Conspiracy to trade on Saturday. Conspiracies for successful trading at the bazaar. Conspiracies or prayers for successful and easy trading of Vanga

Rituals and conspiracies for trade. Conspiracies for profit.
. A product is an energy structure. Although, of course, you can pick it up, touch and feel it. But goods for sale behave absolutely like energy. Remember the hackneyed expression: “money to money”? The people accurately reflected the essence of the energy of the money received for the goods - this is a clear principle of a magnet.
. What is a magnet for buyers, why some come up to the counter and willingly buy everything, while others, after thinking, leave. Or maybe it’s the character of wealthy traders? The fact is that most of them have one or another potential of the so-called “trading power”. In other words, not every person manages to become a successful seller. Remember how at the beginning of the difficult 90s absolutely everyone rushed into trade - from teachers to plumbers. Yes, many of them “found themselves” - they gradually developed themselves, opened retail outlets, shops, etc. Some of them magically even managed to enter the arena of big business and established themselves as Fortune’s favorites. But, unfortunately, many of the traders, to tell the truth, were burned to smithereens. And all because they did not have one or another potential of “trading power”. Well, they didn’t follow fate - that’s all.
. The reserve of “trading power” determines how much a trading person can earn and, most importantly, spend it wisely or invest in promoting his business. This power can be attracted, retained and even trained. By raising it, sellers accordingly increase cash flow who comes to them. The main thing is to learn how to maintain cash flow: “product - money - product”, determine its direction and adjust it in the right direction. After all, the flow can be upward (money flows to you) or downward (money leaves you).
. Of course, when trade falls, only an extremely frivolous trader will not feel it. It is important to learn to catch the moment when the “trading force” changes direction. Nothing has happened yet, and the situation is tense. This is where you need to feel it - and correct it.
. When trade collapses, problems begin with finances and inspection authorities; if you find ruinous items at a trading place, and you see that the situation is getting out of control and you don’t know what to do, please don’t guess with a daisy, but urgently carry out an energy survey cleaning of premises that will protect your trade. Contact a specialist who will cast an amulet for you for good luck in business and attract “trading power” to you.
. Let's move on directly to rituals and conspiracies to improve trade. All of them, except the first, are performed only on the waxing moon. Do all this secretly, never tell anyone that you performed these rituals. During them you cannot joke, laugh, or have fun. Never perform rituals “for fun” or “for company.” Three days before the event you should not drink alcohol. Here's what you should keep in mind when trading. We must treat all customers humanely. Don't be stingy, don't respond to attacks energy vampires and vampires, do not quarrel with them. Don't deceive, don't overweight, don't be greedy. Give change correctly. Meet and see people off with kindness and gratitude, no matter how difficult it may be.
. I admire a woman I know who has been involved in trading for quite some time. Going to the market in the morning, she reads trading conspiracies and morning prayers at home for about half an hour. Arriving at the trading place, she, without being embarrassed by anyone, sprinkles her goods with holy water, sprinkles them with enchanted poppy seeds and loudly and clearly reads “Our Father” 3 times over the goods. At first, many of the neighboring traders twirled their fingers at their temples, but then they got used to it. But the woman doesn’t care about all this: she trusts herself and her trade to God, and her business is going great.
So let your trading place become not just a “shopping point”, but a Fortune Zone!
1. To get rid of failure in trading, on the waning moon, take any old rag and wipe the dust from your trading place with it. You can also wash the floor with it. Wrap any unnecessary key in it, say the following words to the package: “Dashingly beggar, dashingly non-trading, dashingly loss-making, don’t touch me, servant of God (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Lie under the snag, keep the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags and don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t sell all my goods and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the water. Amen".

Take the package to the river and drown it in the water.

2. If you see a hop among the grass that curls and strives towards the sun, cross yourself and say the following words to it 3 times: “Like hops curl around a pillar towards the sun, so that private merchants curl around me, the servant of God (name).
yes generous customers. Forever and ever. Amen". There is no need to pull hops out of the ground.

