Three degrees of adaptation to kindergarten. Levels and criteria of adaptation in kindergarten. work with parents during the adaptation period. Characteristics of a child with a severe degree of adaptation.

1. Periods of children's lives. Characteristics of each period.

1. The neonatal period, which is divided into the early neonatal and late neonatal periods.

The early neonatal period is the period from the moment of ligation of the umbilical cord until the end of the 7th day of life (168 hours). This period is the most critical for the child’s adaptation to extrauterine existence.

The most significant physiological changes during this period are the beginning of pulmonary respiration and the functioning of the pulmonary circulation with the closure of intrauterine hemodynamic pathways (ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale), as well as changes in energy metabolism and thermoregulation. From this moment, enteral nutrition of the child begins. During the newborn period, all body functions are in a state of unstable equilibrium, adaptation mechanisms are easily disrupted, which significantly affects the general condition of the newborn and even his survival.

The late neonatal period covers 21 days (from the 8th to the 28th day of the child’s life). The most important characteristics of this stage are the intensive development of analyzers (primarily visual), the beginning of the development of coordination of movements, the formation of conditioned reflexes, the emergence of emotional, visual and tactile contacts with the mother. Around three weeks of age, many children begin to respond to communication with a smile and facial expressions of joy. This first emotional joyful contact is considered by many to be the beginning of the child’s mental life.

2. Infancy. It lasts from the 29th day of life to a year.

During this period, the main stages of adaptation to extrauterine life have already been completed, the mechanism of breastfeeding is sufficiently formed, and very intensive physical, neuropsychic, motor and intellectual development of the child occurs.

3. Pre-preschool, or nursery, period - from one year to 3 years. It is characterized by a slight decrease in the rate of physical development of children and a greater degree of maturity of the basic physiological systems.

Muscle mass increases rapidly, the eruption of baby teeth ends, motor capabilities rapidly expand, all analyzers intensively develop, speech improves, and individual character traits and behavior are clearly defined.

4. Preschool period – from 3 to 7 years. During this period, differentiation of the structure of various internal organs, the intellect intensively develops, memory improves, coordinated movements improve, individual interests and hobbies are formed, the length of the limbs increases, baby teeth gradually fall out, and the growth of permanent teeth begins.

5. Junior school age – from 7 to 11 years. At this age, children replace their baby teeth with permanent teeth, improve their memory, increase their intelligence, develop independence and strong-willed qualities, and expand their range of interests.

6. Senior school age – from 12 to 17–18 years. This is the most difficult period of psychological development, the formation of will, consciousness, citizenship, and morality. This period is characterized by a sharp change in the function of the endocrine glands. This is the period of sexual development and the pubertal growth spurt.

2. WHO health statement. Factors influencing health.

According to the WHO, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

It is known that a huge number of different factors influence a person and his health. They were all divided into four large groups and the influence of each of these groups on the human body was revealed:

· medicine influences 10%;

· genetic factors (heredity) - 15%;

· environmental factors (environment) - 25%;

· human lifestyle - 50%.

3. Health groups.

“Methodological recommendations for a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children and adolescents during mass medical examinations,” approved by the USSR Ministry of Health (1982, 1991), distinguish 5 groups depending on the totality of health indicators.

Group 1 – persons with no chronic diseases, who were not ill or rarely ill during the observation period and who had age-appropriate physical and neuropsychic development (healthy, without deviations).

Group 2 – persons who do not suffer from chronic diseases, but have some functional and morphological abnormalities, as well as those who are ill 4 or more times a year or for a long time (more than 25 days for one disease) (healthy, with morphofunctional abnormalities and reduced resistance).

Group 3 – persons with chronic diseases or congenital pathologies in a state of compensation, with rare and mild exacerbations of a chronic disease, without a pronounced disturbance in their general condition and well-being (patients in a state of compensation).

Group 4 – persons with chronic diseases, with congenital malformations in a state of subcompensation, with disturbances in general condition and well-being after an exacerbation, with a protracted period of convalescence after acute intercurrent diseases (patients in a state of subcompensation).

Group 5 – persons with severe chronic diseases in a state of decompensation and with significantly reduced functional capabilities (patients in a state of decompensation). As a rule, patients of group 5 do not attend general educational institutions and are not covered by mass examinations.

4. Concept of health.

According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” At the same time, under physical health the current state of the functional capabilities of the organs and systems of the body is understood. Mental health is considered as a state of the mental sphere of a person, characterized by general mental comfort, providing adequate regulation of behavior and determined by the needs of a biological and social nature. Social health understood as a system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior in social environment. However, the definition of health given by WHO experts does not reveal the purpose of its preservation and importance for humans. From the point of view of the target function of health, V.P. Kaznacheev (1975) gives the following definition of this concept: “Health is the process of maintaining and developing biological, mental, physiological functions, optimal working capacity and social activity of a person with the maximum duration of his active life.”

5. Monitoring the health status of children.

Medical control over the physical education of children in preschool institutions includes:

1. Dynamic monitoring of the health status and physical development of children, which is carried out during in-depth examinations by doctors of preschool institutions or clinics.

2. Medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor regime, methods of conducting and organizing physical exercises and their impact on the child’s body; control over the implementation of the hardening system.

3. Monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of training venues (rooms, area), physical education equipment, sportswear and shoes.

4. Sanitary and educational work on the issues of physical education of preschool children among the staff of the preschool institution and parents.

The doctor’s responsibilities include a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children, systematic monitoring of the organization of all sections of physical education and hardening in kindergarten and conducting medical and pedagogical observations in physical education classes at least 2 times each age group within a year.

