What needs to be done to have good trading. The most powerful spells and prayers for big profits in your store. Nutmeg beads to increase company profits

Trade conspiracies and successful sales came to modern world since ancient times, when this particular field of activity brought the main income to many people. Almost every merchant turned to higher powers for help in making a profit. And they almost always heard the petitioner and helped him in attracting buyers and successful trading. But not every merchant knows about the consequences of a conspiracy on trade, which must be taken into account before pronouncing magic words.

Popularity of magical rituals

Almost every person encounters the sphere of trade. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to make sales your life’s work. It is enough to start selling an apartment and buying a new one or selling your car. In order for such transactions to be successful, many people resort to magical rituals and conspiracies. They don't carry negative energy, and therefore cannot harm anyone.

In trading, more than in any other area, luck is important and almost all spells are based on attracting it to a person. It is with their help that you can obtain stability in business, greater profits and a stable position in the market.

It is enough to know the right words and success will be guaranteed. Most of the world's entrepreneurs resort to various magicians and healers in order to receive stability and huge profits from their own business. After all, the competition is modern market is quite large, and a ritual to attract good luck can significantly facilitate survival in this harsh and error-tolerant world.

The most effective conspiracy

In most cases, it is required to read the plot directly in the premises where trading is carried out. This could be an office, a boutique or the hall of a large store. It is allowed to be read even when it is necessary to retain a certain buyer. But the person should not know anything or understand that he is being bewitched.

To perform the ritual, you will need to prepare several attributes. For this you need:

  • white vessel;
  • water.

You need to pour water into a container and whisper the following words over it:

You need to sprinkle all the corners of the room with water from the vessel. But the ritual should not be performed more than once a week. But it is good because it begins to act quite quickly, and to perform it you do not need to wait for a certain phase of the moon or time of day.

Several useful rituals

A ritual with a candle and small coins that clients leave as change is very popular. After all, many people leave coins so that they do not jingle in their wallet. But first you need to collect all such money in a specially designated box or box. You can't spend them.

After a certain amount has been accumulated, it needs to be collected and taken home. The change is clenched in a fist and the following words are pronounced:

The ideal time to cast a spell is considered to be at night, when the moon shines brightly and directly through the window. The person pronouncing the magic words needs to stand under its rays and extend his hand to him with change. Within a few days the first results will begin to appear.

In order for customers to come to the store again, the seller needs to be extremely polite with each of them. But you can make sure that everyone who comes in buys something with the help of a special conspiracy. You need to start rubbing your hands when entering potential buyer and whisper the words:

Using a banknote

This ritual is very effective, but it is prohibited to perform it in holidays, Saturday and the 13th, 22nd and 27th of each month. To work, the magician will need:

  • small denomination banknote;
  • red thread.

All actions must be performed at the workplace without others. Therefore, it is worth coming to work a little earlier than your subordinates or neighbors. The bill is taken in the hand and its length is measured with a red thread 49 times. Now the resulting thread needs to be wound around your hand with the words:

The plot should be read until the thread is completely wound around your hand. You need to wear this improvised bracelet until it breaks or gets lost. Then you can repeat the ritual.

Carrying out a ritual for the holidays

This rite is allowed to be performed only on days of great church celebrations. Before going to the workplace, you need to buy a prosphora in the church and read the following spell over it twelve times:

The prosphora must be brought into the workplace and hidden so that no one finds it. A year later you need to repeat the ritual. And the used prosphora should be given to animals or crumbled to birds.

Spells for big deals

Not all businesses and companies are engaged only in retail trade. There are big stores that also require luck to sell. In this case, you should stock up on a jar of holy water and patience. A magical whisper is read above the vessel:

You need to cross the water in the jar three times and continue to speak to it with these words:

Store the charmed water in a store or office. Once a week you need to spray the product or corners of the room. Within three days it will become clear whether the conspiracy worked or not. But usually the result is visible almost immediately.

Experienced magicians recommend reading the plot on successful trading over financial documents. In this case, the words of prayer act directly on the product, and it is successfully sold. The words of the conspiracy need to be memorized and read when there is no one else in the room:

After the magical ritual, goods will begin to sell out very quickly, and there will be no end to buyers. Therefore, such a conspiracy should be used by every entrepreneur who is engaged in wholesale sales.

Prayers for good luck

Often, magicians use not only spells, but also prayers to attract good luck and success. However, greater success can be achieved if they are combined with each other and a ritual is performed.

At the first stage, you should definitely read a prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov. If a person does not know the words, then you can buy in the church a small icon of this great saint, to which the words of prayer are attached. In this case, there will also be a visual image of the person the magician is addressing. But it is not so much the words themselves that are important, but the person’s faith and desire. The stronger they are, the faster the result will come.

