Useful prohibitions, or what not to do during childbirth. Correct behavior during childbirth First contractions how to behave

It is best to print this chart and keep it in front of your eyes when labor begins.
The table is compiled based on materials from lectures at the school of preparation for childbirth at the Spaso-Perovsky Hospital.

Latent (hidden) phase of labor (contraction):

time – 30 sec. int. 20 min. 1 min. int. 5-7 min.

breathing - deep through the chest, through the nose (or through the mouth, if convenient)

What is possible! - Do household chores. Walk, sing, breathe. Take a shower, bath. Do an enema: warm, acidified with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per 1.5-2 liters. Drink tea with thyme. At the end of this phase, go to the maternity hospital!

What can't be done! - Scream. Sit. Lie down (at the end of the latent phase). Drink a lot. Eat.

Active phase of labor (contractions):

time – 2 min. int. 2-3 min.

breathing - Slow deep breathing (4 counts inhale - 6 counts exhale), increasing at the peak of contraction (doggy style) top part lungs)

What is possible! – Walk, sing, breathe. Listen to music. Relax! Save your strength! Pain relieving massage. Rinse your mouth with water.

What can't be done! - Scream. Sit. Lie. Drink. Eat.

Transitional phase of labor (pre-latching efforts):

time – 2 min. int.1-2 min.

breathing - Deep, chest, diaphragm, pushing the baby to the exit.

What is possible! - Walk. Squat. Stand on all fours.

What can't be done! – Push

Expulsion phase (pushing):

time – 3-5 minutes.

breathing - With the beginning of the contraction, take in air, push only into the perineum and exhale the air completely. Repeat three times per bout. When the head is born, breathe “like a dog” and only through the mouth.

What is possible! - Listen to the midwife. Relax in between, breathe deeply. Relax your stomach. Wet your mouth and lips.

What can't be done! - Push on the head. Scream. Bringing your legs together

Birth of the placenta:

time – 15-30 minutes.

breathing – Free. You can push by taking in air.

What is possible! - Push, cough.

What can't be done! - Pull the umbilical cord. Hurry

Pain-relieving breathing during childbirth

At the end of the latent phase of labor, contractions become more frequent and more painful. At this stage, you can begin to use pain-relieving breathing. It looks like this.
Inhale through the nose on the count: 1-2-3-4 – exhale through the mouth: 1-2-3-4-5-6, that is, the exhalation is one and a half times longer than the inhalation. This system is called slow deep breathing. A longer exhalation avoids hyperventilation of the lungs, at the same time the baby receives more oxygen, and the mother relaxes and is distracted from the pain, focusing on breathing.

After half dilatation, when contractions intensify, and slow deep breathing no longer provides sufficient pain relief. Then you can switch to rapid breathing at the peak of the contraction. At the beginning of the contraction, use slow deep breathing, and when it becomes painful, switch to breathing with the upper part of the lungs “doggy style”, with an open mouth: hee-ha-hee-ha (for each syllable, both inhale and exhale, that is, there is practically no inhalation audible). At the end of the contraction, return to slow, deep breathing.

Try to practice in advance and develop proper breathing skills during pregnancy. This will help you a lot during childbirth. Otherwise, in the turmoil, you may forget your breathing pattern, which will deprive yourself of an excellent pain reliever.

At the moment of birth, the expectant mother is overwhelmed by a lot of different emotions. These include meeting a new person, the onset of fear of the unknown, and a host of all kinds of troubles. Childbirth is a huge stress, and what kind of stress it will be depends on many different factors. It is important to know the basic rules of behavior; how you can get rid of many unpleasant moments depends on them. We should not forget that they can cause enormous harm to the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

If all the waiting periods have ended, labor always begins unexpectedly. You should tune in to the necessary mood and maintain your composure in full. It's quite difficult, but possible.

