Skin care. Stages of facial skin care and basic rules. Homemade oatmeal peeling

10 ways effective care skin care will help you maintain the texture of your skin clean and healthy, and teach you how to properly care for your skin.

The appearance of the skin largely indicates that happens inside our body.

Our skin is an organ that deserves proper treatment and care. The type of treatment you apply to your skin - although many people overlook it - really plays a vital role in your physical and psychological well-being.

Everyone knows that polluted atmosphere accelerates the rate of skin deterioration. For example, air pollution allows harmful chemicals to settle on the skin and be absorbed through even the smallest pores.

How to properly care for your skin and keep its texture glowing and clear

  1. Drink plenty of water

    The easiest way to properly care for your skin is to drink enough water. Drink enough water to quench your thirst and your skin will always be hydrated.

    If you rarely drink water, your skin conditions may be worse, affecting your skin tone. If you don't drink enough water, moisture from your skin is often absorbed into your body to perform other functional duties. As a result, your skin dries out and is left with small blemishes and minor distortions.

  2. Cleanse your skin

    It is very important to cleanse the surface of the skin from the layer of dead cells. They act as a barrier that prevents the absorption of vital products such as vitamins or lotions. Ultimately, this slows down the path to better skin. Therefore, to properly care for your skin, peel off dead cells from her!

    There are various methods to remove dark spots, such as using enzymes or other acids found in cleansers. Before applying lotion, make sure your skin is exfoliated.

  3. Eat healthy foods

    The food choices you eat certainly have an impact on appearance Your skin. Consuming fruits and vegetables on a regular basis can bring changes in the normal appearance of your skin.

    Avoid tobacco.

    It has some harmful effects on the body as well as the skin. Many people are interested in the benefits of increasing consumption fruits and vegetables to see improvement in your skin, and the answer is that in addition to being full of nutrients and antioxidants, they are also full of water!

    As already mentioned, water is very important to properly care for your skin. Also, looking for any foods that are fortified vitamin C, also helps to properly care for your skin. Fruits such as strawberries, bananas, and others that contain large number vitamin C, D or E, useful and necessary for proper skin care.

  4. Proper sleep

    Kitchen ingredients - olive oil, coconut oil, lemon, sugar, cucumber– can be easily used for your skin. Coconut oil acts as a moisturizer when you apply it to your skin. cucumbers can be used to cleanse the skin before applying a specific mask to the face.

  5. Wash your face

    Wash your face at least once in the morning and before going to bed. You can use a facial cleanser of your choice to cleanse the surface of your skin.

    Cleanser will help you remove some dark spots, which could arise from sunburn or exposure to a polluted environment. Most people are lazy about cleansing their skin before going to bed, which has a significant impact on their skin tone.

  6. Avoid over-drying your skin

    To properly care for your skin, use drying food on it, which prevent your skin from drying out excessively. Also avoid using alcohol based on astringent ingredients and moisturize immediately after washing is the best choice.

These 10 ways are based on how to monitor your health and what goes into your body, since proper skin care means holistic caring for the health of our body.

Our nature is so interesting - we are born with a different set of genes, in fact, each person is unique. This applies to everything from the size of your nose to how you will look at 20, 40 and 60 years old.

We cannot change what is given to us beyond recognition (unless we spend money on plastic surgery, but you and I all know that this deception only disfigures women). We can only learn how to properly care for our appearance, in particular our facial skin, at home.

Some people have naturally oily skin, others have dry and thin skin, it is believed that modern conditions normal skin is very rare, more often combination skin - Skin can behave differently depending on the time of year and temperature and weather conditions.

We cannot completely change our skin type - so DO NOT believe the tricks of advertisers who assure you that your skin will forever stop being oily with their miracle product! But, if you choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and take proper care of it, it will look healthier and actually become much less oily.

So, let's figure out how to make your daily skin care more effective.

1. Determine your skin type

Oily skin

This type of skin is usually thicker, the pores are clearly visible and enlarged. The skin has greasy shine, due to which it collects all the dirt and dust - this is why oily skin more often suffers from rashes and pimples. The advantage is that due to its thickness and protection from drying out, oily skin is not prone to wrinkles, so owners of this skin type (if they learn to care for it properly) will look young for a long time.