It can help to establish trade by turning to the so-called “Power Point,” which is located in the center of the trading place. In a store, this is the center of the trading floor. In the market, estimate approximately where its center is. At home, take an iron ruble or hryvnia, dip it in eucalyptus oil, let it dry and say to it 3 times: “My gift is on your trade roads. As soon as you accept this money, you will crown me with luck. Good luck fort, I will be dearer to you than white light, clean water, delicious food. Miss me, good luck, God’s servant (name). My word for word, my deed for deed, so that good luck for me, (name), has a heart ache. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever disproves the word, otherwise everything will be new, for better, for worse, as it was said before.”

In the center of the trading place, powerful energy trade flows intersect, which have colossal power. Therefore, it is important to “appease” this force and throw a metal charmed hryvnia into this center, saying at the same time: “Paid.” It doesn’t matter that you may even immediately see that someone took this ransom for themselves (this is natural), what’s important is the magical manipulation you performed.

4. You can also make a purchase for good luck in trading. Place a unit of your product, a kilogram of nuts, a loaf in a clean bag white bread, a bottle of good red wine and a banknote. Say a conspiracy to trade: “I will stand, blessing the east, the eastern side. I have the Holy Cross on me, Jesus Christ is with me everywhere. The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys, and you, good luck, knock on me. From this day of God, wealth comes to my trade, the purchase gives wealth. I am giving purchases to the mother church, I will ask her to come to me, (NAME), to drive people - gather to me, the merchant, people from all sides, you have my goods, my bow to you. Ordinary people and bars, take my goods, they are sweeter than mother's milk, tastier than honey, more than a sip of water. My deed and word are in the name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Take the package to the church, but under no circumstances place it on the funeral table.

5. You need to cross the goods, iron what you are selling and say a conspiracy to trade: “I, servant of God (name), iron my goods (name of the goods), I bring the buyer to him. The first one will come and take a look, the second one will come and praise it, and the third one will come and buy it at exorbitant prices. The word is a knot that cannot be untied. Amen".

6. Take a small black rag, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it: “My black melancholy, my black sadness, my black blackness. Go away forever. Fly to me goodness, gold and silver! Money to money, ruble to penny! My chamber is always full of goodness. Everyone who comes will leave with nothing. It’s a profit for me, a joy for myself. It’s good for me to sell, but I won’t know grief! Amen".

After this, the black rag must be thrown out the window, and it must be thrown with such force that it flies far, far away.

“With my hands, with my lips I speak, I pronounce, clean water I'm talking. Give, O water, strength for trade, for prosperity, send, Lord, through the water, prosperity. Jesus Christ will rinse His little hands, my guardian angel will take this water and bring it to me, God’s servant (name). I will pray to the Lord God, I will be saved by his pure water. Whoever knows this conspiracy and reads it before trading will not count the gold and silver. I lock my word and my deed and lock it with seven keys. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Wash your hands before trading.

8. On the eve of the trading day, not late in the evening, you need to read the following trading spell: “Send me, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, honest and profitable trading. Forever and ever. Amen".

9. At night, cut the loaf of bread into quarters. For each piece of bread, read the trading spell like this: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed and rinsed himself, was not afraid of anything, then he sat down at the oak table, ate some white bread, stood up and said: “As this bread was divided into four parts, so (name) had good luck.” Just as people’s hands are greedy for bread, so that I, God’s servant (name), would take everything, sort it out, and give me good money for everything. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning, take this bread to the church and give each piece of bread to an individual begging person.

10. To improve trading, you need to look into the eyes of the turtle and stroke its shell 4 times. To change your luck more radically, you need to take the turtle into your home for two weeks, and the larger it is, the more significant changes in trading await you. From time to time you can take it with you to trade.
I. Popovich, healer. According to materials.

If your field of activity is related to trading, then it is not at all strange that your desire will be successful trading and not just wasting time.

You can force people to buy your product with the help of advertising, attract attention with discounts and sales, but what if this does not give a strong effect and the product is delayed. Of course, a trading plot taken from white magic will help.

Bring closer to your dream for the waning month

In trading, first of all, everything is decided by luck and luck. Strong conspiracies will strengthen your position in the trading market. Good plot will help increase trade turnover, and with it profit. A spell for successful trading will help not only improve the workflow, but also give the business a new life. The most important thing is to read the text during the waning month: at any other time the ritual will not give the same result.

It is also very important not to spread the word about what has been done, otherwise you will not see a positive result. You cannot misinterpret written words or read them backwards. You need to follow a clear sequence of actions: you need to read silently or in a whisper; when reading prayers and texts of spells, it is very important to focus on the meaning of the words. And most importantly, each text must be read 12 times.

