Where can a woman get energy for her body? Life energy - where to get it? ways that will tell you where to get energy for life

Tibetan medicine says that in winter all energy descends underground. At the plant level, this means that the power of the herbs is concentrated in the roots, while outside at this time everything freezes and calms down due to the cold, and dryness prevails in nature. Our body, having natural self-regulation mechanisms, also reacts to cold weather and gives the command to all pores to close in order to preserve internal heat and take care of the organs. People do the same with their home: they close all the windows in the cold and retain as much heat as possible inside. As a result, the internal heat of the body increases greatly. And, as a result, a person’s strength increases, but at the same time, we often gain weight in winter: Tibetans say that the essence of the body becomes heavier. By the way, in winter the properties of sperm also change: it becomes thicker, so in Tibet they advise conceiving children at this time of year.

According to the principles of Tibetan medicine, among the main causes of our ailments are poor diet and behavior. Of course, every person is unique and everyone has their own life circumstances. Therefore, for example, Tibetan texts contain detailed descriptions of various circumstances and all kinds of recommendations for diet and behavior in these circumstances. What matters are: season, place of residence, age, gender, constitution and much more.

For example, The diet for those living in a humid place and for those living in a hot desert is strikingly different. It is good for the former to stick to foods with hot properties, while the latter should generally avoid them.

Teenagers - those under 17, and older people - those over 70 - have a cooler nature- that is, their body does not have the same amount of heat as middle-aged people (17-70 years old). For this reason, they should pay more attention to “warm” nutrition and behavior. For example, among the spices, ginger is recommended for children and adolescents, as it will balance the vital principle Beken (mucus), which predominates at this age.

Elderly people should pay attention to nutmeg - it will support the heart and promote good sleep. A Cardamom is more recommended for middle-aged people, which will support their kidneys, which they need as the foundation for good health.

In winter, the body accumulates a large amount of heat. Therefore, it is necessary to eat nutritious food, but not too heavy. The quantity should be greater than, for example, in the summer. In particular, you need to eat a good dinner, not too heavy, but sufficient in quantity.

Why is dinner so important - especially since many Western diets, on the contrary, recommend making it as light as possible or not having dinner at all? For two reasons. First, due to the increased heat, digestion occurs faster. Secondly, the night itself becomes longer and if you do not pay attention to dinner, the stomach will remain empty most of the night and, as a result, the vital principle Lung (wind) can greatly increase, as a result of which body heat will be depleted, and with it your energy.

As for the tastes of food, sweet, sour and salty are most preferred. Bitter and astringent tastes are best avoided in winter.

During the cold season eat meat well, especially beef, lamb, fish and chicken. It is better to exclude pork and goat meat. At this time, soups and broths are useful, as they are warm and light.

From cereals It is better to pay attention to barley and rice, which are good for making soup. These cereals should be cooked with spices that have warm properties. Wheat is not as preferred.

From fruits Those with warm properties are suitable, for example, apple, peach, pineapple. Grapes, watermelon, banana should be excluded, because they are heavier and colder. In winter, it is generally good to eat vegetables, with the exception of zucchini.

From drinks You should pay attention to hot or warm boiled milk, prepared half with water and with the addition of honey. Alcohol in small quantities is also acceptable ─ for example, wine (preferably red) or strong drinks. Keep in mind that in the understanding of Tibetan medicine, a small amount is three tablespoons for strong alcohol, one glass for wine). And it is better to reduce the consumption of coffee (which has a bitter taste and cold nature) as much as possible during this period. In general, from the point of view of strengthening the body, it is very useful to do yoga and breathing practices in cold weather.

The main “winter” spices─ cardamom (very good for maintaining kidney health, strengthens digestive heat, and in general is able to eliminate any cold from the body); nutmeg (good for the heart, improves appetite and sleep); cloves (supports the stomach, liver, helps eliminate cold and improves appetite); ginger (stimulates digestion); cinnamon and black pepper.

