Yuri Saulsky, Yuri cast iron. A Brief History of Soviet Jazz. In the great hall of the conservatory the orchestra played Prokofiev without a conductor

Wikipedia - 21 Oct 2017
Persimfans(short for First Symphony Ensemble, Also First Symphony Ensemble of the Moscow City Council) is an orchestra that existed in Moscow from 1922 to 1932. A distinctive feature of this orchestra was the absence of a conductor in it (partly made up for by the position of the concertmaster, who was located on a raised platform facing the orchestra). The band's first performance took place on February 13, 1922.

Persimfans: an orchestra without a conductor in Moscow

Euromag.com - 23 Nov 2017
Centenary October revolution Moscow orchestra persimfans and the Düsseldorf Symphony Orchestra prepared concert program, following the principles of the historical Persimfance, a group of musicians founded in 1922 without a conductor. Concert...

PROMOTION Music of two revolutions

Sounds.ru - 08 Nov 2017
Orchestras persimfans and Düsseldorfer Symphoniker are compositions that, based on classical canons, have given academic music a new reading and new horizons. And the full name of their program is "Inhuman Music. To the 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution...
TASS - 06 Sep 2017
MOSCOW, 6 September. /TASS/. Recreated in the image of a symphony ensemble without a conductor of the 1920s" persimfans"will perform the first Soviet cantata" The Way of October "on City Day on September 9. This is stated in the message of the organizing committee of the cycle of street city ...

Eight button accordions instead of an organ

Moslenta - 08 Sep 2017
On September 9 at 20:00 on the temporary stage in front of the building of the Central Telegraph on Tverskaya the musicians of the ensemble without a conductor " PerSymphAns” and four Moscow choirs will perform the cantata “The Way of October”. MOSLENTA learned from the composer and musician Pyotr Aida why...

Recreated orchestra "Persimfans" will perform at the LegeArtis festival in Moscow

TASS - 24 Mar 2017
MOSCOW, 24 March. /TASS/. First Symphony Ensemble (" persimfans"), recreated on the model of a Moscow ensemble without a conductor of the 1920s, will perform as part of the LegeArtis international festival on April 9 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. About this...

Orchestra without a conductor "Persimfans" will give a concert in the Great Hall of the Conservatory

http://daily.afisha.ru/export/rss/yandex/ - 15 Mar 2017
April 9 at 19.00 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory as part of the LegeArtis international festival, a concert will take place with the participation of violinist Asya Sorshneva and an orchestra without a conductor " persimfans". About this "Afisha Daily" was told by the organizers of the event. Ensemble...

"Red Wheel". Music of the 1910s–1930s performed by the Persimfans Orchestra

Snob.ru - 28 Mar 2017
« persimfans” (The First Symphony Ensemble) was founded by Moscow musicians in 1922 and became the first symphony orchestra in the world that did not have a conductor. In 1933 the ensemble was dissolved. In 2009, at the initiative of pianist and composer Petr Aidu...

"Persimfans" played the program "Red Wheel"

Vedomosti - 13 Apr 2017
The “Red Wheel” of the revolutionary years has come down to our days and, having hooked on a large cultural and historical layer, made a stop called “ persimfans in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. The first symphony ensemble without a conductor is not really...

Refuse the wand. How and why orchestras play without a conductor

Snob.ru - 19 Apr 2017
« persimfans» - an orchestra without a conductor - recently presented at the Conservatory new program"Red Wheel", dedicated to the anniversary of the revolution. The ensemble was created at the turn of 2008–2009 by pianist and composer Petr Aidu in the image and likeness of the legendary...

In the Great Hall of the Conservatory, the Persimfans orchestra delighted the audience with its number and skill

Vedomosti - 04 Oct 2016
« persimfans"- the First Symphony Ensemble of the early Soviet years, revived in 2008. It all consists of soloists - only they do not behave at all like stars: they play, sitting on the stage in a circle, so that the audience sees their backs in the foreground. They play listening to each other so...