Well-known and powerful rituals for successful trading

To perform the ritual you will need an old rag. During the day, dust off your workplace with this rag while reciting the magic text.

Spell “For successful trading” on a rag

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, don’t call me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty, my goods don’t linger, I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Strength, water, language. Amen!"
you won't be bored
And eternal separation.
Why don’t you (rival’s name) go after my beloved,
His mind and feelings cannot be confused.
And for you (the name of your loved one), so as not to look at the homewrecker, not to desire her,
I just feel disgust for her.
So be it.”

You need to read these words 3 times in a row, then throw the rag into the water. The ritual will show its effect especially clearly if you throw the rag into a body of water (a lake, river, even an artificial pond or canal will do).

A plot for successful trading will bring good luck and success. It must be read right before going to auction, it is better to do this at dawn. In this case, the text must be read towards the rising sun.

Conspiracy “For successful trading”

“O Lord, you have spoken with Your most pure lips, for without me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, I believe about our souls, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), to improve my life by trading in buying, selling and money changing, and in everything. You are the master, Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and
Holy Spirit. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and complete a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

If suddenly you do not have the opportunity to read the plot before work, then you can take the text to your workplace and quietly read it there.

Spell "For good trade"

“Lord of Hosts, help me in bargaining,
in purchase, sale and exchange:
Protect from evil eyes, from envious eyes,
from ruin, from damage, from all feigned evil.
As quick bees flock to sweet honey,
let the money buyers come running to me,
they praise my product, they tell others and take it,
and more than once or twice they will come to my doorstep.
In my words, a castle forever and ever. Amen."
If it were better than a delicacy, then for my beloved there would be no one more precious than me, let him value me, caress and cherish me, and dote on me.
Servant of God (name), hear my words. May I, the servant of God (name), become as desirable to you as a poppy to birds. Amen."

Afterwards, carefully spray the water, preferably throughout the room. The main thing is to try to do this as discreetly as possible; you can come to work early, but everything should be hidden from surrounding eyes. This ritual can be performed every week.

Natalya Stepanova, a famous Siberian healer, also shares her and folk recipes for good trading.

In order for trade to take off, the Siberian healer suggests placing an object spelled for good luck right in front of the clients’ eyes.

This item must not be sold under any circumstances. And the spell on him is pronounced 12 times. It is believed that such a powerful amulet as a magnet will attract buyers.

Spell “For successful trading” on the subject

"How will you be my thing,
throw yourself in people's faces,
So all the people at the bazaar will become
rush at my product.
They will take it into their hands and buy it,
Your money to me (your name),
Give to God's servant!
the key to my words.
castle for my affairs.
In the name of father and son and the holy spirit.
ranks, nor lower ranks,
Neither the first nor the last.
Twelve Disciples of Christ
May they help my meeting.

Those who love risky deals also did not go unnoticed by the Siberian folk healer, and she revealed one secret for them. If you can’t sell a product, just sprinkle it with holy water and read the magic text. After this, there will be no end to buyers.

Spell “For successful trading” with holy water

“Sun, Father, blind your eyes
people raid my product
Give me the money in my hands
and take my goods
Key. Lock. Language.
waits for the sun, rejoices and has fun! So (the woman’s name) waited for me, rejoiced and had fun; he could not live, be, drink, or eat without me; neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening; like a fish without water, like a baby without a mother, without mother’s milk, without a mother’s womb, cannot live, so (man’s name) without (man’s name) could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor in the morning at dawn, not in the evening, not in everyday life, not at noon, not with frequent stars, not with violent winds, not on a day with the sun, not at night with the moon. Dig in, melancholy, eat up, melancholy, into the chest, into the heart, into the whole belly of (the man’s name), grow and give birth through all the veins, through all the bones with aching and dryness in (the woman’s name).”

A very strong spell for good luck is associated with grain, and to carry out this ritual it is necessary to dress in all yellow (yellow is a color that attracts luck and wealth). You need to take the grain in your hand, it doesn’t matter which one, then carefully pour it from the grain into a saucer, while whispering the previously learned text.