People often have several cherished desires simultaneously. If, while reading a prayer, it is not possible to concentrate on the one that is of greater importance in at the moment time, then the ritual will be useless.

After the prayer has been read and permission to fulfill the dream has been asked, you can begin to read the plot. But first you should visualize, as if the person has already received everything he asks for, then the magic will work more accurately and powerfully:

If everything is done correctly, then within a few days the first result will be noticeable. If it is not there, then you should remember what the mistake was and repeat the ritual.

Magic against competitors

No one is immune from envy. And it often happens that competitors try their best to ensure that a successful seller has no buyers, and his goods remain lying on the counter. Magic rituals are used for this.

In order to cope with envious people and get rid of their influence, it is worth making a magical amulet for yourself. Several items are used to perform the ritual:

  • handkerchief;
  • crest;
  • pin.

All these items must be purchased without haggling. They cannot be used. The comb is wrapped in a scarf and secured with a pin. After this, you should whisper to the received amulet:

The resulting amulet should always be carried with you. But under no circumstances should you tell anyone about it, even your closest friends.

Spells to remove stagnation

It often happens that the product seems to be needed and the seller is very competent, but nothing is sold, there is no profit at all. In this case, you need not only to read the conspiracy for successful trading, but also to carry out an exchange ritual.

To carry it out you will need a high denomination banknote. With it you need to approach someone who sells the same goods as the person for whom the ritual is being performed. While the money is changing, you need to read the plot:

It is allowed to exchange stagnation from a seller who sells at least related goods in the category. That is, if there is a stagnation in industrial goods, then you need to make an exchange with someone who sells industrial goods. Otherwise the magic will not work.

But ideally, you should make an exchange with a seller who successfully sells stagnant goods. In this case, the result will come much faster.

But here it is important to remember that such a ritual is carried out only once at one seller. The second time you can pull back not only your own failure, but also grab someone else’s.

Magic for increasing profits

If there is a profit, but the business is running at zero or minus, then you should attract good luck to trading with the help of spells. You can do this yourself at the end of the working day, when most of the employees go home.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need to open the cash register or safe, which contains the daily proceeds. It is over them that the first conspiracy will be read:

The safe or cash register closes after reading the plot. The person reading the magic words is not allowed to talk to anyone until he enters the house. You have to try hard if you want a good result. At home, you need to fill a glass of water and whisper over it:

Ideally, when reading the plot there will be no one in the house who could interfere. You need to wash your face with enchanted water three times. You cannot wipe your face and hands - they must dry on their own. A few drops of water should be placed in each corner of the house, and the rest should be drunk.

The ritual will have its first effect within a few days, and then there will be no end to buyers.

Spells on buyers

If the company’s profit directly depends on the number of buyers, then you can quickly make trading successful with the help of a special conspiracy. You should first buy three skeins of thread: black, green and white.

In the forest you need to break a twig from an aspen tree and wrap black threads around it - the whole skein. While winding, you need to read the plot:

The entire white spool of thread should be wound onto a birch twig with the words:

Use thread from the green spool to wind both branches along with the words:

After this ritual, you should keep the amulet at your workplace so that no one finds or sees it. This amulet will help attract large number buyers who will not let the business wither.

If you need to achieve results and returns from sales, then you should resort to magic. It can increase the number of customers, help a business improve and develop. But you need to be extremely careful, because not all rituals are safe. It is better to give preference to those that do not relate to black magic, then you will not have to wait for negative consequences after casting them.

Trade is one of the most important factors that has a significant impact on historical development in general and the life of the people in particular. People have been selling or exchanging goods since ancient times. Trade has always been and will be both a means of enrichment and an opportunity to survive in this turbulent world.

Almost all people trade these days - some sell surplus products from their farms, some sell used items, some have the ingenuity and business acumen to start a business. In general, trade is inextricably linked with our society at all levels, starting from ordinary people and ending with the power structures of the state.

With such a strong connection with the life of the people, trade may often not bring desired result some people. It would seem that a person is selling a sought-after product, but for some reason his neighbor’s trade is brisk, while he himself has almost no buyers.

In such situations, you need to call on Higher powers for help. There are a large number of different conspiracies, whispers, rituals and rituals for successful trading. Those who do not want to use magic can turn with prayer to Saints John of Sochava or Seraphim of Sarov, patrons of merchants.

In order for the prayer for trade to the patron saints to have an effect, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • You definitely need to visit the church to light a candle in front of the image of the desired saint. You shouldn’t skimp on the cost of a candle; the more expensive it is, the better;
  • turn to the saint with a prayer for successful trading. The text of the prayer can be used from the prayer book, or you can come up with it yourself. The main thing is that it comes from the heart, without pursuing the goal of causing harm to anyone;
  • purchase an icon of the desired patron and candles from the church. At home, before each trading day, you need to light a church candle in front of the image of the saint and turn to him with a prayer for good trading.

