Useful tricks for the home. Secrets of housekeeping. Secrets of an experienced housewife: practical advice

Many troubles around the house can be fixed very easily and quickly. The main thing is to use the right methods. The article contains tips around the house that will help you sooner or later in any case.

1. Bag without smell

Need to eliminate an unpleasant odor from your bag? Place an unused tea bag in it for one day.

2. Pipes without blockage

Use salt to clean sewer pipes. Pour it into the pipe and rinse with boiling water.

3. Tan marks

Often, artificial tanning of the skin causes uneven lightening of the skin, that is, the presence of spots. To avoid this, you need to use baking soda, a small amount of which is applied to problem areas with a sponge.

4. Clean iron

Carbon deposits on the sole of the iron can be easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and vinegar. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the iron.

5. Vegetable soup

Do not add spices to soups made from fresh vegetables - bay leaf, black pepper and others. It’s better to sprinkle the finished soup with herbs - it’s healthier and tastier.

6. Hygiene in the kitchen

Be sure to treat wooden kitchen boards with a solution of water and vinegar. Food must be cut on a perfectly clean surface.

7. Salad with butter

Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after salt, vinegar, and pepper have been added to it. Remember that salt cannot dissolve in oil.

8. Cold compote

To quickly cool hot compote, place the pan with it in a larger bowl with cold salted water.

9. Delicious buckwheat

To cook delicious buckwheat porridge, there should be twice as much water as cereal. Cover the pan in which the porridge is cooked with a lid. Cook the porridge first over high heat and then over low heat.

10. Fish without smell

When cooking types of fish such as flounder and cod, an unpleasant specific odor is released, which can be eliminated by adding parsley root and celery to the dish. Adding onions to the dish would be a good idea.

11. Flowers in the room

Wildflowers will last longer if you add a couple of drops of detergent to the vase. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, as the opposite effect is possible.

12. Shine clean

In order to obtain a snow-white bathtub, it is necessary to prepare a special solution for cleaning it: soda ash (2 tablespoons) + baking soda (2 tablespoons). Next, rub your bath with this mixture. The bath should be damp. Wait 5 minutes (important - do not wash off the layer) and apply the following mixture: vinegar (50 g) + bleach (50 g). All you have to do is wait half an hour and wash off the layers.

13. Snow-white curtains

If the windows in your home are equipped with white synthetic curtains, then after washing and drying them, exclude direct sunlight.

14. Clean hallway

The hallway floor tends to get dirty quickly. To eliminate this undesirable phenomenon, you need to get a shoe stand. A tray and a cork backing work well as a stand. You can buy them at almost any building materials store.

15. Laundry bags

They are indispensable when washing delicate fabrics. However, you should not rush to purchase them in the store, since you can make them yourself. A regular duvet cover is suitable for this purpose.

16. Economical cooking

If you decide to treat your loved ones to small pasta, then do not try to cook it until it is completely cooked. As soon as the water boils, add the pasta, stir, turn off the gas and be sure to cover with a lid. In 10 minutes they will be ready.

17. TV in place

Place your computer monitor and TV in evenly lit areas to optimize brightness and contrast adjustments to a lower level. At the same time, electrical energy savings will be achieved - up to 5% monthly.

18. Air freshener

If you suddenly run out of perfume, do not rush to throw away the bottle. Remove the dispenser, pour plain water into the bottle (1/2 the volume of the bottle) and place wooden sticks in it. They will absorb aromatic moisture and distribute it throughout the home.

Often in everyday life we ​​encounter various troubles, some of which simply unsettle us. We have collected real, effective tips for eliminating small problems. Many experienced housewives have tried these tips on themselves, now it’s time for you to make your life much easier.

1. If your favorite coffee cups are stained, then peels from any citrus fruit will come to the rescue. It will not only wipe away dirt, but also disinfect the mugs.

2. An ordinary fork will help to correct furniture prints on the carpet; just comb the carpet along the pile with it.

3. After your morning kiss, the guy still has a lipstick stain; you need to spray a little hairspray on the stained area and wash it in the machine.

4. When frequently rearranging furniture, parquet floors often get scratched; to prevent this, simply put regular socks on the legs of chairs or tables; they will protect your floor.

5. Your daughter has a lot of hairpins, rubber bands or bracelets, or maybe you are into weaving, then old silicone ice molds will come to your aid in which it is very convenient to store various little things.

6. Having a small distance between the sink and the tap makes it difficult to fill large containers, but there is a way out; use a scoop to collect the required amount of water.

7. After working out at the gym, you have to put your sweaty clothes in your bag. It’s no wonder that soon a not-so-pleasant aroma will come from the bag. Tea bags will easily solve your problem.

