Scheme of attaching a baby to the breast. How to properly attach a baby to the breast: basic feeding positions and criteria for monitoring correct nipple latching. Correct position for feeding

Breastfeeding is the best thing that nature could come up with for humans. After intrauterine life, the baby is uncomfortable in this world, and only around his mother does he feel safe. The child hears the beat of his mother’s heart, the sound of her blood flowing through her veins, and her warmth.

And mother's milk is the healthiest food for babies . It contains all the substances necessary for a newborn - hormones, enzymes, antibodies that protect him from diseases.

Consequences of incorrectly attaching a baby to the breast

Breastfeeding (BF) if done incorrectly can cause certain difficulties, which will soon bring with it very unpleasant consequences for the child and mother.

  • If the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly, then hurts his mother . This is why many mothers refuse to breastfeed. The woman tenses her whole body in pain, and the gland cannot work at full strength.
  • If the baby attaches incorrectly, he does not suck out enough milk, and as a result - slight weight gain .
  • Due to inept application, it appears baby's anxiety , because he is constantly hungry. And too frequent feedings exhaust the mother and make her nervous.
  • The mammary glands become engorged . Milk is not evacuated in a timely manner, which is fraught with the appearance of lactostasis and mastitis. Therefore, in this situation, you need to additionally express milk.
  • If the breast is not latched on correctly, the baby's gums squeeze the harder tip of the nipple, and the delicate skin on it is injured . Hematomas, swellings and even cracks may appear, from which blood is released. All this further increases the pain of feeding.
  • If applied incorrectly iron does not increase the volume of milk produced due to growing needs. Because the child cannot completely empty the breast in this situation.

Breastfeeding technique in photos and videos

This process itself is not that complicated. But today most mothers, especially young ones, have difficulty with it. This is explained by the fact that previously there were many children in families, and little girls always saw how to properly feed babies. Today, unfortunately, there is no such practice.

Of great importance baby's first feeding in the delivery room . It leaves the technique of attachment in the newborn’s memory and engenders a new, extrauterine connection between mother and child.

Video. Rules for breastfeeding a newborn

Application rules can be described point by point.

  1. When feeding in a sitting position, you need to take the baby in your arms and place the head in the crook of your arm. In a word, do this so that the baby's tummy touches the mother's belly . That is, the baby should not turn his head to grab the nipple.
  2. Mom needs completely relax while feeding . This is easier to achieve in the lying position.
  3. The child must take the breast with your mouth wide open , as if he were singing the letter "O" loudly or yawning.
  4. The baby's nose and nipple should be at the same level. The baby should not throw back his head or reach forward.
  5. The baby should not suck the nipple itself, but the areola. The tip of the nipple is deep in the mouth, and the lips lie on the areola.
  6. To properly breastfeed, the woman should pinch it a little with her fingers (as if with scissors) and direct the nipple into the baby’s mouth. Moreover, you first need to attach the lower edge of the areola to the baby’s lower lip, and then push the remaining part of the areola into the baby’s mouth with a rolling motion.

Basic positions and rules for breastfeeding a newborn

There are at least 20 feeding positions. The main ones are “sitting” and “lying down”.

Positions for feeding a baby while sitting

Mom holds the child in her arms. If she feeds from the left breast, then the baby’s head lies in the crook of her left hand, if from the right, then in the crook of her right.

Reverse cradle
When feeding the baby from the left breast, the mother holds him with her right hand. Thus, the baby’s head lies in the mother’s palm, and the butt is placed almost in the crook of the arm.

Hand feeding

The child is sitting
An older baby can feed while sitting on his mother’s lap or standing next to her.

“Lying” poses for proper attachment of the baby during breastfeeding

“Lying” - feeding on the side
In this case, the baby should lie on his side, like his mother, and touch her with his stomach. The mother may have a pillow under her head for comfort, but the child does not need it.

“Lying” - feeding from the upper breast

Baby in mother's hand

“Lying” - child on a pillow
Usually mothers feed babies in this position from the lower breast. However, you can change your breasts without changing your body position. To do this, you just need to place a high, dense pillow under the child.

This position is good at the first signs of lactostasis. In this case, mother and child lie on their sides facing each other, and their legs look in opposite directions.

Lying on your back pose
During intense milk flows, it is convenient to feed the baby while lying on his back. The baby is positioned lying tummy down on the mother. In this position, the baby does not choke on the flow of milk, which is convenient for both mother and baby.

