Diet for people engaged in a certain type of activity. Diet for weight loss for busy people. To the attention of the lords of our time: Bonn soup

Losing weight takes time. But has no one really come up with a suitable diet for 100 percent of working and housewifely women? I came up with more than one. Believe it or not, many popular diets are designed just for us very busy people!

But how to distinguish it? How to choose?

  • First and foremost, a proper diet is easy to understand, accept and follow. And it should inspire you.
  • It is important that any dish can be prepared “on the run”. And also eat in a very short time. Less soups, more salads!
  • If you don’t like and don’t want to cook, but have free funds, choose the “diet delivered to your home.” It’s an expensive pleasure, but it eliminates the need to fill the refrigerator, and therefore the temptation.

Where to start?

Start with a few healthy habits that will make your diet healthier and more nutritious. For example:

1 Prepare in advance. Something easy like chicken breast with wild rice or steamed zucchini without oil or salt. This way you will always know what to snack on and will avoid the temptation to satisfy your appetite with dessert.

2 Buy fresh fruits and nuts. As well as apple chips, dried fruits, fresh cucumbers, and granola bars. To “chew.”

3 Take a toothbrush to work. If you're at home, it's even easier. Brush your teeth every day after breakfast, lunch and dinner. By investing 5 minutes in dental health, you will avoid wasting time on random snacks and tea drinking.

4 Cook for 2-3 times. It simply saves time, and there will always be “the right food” in your refrigerator.

5 Find an inexpensive restaurant with delivery... which offers a dietary range. Sometimes you still want someone to cook for you!

Speeding up digestion

Why do you even need a diet to stay slim, while your friend from your youth can indulge in sweets without the slightest harm to her figure? Because your friend has an excellent metabolism, and yours is probably worse. Metabolism, of course, is inherent in nature, but we are quite capable of adjusting it a little (that is, speeding it up). Great news for busy women - this will not require any additional time.

Just make the right choice when buying groceries at the store.

  • Brown or wild rice instead of white for long lasting satiety
  • Extra garlic, celery, almonds and seeds for immune support
  • Nuts and fatty fish (salmon, herring and mackerel) for better fat burning
  • Meat, fish, eggs and legumes at every meal to reduce sugar cravings

An alternative principle for filling the grocery basket is to focus on micronutrients that promote weight loss.

  • Beta-carotene and vitamins A and C - lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and improves immunity. Eat carrots, red peppers, radishes and spinach
  • Magnesium - supplies energy and regulates blood sugar levels
  • Calcium - reduces the absorption of fats. Found in fish, watercress, carrots, dairy products, almonds and dried figs
  • Iodine - supports thyroid function and speeds up metabolism. Seafood contains a lot of iodine
  • Chromium regulates blood sugar levels, allowing you to feel full for a long time. Eat yogurt, mushrooms, whole grains, meat, cheese, beets, grapes and raisins.

And of course, water. In addition to herbal teas and soups, it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of cold water per day.

Basic diet rules

And now - about the diet itself. But before discussing the diet, let us remind you of 3 simple rules that you need to follow for at least 2 weeks - and better yet, for the rest of your life.

Plan your meals in advance. Ideally, your breakfast or lunch is waiting for you in the refrigerator in your lunch box.

Eat as much vegetables as your appetite allows, but be careful with fruits. One fruit a day (similarly: one glass of wine) is quite enough.

Moving is also important - just to speed up your metabolism. Therefore, walk home from work at least part of the way - or dance while preparing borscht. Well, real jogging or dancing is even better (at least 30 minutes a day).

Diet of a busy woman

Estimated weight loss - 5 kg in 14 days

1 day

Lunch: a tablespoon of brown rice and lentils, 4 cherry tomatoes, 40 g of cottage cheese, 6 nuts, a little salad

Dinner: 75g grilled salmon with a teaspoon of pesto and steamed vegetables.

Day 2

Lunch: whole grain bun with 40 g feta cheese, 3 olives and chopped salad. Mandarin and 3 Brazil nuts.

Dinner: 75 g turkey breast, stewed with mushrooms, green beans, red bell pepper, onion and broccoli.

Day 3

Dinner: 75 g baked trout, seasoned with lemon juice, with steamed carrots and cauliflower.

4 day

Breakfast: Fruit salad of banana, 6 grapes and an apple with a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt and a spoonful of nuts and seeds

Lunch: Whole grain toast with 1 avocado, 2 finely chopped walnuts and celery. Dessert: clementine.

Dinner: 75 g pork fillet, stewed with green beans, carrots and mushrooms.

5 day

Breakfast: 1 pear, 1 dried fig, 2 tablespoons low-fat yogurt and some pistachios

Lunch: lettuce with 3 cherry tomatoes, green pepper and fresh cucumber. Add a slice of feta cheese, olives and olive oil to the salad - your Greek salad is ready!