8. To easily cut a soft biscuit, use dental floss; it will make cutting much easier.

9. The headlights on your car are dim, toothpaste will help you cope with this.

10. In hot weather, to quickly cool the drink, you need to pour it into a bottle and wrap it in a damp cloth, then put it in the freezer.

Of course, obsessive hoarding is bad, but some things can be given a chance for a second life, and they, in turn, will make yours easier for you!

Rubber bands - for door locks

Do you need to go out or go in the door, but your hands are full? Place rubber on door handles
ring, and the locking mechanism will be neutralized for the required time.

Single socks - instead of bubble wrap

Socks, like people, sometimes lose their pair, but don’t rush to get rid of them: they can successfully and without harming the environment replace bubble wrap when packing crystal glasses and small vases.

Straw - for unstable flowers

The delicate stems of tulips and other flowers don't want to stand straight and ruin your brilliant floral arrangement? Regular drinking straws will help the bouquet stay in shape.

Rubber gloves - for opening cans

With a rubber glove, even the smallest woman can open a stubborn jam jar.

Extra buttons - for stud earrings

So that you no longer have to play detective, trying to find a pair of stud earrings lost in a jewelry box, fasten them together with a button, and henceforth they will be inseparable.

Unscrew the broken light bulb from the socket using a potato
Cut the potato into two halves, take one half, carefully stick it on the broken light bulb and unscrew it.

If you need to open a bottle and don’t have a corkscrew at hand, use a self-tapping screw and pliers.

Wrap the self-tapping screw into the cork and, using pliers, pull out the self-tapping screw along with the cork.

2. Wrap the shoes in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer overnight - this will get rid of the unpleasant odor emanating from the shoes.

3. Place the toaster on its side with a plate next to it. Place a piece of whole grain bread with cheese and tomato in the toaster and in a few minutes you will have a hot sandwich.

How to properly cut cherry tomatoes.

1. Place the tomatoes in a single layer on a cutting board or flat plate.
2. Cover the tomatoes with another flat plate.
3. Carefully run a knife between two plates, holding the top one.

Glue a magnet inside the cabinet and use it to store small metal objects, such as hairpins, tweezers, hairpins, and nail files.

3. Install a rod (metal rod) in the cabinet under the sink - and hang household chemicals on it.

From a pizza box

How to hang a picture?

You probably know how difficult it is to find a place for a nail when hanging a picture. Make the job easier by applying toothpaste directly to the hook. Then you press the picture against the wall and the paste will leave a mark where you need to drive the nail.

Removing odor.

You probably know what smell remains after burnt rice. I know. If you couldn’t ventilate this smell, orange peel and cloves will help. Place them in a saucepan with water and boil. In a few minutes, the whole house will be filled with a pleasant aroma. This is certainly much better than chemical air fresheners.

How to wash a shower horn

Use vinegar – Fill your shower head with vinegar and rinse with water after 15 minutes.

Vinegar is an excellent solvent and an excellent disinfectant.

How to arrange a bathroom so that it is both comfortable and hygienic

1. To store toothbrushes, you can make individual slots in the cabinet shelf.

Any work, including homework, requires a lot of effort. To simplify it, there are useful tricks for the home. These are the things that make everyday tasks and worries easier.

Some examples

If you still have the brush in the paint, so that it does not dry out, you can put the brush in a plastic bag and close it tightly. Paint on metal objects will crack less if you wipe the surface with a vinegar solution before applying it and let it dry. Washing knives with hot water is not recommended. They quickly become dull from this. But pre-soaking them for half an hour in a solution of kitchen salt will help speed up their sharpening.

When painting window openings, you can rub the glass surface with an onion or vinegar solution. Now paint that accidentally gets on this surface can be easily removed.

Making useful things with our own hands

Any person enjoys looking at his own creativity, and it doesn’t matter what it may be.

The main thing is that it is done with soul and pleases the owner.

Useful DIY crafts can be made from scrap materials, for example, you can make an original shelf from used tin cans. You can use it to store small items. But the main thing is that you can endlessly fantasize about the size and shape of the future masterpiece. First, you need to prepare the jars, remove sharp edges if there are any, then drill holes in each at several points, depending on how they will be located. Fastening can be done with bolts or self-tapping screws to each other. You can screw it to the wall with a regular screwdriver, having first driven a dowel into it.

Useful homemade products are created by home craftsmen not only from various materials, but also for different needs.

These could be devices for a country house or a city apartment.

Cleaning is not the most favorite activity of most women, but they do it and know the secrets of quickly cleaning the house, and most importantly - without losing quality. There are many ways to help young housewives.