The nurse, taking the most direct part in this work, also exercises control during morning exercises, outdoor games and hardening activities.

The annual work plan of a preschool institution provides for days of joint visits to groups by a doctor, head, teacher, nurse for the purpose of monitoring the general motor regime and the organization of various forms of physical education.

6. Basic indicators of children's health.

1.Level physical development: weight, height, circumference chest and head, condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

2. Level of neuropsychic development: speech, vision, hearing, smell, touch, movement.

3.Level of disease resistance (the norm is up to 4 times during the year).

4. State of body functions.

7. Adaptive capabilities of children as an indicator of health level.

Adaptation is the process of adapting the body to changing environmental conditions - natural, industrial, social.

Adaptation includes all types of innate and acquired adaptive activities of organisms with processes at the cellular, organ, systemic and organismal levels that maintain the constancy of homeostasis.

The adaptive capabilities of an organism (the ability to balance with the environment) are one of the fundamental properties of a living system. Health as a certain level of the body's adaptive capabilities (adaptability, or adaptive potential) also includes the concept of homeostasis, which should be considered as the final result of the activity of numerous functional systems, as a target function of multi-level hierarchical control in the body.

Based on ideas about adaptation and homeostasis, a classification of health levels has been proposed, which includes 10 gradations [Baevsky R. M., 1983].

For the practice of mass preventive examinations of the population, a simplified version of this classification has been proposed, consisting of only 4 gradations:

    satisfactory adaptation of the body to environmental conditions. Sufficient functional capabilities of the body;

    state of tension of adaptation mechanisms;

    unsatisfactory adaptation of the body to environmental conditions. Decreased functionality of the body;

    failure of adaptation (by the floor of the adaptation mechanism).

8. Adaptation mechanisms of children.

One of the mechanisms of adaptation of the body to environment is self-regulation - the basis of the body’s resistance (stability) to influencing factors.

The immune system plays an important role in the body's adaptation. Immunity (lat. immunitas - liberation, getting rid of something) is the body's immunity to infectious and non-infectious agents and substances with foreign antigenic properties.

Adaptation of the body to environmental changes is carried out due to another very important factor - the large “margin of safety” of the body.

The general adaptation syndrome, the so-called stress response and biological rhythms, also play an important role in adaptation mechanisms.

9. Types of adaptation.

    Biological adaptation of man. This is a person’s adaptation to the conditions of his environment, which arose through evolution. Features of adaptation of this type are the modification of internal organs or the entire organism to the conditions of the environment in which it finds itself. This concept formed the basis for the development of criteria for health and disease - in this regard, health is a state in which the body is maximally adapted to the environment. If the ability to adapt is reduced and the adaptation period is prolonged, we are talking about an illness. If the body is unable to adapt, we are talking about maladaptation.

    Social adaptation. Social psychological adaptation involves the adaptation of one or more people to the social environment, which represents certain conditions that contribute to the realization of life goals. This may include adaptation to school and work, various relationships with other people, to a cultural environment, to conditions of entertainment and recreation. A person can adapt passively, without changing anything in his life, or actively, by changing living conditions (this has been proven to be a more successful way). In this regard, the most different problems adaptation, from tense relationships with the team to reluctance to study or work in a certain environment.

    Ethnic adaptation. This is a subspecies social adaptation, which includes the adaptation of individual ethnic groups to the environment of the areas of their settlement, and we are talking about both social and weather conditions. This is perhaps the most unique type of adaptation that gives rise to differences in linguistic, cultural, political, economic and other spheres. There are adaptations associated with employment, when, for example, people from Kazakhstan come to work in Russia, and linguistic and cultural adaptation, acculturation. The normal course of adaptation is often hampered by the racist or Nazi views of the indigenous people and social discrimination.

    Psychological adaptation. Separately, it is worth noting psychological adaptation, which is now the most important social criterion that allows one to evaluate a person both in the sphere of relationships and in the sphere of professional viability. psychological adaptation Psychological adaptation depends on many variable factors, which include character traits and the social environment. Psychological adaptation also includes such an important aspect as the ability to switch from one social role to another, adequately and justifiably. Otherwise, we have to talk about maladjustment and even problems in a person’s mental health.

10. Degrees of adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the timing of normalization of the child’s emotional self-awareness, his relationship with adults and peers, the objective world, the frequency and duration of acute diseases.

The period of easy adaptation lasts 1–2 weeks. The child’s sleep and appetite gradually normalize, his emotional state and interest in the world around him are restored, and relationships with adults and peers are improved. Relationships with loved ones are not disturbed, the child is quite active, but not agitated. The decrease in the body's defenses is slight, and by the end of the second or third week they are restored. There are no acute diseases.

During adaptation of moderate severity, disturbances in the child’s behavior and general condition are more pronounced, and adaptation to the nursery lasts longer. Sleep and appetite are restored only after 30–40 days, the mood is unstable, and within a month the baby’s activity decreases significantly: he cries often, is inactive, shows no interest in toys, refuses activities, and practically does not speak. These changes can last up to one and a half months. Changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system are clearly expressed: these may be a functional disorder of stool, pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, and manifestations of exudative diathesis may intensify. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which usually occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

The state of severe adaptation is of particular concern to parents and educators. The child begins to be seriously ill for a long time, one disease replaces another almost without a break, the body’s defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role. Another option for a difficult adaptation period is the child’s inappropriate behavior, which borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases greatly and for a long time; persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting may occur when trying to feed the child. The child falls asleep poorly, screams and cries in his sleep, wakes up with tears; sleep is light and short. While awake, the child is depressed, uninterested in others, avoids other children, or behaves aggressively.