Dinner: 75 g fresh grilled tuna, a little sauce or oil to taste and stewed vegetables.

Day 6

Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal on water with berries. A spoonful of yogurt with seeds and nuts.

Lunch: Diet hamburger: whole grain bun, a few canned sardines, red bell peppers, tofu, green salad.

Dinner: 75g veal, steamed or baked with fresh vegetables of your choice.

Day 7

Lunch: smoked fish with any green salad, half an avocado, chopped celery and tofu.

Dinner: 75 g peeled king prawns with a spoon of olive oil. A spoonful of wild rice with steamed vegetables and lentils.

Day 8

Breakfast: Muesli (unsweetened), soaked overnight in a tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt. One plum + one prune.

Lunch: a tablespoon of brown rice and lentils, 4 cherry tomatoes, 40 g of cottage cheese, 6 nuts, a little salad.

Dinner: 75 g chicken stewed in low-fat yoghurt with spinach and curry.

Day 9

Breakfast: two whole grain breads with pea paste. A big piece of melon.

Lunch: a large sandwich of whole grain bread, smoked sardines and watercress, dressed with a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil.

10 day

Breakfast: fruit salad of banana, handfuls of raisins with a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt and a teaspoon of almonds.

Lunch: lettuce with 3 cherry tomatoes, green peppers and fresh cucumber, feta cheese, olives and vegetable oil.

Dinner: 75 g turkey breast, stewed with mushrooms, caraway seeds and white cabbage. Season with olive oil.

Day 11

Breakfast: one finely chopped apple, 2 prunes, 2 tablespoons of low-calorie yogurt, a spoonful of any seeds.

Lunch: large sandwich of whole grain bread, boiled egg and yogurt.

Dinner: 75g fresh grilled tuna with cherry tomatoes, broccoli, wild rice and avocado paste.

12 day

Breakfast: A bowl of oatmeal with water and berries. A spoonful of yogurt with seeds and nuts.

Lunch: large bowl of vegetable soup. Two pieces of wholemeal toast with a thin layer of goat cheese.

Dinner: 75 g of any seafood with butter and lemon dressing, lentils and boiled rice. Mixed green salad.

Day 13

Breakfast: boiled egg, slice of whole grain bread, tangerine or orange.

Lunch: lettuce salad with smoked trout, half an avocado, chopped celery and cucumber.

Dinner: 75 g grilled salmon with a spoonful of pesto and pine nuts. Garnish: green beans and peas.

Day 14

Breakfast: Muesli (unsweetened), soaked overnight in a tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt. A little dried apricots, plums and walnuts with lean yogurt.

Lunch: vegetable salad of your choice.

Dinner: 75 g chicken stewed in low-fat yoghurt with pine nuts and vegetables.

How to behave in a restaurant

Even the most attentive waiter is unlikely to understand that you are on a diet if you take note of the following rules for ordering food in a restaurant:

  • Choose appetizers - potatoes, vegetables - prepared without adding cheese or sauce, or ask for the sauce to be served on a plate separately.
  • When choosing salads, avoid high-calorie toppings like fried bacon, cheese or eggs.
  • When choosing dishes in a Chinese restaurant, give preference to boiled dishes
  • (jum), fried (kow) or grilled (shu). For a side dish, enough cooked rice without additives.
  • When choosing dishes at an Italian restaurant, replace the white pasta sauce with red: primavera (without cream), piccata (with lemon juice), with sun-dried, pureed or grilled tomatoes.
  • When choosing food at a Mexican restaurant, try spicy chicken, black bean fries, salsa or soft corn tortillas.
  • When choosing food at a fast food restaurant, if you absolutely must eat there, order a salad and a grilled chicken sandwich without breading.

We sit and don’t eat

The most difficult thing is to refrain from eating in close proximity to the refrigerator. What should housewives, freelancers and anyone who spends their weekends at home do?

  • The obvious solution is to not fill the refrigerator at all. Or fill it with such “boring” foods as vegetables, homemade cheese, low-fat and unsweetened yogurt, light vegetable soup, and so on. Fewer temptations - stronger diet.
  • An option for those who are organized is to write a menu by hour and day and include a few healthy snacks. Snacks can be organized in advance and beautifully decorated. Even if a low-calorie sandwich looks delicious!
  • An option for the even more organized: count calories. If you go into a box of desserts, write it down on the Calorie Sheet. You'll be surprised how quickly you reach your daily minimum!
  • Any exercise machine with a calorie counting function will provide good support for your “check sheet”. If it is not possible to have one at home, just run on the track a few times and be surprised at how slowly these same calories are consumed!

Well, the most effective way is to put on sneakers, put on a sports jacket and go for a run, walk or hike. Let the refrigerator stay at home!

