Raising children in different countries of the world. Carrot and stick: how children are raised in different countries. Age in Japan

Every parent loves their child and gives him all the care, affection and tenderness. The older generation protects children from danger, tries to provide the best education, and develop their inclinations and abilities to the maximum.

However, child rearing systems different nations the world are significantly different. And many factors influence these differences: mentality, religion, lifestyle and even climatic conditions.

We decided to find out how children are raised in different countries and what pedagogical traditions you can take note of.

First of all, you need to remember: those principles and rules of education that give an excellent effect in other countries, in our reality can lead to the opposite result. Don’t forget that your child is a bright personality, so the methods also need to be selected individually.

The main distinguishing feature of Japanese pedagogical traditions is the child’s complete freedom of action until the age of five. What does such “permissiveness” include?

  1. Parents allow their children almost everything. I want to draw on the wallpaper with a felt-tip pen - please! I like digging in a pot of flowers - great!
  2. The Japanese are sure that early years– time for fun, games and enjoyment. Of course, this does not mean that kids are completely spoiled. They are taught politeness, good manners, and are taught to feel part of the state and society.
  3. Mom and dad never raise their tone when talking with children and do not lecture for hours. Physical punishment is also excluded. The main disciplinary measure is for parents to take the child aside and explain why they cannot behave this way.
  4. Parents behave wisely, not asserting their authority through threats and blackmail. After conflicts, the Japanese mother is the first to make contact, indirectly showing how much the child’s action upset her.

However, by the time they enter school, the attitude of adults towards children changes dramatically; they even say that children become “slaves”. Their behavior is strictly regulated: they need to be respectful to parents and teachers, wear the same clothes and generally not stand out from their peers. “Be like everyone else” is the main rule of Japanese schoolchildren. By the age of 15, a child should become a completely independent person.

Educational system in Germany

Unlike little Japanese, the life of German children from a very young age is subject to strict rules: they are not allowed to sit for a long time in front of the TV or computer, they go to bed around eight o'clock in the evening. From childhood, children acquire character traits such as punctuality and organization.

German mothers raise independent children: if a baby falls, he will get up on his own, if he breaks a cup, he will pick up the pieces himself. Parents may well leave the baby for a walk on the playground and go with friends to the nearest cafe. What are the features of German upbringing?

  1. Grandmothers most often do not sit with their grandchildren; mothers take their babies with them in a sling or stroller. Then the parents go to work, and the kids stay with nannies, who usually have a medical diploma.
  2. Children are required to attend kindergarten three years old. Until this time, preparation is carried out in special play groups, where children go with their mothers or nannies. Here they acquire communication skills with peers.
  3. In preschool, German children are not taught reading and arithmetic. Teachers consider it important to instill discipline and explain the rules of behavior in a team. The preschooler himself chooses an activity he likes: noisy fun, drawing or playing with cars.
  4. A child's literacy is taught in primary school. Teachers turn lessons into fun games, thereby instilling a love of learning. Adults try to accustom schoolchildren to planning tasks and budgets by purchasing a diary and the first piggy bank for him.

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By the way, in Germany three children in a family is something of an anomaly. Mothers of many children will be curious to get acquainted with the experience of Axel Hacke, who humorously described the everyday life of his restless little angels in the book “A Brief Guide to Raising Babies.”

French education method

In this European country, much attention is paid to the early development of children. French mothers especially try to instill independence in their children, since women go to work early, striving to realize themselves. What else distinguishes the modern French education system?

  1. Parents do not believe that after the birth of a baby their personal life ends. On the contrary, they clearly differentiate between time for the child and for themselves. So, the kids go to bed early, and mom and dad can be alone. The parent’s bed is not a place for children; from the age of three months the baby is accustomed to a separate crib.
  2. Many parents use the services of children's development centers and entertainment studios for the comprehensive education and upbringing of their children. Also in France, there is a widely developed network of clubs and sections for preschoolers, where they stay while their mother is at work.
  3. French women treat children gently, paying attention only to serious offenses. Moms reward good behavior while depriving babies of gifts or treats for bad behavior. If punishment cannot be avoided, then the parents will definitely explain the reason for this decision.
  4. Grandparents usually do not babysit their grandchildren, but sometimes they take them to a playroom or studio. Children spend most of their time in kindergartens, easily adapting to the conditions preschool. By the way, if the mother does not work, then she may not be given a free ticket to the government kindergarten.