Dry skin

In order for your skin to be protected from environmental influences and look flawless, you need it - the first is to cleanse, the second is to tone, and the third is to moisturize\nourish. All this facial treatment can be done at home.

All these actions need to be performed in the morning and in the evening, with the only difference being that in the morning, after cleansing and toning, we moisturize the skin, and in the evening, we nourish it. Don’t think that in the morning you can do without the first two points and just start applying cosmetics to the cream(or without it!).

After all, while we sleep, the sebaceous glands also work, we rub our face on the pillow, and collect dust and bacteria on it, which will gladly give you inflammation and acne if you do not carefully carry out all the morning procedures. Products for these care processes should be selected according to your skin type (have you already decided on it in the previous paragraph?).

3.Your skin type is not forever

Skin type can change throughout life, so cosmetics should be selected based on how your skin feels and looks now. In summer, usually any skin type produces more oil, in winter it is drier. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is also affected by hormones and nutrition. For example, with the advent of menopause, the skin becomes dry, and adding polyunsaturated fatty acids to the diet makes dry skin normal.

4.Features of facial care by skin type

If you use mass-market cosmetics, check the ingredients of the products. Try to choose the most natural (read in this case - harmless) products.

IMPORTANT! For oily skin don’t and use tonics with alcohol (this is exactly what inexperienced young girls do - after all, you really want to degrease your skin, but this can only aggravate the problem). Also, oily-based creams and those without a non-comedogenic label are contraindicated for oily skin.

IMPORTANT: For dry skin, choose mild, non-aggressive cleansers and toners. But fat-free creams are not suitable here. Dry skin is especially important to protect from ultraviolet rays and frost. Therefore, in summer, do not go outside without a protective moisturizer, and in winter, without a rich, nourishing one. Moreover, 30 minutes should preferably pass before going outside.

IMPORTANT: For combination skin, proper care of its different areas is important.

Any skin type should not be overly rubbed when cleansing or toning; all movements should be light and smooth. You need to wash your face first with warm water, then you can reduce the temperature a little - we do not injure the skin with ice water.

After all, temperature promotes the opening of pores; in warm water, they will open easier and you will be able to cleanse your skin much better.

The cream should be applied with gentle patting movements (do not rub or rub!), in certain directions:

  • on the forehead: with both hands towards the temples, from bottom to top;
  • areas around the eyes: on the eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the eyes, under the eyes - in the opposite direction with both hands at the same time;
  • on the cheeks: from nose to temples;
  • around lips: on the chin - from the center in both directions, from above - from the corners of the mouth to the bases of the wings of the nose;
  • on the neck: first in the middle, then gently rub in both directions onto the side surfaces.

It is also important to observe the correct application of creams. Creams and serums are recommended to be applied to damp skin, but sunscreens are recommended to be applied to dry skin. In addition, you cannot wipe your face with a towel - only blot it, preferably with napkins.

Mass market cosmetics, that is, advertised cosmetics sold in regular perfume stores, as a rule, contain toxic petrochemical products. 90% of the cost of these properties goes to forming an advertising campaign and popularizing products.

All these beautiful girls with shining peach faces that smile at us from screens and labels, forcing us to buy these products. We also want to look just as stunning. And at this moment we don’t ask ourselves at all what is included in such cosmetics? What is included in this remaining meager 10% of the price?

7. Go for an examination

Problematic skin directly indicates problems in the body. Therefore, no matter what wonderful means you apply to it, it will only help eliminate the consequences a little, but will not solve the problem.

Instead of buying another “acne toner”, consult an endocrinologist- most often problematic skin is the result of hormonal disorders or nutritional disorders.

8.Use a scrub

In order for moisturizing and nourishing creams and serums to better penetrate the skin structure and work there, you must remove all possible obstacles to this. This means thoroughly cleansing the skin of dirt (using milk, foam, gommage, gel) and dead epithelium (using scrubs).

For oily skin To do this, you can use exfoliating scrubs quite often.

But when dry- no more than once a week, and it is better to select only soft scrubs - so as not to damage thin skin.

9.Make face masks at home

Apply to skin several times a week natural oils for rejuvenation (argan oil, masket rose, immortelle, evening primrose). This should be done in the evenings, applied to damp skin with massage movements, and moisturizer on top.

Do not wash your face with tap water!

