Ground coffee masks. Coffee face mask at home: choose the best recipe. Citrus coffee mask recipe

Coffee has long been used in cosmetology as a complete skincare product that can solve several problems at once - cleanse the skin and increase its elasticity, smooth out facial wrinkles and even slow down the aging process.

A coffee face mask will become indispensable for aging, as well as problem skin prone to acne and blackheads.

What are the benefits of coffee for skin?

The positive effect of a coffee mask is due to chemical composition coffee beans:

  • Caffeine has a regenerating effect on skin cells, and therefore promotes their active renewal. It increases vascular tone and normalizes blood circulation, due to which collagen is produced and the skin becomes tightened and elastic.
  • Antioxidants are designed to fight the effects of free radicals and slow down the aging process.
  • Chlorogenic acid protects the skin from negative impact ultraviolet radiation and photoaging. Due to this component and the presence of small scrubbing particles, a coffee face mask perfectly cleanses pores of impurities and exfoliates dead skin cells.
  • Polyphenols can fight dullness and tired skin. These substances perfectly tighten the oval of the face and give coffee a light tan.

Coffee-based cosmetics are actively produced Russian brands.

The “silk coffee” mask from Organic Shop is very popular, but it’s much more pleasant to prepare it with my own hands

Indications for use

A coffee face mask at home is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • Sensitive skin, prone to irritation and subject to frequent stress.
  • Dry and aging skin.
  • Dull complexion.
  • The appearance of the first signs of aging.
  • To nourish normal skin.
  • When clogged pores appear in the form of blackheads.


There are cases when such a mask should be abandoned:

  • The presence of large inflammatory elements.
  • Open wounds on the face.

Secrets of using a mask

In order for coffee recipes to really work, and not just be a pleasant spa treatment, you must follow the rules for its use:

  • To prepare the mask, you need to take natural ground coffee, which contains the largest amount of essential oils. But instant coffee powder should not be used, as it contains many impurities, artificial colors and flavors.
  • The grounds must be fresh and well dried to avoid the growth of bacteria.
  • When choosing a recipe, you need to rely on your skin type and needs. For dry types it is better to use masks with, and for oily ones - based on ground coffee beans.
  • Apply this cosmetic product 2 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Application steps:

  1. Prepare a mask based on the selected recipe.
  2. Cleanse your skin with foam or gel cleanser.
  3. Remove excess moisture from the skin.
  4. Apply the mask in an even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. Leave it to act for 5 minutes.
  6. Massage dried coffee particles into your skin for a minute.
  7. Rinse off any residue with cool water.

The best coffee recipes

1. Nourishing mask with honey

You will need:

  • melted honey;
  • ground coffee.

These ingredients are taken in equal proportions. To prepare the mask, simply mix them, heat them in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. This recipe is indispensable for dry skin, as it gives it a velvety feel and removes flaking.

This mask helps fight minor inflammations during adolescence.

2. Moisturizing mask


  • 1 tsp natural coffee;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil.

This recipe is suitable for aging skin that requires a lifting effect. Prepare the mixture and leave it on your face for 5 minutes until you get the effect.

You can prepare a moisturizing mask based on sour cream. Take an equal amount of grounds and full-fat sour cream, add a couple of drops of olive oil. The mask should be kept on the face for about 10 minutes.

3. Rejuvenating flour

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of coffee cake;
  • 1 yolk.

Prepare a dry mixture of grounds and flour and gradually add the yolk into it until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes until it dries. Rinse off any remaining residue with warm water.

4. Cleanser for problem skin


  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dry clay;
  • teaspoon chopped orange peels;
  • a teaspoon of natural coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons of water and 0.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • soda on the tip of a knife.

Mix all dry ingredients and add water to them. The soda must be quenched with vinegar and mixed with the prepared mixture. The mask should be left on the coffee for 7 minutes.

Take fresh dried grounds and mix with two tablespoons of low-fat kefir. Prepare the mixture and apply to skin for 15 minutes.

The effect is achieved both due to scrubbing coffee particles and lactic acid, which gently exfoliates dead skin cells

6. Cleansing mask with ground coffee

You will need:

  • 40 gr. coffee;
  • 10 gr. fine sea salt;
  • 5 ml olive oil;
  • 2 drops each of rosemary and lavender essential oils.

This mask is perfect for oily skin prone to the formation of closed comedones.

Try these wonderful recipes as additional skin care. Surely, after the first use, the coffee mask will become your favorite cosmetic product.