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Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo, professor, graduate of the University of Traditional Tibetan Medicine in Lhasa, a long-time physician who has opened many hospitals and training centers in Tibet, and director of the International School of Tibetan Medicine Shang Shung Institute.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are able to fill up very quickly in peace, in such a slow and fluid state. This is a natural feminine state that fills us with native Yin energy.

Here you may have a question: “Why don’t I fill up enough when I sleep?” After all, it seems like it should be like this. You lay down, were at peace, filled up, woke up and ready for a new day. And every morning, in fact, you are filled, so to speak, renewed, you love everyone, you take care of everyone. But is this true for you?

I dare say not. Why? Because the rhythm of life of modern women is so crazy that we don’t have time to fill ourselves up overnight, we should live more slowly, but we live every day quickly. It's like you topped up your phone balance and sat on it all day, talking to everyone for several hours. Your money quickly ran out, but you took the promised payment and continued talking. And tomorrow you need not only to replenish the balance, but also to pay off the minus. It’s the same with our energy. We don't have enough night.

Therefore, it is important for you to change your rhythm of life. Fill your days with the absence of haste, pursuit and struggle. Start doing everything slowly.
Don’t run like you’re on fire, don’t swallow your food hastily, throw out at least 30% of the tasks from your schedule, they will be redone on their own (perhaps it will turn out that you don’t need to do them at all). Speak slowly, walk slowly, do household chores slowly, etc. And you will automatically begin to shift into feminine energy, into your feminine nature.

2.Drink enough water

Ruslan Narushevich said that water can increase our energy level, so a bath with rose petals, relaxation on the river, lake, by the sea. Olga Valyaeva added that you can ask the water for strength, that it’s even better to cry not into a pillow, but in the bath. This is all true.

In addition to all this, a woman needs to drink enough water. As a result of stress, poisons accumulate in the body, which often cause fatigue and weakness of the physical body, i.e. Lack of water leads to dryness of the body. But the main reason is that lack of water makes a woman “dry” on the subtle plane. In this state, a woman is not able to nourish anyone.

If you feel that you are overtaken by irritability, sarcasticness, causticity, stress. Pay attention to how much water you drink. Because water washes away the negativity that “accumulates” the body and prevents it from gaining a foothold inside us.

By the way, taking a shower is also necessary to relieve tension and cleanse a woman’s subtle body. If you take a cool shower, you wash away the heaviness and drowsiness. If you take a warm shower, you remove the information received during the day.

3. Have days without demands, rules and restrictions

When we demand something, we come up with rules and restrictions for ourselves and others - all this destroys feminine energy. In addition, others may also behave towards us. Therefore, arrange a day for yourself without requirements, rules and restrictions. Give yourself some indulgences on this day, don’t blame yourself or others for anything, don’t reproach, don’t demand anything from anyone or yourself, including. Relax and live your day the way you want most. Love yourself and others on this day without limits!

4. Eat lunar foods

Dairy products correspond to lunar energy. They fill us with warmth and softness, peace and tenderness. In addition to the well-known milk with honey and spices, cottage cheese and cream will also be useful.


A month ago I listened to Marianne Polonsky's lectures. She talked about what clothes are important to wear, how skirts and dresses allow us to cover our crotches. It is believed that this place should be closed because our goddess of luck, prosperity and well-being, Lakshmi, lives here.
After all, people are different. A person who has the power of a glance can take away our luck, steal it.

Having been in this knowledge, the question came to me: “Why do oriental dancers dress so openly?”

It turns out that they have protection. I'm sure you've noticed that their costumes always have a lot of beads, stones, sparkles, and a lot of decorations. All this is necessary to protect from prying eyes. Jewelry protects her body, repelling any attacks from the outside, including male gaze. It turns out that everything bad and negative does not reach the woman, because transfusions and sound dissipate it on the subtle plane. In addition, jewelry protects a woman’s chakras.