The effectiveness of prayer for successful trading does not depend on the inviolability of the text, but on the strength of faith with which a person turns to the Higher Divine Powers.

Rules for the ceremony

To attract good luck in trading matters, conspiracies are very rarely performed at home. They are most effective when read in the workplace - in a retail store, behind a counter at a market, or in the sales office of a commercial organization. Wherever this happens, the following circumstances must always be taken into account:

  • any conspiracy for successful trading can only be read in the light of the sun;
  • It is imperative to take into account the phase of the moon - the best results can be achieved during the waxing moon, because it symbolizes the increase in the elements of the spiritual and material worlds;
  • to carry out a ritual to improve sales, you need to use only women's days weeks - Saturday or Wednesday;
  • it is necessary to pronounce secret words without witnesses; such rituals require solitude, silence and concentration;
  • and lastly, faith in magic works wonders. Without confidence that the ritual performed will definitely work, you can’t count on good trading.

After performing the ritual, do not talk about your actions so that the energy of strangers cannot negatively affect the course of the magical effect and your future success

During rituals for a successful sale, large spells are usually used, which are not always convenient to use due to inexperience or the laboriousness of the process. Then short magic phrases - whispers - will come to the rescue. They can be said in a low voice in front of the buyer, but so that the person does not hear anything. Or you can do it mentally, imagining how a buyer purchases your product.

Coin spell

Arriving at your workplace, you need to find a coin of the highest denomination among the money in your wallet and say the spell words over it:

How the merchants came to me in the morning,

They began to praise my product, and praise it,

Attract buyers.

Many customers are standing in line

They want to take all my goods apart.

Previously the boxes were full, but now the bins are rich. Amen.

The coin must be placed in the shoe of the right foot under the heel and walked with it until the end of the working day. Then you need to take out the money and take it to the church, where you put it in the donation box. This coin can be regarded as a payoff for using magic. This conspiracy is quite strong, and if everything was done correctly, then a successful result will not be long in coming and will come very quickly.

The text must be pronounced exactly as stated in the original source. Changing a spell or pronouncing a word incorrectly can dispel a stream of thoughts.

Salt spell

There are two rituals when you can read this magical text. In the first case, you need to take all the salt from your home salt shaker, bring it to your workplace (shop, boutique, market counter), pour the salt into your palm, read the spell, and then throw it over your left shoulder onto your product. When the first buyer appears, he must make a discount.

In the second case, the ritual with salt must be performed every day for a week. To do this, take a handful of coarse rock salt from home every morning. Holding it in your hand, go to work. 20-30 meters before your workplace (market or store), you need to pronounce spell words over the salt and throw it backhand over your left shoulder to the ground. Leave without looking back.

Both of these rituals, together with a strong conspiracy, help increase the flow of customers and good sales.

Whether you're on foot or visiting, everyone come here.

There is room, drink and food for you.

I need your money, and you have my goods. Amen.

Spell on poppy seeds

During the new month, you need to buy a pack of poppy seeds, bring it to your trading place and, while none of the “neighbors” are there, read a small but very good trading conspiracy over the poppy three times:

The one who steps on the enchanted poppy

He will buy my product from me.

My word is strong. Amen.

The spoken poppy seeds should be quietly scattered on the floor in front of your counter and where visitors to the store or market most often pass, where there is a greater flow of them.

For successful sales, while washing your face in the morning before going to sell your product, you need to say the following hex:

My word cannot be taken away from me.

I am a merchant, my crown is with me.

Just as bees fly to honey, everyone looks at my product.

They want to take it. Amen.

Wipe yourself with a handkerchief, which you must take to work and keep with you. The text is pronounced while washing and wiping. Enough strong conspiracy, with quick results.

Another very effective ritual for attracting monetary profit, which N. Stepanova shares:

You need to come to church on the 13th (the month is not important) and buy 13 new wax candles. The change from their purchase must be exchanged for coins. Candles can be used in church, or you can take them with you. Returning home, you need to throw the coins on the floor with a backhand and leave them there until the morning.

When you wake up the next day, the first thing you need to do is collect all the coins from the floor, put them in a handkerchief, tie a knot and hide it under your bed. After this ritual, income will increase sharply. The ritual for coins is also suitable for preventing the transfer of money within the family.


When a buyer hesitates for a long time to buy something he likes, you can push him to this action with a magical whisper. To do this, you need to, discreetly rubbing your palms, look directly at the client and, smiling, tell him “Take it inexpensively!” After this, you need to mentally say the words “Take what is mine, give what is yours. Amen".