To express the required lobe of the mammary gland during lactostasis, you need to try to ensure that the stagnation falls on the straight “nose-chin” of the child. To do this, mothers feed the baby while standing on all fours, twisting him in different directions. This pose may seem funny and stupid, but it is great for getting rid of congestion.

How can you tell if your baby is suckling correctly?

  • Pain is sure sign problems with GV. When applied correctly, the breast does not hurt.
  • When the baby is properly attached to the breast, it is completely released. By the end of feeding it remains empty and soft.
  • The baby takes the breast with his mouth wide open. Therefore, there is no corner between the lips. No visible tension in the cheeks. The lower lip is inverted, and the upper lip covers the areola.
  • The baby's chin touches or sinks into the mother's chest.
  • When sucking, no movement of the muscles of the face, lips, or cheeks is visible. But you can notice the work of the submandibular muscles, which act together with the tongue.
  • The baby swallows milk, and the nipple is located far on the upper palate, closer to the throat.
  • The lower part of the alveoli is almost open, but the upper part is almost entirely covered by the lips.
  • The child does not smack and gasps for air.

If the baby takes the breast incorrectly, then you need to pull out the nipple and put it in the mouth correctly.

Incorrect latching of the nipple by the baby when feeding

Correct grip is the most important condition for successful breastfeeding , without which the normal development of the baby is impossible.

With the wrong position for feeding and improper latching of the nipple, the baby's uneven weight gain, the mother's concern and constant pain during feeding turn the normal natural process of feeding into real torture.

From the first days of breastfeeding, mothers should follow the rules of breastfeeding , and then the entire period of GW will be accompanied only by positive emotions.

It is common knowledge that optimal food Mother's milk is the mother's milk for the baby, so it is so important for every mother to ensure long-term lactation and the baby.

Some women stop breastfeeding due to insufficient milk supply or the appearance of deep, painful nipples, considering the cause of their occurrence to be the flat shape of the nipples.

It turns out that the occurrence of cracked nipples, as well as the duration of breastfeeding, depends on the correct attachment of the baby to the breast. It is important that the baby be put to the breast for the first time in the first hour after birth, if the mother’s condition allows.

Neither the size nor the shape of the nipple matters much; you can always find individual approach. Sometimes in the first days you have to briefly pump the breast before placing the baby on it. This will ensure better flow (and then milk) and prepare the mammary gland for feeding the baby.

In the first days of feeding, the baby forms a conditional “pacifier” from the mother’s breast. It is important that the nipple makes up only 1/3 of it, and 2/3 is the areola, because the baby receives milk mainly from it. If the grip is incorrect, when the areola is not part of the “nipple”, a hungry baby will intensively suck the nipple (receiving very little milk), which leads to the formation of cracks on it, feeding will be painful. Remaining hungry after sucking only the nipple, the child will worry and cry.

It is important to properly attach the baby to the breast already at the stage of colostrum production, that is, immediately after birth. Colostrum is a valuable and nutritious product: even a few drops of it can saturate a newborn. You should put your baby to your breast very often. Good emptying of the breast from colostrum stimulates the flow of mature milk.

The baby should be fed according to his/her demand, and not according to a schedule. The process of sucking itself causes an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin in a woman’s body, which is responsible for the secretion of milk. Therefore, sucking milk from the breast stimulates its production - the more milk the baby has sucked, the more milk comes. Accumulating it for future use is a bad idea, since stagnation of milk will lead to the extinction of lactation.

There is no need to wash your breasts after finishing feeding. A few drops of the fatty milk released at the end of feeding should be left on the bare chest until it dries. It's simple and effective way prevention (and treatment) of cracked nipples. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, breast milk will be more effective means than ointments. In addition, the natural microflora on the nipple and areola will not be affected.

Not so long ago, doctors recommended that pregnant women prepare their nipples for feeding their baby by rubbing them after washing them with a rough towel. It turned out that such manipulations not only do not prevent the appearance of cracks, but can themselves damage the delicate skin of the nipples. Moreover, they can even cause premature birth.

This is due to the fact that irritation of the nipples causes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which, in addition to increasing milk production, causes contractions of the uterus. In some cases (such as flat nipples), lactation consultants may recommend nipple irritation before latching on the baby, but this should be done with your fingers and should be gentle and gentle.