One of the most popular products in home cosmetology is coffee. A coffee face mask has a complex effect on the skin due to the unique composition of this product. Most often it is used as a scrub, but at the same time it allows you to achieve other goals: increase skin turgor, improve complexion, giving it a light tan, and prevent aging.

Benefits of coffee for facial skin

The effect that a face mask with coffee can have on the skin is determined by the composition of the main component. It contains:

  • antioxidants that protect epithelial cells from free radicals and prevent aging;
  • caffeine, which activates blood circulation and metabolic processes, ensures the saturation of cells with oxygen and nutrients, and increases its tone;
  • polyphenols involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, on which the firmness and elasticity of the epithelium depends;
  • chlorogenic acid, which protects against ultraviolet radiation.

As a result, a coffee face mask at home helps tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, activate metabolism and regeneration, that is, rejuvenate the skin and at the same time cleanse it of dead particles, get rid of blackheads, improve lipid balance, and give the skin a pleasant tint.

Indications and contraindications

If you notice that the skin on your face has become dull, has lost its elasticity, and wrinkles have begun to form intensively on it, then it’s time to experience for yourself what effect such a mask can have. Overactive sebaceous glands, an abundance of blackheads on the nose and chin are also indications for the use of this home remedy.

However, there are times when a face mask made from coffee grounds, and especially with ground coffee, can be harmful. It is contraindicated:

  • with herpes in the acute stage;
  • with rosacea;
  • in the presence of open wounds on the face;
  • for any infectious dermatological diseases;
  • with increased skin sensitivity;
  • if you have allergic reactions to any component of the mask, including coffee itself.

In order to completely eliminate the possibility of negative consequences as a result of using a coffee mask, it must be tested on the wrist before applying it to the face.

For greater effectiveness of using a mask, you should use the following tips:

  1. For cooking homemade mask Use only natural ground coffee (you can grind it using a coffee grinder). If the recipe requires the use of coffee grounds, then the coffee should be brewed without cream or sugar.
  2. Choose a recipe suitable for your derma type.
  3. A couple of minutes after applying the coffee scrub, massage your face with light circular movements with your fingertips.
  4. During the procedure, refrain from reacting to current events with facial expressions.
  5. Do not leave the mask on your face too long. After the time specified in the recipe has passed, shake the coffee off your face with a napkin and only then wash with warm water.
  6. It is best to make a mask with coffee in the evening. For oily dermis, the recommended frequency of procedures is 2 times a week, for other types – once a week.

Coffee face mask recipes

Do not apply coffee to your face pure form. Any mask at home must be made according to a special recipe. There are many recipes for coffee scrub masks; they contain affordable products, so finding the right one won’t be difficult.

    A simple mask. Mix coffee grounds and sour cream in equal proportions (for oily skin it is better to use low-fat yogurt).

    The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

    From blackheads. Prepare a simple mask according to the previous recipe, mix with beaten egg white.

    Remove the mask only after it is completely dry.

    For problematic skin. Take equal amounts of milk powder and coffee grounds and mix. If necessary, add a little black coffee to thin the mixture to the desired consistency. Apply for 20 minutes.

    This coffee face mask will relieve inflammation, prevent the appearance of pimples, and improve facial tone. Also effective against blackheads.

    Curd and coffee scrub for normal skin. Mix coffee grounds with an equal amount of cottage cheese. Apply the mixture to your face, massaging. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove with a napkin.

    Toning mask-scrub. Mix a coffee spoon of cinnamon and sea salt, two coffee spoons of sugar. Combine this mixture with coffee grounds and olive oil, which you need to take a tablespoon each. Mix well.

    A 15-minute exposure to this mask on the face will be enough to refresh and cleanse the skin. In addition, it will “spur” regeneration, although this effect, unlike the previous ones, will not be noticeable immediately.

    With grape seed oil. If you mix equal amounts of sour cream, grape seed oil and coffee grounds, you will get a rejuvenating coffee scrub for any type of dermis.

    Keep the mask prepared according to this recipe on your face for 15 minutes.

    With walnuts. Grind the walnut kernels, mix with coffee grounds, dilute with kefir. All components are taken in the same volume. After applying to the face, wait 20 minutes and rinse off.

    The mask improves skin turgor and intensifies regeneration.

    Made from oatmeal. Grind the oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder, measure out a couple of teaspoons. Mix oat flour with the same amount of coffee grounds. Add a large spoonful of sour cream or yogurt and stir. Distribute the mixture over your face and let it absorb. You need to wash off this mask after 25 minutes.