In our opinion, this education system is one of the most interesting. Be sure to read the book “French Children Are Not Naughty.” The author in it tells how French mothers cope with spoiled kids. Another book that describes the systematic approach of French parents to education is “Make Our Children Happy” by Madeleine Denis.

American education system

Modern little Americans are experts in legal norms; children often complain to their parents in court for violating their rights. Perhaps this is because society places great emphasis on explaining children's freedoms and developing individuality. What else is interesting about growing up in the USA?

  1. For many Americans, family is a cult. Although grandparents often live in different states, the entire family enjoys getting together during Christmas and Thanksgiving.
  2. Another characteristic feature of the American parenting style is the habit of visiting public places with their children. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, not all young parents can afford the services of a nanny, and secondly, they do not want to give up their previous “free” lifestyle. That's why you can often see children at adult parties.
  3. American children are rarely sent to kindergartens (more precisely, groups at schools). Women who are housewives prefer to raise children themselves, but do not always take care of them. Therefore, girls and boys go to first grade without knowing how to write or read.

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Americans take discipline and punishment seriously: if children are deprived computer game or walks, they always explain the reason. By the way, the USA is the birthplace of such technology. constructive punishment, like a time out. In this case, the parent stops communicating with the child or leaves him alone for a short time.

The period of “isolation” depends on age: one minute for each year of life. That is, 4 minutes will be enough for a four-year-old child, 5 minutes will be enough for a five-year-old child. For example, if a child is fighting, it is enough to take him to another room, sit him in a chair and leave him alone. After the end of the time-out, be sure to ask whether the child understood why he was punished.

Another feature of Americans is that, despite their puritanical views, they openly talk with children about the topic of sex. The book “From Diapers to First Dates” by American sexologist Debra Haffner will help our mothers take a different look at the sexual education of their child.

Raising children in Italy

The pedagogical principles of Italian mothers differ significantly from the previously described national education systems. Italians are kind to children, considering them gifts from heaven. It is not surprising that a child in Italy remains a child at 20 and 30 years old. How else is raising children different in this European country?

  1. Italian parents rarely send their children to kindergarten, believing that they should be raised in a large and friendly family. Grandmothers, aunts, and other close and distant relatives look after the children.
  2. The baby grows up in an atmosphere of total supervision, guardianship and, at the same time, in conditions of permissiveness. He is allowed to do everything: make noise, shout, fool around, disobey the demands of adults, play for hours on the street.
  3. Children are taken with them everywhere - to a wedding, concert, social event. It turns out that the Italian “bambino” leads an active “social life” from birth. Nobody is indignant at this rule, because everyone loves babies in Italy and does not hide their admiration.
  4. Russian women living in Italy note a lack of literature about early development and raising children. There are also problems with development centers and groups for activities with young children. The exception is music and swimming clubs.
Elizaveta Lavrova | 6.08.2015 | 863

Elizaveta Lavrova 08/6/2015 863

I will talk about what methods of raising children are used in different countries. You will be extremely surprised!

Each family has its own approach to raising a child. What can we say about other states? Every nation raises the future generation based on traditional values ​​and mentality.

Let's look at the most striking, in my opinion, examples.

Raising children in English

The British have their own view of raising the younger generation, which is very aristocratic and restrained. From early childhood, parents see their child as a full-fledged personality and respect his interests.

If a child painted a wall in the living room, he will most likely not be scolded, but rather praised and appreciated for his artistic impulses. The absence of criticism has a positive effect on the formation of a sense of self-confidence. There are practically no problems with low self-esteem among small (and even adults) Englishmen.

Offending children are punished extremely humanely. No belts, peas or house arrests. Parents try to come to an agreement with their child, and the most severe corporal punishment is a slap on the bottom.

In schools, children are taught not only the exact sciences and humanities, but also compassion through charity. IN educational institutions Various events are regularly held during which kids can donate a small amount to those who need help.