Every entrepreneur who is closely associated with sales strives for good revenue and financial well-being. The process of making money is improved thanks to some magic phrases that have long been established among the people. Using whispers to trade, attract buyers, attracts good luck into a person’s life, provides protection from envious people or enemies. We must remember that thought is material, so when pronouncing magic words you need to believe in them.

Profits will increase with the help of magical whispers

Before you sell a product for quick and profitable sale, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. A genuine love for the business and customers attracts positive energy to the store.
  2. Belief in the effectiveness of whispers is the key to the effective impact of the conspiracy.
  3. Magic words are pronounced from memory in a whisper, after reading - you need to thank the higher powers.
  4. Saturday and Wednesday – better days in the week for strong whispers of trading in a store, it is recommended to work on rituals on the waxing moon early in the morning.

Magic words must be spoken clearly and clearly, in an undertone. It is important to vividly imagine the result - this will help convey to the higher powers, together with a whisper, the full power of the innermost desire.

The successful sale of the product will only happen if the ritual remains a secret to everyone. It is impossible to talk about the fact that a conspiracy was carried out either before or after the sales.

There are whispers that must be pronounced with strict conditions - if one of these is chosen, it is important to adhere to the instructions.

Whispers for successful trading and good earnings

For success in business there is a strong whisper for good trade, before which you need to cross the product three times, and while stroking it, say the words:

“Just as I am a servant of God (name) ironing (name) my goods, so I get along with my customers. One will look, another will praise, the third will buy it for his own joy, and for me - for profit. My word is strong, it is molded to the product. Amen".

Words can be whispered in the ear to successfully sell a product

The presence of Thursday salt will allow you to carry out an effective whisper of revenue and profit from trade. Thursday salt can be obtained by consecrating it in church on Maundy Thursday before Easter. The ritual itself is carried out like this: leave the house in the morning, turn over your left shoulder and throw a pinch of salt, saying:

“It’s nice to see when the treasury is full! It's nice to see the bins full of gold. So be it! Amen!".

A strong whisper of trading, which will allow you to multiply your profits several times, is carried out on a cloudless day. Go outside at night, look at the sky and whisper:

“Just as the surface of the sky is full of stars, so will my pocket be filled!” I'm a good merchant! Merchant to all merchants! The stars are in the sky, and the gold is in the chest. The goods are for you, the chest is for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

An effective ritual with a whisper for trading in a store is pronounced before the start of sales, in the morning. Having crossed the goods, you need to say:

“I am a good merchant, my goods are beautiful. I'll sell everything. Product for you, money for us. Full bins, replenish the treasury. Amen".

After the magic words, you need to turn to the east and cross yourself. The above rituals guarantee brisk sales and decent revenue from trade.

Pre-purchase rituals

When going out to purchase products, every entrepreneur hopes that all the goods will be sold out in a short time. It is also important to invest in products that are profitable for yourself and subsequently receive a profit. To attract fortune to yourself, you can resort to whispers - a successful purchase is guaranteed.

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale! So that you can see your product’s reflection like in a mirror, so that it becomes prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one to come buys, the second one buys, the last one buys too! And no one left me without buying something!”

It is important to hold a mirror in your right hand, pointing at the product. Before shopping, whispering will send positive energy to the product and will be stored in the mirror. The mirror must be kept near the cash register until the goods are sold. You can use this mirror in the future, the next time you repeat the plot.

Attracting buyers

The cash register will be empty if there are no customers in the store. The flow of people guarantees, at a minimum, public awareness of what kind of outlet exists and what goods it offers. It often happens that visitors come in but don’t make purchases. To do this, you need to whisper to attract customers who will purchase the products. Before opening the store, go outside, spit on your palms and run them through your pockets, saying:

“Oh yes merchant, oh yes well done! Every merchant has a merchant! I negotiate with all sorts of merchants! Their word is first, and mine is second! Their word is copper, but mine is golden! Amen!".

Whispers will help you make a successful deal with an attracted buyer

After successfully selling the product, look after the buyer and whisper:

“Go, go, bring it with you. It will be like this, but there is no other way! Amen!".

On weekends or during free time from work, passing by an anthill, you can look at it, imagine your store and say: “It’s just as crowded! Amen". These words, together with the use of previous conspiracies, will attract buyers and improve things at work.

How to revive sales and quickly sell stale goods

The trading floor should always be lively: there are many buyers, sales are in full swing. For this to work, you need to say the trade whisper in the store every day before starting your work shift:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! Lord, teach, Lord, help me, the servant of God (your name). Hallowed be your name today, tomorrow and always! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After this, you need to cross yourself three times and bow to the east.

