DIY carnival magician costume. How to sew a children's raincoat, carnival cape and raincoat with a hood for a girl and a boy: patterns, photos. How to sew a raincoat and cape with your own hands for a child from the rain and for a carnival? DIY children's mascaras

How you sometimes want to change your ordinary clothes to a bright festive outfit! Series New Year's holidays disposes to this. If you don’t have much time to prepare for the holiday, but you need to look impressive, then a magician-sorcerer-wizard costume is what you need! A wizard's carnival costume is an excellent solution for a school party, theatrical performance or corporate party for adults. There are only three main attributes of this outfit: a cape, a cap and, of course, a magic wand. Having everything at hand necessary materials, you can easily sew with your own hands original costume wizard for both children and adults.


This mandatory attribute of a carnival outfit is easy to make.

We will need:

  • a piece of satin;
  • satin for finishing;
  • satin ribbon 3-5 centimeters wide;
  • decorative fittings;
  • threads, needle;
  • scissors.

The headdress for a wizard's costume can be made with or without brims. To do this you will need thick cardboard, scissors and tape.

The brimless cap can be additionally decorated with edging. The edging with drapery made of small folds that adds volume looks impressive. Braid, narrow satin ribbon, metal or plastic fittings in the form of chains, coins, pendants will also be appropriate in this case. By the way, the joints of the fabric can be successfully hidden using a braid attached vertically, and the top of the cap can be decorated with a large bead or a tassel with fringe.


Well, what is a magician and sorcerer without? Making this essential attribute of the carnival is as easy as shelling pears! It is enough to wrap a wooden or plastic stick in fabric, foil or bright metallic paper, and decorate its end with a metal knob. Golden stars, tassels, pendants will definitely appeal to young sorceresses!

The cape, cap and wand are ready! All that remains is to try on a carnival costume and have fun!

Magicians have always surprised people different ages. Card tricks, moving objects and much more are commonplace for them. If your child is interested in such fun and likes to organize performances at home, then you should know how you can make a magician’s costume for a boy with your own hands.

Image Basics

So, what will our costume consist of? It all depends on your capabilities and desires. Here is a list of the main details of the image:

  • suit, preferably three-piece;
  • cape;
  • cylinder;
  • additional attributes.

As you can see, the list of the main components of the image is not so long. If you are determined to create, then by making all the listed parts, you will get a great magician. We will consider the suit and other parts of clothing later in the article.


Ideally, the magician is dressed in classic black trousers with arrows, a white vest and a tailcoat. But you can change these details to the best of your ability. That is, if there are such things in the baby’s wardrobe, then you won’t have to buy or sew anything special.

Of all the above, trousers and a shirt are mandatory, which, as a rule, are in every wardrobe. If you still have a jacket, then instead of a vest you can use a red bow tie. And if you have a vest, then you don’t have to wear a jacket. This does not mean at all that if you have a three-piece suit, you cannot complement it with a bow tie in the color of the vest; on the contrary, the more details, the more realistic the outfit will be.

If you still decide to sew one for the boy with your own hands, then we advise you to choose black satin for this. The shine of this material will add luxury and festive mood. In the photographs that are in the article, you can see examples appearance magician


This is an essential part of the image, without which the magician cannot go on stage in front of the audience. You can easily sew a cape at home, the main thing is to correctly measure the height of our magician.

The costume that we described above is chosen to be black, and so is the cape. But a combination with red is allowed if the suit has details of that color. This could be a vest, a bow tie or a handkerchief that sticks out of a jacket pocket.

Satin is better suited for sewing capes; this material does not wrinkle and looks impressive. If you decide to use two colors, then make the inside red and the outside black.

Our cape will be secured using braid or ribbons that are sewn to the neck. A cape that reaches the knees in length looks ideal. That's why we focused on measuring growth.

You can choose a fabric with a pattern for the cape, it could be stars or polka dots. Due to such an unusual coloring, you will get a non-standard and bright magician, whose costume can be made of the same material.


