Taneyeva - Vladimir Regional Philharmonic. Concert Hall named after. S. I. Taneyeva

The Taneyev Concert Hall was opened on November 5, 1967.
On November 5, 1967, a gala meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution was held in the new concert hall of the regional philharmonic society. The first honorary citizens were also invited to the meeting, but they themselves did not yet know about their new status. The ceremony for conferring the title almost fell through because the city executive committee did not agree on this issue with the regional committee of the CPSU. On November 5, the regional party committee hosted the presentation of government awards to leading production workers; after graduation, R.K. The store said that now we will go to present certificates of Honorary Citizens. The party leadership expressed surprise and dissatisfaction with the initiative of the city authorities, who started a political event without their sanction. Second Secretary of the Regional Committee A.N. Kobyakov demanded to cancel the prepared event, adding: “Maybe you will still have Heroes of Vladimir?” First Secretary of the Regional Committee M.A. Ponomarev, having familiarized himself with the list of honorary citizens, allowed the presentation to take place, and later to deal with the initiative of the executive committee. So the ceremony took place safely and solemnly.
One of the advantages of the hall is its excellent acoustics. Concerts of classical and national music alternate with performances by contemporary pop artists.
“The Vladimir Regional Philharmonic was built according to an individual project. Face- glass, steel. The stairs are lined with slabs of polished marble. The auditorium seats 700 spectators. The walls are decorated with red decorative leather; the lower part is made of polished wood. The balcony is finished with polished spruce strips. This design was used for the first time. The suspended ceiling emits even soft light. It also improves acoustics. The hall has soft foam chairs. They match the color of the wood of the walls. Spacious foyer. Lots of light. There are also buffets and a dance hall. Floor-to-ceiling stained glass windows along the entire wall. The entire second floor is given over to the artists. Here are dressing rooms, rooms for rehearsals...” (Admiring lines published by the newspaper “Prizyv” from the story of S.I. Suslov, senior foreman of Trust No. 94, which built this building).
But not only the beauty of the external and internal decoration of the new building, unusual for Vladimir, which was not yet spoiled by large public spaces for cultural purposes, became a landmark of the city. The new concert hall became a center of the highest musical spirituality and a place for the musical education of the residents of the city and its guests. Listeners immediately appreciated the high level of musical culture of the concerts. Tickets were sold out within 1-2 days, although sales began two or more weeks before the concerts.

The Vladimir Regional Philharmonic traces its history back to September 14, 1944, when a concert and variety bureau (KEB) was created by order of the Regional Executive Committee. Already in 1947-1948. Philharmonic groups appear that work in the city of Vladimir and throughout the region. 1968 became a new stage in the history of the Philharmonic, KEB received the status of a regional philharmonic.

The first director of the Philharmonic was B.A. Kuranov. IN different years The team was headed by such creatively interesting leaders as N.G. Grunsky, A.P. Gaponov, R.A. Kuzmin, A.I. Antonov. Since 1999, the Vladimir Regional Philharmonic has been headed by Gennady Semenovich Bobkov.

Concert activity in the 1960-80s was especially vibrant and intense. The repertoires included Russian and world classics of the 18th-20th centuries. The performers were masters of the highest class. During these years, such pianists as D. Bashkirov, V. Viardot, L. Vlasenko, E. Gilels, V. Krainov, S. Richter and many, many others performed. Such violinists as V. Zhuk, P. Kogan, I. Oistrakh came to give concerts. Among them, V. Kornachev also performed with dignity. And among the cellists who performed on stage more than once were M. Rostropovich, A. Rudin, D. Shafran. Fans of vocal music could enjoy the singing of M. Bieshu, G. Gasparyan, Z. Dolukhanova, sisters Karina and Ruzanna Lisitsian, T. Milashkina, V. Atlantov, V. Vedernikov, B. Shtokolov, V. Solovyanenko, A. Eisen and many others . Unforgettable were the concerts of symphony orchestras conducted by V. Dudarova, D. Kitayenko, K. Kakhidze (from Georgia), P. Lilje (from Estonia), F. Mansurov, E. Svetlanov. Wonderful choirs from Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, the Baltic republics, the Volga region and Siberia performed for the residents of Vladimir. They participated in the annual choir festivals named after. S.I. Taneyev, which were held in Vladimir.

Since its founding, the regional philharmonic has come a long way creative path. The Vladimir Philharmonic can be proud of famous artists who have won the hearts of residents of the region and Russia, and many of them have gained worldwide fame. These are People's Artists of Russia Zhemchuzhny N.M., Rudin A.I., Honored Artists of Russia: Kornachev V.A., Firsov M.N., Antonov A.I., Honored Artists of Russia: Lemeshkin A.A., Petrachkov V.P., Khokhlov Ya.V., Bogdanova T.V., Litvinov N.V., Zhukova O.V., Alenin A.V., Savina-Marusyak S.I. and many others.