Rules for breastfeeding

You can breastfeed your baby in different positions. It is important that the feeding process does not cause discomfort to the mother, and that the baby grasps the breast correctly.

It is important for every mother to know the rules for attaching a newborn to the breast, and if you have any questions or problems, you should contact a lactation consultant.

  • You can feed the baby in any position: lying, sitting, standing - as long as it is comfortable for both mother and baby;
  • before feeding, the mother should take a comfortable position;
  • give a comfortable position to the child depending on the position chosen by the mother;
  • squeeze a couple of drops of milk from the nipple;
  • run your finger along the baby’s cheek or breast nipple along his lower lip to stimulate the search reflex;
  • After waiting until the baby's mouth is wide open, place the nipple in the baby's mouth - in this case, the nipple rests against the hard palate, stimulating the sucking reflex, and the tongue supports the nipple from below and helps sucking.
  • check the correct grasp of the breast: in addition to the nipple, most of the areola should be grasped, the baby’s lips should be turned outward;
  • Breastfeeding doesn't have to be painful.

While breastfeeding, the mother should not be distracted by eating, watching a movie on TV or telephone conversations, since it is the feeding process that creates a special emotional contact between mother and baby. You can talk to him tenderly, caress him, and feeding will bring pleasure to both the baby and the mother.

Feeding positions

After giving birth, sitting may be difficult or prohibited for the mother, so in the first days it is best to feed the newborn in a position lying on his back or on his side. But in these positions you can continue to feed the baby further.

  1. Feeding while lying on your side. Before feeding in this position, the baby should be placed next to him. Mom needs to rest her shoulder on the mattress, pointing her forearm along her body, and place the edge of the pillow between her head and shoulder. For convenience, a pillow can also be placed under your back. The baby's head is located in the elbow bend of the mother's supporting arm, and the mother presses his body to her. With your free hand you can give breastfeeding and caress the baby.
  1. Lying on her back, the mother presses the baby's tummy to her stomach so that his nose is located opposite the nipple, and the buttocks are in the elbow bend. You can support the baby's head and shoulders with your fingers by placing your index finger under the baby's ear.
  1. It is better to prefer the “under the arm” pose when damage or cracked nipples appear. This pose will help prevent lactostasis and. With this method of feeding, the upper-outer areas of the mammary gland are better emptied, while when feeding in other positions, lactostasis develops more often in these lobes of the breast.

To feed, the mother should take a comfortable position, sitting in a chair, on the sofa or on the floor, but always with support under her back and pillows under her elbows. The baby needs to be laid so that his legs are turned towards the back of a chair or sofa, and his body is between the pillow and the armpit. In this position, the baby should be placed to the breast.

  1. “Cradle” is a well-known position for sitting feeding, in which the baby, being in the mother’s arms, is turned to face her, and his tummy is pressed against the mother’s stomach. It is very important that the child’s back does not bend, but remains level. The nursing woman holds the baby with one hand, and holds the breast with the other to ensure the baby can breathe freely through the nose.

Summary for parents

The question of how to breastfeed a baby more often arises among young, first-time mothers. But perhaps multiparous women do not know everything about what position during feeding will help cope with cracks or prevent mastitis.

The main thing is that if you have any difficulty, you should contact a pediatrician or breastfeeding specialist, and not rush to transfer your baby to bottle feeding. Whatever the size and shape of the nipples, the baby will gradually adapt. Feeding with mother's milk is the key to a child's health.

Breastfeeding consultant Nina Zaichenko tells and shows how to properly place a baby at the breast:

Breastfeeding is very beneficial for children. With milk, the mother transfers immunity to the baby for the first six months of life, important nutrients and vitamins. Being close to the mother and sucking on her breast is a special ritual for the baby, which gives peace and a sense of security. Unfortunately, today many mothers refuse to breastfeed their newborns, citing being busy, not wanting to “spoil their figure,” and often the reason for this incorrect phenomenon is the mother’s lack of milk and, as a result, poor weight gain in the baby.

How to properly attach a newborn baby to the breast

How to properly breastfeed a newborn baby? How to apply to the breast correctly

Few mothers today know how to properly breastfeed their baby. Modern maternity hospitals are set up to teach young women this art.

In order to properly start the milk production mechanism, it is necessary to put the newborn to the breast as early as possible. Today, the time interval from birth to the first meal of a newborn baby is about two hours. The first breastfeeding is very important for subsequent feedings, since it is at this moment that the baby’s habits and the correct grip of the nipple are formed, ensuring comfortable sucking.