What the Vedas recommend to us:
wear 2 types of beads - short, to protect the throat chakra, and long, to protect the solar plexus chakra.
wear long earrings - they also protect the upper chakras very well.
wear bracelets. They protect the main energy channel, which is located along the spine, because when you walk, you move your hands and thereby not only protect, but also disperse the energy along the channel so that it does not stagnate.

Therefore, it is only natural that we want to wear a lot of jewelry.
Remember, the more beautiful your jewelry, the better. Beauty always greatly increases feminine energy!

6.Sorry mom

Each of us has a different relationship with our mother. Perhaps you communicate as friends, but I do not rule out that among you there are women whose relationship with their mother does not go well.

It is believed that the Moon helps a woman find harmony when her relationship with her mother is built. And it doesn’t matter whether you live with her in different cities or under the same roof, or maybe you haven’t communicated with her for a long time and hold grudges against her. By forgiving your mother, you open a source of wealth of feminine energy and love, which opens to you a source of energy coming from your Family.
For those who are married, please pay attention to how your relationship with your mother-in-law develops. If you are in a quarrel or you are simply angry with her, forgive her too.

And also, never speak badly about your man. Not only his mother, his own, but also his friends and those around him. Always say only good things about your husband!

7.Wish happiness every day

According to Vedic astrologer Rami Blekt, a woman needs to devote 10 minutes every day to “I wish everyone peace and love.”
Oleg Gadetsky, Oleg Torsunov, Ruslan Narushevich, they all introduced us to the “I wish everyone happiness” technique. It's simple. When we wish someone good, we fill ourselves with it.

8. Wear light-colored clothes.

The light color is the color of the Moon. And since ancient times, white color has been the personification of the bride. Any light-colored outfit fills a woman with purity, lightness and magic. Surely you have noticed that when you are in white, you feel differently and your thoughts in such an outfit are most often bright.

9.Ask the Moon for blessings

One of my webinar participants told me about this source. If you are in nature and you have such an opportunity, take advantage of it. Look at the Moon for a few minutes, talk to it, thank it and ask for blessings for yourself and your loved ones.

During the waxing Moon, it is good to ask the Moon to give strength, for example, to increase the well-being of the family. Ask for everything you need to increase.
On the waning Moon, ask to remove something, for example, negative influence, envy, obstacles.

You can easily interact with the Moon at home. To do this, place water and cosmetics on the window overnight, so they will be charged with moonlight. The main thing is that you remove all this in the morning, otherwise the energy is no longer lunar, but solar.

10. Breathing

A man is always attracted and drawn to a woman full of energy. Therefore, the more energy a woman has, the more she attracts not only men, but also pleasant events, wealth and abundance. According to ancient eastern practices, in addition to music, contemplation of nature and other things, a woman receives energy through breathing.

How to breathe and where to breathe? You need to breathe slowly and deeply.
When? If you have a problem, start breathing deeply and slowly. And breathe as much as you can. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale.

For example, you are stuck in a traffic jam, you start to get nervous because you are late. This is the time for lunar energy. Start breathing deeply and slowly. Usually at this moment you manage to slip through or circumstances develop in such a way that you get to the right place on time. I checked it myself.

There is such a women's practice. Start breathing always and everywhere with your stomach.
Place one hand on your lower abdomen (where your uterus is). The second - on the chest. As you inhale, you inflate your stomach, and as you exhale, you contract it. Make sure that the hand below moves, and the hand above remains motionless. You need to breathe deeply and best through your mouth.


Today I want to address a very important topic - the topic vital energy. It would seem that this topic is new, everything is already clear. But if from time to time you suddenly have a question: why are some people so lucky, why are they so lucky, healthy, lucky, why do some people burst with healthy, happy, joyful, sexy, generous and attractive energy, and others want to get away as quickly as possible, and their life is filled with gray, incessant everyday life and pains from which they cannot or do not know how to get out - then it is still worth taking a closer look at this topic.

And the first question that needs to be addressed is: What is vital energy and how is it spent?