A child who is quietly crying and indifferent, indifferent to everything, clutching his favorite home toy, not responding to suggestions from teachers and peers, or, conversely, a child violently expressing his protest against new conditions by screaming, whims, hysterics, throwing away the toys offered to him, aggressive - this is how a child can be during a period of difficult adaptation. The improvement in his condition occurs very slowly - over several months. The pace of its development is slowing down in all directions.

11. Facts influencing the severity of adaptation.

During the adaptation period, the following factors must be taken into account:

Condition and development of the child. It is absolutely clear that a healthy, well-developed child can more easily endure all kinds of difficulties, including difficulties of social adaptation. Therefore, in order to protect the child from diseases and prevent mental stress, parents should try in every possible way to provide the child with conditions for development and take care of his health.

Baby's age. One-and-a-half-year-old children have a more difficult time coping with separation from loved ones and adults and changes in living conditions. At an older age (after one and a half years), this temporary separation from the mother gradually loses its stressful effect.

Biological and social factors. Biological factors include toxicosis and diseases of the mother during pregnancy, complications during childbirth and diseases of the baby during the neonatal period and the first three months of life. Frequent illnesses of the child before entering preschool also influence the severity of adaptation. Unfavorable social conditions are significant. They are expressed in the fact that parents do not provide the child with the correct routine appropriate for his age, a sufficient amount of daytime sleep, do not monitor the correct organization of wakefulness, etc. this leads to the child becoming overtired.

Level of training of adaptive capabilities. Socially, this possibility is not trained on its own. The formation of this important quality should go in parallel with the general socialization of the child, with the development of his psyche. Even if a child does not enter a preschool institution, he should still be placed in conditions where he will need to change his behavior.

12. Organization of children’s lives during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. Persons responsible for its success.

When entering kindergarten, all children experience adaptation stress, so it is very important to help the child overcome emotional stress and successfully adapt to the new environment. Experts identify three periods when a child gets used to kindergarten: acute, subacute, compensation period. The first two periods can be classified according to severity - mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe. The characteristics of all degrees of adaptation are described in the specialized literature, so we will focus only on the functions of the nurse during the adaptation period. Among them: - working with medical records, if necessary, talking with parents to determine the child’s health group, understanding the history of its development, clarifying complications and prohibitions on certain medications and products;

Together with a psychologist and senior teacher of a preschool educational institution, preparation of recommendations on the mode of adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution based on entries in the medical record;

Preventing children with disabilities from entering kindergarten viral infections and other current diseases, monitoring children’s health and food intake;

Together with teachers, maintaining an adaptation sheet (continued until the child fully adapts to kindergarten).

Often the cause of unbalanced behavior in children is the improper organization of the child’s activities: when his motor activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions and experiences a deficit in communication with adults.

Disruptions in children's behavior can also occur as a result of the fact that their organic needs are not met in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, the child is not fed in a timely manner, or does not get enough sleep.

Therefore, the daily routine, careful hygienic care, methodically correct implementation of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, toileting, timely organization of children’s independent activities, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches to them is the key to the formation of the child’s correct behavior, creating a balanced mood in him.

13.Adaptation phases.

In the course of a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, stages (phases) of the adaptation process were identified.

1. Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, more frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and regression in speech development; the phase lasts on average one month.

2. Subacute phase - characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all changes decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters, against the backdrop of a slower pace of development, especially mental, compared to average age norms; the phase lasts 3-5 months.

3. Compensation phase - characterized by an acceleration of the pace of development, and by the end of the school year children overcome the above developmental delay.

14. Main objective indicators of the end of adaptation.

Objective indicators of the end of the adaptation period in children are:

    deep sleep;

    good appetite;

    cheerful emotional state;

    complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

    age-appropriate weight gain.

15. Main types of adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicator of severity is the timing of normalization of the child’s behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, and the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

Easy short-term adaptation lasts for 2-6 weeks.

Severe – long-term: about 6-9 months.

16. The concept of microbiology. Characteristics of microorganisms.

Microbiology is the science that studies the life and development of living microorganisms (microbes). Microorganisms are an independent large group of single-celled organisms related in origin to the plant and animal world.

A distinctive feature of microorganisms is the extremely small size of an individual.

Diameter b. bacteria does not exceed 0.001 mm. In microbiology, the unit of measurement is micron, 1 µm = 10-3 mm). Details of the structure of microorganisms are measured in nanometers (1 nm = 10-3 µm = 10-6 mm).

Due to their small size, microorganisms easily move with air flow through water. They spread quickly.

One of the most important properties of microorganisms is their ability to reproduce. The ability of m/organisms to reproduce quickly is much greater than that of animals and plants. Some bacteria can divide every 8-10 minutes. So from one cell weighing 2.5·10-12 g. in 2-4 days, under favorable conditions, a biomass of about 1010 tons could be formed.

Another distinctive characteristic of m/organisms is the diversity of their physiological and biochemical properties.

Some m/organisms can grow in extreme conditions. A significant number of microorganisms can live at a temperature of - 1960C (liquid nitrogen temperature). Other types of m/organisms are thermophilic m/organisms, the growth of which is observed at 800C and above.

Many microorganisms are resistant to high hydrostatic pressure (in the depths of seas and oceans; oil fields). Also, many m/organisms retain their vital functions in conditions of deep vacuum. Some organisms can withstand high doses of ultraviolet or ionizing radiation.