Feeding positions video

If after giving birth the mother is allowed to sit, she needs to sit down, choosing a comfortable body position, you can put a pillow under her back, since the feeding process in some children can take twenty minutes or more. The leg on the side chosen for breastfeeding should be placed on some kind of elevation. This position will provide the greatest comfort for mother and baby.

Now it is necessary, carefully holding the newborn under the head and back, carefully place his head directly in the crook of the arm, and with the hand itself support him along the body. With her other hand, the mother helps the baby eat - she puts the nipple in his mouth, adjusts the head, and strokes his back.

How to properly attach a baby to the breast

Separately, it should be said about the process of inserting the nipple into the baby’s mouth - the amount of milk and the degree of breast filling will depend on the correctness of its capture. The fact is that the nipple should be captured together with the areola - the areola. It is in the areola that there are receptors, the stimulation of which sends the message to the nursing mother’s brain that the baby has started sucking and it is necessary to strengthen the process of milk production. If such stimulation is not performed, milk will not be produced and the baby will remain hungry.

Only one breast should be fed at a time. Subsequently - another and so alternate them. This tactic will allow the mammary glands to establish the correct supply of milk to the baby. However, if the child does not eat enough, then you can offer him the second breast. However, it should be remembered that long-term sucking on one breast provides the baby with both “front” liquid milk, which serves as drinking milk, and “back” thick milk, which contains most of the nutrients. Therefore, if the baby is capricious, do not rush to offer him the second breast.

Having completed the feeding process (its end means that the baby began to often let go of the nipple, turn his head, or even fell asleep), you need to express the remaining milk. It is recommended to express into a small, clean container with clean, dry hands. Today there are many different breast pumps, but you should use them carefully, as they can injure the delicate nipple.

Rules for breastfeeding video

After pumping, you should also wash your breasts with baby soap and apply a nourishing cream.

Tips for breastfeeding mothers:

  • Breastfeeding (BF) - advice for a nursing mother
  • Basic and main rules for breastfeeding an infant

How to properly apply to breast photo

The birth of a baby is greatest miracle in the world. And most of all, a tiny and defenseless creature needs its mother and her milk. Pediatricians around the world constantly urge women to breastfeed, because the composition of milk is so ideal for a child that there is no complete analogue. But every year more and more women are faced with lactation problems and sometimes it is not possible to save food for the baby at all or the period of breastfeeding barely reaches six months. Why is this happening? Doctors say that most often the reason for this is the incorrect behavior of women in labor. That is why it is important for young mothers to know how to breastfeed correctly and how to properly attach a baby to the breast. Here is an article that will definitely answer this and some other questions (what is important to pay attention to during breastfeeding, how to better understand the needs of the child, how to avoid common mistakes and the troubles that follow them), and will allow you and your baby to benefit from breastfeeding only positive emotions.

How to properly attach a newborn baby to the breast

Proper application is the golden rule for further success

One of the most important moments that determine the course of the entire subsequent breastfeeding process can confidently be called the baby’s first latch. Failure here is fraught with a negative reaction from both the mother and the baby, who can easily refuse the breast. Most modern maternity hospitals can boast of medical assistance in the matter of first feeding. But, unfortunately, there are also opposite cases. Therefore, it is important for every woman to know the basic principles of how to properly attach a baby to the breast. How to apply to the breast correctly:

  • Choose comfortable position, considering that feeding can last quite a long time and you should not get tired. You can feed your baby in different positions and, as a rule, each woman chooses the one that she likes. But during the entire process, the baby must be with his tummy facing his mother, and his face must be turned towards the nipple. In addition, the baby’s head should not be rigidly fixed so that he can adjust the position of the nipple in his mouth and can inform his mother about the end of feeding (Material with photos and videos);
  • The newborn's nose should be close enough to the breast, but not sink into it, because if the baby reaches for the nipple, then there is a high probability of a superficial latch. Women with full breasts should be especially careful;
  • Remember, the baby must take the nipple on his own. You don't need to put it in his mouth. Otherwise, the same incorrect grip will be ensured and the problems that will follow. If the baby only grabs the tip of the nipple, then by gently pressing the chin the mother can always free herself.