Every Englishman dreams that his child has a strong, tempered character and perseverance. At the same time, it is important for parents that their child has good manners and a sense of compassion for people.

Raising children the Japanese way

The Japanese have a very interesting approach to raising children. Until the age of 5, a child is not prohibited from doing anything: he does whatever he wants (within reason, of course). He is not punished, not scolded, and the word “impossible” is practically never said.

After 5 years, the child’s life changes dramatically: now the interests of society and the people around him come first (life outside the microgroup dooms the child to the fate of an eternal outcast). At school, children always stick together, constantly play team games, and sing in the choir. Children should monitor not only their own successes, but also control their comrades, pointing out their mistakes.

Every Japanese child literally idolizes their mother. It is the fear that close person gets upset, keeps him from playing pranks. By the way, in Japan only the mother looks after the child. Japanese women do not have the habit of shifting responsibilities to grandparents.

The Japanese education system aims to ensure that the child grows up organized person respecting the laws of their country. And, of course, he treated his parents with great respect throughout his life.

Raising children in German

German parents strive to do everything so that their children do not waste time and grow up as disciplined as possible. They do not allow violations of the regime, do not allow children to watch TV, and the children spend their free time engaged in self-development: drawing, sculpting, singing, reading.

Parents are sure to teach their children the basics of time management: they give them beautiful diaries where they should write down their activities for the day or even for the week. Planning also concerns the budget: having a piggy bank and issuing pocket money are mandatory.

The German people are particularly thrifty, accurate, and punctual. It is these character traits that the Germans want to form in their children first of all.

Perhaps these education systems are alien to the Russian people - they seem overly strict or, on the contrary, too free. In any case, you can try to adopt some foreign methods of education that will help raise your child as a worthy person. Only parents should make this decision.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 18 minutes


In every corner of the planet, parents love their children equally deeply. But education is carried out in each country in its own way, in accordance with mentality, lifestyle and traditions. How do the basic principles of raising children differ in different countries?

America. Family is sacred!

For any American resident, family is sacred. There is no division between men's and women's responsibilities. Dads have time to devote time to both their wives and children, and not only on weekends.

Features of raising children in America

America. Features of mentality

Italy. A child is a gift from heaven!

An Italian family is, first of all, a clan. Even the most distant, most worthless relative is a family member whom the family will not abandon.

Features of raising children in Italy

Italy. Features of mentality

  • Considering that children do not know the word “no” and are generally not familiar with any prohibitions, they grow up to be absolutely liberated and artistic people.
  • Italians are considered the most passionate and charming people.
  • They do not tolerate criticism and do not change their habits.
  • Italians are satisfied with everything in their life and country, which they themselves consider blessed.

France. With mom - until the first gray hair

The family in France is strong and unshakable. So much so that children, even after thirty years, are in no hurry to leave their parents. Therefore, there is some truth in French infantilism and lack of initiative. Of course, French mothers are not attached to their children from morning to night - they manage to devote time to their child, their husband, work, and personal matters.

Features of raising children in France

France. Features of mentality

Russia. Carrot and stick

Russian families, as a rule, are always concerned with the issue of housing and the issue of money. The father is the breadwinner and breadwinner. He does not participate in housework and does not wipe the snot of whining children. Mom is trying to keep her job during all three years of maternity leave. But usually he can’t stand it and goes to work earlier - either from lack of money or for reasons of mental balance.

Features of raising children in Russia

Russia. Features of mentality

The peculiarities of the Russian mentality are perfectly expressed by well-known aphorisms:

  • Whoever is not with us is against us.
  • Why miss something that floats into your hands?
  • Everything around is collective farm, everything around is mine.
  • Beats means he loves.
  • Religion is the opium of the people.
  • The master will come and judge us.

The mysterious and mysterious Russian soul is sometimes incomprehensible even to Russians themselves.

  • Soulful and warm-hearted, brave to the point of madness, hospitable and daring, they do not mince words.
  • Russians value space and freedom, easily slap children on the back of the head and immediately kiss them, pressing them to their chests.
  • Russians are conscientious, sympathetic and, at the same time, stern and adamant.
  • The basis of the Russian mentality is feelings, freedom, prayer and contemplation.