1 day

In the morning
0.5 tbsp. beat low-fat kefir with 1/2 grapefruit (juice) +8 tbsp. l. corn sticks + 2 tbsp. l. defrosted berries.
150 gr. potatoes, 100 gr. grate carrots. Add an egg, salt, fry in 1 tbsp vegetable oil, chop 1 tomato, 100 g. champignons, wash, cut, fry.
In the evening
Fry 1 onion in 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, add 30 gr. buckwheat, 125 gr. vegetable broth, cook for 15 minutes. Remove, add ham cut into strips - 30 g.

Day 2

In the morning
Liomi salad
1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, dried fruits and nuts, 4 tbsp. spoons of corn - oatmeal or rice flour, 1 tsp pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Beat 1/2 cup kefir with 2 tbsp. spoons of thawed berries and pour over the salad.
Chicken stew
100 gr. fry chicken breast in 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil. Season with lemon juice. Add 100 gr. mushrooms, 1 boiled chopped potato, 100 gr. cabbage, 2 tbsp. spoons of green peas, 1 carrot, a handful of sprouted beans or beans, pour in 4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce and simmer for 7 minutes.
In the evening
150 gr. Cut the cabbage, pour in for 1-2 minutes. salted boiling water, 100 gr. chop celery, grate 1 carrot, chop 1 apple.
Sauce: 1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1 tsp mustard, 1 tbsp. spoon of apple cider vinegar.

Day 3

In the morning
"Cheerful Max"
Spread 1 piece of rye bread with mild mustard, put fresh cucumber slices on top, 40 gr. lean ham, 1 egg fried in a hot frying pan without fat, sprinkle with onion or parsley.
Wash 1 small head of cauliflower, simmer for 15 minutes, pour boiling water over 3 tomatoes, remove the skin and cut. Grate 1 small carrot. Lightly fry the onion, add carrots and tomatoes, simmer for 10 minutes. in vegetable broth. Beat into a puree and add hot pepper. Water the cabbage.
In the evening
Chop 1 tomato, 1 sweet pepper, 30 gr. ham. 100 gr. Cut unsalted cheese into cubes, marinate in a mixture of lemon juice and hot pepper. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar, 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce. Drizzle over the salad.

4 day

In the morning
125 gr. mix low-fat cottage cheese with the juice of 1/2 lemon and 50 g. banana. Season with a splash of syrup and ginger. Garnish with pineapple or strawberries. Sprinkle with roasted seeds.
Scoop out 1 tomato. Grind the pulp and mix with breadcrumbs of 1 doctor's bread, 1 chopped onion, 1/2 tsp mustard, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of grated cheese. Beat the protein, add 1/2 to the mixture, season it with pepper, nutmeg and soy sauce. Stuff the tomato and bake. Heat 1 teaspoon of butter and mix it with garlic, 1 teaspoon of seeds and 100 gr. boiled potatoes in their jackets.
In the evening
100 gr. petiole celery cut, 1/2 pear cut into slices, 40 gr. crumble the sharp cheese. Prepare a marinade of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon oil and allspice. Pour celery over it and cover with cheese. Fill half a pear with 1/2 teaspoon of roasted seeds

5 day

In the morning
1/8 l. Boil skim milk, add 30 g. millet, cook for 10 minutes. Reduce heat and let simmer for another 10 minutes. Mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberries, add 1 tsp of syrup.
30 gr. Boil small beans in 1/4 liter. vegetable broth. Shred 150 g cabbage and simmer for 15 minutes. with 100 gr. chicken heart. Wash 2 bunches of greens, chop, add to the soup and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add 1 chopped tomato to the soup and cook for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with pepper.
In the evening
Wash 2 tomatoes, cut 1 of them in half. Remove the pulp from both, chop and mix with 100 g. grated radish, 1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise and 10 gr. nuts Stuff a whole tomato and cover with the top. Beat 1 egg and 1 white in 1 tbsp. spoon of mineral water, with salt, nutmeg and pepper. Pour the mixture into a frying pan and fry. Stuff the second tomato halves with the omelette and sprinkle with green onions. Serve with 1 rye bread.

Day 6

In the morning
3 full tbsp. Mix spoons of oatmeal with 1/2 apple, orange slices. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of seeds.
125 gr. marinate fish fillets in lemon juice. Stew 1 onion and 1 pepper with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter 3 min. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of mineral water, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, salt, spices. Cut the fillet, pepper, place on vegetables, simmer for 8-10 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.
In the evening
French onion soup
Stew 1 large onion and 1 clove of garlic in 2 teaspoons of butter. Place in a pot, cover with water, adding 1/2 tbsp. dry white wine, place toast on top, sprinkle with cheese and bake.
Have a snack
1 carrot, 1 orange, 1 teaspoon seeds, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

Day 7

In the morning
Cut 1 pear in half, beat 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, a little sugar. powder, ginger. Cover the pear. Serve with 50 gr. toasted white bread.
Fry 1 small zucchini in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Place in a frying pan, sprinkling with salt, spices, and thyme. Mix 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of grated cheese, pour on vegetables. Bake.
Fish salad
About 50 gr. cut the fish into cubes, also the onion. Fry fish, onion and 50 gr. shrimp in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of water, lemon juice and simmer for 6 minutes. Remove the fish to the broth, add onion, add vinegar, lemon juice, saffron, salt, pepper, cook for 2 minutes. Place fish on a plate with green salad. Pour over the sauce.
Have a snack
Fruits -100 gr.