Orchestra without a conductor: Persimfans concert will take place in Moscow

Online edition m24.ru - 21 Mar 2017
What to go for: persimfans- this is not a beautiful French word, but a Soviet abbreviation from 1922. It was then that a group of revolutionary-minded musicians-enthusiasts created the First Symphony Ensemble - an orchestra that did without ...

18.08 11:40

Agency "Moscow" - 18 Aug 2017
"The First Symphony Ensemble of the Moscow City Council - persimfans- was created in Moscow in 1922. Having never performed outside the native city, the team became famous all over the world. In the image of Persimfans, orchestras without a conductor were organized not only in the USSR, but also in...

The music of the revolution will be performed by the people of the future

Nezavisimaya Gazeta - 30 Mar 2017
persimfans a new convocation appeared in 2008 at the initiative of the multi-instrumentalist and composer Petr Aidu, who, together with like-minded people, seeks to study and recreate the traditions of the band: not only the concepts of programs and the unusual seating of musicians, but also ...

The orchestra played Prokofiev without a conductor

Russian newspaper- 10 Apr 2017
sound name" persimfans" stands for "The First Symphony Ensemble". The difference between the ensemble and the orchestra is that, contrary to the rules, it fundamentally plays without a conductor. Such an ensemble was created in Moscow in 1922 by young musicians who dreamed of ...

What is Persimfans?

TV channel Culture - 28 Jan 2009
Project " persimfans"initiated by Petr Aidu, the grandson of the violinist Mikhail Kurdyumov, who in turn was a student of Lev Zeitlin, the founder of the first Persimfans. In 1922, during the NEP era, Lev Zeitlin decided to destroy all norms and stereotypes to the ground, ...


Persimfans poster, 1932
basic information

academic music



A country



Persimfans(short for First Symphony Ensemble, Also First Symphony Ensemble of the Moscow City Council listen)) is an orchestra that existed in Moscow from 1922 to 1932. A distinctive feature of this orchestra was the absence of a conductor in it (partly made up for by the position of concertmaster, located on a raised platform facing the orchestra). The band's first performance took place on February 13, 1922.

Created on the initiative of the violinist Lev Zeitlin under the influence of the Bolshevik idea " collective labor”, Persimfans became the first high-class team that managed to bring a symphonic performance to life, based only on the creative initiative of each of the musicians. At the rehearsals of Persimfans, methods used in rehearsals of chamber ensembles were used, decisions on interpretation were made collectively. The ensemble consisted of 90 instrumentalists, soloists, both Moscow and non-Moscow, took part in most of the concerts. All concerts of Persimfans were broadcast on the radio with commentary by members of the artistic council.

Among the members of Persimfans were the largest musicians of the time - soloists of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, professors and students of the Moscow Conservatory. The performance of the orchestra was distinguished by great virtuosity, brightness and expressiveness of sound. Following the example of Persimfans, orchestras without conductors also appeared in Leningrad, Kyiv, Voronezh, and even abroad - in Leipzig and New York. This orchestra was praised by Sergei Prokofiev, who performed his Third Piano Concerto with it in 1927. In the same year, the orchestra was awarded the honorary title "Honored Collective of the USSR". In the late 1920s, there were disagreements in the team, and in 1932 it was disbanded.

Persimfans played an important role in cultural life Moscow in the 1920s, influenced the development of the performing school and the formation of symphony ensembles of a later time (the Big Symphony Orchestra of the All-Union Radio in 1930 and the USSR State Orchestra in 1936). The weekly concerts of Persimfans in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory were a huge success, in addition, the orchestra often performed at factories, plants and other institutions. The repertoire of the group was selected very carefully and was very extensive. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​an orchestra without a conductor did not justify itself; both Persimfans himself and other orchestras modeled after him proved to be short-lived.

In 2009, the Persimfans project was reborn under the leadership of the Russian composer and multi-instrumentalist Pyotr Aidu.