Ordinary tap water can be hard - it contains magnesium and calcium salts, which dry out the skin with prolonged use. This is especially dangerous for dry skin; it may begin to peel, even though you have chosen all the care products correctly.

In order to soften the water, you need to boil it and add a quarter teaspoon of soda (optional - half a teaspoon of borax, one tablespoon of glycerin or lemon juice - for oily skin). If the skin is too sensitive, it is good to dilute boiled water in half with milk (temperature 24-25C).

Probably all women have a problem with the question of what cosmetics to apply to their precious face so as not to harm the skin? If you have extra money, you can buy a more expensive cream in the store, it will satisfy you to some extent, or at least it will please you with the beauty of the packaging. By the way, do you know what is included in store-bought creams?

The dyes, flavors and preservatives alone are worth it, not to mention other components unknown to us. But how many women refused any cosmetics after allergic reactions to store-bought creams and masks... Even the high price of a product cannot guarantee quality, because you and I will never be able to find out where, how and what the creams were made of, or in what conditions they were stored (and this is also an important factor). But you can easily avoid unnecessary worries, wasting time searching for a worthy product and save the contents of your wallet.

You may be surprised, but almost all cosmetic products can be easily made at home, with your own hands. Natural cosmetics are quite simple, cheap, and most importantly - no harm to the health of your skin. This is where you will be 100% sure that it contains only proven ingredients and your skin will not receive anything harmful.

Daily facial skin care step by step

If you want your face to always look young and healthy, then you need to set aside time every day to give your face what it is really struggling without. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting - this is what our skin needs, regardless of its type. Another thing is what kind of cosmetic products you will use to carry out these three simple procedures. Here the choice must be made carefully. After all, if you use products that are not suitable for you, then instead of helping, you can only harm your skin.

So, for success you need:

Regularity of care;
properly selected cosmetics.

The correctness of the selected products is primarily determined by your skin type. Skin varies greatly depending on oiliness, age and combination various factors, as a result, the following types can be distinguished: - shiny, oily; - not too oily and not too dry; - thin, dry; - sometimes oily, dry and normal; - skin with age-related changes.

What procedures need to be carried out, what products will be needed to maintain the cleanliness, beauty and freshness of your face?


The first stage in facial skin care is cleansing.


Water washes away dirt from the surface of the skin. But water can be different: cold water, hot, warm, tap water, rain, melt, soft, hard, etc. All cosmetologists recommend, regardless of skin type, to wash your face with soft water. Such water includes rain and melt water. Yes, for washing - it would be ideal, but the process of collecting such water is very difficult, especially for city residents. So it will be easier to simply soften the water by boiling it and adding 1 teaspoon of borax to 2 liters of water.

Lotions and tonics

You can wash away dirt using a cleansing lotion or tonic. They also come in different varieties - alcoholic and non-alcoholic, for example, based on decoction, alkaline and sour. These products not only remove dirt from the face, but also, depending on their properties, tone, soften, soothe and disinfect the skin. If you are for the maximum natural cosmetics, then to cleanse your face it is better to use baby lotion, which you buy in a store, and choose mineral water. Children's products undergo more careful control, and there is a chance to receive quality product much higher.

Scrubs and peelings

In addition to washing and removing dirt, you also need to cleanse the skin at a deeper level - exfoliate old cells and skin particles. This requires scrubs or peelings. Both must be handled very carefully. They perform the same function, but in different ways.

Scrub exfoliates dead cells due to mechanical action on the skin, and peeling - due to chemical action. If, say, there are pieces in the product peach pits, then this is a scrub, and if the product is made, for example, based on citric acid, then this is a peeling.

Attention! Scrubs and peelings are very strong remedies in their effects, so they cannot be used daily. Frequent use will cause the skin to become thin and dry, and therefore not wrinkled in time. Scrubs and peels are applied to damp skin.

Contraindications: if you have any skin diseases or the blood vessels on your face are located very close to the surface, be sure to consult your doctor before using a scrub or before using masks!

A wonderful recipe for a soft scrub made from coffee grounds.

The recipe combines cleansing particles and a nutrient mixture. Coffee grounds will clean. If you drank coffee in the morning, don’t pour the grounds down the sink, but use its valuable properties for yourself. One thing: the coffee should be finely ground so that the grains do not injure the skin. And it is better to take the coffee that has been drunk - “steamed”. It is softer, so it is more suitable, for example, for dry skin. The grounds will need two parts. Well, sour cream will be the nutritional basis. The drier the skin, the fattier the sour cream.