17. Spread of germs.

Soil – is the main habitat of many microorganisms. The content of microorganisms in the soil is millions and billions per gram. The composition and number of microorganisms depend on humidity, temperature, nutrient content, and soil acidity.

Fertile soils contain more microorganisms than clay and desert soils. The top layer of soil (1-2 mm) contains fewer microorganisms, because sunlight and drying cause their death, and at a depth of 10-20 cm there are the most microorganisms. The deeper, the lower the number of microorganisms in the soil. The top 15 cm of soil is richest in microbes.

The species composition of soil microflora primarily depends on the type of soil. Aerobic microorganisms predominate in sandy soils, while anaerobic microorganisms predominate in clayey soils. As a rule, they contain saprophytic species of spore-forming bacilli and clostridia, actinomycetes, fungi, mycoplasmas, blue-green algae, and protozoa.

Soil microorganisms carry out the decomposition of human corpses, animal and plant residues, self-purification of the soil from impurities and waste, biological circulation of substances, change the structure and chemical composition soil. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the soil with excretions of humans and animals.

Air. The number of constantly present microorganisms in the atmospheric air is relatively small. Most of them are found in the near-Earth layers of the atmosphere. As you move away from the earth's surface in environmentally favorable regions, the air becomes cleaner.

The number of microorganisms depends on the altitude and distance from populated areas. Here they only survive for a while, and then they die due to solar radiation, temperature exposure, and lack of nutrients.

In winter, the number of microorganisms in the air of open spaces is less than in summer. There are more microorganisms in the air of indoor spaces in winter than in summer. Microorganisms enter the air from patients through the respiratory tract, with dust, from contaminated objects, and soil.

In the atmospheric air, the species composition of microflora is constantly changing. The air may contain: staphylococci, streptococci, pathogens of diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles and influenza viruses. Therefore, airborne droplets and airborne dust transmission of the infectious principle are possible. And to prevent them they use masks, ventilation, and wet cleaning.

Water. Water is the natural habitat of many microorganisms. The quantitative ratios of aquatic microorganisms in open reservoirs vary widely, depending on the type of reservoir, season, and degree of pollution. There are especially many microorganisms near populated areas, where the water is polluted by wastewater. Clean water - artesian wells and springs. Water is characterized by its self-purification: death under the influence of sunlight, dilution clean water, due to the antagonism of microorganisms and other factors.

The species composition of water microflora is not much different from soil. Water epidemics are known: cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, tularemia, leptospirosis.

Normal microflora of the human body. The microflora isolated from a healthy person is distinguished by species diversity. At the same time, some types of microorganisms live in the human body constantly and constitute a normal group of microflora, while others are detected periodically, entering the human body from time to time.

Respiratory tract: permanent microflora is contained only in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and pharynx. It contains gram-negative catarrhal micrococci and pharyngeal diplococci, diphtheroids, capsular gram-negative bacilli, actinomycetes, staphylococci, peptococci, Proteus, and adenoviruses. The terminal branches of the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli are sterile.

Mouth: specific types of microorganisms appear in the child’s oral cavity after 207 days. Among them, 30-60% are streptococci. The oral cavity is also colonized by mycoplasmas, yeast-like fungi, saprophytic species of Treponema, Borrelia and Leptospira, Entamoeba, and Trichomonas.

Gastrointestinal tract: the small intestine does not contain specific types of microbes, and occasional ones are rare and few in number. The large intestine is populated by transient microorganisms from the first day of life. Obligate anaerobes predominate in it, in particular bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, bacteroides and eubacteria - 90-95%. 5-10% - facultative anaerobic bacteria: Escherichia coli and lactic acid streptococci. Tenths to hundredths of a percent of the intestinal biocenosis are accounted for by residual microflora: clostridia, enterococci, Proteus, Candida, etc.

Microflora skin and conjunctiva of the eye: the skin and conjunctiva of the eye are inhabited by micro- and macrococci, coryneforms, mold yeasts and yeast-like organisms, mycoplasmas, and opportunistic staphylococci. Other types of microbes, actinomycetes, fungi, clostridia, Escherichia, Staphylococcus aureus, infest the skin and conjunctiva in conditions of heavy dust in indoor air, contamination of household items, and direct contact with soil. At the same time, the number of microorganisms on the skin is many times greater than on the area of ​​the eye, which is explained by the high content of microbicidal substances in the conjunctival secretion.

Microflora of the genitourinary tract: the urinary tract of healthy people is sterile, and only in the anterior part of the urethra are gram-negative non-pathogenic bacteria, coryneforms, micrococci, staphylococci and others. Mycobacteria smegma and mycoplasma live on the external genitalia. From the 2nd to 5th day of a newborn’s life, the vagina is populated for many years by non-pathogenic coccal microflora, which is replaced by lactic acid bacteria at puberty.

18. Variability of microbes. Application of these properties in medicine.

Microbes are very changeable. For example, under the influence of certain influences, a bacterium shaped like a long rod can turn into a ball. But what is important to us is that change appearance, the forms of the smallest creatures are sometimes, under the influence of radiation, accompanied by hereditary changes in their properties.

In the laboratory, it is possible to “tame” beneficial microbes that produce, for example, antibiotics, or even change their properties so that they produce useful products in even greater quantities. Thus, it was possible to develop a culture of a mold that produces penicillin, the productivity of which is 200 times higher than usual. Under natural conditions, a microbe was discovered that is capable of synthesizing the valuable amino acid lysine in noticeable quantities. As a result of the applied influence, a modified form of this microorganism was obtained, which synthesizes lysine 400 times more intensely than the “savage” one. Adding cheap lysine to bird and animal feed dramatically increases its nutritional value.