First of all, it is worth saying that life energy is, in fact, the energy thanks to which we were born and live on this planet. We receive the base of our general energy already at the moment of conception (there is an opinion that even earlier, when parents are just thinking about and planning to conceive a child) and at birth. In the future, our accumulation and consumption of energy depends on many factors, some of which we can influence, some of which we cannot influence.

Life energy is energy that permeates and fills all the cells and atoms of our body, uniting them into a single whole, into a single integral organism, causing the smallest particles of this organism to vibrate at their own frequency, ultimately combining into one powerful natural absorber and emitter of the energy of Space. We can say that this is a single Spirit, the particles of which - individual souls - constitute the vital core of any living being, and, of course, a person.

We can add that life energy is the energy that allows us to create our life, change it, create it, revealing our purpose on this Earth. In a general sense, this is the energy of our thoughts, desires, deeds, actions, words in every second of our life. This energy is redistributed between us, the people around us and the environment around us, revealed in our life circumstances and situations and, ultimately, creates our life as it is here and now.

The more vital energy a person has, the greater potential and opportunities he has to create his life the way he wants. Strictly speaking, even in order for a person to be able to clearly and clearly present the desired picture of life or in order to understand his life more deeply, a colossal amount of energy (in this case, mental energy) is already required. And the “higher quality” this energy is, the more a person will be able to do for himself, for other people, for the entire world around him.

And today we will just look at those inexhaustible and truly generous sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

So, Life energy is a single substance consisting of physical and spiritual components. Physical is the energy of the body; the higher its potential, the better health. Spiritual is the sphere of our thoughts, images, feelings, emotions, desires, words that lead to certain actions and results.

Let's first consider sources of obtaining the physical component of Life Energy.

AND the first source is the health of our parents at the moment of our conception. I hope there is no need to explain here: the stronger the health of our parents, and even better, their ancestors in several generations, the better quality genes we will get and the stronger our future health will be.

After birth, a person draws his vital physical force from various sources:

  1. Food. The more attention a person pays to the quality of his food, the more grateful his body is to it. The quality of food plus balance and moderation plus the good emotions with which it is consumed equals an excellent component of your longevity.
  2. Physical energy of the surrounding world: the energy of nature - water, air, sun, fire, earth, minerals, plants and animals. Communication with each of these elements of nature can significantly increase human energy. Therefore, preserving nature and communicating with it is vital for each of us.
  3. We receive a significant part of our physical energy, as well as spiritual energy, from other people. But not in its pure form, but in the form of processed energy of our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and communication with other people. That is, a person processes part of the emotional and spiritual component of energy into physical energy. It's no secret that positive emotions help a person do much more things than negative ones.
  4. Sports, exercise, massage, breathing practices, etc. - it is also an excellent source of vital recharge. People who regularly engage in even the simplest exercises have greater vitality, confidence, vigor and good mood compared to those who do not pay attention to body training.

Here we have looked at the basic sources of increasing the physical energy of the body. Nothing complicated, right? Proper use of each source solves half of your problems in life.

Now let's turn to a more subtle sphere - spiritual and emotional component of life energy.

The sources of obtaining this energy are also known to everyone, but it is this component of energy, in my opinion, that is most difficult to use, since it concerns a person’s spirituality, his personal maturity, the process of human self-improvement, and, therefore, the quality of work with these sources depends on the degree of spiritual maturity each person and changes throughout life.

So here you go the main ones:

  1. Thoughts are a colossal source of energy. Positive and negative thoughts, according to the law of polarity, have equal strength, but the former contribute to a significant increase in the overall energy of the body, while the latter contribute to a significant outflow of vital energy.
  2. Feelings are similar to thoughts, subject to the same law of polarity.
  3. Emotions are similar to thoughts and feelings and have the same effect.

These sources are involved in such areas as:

  1. Meditations, spiritual, energy practices are designed to help a person in his eternal search for himself and the Truth, and are designed to give a person strength for this search.
  2. Art in each of its manifestations, be it music, painting, sculpture, dance, architecture, or, for example, handicrafts, or other forms of art - this is something into which a person puts a piece of his soul, his Love, his talent and creative potential, and, therefore, all forms of art and creativity have a colossal charge of human energy, which increases the potential of the Life Energy of both the creator of a work of art and the one who knows how to perceive the intention and soul of the creator in his creation.