“For good luck” spell for grain

Here's your place, food and water.
We receive your money, and you receive our goods.”
hernia, popliteal, clear. I will bite a roaring hernia, a protruding hernia, a traveling hernia. I will borrow all the hernias, I will speak to the servant of God (name) from everyone, I will give him good health. So that he does not have any hernia in the new month and new year, neither in a new place, nor in the old place, neither now nor ever. And in the morning, and at night, and in the evening, and during the day, be calm, servant of God (name), calm and calm. Sleep tight, grow fast. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Then you should stand with your back to the counter and throw salt towards the laid out goods, over your left shoulder.

There will be no negativity

The conspiracy has no negative consequences for the performer. However, a lot here depends on whether you are selling a quality product or trying to trick customers into selling stale junk. In the second case, you will be punished, but only for lying, and not for resorting to magic.

The ritual does not have negative consequences, but only because all its actions are aimed only at the good and will not cause harm to anyone.

Conspiracies aimed at business development are harmless. If you do everything correctly, there is no need to fear any troubles.

Those who are well acquainted with the world of trading know: trading is not only a business, but also an art, where luck plays a special role. That is why many enterprising businessmen often use a trading plot to help them achieve the desired heights in this area.

It not only helps attract potential buyers, but also makes income stable.

Features of a successful conspiracy

There will always be those who do not believe in any trading conspiracies. And you shouldn't take them seriously. But the point is not at all about the power of magic and its absence. The main thing is a competent and adequate approach to choosing a suitable plot and correct execution. Only in this case is it realistic to expect positive results.

When carrying out rituals and conspiracies regarding trade, it is necessary to take into account several important features:

  • the optimal time for the best ritual is at dawn, at noon, and also at sunset;
  • a plot for successful and profitable trading should be carried out during the waxing phase of the moon;
  • you should read the cherished words in complete solitude and silence;
  • the best days of the ritual are Wednesday and Saturday;
  • conspiracies for good trading must be carried out for the waning month;
  • you need to believe in the ritual, otherwise it will not help;
  • The selected text must be memorized, the words must be read with great feeling and preferably in a whisper.

You should only use white magic. It will help make any business successful, attract consumers, and make the product in demand. Of no small importance is the desire for trade and customers - the internal fire that will make the plot successful.

If there is no fire, the ritual is performed only for profit, and trade is disgusting, you should not expect any special help from magic. The listed rules are quite simple, and even a novice magician can follow them. But only after a suitable plot has been selected.

It is also necessary to remember: no magic spells will help if you do not show goodwill to customers. Sometimes a simple smile that lifts your spirits is enough, and clients will come. And it’s also good when the product being sold is of high quality.

After all, when we gain through deception, we will certainly lose in another way. This is exactly how the law of white magic works; the law is based on the balance of good and evil. The favorable outcome of the whole idea will depend solely on balance.

Several effective spells to choose from

Today, conspiracies for successful trading are very diverse, and choosing the most suitable one can be very difficult. First you need to understand the types of rituals and choose something suitable.

Below are the most popular rituals and conspiracies that have proven their effectiveness more than once:

On the water

A fairly strong trading conspiracy for a successful business, helping to increase the number of potential buyers, sell out large number goods and activate monetary and internal energy. You will need a saucer, a ring (preferably made of gold) and some water. You need to pour water into a saucer and slowly lower the ring into it.

Place your index finger in the saucer and begin to twist clockwise. Read the following words (from memory):

“Like the mills that turn grain daily, let the goods with my money also turn! Let them not lie like a stone in my pocket, but circle all over the world, and attract a lot of other money to me! Like bees, let them flock to me in constant motion. Also, let buyers circle around my products and buy them! Let the buyers only come to me, but without buying, they don’t leave my goods. My word is strong, no one can take my word away, and no one can take away my luck. Let people come to me, bring money as quickly as possible, buying goods. Come here everyone, there is always water here. Take the water and leave me the money. And may it always be so, as I said, Amen!”

Afterwards, you should put the ring in its usual place and try not to remove the ring for several weeks. The water should be poured out, and the saucer should be rinsed and dried.

For salt

The conspiracy known to trade is quite strong and effective. It helps attract customers and helps sell goods faster. Execution requires the presence of coarse salt, charmed for the waxing moon:

“My dear customers, visitors, walkers and travelers, come here quickly, here is a convenient place, water and food. Good product for you, cash for me!”