    From wrinkles. This mask requires natural ground coffee (15 g). It should be mixed with 20 g of mashed banana pulp. Gradually pour cream into the mixture, stirring until the mass resembles a thick cream in consistency. Apply for 15 minutes, moisten with a spray bottle and remove with a napkin.

    The mask cleanses the skin and smoothes it.

    For acne. This coffee face mask is also made with natural ground coffee. You will also need orange zest and cosmetic clay, preferably blue. These three main components are taken in equal quantities, mixed, diluted with mineral water to the consistency of very thick sour cream. For a tablespoon of the resulting mass you need to take a pinch of soda and quench it with half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, add to the mixture and stir.

    When applying this mask, you need to make sure that it does not get on the thin skin near the eyes. You should not keep it on your face for more than 20 minutes for oily dermis, 10 minutes for other types.

    For serious problems with acne, try these mask recipes.

Face scrub masks based on natural ground coffee or coffee grounds are good at removing dead epithelial cells and helping to maintain youthful skin. Can be used for age-related care.

At all times, representatives of the fair sex have devoted a lot of effort and time to caring for their appearance. Despite the wide choice of beauty salons, many women prefer folk recipes beauty. Natural coffee is considered a popular product that is often used in the formulation of homemade masks, wraps and scrubs. Do not throw away coffee grounds after enjoying the magical taste and aroma of an invigorating drink. It’s quite easy to make an effective scrub from coffee grounds at home.

Use of coffee for beauty

Coffee is the basis of many cosmetic products

The beauty of skin, hair, body depends, first of all, on systemic care, and not on how much they cost cosmetical tools. Many people are mistaken in believing that expensive cosmetics are the most effective. In reality, natural cosmetics can be much healthier. In addition, they are environmentally friendly and suitable for almost everyone. age groups. Natural coffee is often used in home cosmetology. Why is it useful:

  • Coffee beans, along with caffeine, contain a complex of antioxidant substances that fights age-related changes;
  • Coffee smoothes the skin and makes it elastic;
  • Outputs excess liquid from the body, eliminates swelling;
  • It has a fat-burning effect, so it is often used in anti-cellulite programs.

Coffee is used in a number of beauty treatments. Coffee scrub is used to cleanse all skin types: oily, combination, dry. Coffee grounds are used in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks on the body. Coffee-based masks improve the hair structure and give it a delicate coffee tint.

What are the benefits of coffee scrubs?

A scrub made from natural ingredients helps get rid of dead particles, smoothes and tones the skin. Coffee scrub reduces the signs of cellulite and makes the body more toned. Peeling smoothes out fine wrinkles on the face, returns natural color, makes the skin radiant and healthy. The cosmetic also protects the skin from premature aging.

If you add an additional ingredient to the grounds, the effectiveness of the coffee scrub will increase even more. For example, honey in combination with coffee will make the skin soft and velvety, eliminate facial wrinkles, and help restore a healthy complexion.

The benefits of coffee grounds and cake

Coffee beans, as well as their derivatives (cake, grounds, oil) have many useful qualities:

  1. Caffeine improves blood circulation and removes swelling. This is why cosmetics manufacturers often add caffeine to nighttime facial products.
  2. Linoleic acid contained in the cake and grounds slows down the process of withering of the epidermis. Linoleic acid also protects skin covering from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Thanks to the antioxidant complex, natural rejuvenation of the epidermis occurs.
  4. Coffee cake has an antibacterial effect, so the scrub is often used for problem skin.
  5. The particles contained in the scrub delicately and gently cleanse the skin, eliminating dead skin particles and blackheads. Peeling from coffee grounds is recommended for those with skin prone to rashes and peeling.

You can use both coffee grounds and cake for scrub.

How to make a scrub from coffee grounds at home

For cosmetics you should use only natural coffee

Homemade scrub options made from coffee grounds are simple and do not require major financial outlays. Rules for preparing home peeling:

  • Only natural coffee is used. Soluble powder will not work.
  • You can use store-bought ground coffee, but it is better to grind the coffee beans yourself using a coffee grinder.
  • To prepare the scrub, the grounds from a drink prepared without cream, milk, or sugar are used;
  • Only fine grinding is used so that large particles do not injure the epidermis.
  • The composition of a cosmetic product, as a rule, additionally includes softening ingredients: milk, sour cream, honey, cream, butter.
  • The scrub may darken the skin, so people with very fair skin should use it very carefully.

What kind of coffee is needed and how to brew it

Only natural coffee is used to prepare the scrub. It is useless to use an instant drink: you will not achieve the desired effect.