These three components - thoughts, emotions, feelings - a person can regulate, track, change, influence, manage them and, therefore, can regulate the flow and expenditure of his vital energy. This is precisely what is most difficult for a person. And mental energy, according to the law of the hierarchy of energies, has orders of magnitude higher power than physical energy, therefore, it can increase (or decrease) a person’s vital energy by orders of magnitude. The positive energy of thoughts, emotions and feelings is the energy of creation, creativity, creation. Negative energy is the energy of destruction, including at the level of the individual’s body.

In this topic, I touched only the tip of the iceberg, basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough. You must be able to apply and, in fact, apply - every day, regularly, even if just a little, but do it! Of course, if you want to live a long, happy and successful life. Because I say: "The quality of your life is the quality of your energy!"

The weaknesses of women are actually not a whim at all, but precisely what gives a woman true strength and inexplicable magnetism.

According to the Vedas, which arose about 5 thousand years ago, the energy of a woman is the basis of the World. Because it is the creative female “I” that gives a man the strength that directs him to exploits and accomplishments.

Each of us has periods of energy decline. The Vedas offer amazing ways to increase the Power of a Woman. So, a list of things that give us Strength!

1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs touching. Our body needs to be moved and stretched. Otherwise, the energy stagnates. Presses on the body from the inside. And it causes illness.

2. Visiting the hairdresser - a beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. Hair for a woman and for a woman is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hairstyle.

3. Manicure - you want to kiss beautiful hands! That's what men say. I tried this item myself and several of my friends. After a manicure with red polish, the attention of husbands, loved ones and just men increased!

4. Communication with other women - mutual exchange of energy greatly strengthens women. A man needs silence to become aware of himself. A woman understands her experiences better when communicating with her friends.

5. Long conversations and conversations - on the same phone - are not a waste of time. This is the very burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will probably splash them out on a man. And this is not the best way.

6. Walks - a woman simply needs to go outside at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!

7. Music - you need to listen to music every day. Meditative, classical. Make it a habit to play music, for example, while drinking a cup of tea.

8. Refuse difficult topics for reflection and negotiation - yes, it is useful for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of a “girl” gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them into the house.

9. A bath with rose petals and oils is not pampering, but a necessity! By giving such a little to your body, to yourself, you will be surprised by your own radiance and excellent mood.

10. Meditation - like any relaxing practices, raises the level of feminine power. You need to meditate at least once a day before going to bed. Meditation in nature is very useful.

11. Take vocal lessons - singing cleanses the throat chakra. And we no longer want to swear or reproach men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words “she is like a song.”

12. Visiting stores - shopping is not just a way to look for new things. Learn to go shopping even if you have no money. Try things on. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - feminine energy is so strong that sometimes it’s enough to see and touch a thing for it to soon migrate into your wardrobe. And the money for it seems to come out of nowhere.

13. Visit a psychologist - but always for women. A wise, experienced woman can help you look at the situation differently. And understand it. Wisdom is passed down from older women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother and great-grandmother.

14. Dancing - in any form - is a great thing for enhancing female strength and sexuality. Arabic and Latin dances are especially good.

16. Regular get-togethers with girlfriends - by going out to a public place together, you create a strong background of feminine Power. And exchange with each other the missing qualities.

17. Taking care of flowers - a small garden at home and digging in the vegetable garden is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. Flowering, growth - this is all a reflection of feminine energy.

18. Communicating with married friends is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of family in the Vedas is considered the most beneficial and valuable. Therefore, do not rush to refuse a party where only married couples will be present. After such a meeting, you will accumulate energy that will more likely attract a man to you than after visiting a nightclub where there are many lonely women.

19. Help - provide someone with help or ask for help. All this strengthens a woman. Learn to give up the “I myself” principle. Because this is a typical principle for a man.