Well, we have come to the end, our image is almost ready. One of the main attributes is missing. None children's costume A magician cannot do without a top hat. This headdress plays an important role in the image, because it is from it that the magicians take out the hare and show a lot of interesting things.

The cylinder can be purchased ready-made or made independently. It will be great if you sew a cape and a cylinder from the same material.

In order to make a magician's headdress, we need ordinary cardboard, glue, black fabric and thread and needle. First, let's cut out a frame from cardboard; it consists of two parts: the side and the cylinder itself.

Using a compass, draw a circle, and in it there is another smaller one that needs to be cut out. We've got the side of the hat, now let's move on to the cylinder. To do this, cut out a rectangle of the required height from cardboard, and measure the length according to the diameter of the side. Glue the resulting cylinder and attach it to the board using glue. All that remains is to glue the circle of cardboard to the top of the cylinder, and the frame is ready.

Now we move on to the main part, we cover the cardboard blank with fabric. To do this, you can use a stapler or thread and needle. This is how we got the top hat that the magician wears. The costume is considered ready-made, but if you wish, you can add unusual attributes to it.

Additional attributes

Well, what magician doesn’t have in his arsenal magic wand? This is what we propose to choose as a complement to the image. You can make it yourself from wood or plastic, painting it black and the tip gold.

If you decide to sew a New Year's magician's costume for a boy, then you can decorate it with tinsel, which is sewn onto a top hat or cape.

As an addition to the costume, you can use the image of a white hare. It is sewn onto the pocket of a vest or jacket. Or you can use a soft toy bunny.

DIY magician costume: master class with step by step photos. An interesting trick and a hat with a secret.

DIY magician costume

Dear readers of “Native Path”! I am pleased to present you another master class. This master class on making a magician's costume with your own hands was sent to us by Irina Vladimirovna Usacheva and her son Anton (10 years old).

Irina Vladimirovna writes: “We would like to take part in the competition with our New Year's suit. We made this magician costume together with our son - he helped paint and glue the decorations. The child himself is delighted with the costume, the special interest lies in the fact that you can show a real trick - take a rabbit out of a hat, which he did on the Christmas tree ten times for everyone :). We hope that our idea will be useful to someone else!”

So, let's start making the costume together with Irina Vladimirovna and Anton! And we thank the sponsor of the New Year’s master class competition for their cooperation.

The magician's costume consists of two parts: a hat and a cloak.

Materials for making a magician's costume

To make a magician's hat we you will need:

  • a large cardboard box (we used a pizza box for the base of the hat),
  • gouache - a small jar of blue gouache and a little black,
  • piece of hat elastic - 40 cm,
  • black satin ribbon 60-65 cm,
  • foam rubber if desired (and possible),
  • glue.

For the magician's cloak needed:

  • shiny fabric (taffeta) 80 cm with a width of 150 cm.
  • to decorate the cloak - stars made of shiny fabric or foil paper, silver tinsel (you can use scraps of tinsel).

How to make a magician's hat with your own hands

Step 1. We wrap a strip of cardboard 17-18 cm high around the head, add 2 cm for gluing and the same amount for shrinkage (I didn’t know that cardboard shrinks when it dries, so our hat doesn’t fit on the head and sits on the top of the head, it’s better to prevent this and take into account in advance).

This is important: The strip must be cut across the corrugation lines so that it does not break, but bends evenly.

Glue the strip into a ring.

Step 2. We cut out a large circle with a diameter of 36-38 cm (the size is given taking into account shrinkage). We place a cardboard ring on it exactly in the middle and trace it exactly along the contour, without adding a single millimeter! We cut out the inner circle, without damaging it, with nail scissors.

Step 3. We cut out many strips of approximately 2 x 5 cm from plain paper (precision is not necessary, you can cut it by eye). Using these strips we connect all three parts of the hat: we glue the top joint from the outside, and the bottom from the inside. We try not to leave any gaps.