A fine to medium grind will be required. If the product is to be used on the face, it is better to use the finest grind. A medium grind is suitable for the body. The powder is brewed in a Turkish pot, the drink is drunk, and the grounds are mixed with other ingredients that are listed in the recipe. The choice of additional ingredients will depend on what type of skin the scrub is used for and for what purpose.

Most useful way preparing the scrub: pour boiling water over the coffee powder, add a spoonful of olive or other vegetable oil until the consistency of thick sour cream forms.

When preparing a coffee scrub, you can use various additives

How to store coffee grounds for scrub

Many girls wonder how to store coffee cake for scrub, and what storage conditions should be. If left a large number of If you don’t want to throw away a product, place it in a glass jar and close it tightly. Place the jar in the refrigerator.

Important! The finished scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days!

Honey added to the scrub will make the skin more velvety.

Other ingredients are often added to the coffee grounds. The most popular are honey, sour cream, and egg yolk. After peeling, the skin will become velvety, smoother and more radiant.

Often included home cosmetics includes olive oil. ABOUT beneficial properties Every woman knows this product, so the oil is used not only as a dressing for salads and other dishes, but also as an effective cosmetic product. How to make a scrub from coffee grounds and oil:

  1. Make fruit puree from apples, bananas, persimmons, and grape pulp.
  2. Add coffee grounds from freshly brewed coffee (a tablespoon) to the puree.
  3. Pour olive oil into the mixture (about a teaspoon). It is preferable to use first cold pressed oil.

Rules of application

The coffee peeling procedure involves several basic rules, the implementation of which will help make it most useful. So, the rules of application:

  1. First you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to coffee and other peeling components. If you have allergic reactions, coffee peeling should not be used.
  2. Before wrapping or scrubbing, you need to clean and steam the skin. The pores of the epidermis must be open, so it is often advised to first visit the sauna and bathhouse.
  3. For an anti-cellulite effect, it is better to opt for green or black coffee.
  4. A massage with peeling is done like this: first the legs are massaged, then the buttocks, then the stomach in a clockwise direction using gentle, gentle movements.
  5. The peeling procedure should be done twice a week.
  6. After the procedure, it is advisable to lie in warm water with the addition of essential oils. Oils of orange, lemon, patchouli, grapefruit, and juniper are suitable.


There are many options for home remedies with coffee grounds. A very popular recipe is with the addition of natural honey, the beneficial properties of which are known to everyone.

Honey scrub mask

Coffee with honey

Combine natural honey (a tablespoon) with olive or coconut oil(a teaspoon) and two tablespoons of coffee grounds. Stir thoroughly and spread over a clean, steamed body using massage movements. Leave for five minutes. The product cleanses, nourishes, and activates metabolic processes.

How to make a face scrub with coffee grounds:

  1. Mix the cake with any vegetable oil;
  2. Add sour cream or cream;
  3. Add oatmeal, crushed using a blender;
  4. Gently massage cleansed face and rinse with warm water.

Scrubbing your hands using a scrub made from coffee grounds is very effective. For those who have flaky, dry hands with rough skin, this cosmetic product will be a real salvation.

Face scrubs and peelings

Scrubs and masks from coffee grounds can be made by everyone, regardless of skin type. The exception is rashes on the face and body.

Scrub for all skin types

Combine coffee grounds (a couple of spoons) with two spoons of oatmeal, which must first be ground in a blender. Add a spoonful of sour cream for dry skin. For oily skin, instead of sour cream, add a spoonful of natural unsweetened yogurt. Apply peeling to clean face, massage very carefully, rinse with water.

Vitamin peeling

Mix a spoonful of grounds with a spoonful of fruit or berry puree. After applying the peel, leave it on your face for a few minutes before rinsing off. Finally, use a cream suitable for your skin type.

Coffee grounds scalp scrub

Coffee grounds scrub is also used for hair. Dilute a packet of gelatin in water at room temperature, add coffee grounds and a little hair balm to the resulting mixture. Apply the product to damp hair, leave for half an hour, rinse with shampoo. Hair will become manageable, silky, shiny.

Whole Body Coffee Scrub Recipe

Recipe for a simple coffee grounds scrub at home for the whole body:

Add a little scrub to your shower gel or liquid soap. Massage the product into the skin for 10 minutes, rinse with water. This method will help make the body more elastic, the skin smooth and toned.

Nourishing peeling

Mix coffee grounds (a couple of tablespoons), a teaspoon of olive oil and liquid natural honey (a tablespoon). The coffee grounds should make a thick body scrub.