Take one part of sour cream. Mix these two ingredients, apply to the face and massage gently. We cleanse the skin in this way for 3-5 minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water.

Steam baths

Under the influence of hot steam, the pores open, blood flows, which means the oxygen supply to the skin improves. This is the same steam room with an oak or birch broom, only for the face. And the role of the broom will be taken over by the infusion with which you steam bath you will do. Taking a steam bath once a week is enough for any skin type.

Contraindications: skin diseases and blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin.

Herbal facial steam bath recipe

To do this, you will need a terry bath towel and a saucepan or deep bowl. Brew lemon herbal tea as a base for your bath. To do this, choose any herb: chamomile, mint, sage, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, lemon balm, linden. We brew it based on the proportions: 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1 liter of water. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the broth. Pour the hot broth into a saucepan.

Splash your face with water or lotion to remove surface dirt, lean over the hot pan, and cover yourself with a towel. So sit in your “house”, inhaling aromatic herbs, for about 10 minutes. After this, gently pat your face with a terry towel, and rinse it again with cool water.


After finishing the process of cleansing the skin, you need to tone it. The cleansing procedure, although vital for the face, is still a little stressful. What happens when we cleanse our skin? We irritate her. Blood supply improves, but moisture also begins to evaporate faster from the surface of the skin. To avoid this, after cleansing it is imperative to soothe and tone our skin.


This can be done with lotions or tonics. They will help: completely cleanse, soothe, and nourish with moisture. In addition, tonics or lotions (which are chosen depending on the skin type) help each type specifically combat its shortcomings. Toner for oily skin tightens pores and makes the skin matte. Alcohol-free toners for dry skin soften the skin and increase its ability to retain moisture.

If the tonic does not contain alcohol, then you can even blot the sensitive skin around the eyes with it, which will undoubtedly affect its condition.

Rose Tonic Recipe

Rose tonic perfectly tones the skin, which can be prepared from rose hips, garden roses, and wild roses. It has wonderful properties - it cleanses, tones, vitaminizes, softens and does not dry out the skin. This toner can be used to remove masks or wash your skin after removing the mask.

You will need 3-5 rose petals. Finely chop them and let them sit in a bowl for a while to release more juice. And then pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture. And let the lotion sit for about 20 minutes. Then take a gauze and strain the lotion into a clean bowl.

Instead of boiling water, you can use milk, then the nutritional properties of the tonic will only be added. And if you have slight redness on your skin, then just drop a drop of lavender oil into your toner or add chamomile to rose petals.


The next important step is hydration. Just rinsing your face with water is practically the same as watering a six-acre garden with one watering can. No, rinse for your health, this is great, the skin will still take some of the water, but it will take the rest of the main part from our internal reserves. And, if your skin is dry, this does not mean that these internal reserves are running out, but simply that your skin has lost its ability to retain moisture. And moisturizing tonics, masks and creams are designed to restore this ability.

How many times a day should you moisturize your skin? Previously, it was believed that only once, in the morning, after cleansing. But now cosmetologists have come to the conclusion that if the skin feels discomfort, then this should be done “on demand”. You can carry a bottle of moisturizing toner or thermal water and apply them to your face from time to time.


You have cleaned and moisturized your skin, and the last stage of care will be to nourish the skin with the elements that are important for it. For this you will need night cream(and night cream is always a nourishing cream) or a nourishing mask. Which skin type is best suited for which mask and which cream will be written below, but first let’s repeat the most important rules applying cream and mask.

How to apply a mask correctly

Before applying the mask, your face must be cleansed!

The effect of the mask is best seen after a hot compress.

Don't forget to apply a thin layer of rich, nourishing cream to the dry, sensitive skin around your eyes.

Apply the mask itself. You can apply it with whatever is convenient for you - a cotton swab, a cotton pad, a special brush, your hand - the main thing is that everything is clean. Apply the mask strictly along the massage lines.

While you are “taking” the mask, place a small compress - a tea bag - on your eyes.

After you apply the mask, you need to lie down and relax.

Masks are applied for 15–20 minutes. It is not recommended to keep your face under a mask for longer than this time. By leaving the mask on too long, you can achieve the opposite effect.