Step 4. We paint the magician's hat with gouache (a child can help you here). We painted the outside of the hat with blue gouache (almost the entire 20 g jar was used to paint the magician’s hat), and the brim with inside painted over with black gouache. We didn't paint the inside of the hat so that the head wouldn't get dirty later.

Note from the site author: I’ll add advice from my own experience of making various attributes and games for children with my own hands. To prevent a painted hat or other item from getting dirty, you can apply varnish over the gouache with a brush. The most common varnish for woodworking will do (sold in glass bottles in hardware stores). Then a protective layer is created. The finished item does not get dirty, is stored for a long time, and can be wiped with a damp cloth. But the varnish smells strongly until it dries completely, and you won’t be able to stay in the room for 24 hours.

Step 5. We decorate the magician's hat with stars and pieces of tinsel (glue them with PVA glue). We poke holes on the sides of the crown with an awl, insert an elastic band, and secure the outside with knots. Cover the knots satin ribbon, which we wrap around the crown, stretch and fasten the ends with glue. The hat is ready!

How to make a magician's cloak with your own hands

Step 1. Fold the fabric in half and cut out a semicircle.

Step 2. We cut out a strip of fabric 4 x 30 cm. We process this strip in the middle of the top so that we get a drawstring. We thread the lace through for tying (our lace is made from the same fabric).

Step 3. We tuck and hem all the edges of the magician's costume.

Step 4. We sew stars and tinsel to the magician's cloak.

To complete the look, wear a pantsuit with a tie under the raincoat and draw on a mustache with a cosmetic pencil.

Now attention! Cover the hat with a cloak! We make passes with our hands and say magic words! We remove the cloak and... there! Let's take the rabbit out of the hat!

How does this trick work, or a hat with a secret?

How does it work? The whole secret is in the magician's hat.

From furniture foam rubber (we had a piece 5 cm thick, it’s probably better to take 3-4 cm) you need to cut a circle that will fit tightly into the hat (To cut out such a circle, we turn the hat over and trace the top as a pattern). We put a toy in the hat and cover it with foam rubber. To quickly get the rabbit, you just need to press the edge of the foam rubber with your hand - it will stand upright and the toy can be easily removed.

Prepare a scarf, round knitted hat and a feather - we will make a turban from them. Use a bird's or paper feather. Cape, trousers made of lining fabric. Shoes made of lining fabric, lined with non-woven fabric on an adhesive basis (this way they will keep their shape better). A mask - made of paper, a veil from old stockings or a curtain, or maybe a piece of guipure.

1. Make a turban:

put on a hat, throw a scarf on top, positioning it so that the obtuse angle of the triangle is in the middle of the forehead. Tie a knot (Figure 1b). To give the turban its shape, place cotton wool or padding polyester, or parallon on the top and sides of the head (Fig. 1b). Tuck the ends of the scarf under the turban (Fig. 1c)

Fold the two paper parts of the feather (Fig. 1d), after stretching the wire between them and glue them together. Color the feather in bright colors. When dry, cut out the fringe along the edges and tuck the feather into the knot of the turban (Fig. 1)

2. Cloak.

Fold the fabric for the cloak in half to make it easier to cut out the bottom and neckline. Sew the braid along the neckline. The month and stars can be drawn or cut out of foil and glued.

3. Shoes

To keep the shape of the shoe fabric, duplicate it with non-woven fabric with an adhesive base. The voids in finished shoes are filled with cotton wool or synthetic padding.