China. Getting used to work from the cradle

The main features of the Chinese family are cohesion, the secondary role of women in the home and the unquestioned authority of elders. Given the overpopulation of the country, a family in China cannot afford more than one baby. Based on this situation, children grow up capricious and spoiled. But only up to a certain age. Starting from kindergarten, all indulgences stop, and the education of a tough character begins.

Features of raising children in China

China. Features of mentality

  • The foundations of Chinese society are modesty and submissiveness of women, respect for the head of the family, and strict upbringing of children.
  • Children are raised as future workers who must be prepared for hard, long hours of work.
  • IN everyday life Among the Chinese, religion, observance of ancient traditions and the belief that inactivity is a symbol of destruction are invariably present.
  • The main qualities of the Chinese are perseverance, patriotism, discipline, patience and unity.

How different we are!

Each country has its own traditions and principles of raising children. English parents have children at the age of about forty, use the services of nannies and raise future winners from their children using all available methods. Cubans bathe children in love, easily push them off to their grandmothers and allow them to behave as liberated as the child desires. German children are wrapped only in smart clothes, protected even from their parents, everything is allowed to them, and they walk in any weather. In South Korea, children under seven years old are angels who are prohibited from being punished, and in Israel you can go to prison for yelling at a child. But whatever the traditions of education in a particular country, All parents have one thing in common - love for children.

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with experience practical work in social psychology-pedagogy for more than three years. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all areas of our lives.

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The planet is home to a huge number of nations and peoples that are completely different from each other. The traditions of raising children in different countries depend on religious, ideological, historical and other factors. What traditions of raising children exist among different nations?

Germans are in no hurry to have children until they are thirty, until they have achieved significant success in their careers. If a married couple has decided to take this important step, then they will approach it with all seriousness. Very often they start looking for a nanny in advance, even before the child is born.

Traditionally, all children in Germany stay at home until they are three years old. An older child begins to be taken to " play group“So that he can gain experience interacting with his peers, and then he is placed in kindergarten.

French women send their children to kindergarten very early. They are afraid of losing their qualifications at work and believe that children develop faster in a children's group. In France, almost from birth, a child spends the entire day, first in a nursery, then in a kindergarten, then at school. French children grow up quickly and become independent. They go to school themselves and buy the necessary school supplies in the store themselves. Grandchildren only communicate with their grandmothers during the holidays.

In Italy, on the contrary, it is common to often leave children with relatives, especially grandparents. They go to kindergarten only if no one from their family is present. In Italy, great importance is attached to regular family dinners and holidays with a large number of invited relatives.

The UK is famous for its strict education. The childhood of a little Englishman is filled with a lot of demands that are aimed at the formation of purely English traditional habits, views and characteristics of character and behavior in society. From a young age, children are taught to restrain the expression of their emotions. Parents show their love with restraint, but this does not mean at all that they love them less than representatives of other nations.

Americans typically have two or three children, believing that it would be difficult for one child to grow up in the adult world. Americans take their children with them everywhere, and often children come with their parents to parties. Many public institutions provide rooms where you can change clothes and feed your baby.

A Japanese child under five years old is allowed to do everything. He is never scolded for pranks, never beaten, or pampered in any way. Since high school attitude towards children becomes harsher. Clear regulation of behavior prevails and the division of children according to abilities and competition among peers is encouraged.

Different countries have different views on raising the younger generation. The more exotic the country, the more original approach parents. In Africa, women attach children to themselves using a long piece of cloth and carry them with them everywhere. The appearance of European strollers is met with violent protest among admirers of age-old traditions.

The process of raising children in different countries largely depends on the culture of a particular people. In Islamic countries, it is believed that it is necessary to be the right example for your child. Here, special attention is paid not so much to punishment, but to the encouragement of good deeds.

There are no standard approaches to child care on our planet. Puerto Ricans quietly leave infants in the care of older brothers and sisters who are under five years old. In Hong Kong, a mother will not trust her child to even the most experienced nanny.