It is possible to deprive pathogenic microbes of their harmful properties by exposing them, for example, to X-rays or radium. Such neutralized microbes turn from enemies into our friends. They are used with great success to obtain therapeutic vaccines. To successfully combat harmful microbes, you need to take into account their characteristics. Knowing the properties of microbes, it is possible to create conditions that will be favorable for the development of beneficial species and hinder the development of harmful ones.

Tatiana Detkova
Classification of the severity of adaptation to preschool educational institutions for children early age


Easy degree of adaptation.

By the twentieth day of his stay in the preschool educational institution, the child’s sleep returns to normal and he begins to eat normally. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relationships with close adults are not disrupted, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, and is interested in other adults. The attitude towards children can be either indifferent or interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the adult’s instructions. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. Incidence on more than one occasion, for a period of no more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions or changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation.

Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and last longer. Sleep is restored only after 20-40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored after 20-40 days. Unstable mood for a month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards loved ones is emotionally excited (crying, screaming when parting and meeting). The attitude towards children is usually indifferent, but can also be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills; the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. The incidence is up to two times, for a period of no more than 10 days, without complications. Weight does not change or decreases slightly. Signs of neurotic reactions appear: selectivity in relationships with adults and children, communication only in certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling skin (diathesis) - for 1.5-2 weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation.

The child falls asleep poorly, sleeps short, screams, cries in his sleep, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases greatly and for a long time, persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, and uncontrolled stool may occur. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. The attitude towards loved ones is emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, withdraws or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech is not used or there is a delay speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

A severe degree of adaptation can manifest itself in two ways:

1) Neuropsychic development lags behind by 1-2 quarters, respiratory diseases - more than three times, lasting more than 10 days, the child does not grow or gain weight for 1-2 quarters.

2) Children over three years old, often ill, from families with overprotective adults, caressed, occupying a central place in the family, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 3-4th month of stay in a preschool educational institution, neuropsychic development lags behind by 2-3 quarters (from the original, growth and weight gain slow down.

Neurotic reactions:

Predilection for personal belongings

Presence of fears

Uncontrollable behavior

The desire to hide from adults

Hysterical reactions

Tremor of chin, fingers

Publications on the topic:

Features of adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution“Features of adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.” Adaptation is a complex process of adaptation of the organism that occurs.

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Adaptation of a child to kindergarten


Snezhana Ivanova

Adaptation of a child to kindergarten is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations.

Kindergarten is the place where a child spends most of his preschool time. Kindergarten is the first social institution in which a child has to be and interact with other children. It is here that children learn to communicate with each other, build friendships, share toys, etc. Every child who enters kindergarten undergoes a difficult adaptation process.

Adaptation is the process of a child getting used to the group, teachers, and other children.. Often the requirements that are placed on a child upon admission to kindergarten educational institution, are quite high. The child needs time for the adjustment to go smoothly and painlessly, without leaving any rough marks on the psyche. Child adaptation is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations. Parents and educators should be tactful and friendly. During this period, it is important to help the baby, support him in every possible way and calm him down.

Features of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten

At first, kindergarten seems like the most unpleasant place in the world for a little person. Firstly, the child is separated from his mother - the closest and dearest being. Secondly, he must enter his first team in life and take his individual place there. Both are very difficult to do. The support of an adult at this stage is extremely important, because without such help the baby will either withdraw into himself or begin to show aggression. What tips should parents and educators take into account?

Changing your daily routine

Being in the family circle, the child lives in a certain rhythm and mode. When he enters kindergarten, his life changes rapidly. There is a change in the daily routine, which is not so easy to adapt to. It can be difficult for a baby to get used to when to eat, sleep or wake up. At home, all these actions were performed at completely different hours. To make adaptation to kindergarten easier, it is recommended to follow the same schedule at home. An orderly lifestyle will help the child quickly get used to the new environment.

Getting used to the group

It should be taken into account that it is not always easy for a child to get used to the atmosphere of the group itself. He may not like something in the external space. Not all children always get along right away good relationship. Children, especially at a young age, do not yet know how to make friends, take into account and accept someone else’s point of view. It is necessary to teach them to correctly express their emotions, to show their best qualities character (and every child has them). Sometimes, when picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents note that he has become nervous and irritable. This happens because there were some intragroup conflicts during the day. They may not have been expressed or resolved in a timely manner.

Child's health

When sending a child to kindergarten, parents need to be prepared for the fact that his health may noticeably decline in the near future. This phenomenon has become the main feature of adaptation. The child’s immunity begins to rapidly rebuild. The disease is a protective reaction of the little man. His body learns to adapt to changing conditions. At home he was in an isolated environment, where, if possible, cleanliness, love and attention always reigned. Kindergarten brings unfamiliar smells, sounds and vivid impressions. The child learns to communicate with other children and instantly becomes infected from a suddenly ill classmate. Usually, upon entering kindergarten, a child begins to get sick consistently every two weeks or even more often.

Opportunity to prove yourself

Each child has his own individual characteristics. If you want to see your child successful in the future, then give him the opportunity to express his personality. To raise a happy person, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for him in reality. The process of adaptation to kindergarten is sometimes accompanied by conflict situations. In them, the child learns to defend his point of view and express his own feelings. Don't interfere with this. There is no need to try to turn a child into a robot who must live up to the expectations placed on him by adults. Your son or daughter in the team should definitely have the opportunity to somehow express themselves. Make him feel important, significant, accepted and loved. Only then will the child attend kindergarten with pleasure, without throwing loud tantrums to his parents in the morning.