Go to the product catalog section » Christmas trees ■ ECONOMY artificial Christmas trees (PVC needles). Tabletop Christmas trees up to 0.8 m. Christmas trees 0.9 - 1.0 m. Christmas trees 1.2 - 1.4 m. Christmas trees 1.5 - 1.7 m. Christmas trees 1.8 - 1.9 m. Christmas trees 2 ,0 - 2.2 m. Fir trees 2.3 - 2.6 m. Fir trees 2.7 - 3.0 m. Tall spruces from 3.5 - 5 m ■ VIP artificial trees (needle line and PVC). Tabletop Christmas trees up to 0.8 m. Christmas trees 0.9 - 1.1 m. Christmas trees 1.2 - 1.4 m. Christmas trees 1.5 - 1.7 m. Christmas trees 1.8 - 1.9 m. Christmas trees 2 ,0 - 2.2 m. Fir trees 2.3 - 2.6 m. Fir trees 2.7 - 3.0 m. Tall artificial fir trees from 3.5 - 5 m ■ Artificial fir trees DELUXE (molded PE needles). Fir trees up to 1.0 m. Fir trees 1.2 - 1.4 m. Fir trees 1.5 - 1.7 m. Fir trees 1.8 - 1.9 m. Fir trees 2.0 - 2.2 m. Fir trees 2, 3 - 2.6 m. Spruce 2.7 - 3.0 m. Tall spruce from 3.5 - 7 m ■ PREMIUM artificial Christmas trees (100% PE cast needles). Spruce up to 1.55 m. Spruce from 1.85 m ■ Tabletop Christmas trees. Christmas trees with PVC needles. Christmas trees with needles from fishing line. Christmas trees with cast (PE) needles ■ Wall-mounted and wall-mounted Christmas trees ■ Narrow Christmas trees ■ Christmas trees with light bulbs. Christmas trees with bulbs up to 1.70 m. Christmas trees with bulbs from 1.80 m ■ Decorative Christmas trees. Designer spruces. Artificial Christmas trees with cones · Christmas trees up to 1.4 m with cones · Christmas trees 1.5-1.9 m with cones · Spruces over 2.0 m with cones. White Christmas trees · Tabletop Christmas trees up to 1 m white · Christmas trees 1.2-1.9 m white · Spruce trees above 2.0 m white. Blue Christmas trees. Snow-covered spruce trees · Christmas trees up to 1.4 m snow-covered · Christmas trees 1.5-1.7 m snow-covered · Christmas trees 1.8-1.9 m snow-covered · Spruce trees from 2.0 m snow-covered. Shiny Christmas trees made of foil. Decorated Christmas trees. Original "fantasy" Christmas trees ■ Elite Christmas trees from world brands. TRIUMPH TREE · Spruce up to 1.55 m Triumph · Spruce 1.85 m Triumph · Spruce 1.95-2.15 m Triumph · Spruce 2.3-2.5 m Triumph · Spruce higher than 2.6 m Triumph · Coniferous decor Triumph · Triumph electric garlands. BLACK BOX. NATIONAL TREE Co · Spruce up to 1.4 m National Tree · Spruce 1.5-1.7 m National Tree · Spruce 1.8-1.9 m National Tree · Spruce above 2.0 m National Tree · Coniferous decor National Tree . KAEMINGK · Tabletop Christmas trees up to 0.9 m Kaemingk · Spruce trees 1.2-2.4 m Kaemingk · Coniferous decor Kaemingk. NORDIC Collection. EverChristmaS Tsar Christmas tree · Spruce 0.6-3.0 m PVC and fishing line, EverChristmaS · Spruce 0.6-3.0 m cast needles-PE, EverChristmaS · Coniferous decor EverChristmaS . CRYSTAL TREES. BEATREES MOROZCO ■ Fiber optic trees ■ Stands for trees ■ Bags for storing trees ■ Decorative baskets-stands ■ Decoration of the base of trees ■ Electric garlands for the tree ■ Glowing tops for trees High-rise trees ■ Tall street trees 4-45m. Trunk street spruce trees 4 - 45 m · MOSKOVIA spruce and others, PVC needles · CRYSTAL spruce and others, LESKA needles · WHITE spruce PVC needles, LESKA. Frame street spruce trees 4 - 45 m · URAL spruce, PVC needles · URAL spruce, LESKA needles · EURO-2 spruce, PVC and LESKA needles · IMPERIAL spruce, PVC and LESKA needles ■ Lighting of high-rise trees. LEGOLED system. Electric garlands. Clip Light. Duralight · Duralight 3-wire chasing · Duralight LED round 11-13 