You need to remove the mask very correctly, without stretching the skin on your face.

The procedure should be completed by wiping with tonic or lotion.

In order for your face to better accept a cream or mask, you need to do cold-hot applications. What is it?

Cold-hot applications

Take two basins. Pour cold water with ice into one, hot water into the other. It is better if it is a decoction of herbs or water with some juice added. Place a towel in each basin. And after you have cleansed your face, start applying pre-wrung towels to your face one by one. Enough 4 times cold and 4 times hot. Finish with a hot towel. Now you can make a mask or apply cream.

The cream, like the mask, is applied only after cleansing the skin.

It is best to apply the cream to a moistened face - water (tonic, lotion) is a good conductor, it will help bring the cream deeper into the skin faster.

If the cream is not in a tube, but in a jar, then do not remove it from there with your fingers - the cream is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria. Use a special plastic spatula that can be washed after each use.

Before applying the cream to your face, hold it briefly in your palm. Let it warm up to body temperature.

A special cream is used for the eye skin!

It is best to massage the cream with your fingertips along the massage lines of the face to prevent overstretching of the skin.

Night cream should not be left on the face all night!!! 20 minutes after applying it, the excess must be removed with a napkin!!! If the cream is left on your face overnight, not only will your skin be deprived of oxygen all this time, but in the morning you will get up with a swollen face.


Who will we defend ourselves from? From what hooligans? It turns out there are not so few bandits who can harm our skin! The leader of this gang is the sun, his right hand is frost, his left is the wind. Well, let’s not even talk about small fry like central heating in our homes and a polluted atmosphere. To protect against these troubles, special products are produced and can be found in pharmacies and stores. It’s better to use natural cosmetics.

Protective Banana Mask Recipe

If you feel that your skin is suffering from the summer sun and becoming drier, then try a banana mask. Such a mask can also be useful in the cold season, when the skin lacks moisture due to the too dry air of heated rooms.

Take 1 banana and mash thoroughly until smooth. Add 1 teaspoon of milk to the resulting slurry. The mask is ready. Gently apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Don't forget to wipe your skin with an ice cube.

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting - this is what our skin needs, regardless of its type. The following articles will describe in detail recipes for the specific skin type of your face.

A woman’s face is perhaps the most unprotected part of the body; it is susceptible to almost everything. external influences. In addition, internal problems of the body are immediately reflected in her condition and become visible to others. That is why facial skin needs careful daily care, which will help restore it to a healthy and radiant appearance, give it elasticity, and preserve youth. Like any cosmetic procedures, home care should not only be systematic, but also correct.


Determining your skin type

For the correct selection of caregivers and cosmetics you need to know your skin type in order to direct your care in the right direction, solving a specific problem. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a cosmetologist who will not only determine but also tell you how to properly care for a certain type of facial skin. However, this can be done independently, knowing some features:

  1. Dry skin is characterized by narrowed pores and tightness; it is prone to premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles, so it needs intensive moisturizing.
  2. Enlarged pores and oily shine accompany oily skin that is prone to inflammation, acne and comedones. Proper cleansing will help avoid many problems of such skin.
  3. Normal skin is characterized by the absence of these shortcomings, but it also requires daily care. The wrong selection of cosmetics can provoke various skin diseases.
  4. Sensitive skin reacts to any external or internal influence with redness and peeling. Special products for sensitive skin do not contain aggressive substances, fragrances or other components that can lead to such manifestations.
  5. Combination skin type is considered the most difficult in terms of choosing skin care products. Here it is important to correctly differentiate problem areas and select cosmetics in accordance with the identified problems. It should be remembered that products labeled “for combination skin” are just a marketing ploy.

In addition to the above, we can highlight such a problem as the manifestation of a capillary network, which reveals weak blood vessels. Cuperosis is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a serious disease; if you discover it, you should consult a doctor. Loose or aging skin is not only an age-related problem; it is quite common in women after 30 years of age with improper or irregular care. Timely measures will restore elasticity to the skin.

Video: Advice from a cosmetologist on determining skin type and selecting cosmetics.

Principles of proper care

The rules for daily home care are based on cleansing, moisturizing, toning and nourishing the skin. Only such an integrated approach will achieve the desired effect and prolong the youth of the skin, preserving it and protecting it from negative influences - both external and internal.