Desire to be noticed

Another feature of adaptation is the need to be noticed in a group. If this does not happen, the child can openly provoke a quarrel, enter into conflict and even fight. Some educators are faced with obscene language from their little pupils and clutch their heads. In any case, it is necessary to remember that such behavior is dictated by the desire to be noticed and accepted by the team. All these negative manifestations may well be part of the child’s adaptation to a new place.

Longing for mom

When a child finds himself in kindergarten, he experiences severe anxiety and fear. These emotions are caused not just by a change in the usual environment, but by longing for the very to a loved one- to mom. Even an adult can sometimes find it difficult to find common language with colleagues in the new team. The child is afraid to be alone in an unfamiliar place. All actions of the teacher and other children cause fear in him, to which he reacts with distrust, hysteria, and additional whims. Until the baby realizes that nothing bad will happen to him in kindergarten, he will continue to cry. Crying here acts as a way to attract attention. One should take into account such a feature of adaptation as a pronounced longing for the mother. The child must feel and know that his parents will definitely take him home and not leave him “with someone else’s aunt” forever.

Degrees of child adaptation in kindergarten

Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten, the child’s adaptation is easier or more difficult. It is worth noting three main degrees of adaptation, which indicate the different psychological state of the baby and the characteristics of his nervous system.

Mild degree

An easy degree of adaptation is characterized by the child’s rapid adaptation to a new social environment. Within a week, the child begins to freely navigate space, recognize everyone present by sight, and establish friendly relations with classmates. Mild degree is less common than moderate and severe. With this approach, children are less tired and less aggressive and withdrawn. In most cases, with a mild degree of addiction, the child gets sick less often, misses intra-group activities, and easily comes into contact with peers.

Average degree

The average degree of adaptation is characterized by a fairly long addiction. Child for a long time He cannot understand why his mother took him to this institution and why she does not come for him for so long. A child of two or three years old does not understand the meaning of being in a government building. He sees many children around him, but does not realize that the parents return for each one in the evening. If you observe the baby's reaction, it will become clear that he thinks that his mother is leaving him forever. Every time he experiences separation from her it’s like it’s the last time. For a child less than three years old, separation from his mother is the greatest tragedy. He does not know how to behave in an unfamiliar environment, does not know what is happening to him, and cannot control his own feelings.

Severe degree

With a severe degree of adaptation, the child cannot enter the children's group for a long time. He reacts to his morning farewell to his mother with a violent cry that turns into hysterics. Such a child often gets sick, refuses to attend kindergarten, does not follow the rules of behavior, and tries to disrupt the teacher. regime moments, distracts and attracts the attention of other children. A severe degree of addiction is usually characterized by sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and sometimes bowel disorder. The child becomes nervous, uncontrollable and at the same time helpless. With his behavior, he demands participation, tries to attract the attention of those who are nearby. Unfortunately, not every adult is able to understand this and make the right decision.

Time for a child to adapt to kindergarten

Many parents are interested in a completely logical question: how much time does a child need to successfully adapt? It should be noted that this is not an easy process, depending on many factors. Here you should not rush and push the child in every possible way, force him to adapt to the established order. Adaptation to kindergarten is entirely individual for each child. The adaptation time depends solely on the following significant points.

Child's health

The more physically developed and resilient the baby is, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the constantly changing conditions in kindergarten. The health of the child is of paramount importance here. Otherwise, the baby will get sick very often, which will negatively affect his internal state: he may become nervous and irritable.


There is a rather controversial point here. There is an opinion that the process of adaptation to kindergarten is influenced by the child’s age. But here experts disagree. Some say that what younger child, the easier it is for him to survive separation from his mother and the rest of the family. Others argue that older children adapt better to kindergarten due to the development of some conscientiousness. Not being used to attending kindergarten from the age of one and a half to two years, it becomes difficult for a child to fully adapt at three to four years of age.


Much in the process of adaptation to kindergarten depends on individual characteristics personality. It is more difficult for a modest and quiet child to survive separation than for a sociable and lively one. Of course, an easygoing baby is convenient for the teacher: he doesn’t interfere anywhere and doesn’t cause any trouble. However, having failed to express his emotions in kindergarten, the child accumulates them within himself, which cannot have a positive effect on both health and adaptation in general.

If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, then follow the psychologist’s advice below. This way you will help your child go through the process of adaptation to kindergarten in the most favorable way. Many parents are lost in basic situations due to lack of necessary experience and do not know what to do best. Advice from a psychologist will help you cope with this difficult task.

Don't leave it for too long

In the first days, you should limit your hours of stay to two or three. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to properly adapt to the environment and will cry for a long time. Just imagine how much stress it is for him to be separated from his family and stay for a long time in unfamiliar walls! It’s easy for anyone to get confused here, let alone a little person who has just begun to live.

Meet the group

Introduce your favorite child to the kindergarten in advance. Let the child gradually get used to the teachers, children, and surrounding environment. Then the process of adaptation to kindergarten will be much easier. You can first come to the group just to get to know each other, see what conditions the children are in. This will benefit both you as a parent and the child himself. The baby won't be scared the next time you take him there.

Home conversations

They will help to partially overcome the internal conflict that arises due to the fact that the child does not understand why he should remain in kindergarten, while his loving and caring mother leaves him. Be sure to explain that you will take him back home in the evening. It will be even better if parents not only silently take their child to kindergarten, but also tell them in a nutshell what this place is and what it is intended for. Home conversations can be extremely helpful, especially if you suspect that your baby will have a difficult adjustment process.

