It's best for your doctor to know.

Then there was a psychologist again with adequacy tests.

What's the problem, baby?

I don't want to get better. I want to be thin.

Surprised eyes:

So you're not eating? What, you definitely need to eat. Eating is our everything.

I thought it was one of the tests. Will I laugh or not? But no, the nice doctor just turned out to be a clinical idiot:

One day my mother and I went to dig potatoes. We left early in the morning without having breakfast. We dug and dug, I felt like I had no strength. I’m walking like my mother, and she says: “Son, you haven’t eaten. Drink some tea with sugar - everything will pass.”

Looking at the sixty-year-old man, I already understood that the mental hospital was unlikely to help me, but I still agreed to take antidepressants. On the very first evening, my weakened body could not withstand the cocktail of drugs - I fell asleep before I had time to swallow the last pill. The next day I was so stormy that passers-by turned around. I decided that I just needed to get used to the doses and again ate antidepressants.

At night my heart stopped. I only remember that my head was very dizzy, and my body became weightless. I don’t know what the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel should be, but I felt very good somewhere there. Only distant voices interfered: “Masha! Daughter..."

Mom couldn’t bring me to consciousness for about seven minutes. But it wasn’t even this incident that prompted me to fight anorexia. A month later we were talking about our experience, I asked:

Mom, why did you rush to call not the doctors, but my boyfriend? How would he help?

I thought you wouldn't wake up. She opened the door so Lesha could get into the apartment. I wanted me to be dead when he arrived too.

From that moment on, I declared a battle against the disease. I still fight under the supervision of specialists, because if I am left alone with anorexia, I lose. Despite the unsuccessful experience of communicating with a psychiatrist, I urge my friends in misfortune: do not put off going to the hospital. You will not find “your” doctor if you refuse help altogether.

Photo from the group "Overheard Anorexia".


3 naive questions about anorexia:

1) How is anorexia different from dieting?

Diet is a way to control weight.

Anorexia nervosa is a way to control your life and emotions.

This is a MENTAL DISORDER, which is expressed in increased attention to food and one’s own body.

There are two types of disease:

1) restrictive, when they lose weight by limiting caloric intake, strict diets and exercise to the point of exhaustion;

2) cleansing - weight is controlled by inducing vomiting after eating and/or using laxatives and diuretics.

Most often, anorexics use both methods at once and refuse to live a full life. Everything that was previously interesting fades into the background. Every day is dedicated to one goal - to become smaller = better.

2) How can you tell if a loved one is sick?

Symptoms of anorexia:

The desire to lose weight, despite insufficient (or normal) weight;

Fatphobia (obsessive fear of being fat);

Fanatical calorie counting, focusing interests on weight loss issues;

Regular refusal to eat, motivated by lack of appetite or poor health;

Turning meals into a ritual, chewing especially thoroughly (sometimes swallowing without chewing), serving in small portions, cutting into small pieces;

Avoidance of activities related to eating, psychological discomfort after eating.

Desire for increased physical activity;

Tendency to solitude;

Depressed state, depression, decreased ability to concentrate, decreased performance, preoccupation with one’s problems.

3) What can cause anorexia?

1. Cultural environment, cult of thinness in society.

2. Severe trauma or emotional distress (such as the death of a loved one or sexual assault).

3. Craving for perfection, perfectionism, desire to always be “good.”

4. Low self-esteem.

5. Difficult relationships with parents and peers.


Doctors of different profiles are fighting the disease

Treatment of anorexia is carried out in two stages:



The first stage: the resumption of normal functioning of the body and weight gain. Patients have impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, so medications are prescribed by specialists in various fields.

Insulin therapy is effective - infusions of glucose and saline, the use of restoratives, especially multivitamins.

A diet is followed that excludes fatty and heavy foods. The best option is nutrition mainly in liquid form. In severe cases, when the body spontaneously rejects food, they resort to tube feeding. In three weeks of intensive therapy, on average, it is possible to increase body weight by 5 - 6 kg.

The second stage is aimed at eradicating the disease at the mental level. Patients are prescribed antipsychotics and antidepressants. Psychotherapy is included, both group and individual, and in some cases hypnosis is effective. The doctor’s task is to identify the causes of the disease and try to rid the patient of phobias.

As soon as the patient gets stronger physically and is mentally ready, you can move on to a normal diet - from 1200 kcal. If you are still underweight at this stage, a high-calorie diet is recommended.