20. Visiting a bookstore is amazing, but walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to devote at least a couple of hours a week to this activity. A woman who is the keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge.

21. Ask a man for help - any manifestation of care makes us more feminine. Try an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry your bag. The mood will rise 100%!

22. Reading - read a good book that you bought a long time ago and put on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. By studying fate, you understand yourself better.

23. Sharing household responsibilities with someone - thoughts that without you everything will be “overgrown with mold” - this is a way to reduce your feminine energy. Feel free to entrust some matters to your loved ones. And give yourself the free time!

24. Cooking - everything related to cooking significantly increases the level of feminine energy. A housewife who knows how to feed and drink. If you don't know how to cook, learn. If you know how, improve your skills. Master the cuisine of a certain country.

25. A house is not just an apartment in which we live. A woman has a powerful energetic connection with her home. This is why we are so annoyed by a squeaky door or a leaking faucet. For a woman, these are not just shortcomings. Feminine energy flows through such holes. But it is precisely in such little things that sometimes it is important not to disturb a man. Why?

The man thinks big: “When all the tiles in the bathroom become unusable, then we’ll make a new one. Why grease the walls ten times!” Sometimes it’s easier to hire someone who will fix minor issues. Just remember to tell your husband that you did this, understanding that he is very busy. And not because his hands grow from the wrong place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.

26. Planning - any incompleteness and doubts destroy a woman. A clear plan is a way to save your energy. Learn to plan little things, then move on to planning for several months and even years of your life. What will you do tomorrow evening?

27. A formal lunch or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and delicious dishes. It turns out that we do all this even more for ourselves, although we want to raise the tone of our loved one. Bring such magical moments to life. Make yourself and your loved ones happy.

28. Education, raising children - by communicating with children, a woman can raise her energy level. For this reason, sometimes you shouldn’t give up playing with your children. And it’s even better to teach children what you know: drawing, singing, dancing.

30. Having a picnic in nature is a must in the company of friends. Several things come together here that raise the level of feminine energy: unification, being in nature, cooking.

31. Makeup - and self-care - is not a way to please a man, but to bring joy to yourself. Therefore, while at home, it is important to do your hair, wear clothes and look good.

32. Giving yourself flowers is one of the easiest ways to increase your energy levels. Flowers not only decorate a woman, but also instantly remove negativity, taking it upon themselves. Therefore, if you are sad, do not rush to cry into your pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.

33. Wearing skirts and dresses - such clothing restores connection with the energy of the lineage through the female line. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates. In case you want to really charm a man. In addition, it has been established that constantly wearing trousers has a negative effect on the female organs.

34. Club of young mothers - if you have a small child, be sure to communicate with the same mothers. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also an exchange of energy. Motherhood is personified by the Moon. And lunar energy is feminine energy.

35. Taking care of children - do not refuse to help your married friend play with her child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is the path to Strength. The main thing is not to treat your man as a child.

36. Feed the needy - mercy is a quality that enhances lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. Surely there will be a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant little thing. Buy fruit for your lonely neighbor. Don't refuse a cup of tea to a guest who drops by.

37. Communication - it is difficult for a woman to do without contact with other people. We gain energy from conversations. It is only important to ensure that the information you convey is not gossip or other negative things.

38. Romantic movie - make an agreement with a friend and watch a melodrama together. Any film about love is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do this in the company of other women.

39. Studying a new culture helps to expand the worldview and allows a woman not to be confined to the inner world. Feminine energy strives to expand. There is no need to narrow it artificially.

40. Sources of water - relaxing on a river, lake, or by the sea is a great way to raise your energy level. Water is the basis of a woman’s sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adapting to circumstances, or, on the contrary, stormy.

In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses were necessarily taught to swim and communicate with the water element.

41. Physical activity - if you feel a loss of strength, start learning a new sport. This can be not only a new type of fitness, but also just a morning jog. Dancing is very useful! A great way to recover if you're exhausted after breaking up with your partner.