Abstract on the topic:


Persimfans(short for First Symphony Ensemble, Also First Symphony Ensemble of the Moscow City Council) is an orchestra that existed in Moscow from 1922 to 1932. A distinctive feature of this orchestra was the absence of a conductor in it. The band's first performance took place on February 13, 1922.

Created on the initiative of the violinist Lev Tseitlin under the influence of the Bolshevik idea of ​​"collective labor", Persimfans became the first high-class team that managed to bring a symphonic performance to life, based only on the creative initiative of each of the musicians. At the rehearsals of Persimfans, the methods used at the rehearsals of chamber ensembles were used, decisions on interpretation were made collectively. Among the members of Persimfans were the largest musicians of that time - soloists of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, professors and students of the Moscow Conservatory. The performance of the orchestra was distinguished by great virtuosity, brightness and expressiveness of sound. Following the example of Persimfans, orchestras without conductors also appeared in Leningrad, Kyiv, Voronezh, and even abroad - in Leipzig and New York. Sergei Prokofiev spoke enthusiastically about this orchestra, performing his Third Piano Concerto with it in 1927. In the same year, the orchestra was awarded the honorary title "Honored Collective of the USSR". In the late 1920s, there were disagreements in the team, and in 1932 it was disbanded.

Persimfans played an important role in the cultural life of Moscow in the 1920s, influenced the development of the performing school and the formation of later symphony ensembles (the Grand Symphony Orchestra of the All-Union Radio in 1930 and the USSR State Orchestra in 1936). The weekly concerts of Persimfans in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory were a huge success, in addition, the orchestra often performed at factories, plants and other institutions. The repertoire of the group was selected very carefully and was very extensive.

In 2009, the Persimfans project was reborn under the leadership of the Russian composer and multi-instrumentalist Pyotr Aidu.

  1. What is Persimfans? - www.tvkultura.ru/news.html?id=297896&cid=178 // Culture News. TV channel "Culture", January 28, 2009


  • Poniatowski S.P. Persimfans is an orchestra without a conductor. - M.: Music, 2003. ISBN 5-7140-0113-3
This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/16/11 10:39:53 AM

In this article you can find out all the answers in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" for October 21, 2017 (10/21/2017). First, you can see the questions asked by the players by Dmitry Dibrov, and then all the correct answers in today's intellectual TV game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for 10/21/2017.

Questions to the first pair of players

Dmitry Ulyanov and Alexander Rappoport (200,000 - 200,000 rubles)

1. What is a person who does nothing called?
2. What do they say about a person with bad intentions: "Keep ..."?
3. What is sometimes said about the breakdown of a device?
4. How does the name of the song of the beat quartet "Secret" end - "Blues of the Stray ..."?
5. In which former Soviet republic is the currency other than the euro?
6. What play did Lope de Vega write?
7. How did the students call the professor in the film “Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik”?
8. Who erected a monument in front of the Theater Russian army in Moscow?
9. What was the name of the gunboat that fought along with the Varyag cruiser against the Japanese squadron?
10. What did Joseph Brodsky not advise doing in one of the poems?
11. What did the centurion constantly wear as a symbol of his power?
12. In which city in 1960 did the USSR national team become the European football champion?

Questions to the second pair of players

Vitaly Eliseev and Sergey Puskepalis (200,000 - 0 rubles)

1. How to finish the proverb: “The spool is small ...”?
2. What did Matthias Rust plant near the Kremlin?
3. What is the name of George Danelia's film?
4. Which of these is not a confectionery?
5. What was the most disrespectful nickname given to police officers in the past?
6. Who doesn't have horns?
7. What Moscow building is higher than a hundred meters?
8. Which country has never won the European Football Championship?
9. What name did Veniamin Kaverin come up with for the sailboat, and not Jules Verne?
10. What is the fort mentioned in the old expression "to walk the fert"?
11. What was the last name of the Russian general in the James Bond film A View to a Kill?