Thus, a child’s adaptation to kindergarten is a complex and multi-level process. The challenge facing parents in at the moment– help him cope with emerging fears, overcome anxiety.

Depending on the duration of the adaptation period, there are three degrees of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten: light(1 - 16 days), average (16 -32 day), heavy (32 -64 day).

With easy adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, and sleep improves after 1-2 weeks. A preschooler has a predominant joyful or stable-calm emotional state; he is in contact with adults, children, and surrounding objects. The child quickly gets used to new conditions: a new room, communication with a group of peers, unfamiliar adults. Speech may be slightly inhibited, but the baby responds and follows the teacher’s instructions. The incidence occurs no more than once and passes without complications.

With average adaptation sleep and appetite are restored after 20 - 40 days. Over the course of a whole month, the child’s emotional state may be unstable. During the day, the baby is characterized by tearfulness: crying, screaming when parting and meeting with parents and loved ones. The attitude towards peers is usually indifferent. Speech activity slows down. Signs of neurotic reactions appear: selectivity in relationships with adults and children, communication only in certain conditions. The incidence occurs no more than twice and lasts no more than ten days, proceeding without complications.

This adaptation period of two weeks is characterized by the following vegetative changes in the body: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, flaking of the skin (diathesis). However, with the emotional support of an adult, the child, showing cognitive and behavioral activity, more easily gets used to the new environment.

About difficult adaptation indicates a child’s poor (short, restless) sleep. He may scream, cry in his sleep, or wake up crying. There is a decrease in appetite, and persistent refusal to eat is possible. Neurotic reactions such as vomiting, enuresis, tics, uncontrollable bowel movements, stuttering, addiction to personal belongings, fears, uncontrollability in behavior, and hysterical reactions are also possible.

The child may be in an active emotional state, which is characterized by crying, indignant screaming, and aggressive and destructive behavior. Or, on the contrary, to be passive, depressed, tense, avoid communication with peers, he shuns and refuses to participate in any activity. Severe adaptation leads to long-term illnesses and complications, including slower growth and weight gain. Speech development delay may occur. Illnesses occur more than three times lasting more than ten days. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to prepare the child for entering kindergarten in advance.

For parents who plan to send their baby to kindergarten, the issue of adaptation is very acute. In most cases, children do not tolerate the beginning of a “new kindergarten life” well; this reaction is especially typical for children 1.5 – 2 years old. Both pediatricians and psychologists deal with the problem of children’s adaptation to preschool institutions. After all, a child’s health directly depends on his emotional state.

Types of adaptation.
Each child adapts individually. Some kids get used to the new regime in just a couple of weeks, and at the same time they feel great, their appetite is maintained, and their mood is positive. Other kids have a hard time adapting, are depressed, have a poor appetite or may even have no appetite, and poor appetite persists not only in kindergarten, but also at home. Kids may even refuse their favorite foods. The sleep of such children is also disturbed.
After numerous observations conducted among children, it is customary to distinguish three degrees of severity in the child’s adaptation process to kindergarten. These are mild, moderate, and severe. To establish the degree of severity, we take into account how the baby sleeps, what kind of appetite he has, of course, his emotions, special attention is paid negative emotions how the baby communicates with children in the group, does he have speech problems, and more.

If normalization of all the above factors occurs after 10-20 days, this corresponds to a mild degree of severity. At the same time, neuropsychic development corresponds to age. If the establishment of contact and norms of behavior is delayed, and already amounts to 20 - 40 days, such indicators correspond moderate degree. Speech development in such children slows down for about a couple of months. The extreme severity of adaptation is divided into two groups, for the first group “A” the adaptation lasts for about 2 months, if it is group “B” then the period can increase even more. Such children may have developmental delays for several quarters.

Easy degree of adaptation.
At this degree, changes in the child’s behavior occur within 20-30 days. At the same time, appetite does not change or decreases slightly, but gradually, over the course of a week, it returns to normal. At the same time, the amount of daily food intake corresponds to age. Sleep at home is not disturbed, and in a kindergarten it is restored within a week. The child’s speech activity, his emotional state, and communication with children usually normalize within 15 to 20 days, but most often earlier. The relationship with adults is not impaired, the baby is active and in constant motion. Diseases during this period occur rarely, and if they do occur, they are mild, there is no protracted course, there are no relapses or complications.
An easy degree of adaptation is typical for healthy children. These are children who were born healthy, practically did not get sick during the first years of their lives, and had all their vaccinations according to the calendar. Also, these children are constantly hardened by their parents; they eat almost everything.

Moderate degree of adaptation.
This degree of severity is typical for children who have any health problems. For example, if there were complications during childbirth - asphyxia, or if the baby was born premature, or was often ill for the first years of his life. An unfavorable emotional situation in the family also affects the child’s health. With moderate severity of adaptation processes, disturbances are more pronounced and longer lasting. Normalization of sleep and appetite in the garden and at home occurs no earlier than after 20 - 30 days. Kids cannot yet establish contact with other children right away; this usually takes time, about 20 days. During this time the child is in the group, his emotional state is not stable.
Also, this degree of severity is characterized by a delay in motor activity, and recovery occurs only a month after visiting a preschool institution. The incidence is most pronounced in the first months, and complications are possible.

Severe degree of adaptation.
A severe degree is characterized by a duration of two months to six months, in some cases even more. In addition, all manifestations are pronounced, children get sick very quickly during the first week, and the disease recurs 4 – 8 or more times during the year. A decrease in the intensity of diseases occurs only in the second year of stay in kindergarten. Only from the second year do children begin to regularly attend kindergarten.
In other children, inappropriate behavior persists for a longer period of time and borders on neurotic states. The toddler is lagging behind in speech and gaming development for a couple of blocks. This adaptation is most typical for children with developmental defects and those suffering from severe chronic diseases. This adaptation is also possible for allergy sufferers. In addition to the biological factors that influence the development of the baby, the social environment also has an impact.