mm. Complex lighting · ECONOMY lighting · DYNAMIC lighting · CLASSIC lighting · COLOR CASCADE lighting · MELTING ICICLES lighting · NORTHERN LIGHTS lighting (premium class). Glowing tops. Glowing toys ■ Decorations, fencing, installation and decoration. Decorations for high-rise Christmas trees · Large plastic balls · Beads, cones, clusters, bells, bows · Stars, various toys, tops · Snowflakes, icicles, foam decorations. Fencing for trunked Christmas trees. Fencing for frame Christmas trees. Installation and decoration of high-rise Christmas trees GREEN TREES Coniferous products ■ Coniferous garlands ■ Coniferous Swags and Lambrequins ■ Coniferous wreaths ■ Decorative wreaths ■ Coniferous branches ■ Decorative coniferous compositions ■ Coniferous ceiling decor ■ Coniferous decor in baskets, flowerpots, mountains chocks ■ Coniferous and floral decor ■ Coniferous decor with light bulbs ■ Coniferous arches ■ Cones Balls ■ Plastic balls. Balls 30 - 50 mm. Balls 60 mm. Balls 70 - 90 mm. Balls 100-120 mm. Balls 140 - 150 mm. Balls from 200 mm. DELUXE ball sets. Balls with decor. Bunches of balls. Beads from balls. Gift balloons and PAPIER-MACHE sets. DISNEY balls ■ Glass balls. Sets of plain balls · Balls up to 60 mm · Balls from 65 mm. Sets of multi-colored balls. Transparent balls SOAP BUBBLES. Bunches of balls on wire. Garlands of balls and decorations ■ Glass balls DELUXE. Glass balls VINTAGE. Collection of glass balls DECOR. Sets of decorated balloons DELUXE. Collectible handmade balls ■ Glass balls with artistic painting (Yolochka, Russia). Balls with a diameter of 95 mm. Balls with a diameter of 85 mm. Balls with a diameter of 75 mm. Balls with a diameter of 60 mm. Balls with a diameter of 115 mm ■ Sets of painted glass balls (Yolochka, Russia). Balls 85 mm, 4 pcs. . Balls 75 mm, 4 pcs. . Balls 62 mm, 4 pcs. . Balls 62 mm, 5 pcs. . Balls 50 mm, 6 pcs. ■ Sets of glass balls with tops (Yolochka, Russia) ■ Glass balls with hand painting (Ariel, Russia) ■ Glass balls and flasks with compositions ■ Stands, pendants, hooks, boxes for balls Christmas tree decorations ■ Glass Christmas tree decorations and toys (Yolochka, Russia) . Tops. New Year's garlands. Mini garlands on a blister. Figurines. Sets of figures. Hearts. Bells. Sets of pendants (icicles). Sets of cones (Christmas tree and others). Beads ■ Handmade glass decorations (Ariel (Russia). Thematic collections. Shaped toys. Symbol of 2020 Mouse ■ DELUXE glass decorations. Christmas tree toppers. DELUXE decoration sets. Antique collection. Christmas scenes. New Year and fairy-tale characters. Vintage toys. Animals and birds. Cats, dogs. MOUSE - symbol of 2020. Stands, pendants and hooks for toys ■ Christmas tree decorations made of plastic. Beads 5-25 cm. Pine cones, stars, bows. flowers. Vintage plastic toys. Big toys made of penoplex and plastic ■ Vintage jewelry from world brands. Vintage collection Kurt S. Adler, Netherlands. Vintage collection Goodwil, Belgium. Vintage Katherine's Collection, USA. Vintage collection SHISHI, Norway-Estonia. Exclusive jewelry BOLTZE, Germany · Sets of collectible balls · Interior decor. Exclusive jewelry Mr. Christmas, Ireland. Collection in COUNTRY style, BREITNER, Germany ■ Christmas tree decorations DELUXE (European collections). Toys for a children's Christmas tree. Retro collection (polystone). Acrylic jewelry pendants. Pink collection. Fine gold jewelry. The jewelry is elegant white, transparent, silver. Fine red jewelry. Fine jewelry