Day 8

In the morning
Honey kefir
Pour 1 teaspoon of honey into 1 glass of kefir, add a pinch of cinnamon and ginger. Spread the bread with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese, and top with apple slices.
Chop the mushrooms, add 1 onion, simmer for 5 minutes. for 1 teaspoon of butter. Add 4 olives, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with grated cheese (1 tsp) and bake. Serve with green salad.
In the evening
Omelette with filling
Simmer 1 pepper and 1 onion for 8-10 minutes. Season with 1 tbsp. spoon of cream and herbs. Make an omelet from 2 eggs and 2 tbsp. spoons of water, 1 tbsp. spoons of flour. Fry in 1 teaspoon of butter on both sides. Place on a plate. Place vegetables on one half and cover the other.
Have a snack
1/2 grapefruit and 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese

Losing weight takes time. But has no one really come up with a suitable diet for 100 percent of working and housewifely women? I came up with more than one. Believe it or not, many popular diets are designed just for us very busy people!

But how to distinguish it? How to choose?

  • First and foremost, a proper diet is easy to understand, accept and follow. And it should inspire you.
  • It is important that any dish can be prepared “on the run”. And also eat in a very short time. Less soups, more salads!
  • If you don’t like and don’t want to cook, but have free funds, choose the “diet delivered to your home.” It’s an expensive pleasure, but it eliminates the need to fill the refrigerator, and therefore the temptation.

Where to start?

Start with a few healthy habits that will make your diet healthier and more nutritious. For example:

1 Prepare in advance. Something easy like chicken breast with wild rice or steamed zucchini without oil or salt. This way you will always know what to snack on and will avoid the temptation to satisfy your appetite with dessert.

2 Buy fresh fruits and nuts. As well as apple chips, dried fruits, fresh cucumbers, and granola bars. To “chew.”

3 Take a toothbrush to work. If you're at home, it's even easier. Brush your teeth every day after breakfast, lunch and dinner. By investing 5 minutes in dental health, you will avoid wasting time on random snacks and tea drinking.

4 Cook for 2-3 times. It simply saves time, and there will always be “the right food” in your refrigerator.

5 Find an inexpensive restaurant with delivery... which offers a dietary range. Sometimes you still want someone to cook for you!

Speeding up digestion

Why do you even need a diet to stay slim, while your friend from your youth can indulge in sweets without the slightest harm to her figure? Because your friend has an excellent metabolism, and yours is probably worse. Metabolism, of course, is inherent in nature, but we are quite capable of adjusting it a little (that is, speeding it up). Great news for busy women - this will not require any additional time.

Just make the right choice when buying groceries at the store.

  • Brown or wild rice instead of white for long lasting satiety
  • Extra garlic, celery, almonds and seeds for immune support
  • Nuts and fatty fish (salmon, herring and mackerel) for better fat burning
  • Meat, fish, eggs and legumes at every meal to reduce sugar cravings

An alternative principle for filling the grocery basket is to focus on micronutrients that promote weight loss.

  • Beta-carotene and vitamins A and C - lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and improves immunity. Eat carrots, red peppers, radishes and spinach
  • Magnesium - supplies energy and regulates blood sugar levels
  • Calcium - reduces the absorption of fats. Found in fish, watercress, carrots, dairy products, almonds and dried figs
  • Iodine - supports thyroid function and speeds up metabolism. Seafood contains a lot of iodine
  • Chromium regulates blood sugar levels, allowing you to feel full for a long time. Eat yogurt, mushrooms, whole grains, meat, cheese, beets, grapes and raisins.

And of course, water. In addition to herbal teas and soups, it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of cold water per day.

Basic diet rules

And now - about the diet itself. But before discussing the diet, let us remind you of 3 simple rules that you need to follow for at least 2 weeks - and better yet, for the rest of your life.

Plan your meals in advance. Ideally, your breakfast or lunch is waiting for you in the refrigerator in your lunch box.

Eat as much vegetables as your appetite allows, but be careful with fruits. One fruit a day (similarly: one glass of wine) is quite enough.

Moving is also important - just to speed up your metabolism. Therefore, walk home from work at least part of the way - or dance while preparing borscht. Well, real jogging or dancing is even better (at least 30 minutes a day).

Diet of a busy woman

Estimated weight loss - 5 kg in 14 days

1 day

Lunch: a tablespoon of brown rice and lentils, 4 cherry tomatoes, 40 g of cottage cheese, 6 nuts, a little salad

Dinner: 75g grilled salmon with a teaspoon of pesto and steamed vegetables.