Coffee grounds scrub for cellulite and weight loss

A classic anti-cellulite scrub made from coffee grounds is very simple to make: mix the grounds with water, then apply the resulting scrub to problem areas and actively massage along the massage lines for 10-15 minutes.

On a note! You can add cake or thickener to the shower gel to make it more convenient to apply the product to the body.

Peeling with honey and cake

Mix a portion of the cake with two portions of liquid natural honey. Problem areas massage the peeling using a hard washcloth, rinse off the peeling with water.

Anti-cellulite peeling with sea salt

Add two tablespoons of sea salt to the cake (2 tablespoons). Add ½ teaspoon extra virgin olive oil and stir the mixture. Apply peeling to the steamed body, massage vigorously, then rinse.

Which is better – natural coffee or grounds/cake?

Basically, women use the following ingredients to prepare peeling or scrub at home:

  • Ground coffee;
  • I thicken/cake after drinking a drink;
  • Coffee machine pulp;
  • Soluble powder.

The most the best option will use natural finely ground coffee, which is obtained by grinding coffee beans immediately before use. The grains should be as small as possible so as not to injure the epidermis.

It is better not to use soluble powder, since the powder contains a large number of chemical additives.

The cake/ground left over from sleeping coffee contains less beneficial substances from coffee beans than in ground coffee. But to save time, women often use cake or grounds. To obtain a high-quality homemade cosmetic product, it is better to use natural coffee.

Coffee is not just a product or drink. It is a ritual, a lifestyle, an attribute of communication, an aroma that lifts your spirits. Of course, I want to use all its resources. Therefore, after drinking a cup of strong coffee, many are in no hurry to get rid of the thick sediment. First, they look for the future in it - they tell fortunes on coffee grounds, and then they leave it to dry to turn it into a cosmetic product.

Traditionally, coffee grounds, as well as freshly ground coffee, are used:

Is it possible to get such a result? Theoretically - yes. But you can definitely count on:

    exfoliation (exfoliation) by rubbing the skin with coffee particles;

    wonderful, invigorating aroma;

    the pleasure of taking care of yourself.

Everything else depends on the quality of the coffee you use, since the amount of valuable substances varies significantly from variety to variety.

Mechanism of action on the skin

    Caffeine tones, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, evens out complexion. Helps maintain youthful skin.

    Vitamin B3 strengthens the protective functions of the skin, soothes it.

  • 2

    As a scrub, coffee grounds are too rough for dry and sensitive skin. It is risky to use such a natural product after sunbathing.

  • 3

    A homemade mask with coffee will lose to a night cream with caffeine, because it will not allow you to fully use its draining properties. Thanks to the action of caffeine, night moisturizers make your facial skin fresh and well-groomed, and you can’t leave a moisturizing coffee mask on overnight.

  • Precautionary measures

      Use the finest grind coffee as a facial scrub.

      Make sure that you are not allergic to any component of homemade cosmetics. In the case of coffee, be especially careful: caffeine tends to aggravate allergic reactions.

      Make homemade cosmetics only if the process itself gives you pleasure. Ready-made products still work faster and more efficiently.

    Toning coffee-nut mask-scrub

    Coffee is associated with vigor and tone. For those who find a cup of morning drink not enough, they purposefully recharge their skin with caffeine.

    Result: improvement of microcirculation, good color face, tightened, fresh, moisturized, well-groomed skin.


      1 tablespoon coffee grounds;

      a handful of any peeled nuts, except peanuts (for example, 3-4 walnuts or 6-8 almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, cashews, etc.).

    How to cook:

      grind the nuts in a coffee grinder or mortar (the second option is preferable, because contact with metal blades will degrade vitamin C, which walnuts are rich in);

      Mix the nut butter and coffee grounds thoroughly.

    How to use:

  1. 1

    wash your face with gel or foam, wipe with tonic;

  2. 2

    Apply coffee-nut paste to your face in a circular motion from the center to the edges, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth, special attention to the wings of the nose, forehead, cheekbones, chin, massage the skin in this way for 2-5 minutes;

  3. 3

    leave for 10–15 minutes;

  4. 4

    remove the mask with a napkin;

  5. 5

    wash your face with cool water without detergents;

  6. 6

    Wipe with toner and apply a light moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. The rich nutritional composition of such a mask leaves no doubt! But, alas, it is not suitable for those with very dry skin due to the abundance of abrasive particles of coffee and nuts. Not to mention, eating a handful of nuts will go a long way towards replenishing your supply of essential omega fatty acids. Why use externally products that guarantee such tasty and healthy therapy? Invigorating caffeine is already included in some tonic cosmetics, after which you do not need to wash your face or apply cream.