different colors. Jewelry in COUNTRY style. Feather decorations. Textile collection. Ceramic collections. Metal Christmas tree toys. Christmas tree toys made of wood. Tops for the Christmas tree. Glowing Christmas tree decorations ■ Snowflakes, icicles, stars, cones. Snowflakes. Icicles, pendants. Stars. Cones ■ Thematic collections of Christmas tree decorations. Soft Christmas tree toys. Animal toys made of polystone. Animal toys made of plastic and metal. Santas, Father Frosts, Snowmen. Dolls, harlequins, elves, fairies. Retro-Glamour Collection. Gingerbread collection. Jewelry collection. Marine collection. Tropical collection. Deer. Angels. Ballet. Butterflies, Dragonflies. Birds. Dogs. Owls. Horses. Mice are the Symbol of the Year. Houses. Skates, skis, sleds. Christmas stories. Fairy tale characters■ Decorations for tabletop Christmas trees ■ Decorations for tall fir trees■ DIY Christmas tree decorations ■ Stands, pendants, hooks, boxes for Christmas decorations Electric garlands ■ Garlands for the Christmas tree ■ Electric garlands THREAD. Electric garlands with LEDs · indoors 220V · indoors and outdoors 220V · indoors and outdoors 220V with adapter. Electric garlands with microlamps · indoors · outdoors. Electric garlands with mini lamps. Garlands with shaped lamps and attachments · garlands with micro lamps · LED garlands-LED lamps · icicles, snowflakes, cones, stars ■ MULTIBALL garlands ■ RETRO LAMPS electric garlands with large lamps ■ Garlands with CANDLES ■ PLAY LIGHT - light curtains. LED curtains - LED lamps. Light curtains with micro lamps ■ ICICLE PLAY LIGHT - icicles, fringe. ICICLE on PVC wire. ICICLE on rubber ■ Electric garlands with mini-diodes DROPLETS (ROSA). Droplets - threads 220V/adapter. Droplets are threads on batteries. Horse tails. Rosa - clusters and semi-clusters. Droplets - curtains and icicles. Decorative garlands and compositions with minidiodes. Retro lamps with mini-diodes ■ Electric garlands on BATTERIES. NITI garlands (Durawise, etc.). Garlands ROSA. Curtains, icicles, nets. Decorative garlands. Batteries ■ Frost-resistant garlands on RUBBER. NITI garlands. Curtains, nets. Icicles, fringe. STROBE LIGHT, BELT LIGHT ■ PREMIUM CLASS electric garlands on silicone wire. Garlands THREAD on silicone wire. Garlands for trees - CLIP LITE on silicone wire. CURTAINS and ICICLES on silicone wire. PREMIUM CLASS electric garlands on batteries ■ NET LIGHT - light grids. grids with mini and micro lamps. LED grids (LED lamps) ■ CLUSTER LIGHTS - cluster garlands. clusters with microlamps. LED clusters ■ CLIP LIGHT - garlands for trees. CLIP LIGHT (PVC) . CLIP LIGHT (rubber) . CLIP LIGHT (silicone) ■ LEDSTRIP - LED strips ■ DURALIGHT - luminous cord. LED DURALIGHT 12-13 mm. LED DURALIGHT 11mm ■ BELT LIGHT - strip with lamps ■ MELTING ICICLES ■ SOLAR LIGHT - solar-powered garlands and lamps ■ Light PANELS and MOTIFS. panels and motifs for the street. panels and motifs for the room ■ Light TOPES for fir trees ■ Lamps ■ Accessories for electric garlands Light decor ■ Glowing figures and compositions. Glowing acrylic figures. Glowing figures made of acrylic threads. LED figures and compositions. Glowing and animated DEER. Glowing and animated SANTAS and SNOWMAN. Snow collection with lighting ■ LED floristry - branches, bouquets, garlands. Glowing branches and bouquets. Decorative luminous snags and garlands. Decorative branches, garlands and wreaths ■ Glowing trees. Glowing mini trees up to 90 cm. Glowing trees 