Day 2

Lunch: whole grain bun with 40 g feta cheese, 3 olives and chopped salad. Mandarin and 3 Brazil nuts.

Dinner: 75 g turkey breast, stewed with mushrooms, green beans, red bell pepper, onion and broccoli.

Day 3

Dinner: 75 g baked trout, seasoned with lemon juice, with steamed carrots and cauliflower.

4 day

Breakfast: Fruit salad of banana, 6 grapes and an apple with a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt and a spoonful of nuts and seeds

Lunch: Whole grain toast with 1 avocado, 2 finely chopped walnuts and celery. Dessert: clementine.

Dinner: 75 g pork fillet, stewed with green beans, carrots and mushrooms.

5 day

Breakfast: 1 pear, 1 dried fig, 2 tablespoons low-fat yogurt and some pistachios

Lunch: lettuce with 3 cherry tomatoes, green pepper and fresh cucumber. Add a slice of feta cheese, olives and olive oil to the salad - your Greek salad is ready!

Dinner: 75 g fresh grilled tuna, a little sauce or oil to taste and stewed vegetables.

Day 6

Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal on water with berries. A spoonful of yogurt with seeds and nuts.

Lunch: Diet hamburger: whole grain bun, a few canned sardines, red bell peppers, tofu, green salad.

Dinner: 75g veal, steamed or baked with fresh vegetables of your choice.

Day 7

Lunch: smoked fish with any green salad, half an avocado, chopped celery and tofu.

Dinner: 75 g peeled king prawns with a spoon of olive oil. A spoonful of wild rice with steamed vegetables and lentils.

Day 8

Breakfast: Muesli (unsweetened), soaked overnight in a tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt. One plum + one prune.

Lunch: a tablespoon of brown rice and lentils, 4 cherry tomatoes, 40 g of cottage cheese, 6 nuts, a little salad.

Dinner: 75 g chicken stewed in low-fat yoghurt with spinach and curry.

Day 9

Breakfast: two whole grain breads with pea paste. A big piece of melon.

Lunch: a large sandwich of whole grain bread, smoked sardines and watercress, dressed with a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil.

10 day

Breakfast: fruit salad of banana, handfuls of raisins with a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt and a teaspoon of almonds.

Lunch: lettuce with 3 cherry tomatoes, green peppers and fresh cucumber, feta cheese, olives and vegetable oil.

Dinner: 75 g turkey breast, stewed with mushrooms, caraway seeds and white cabbage. Season with olive oil.

Day 11

Breakfast: one finely chopped apple, 2 prunes, 2 tablespoons of low-calorie yogurt, a spoonful of any seeds.

Lunch: large sandwich of whole grain bread, boiled egg and yogurt.

Dinner: 75g fresh grilled tuna with cherry tomatoes, broccoli, wild rice and avocado paste.

12 day

Breakfast: A bowl of oatmeal with water and berries. A spoonful of yogurt with seeds and nuts.

Lunch: large bowl of vegetable soup. Two pieces of wholemeal toast with a thin layer of goat cheese.

Dinner: 75 g of any seafood with butter and lemon dressing, lentils and boiled rice. Mixed green salad.

Day 13

Breakfast: boiled egg, slice of whole grain bread, tangerine or orange.

Lunch: lettuce salad with smoked trout, half an avocado, chopped celery and cucumber.

Dinner: 75 g grilled salmon with a spoonful of pesto and pine nuts. Garnish: green beans and peas.

Day 14

Breakfast: Muesli (unsweetened), soaked overnight in a tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt. A little dried apricots, plums and walnuts with lean yogurt.

Lunch: vegetable salad of your choice.

Dinner: 75 g chicken stewed in low-fat yoghurt with pine nuts and vegetables.

How to behave in a restaurant

Even the most attentive waiter is unlikely to understand that you are on a diet if you take note of the following rules for ordering food in a restaurant:

  • Choose appetizers - potatoes, vegetables - prepared without adding cheese or sauce, or ask for the sauce to be served on a plate separately.
  • When choosing salads, avoid high-calorie toppings like fried bacon, cheese or eggs.
  • When choosing dishes in a Chinese restaurant, give preference to boiled dishes
  • (jum), fried (kow) or grilled (shu). For a side dish, enough cooked rice without additives.
  • When choosing dishes at an Italian restaurant, replace the white pasta sauce with red: primavera (without cream), piccata (with lemon juice), with sun-dried, pureed or grilled tomatoes.
  • When choosing food at a Mexican restaurant, try spicy chicken, black bean fries, salsa or soft corn tortillas.
  • When choosing food at a fast food restaurant, if you absolutely must eat there, order a salad and a grilled chicken sandwich without breading.