The first and, perhaps, main stage in facial skin care is daily cleansing. During the day, dust settles on the skin, harmful substances from the environment and sebum accumulate. Let's add here foundation, powder, other decorative products. This cocktail not only clogs pores, leading to inflammation, the formation of blackheads, comedones, acne and other troubles, but is also perfectly absorbed by the skin, causing its intoxication. That is why facial skin cleansing should be correct and regular.


Before washing, makeup and dirt accumulated during the day are removed with special skin cleansing products. This could be lotion, milk or micellar water. For lovers of natural home remedies, there is a recipe that many actors use when removing makeup. Any vegetable oil Heat slightly, apply a thin layer, after a minute remove it from the face. The oil will not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize it.

For direct washing, it is better to use purified water, since the skin tends to absorb substances contained in the liquid. Ideally, use rain or melt water, but filtered tap water will also work. At the same time, cosmetologists advise giving up soap, since the alkali it contains has a detrimental effect on the water balance of the skin. Give preference better than gel, milk or foam for washing.


Once or twice a week, peeling is carried out with a specially selected scrub. This procedure is designed to exfoliate dead cells, smooth out the surface, and deeply cleanse the pores. Scrubs are applied to damp skin and rubbed in with light movements, without much pressure. It is worth remembering, however, that in case of severe rosacea, severe inflammation or irritation of the skin, the peeling procedure is contraindicated.

It’s easy enough to make homemade face scrubs. To do this, use small sea ​​salt, sugar or ground coffee, mixed with thick cream or sour cream in equal proportions.

Honey also has a cleansing effect. To do this, apply it to the face with light massage movements, and after thickening, remove it with a damp cloth or cotton pad soaked in a warm herbal decoction. This procedure removes dead skin cells and softens the skin. In addition, this peeling is indicated for inflammation, unlike store-bought scrubs, because honey is a natural antiseptic.

Cleansing masks.

Cleansing face masks are a must in home care, which should also be done once or twice a week. Before applying the mask, experts advise taking a steam bath using essential oils or herbal decoction. This procedure will open the pores and remove toxins. However, some skin problems, among which rosacea ranks first, are a contraindication to such a procedure.

A mask made from cosmetic clay is considered the most effective in cleansing. When choosing clay, skin type is taken into account. Thus, white clay is chosen by those with mixed skin types, blue and green by oily skin types, and red clay is ideal for dry skin.

After applying the cleansing mask, the skin is soothed with tonic. It will remove any remaining product, close pores, and give your face an even color and a fresh look.


After cleansing, the skin needs hydration, which can be achieved with special creams selected according to skin type and age. For young skin, a light gel with a moisturizing effect is preferable. For more mature skin, it is better to choose not just moisturizing, but comprehensive care, where nutrition and giving the skin elasticity will play an important role. Moisturizer is usually applied in the morning.

Moisturizing masks are much more effective. Use them 1-2 times a week. It should be borne in mind that store-bought masks, in addition to useful components, contain undesirable substances such as preservatives, flavors, and dyes, which are also absorbed by the skin. You can avoid their adverse effects by using homemade masks for facial skin care.

During the day, toners or, more recently, thermal water, are used to further hydrate very dry skin.

However, it should be remembered that hydration is not only about using moisturizers, but also about drinking enough liquid. You may notice that dehydrated skin becomes thinner and wrinkled, and begins to peel. In this case, establishing a drinking regime will help.


Tonics and lotions help take care of your facial skin. How to use these products correctly can be found in the instructions on the packaging of each of them. It is better to choose such products on a natural basis, without alcohol. Some women prefer products from the children's series. This has advantages: baby care products contain only natural ingredients, they are hypoallergenic and non-addictive. You can make your own lotion from a decoction of herbs. This product is stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

Skin toning procedures include home cryotherapy, which helps restore freshness and elasticity. To do this, just wipe your face in the morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, nettle, sage, thyme and others. This procedure perfectly tones the skin, eliminates swelling and signs of fatigue, and tightens pores. Sharp cooling promotes microcirculation and strengthens blood vessels, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of capillary mesh. The skin becomes more elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out quickly.


Any skin, especially mature skin, needs nutrition, which it receives, as a rule, from creams and nourishing masks. The nourishing cream is applied at night; before use, it is advisable to warm it slightly in your hands. After 10-15 minutes, excess cream is removed with a napkin, otherwise pores may become clogged, leading to the formation of comedones.