Video: feeding positions:

Breast grab: how to find the truth

But how do you know that your baby has taken the breast correctly? To do this, you just need to pay attention to the feeding process itself. It should look like this:

  • The baby grabs both the areola and the nipple, and his lips turn outward;
  • The baby's nose is pressed tightly to the mother's breast, but does not drown in it;
  • During sucking, no extraneous sounds are heard except sips;
  • Mom does not experience any discomfort during the process.

Photo gallery

(Pictures are clickable)

Popular questions

Do I need a schedule?

The feeding schedule is another stumbling block for absolutely all young mothers. From the older generation you can hear that you need to feed a baby strictly according to the clock. Modern pediatricians have recognized this method as ineffective and unanimously insist that a newborn should be fed on demand! This is because its production is directly proportional to the amount of milk eaten by the baby. Therefore, the more the baby suckles, the more successful the mother’s lactation will be.

How much to feed

But if we talk about the duration of feeding, there are no clear boundaries here. It all depends on the individual abilities and desires of the baby. But we can say that a healthy newborn should actively nurse for at least 30 minutes. Children determine the maximum time for themselves.

  • The amount of time at the breast is determined individually by each baby. Some babies breastfeed more actively, get full quickly and let go of the breast. Other babies suckle slowly and are often seen sleeping at the breast. But if you try to remove the nipple, they start sucking again. To wake up such a baby, you can slightly remove the nipple, or touch his cheek;
  • The duration of the entire breastfeeding period is determined by the mother’s desire to breastfeed, as well as by the general living conditions of the family (food, the need to go to work, and so on);
  • Usually at the beginning of lactation the baby is given breast up to 10 times/day. Gradually, as the baby grows up, the diet is reduced - up to 7-8 times per day.

Are you full or not?

A well-fed baby is a happy baby. This is an undeniable truth. If the baby is full, he either simply let go of the breast, or simply fell asleep. In general, you can understand that a child is eating enough:

  • the baby lets go of the breast on his own after eating;
  • gains weight and height evenly;
  • is active and sleeps well;

One or two servings

Only one breast should be fed at a time. Subsequently - another and so alternate them. This tactic will allow the mammary glands to establish the correct supply of milk to the baby. Sucking on one breast provides the baby with both “front” liquid milk, which serves as drinking milk, and “back” thick milk, which contains most of the nutrients. However, if the child does not eat enough, then you can offer him the second breast.

But it also happens that the mother’s milk production is not as significant as the baby needs it. This problem can especially strike a woman in labor along with sudden growth spurts in the child (2 months of age). Then it is advisable for the mother to give the baby both breasts at one feeding, so that he still has enough milk. But to think that if the breast is soft, it means there is no or little milk in it, is wrong. If a woman in labor sees that the baby is eating from one breast, but offers him the second one just in case, then this approach can have a negative impact on the baby. After all, it’s easy to overfeed a baby.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How often to feed

How often should a baby be fed if overfeeding is still possible? Here it all comes down, again, to the baby’s requirements. After all, if he eats well, he simply cannot get hungry faster than in 2-3 hours! But if the baby asks for the breast more often, then his demand for milk should be satisfied. After all, he might simply not have eaten enough last time. That's why on-demand feeding is the common thread in breastfeeding these days.

What if I overfeed

Many mothers are afraid to feed their baby to the point of irreversible consequences. The main thing is not to panic. Although it is not difficult to overfeed a baby, he will definitely vomit up all the excess. Therefore, your health will not suffer in any way.

Will he have time to digest it?

If the baby eats too often, will the milk have time to be digested? There is no reason for concern here at all. Mother's milk is so perfectly balanced for the baby that the tiny body does not need to spend any special effort on digesting it. Milk almost immediately enters the intestines, where it is digested very quickly.

Crying and feeding

In the practice of young mothers, there are all sorts of cases. Including a baby crying at the chest. And the question “how to breastfeed a baby if he cries a lot” arises by itself. In this case, you need to try to somehow calm the baby down: hold him close, rock him in your arms, talk gently. If the baby cries because he cannot latch onto the breast, then you can squeeze a drop of milk into his mouth or touch the nipple to his lips or cheek. Breasts are the best sedative for any baby. Therefore, it doesn’t take long for mom to force her to take it.