We sit and don’t eat

The most difficult thing is to refrain from eating in close proximity to the refrigerator. What should housewives, freelancers and anyone who spends their weekends at home do?

  • The obvious solution is to not fill the refrigerator at all. Or fill it with such “boring” foods as vegetables, homemade cheese, low-fat and unsweetened yogurt, light vegetable soup, and so on. Fewer temptations - stronger diet.
  • An option for those who are organized is to write a menu by hour and day and include a few healthy snacks. Snacks can be organized in advance and beautifully decorated. Even if a low-calorie sandwich looks delicious!
  • An option for the even more organized: count calories. If you go into a box of desserts, write it down on the Calorie Sheet. You'll be surprised how quickly you reach your daily minimum!
  • Any exercise machine with a calorie counting function will provide good support for your “check sheet”. If it is not possible to have one at home, just run on the track a few times and be surprised at how slowly these same calories are consumed!

Well, the most effective way is to put on sneakers, put on a sports jacket and go for a run, walk or hike. Let the refrigerator stay at home!

Good afternoon This time I'm continuing healthy eating lessons, where I share with you tricks - how to cook something healthy quickly and easily.

The day is not far off when, with rare exceptions everyone will rush to improve their health and eliminate the damage done to the body during the New Year celebrations. Someone will start a new life on the second of January (the first will not work, because out of greed you will have to eat up the leftovers in the refrigerator - really, don’t throw it away!). Some will wait until the end of the Russian winter holidays, while others will wait until the old New Year.

As for me personally, I decided not to procrastinate.

I don't want to reveal all my cards at once.

Today I decided to make life easier for everyone who doesn’t have the time or energy to cook and buy fresh food. I noticed that mostly those who advocate a healthy lifestyle and homemade healthy food are either housewives or mothers on maternity leave. In a word, those who, if they do not have more free time (children and homes are different - in size and in the level of whims), then at least who can plan independently all their 7 days a week. The same cannot be said about career women (in the good sense of the word!) who come home in the dark, and the only thing they have the strength to do is open a bag of chips or canned fish.

So, what can you do to always be able to eat not only quickly, but also healthy. I'm sharing three tricks.

Trick #1: planning is everything!

If you are a lone wolf or she-wolf, then planning is also a good idea. But here it will be easier for you, because then you can buy products for a month at once. Perishable items, such as dairy products and greens, can always be purchased on weekends or on the way home.

Read what exactly and when to buy in one of the upcoming posts.

Trick number 2: supplies, supplies...

Stocking up on the most popular products, which can also be stored for a long time, is one of the most important components of a healthy quick meal.

Yes, fresh food is the best. But if it’s winter in your yard, and all the vegetables are still imported, then frozen and canned foods are perfect here.

As for canned food, I am often reproached for using canned foods such as legumes, tomatoes and fish. But, my dears! I don’t argue that freshly cooked beans and ripe Italian tomatoes straight from the garden are better. But if the choice is simply between a sandwich with sausage and a salad with canned beans, then the beans win. Even canned.

I myself remember very well my single life in Moscow. When you come home at 8-9 pm after a hard day at work and an endless journey home, and you don’t have the strength for anything other than a sandwich or sprat in a tomato from a can of bread. Even now, when I work from home most days, I still don’t have enough (or pity?) time to cook and soak beans, defrost fish according to all the rules, etc. That's why canned food always helps me out.

So, what do I recommend having in your (homeland)/kitchen bins?

1. Canned food:

  • various fish in oil, tomato sauce or in its own juice - for salads
  • different varieties of legumes (chickpeas, beans of all types) - also for salads and pesto
  • canned tomatoes in their own juice - for sauces and soups
  • olives of all colors and colors - for salads and pesto
  • pesto sauces in glass (if you haven’t gotten around to making homemade ones yet) - instead of sausage
  • anchovies in oil - as a seasoning
  • sun-dried tomatoes - for salads
  • canned vegetables of all kinds - to taste - for salads and pesto (if you are lucky and have a grandmother who prepares all this for the winter - I envy you! I have her too, but she lives thousands of kilometers away from me, what does she do? transportation of pickles is impossible)
  • coconut milk in cans - for hot Asian dishes. For example, for these.

2. Cereals and legumes- whatever you like.

I have so many things that it’s impossible to list (but I’ll try): buckwheat, oatmeal, quinoa, 4 types of rice, pearl barley, peas, lentils of two colors, white and red beans, chickpeas...

With such supplies there will always be a side dish. I also often add cooked grains to salads to make it more filling. Then there is no need to cook hot at all.

Don't be surprised! I'm a fan of stocks. If I run out of something, I go and immediately buy something new. So that, God forbid, I suddenly don’t discover something there at the right moment. Even if this happens once every six months... Probably, the remnants of the hungry Soviet past of the 90s play in me.