The words are repeated exactly 9 times, then you need to carefully collect the charmed salt with the fingers of your right hand and sharply pour it over your left shoulder. The ritual is performed in the place where the goods are directly sold. This ritual is very harmless, and if necessary, the ritual can be repeated once a month.

For money with grass and honey

You will need a banknote of any denomination, a green blade of grass and honey. You should smear a blade of grass with honey and carefully attach it to the bill, repeating the spell for successful and effective trading:

“Just as the grass reaches out to the sun, and the bees hover around the honey, so let the merchants reach out to me (say the name) and my business. Truly so!”

There are many tales circulating among people who are professionally involved in sales. Many of them concern the luck of a particular character. It is not explained only by talent and perseverance. The situation is often presented in such a way that the lucky person receives help from above. There are reasons for this. Especially when you try it. The consequences of such an experiment can please or disappoint. The result depends on the right attitude and other factors. Interested? Then let's figure it out.

Does a merchant need magical support?

Somehow it is not customary to persuade people to take any action. We also have tools for “building” our well-being. Still, it is worth saying a few words on this topic. Many people wonder whether a trading conspiracy really helps. Are its consequences really that noticeable for the wallet (cash)? The buyer hardly observes this in real life. But those who are in business are constantly faced with uneven sales. There are special people. They are always lucky, the buyer is always “rushing”. Others have extremely successful periods. It seems that in reality - not quite. There is a clear connection here with the aura. We just don’t see it, so the logic of events is not realized.

However, even without using spells and prayers for trading, a person can fall into a wave of good luck. This happens when he intuitively tunes into his heavenly patron. For example, lucky chances are often shown in the information field. Someone receives a bonus, another receives excess profit. For the most part, this happens to people who follow their calling. That is, heaven supports them, providing them with the opportunity to have all earthly blessings. Every person deserves this. But we create too many blocks for ourselves in our thoughts, so we don’t live, but vegetate.

How does a trading conspiracy help?

The consequences of any of our actions are primarily manifested in energy, the flows of which only the lazy today do not talk about. Money will only come to those who can accept it. This is also a common opinion. But it is nevertheless not without logic. Money only seems to us like pieces of paper with which we can buy things and develop a business. In fact, they are essentially guided by energy structures - egregors, generated by the thoughts of “big” humanity (already dead and living people). It is this “boss” that it is advisable to join. Make, so to speak, an egregor your friend.

Approximately in this direction, conspiracies and prayers for trade affect the seller’s field. They build bridges to the egregor of money and remove obstacles. In other words, they provide patronage to those who influence the flow of funds. Reviews from those who have actually used them are quite clear. They are acting!

Rules for applying rituals to trade

If a business person (of any level) takes on something, then he is not interested in the action itself, but in the result. Isn't it true? Magic should hardly be considered an exception. Therefore, preliminary preparation is necessary. After all, a person is interested in a conspiracy to trade, the consequences of which will certainly be positive. Since such actions have a very indirect relationship to the material sphere, where the result appears, then preparatory work should be carried out at the level of emotions and moods. People who practice these methods say that the emphasis should be on mood.


The easiest way is to imagine that you are a river. If the flow of money is not flowing in your direction, then there are obstacles. Maybe these are rapids, sometimes even the dams are dead. During the ritual you will begin to dismantle them. That is, when you begin a ritual that uses prayers and spells for good trading, you need to visualize unhindered flows. They should strive in two directions: towards you and in the opposite direction. Otherwise nothing will work. It is impossible to attract without giving. You How to develop without investing? And do not forget about faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and good mood. This is the basis for achieving results.

To summarize: tune in to the fact that a cheerful and powerful river of money passes through you, filling you with an extraordinary feeling of satisfaction from work (reception, communication process, and so on).

How to stabilize trade

Business situations can develop differently. Naturally, it is necessary to select appropriate magical tools for them. By the way, there are enough of them. There are also universal methods. They attract good luck, remove traffic jams, and open up new opportunities. For example, try this strong conspiracy for trading. Reading it is done when you need salt. The quantity is up to you. You can use a whole kilogram and then use it as needed. No, no one will forbid holding the ceremony in a month or two, when the time comes again.