How to take away correctly

With many references to how to properly and often attach a baby for feeding, it is important to remember the recommendations on how to properly wean a baby. To ensure that the process does not cause unpleasant sensations for the mother and does not provoke further problems (cracked nipples, for example), the breast should be removed only after the baby has released it. To do this, you can gently press on the chin (as mentioned above), or you can insert your little finger into the corner of the baby’s mouth and turn it half a turn. This simple manipulation will force the child to open his mouth. Then the breast can be safely removed.

Milk stagnation - what to do

All women probably know that the process of breastfeeding does not always go smoothly. It happens that the baby does not have time to eat everything and the milk stagnates. At the same time, the chest becomes simply “stone”. If you do not pay attention to this, you can earn a subsequent operation. How to react correctly if a problem is discovered? If lumps appear in the chest or, in addition, the temperature rises, then you need to act urgently. At this point, the following will help: a massage under a warm shower, or offering the breast to the baby (by the way, he is the best healer in such situations) and compresses from cabbage leaves with honey. It is important to do the massage carefully, without the risk of damaging the breast. Compresses need to be applied after each baby’s meal. If these manipulations do not bring an obvious effect, and the temperature does not subside for several days, then it is tedious to consult a doctor.

The main thing is common sense

Very often, young mothers, however, take absolutely all the information they can hear so literally that they commit typical mistakes . For example, these:

  • Wash your breasts before each feeding. In fact, morning and evening toiletry is more than enough for this part of the body. Otherwise, you can wash off the protective lubricant that protects the breasts from the growth of bacteria.
  • Holding your breasts with your hands while feeding. This behavior can provoke stagnation of milk in places of contact with the mother’s hand, which must be strictly avoided.
  • Supplementing the baby with baby tea or water. Both drink and food for the baby are mother’s milk!
  • Stop breastfeeding and switch to artificial if cracked nipples or a cold occur. For painless feeding, you should use special silicone nipple covers. And in order not to be afraid of your baby catching a cold, you just need to wear a mask.

This is not a complete list of possible mistakes young mothers make. And every question that worries a woman in labor is better to ask the doctor right away.

Video instructions: rules for breastfeeding:

Having completed the feeding process (its end means that the baby began to often let go of the nipple, turn his head, or even fell asleep), you need to express the remaining milk. It is recommended to express into a small, clean container with clean, dry hands. Today there are many different ones, but they should be used carefully, as they can injure the delicate nipple.

  • Breastfeeding should begin from birth (in the first hours after birth), this is how milk production is stimulated;
  • If the baby is hungry, he himself looks for the breast, opens his mouth and smacks his lips. But if he doesn’t do this, the mother herself can put the nipple to the baby’s lips, then he will immediately take the nipple;
  • It is necessary that the baby grasps the nipple and the isola part of the breast in his mouth;
  • When giving breast to a baby, you need to pay attention to the fact that the cheeks and nose should fit tightly to the breast;
  • It is better not to put the baby on both breasts at one feeding, because in this case the baby will only receive foremilk, which is not as healthy as hindmilk. The baby should suckle one breast completely to the end.

In order to properly start the milk production mechanism, it is necessary to put the newborn to the breast as early as possible. Today, the time interval from birth to the first meal of a newborn baby is about two hours. The first breastfeeding is very important for subsequent feedings, since it is at this moment that the baby’s habits and the correct grip of the nipple are formed, ensuring comfortable sucking.

What features should be taken into account

  1. Maternal nutrition: in the first days you need to include foods rich in fiber; do not abuse sugar. Reception prohibited alcoholic drinks and smoking. It is better to exclude or limit allergenic foods such as nuts, eggs, citrus fruits, etc. (We read about what).
  2. During feeding, you should not be distracted by TV or other extraneous stimuli, as this will disrupt the connection between mother and baby; periodically (up to 3 times) you need to let the baby burp, and after feeding, hold him upright in order to avoid colic.
  3. You should not breastfeed if the mother is seriously ill ( open form tuberculosis, renal failure, AIDS, various infectious diseases) or a child (Rh factor incompatibility, prematurity with the absence of a sucking reflex, diseases of the central nervous system, breathing).

To sum up all of the above, we can say one thing - if a nursing mother does everything correctly, then at the same time as her own pleasant sensations, she will give great benefits and a sense of security to the baby!

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Anna Pilipyuk

Breast milk- it's not only better food for the child, but also a manifestation of love and care. Breastfeeding (BF) is a process that should be enjoyable and convenient for both mother and baby. The appearance of any unpleasant sensations during feeding requires consultation with a specialist - a leading pediatrician or breastfeeding consultant.