A downturn in business can happen at any time, but in order not to lose investments, you need to sell the goods quickly - a whisper of trade will help with this. For the ritual you will need a cup of water and a gilded spoon. Splash water in a cup and read the plot:

“The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, the faith is strong. Amulet - water, wash away the bad, give the dear. Now, forever and forever. Amen".

You need to resort to such a conspiracy only to quickly sell goods. By performing rituals with faith in the results, brisk trade is guaranteed.

It happens that there is a product lying on the shelves that for some reason does not sell for a long time. In order not to lose your own money and sell your products as quickly as possible, a whisper for successful trading will help. While stroking the product, say:

“When I looked at it, I was so stunned. The goods are good, the merchant is handsome. I sell, you buy! My word is strong, like a castle, like a rock, like a stone! Amen!".

After this, spit over your left shoulder three times.

If the product does not sell for a long time, then use magic whispers for a quick sale

Often, defective goods are received from suppliers, but they cannot be returned. In this case, the store must sell the product no matter what. If the product is small, you need to put it on your right hand and tap it with your fingers; if it is large, tap it with your fingers of your right hand, saying:

“I’m a great merchant! I have God's crown on me! I’m walking across the field, leading the bees! The bees are flying to honey, and I'm going to the market! My product is good! Goods for you, money in my wallet! So be it! Amen!".

Products are sold within a few days if the ritual is performed two to three times per work shift.

So that competitors do not interfere

Perhaps the root of problems in trade lies in envious competitors. It is in the sales area that there are more of them than anywhere else. To get rid of the negative energy of competitors, to discourage them from yourself, you can resort to ritual. At dawn, go out into the yard or look out the window, holding a broom in your hands. While waving a broom you need to say the following words:

“I am walking across an open field, seven spirits and seven winds are running towards me. All, white spirits, strong, brave and strong, go to dashing people and keep them on a leash, so that I may be safe and sound on the road and on the road, in foreign lands and relatives, on water and on land, at a conversation and a feast, at home and at work, and whoever thinks evil of me, then you, spirits, help me to this hour and to this time. Goy."

This ritual effectively clears away competitors and more: ill-wishers, envious people, and enemies will disappear in the coming days. He also puts protection on the workplace so that no one steals the goods.

A candle plot will be a strong energy message into the Cosmos. On the full moon, buy 13 candles in the church and at the exit from the temple say:

“As soon as my opponent starts doing shit, the conspiracy will immediately take everything away. Amen".

Having said the words, go home and not talk to anyone on the way. At home, close yourself in a room and light candles, mentally imagining competitors and enemies in good health. Imagining a wall growing between you and your ill-wishers, repeat five times:

“As soon as my opponent wants to harm, the conspiracy will immediately become disgusting. Let the competitor not start a feud, I will patiently wait for the lunar day. Any evil he does to me will immediately run back to him. I put up a strong defense forever, no one will harm me now. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The candles burn out and the cinders are thrown away. Such a conspiracy is carried out for three full moons in a row without breaks. This ritual will help in sales and will reliably protect against any negative impact.

There are no restrictions on the number of whispers spoken. To achieve your goals, you can resort to a set of rituals for:

  • Successful start of your own business;
  • Attracting clients;
  • Revival of sales;
  • Sales of stale goods;
  • Getting rid of competition;
  • Seller protection.

A complex of whispers and boundless faith in higher powers will bring positive results in trading.

The sales spell is popular among businessmen and sellers who want to achieve success in sales. Such conspiracies are good because they help you get customers without cutting prices.

Rituals for attracting clients have their own characteristics:

  1. Belief in effectiveness. If the entrepreneur feels doubts, the conspiracy will not bring any benefit. Before you start casting spells, you need to believe in success.
  2. Respect for customers. The seller's task is to treat customers with respect, and not to try to sell them a hated product. Only in this case will the ritual be crowned with success.
  3. Following the rules and features. The ritual must be performed correctly for it to be successful.
  4. For the ritual to be effective, the texts of the spells must be memorized. They need to be said in a whisper in a quiet environment.
  5. During the ritual, it is important to feel harmony and peace. Special meditations will help with this.
  6. Rituals are prohibited from being performed on the waning moon.

Video “Conspiracy for Trade”

From this video you will learn a powerful conspiracy for successful trading.

The famous magician from Siberia N. Stepanova advises regularly reading the following spell for good trading:

“The works of the Lord, His most pure lips,

They will pray for me.

Lord, my Lord,

Help my soul with faith,

Multiply all my business by trade:

In bartering and buying,

In everything that a merchant lives by.

In Your holy name is my trade,

And Your protection will be there.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

  • the first visitor should not leave without purchase and change;
  • do not try to harm competitors;
  • carry pike scales in a scarf so that profits are not transferred;
  • Give alms to the poor near the church to attract money for yourself.