42. Dressing up - wearing a nice dress is one way to raise your energy level. By the way, you don’t have to go somewhere to dress up. Wear nice clothes at home.

43. Clear out the rubble - old things, garbage and rubbish weaken a woman’s energy. If a difficult period has come in your life, it’s time to sort out the rubble.

44. Healthy lifestyle - needless to say, bad habits negatively affect female energy and beauty. A bad habit can be not only smoking, but also the habit of going to bed late, slandering or being lazy.

45. Poetry - reading poetry helps to reveal the romantic side of your “I”. Feel free to write your own poems. The energy splashed out on paper will relieve you of worries. A beautiful syllable teaches you to speak beautifully and think correctly.

46. ​​Feeding birds and animals is a very simple way to raise your energy level. Build a bird feeder under the window. Get canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.

47. Visit a museum or exhibition - everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.

48. Communication with the Teacher - go to a lecture by your favorite author, attend a training. Books give knowledge. This is undeniable. But when we meet the Teacher, we are recharged with energy from the person.

49. Keep a diary - write down your thoughts, desires, goals every day. You can paste pictures into your diary or draw them yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to write them down. Accumulating the energy of emotions in herself, a woman will then be forced to throw it out on a man. Which in itself is not very good. In addition, writing down thoughts helps to analyze them.

50. Make an album of your beautiful photographs - stick your best photos in it. And don't be shy to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!

51. Decide on your desires - formulate for yourself what you really want, especially in a relationship. Focus on “I want” and forget about “I can”. I can - this is the prerogative of a Man.

The man says: I can win her, I can take her as my wife (or I can’t). When a woman begins to think a lot in the style of “I can,” she becomes a “man.” Compare: I want to look good. I want him to like me. I want to get married. And - I can look good, he can like me, I can get married.

52. Affectionate speeches - learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from a couple of gentle words spoken by you. Swearing and obscene words reduce feminine energy to nothing.

53. Obedience - arguing, competition and other aspects of active behavior reduce energy levels. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, conquering a man is very draining on a woman. And a man doesn’t want a woman who is so proactive towards him. With her behavior she reminds him of a man.

54. Selectivity in sexual relationships - if a woman has several sex partners, she is doomed to devastation. Only have sexual relations with the person you love. Be faithful to your husband. Try to delay the first sex after meeting. It takes a lot of energy to interest a man. Don't lose her prematurely in sex.

55. Cleanliness - keep your home, your body and your mind clean. Clean your home on time. Don't accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to boost your energy is to get in the shower. Purity will bring Strength.

56. NATURING YOURSELF WITH LOVE is one of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And can give nothing to a man. Even worse, she will begin to vampire his energy. Hence the decline of men, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. It must be FULL of love.

57. Arts and crafts - knitting, embroidery, modeling... - everything that you can create with your own hands raises the level of your feminine energy.

58. Give compliments - to yourself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If it’s hard for you to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can cause difficulties in relationships with mother, mother-in-law, and daughter.

59. Express love - in any form, at any time. Hug and kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, people, your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even your sadness. For she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Arranging bouquets - working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge of renewal and flowering.

61. Eating healthy - eat foods that are less processed and closer to nature. Remember what power an apple you pick in the garden gives? And some kind of hamburger. The sensations are strikingly different.

62. Affection - gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And find out. Caress your body. Even if you don’t have a man, don’t deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, and legs. Kiss your hands yourself - and others will adore them.

63. Being alone with yourself - do not be afraid of those moments when you are left completely alone. Don't run away to get married just because you're lonely. Use this time to take care of yourself. Nature has laid down a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself. This is the period of menstruation.

64. Soft toy - don’t scold yourself for still sleeping cuddled with a teddy bear. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.

65. Learn to work with the energy of the Moon - stand outside in the moonlight, charge water with moon rays. And then add it to the bath. Turn to the Moon for help with women's ailments. To do this, you need to imagine in meditation how you are bathing in moonlight. You and the Moon are one.