3. Cold-pressed vegetable oils of 2-3 types.

Personally, I always have olive oil and coconut oil, and the rest varies. Oil will be needed for frying and for salads.

4. 2-3 types of vinegar.

For example, apple, white and red balsamic. Then you can make an excellent salad dressing based on oil and vinegar in 3 seconds.

5. Nuts and seeds of all kinds.

Perfect for both snacking and salads.

What should you have in your refrigerator?

  • lemons - for dressings
  • green salad - for salads (just add a couple of canned goods and season with oil and lemon juice, top with nuts)
  • onions - for salads and hot dishes
  • carrots - for snacks and salads
  • fresh spinach (if available) - for smoothies and salads
  • eggs - for omelettes (the fastest dinner and breakfast!)

What should you have in your freezer?

The freezer is a different story. He needs to write ODE! You can store many useful things in it for a long time. What could be easier than heating it in a saucepan? healthy seafood soup , cooked a couple of weeks ago on a day off? If you live alone, you can freeze the soup in portions directly in plastic bags, allowing it to cool slightly.

The same goes for sauces and liquid desserts, and even sweets! All this can and should be frozen for future use. Invest in convenient plastic freezer containers. They will save you a lot of money and health.

People justify their obesity by the lack of free time to prepare dietary meals. Have the authors of the diets developed one that would be completely suitable for busy people? Yes, such a diet exists and is very popular.

In essence, any diet is a way to lose extra pounds for the busiest people. Engaging in certain activities, maintaining an active lifestyle and other various types of human activity that lead to increased calorie consumption require a person to spend much more time than simple dietary restrictions.

Each meal takes us a certain amount of time. Meals may consist of high-calorie or dietary dishes. A completeness still testifies that every person is still cuts out time to eat. Actively busy people gain weight for several reasons.


  • not wanting to waste your precious time chewing low-calorie salads and fruits;
  • They eat quickly filling and fatty food, and this leads to overeating;
  • busy people often find themselves in stressful situations, and the way to get rid of such psychological stress, as a rule, leads to the refrigerator in the kitchen;
  • in most cases, busy people, solving business partnership issues, are often forced to dine in restaurants and cafes, often go on business trips, and all these are circumstances that contribute to overeating;
  • business people are usually engaged in mental work and most often work while sitting, spending a lot of time at a desk at a computer (up to 16 hours a day), so their body requires a small amount of calories;
  • As a result of sitting at a desk for a long time, fatigue gradually accumulates, which busy people relieve with the help of eating chocolate, nuts, chips etc.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that busy people need a diet that will allow eat prepared foods or semi-finished products. To do this, you just need to follow a few.


  • count your diet every time you eat;
  • eliminate sweet, flour, and fatty foods from consumption or replace them with low-calorie ones;
  • eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible;
  • between visits to various events with set tables, restaurants, cafes, you must periodically reduce the calorie content of your diet to compensate for the necessary calories;
  • Completely eliminate all high-calorie drinks from your diet.

To put all these tips into practice, feel free to pick up a pen and paper and spend just 15 minutes of your precious time to develop your diet plan. Think about where you can buy groceries, at the same time, without wasting extra time. Online store- a good solution for busy people. Many supermarkets deliver their goods to customers' homes.

Visit large supermarkets twice a week, buy all the necessary products according to the previously compiled list.

Think carefully about choosing low-calorie foods, which are also tasty and do not require particularly long cooking. Such products can be peeled, washed vegetable slicing, low-calorie frozen meals, ready-made soups, eggs, portioned pieces of meat, fish ready for boiling and stewing. Everyone will serve you well as dessert. dairy products low calorie or any fresh fruit in season.

For very busy people, as an option for use, you can order cooked in a restaurant dishes. An excellent option would be any meat dish with a side dish. But the ingredients for such a side dish should not be fried in oil, and fish and meat should not be baked in dough.

Never order bread, various snacks and desserts at a restaurant.

A separate point is noted drinking alcohol. At official receptions and business negotiations, alcoholic beverages are always consumed. The main thing to remember is: no one will force you to drink a lot if you don’t want to! In exceptional cases, do reference to inability to use alcohol due to allergies or stomach ulcers. If you still need to drink, then reduce the calorie content of the alcoholic drink by mixing it with non-calorie mineral water or tomato juice.

Diet menu for busy people

Day one

Breakfast: 100 grams of low-fat kefir with the addition of half a grapefruit and two tablespoons of any berries.

Dinner: portion of vegetable stew with mushrooms.

Vegetable stew recipe

You need to grate two large potatoes, 100 grams of carrots, chop one large tomato and 100 grams of champignons. Add one egg to the mixture, add a little salt and fry all the ingredients in a frying pan in one tablespoon of olive oil.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge with ham, cooked in vegetable broth.

Buckwheat porridge recipe

You need to lightly fry a finely chopped onion in a frying pan in one tablespoon of vegetable oil, add 30 grams of buckwheat, 125 grams of vegetable broth and cook for 150 minutes. Next, remove the pan from the heat and add 30 grams of chopped lean ham.