“Lord, help me to trade profitably, to be honest and generous, not to deceive anyone, but to lure money into my wallet. I am a fine merchant, I will weigh with excess, pour with powder, cut with extra, I will not deprive anyone, I will not deceive anyone, I will not deceive, I will give even more - so that according to Your will, Lord, the hand of the giver will not become scarce, there will be order in my affairs, prosperity and profit, my deed is good for the glory of God. Amen".

Spells on goods

If business is going badly and the store is not making a profit, you need to cast a strong spell for successful trading:

“I will cross the product, I will cross it for sale! For good luck, the mirror image will make the product look better and customers will like it even more! So that the first client buys a lot, the second even more, and the last one buys the most. I baptize the goods so that not a single client leaves me without purchasing! So that you can come back many times for more!”

Such a ritual for the baptism of goods will help attract many customers. The spell is cast every morning, and it is important to make the sign of the cross over things for sale - clothes, furniture, food. To ensure that positive energy does not go beyond the outlet, hang a bell. According to legends, this thing scares away negative energy with its ringing.

If there is a product in a store or market for which there are no customers, you need to perform the following ritual. In the first half of the day, go into the forest and find an anthill. Collect a few insects in a bag, bring them home and release them on the thing they don’t want to buy. At the same time say:

“As there are many ants in that house, so many buyers for my goods, Lord, send me. Amen".

To sell an expensive item, you need to take a piece of meat, throw it into boiling water and say:

The water after the magical procedure is poured into a jar. Before each trip to work, you must wash your hands with this water.

For clients

In order for there to be an increase in the number of clients, it is necessary to sprinkle coins on the floor of a retail outlet or beauty salon every Wednesday at dawn. Before opening them, you need to move them into a corner, saying:

“I take money to my house and invite buyers. One will come - he will bring money, another will come - he will bring money, a third will come - he will bring money, and the fourth will bring a thousand people with him, and those will also bring half a thousand and a quarter of a thousand, and a hundred times a thousand, and so many more, and half as many, and a quarter so much, and so on endlessly, for you to get hold of goods, and for me to get rich. Amen".

After this, the change is collected and hidden in a dark place.

To ensure that customers are never transferred, take a piece of sugar and natural fabric. Crush the sugar on the workbench and wipe it with a rag. Say this prayer:

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty, my goods don’t linger, I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Strength, water, language. Amen".

After the ritual, the rag must be disposed of. Drown her in the river or burn her at the stake. You will feel the effect immediately if all conditions have been met.

For money

This ritual is popular among sellers who want to sell goods more profitably. Take a five-kopeck coin and at midnight say:

Repeat the spell at least three times. Put the coin in your pocket or wallet and always carry it with you.

The following ritual is suitable for hairdressers, taxi drivers, waiters and other service industry workers. Pick a plantain leaf, dip it in honey and glue it to a large denomination banknote. After this, whisper:

“As grass reaches for the sun, as bees reach for honey, so merchants would reach out to me (name). Truly."

Fold the bill in half to fold the paper inside. Carry this talisman in your wallet or hide it in your workplace.

Money from the sale of goods can also be charmed so that it flows like a river. At dawn you need to go to a pedestrian intersection, throw three coins and say:

“I give my tribute to the trade roads. As my money goes, so may luck come. For upward trading, for crowds of clients, for a lot of sales. Amen".

After that, return home without looking back along the way. As soon as the revenue reaches the desired size, you need to go to church and pray to Archangel Michael.

Other rituals

Home rituals using food products are considered one of the most effective. Food serves as an energy store. Therefore, it is important to put good thoughts into it during the ritual.

With salt

For good trading, you can read the spell on salt. To do this, take some salt, wrap it in a napkin, hide it in your pocket and go to the temple, where you will pray to the Mother of God. After this, return home, take out the salt and say the following words:

After this, sprinkle salt at the place where the goods are sold. Repeat the procedure when the number of buyers decreases.

With poppy seeds

This ritual must be performed on the waxing moon. Buy a poppy seed, pour it onto a new scarf spread on the floor. Cross the poppy and say:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, save and preserve! I am baptized with crosses, I bow to you. Mother of God, You know all my needs, how much money I need, without a coin in my wallet I can neither get dressed, nor put on shoes, nor a piece of bread, nor a sip of water. Give me as much poppy in your scarf, as much money in your wallet. Amen".

After this, the poppy is tied in a scarf and taken to the place of trade. There you need to hide it and wait for profit.