In the 90s XX century major musical and educational events took place: the charitable children's program “New Names”, “Musical Meetings” and “Chamber Music Evenings”, since 1995 the All-Russian Open Competition of Russian Romance Performers has been held. Among the large-scale events of recent times, it should be noted: Regional festival dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Taneyeva; festival “Culture against drugs”, VII All-Russian competition performers on folk instruments, Festival-Marathon “Songs of Russia”, IX All-Russian Festival for the prize of T. Ustinova “Round Dances Are Done All Over Russia”, All-Russian Festival of Andrei Petrov.
Currently, the creative composition of the Philharmonic includes the following groups: State Vocal and Choreographic Ensemble “Rus” named after. Mikhail Firsov, artistic director, Honored Artist of Russia Nikolai Litvinov; Orchestra of Russian folk instruments under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia A.I. Antonov; Chamber string orchestra, artistic director and conductor A.O. Sonin; Musical lecture hall (Musical theatre), artistic director L.N. Vysotskaya Ensemble “Native Tunes” under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia V.P. Petrachkova; Pop dance ensemble "Exclusive", artistic director A. Arkhipova.

The creative staff of the Philharmonic consists of more than 150 people, among them 12 have honorary titles. Every year the Philharmonic's own ensembles hold more than 900 concerts both in the city of Vladimir and in the region. For recent years Residents of many large Russian cities (Moscow, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Ekaterinburg, Orenburg, Pskov, Petrozavodsk, Tula, Kaluga, Bryansk, Lipetsk, Smolensk, etc.), as well as foreign countries- Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Finland, France, Italy, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, etc.

The Vladimir Regional Philharmonic Society today is an organization dedicated to aesthetic education through professional musical performance, it is an art institution that systematically conducts touring activities. The creative aspirations of the Philharmonic are enormous. New forms of working with viewers, new musical genres on stage, new meetings with famous masters of art - all this is the result of the tireless energy of the leadership of the Philharmonic and the entire team.

Website of the Vladimir Regional Philharmonic.

Famous in the region concert hall named after. Taneyev was opened on November 7th back in 1967. One of the main advantages of the hall is its excellent acoustics. Concerts of classical and national music always alternate with performances by all modern pop artists. The entire history of the Regional Philharmonic goes back to September 14, 1944, when the Concert and Variety Bureau (KEB) was officially created by an official order of the Regional Executive Committee. From 1947 to 1948, philharmonic groups appeared, which, at the same time, worked in the city and even in the region. 1968 was an excellent stage in the history of the Philharmonic; it is worth noting that KEB received the status of a Philharmonic.

The very first director of the Philharmonic was Kuranov B.A. Over the years, the team itself was headed by interesting leaders such as the famous Grunsky N.G., Gaponov A.P., Kuzmin R.A., Antonov A.I. Since 1999, the Philharmonic has been led by the famous theatergoer Gennady Semenovich Bobkov. Since its founding, the Philharmonic has gone through a difficult creative path. It is worth noting that the Vladimir Philharmonic can always be proud of the most famous artists who have won the hearts of residents throughout the region, and many of them have been able to gain worldwide fame. These are People's Artists of the Russian Federation N.M. Zhemchuzhny, A.I. Rudin, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation: Antonov A.I., Firsov M.N., Kornachev V.A., Honored Artists of the Russian Federation: A.A. Lemeshkin, V.P. Petrachkov, Ya.V. Khokhlov, T.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Litvinov, O.V. Zhukova, A.V. Alenin, S.I. Savina-Marusyak and many others... This site will tell you everything about Vladimir’s resource catalogue.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, quite large musical events took place: the charity program “New Names”, “Musical Meetings” and all other “Chamber Music Evenings”, it is worth noting that since 1995 the All-Russian Romance Performers Competition has been held. Of all the largest events, it should be noted: Regional festival, which will be dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Taneyev; festival “Culture against drugs”, this sixth All-Russian competition of participants playing instruments, the ninth All-Russian festival for the main prize of T. Ustinova “Round dances are performed throughout the Russian Federation”, the marathon “Songs of Russia”, A. Petrov Festival.

IN at the moment The creative composition of the Philharmonic includes the following groups: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Nikolai Litvinov - artistic director; Orchestra of folk instruments under the official direction of the artist of the Russian Federation A.I. Antonov; string chamber orchestra, artistic conductor and director A.O. Sonin; Musical theatre, artistic director Vysotskaya L.N. The ensemble “Native Tunes” under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia V.P. Petrachkov.

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