What are the signs of proper attachment?

An experienced specialist, having watched the process of putting a baby to the breast, can immediately tell about mistakes. When applied correctly, the baby’s lips should capture not only the nipple, but also the entire areola completely; only in this case can injury be avoided—nipple cracks. For proper latching, the baby's mouth should be open as wide as possible, and its nose should be pressed tightly to the chest. The main criterion for correct application: the absence of unpleasant sensations.

Incorrect application will be indicated by:

  • Unpleasant and painful sensations in the chest, in the back (wrong position chosen);
  • Poor sucking by the baby, he has to reach;
  • The appearance of sounds of smacking, slurping or sucking - their appearance indicates the swallowing of air, which is fraught with the development of regurgitation, colic, etc.

What could be the consequences?

Regardless of the frequency of attachments, if the baby is not attached correctly, then breast-feeding will be ineffective, and sometimes unpleasant and even painful for the mother.

If the nipple is not captured correctly, where there are no milk ducts, the volume of milk received will be insufficient.

The mother develops cracks in her nipples, the baby is hungry, and there is not enough weight gain.

Incomplete emptying of the breast causes stagnation of milk (lactostasis); its prolonged existence is a prerequisite for the development of mastitis (severe inflammation of the mammary gland).

With ineffective feeding, the amount of milk produced decreases, followed by the formation of refusal on the part of the infant, until the complete completion of breastfeeding.

Therefore, improper attachment is serious and all measures must be taken as quickly as possible.

How to properly attach a baby when feeding, regardless of position?

Consultants for breastfeeding give several recommendations for application, which do not depend on the chosen position; one might say, they are universal:

  • Breastfeeding is a long process, so it is necessary to choose a position in which the nursing mother and baby can remain for a long time without experiencing discomfort. For each woman this will be an individual pose;
  • The baby's head, neck and body should be in the same plane. It is best if the bellies of the mother and baby are in contact (but in some positions, this is not feasible), and the head is located in the crook of the arm. The baby's nose (!) should be located in the same plane as the nipple;
  • As soon as the reflex is triggered, the baby opens his mouth wide, you can gently apply it, holding it in the neck area. For convenience, the nursing mother can support the breast from below, as far away from the nipple as possible.

How to learn how to properly attach your baby when feeding while lying down?

The “lying down” position is one of the most comfortable, especially at night, because the mother may not even wake up if she practices co-sleeping. In this position, the baby’s body must be placed on the mother’s arm or a pillow must be placed under it so that the baby is at the level of the nipple. Mom should take a comfortable position - on her side, with a comfortable pillow under her head. With her free hand, mom helps the feeding process.

How can you not attach your baby while breastfeeding while lying down?

You cannot lean on your elbow and hang over the baby. Firstly, it is inconvenient and quickly leads to fatigue. During feeding, the baby should not lie on his back or lean towards the nipple - it is uncomfortable to swallow. Secondly, the mother’s breasts are at the wrong angle and will easily slip out of the baby’s mouth.

You can also feed the baby while lying on your back; this position is common in the West, and in some sources it is called Australian or “telephone”.

The baby lies on top of the mother, and she holds him with her hand. Sometimes, such a position will be life-saving, for example, if the baby cannot cope with the powerful flow of mother's milk. In this position, the baby does not choke, and it is easier for him to latch onto the breast correctly. Some mothers advise using this method at night, when light is limited. After all, in the dark it is difficult to direct your breasts into your mouth.

How to properly position your baby for feeding in a sitting position?

When feeding while sitting, the main condition is a straight back, it is not recommended to lean forward and not lean back. The feet should be on the floor, the knees bent at right angles, a bench can be placed under the feet, and pillows can be placed under the mother’s arms and elbows.

The sitting position for feeding is also called the “cradle” - after the mother takes a comfortable position, it is necessary to position the baby correctly - take his hands so that the body is turned stomach to stomach, it is best if there is as much as possible between mother and baby less clothes In this case, a strong relationship is formed. The baby's head should be in the same horizontal plane with the nipple. The nursing mother should hold the baby's shoulders and back with one hand, and with the other help him to properly grasp the nipple.

You can attach the baby when feeding while sitting, as if from under your arm. This position will be recommended for women who have given birth by caesarean section– the child will not put pressure on the stomach, in the area of ​​the sutures.

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