It is much easier to use ready-made tonic cosmetics that contain not only coffee or caffeine.

Invigorating sugar scrub with coffee, L'Oréal Paris It's nut-free but contains nut butters - and coconut - making it soft and nourishing. And not only coffee, but also three types of sugar act as exfoliants. The scrub gently exfoliates, smoothes the skin, and at the same time, thanks to tactile sensations and aroma, awakens and relieves fatigue just like a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Moisturizing care against signs of fatigue Men Expert “Hydra energy”, L’Oréal Paris for men's skin contains caffeine. Works against signs of fatigue, leaving a feeling of freshness.

Moisturizing facial gel Total Recharge Care, Biotherm contains awakening caffeine, tones and refreshes men's skin.

Coffee mask for oily skin

Result: cleanses, mattifies, prevents the formation of comedones thanks to antioxidants in the composition. Does not dry out the skin and is also suitable for mixed skin types.


  1. 1

    ½ tablespoon finely ground coffee or dried grounds;

  2. 2

    ½ tablespoon of milk powder;

  3. 3

    1-2 tablespoons of rose (or thermal) water.

How to cook:

  1. 1

    mix coffee with milk powder;

  2. 2

    dilute the mixture, gradually adding pink or thermal water, to a pulp state.

How to use:

  1. 2

    Apply the mask, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;

  2. 3

    leave for 15 minutes;

  3. 4

    rinse with cool water, refresh your face with toner and apply moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. In the absence of available cosmetics, it probably makes sense to use such homemade cosmetics. But today there are much more effective and safe means for oily skin care. A clay-based mixture is more suitable as a cleansing mask.

A small note for coffee lovers with oily skin from our expert Elena Eliseeva: “Too hot food or drinks provoke greasy shine both due to the production of sebum and due to sweating. And strong coffee has a stimulating effect on the sebaceous glands.” That is, by enjoying hot coffee, we provoke oily shine.

Try a caffeine product that suits oily skin types.

Liquid care “Énergie de Vie. Energy Activator”, Lancôme intensively moisturizes and tones. A probiotic and a whole bunch of antioxidants (tocopherol, lemon balm) in combination with caffeine charge cells with energy. A small concentration of acids provides a fresh complexion.

Coffee and lemon juice mask for acne

Result: the skin is cleansed, rashes become smaller and less pronounced, complexion is evened out, and thanks to improved microcirculation, traces of acne and post-acne become less noticeable.


  1. 1

    1 tablespoon of ground coffee or dried grounds;

  2. 2

    half a lemon;

  3. 3

    3-4 drops of tea tree oil (or lavender).

How to cook:

  1. 1

    squeeze the juice of half a lemon;

  2. 2

    mix coffee with lemon juice and the remaining pieces of pulp from squeezing;

  3. 3

    add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture.

How to use:

  1. 1

    wash your face with gel or foam, wipe your face with tonic;

  2. 2

    Apply the mask on cleansed skin in a circular motion, to enhance the exfoliating effect, lightly massage the skin (it may tingle), leave for 15 minutes;

  3. 3

    rinse with cool water, wipe with toner and apply moisturizer or BB cream with SPF.

Editorial opinion. For sensitive skin, the mask can be quite extreme in sensation and effect. Still, it is better to use proven means. By the way, healing zinc is necessary for the health of problem skin, and coffee interferes with its absorption.

Moisturizing mask with coffee for different skin types

Result: soft, moisturized skin, fresh and even complexion.


  1. 1

    1 tablespoon finely ground coffee grounds;

  2. 2

    1–2 tablespoons of milk, cream or kefir (for oily skin, kefir is preferred, for dry skin - cream).

How to cook:

mix coffee grounds with cream, milk or kefir - you should get the consistency of a thick cream, easy to apply, so that the mask does not flow, but also does not harden in pieces.

How to use:

  1. 2

    Apply the mask with light massaging movements;

  2. 3

    leave for 15–20 minutes;

  3. 4

    rinse with cool water, wipe skin with toner and apply moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Coffee truly combines caffeine for a fresh complexion and vitamin B3, which soothes the skin and affects the formation of its hydrolipid mantle. But these and other components are much more active in synergy with other moisturizing ingredients that finished cosmetics are rich in.

Moisturizing emulsion for skin prone to redness, Rosaliac UV Légère, La Roche-Posay provides care thanks to vitamin B3 (niacinamide), glycerin, caffeine, which stimulates microcirculation. Vitamin C gives radiance and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Coconut oil is another favorite homemade beauty ingredient. And it goes great with coffee. The result is a composition enriched with beneficial lipids.