For these reasons, there are some “don’ts” to keep in mind:

  1. At the start don't panic, it’s pointless to run around the living room, doing everything very quickly. It should be remembered that the duration of the first birth is up to 12 hours, the subsequent ones are reduced to 8 hours. The expectant mother in labor has in stock long period time to calmly get ready, but you shouldn’t delay getting ready too much.

But we should not forget that there are exceptions: there are cases when natural childbirth twins passed within 4 hours from the start of contractions.

  1. You can’t run around the apartment and try to collect the necessary things. In this case, balance is disturbed, weakness occurs and dizziness begins. Bags for the maternity hospital must be prepared in advance.
  2. It is prohibited to move carelessly or abruptly, which may threaten to fall. This can lead to premature placental abruption, which can lead to blood loss and even threaten the life of the little person and the mother herself.
  3. You can't leave documents at home. You must have a passport, exchange card, insurance policy, and, if you have a contract for childbirth, with you. If doctors do not have documentary evidence of the pregnant woman’s complete condition, she may be admitted to a special institution where women who are suspected of having an infectious disease give birth.
  4. Do not try to get to the hospital on your own(for example, by private car). The feeling of pain and the breaking of water can provoke inattention on the road and this can lead to an emergency situation on the road. In case of contractions, a medical team should be called.

It is strictly forbidden to stay at home if:

  1. The waters have broken.
  2. When bleeding occurs.
  3. If you experience pain in the head, blurred vision, or pain in the uterus.
  4. If the baby's movement in the womb has become quite violent or weakened.

In the above cases, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible(ideally, call an ambulance with a team of doctors). A woman preparing to become a mother should take a supine position, placing herself on her side.

The birth of a child is the brightest and happiest moment in a person’s life. However, this does not prevent many women from experiencing anxious feelings, since the process of giving birth to a new life is extremely difficult and painful. Therefore, throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy, a woman tries to prepare herself as much as possible, not only physically, but also mentally.

How to set yourself up for a successful birth

  • It is important to remember that childbirth is, first of all, a happy event and only then a lot of work. Don't think about the painful sensations that will accompany you for some time. Think better about the fact that the long-awaited meeting with the baby will take place very soon.
  • During contractions, you need to turn off fear and worries; all your emotions are transmitted to your child and he is just as nervous.
  • Think about the fact that you have no choice and you will never return home pregnant. The severity of childbirth depends on your mood; if you are in a good mood, you will be able to endure the pain.
  • Think about what's in at the moment Relatives, friends and girlfriends worry about you. They are looking forward to your call with the good news.

How to behave during childbirth

Natural childbirth takes place in 3 stages:

  • Contractions are the preparation of the baby and uterus for birth.
  • Attempts - the birth of a baby.
  • The birth of the placenta is the completion of labor, the birth of a child's place.

How to behave during contractions

Contractions are the period of labor when the baby, the uterus and the entire body begin the final part of preparation for childbirth. This period can last 3 hours, or it can last for a day. Be careful and do not forget to note the length of contractions and the time of rest from them.

  • At the initial stage, contractions make themselves felt every 20 minutes, their duration is no more than half a minute. At this moment, you can pack your things for the maternity hospital, try to sleep, take a warm shower and do any other useful things. This stage of preparing the fetus for childbirth usually lasts 5-6 hours; in multiparous women it can last about 3-4 hours.
  • The second stage of contractions gradually brings you closer to long-awaited meeting with your baby. The gripping sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region will become more frequent. If contractions make themselves felt every 5 minutes and their duration is 1-2 minutes, then this is a signal that it is time to call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital yourself. Remember that it is not recommended to eat before giving birth; you can drink if you wish. mineral water no gases. Breathe deeper and the contractions will be less noticeable.
  • The third stage is the most painful. Contractions last longer, their frequency is about 2-3 minutes. The duration of the third stage of contractions is about 4 hours, you need to gain strength and patience. If possible, it is recommended to rest between contractions. Try to be distracted by conversations with loved ones, talk to your baby, calm him down, or listen to your favorite music on your phone. Breathing “like a dog” will also help relieve pain.