Place the salt in the open air. Say the following words to her: “A dashing beggar, no trade, a loss-making misfortune, do not disturb me, the Lord’s servant (name). Run away, on land and water, may you have no shelter anywhere. Go to the distant seas, where the whole earth is burning in the fog. Don’t invite me with you, I won’t miss you when you’re away. So that I never wear rags, never be in trouble or suffer. Do not sell the product for nothing, but leave it with profit. I send away the lack of money, I lock the word with a key, sprinkle it with salt, block the roads. Amen!" Salt is sprinkled on the threshold of the premises where trade takes place (shop, office, apartment, etc.). This is not the only (strong) conspiracy to trade. It’s just that this ritual is to some extent universal. At least according to the reviews of those who dared to use it.

So as not to suffer from envious people

Most often, the most powerful conspiracies for trade also carry some protective
functions. If we return to the streams, they turn away those who pile stones into your river, thereby creating obstacles. This ritual, for example, is performed with hops. The only inconvenience is that it must be personally picked. The one sold at the pharmacy is not particularly effective. It is used only as a last resort. The following words should be spoken (on the waxing moon): “Fragrant and fluffy hops curl around the pillar. This is his fate. My lot is different. I'm attracted to her. Let the caravan of rich merchants wind around me and never cease. Amen!" Naturally, store hop cones in the place where you conduct transactions.

Coin spell

You need special "money". Her choice is important. The more exceptional the coin, the more effective it will be. For example, an ordinary ruble (five, ten) will become a good talisman. An anniversary coin will bring good luck. Gold (silver, historical) will act like a powerful magnet. If you are interested in foreign currency earnings, then take a foreign coin. In general, the idea is probably clear. At midnight they say this seven times about money: “I collect the light of the sun and send it into a coin. Let it spread rays and gather clients. My black melancholy, bottomless poverty, go away forever. There is a star in my hands of wealth! From now on, the chests are bursting with goods, troubles and suffering are not remembered! Amen!"

Ritual in a retail space

As a rule, people practice magic in secluded places. This is, of course, convenient. Only forces to influence large groups Not everyone has enough people, so to speak, remotely. If you want conspiracies and rituals to have a more serious impact on trade, then carry them out right in the trading premises. This is how, for example, you can contact your personal heavenly assistant. Calculate the visual center of your retail space. Contact this point. The words are: “I appeal to the spirit of trade! I need help now! My luck lies on your trade roads! Bring me to her, marry me, tie us two together! I will trade with luck. And you, spirit, undertake to lead customers to us! Amen!" You must pay for this conspiracy. Give money to a beggar or give a discount to a poor person. Just the same hour, don’t wait for a reason.

Conspiracy on goods

Sometimes it is necessary to apply magical influence to material objects. People often rush to conclusions. They think that the ritual will open golden streams from the sky right from the first minute. If they do not get such results, they become disappointed. They begin to look for a working conspiracy to trade, focusing on the last word. It is then recommended to gradually learn magic. Speak one item at a time from your product to convince your stubborn brain of the effectiveness of rituals. Here are the words: “The master's slave (name) strokes his goods (name) and makes the buyer get along with him. They will reach out in a line. They will look at you and praise you, increase the price, and take away from each other. You merchants, don’t fight, you will agree with my price. I'm looking at it - I'm looking at it. Amen!" Naturally, it is necessary to stroke the thing that is for sale with your left hand. Good luck!

Due to the fact that business in our country mainly means purchase and sale operations, every entrepreneur will be interested in finding out what rituals are carried out for successful trading and independently assessing their effectiveness.

To skeptics, these simple actions may seem ridiculous, since they do not believe in the magical power and effectiveness of rituals, but our ancestors created them not only during pagan times, but also under Christianity. This fact alone can be the best evidence of the strength and energetic power of these rituals. So why not try playing Russian roulette with Lady Luck?

What rituals for successful trading should you trust?