A simple method will help you clean your iron from stains on the soleplate.

You need to iron the salt scattered on a sheet of paper. If the iron is equipped with a steamer, then you don’t even have to touch the surface, just bring the soleplate to the salt and turn on the steam. After this, the dirt will settle on the salt, and the ironing surface will be well-groomed and smooth.

Kitchen rubber gloves will help remove wool from furniture; it will stick to them and all you have to do is wash your hands.

Scratches on an old wooden table greatly spoil its appearance. Little tricks for your home will help you get rid of them. A mixture of half a glass of olive oil and the same amount of vinegar should be rubbed into the wood with a dampened rag. After this procedure, the appearance will be transformed and the scratches will disappear.

The appearance of a faucet spoiled by water can also be transformed with the help of vinegar. It needs to be left on the surface for a while, and then simply washed off with a sponge. If there is a hot stain left on polished furniture, an iron will help remove it. Place a thick cloth soaked in water on the blot and run an iron over it for 15 seconds.

This furniture upholstery option, like microfiber, is very beautiful, but not practical. Light furniture should be cleaned carefully. To do this, take a white brush and a sponge, moisten the latter in alcohol and wipe the dirty areas, then use a brush to remove dirt from the surface.

If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up toxic chemicals, then you can replace them with natural remedies. For example, lemon will help get rid of stains on plumbing fixtures.

Gas burners get very dirty but are difficult to clean. You can try the following method. Place the burner in a plastic bag, pour a quarter cup of ammonia into it, and leave overnight. After this, wipe with a regular sponge.

Wooden boards are always in use in the kitchen. To keep them clean, you can use this product. Clean the board from dirt with a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and water, then wipe it with half a lemon, dipping it in salt.

Cleaning the oven is not an easy task. Baking soda and vinegar will make the task easier. First you need to clean the surface of debris, and then sprinkle soda generously. Vinegar should be poured into a spray bottle and spray soda from it. Achieve the desired reaction of these substances, then leave for 20 minutes, and then remove the composition with simple movements.

You can clean the blinds using a simple sock, put it on your hand, moisten it in a vinegar solution half-and-half with warm water and wipe the surface until the desired result. Marker marks can be removed using useful household tricks: using regular toothpaste, the mark is cleaned off with a simple paper towel or rag.

You can rid a kitchen sponge of germs using a microwave. Place a washcloth in it for a couple of minutes, which will make it safe for further use. It is important that the sponge is not dry. Using these little tricks for your home, you can significantly save cleaning time and not feel like an eternal Cinderella.

Kitchen utilities

There are useful tricks for the home designed for cooking; it will take more than one year to comprehend all of them on your own.

To beat eggs into a fluffy foam, the whites are pre-cooled and a little citric acid is added, but it is better to beat the yolks warm, with the addition of sugar.

To obtain a beautiful crust on the meat, it is coated with honey before frying or baking.

To stop the onion from being bitter, you need to chop it. Afterwards, pour boiling water over it for a couple of seconds.

To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, they must first be washed with cold water.

Any rice will become crumbly after cooking if it is first soaked for half an hour in cold water.

To make it transparent, you can dip the cereal in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Pasta and rice will not stick together if you pour a little vegetable oil into the pan or rinse them with plenty of cold water after they are ready.

To ensure that the salt in the salt shaker is always crumbly, you can put several grains of rice in it. It will absorb excess moisture.

A low concentration vinegar solution will help give faded onions or parsley a good appearance.

If vegetables are immediately placed in boiling water, then after cooking they will be much tastier. But if you start cooking them in cold water, the broth will turn out delicious.

Cook any vegetables over moderate heat and add salt only at the end. You can cook carrots in this way for no longer than 15 minutes, then they will not lose their taste.

Milk will not burn over medium heat in a pan rinsed with cold water.

Using home tricks, useful tips and the accumulated experience of many generations, even a novice housewife will feel confident.

Distribution of your time

Many people think that they have limited time and that they cannot complete the task in time.

How can I get everything done? First you need to organize yourself. This can be done in several stages.

Make a to-do list.

Stop being distracted by unrelated things. This is especially true in our age of the ubiquitous Internet.

Determine your capabilities, do not take on too many tasks. It’s better to do a couple, but with high quality, than a dozen, but with alterations.

Maintain order in the workplace. This is a way to keep your thoughts in order.

Any business, including homework, can be simplified and optimized.

Reward for successful completion is a great incentive for motivation.

Don't accumulate unfinished tasks. They pull more and more along with them, and thoughts about them simply do not give rest. No one has canceled the expression: “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk!”

If you need outside help, don't be embarrassed to ask for it.


Such seemingly simple rules will help to radically change your attitude towards life and its difficulties.