How to behave during pushing

The most important stage in your life and in childbirth begins - the birth (expulsion) of the fetus. The gripping sensations become more painful and frequent, they make themselves felt literally every minute.

  • Under no circumstances should you push at this time, otherwise you may cause pain to the baby and injure his head as he continues to move along the birth canal.
  • You can drink water, breathe like a dog, or walk around the room. Experts recommend getting into the “cat” pose. She can take a little off painful sensations.
  • Next, the obstetrician will come to you and tell you when to push. During one contraction you need to push 3 times. Put all your remaining strength into the birth of your baby and remember that it’s just as hard for him now. Don’t even try to scream, you are taking away the remaining oxygen from the baby, so there is no place for panic during childbirth. Listen to the obstetrician and in just a few minutes you will hear your baby’s first cries.

Birth of a child's place

The most painless stage of childbirth is the birth of the placenta. While doctors are examining your newborn baby, your obstetrician will tell you to push again and the placenta will be delivered. If the placenta is not completely delivered, obstetrician-gynecologist will extract its remains on its own. This procedure is absolutely painless.

It is very important for both the expectant mother and the baby. After all, not only does a woman help her baby to be born, but he also moves along the birth canal and participates in labor. The health and life of the child depend on how the mother behaves during childbirth. This requires informational and psychological preparation.

This complex and natural process

Childbirth is divided into three periods. The first, the longest and most difficult, is characterized by contractions. Its duration can be from several hours to a day. In the second period, the fetus is expelled. He is the most important. The third - postpartum period - is characterized by the birth of the placenta.

The onset of labor is heralded by contractions; the most important thing here is to pay attention to their regularity. Contractions of the uterus begin with barely perceptible ones, and in the lower abdomen. Then the periods of regular uterine contractions increase to 1 minute, and the intervals between contractions decrease from 10-15 minutes to 2-3. Primipara women experience this period of up to 16 hours, or even more. In multiparous women, contractions last 6-8 hours.

Much depends on how the woman behaves during labor. To ease this process,

you need to know some tricks. The baby needs oxygen, so during the onset of a contraction you need to take a deep breath and then exhale, this will ensure the necessary flow of oxygen into the blood. To understand how to behave during childbirth, you need to listen to your body, be able to relax and rest in between contractions.

If you are giving birth with a partner, then ask him to massage your lower back, alternate it with and regular breathing during contractions is the key to successful completion of the first and eliminating the risk of hypoxia in the child. When you feel an irresistible urge to have a bowel movement, this means that the second stage of labor has begun. You need to push correctly so that there are no internal or external tears in the perineum. Attempts must be made as follows: when a contraction occurs, take a deep breath and clasp your legs with your hands and, raising your head, pull them towards you, pressing your chin to your chest. When you can no longer push, exhale. Such actions must be performed three times during the fight. Correctly performed manipulations during pushing speed up the process of expulsion of the fetus and reduce pain. The third period is the shortest and most painless. It takes about 30 minutes.

Proper preparation

Techniques on how to behave during childbirth are taught in many public and private clinics. It is very important to attend such classes, especially for those women who are pregnant for the first time and have little idea of ​​childbirth. If this is not possible, then listen carefully to your obstetrician and follow all his recommendations to give birth. healthy child, while reducing pain and speeding up the process. Various printed manuals for women in labor can also help you understand how to behave during childbirth, with the help of which you can learn many techniques for pain relief and practice breathing.

Expectant mothers have already heard that the outcome of childbirth is largely determined by the calmness and mood of the mother in labor. However, not everyone knows exactly how to prepare for the birth of a baby and how to behave during childbirth. This article will help a pregnant woman decide on the “correct” behavior at each stage of this complex process.