Questions to the third pair of players

Sati Casanova and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov (400,000 - 0 rubles)

1. What, according to a well-known phraseological unit, can cause rabies?
2. What is the name of the railway line that branches off the main track?
3. What do people invited to a buffet table most often do without?
4. What is not intended for flight?
5. Who were the girlfriends from the poem “Tamara and I” by Agnia Barto?
6. Who competes in the White Rook Tournament?
7. What is the programmer's slang for obscure characters that appear due to an encoding failure?
8. What is the name of the main assembly of the vacuum cleaner?
9. Which of the listed marine inhabitants is a fish?
10. What was located in the middle of Lubyanka Square before the installation of a monument to Dzerzhinsky there?
11. What was different about the First Symphony Ensemble, created in Moscow in 1922?

Answers to the questions of the first pair of players

  1. idle
  2. stone in the bosom
  3. flew
  4. dogs
  5. Kazakhstan
  6. "Dance teacher"
  7. burdock
  8. Suvorov
  9. "Korean"
  10. leave the room
  11. vine stick
  12. in Paris

Answers to the questions of the second pair of players

  1. yes dear
  2. airplane
  3. "Autumn marathon"
  4. manti
  5. pharaohs
  6. at the ocelot
  7. Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  8. Belgium
  9. "Holy Mary"
  10. letter of the alphabet
  11. Gogol

Answers to the questions of the third pair of players

  1. branch
  2. no chairs
  3. omnibus
  4. nurses
  5. young chess players
  6. krakozyabry
  7. compressor
  8. sea ​​Horse
  9. fountain
  10. there was no conductor

Barney thank you so much for the rip! :zvety_krasn:
I can only add information from the official booklet:

Persimfans was created by the outstanding violinist, professor of the Moscow Conservatory Lev Zeitlin in 1922. In the early years of Soviet power, Persimfans became a symbol of the triumph of collectivism and the musical enlightenment of the working masses, putting into practice the utopia of an equal creative initiative without the dictates of a monarch conductor. Sometimes reaching up to 150 people, the composition of the orchestra was formed from the musicians of the leading ensembles of that time, from the largest teachers and conservatory professors. At various times, the soloists of Persimfans concerts were S. Prokofiev and A. Rubinstein, E. Petri and J. Szigeti, I. Kozlovsky, V. Horowitz, A. Gedike and many others. The orchestra's repertoire included both European and Russian classics, from Bach to Scriabin, as well as works by contemporary composers: Ravel, Bartok, Stravinsky, Mosolov, and others. Persimfans' concerts were famous for being held not only in concert halls, but also in factories and workers' clubs, attracting the proletariat to academic music, who saw musicians sitting in a circle on the stage, who, without a conductor, but independently and harmoniously, performed the most complex symphonic works, thereby embodying the ideals of the new society. When the truly socialist ideas of self-organization of the collective began to contradict the authoritarian doctrines of totalitarianism, in 1933 the activity of the ensemble was forced to stop.
In the winter and spring seasons of 2009/2010, Persimfans successfully held a number of concerts, at which Mozart's Overture to The Magic Flute was performed in a special version of 1930 "for cinema, clubs, radio, schools and stage", an almost forgotten ballet S. Prokofiev’s Trapeze, Piano Concerto No. 1 by Alexander Mosolov, as well as Beethoven’s Third “Heroic” Symphony – a work performed by Persimfans at his first concert in 1922. Thus, Persimfans’ repertoire includes well-known concert compositions, little-studied Soviet music x years. (one of the concert discoveries should be the virtually unperformed symphonic suite by Y. Meitus “On the Dneprostroy”), but also the music of contemporary composers.
In terms of the reconstruction of the musical environment of the 20s. a noise orchestra was created with home-made authentic instruments and a musical repertoire corresponding to the original noise groups of the 20s. In addition, the symphonic concerts of Persimfans often also include a choir, a ballet and circus troupe, film montage and literary montage, each of which is an independent number included in the overall ensemble of the action.
Thus, Persimfans is a creative and research laboratory that brings together people from various fields of art, and embodies the principle of equal, versatile and lively creative dialogue.

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