Result: soft, moisturized, smooth skin.


  1. 1

    1 tablespoon finely ground coffee or dried grounds;

  2. 2

    1 tablespoon coconut oil.

How to cook:

Mix the ingredients thoroughly to form a homogeneous paste.

How to use:

  1. 1

    wash your face, wipe with tonic;

  2. 2

    Apply coffee-coconut paste to slightly moistened skin;

  3. 3

    leave for 15 minutes;

  4. 4

    rinse off with a soft sponge;

  5. 5

    wipe your face with tonic.

Editorial opinion. You can’t argue with the beneficial effect on the skin of both ingredients. But for dry skin, it is important that the coffee is ground almost into flour, otherwise, instead of moisturizing, it is easy to get irritation. In addition, ready-made products offer much more effective components.

After-sun milk Sublime Sun, L’Oréal Paris moisturizes and soothes the skin of the face and body thanks to shea butter, green tea extract, probiotics, vitamin E, caffeine.

Let us remind you that after sunbathing, masks made from natural coffee are not recommended due to the presence of too large particles in their composition that irritate the skin.

Honey and coffee mask for wrinkles

Result: wrinkles are smoothed out, skin color and texture are evened out.


  1. 1

    1 tablespoon coffee grounds;

  2. 2

    1 tablespoon of yogurt;

  3. 3

    1 tablespoon honey;

How to cook:

  1. 1

    beat the egg;

  2. 2

    Mix the egg thoroughly with the remaining ingredients until smooth.

How to use:

  1. 1

    wash your face, wipe your skin with tonic;

  2. 2

    apply a hot, damp towel to your face for a few seconds to steam the skin and make it more receptive (if you are doing the mask in the shower, you can skip this step);

  3. 3

    Apply the mask in a thick layer to the steamed skin of the face, neck and décolleté;

  4. 4

    leave for 20 minutes;

  5. 5

    rinse with water at a comfortable temperature, lightly massaging the skin.

Editorial opinion. The composition is entirely superfoods. Surely the mask will be beneficial for the skin (if you are not allergic to honey). However, if you are not ready to spend a lot of time preparing and then removing honey mask, use ready-made lifting products. Surely the result will please you.


The aroma and taste of coffee does not leave many people indifferent. A cup of an invigorating drink will charge you with energy and positive emotions throughout the day. If aromatic grains wake you up in the morning, shouldn't you try them for your skin? A toning effect is ensured when using coffee face masks and scrubs. The products are prepared at home, exfoliate old cells, and rejuvenate the skin. High results are ensured by medicinal properties coffee beans.

Benefits of coffee for the face

The grains are included in anti-aging cosmetics, face masks, and body scrubs. It is not surprising that the usual drink gives amazing results.

The benefits of coffee for the face include its medicinal composition:

Caffeine. It has a comprehensive effect on the epidermis, has a regenerating and restorative effect. The skin receives a charge of vigor, is cleansed, and dry areas are eliminated. Caffeine protects against negative environmental influences.
Carotenoids. Essential for improving complexion. The skin breathes health, without rashes, yellowish tint. Carotenoids have been shown to protect against skin cancer cells.
Antioxidants. Responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. After use, facial contours are restored and small wrinkles are eliminated. The skin on the face becomes smooth and elastic.
Chlorogenic acid. Acts as a protector against ultraviolet rays. Coffee scrub effectively fights acne and skin impurities. The face is cleansed and protected from photoaging.
Polyphenols. They form a beautiful oval face and tighten the epidermis. A dull complexion makes a person tired. A coffee mask nourishes your skin useful substances. The face is slightly colored and acquires a light tan color. Healthy skin can withstand external influences and is not prone to inflammation and rashes.

You should not use the products if there are small wounds on the skin, areas of severe inflammation, herpes or rosacea.

Homemade coffee masks and scrubs

When using recipes you make yourself, you should follow the rules. Do not add instant drink to masks. This powder has nothing in common with a natural product. Coffee scrubs contain grounds or crushed beans. To get a healing mass at home, do not add grounds containing sugar or cream to coffee masks and scrubs. The cooled mass is used.

Observe the frequency of application. It is advisable to use the formulations twice a week before bedtime. Having chosen a mask, do not change the recipe during the treatment course. To help the scrub penetrate the epidermis better, lightly massage your face after application. Strong impacts are prohibited; coffee particles can damage delicate skin.