And using little tricks for the home, you can significantly save cleaning time and not feel like a slave in your own home.

As it should be, the woman usually runs all the housework and everyday life in the family and spends most of her time in the kitchen. Surely every housewife has her own little secrets and tricks that she uses to save precious time or make her signature dish unique. To make life easier and save time, we offer you some of the most current culinary life hacks that will greatly simplify the preparation of certain dishes and reduce the time spent at the stove.

Cook beets quickly

Anyone who has cooked beets at least once will confirm that this process can take up to 4 hours. But few people know that this process can be significantly reduced. If you put the beets in already boiling water, the cooking process can be reduced to one hour. But chefs know how to cook beets even faster.You need to cook the beets in boiling water for 30 minutes, then drain the water and place them under running cold water for 15 minutes (the colder the better). The temperature difference will bring the beets to readiness. And the whole process will take no more than 50 minutes.If you need to cook the beets even faster, put them on high heat without reducing it or covering the pan with a lid. There should be a lot of water, it should cover the root crops by 8 centimeters. After 15 minutes, place the beets under ice water for 5-10 minutes.

Lush scrambled eggs

Often scrambled eggs turn out flat and not very appetizing in appearance. Professional chefs know one secret: to make scrambled eggs fluffy, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of cold water to the eggs and beat the mixture thoroughly.

Remove bitterness from onions

The bitterness of onions can not only bring you to tears, but also significantly spoil the taste of the salad, no matter how finely you try to cut it. You can save your dish and remove the bitterness in a very simple way: after cutting, place the onion in a colander and pour boiling water over it.

Make pasta and rice fluffy

Due to the starch contained in rice and pasta, these foods often stick together and turn into an unappetizing lump when cooled slightly.To prevent rice or pasta from sticking while cooking, add a little sunflower or olive oil to the water if you plan to serve it hot. If pasta or rice will be used in casseroles or other dishes, rinse them in a colander with cold water immediately after cooking.

Quickly chop the onion

Nobody likes the process of chopping onions, because it is quite difficult to hold it in your hands. But few people know that if you leave the tails (from the feather side) while peeling the onion, then the onion can be cut much faster by holding it by these same tails. Then you can simply throw them away.

Delicious vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is prepared, perhaps, in every family. This healthy and tasty dish can be made even tastier and more appetizing by adding one tablespoon of milk and one teaspoon of sugar. The taste will become very soft and delicate

If your family loves cabbage pies or any other dishes containing this healthy vegetable, you need to know the secret to maintaining its beautiful color.After chopping the cabbage for the filling, pour boiling water over it, then pour cold water over it for a minute. Squeeze and fry or simmer in a frying pan. This simple trick will prevent your cabbage from turning brown.

How to replace wine in sauce

There are a huge number of delicious sauces that include wine. But many refuse alcoholic components. However, two lumps of sugar, previously dissolved in a little vinegar, will be an excellent substitute for white wine in the sauce. This is perfect for meat and fish dishes.

To make the rice white and crumbly, pour it only into boiling salted water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in water. Do not cover the container in which the rice is cooked. Only in this case will it retain its perfectly white color.

How to replace mayonnaise

If you suddenly run out of mayonnaise at home, and you have prepared dishes that are simply unthinkable without this sauce, do not rush to get upset. You can replace mayonnaise with sour cream if you add the mashed yolk of a hard-boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard. Even avid mayonnaise lovers cannot tell the difference.

The secret of yeast dough

Do not attempt to make yeast dough if the ingredients for it have just been in the refrigerator. All ingredients need to be left in the room for 30 minutes. Compliance with this condition will make the dough more fluffy and speed up its rise.

Add shine to cakes

Do you think that only industrial baked goods prepared by professional chefs can sparkle appetizingly?To make closed pies and buns shine, before baking they are brushed with beaten egg, milk, and sugar water. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best shine is obtained when lubricated with yolks.

Check egg freshness

If you doubt the freshness of the eggs, pour about 10 centimeters of water into the container and lower them there. Fresh eggs will remain on the bottom. If only one end of the egg rises, then it needs to be used first.

Tender meat

There are a huge number of marinades that give meat a delicate taste and make it very soft. One of these is kiwi marinade. 2 hours before frying the beef, soak it in a mixture of kiwi, seasonings and sugar. But most importantly, do not keep the meat in this marinade for longer, otherwise your meat will turn into pate.

Secrets of minced meat

The most delicious cutlets, pancakes and other dishes based on minced meat turn out much tastier if the minced meat is mixed. For example, you can add grated raw potatoes and carrots to the cutlets, and grated cheese and mustard to the pancakes.

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