Many trade rituals and conspiracies that are carried out for successful, profitable trade have survived to this day. Among them there are very powerful, targeted rituals that remain effective throughout the year, and there are also simpler ones that promise good results only in the first few weeks after their implementation. But general rules for carrying out almost all magical “operations” aimed at good trading is:

  • carrying out rituals for the waxing month, if you are a buyer - for the waning moon;
  • if you have performed a ritual, to increase its effectiveness, repeat the words of the conspiracy directly in front of the counter - before, after and during trading; reading spells by heart;
  • carrying out all actions in strict sequence;
  • sincere faith in one’s own strength and in the energy of the ritual;
  • if the plot mentions a product, be sure to praise it without skimping on epithets;
  • you should not focus on the financial side of the issue, ask for successful trading in order to help people;
  • performing magical rituals with with a pure heart and thoughts. You cannot ask Heaven and the Higher Forces to harm your competitors, even those who trade dishonestly.

Let's consider what types of rituals can ensure the most profitable trade.

Spells for good trading for sellers

Coins to attract trading luck

To perform the ritual you will need 10 rubles in coins (5 rubles must be yellow, 5 rubles must be white) and 10 rubles in banknotes:

  1. At dawn on the third, fifth or seventh day during the waxing month, go to the market or store at dawn, before all the sellers.
  2. Throw 5 rubles (half and half) over your left shoulder under the market gate (under the store door) and say:

    “I throw money under the gate, I encourage people to buy my goods, just as someone takes a coin, my goods will pass into the wrong hands. As I said, so it will be, no one will cut my word. Amen".

  3. At your workplace, place the remaining 5 rubles under the counter (on the ground) and repeat the words of the conspiracy:
  4. Hide the banknote under the scales (or computer keyboard), and say the words again:

    “As soon as someone takes money, my goods will pass into the wrong hands. As I said, so it will be, no one will cut my word. Amen".

This trading ritual works within a couple of weeks and is valid for up to six months, but you can repeat it once every 3 months.

Compulsory purchase conspiracy

This trading ritual is quite strong and can be used on any day except Saturday. It is also not recommended to perform it on the 13th (this date is used only by “black” sorcerers), 22nd and 27th. To complete this you will need a banknote, a candle and a skein of red thread:

  1. At midnight, take the banknote with your left hand and hold it over the candle fire. You need to move as follows: the flame is located above the center of the banknote: on the count “1” - move the bill to the left so that the flame moves to its end on the right; on the count “2” - back to the middle; on the count “3” - from the center to the right; on the count “4” - from the right side to the center.
  2. Turn the bill and do the same, counting from “5”. You need to stop at “eight”. On the count of “8” the candle should return to the center.
  3. Measure the bill (its length) cleared of “negative” energy 49 times onto the thread.
  4. Wrap the thread around your left wrist, repeating the spell 7 times:

    “Trade is for me, profit is for me, trade is for me, profit is for me. All for me. Amen And for you - good and beautiful goods, red and beautiful and change, and for you - good and beautiful goods, red and beautiful and change. Amen to all of you."

  5. You need to wear the thread on your wrist for 7 days, and then remove it and rewind the cleaned bill with it.
  6. The banknote must be placed in your wallet and not exchanged.

This is an energetically powerful ritual that will attract both profit and buyers to you. It will be active as long as the bill is in your wallet, but to enhance the energy of the conspiracy, repeat it once every three months. When performing the ritual repeatedly, use the same thread and banknote - threads and banknotes “prayed” many times will give faster and more positive results.

Salt spell

Very simple but effective ritual, which requires a handful of salt, poppy seeds and grains of wheat.

  1. At dawn, stand with your back to the gate of a store or the gate of a market.
  2. Throw a handful of bread crumbs over your left shoulder and say three times:

    “As the birds peck these grains, so quickly people will buy up my goods.”

  3. Walk behind your counter, stand with your back to it and throw the poppy over your right shoulder, repeating:

    “As poppies sprout from the ground, so quickly people will buy up my goods.”

  4. Turn your face to the counter, throw salt over your left shoulder, repeating the last words of the spell:

    “I reinforce all my words, I wish successful trading to everyone in the market. So be it. Amen".

A conspiracy for successful trading for the god Veles

This ritual belongs to the most ancient magical acts, in which our ancestors asked the god of trade Veles for protection.

To complete it you will need 6 coins, a handful of wheat, poppy seeds, rye and millet, honey and a jar with a lid:

  1. At dawn, stand by an open window so that the sun's rays shine directly on your face and say:

    “Veles, Veles come, take the offering.”