As in other cases, nourishing masks can be purchased in the store. However, most women prefer self-prepared masks. Thus, products such as egg yolk, honey, sour cream or cream, potatoes, cucumber, aloe pulp and others have excellent nutritional properties. The composition is selected depending on the skin type and the desired effect. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes, washed off with running water or a decoction of herbs. After the mask, you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

Facial skin needs not only proper care, but also seasonal protection, because the sun, frost, wind, and temperature changes significantly affect its condition. So, before going out during the day, even in winter time it is better to use a day cream with UV filters that will protect the skin from the influence sun rays leading to the appearance of age spots. In summer, the protection indicator should be higher - at least 30, while in winter 15 is enough. If the day cream with high protection You can’t buy one that protects against ultraviolet radiation; you can additionally apply sunscreen before going outside.

At low temperatures use a protective cream that will prevent the harmful effects of frost. You should use moisturizers in winter at least an hour before going outside.

Video: Proper protection of facial skin in winter in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Any cream is applied along the massage lines with light tapping movements, avoiding strong pressure, which leads to stretching of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles. After a while, if the cream is not absorbed, remove the excess with a napkin, simply blotting your face.

Vitamins play a great role in nourishing the skin, improving its appearance and general condition. Vitamin complexes, taken orally, food enriched with minerals will help restore her health and beauty. In addition, you can enrich any cosmetic products with “vitamins of beauty and youth” - A and E, adding a drop to a cream or mask before applying to the face. B vitamins and the most powerful antioxidant, vitamin C, are also important.

As you can see, maintaining the beauty and health of your facial skin requires a lot of effort and time, but the results will not be long in coming. A radiant appearance and admiring glances will be a worthy reward.

Every woman dreams of flawless facial skin. Studies conducted by Russian scientists have shown that anti-aging creams are not suitable for young skin, and in older women they are addictive and have an adverse effect on health.

In order not to cause harm or spoil your appearance, you need to learn how to properly care for your delicate facial skin. Our article daily facial care will help you with this simple rules.

Skin cleansing

Proper facial care includes. Skin should be cleansed by gentle means: gels, foams, the selection of which is carried out depending on skin type.

When washing with soap, the skin becomes dry, as the pores quickly tighten and do not have time to cleanse. Cosmetologists recommend using special cleansers: gels, creams, milk, creams.

The named cosmetic products help expand pores, cleanse the skin of impurities, and remove makeup well.

Skin toning

At this stage, you need to use a toner to care for delicate skin. It does an excellent job of removing residue from cosmetic products, gently cleanses pores and closes them. The tonic refreshes the skin, soothes and maintains normal pH balance.


If you use either cream or tonic to cleanse your skin, then this is wrong and even harmful. The fact is that the cream opens the pores and leaves them open all day.

The skin gets dirty faster. Therefore, after the cream you need to use a tonic, it will remove excess cream and close the pores.

Skin hydration

One of the main points of skin care is adequate hydration. The dermis consists of 70% water, and its content in the epidermis is 15%, so daily facial skin care consists not only of applying creams and using moisturizing masks, but also maintaining normal water balance.

And this is possible with proper nutrition, fluid intake, and the presence of juicy fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Therapeutic aggressive cosmetics often lead to dehydration. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to use lotion for oily skin, and regular creams are suitable for dry and normal skin.

Skin protection throughout the day

During the day, the skin is exposed to negative environmental influences and suffers from sun rays. Both factors lead to excessive fat production.

Appear age spots, which, firstly, do not decorate a woman, and secondly, they become darker every year and are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, the skin needs daily protection.

Evening recovery and nutrition

In concept proper care Facial skin care also includes daily skin care in the evening. It needs nutrition, restoration and additional hydration.

When choosing care products, it is better to opt for products from one particular company. In this case, the creams complement each other and the skin receives proper nutrition and hydration.

To prevent your skin from getting used to the same cream, it is recommended to buy new care products every 2 months.

The choice of cosmetic products depends on individual characteristics body, skin structure, season and age.

IN modern world There is a wide choice of tools and cosmetic procedures that will help make your dream of perfect and healthy skin come true.

We must not forget about daily care, this is the only way your skin will shine with beauty and youth.

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