The birth process usually begins with contractions. The sudden onset of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus ensures the opening of the cervix. When contractions become regular (about once every 10 minutes), the woman should go to the maternity hospital, because labor can begin at any time. It is advisable that during this important period of life there should be a close person, thanks to which expectant mother will feel calmer. The woman giving birth herself should set herself up for a successful outcome, stroke her tummy and talk to her baby, whom she will soon see.

While in the maternity hospital, when contractions are not yet strong, a woman should try to relax as much as possible those muscles that are not involved in the birth process. It is worth understanding a simple truth - the more the woman in labor strains, the longer and more painful the birth will be. You need to focus on relaxation and, first of all, on your breathing.

Throughout the first stage of labor, you need to breathe deeply, measuredly and calmly. It is important not to hold your breath. When muscle tension occurs, all uterine vessels narrow, and therefore those that nourish the fetus. This is why it is very important to use one of the breathing techniques.

For less painful contractions, slow breathing is suitable. A short inhalation through the nose is followed by a long exhalation through the mouth. By the way, you can breathe this way throughout labor. However, in the active phase, when the contractions become more frequent and more painful, breathing is more suitable for the woman in labor, in which the painful sensations are expressed in the voice, “sung” with the vowels “u” or “o”. Moreover, the sound sung should be low so that the pelvic floor muscles relax.

As labor progresses, the intensity of contractions increases and the intervals between them decrease, making it increasingly difficult to maintain the chosen type of breathing. A woman is drawn to breathe shallowly and frequently, like a dog: 2-3 short inhalations and exhalations, which end with a deep cleansing exhalation.

Between contractions, a woman giving birth should relax and rest as much as possible. This is very important, because the process during which the uterus expands to the point at which the baby’s head can come out often takes 9 to 12 hours. You should save your energy and not waste it in vain.

After several hours of contractions, the woman in labor experiences effusion amniotic fluid. At this time, you need to lie down, because in case of polyhydramnios, these waters can carry away both the umbilical cord and the baby’s hand. After this, the doctor conducts a vaginal examination, checking whether the fetal head is pressed against the pelvic bones. If necessary, the obstetrician-gynecologist separates the membranes of the amniotic sac, eliminating any complications.

When, after contractions, a woman has a desire to push, she needs to call an obstetrician who will conduct an examination and give permission to begin pushing. The examination is important, since the uterus may not open completely, and the fetal head may not have time to configure (the unfused bones of the skull overlap one another). Pushing at this moment can lead to injury to the fetus. It is worth mentally calming yourself down, not worrying and not screaming, because in this case an oxygen deficiency will be created, which will negatively affect the child’s condition.

As the effort begins, the woman should breathe shallowly, with her lips stretched out into a tube, as if she were blowing out a candle. It is during this period that you should concentrate as much as possible, gather all your strength and carefully see a doctor who will give the command to start pushing. At this time, the woman in labor is on a special bed in the maternity ward, her legs are placed on supports, and she holds on to special handles. During the contraction that has begun, you need to take a full lungful of air and begin to strongly pull the arms toward you, actively working the abdominal muscles and directing efforts to the perineal area, where the baby’s head should soon appear.

During one contraction, a woman in labor should push like this three times. Do not lift your crotch or bend over. It is much easier and more convenient to push, trying to push the fetus out of yourself. At the same time, standing up a little, you should look at your stomach, which will help concentrate your strength. In between attempts, you need to relax and breathe calmly, saving energy.

As soon as the head begins to emerge, it will become much easier for the woman in labor. During these moments, you should not push, but only breathe “dog”, so as not to injure the newborn in any way.

After the birth of the baby, the woman will have to push a little more so that the baby’s place, that is, the placenta, comes out. This is not at all difficult, and women in labor practically do not remember it.

By following these tips, a woman will be able to make the birth of her long-awaited baby as easy as possible, without injuring him and experiencing only minor pain. Painless childbirth is in your hands!

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