  2. Put a coin and a handful of wheat in a jar, a coin - a handful of rye, a coin - a handful of millet, a coin - a handful of poppy seeds. Each time you place a coin, say:

    "Money for me"

    and when putting poppy seeds or millet:

    “The product is for you.”

  3. Add honey, mix everything into a homogeneous mixture and at the end put two coins on top, saying:

    “The money is for me, and the last money, Veles, is for you.”

  4. Close the lid tightly.
  5. Go to your trading place and bury a jar with an “offering” under the nearest tree. Repeat three times again:

    “Veles, Veles come, take the offering. Money for me, and the last money, Veles, for you.”

With the help of this conspiracy, you can “revive” trade, attract new customers and make your business prosper.

Prosphora conspiracy

This plot is best done on major Christian holidays. These days, people sincerely pray, are in piety, and this atmosphere is transmitted to every ritual, making it more powerful.

  1. IN Christian holiday(Christmas, Easter, Trinity) go to church.
  2. Stand through the service and buy a church prosphora.
  3. Bring the prosphora to your workplace, let it lie on the counter for exactly 3 hours, absorbing the “spirit” of trade.
  4. Take the prosphora with your left hand, mark yourself with a cross and say the spell 12 times:

    “Prosphora, prosphora marked by the Lord, marked by the Mother of God! Bring me good luck, bring me a buyer in trade matters, give me money! As I said, so be it. Amen".

  5. Eat the prosphora and say:

    “So be it, amen.”

The plot is simple, but our ancestors loved it very much. He awakens some forces beyond a person’s control and fulfills his desire - he makes trading quick.

Conspiracy for “stale” goods

To sell a product that is difficult to sell or a slow-selling seasonal product, you can perform the following ritual:

  1. Go to the forest, find an anthill and take a handful of earth from it in a jar.
  2. At midnight, place the jar on the windowsill so that the monthly rays fall on it.
  3. Light a candle and say the words of the spell 7 times:

    “There are a lot of ants in this house, and even more in the forest house. God send me buyers one at a time, and then the line will be longer. As I said, so be it, no one can interrupt this conspiracy. Amen".

  4. In the morning, take the jar with you to work and sprinkle the ants in front of the store doors or right in front of the counter if you work outside.

After this ritual, feel free to display your fur coats in July - there will certainly be a buyer for them.

Simoron ritual for good trade

Simoron's magic helps well in trading. For the ritual you will need a pot of earth, houseplant, a coin and a symbol of your product (clothes from your daughter’s doll if you specialize in selling clothes, candy if you sell sweets, etc.).

  1. First, clearly formulate your desire and imagine it already accomplished.
  2. Place a layer of soil in the pot and place the symbol of your trade, saying:

    “I will trade boldly, I will trade skillfully.”

  3. Then add another layer of earth and place a coin, saying:

    “Attract buyers, give them your goods.”

  4. Plant a tree on the “lining” and water it every day, loudly repeating your desire.

The tree will grow, becoming stronger, and your trade will prosper and generate income. It will be easier for Simoron to work if you plant a tree on the 27th - this is the magic number of this magic.

Amulet from competition

To protect yourself and your business from unkind and envious competitors, make yourself a talisman:

  1. On the night of the waxing month, place a comb, a clean handkerchief and a new pin in front of you.
  2. Read the spell on them (three times):

    “Lord my God, I stand before You, I ask you to protect me tightly, to protect me with this amulet. I ask the holy army to protect Me from evil spirits: Ivan the Long-Suffering, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Postiler, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Headless, Michael the Archangel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archangel Gabriel, Praskovya the Great Martyr. Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia. I stand under your protection, so that you defend me. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  3. Pin a pin onto the work uniform with inside so that it touches the body.
  4. Hide the comb in the receipt box or somewhere near the cash register.
  5. Hide the handkerchief at home under the box with the family treasury.

Spoken things will bring you luck in trading, attracting new money to what you have.

Plot for the buyer

If you are a buyer and want to save money, be sure to read the following plot before going to the market or supermarket:

“Break off a piece of yours, seller, and half will be enough for you.” Amen".

Now you know what rituals and conspiracies will make your trading more successful, but remember that if you use white magic, then they must trade honestly, without deceiving their customers. Love your client, thanks to whom you exist, respect him and meet him with a smile - these rules of successful trading, coupled with magical rituals, will allow you to have a truly successful trading business.

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