1-3 m. Christmas trees with light bulbs. Christmas trees with light bulbs up to 1.55 m. Christmas trees with light bulbs from 1.80 m. Fiber optic trees ■ Glowing motifs ■ Wooden Christmas lamps ■ Wooden slides ■ Glowing paintings ■ Glowing volumetric decorations ■ Illuminated lanterns ■ Glowing houses and miniatures ■ Hanging luminous decorations ■ Light-dynamic and musical compositions ■ Ceramic collection LEMAX. Lemax glowing houses. Facades. Musical and animated compositions. Subject compositions. Figures of people and animals. Decorative elements Lemax. Lemax accessories ■ Electric candles and candlesticks. Electric tea candles. Classic "flickering" pillar candles. Candles with a "live" flame. Electric table candles. Slides with electric candles. Lanterns with candles. Electric candlesticks. Electric garlands with candles. Glowing panels with candles. Batteries and adapters ■ Glowing Christmas tree decorations ■ LED projectors ■ SOLAR solar-powered lamps ■ Decorative lamps Festive decoration ■ Inflatable New Year's figures ■ Decorative branches, flowers and garlands. Poinsettias. Roses. The flowers are different. Berries. Branches. Coniferous branches. Garlands. Decorative wreaths. Decorations made from natural materials ■ Snow collection ■ Decorations made from foil. Foil garlands. Stars, snowflakes, fountains, balls ■ Tinsel, rain ■ Paper decorations ■ New Year's decor. New Year's stickers and stencils. Decorative ribbons. Bows. Fabrics for decoration. Artificial snow. Snow blankets. New Year's sprays. Natural materials for decoration. Wall panels, banners ■ Christmas motifs ■ Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Angels, Fairies. Santa Clauses. Santa Clauses. Snow Maidens. Angels, Fairies, Elves ■ Table and interior decoration. Dishes. Tablecloths, runners, napkins. Napkin rings. Vases. Stands, decorations, accessories for bottles. Ceramic and other figurines. Interior items. New Year's lamps. Glowing pictures. Glowing pillows. Candlesticks with electric candles. Candelabra. Candlesticks. Candles. Electric candles. Snow globes SNOWBALLS. Disposable tableware and accessories ■ Decor for the cottage and garden. Garden furniture. Fountains. SOLAR solar-powered lamps. Lanterns. Electric fireplaces. Electric garlands for the garden and veranda. Decorative LED spotlights. Illumination of trees. Glowing figures. Pots and vases for flowers. Country interior items ■ Designer and decorator's corner. "Snow" accessories - snow, bedspreads, sprays. Accessories for decoration. Stands, hooks, pendants, storage containers. Gift wrapping. To help the designer Candles and candlesticks ■ Candles. Candles - Symbol of the year MOUSE and RAT. Decorative candles. Table candles, antique and twisted. Hemp candles (columns). Scented candles. Gift candles. Tea candles. Figured candles. Electric candles · Tea candles · Flickering electric candles "columns" · Electric candles "dancing flame" · Table electric candles · Garlands with candles · Batteries and adapters. Candle decor. Accessories for candles ■ Candlesticks. Glass candlesticks. Metal candlesticks. Ceramic candlesticks. Candelabra. Decorative candlesticks. Candlesticks-lanterns. Coniferous-floral candlesticks. Candlesticks with electric candles New Year's carnival ■ Carnival costumes. Carnival hats, headbands, kokoshniks. Lightweight carnival costumes. Children's carnival costumes 0.5-5 years > Carnival costumes 5-10 years

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