World problem*

In France, between 3,000 and 6,000 people are infected with the “virus” of excessive thinness every year.

In America, one in a hundred girls - 1% of women in the entire country - suffers from exhaustion. Every fifth patient dies from exhaustion or depression, leading to suicide.

In Germany, the total number of recorded cases of the disease is 100,000.

In the UK, the number of cases has tripled over the past 40 years.

In Russia:

Over the past five years, the number of malnourished patients at the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health has increased 10-fold.

Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among adolescents.

95% of patients surveyed say that they developed anorexia between the ages of 12 and 25 years.

Only 1 in 10 people suffering from anorexia receives qualified help.

Anorexia ranks first among mental disorders in mortality.

The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than that associated with all other causes in girls aged 15 to 24 years.

*Unofficial data - from the website

Hi all!

Many girls try to lose weight on various diets, through sports, proper nutrition and even hunger. And in search of a method that will help you, you can simply kill your body. Ruin everything: metabolism, skin, hair, nails, nervous system. So I tried to find my own way to lose weight once and for all. This has been my long-time dream.

From the age of 5 I was a fat girl, I loved to eat what my grandmother cooked, and she cooked deliciously and a lot. So gradually I got fatter and fatter, then it was quite difficult for me to choose clothes, since my height is small, my shoulders are narrow, and my stomach is just huge. And when we were weighed at school, I heard a terrible number 75 kg, which scared me terribly, because just recently the weight was 65-67 kg, well, I ate calmly, a carefree child (height then was about 158-160 cm). It’s been 3.5 years since then, and I’m still afraid to step on the scale and see that number.

Then I realized that it was time to somehow lose weight, but how? I knew nothing at all about losing weight; I had never tried to lose weight in my entire life, and in general I didn’t really bother about it.

I tried to simply eat intuitively, reduce portions. Now I remember this with laughter: instead of 5 pieces of black bread with mayonnaise with soup, I ate 3-4 pieces, instead of 2 cutlets and 2 plates of mashed potatoes, I tried to fit it into 1 serving, instead of sausages with white bread, butter and condensed milk, I ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, instead gingerbread with sausage, ate black bread with meat. There was no sense in this. (The diet will seem very strange to you, but I really ate all this, now I can’t stand white bread, I don’t eat condensed milk, black bread with mayonnaise and gingerbread with sausage.)

Well, for another year, I probably looked fat. Weight was approx. 72 kg, because in the summer I moved a lot, ate less junk food, and drank more water. And then, due to some circumstances, I lost 5-6 kg in 3 weeks, this was in August. I'll tell you how it turned out later.

And September came, I'm overweight 66-67 kg went to school. There I sometimes dialed up to 68 , but didn’t exaggerate it. And during that year I learned about the existence of various diets, such as drinking, chocolate, ABC diet, and all sorts of magical, favorite, etc. I came across them in publics 40 kg And Typical Anorexic. I started following girls losing weight on Instagram, monitoring their results, trying to eat as little as possible, and developed bulimia, but it all went away quite quickly as soon as I started eating normally and on time. And then I decided to try these magical diets. The first, it seems, was buckwheat diet. After 3 days I began to feel sick of it and I abandoned the matter. I tried it choco(chocolate), because I love chocolate very much, but I ate a bar in 2 sittings, well, who doesn’t happen to

And now the time has come DRINKING DIET my beloved.

The essence of the diet is that you only need to drink, you cannot eat solid food. And I stayed on this diet for 10 days and began to weigh 59 kg, it was just my dream.

I drank baby juices, water, tea, coffee, compotes, milk, kefir, and also made myself delicious cocktails for breakfast, I still make them sometimes, I really liked them. I literally took what I had at home. Milk, banana, oatmeal and curd mass, then I put it all in a blender and it’s ready. I also made my own juices with pulp, and also put watermelon or orange or pomegranate in a blender.

I felt just great, I felt very at ease.

I've lost a fair amount of kilograms, this is my weight now 60 kg, I didn’t gain weight, on the contrary, I became even thinner, I just grew, and now my height is 172 cm.

I'm not completely happy with my weight yet, I would like to 57 kg, and I think that over the summer I will be able to achieve the desired results.

Unfortunately, I can’t show you a comparison; I still have the photos on my old phone. But this is roughly what I look like now.

Good luck, love yourself!

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