With holy water

This white magic ritual is performed using water. To quickly sell a product, you need buyers with positive energy. They will launch the energy of money, which will bring great profits to the seller. Pour water from the church into a plate. Drop your silver jewelry into it. Start rotating the jewelry clockwise in the water and say:

“As the mill turned and ground the grain day and night, so let my money and my goods turn day and night. Let them not lie in a bag, but circle around the world, meet other money, and bring other money to me. Like bees fly to honey, so everyone looks at my product, like moths fly to the light, so money comes to me. Just as you cannot count the stars, just as you cannot hug the earth with your hands, so no one can take away my strong word. Everyone comes to me, brings their money, takes away the goods, bread, salt, water are here. Everyone come here to me, here is water for you. Water for you, money for me. Amen".

After the ceremony, wear the jewelry on yourself until things get better, and pour the water out the window.

With bread

You can attract good luck with bread. Take a piece of bread and place a candle from the church in it. Light it and read the plot:

“You, my God, are tasty and reliable! Bread, salt and water will never let you down!”

After this, eat a piece of bread, anticipating success at work.

Conspiracy against the envy of competitors

In order to protect your business from the evil thoughts of competitors, you can charm the pen you use to sign business papers. The conspiracy is carried out every morning before the start of the working day. To do this, take a pen and say:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic powers, please protect me, protect me from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the witch, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the bare-haired girl, from the self-made woman, from any sorcerer's villain. Prayers Holy Mother of God, prayers of the saint of God Diodorus. Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, God’s servant (name), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God’s gift, with your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and terrible demon driver and conqueror; Rejoice at the arrival of bright goodness into my home. Make me worthy of all joys and to be a partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Against the evil eye in trading

To prevent unscrupulous competitors from jinxing the success of an entrepreneur, you need to pray to the Lord:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Knowledgeable people claim that the outcome of the ritual depends on the person’s mood and thoughts. In order to attract success, it is important to sincerely believe in it.

And don’t forget about the negative consequences for your business if you want to persuade your competitors to fail.

Rituals and conspiracies for trade. Conspiracies for profit.
. A product is an energy structure. Although, of course, you can pick it up, touch and feel it. But goods for sale behave absolutely like energy. Remember the hackneyed expression: “money to money”? The people accurately reflected the essence of the energy of the money received for the goods - this is a clear principle of a magnet.
. What is a magnet for buyers, why some come up to the counter and willingly buy everything, while others, after thinking, leave. Or maybe it’s the character of wealthy traders? The fact is that most of them have one or another potential of the so-called “trading power”. In other words, not every person manages to become a successful seller. Remember how at the beginning of the difficult 90s absolutely everyone rushed into trade - from teachers to plumbers. Yes, many of them “found themselves” - they gradually developed themselves, opened retail outlets, shops, etc. Some of them magically even managed to enter the arena of big business and established themselves as Fortune’s favorites. But, unfortunately, many of the traders, to tell the truth, were burned to smithereens. And all because they did not have one or another potential of “trading power”. Well, they didn’t follow fate - that’s all.
. The reserve of “trading power” determines how much a trading person can earn and, most importantly, spend it wisely or invest in promoting his business. This power can be attracted, retained and even trained. By raising it, sellers accordingly increase cash flow who comes to them. The main thing is to learn how to maintain cash flow: “product - money - product”, determine its direction and adjust it in the right direction. After all, the flow can be upward (money flows to you) or downward (money leaves you).
. Of course, when trade falls, only an extremely frivolous trader will not feel it. It is important to learn to catch the moment when the “trading force” changes direction. Nothing has happened yet, and the situation is tense. This is where you need to feel it - and correct it.
. When trade collapses, problems begin with finances and inspection authorities; if you find ruinous items at a trading place, and you see that the situation is getting out of control and you don’t know what to do, please don’t guess with a daisy, but urgently carry out an energy survey cleaning of premises that will protect your trade. Contact a specialist who will cast an amulet for you for good luck in business and attract “trading power” to you.
. Let's move on directly to rituals and conspiracies to improve trade. All of them, except the first, are performed only on the waxing moon. Do all this secretly, never tell anyone that you performed these rituals. During them you cannot joke, laugh, or have fun. Never perform rituals “for fun” or “for company.” Three days before the event you should not drink alcohol. Here's what you should keep in mind when trading. We must treat all customers humanely. Don't be stingy, don't respond to attacks energy vampires and vampires, do not quarrel with them. Don't deceive, don't overweight, don't be greedy. Give change correctly. Meet and see people off with kindness and gratitude, no matter how difficult it may be.
. I admire a woman I know who has been involved in trading for quite some time. Going to the market in the morning, she reads trading conspiracies and morning prayers at home for about half an hour. Arriving at the trading place, she, without being embarrassed by anyone, sprinkles her goods with holy water, sprinkles them with enchanted poppy seeds and loudly and clearly reads “Our Father” 3 times over the goods. At first, many of the neighboring traders twirled their fingers at their temples, but then they got used to it. But the woman doesn’t care about all this: she trusts herself and her trade to God, and her business is going great.
So let your trading place become not just a “shopping point”, but a Fortune Zone!
1. To get rid of failure in trading, on the waning moon, take any old rag and wipe the dust from your trading place with it. You can also wash the floor with it. Wrap any unnecessary key in it, say the following words to the package: “Dashingly beggar, dashingly non-trading, dashingly loss-making, don’t touch me, servant of God (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Lie under the snag, keep the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags and don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t sell all my goods and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the water. Amen".