Face masks and scrubs based on coffee grounds

Products made before application bring maximum results. Homemade formulations include components that are affordable and can be found in almost any refrigerator.

Let's look at recipes for face masks and scrubs with coffee grounds:

Curd mask. Helps moisturize dry areas and provide regular skin care. Add grounds to the fermented milk product. The ingredients are added in equal quantities. Next, apply the mixture, avoiding areas around the eyes. A light massage would be appropriate. In 10 minutes. the product is washed off with warm water.
Scrub with spices. The basic ingredient is coffee grounds. Finely ground sea salt, cinnamon and sugar are added to it. It is advisable to grind the last ingredient using a coffee grinder. The resulting mass is aromatic and viscous. Apply the mixture to a moistened face. After rinsing, lubricate your skin with moisturizer. Such a mask effective remedy for dry skin.
Honey mask. Suitable for problem skin. Fights inflammation, rashes, peeling. Coffee with honey is a classic duet in cosmetics. The uniqueness of the mask lies in its versatility. First, prepare the base. To do this, mix coffee grounds with melted honey. Then add additional ingredients depending on the desired result. Crushed aspirin will cleanse the skin; the lifting effect is achieved by adding eggs and sour cream. After such a mask, you cannot apply cream for 3 hours, so do it at night. will turn a honey-coffee mask into a powerful nourishing remedy.

Nut scrub. Walnuts are added to the coffee grounds. Grind them first using a blender. You should get a mixture with small particles. Walnut scrub is used when you need to restore your skin as quickly as possible. After use, fatigue disappears, dead cells are removed, and the face acquires a natural shade.
Scrub with oatmeal. The problem with sensitive skin is that it reacts painfully to cosmetic products. Natural ingredients have a gentler effect if you prepare the scrub correctly. Coffee grounds are softened by steamed ground oatmeal and yogurt. After applying the mass, the skin is moisturized, cleansed, and there are no traces of irritation left.

Strengthen the composition of a coffee scrub or mask by adding essential oils. 1-2 tbsp is enough. spoons of plant extracts. Olive squeeze is suitable as a medicinal ingredient.

Scrubs and face masks with ground coffee

It's easy to tan your face. To do this, just grind the grains. Then dilute the grind with purified warm water. It turns out a viscous mass, apply it to the face and neck. Daily procedures for 10 minutes. will lead to the expected result, the face will turn darker.

At home, you can easily make the following scrubs and face masks from ground coffee:

Rejuvenating mask. Crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes give away a girl's age. To smooth your skin, use a recipe based on banana puree. Add cream to the fruit-coffee mixture. Now the mask is ready for application. After 15 min. the mass is removed with water.
Toning mask-scrub. Cinnamon is also added to a tablespoon of ground coffee. If it is necessary to remove dead cells, then add sea ​​salt. After the first week of use, fatigue disappears from the face.
Cleansing scrub. Cosmetic clay and citrus zest are added to the coffee grinding. The last ingredient is replaced. If you use zest, dilute the composition with boiled water. You should get a thick mass. Gently apply the finished mixture to your face. The exposure time is 10 minutes.
Firming mask. It is prepared on the basis of two components: crushed coffee beans and flour. Cosmetic oils are used as liquids. Thanks to the presence of oil, the effect of the mask is softened and enhanced. The composition can be kept on the face for half an hour.

Coffee-based preparations

Natural products are made before use, applied immediately, and any leftovers are thrown away. If you are not sure that you will be able to make masks and scrubs within a month, then it is better not to start. The therapeutic effect will not be obtained. But there is a way out. Prepare homemade coffee-based preparations:

Soap-scrub. The basis is baby soap. It contains crushed coffee beans and cocoa butter. Natural flavors and dyes will give the soap a beautiful appearance and enhance the smell. Makes a great gift for loved ones. Scrub soap based on coffee grounds tones, rejuvenates the skin and makes it soft.

Ice cubes. To make them, first brew stronger coffee. Then cool the drink and pour into molds. Place the preparations in the freezer. The next day you will receive an excellent tonic. Just wipe your face with a coffee cube.

Finally, the simplest recipe. Leave a couple of spoons of the aromatic drink. Do not forget that coffee must be natural without additives. Wipe your face with the liquid and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

Coffee continues to amaze. Healing, restorative and tonic properties are used in cooking and medicine. There is no need for coffee lovers to create masks and scrubs. special effort. You probably have several types of grains stored on your kitchen shelf. Try using them in for cosmetic purposes using the described recipes.

December 31, 2013, 10:11

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