"Non-kindergarten" children.
With the advent of the wonderful moment when the baby can walk independently and can take care of himself, mothers are increasingly thinking about going to work. The time has come to look for a kindergarten (or it’s time for one) for your child and weigh the pros and cons. Moms actively communicate with friends and acquaintances whose children already go to similar institutions. And they themselves understand that in a preschool institution a professional will work with her child, various classes will be held that will help the kids develop, the process of social adaptation has not yet been canceled, and in kindergarten she it will go faster. But besides the visible advantages, there is one “BUT”.
All mothers know that the child initially goes to kindergarten for a week and sits at home for two weeks. Most mothers associate such frequent illnesses with poor care for children in the institution. Because of large quantity children, educators cannot keep track of everyone, and it is their child who is not dressed, not wearing shoes, and every mother thinks that her child is being especially poorly looked after. but this is not always true...

Kids who sit at home and have little contact with other children live in a kind of halo of the same microorganisms. Each toddler has its own specific bacteria, which it receives exclusively from its family. As soon as a child goes to kindergarten, close communication occurs between children and, as a result, an exchange of microorganisms occurs. The other baby has his own bacteria, different ones. The child’s body perceives “foreign” microorganisms as a potential threat and develops a disease. The baby who was the source of these “foreign” microorganisms does not develop the disease, since these microorganisms are his, and he is constantly in contact with them. So the little ones in the kindergarten exchange their microbes until they get sick from all of them.
This picture is especially typical for children who go to kindergarten during the first few weeks. At this time, babies have reduced immunity; being a child without a mother is a stressful situation, and stress has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all systems, especially the immune system.

How does the child react to adaptation?
The child’s adaptation process greatly influences the process of immunity formation, this leads to more frequent illnesses, especially regarding ARVI. At the same time, the duration of the disease increases, which depends on the severity of the adaptation process. In mild cases, the duration of the disease does not exceed 10 days. If the baby has a moderate degree of adaptation, the duration is already more than 10 days, and relapses are also typical for this group.

In severe group “A” severity, the disease lasts more than 10 days with relapses and complications. Children who belong to group “B” endure illnesses for a long time, and develop pronounced reactions from the nervous system; such children are usually called “non-kindergarten children.”
Also, with a mild degree of severity of the adaptation process, the child’s body weight and height do not change, but with a moderate degree, temporary weight loss occurs within a month. With severe severity, growth rates slow down and, accordingly, weight gain.

How to make the adaptation period easier?
It is necessary to prepare your child for kindergarten long before he or she enters – ideally, one should prepare for kindergarten from birth. To make adaptation easier, kindergarten employees can establish contacts with the family and the child themselves in advance. It is best to admit a child to kindergarten in the warm season; during these periods the adaptation processes proceed more calmly.

You cannot accept more than 2 children into a group at the same time. It is important for parents to know that the child should attend kindergarten gradually, in the first week the child is in the group for no more than 3 hours, gradually the time increases. This process is called stepwise adaptation. In addition, during the first two weeks the child should have his own routine that is familiar to him. At this time, the mother can be with the child and study with him in a group.

It is important that the child is comfortable in the group, especially regarding temperature conditions. When conducting physical exercise it is necessary to strictly monitor the child’s reaction; if the baby is tired, you cannot insist on doing the exercise. You also need to strictly monitor nutrition; if the baby refuses to eat, there is no need to insist; it’s better to let the baby eat more at home.

If the baby has not been fully vaccinated before entering kindergarten, it is better to postpone vaccination until complete adaptation. All traumatic manipulations during this period are strictly prohibited. In the kindergarten, the child is monitored, and all data is noted in a special card.

As soon as adequate behavior is established in the child, the baby’s sleep is deep and calm, appetite and speech activity are stabilized, the baby gains weight according to norms and the child has no illnesses for a month, this indicates the child’s complete adaptation to the preschool institution.

All preschool institutions conduct dynamic monitoring and record all data in adaptation diaries about all children who have recently been admitted. The work of a preschool institution is assessed based on the incidence of illness among children in the first month of their stay. Based on the results of these data, a consultation is held and it is decided how best to implement adaptation measures for children, how the institution’s groups are filled, and more.

The danger of frequent illnesses.
Often sick children are not only medical, but also social problems. Parents of frequently ill children are often forced to take sick leave, and because of this, employers suffer losses. If the problems of employers fade into the background, then the vaccination schedule of children who are often ill is disrupted, and problems with adaptation are more serious for such children. This happens due to irregular visits to kindergarten; children become weaned from the group and from the children. As a rule, such children have problems not only with preschool institutions, but also with school. Due to frequent illnesses, children often miss classes and fall behind in the program.

Children who are often ill develop a vicious circle. Against the background of weakened immunity, children often get sick colds, these diseases further inhibit the body’s immune defense, and against this background there is often an increased risk of developing various complications.

In addition, children who are often ill have large psychological problems, most of these children have many complexes, the main one is an inferiority complex, the child is not confident in himself. Such children cannot always live actively, and often avoid their peers, become withdrawn and irritable.

If you do not help the child’s immune system, then the diseases will continue in a constant sequence for a long time. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to choose the right balanced diet, walks in the fresh air are required in combination with active games. These are the basic principles of prevention. But in each case, all measures must be selected individually.

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