Take the package to the river and drown it in the water.

2. If you see a hop among the grass that curls and strives towards the sun, cross yourself and say the following words to it 3 times: “Like hops curl around a pillar towards the sun, so that private merchants curl around me, the servant of God (name).
yes generous customers. Forever and ever. Amen". There is no need to pull hops out of the ground.

It can help to establish trade by turning to the so-called “Power Point,” which is located in the center of the trading place. In a store, this is the center of the trading floor. In the market, estimate approximately where its center is. At home, take an iron ruble or hryvnia, dip it in eucalyptus oil, let it dry and say to it 3 times: “My gift is on your trade roads. As soon as you accept this money, you will crown me with luck. Good luck fort, I will be dearer to you than white light, clean water, delicious food. Miss me, good luck, God’s servant (name). My word for word, my deed for deed, so that good luck for me, (name), has a heart ache. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever disproves the word, otherwise everything will be new, for better, for worse, as it was said before.”

In the center of the trading place, powerful energy trade flows intersect, which have colossal power. Therefore, it is important to “appease” this force and throw a metal charmed hryvnia into this center, saying at the same time: “Paid.” It doesn’t matter that you may even immediately see that someone took this ransom for themselves (this is natural), what’s important is the magical manipulation you performed.

4. You can also make a purchase for good luck in trading. Place a unit of your product, a kilogram of nuts, a loaf in a clean bag white bread, a bottle of good red wine and a banknote. Say a conspiracy to trade: “I will stand, blessing the east, the eastern side. I have the Holy Cross on me, Jesus Christ is with me everywhere. The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys, and you, good luck, knock on me. From this day of God, wealth comes to my trade, the purchase gives wealth. I am giving purchases to the mother church, I will ask her to come to me, (NAME), to drive people - gather to me, the merchant, people from all sides, you have my goods, my bow to you. Ordinary people and bars, take my goods, they are sweeter than mother's milk, tastier than honey, more than a sip of water. My deed and word are in the name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Take the package to the church, but under no circumstances place it on the funeral table.

5. You need to cross the goods, iron what you are selling and say a conspiracy to trade: “I, servant of God (name), iron my goods (name of the goods), I bring the buyer to him. The first one will come and take a look, the second one will come and praise it, and the third one will come and buy it at exorbitant prices. The word is a knot that cannot be untied. Amen".

6. Take a small black rag, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it: “My black melancholy, my black sadness, my black blackness. Go away forever. Fly to me goodness, gold and silver! Money to money, ruble to penny! My chamber is always full of goodness. Everyone who comes will leave with nothing. It’s a profit for me, a joy for myself. It’s good for me to sell, but I won’t know grief! Amen".

After this, the black rag must be thrown out the window, and it must be thrown with such force that it flies far, far away.

“With my hands, with my lips I speak, I pronounce, clean water I'm talking. Give, O water, strength for trade, for prosperity, send, Lord, through the water, prosperity. Jesus Christ will rinse His little hands, my guardian angel will take this water and bring it to me, God’s servant (name). I will pray to the Lord God, I will be saved by his pure water. Whoever knows this conspiracy and reads it before trading will not count the gold and silver. I lock my word and my deed and lock it with seven keys. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Wash your hands before trading.

8. On the eve of the trading day, not late in the evening, you need to read the following trading spell: “Send me, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, honest and profitable trading. Forever and ever. Amen".

9. At night, cut the loaf of bread into quarters. For each piece of bread, read the trading spell like this: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed and rinsed himself, was not afraid of anything, then he sat down at the oak table, ate some white bread, stood up and said: “As this bread was divided into four parts, so (name) had good luck.” Just as people’s hands are greedy for bread, so that I, God’s servant (name), would take everything, sort it out, and give me good money for everything. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning, take this bread to the church and give each piece of bread to an individual begging person.

10. To improve trading, you need to look into the eyes of the turtle and stroke its shell 4 times. To change your luck more radically, you need to take the turtle into your home for two weeks, and the larger it is, the more significant changes in trading await you. From time to time you can take it with you to trade.
I. Popovich, healer. According to materials.

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