66. Send someone a card - for any occasion. By showing someone a sign of attention, you will fill yourself. Remember: a woman is a giver. By giving, you are filled.

67. Charity is in its purest form an expression of feminine energy. If you can help a person with something, do it.

68. Fragrances - an aura of a pleasant aroma should always emanate from you. A woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and choosing a scent enhances feminine energy.

69. Dignity - be confident in your uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that the Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are charming! You are sexy! You are a Woman!

If male energy is the energy of chaos, which serves as the basis for wars and revolutions, the purpose of which is to destroy the old for the sake of the new, the tasks of female energy are radically different. A woman was born to bring peace and tranquility, to preserve traditions, and her ideal state is peace, love and inspiration. As soon as a woman betrays her nature, choosing the male path of self-realization, she becomes aggressive and irritable, capricious and picky, dissatisfied and depressed, in other words, unhappy. Is it possible to bring yourself back?

We present 10 sources of feminine power that will fill you with natural energy, returning your zest for life! What should a woman do to create harmony within herself?

1. Ask for help

The principle “I myself” makes her a fighter, her favorite guy, a strong and independent creature, but not a woman. Give up the habit of putting all the work on your fragile shoulders, learn to ask for support, accept care, and you will be surprised how much easier and more pleasant your life will become!

2. Show you care

The second main principle is not only to take, but also to give. A woman increases her energy significantly if she takes care of someone: her favorite flowers, animals, children, her parents, her man and, of course, herself!

3. Receive strokes

A woman whom no one touches, whom no one strokes, hugs, or, in other words, loves, looks pitiful and devastated. Ask your loved ones to hug you and pat you on the head. If you are alone, sign up for a massage, just don’t stagnate the energy in your body!

4. Exchange energy

If a woman stops giving way to her emotions, she will enter a state of stagnation, which will immediately affect her health and relationships with men. It is extremely important to have at least a couple of friends with whom you can laugh or chat “about feminine things,” exchanging feelings and experiences. This will boost your energy!

5. Contact realized women

How to acquire the qualities that you lack? Communicate with representatives of the fair sex who have what you dream of. Do you want to get pregnant? Make friends with young mothers. Do you want happiness in your personal life? Start chatting with happy married friends. It really works!

6. Take care of yourself

Deliciously smelling bubble bath, body milk, various masks and scrubs are not without reason so attractive to women. By taking care of ourselves, maintaining the beauty and purity of our body, we nourish ourselves with energy. Hair care, manicure, and makeup have an effect akin to magic, making us many times more confident and happier.

7. Go shopping

Why do men feel exhausted after shopping while women look their best? Endless fittings and pleasant shopping truly give new life, they breathe renewal and strength into your energy.

8. Dance

Oriental, Latin American, classical - any dance (even at the stove with a ladle) can release in you what you have hidden behind seven seals. When you dance, you not only liberate yourself and discover your sexuality, but also open the 3rd and 5th chakras, prolonging youth and enhancing femininity.

9. Communicate with nature

Despite the fact that a woman, by definition, is the keeper of the hearth, she should not spend all her time locked up or isolated from nature. Try to arrange forays into the forest more often, walk barefoot on the ground, and hug your tree of strength. Communicate with nature, because it is the earth that feeds you with energy!

10. Practice meditation

A woman should strive to be relaxed and peaceful. Stress, fears, doubts, uncertainties - all this destroys, depriving you of strength and energy. Meditation classes will help reduce stress, smooth out corners, and make the world a little safer and more pleasant. Meditations before bed and after waking up are especially good.

And finally, remember: a man is an actively implementing party, while a woman is a passive recipient. She must be able to see depth, learn to accept all sides of life. If a man sets the global direction, then a woman fills this direction with her energy and content. She should not take over the male function, walking with the flag ahead of the rest. She highlights the best of what her partner creates and preserves it for future generations. Her strength lies in her calmness, her beauty lies in her content, and her energy... is everywhere.

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