Day two

Breakfast: a portion of salad called “Liomi”.

Recipe for Liomi salad

Combine and mix one tablespoon of oatmeal, any nuts and dried fruits, four tablespoons of rice flour. One teaspoon of pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Then use a mixer to beat half a glass of low-fat kefir with two full tablespoons of any berries and pour this mixture over the entire salad.

Dinner: stewed chicken breast with mushrooms and vegetables.

Recipe for stewed chicken breast with mushrooms and vegetables

Lightly fry 150 grams of chicken yam breasts in a little olive oil. Then add a little lemon juice, 100 grams of champignons, one diced boiled potato, 100 grams of cabbage, one small carrot, two tablespoons of green peas, a handful of boiled beans, four tablespoons of mild soy sauce. Simmer all ingredients over low heat for 25 minutes.

Dinner: vegetable salad of cabbage, celery, carrots and apples with the addition of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, olive oil and one teaspoon of mustard.

Day three

Breakfast: one piece of rye bread spread with mild mustard; one egg fried in a dry frying pan without adding oil; 40 grams of lean ham, dill, parsley.

Dinner: vegetable puree.

Vegetable puree recipe

You need to take one small boiled head of cauliflower. Next, in a separate bowl, cut one large tomato into cubes, grate a small carrot on a coarse grater. Next, lightly fry one small onion in a frying pan with one tablespoon of olive oil, add grated carrots and tomatoes to the frying pan and simmer for 10 minutes, pouring the vegetable broth in which the head of cauliflower was cooked over the contents. Combine all the ingredients, season with hot pepper and beat the resulting mixture into a puree.

Dinner: a portion of tomato salad, sweet pepper, 30 grams of ham, 100 grams of feta cheese with lemon juice, one tablespoon of olive oil, three tablespoons of soy sauce.

Day four

Breakfast: 125 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of lemon juice and 50 grams of banana; one cup of strawberries with pineapple pieces; a small handful of roasted sunflower seeds.

Dinner: stuffed tomato with boiled potatoes.

Stuffed tomato recipe

It is necessary to carefully remove the pulp from one large tomato. Grind the pulp well and mix with breadcrumbs, one small head of onion, half a teaspoon of mustard, one yolk and one tablespoon of grated hard cheese. Beat the remaining protein, season it with pepper and soy sauce, and add to the total mass. Stuff the tomato with the resulting mixture and bake in the oven until done. Boil two large potatoes. Next, melt a teaspoon of butter and mix it with a crushed clove of garlic. Pour this mixture over boiled potatoes.

Dinner: celery root with pears.

Recipe for celery and pears

You need to cut 100 grams of stalked celery into pieces, cut half a large pear into equal slices, grate 40 grams of hard cheese. Pour the marinade prepared from half a teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of soy sauce, half a teaspoon of olive oil over the celery stalks and pear, and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Fill the remaining half of the pear to the top with a teaspoon of roasted sunflower seeds.

Day five

Breakfast: millet porridge prepared with skim milk, with the addition of two tablespoons of fresh raspberries and a teaspoon of any fruit syrup.

Dinner: vegetable soup with chicken hearts.

Vegetable soup recipe

You need to boil 30 grams of beans in 500 grams of vegetable broth. Then add 150 grams of cabbage and 100 grams of fresh chicken hearts to it. At the end of cooking, add a chopped bunch of herbs and one chopped tomato to the pan, cook for another 15 minutes.

Dinner: stuffed tomatoes.

Recipe for stuffed tomatoes

Remove the pulp from two large tomatoes by cutting off the tops. Next, mix it with 100 grams of finely grated radish, 10 grams of crushed walnuts and one tablespoon of mayonnaise. Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture. Serve with one piece of rye bread.

Day six

Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal with the addition of half an apple, five orange slices and one teaspoon of sunflower seeds.

Dinner: 125 grams of stewed sea fish; salad from any fresh vegetables.

Dinner: one glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt; one big apple.

Day seven

Breakfast: a serving of salad from one carrot, one orange with the addition of one teaspoon of sunflower seeds and one teaspoon of olive oil.

Dinner: a serving of zucchini casserole with the addition of one egg, 3 tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of hard grated cheese.

Dinner: salad prepared from 50 grams of fried sea fish, 50 grams of boiled shrimp, onions with the addition of one tablespoon of olive oil.

Day eight

Breakfast: one glass of kefir with the addition of one teaspoon of honey, a pinch of ginger and cinnamon; 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or natural yogurt.

Dinner: casserole made from champignons, sour cream, breadcrumbs, hard cheese and butter; fresh salad from any vegetables.

Dinner: an omelette of two eggs, one sweet pepper, one tablespoon of flour and one tablespoon of cream; one glass of curdled milk.

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