In the West, children cry as often as elsewhere in the world, but for longer than in some countries. If an American child cries, he will be picked up in an average minute and calmed down, and if an African baby cries, his cry will be responded to in about ten seconds and put to the chest. In countries like Bali, infants are fed on demand without any schedule.

Western guidelines suggest not putting children to bed during the day so that they get tired and fall asleep easily in the evening. In other countries this technique is not supported. In most Chinese and Japanese families, young children sleep with their parents. It is believed that this way children sleep better and do not suffer from nightmares.
The process of raising children in different countries gives different results. In Nigeria, among two-year-olds, 90 percent can wash their face, 75 percent can shop, and 39 percent can wash their plate. In the USA, it is believed that by the age of two, a child should be able to roll a car on wheels.

A huge number of books are devoted to the traditions of raising children in different countries, but not a single encyclopedia will answer the question: how to raise a child correctly. Representatives of each culture consider their methods to be the only correct ones and sincerely want to raise a worthy generation to replace them.


Raising children in different countries of the world.


How children are raised in the USA.

How children are raised in the UK.

How children are raised in France.

How children are raised in Germany.

How children are raised in China.

How children are raised in India.

How children are raised in Russia.


Hello dear students! I would like to tell you about how children are raised in different countries of the world.

Our planet is home to a huge number of people, different nations and peoples, sometimes completely different from each other. Children in all countries of the world are equally desired and loved. Children are protected from danger, cared for and cherished. But they are raised differently,It depends on religious customs, on the experience of peoples, historical factors, even on climatic conditions. What traditions of raising children exist among different nations? We will now introduce you to them.

How children are raised in the USA.

In America, both parents are equally active in monitoring the intellectual, physical and spiritual development of the child. Children sleep in their own room from birth. The child is given a number of rules: what he can do and what he absolutely cannot do. There are two main methods of punishment for violating the rules: the first is deprivation of a toy or watching TV, and the second uses a popular technique in the USA: “time-out”, that is, sit and think about your behavior. Children are also given freedom of action and taught to be independent. Even in kindergarten, children are told that they have the right to their opinion. Grandparents do not take part in their upbringing, but see them on holidays or on weekends. In high school, a teenager begins to work part-time for several hours a day, and this is even encouraged by his parents. And upon reaching adulthood, they are released into an independent adult life.

How children are raised in the UK

The UK is famous for its strict education. People in this country become parents by the age of 35-40, so they approach raising children very seriously. The British are proud of their traditions and impeccable manners and instill them in their children. early age. The childhood of a little Englishman is filled with a lot of demands; by the age of 2-3, children are taught how to behave at the table, how to treat the people around them, and how to restrain their emotions. Parents show their love with restraint, but this does not mean at all that they love them less than representatives of other nations.

France. How children are raised in France

French women send their children to kindergarten very early. They are afraid of losing their qualifications at work and believe that children develop faster in a children's group. In France, almost from birth, a child spends the entire day, first in a nursery, then in a kindergarten, then at school. French children quickly grow up and become independent; by the age of 7-8 they go to school on their own, buy the necessary supplies in the store themselves and stay at home for a long time. In France, physical methods of education are not practiced, but a mother can raise her voice at a child and punish him by temporarily depriving him of his favorite activity or toy. Grandchildren only communicate with their grandmothers during the holidays. By the way, the French family is so strong that children and parents are in no hurry to separate and live peacefully together until adulthood and are in no hurry to start an independent family life.

How children are raised in Italy.

In Italy, on the contrary, it is common to often leave children with relatives, especially grandparents. A family in Italy is a clan. Besides the parents, the baby is surrounded by numerous relatives. The child grows in big family and, most often, does not go to kindergarten. They go to kindergarten only if no one from their family is present. A child in Italy is pampered, showered with gifts and allowed to do everything: they turn a blind eye to pranks, to inability to behave in society, and children get away with even more serious pranks. A mother may emotionally scream at her child, but will immediately rush to him with hugs and kisses. Italians love to tell and praise their children to their relatives and friends. In Italy, great importance is attached to regular family dinners and holidays with a large number of invited relatives

How children are raised in Japan.

The mother is usually responsible for raising the child. There is an opinion that the husband is the breadwinner, and the wife is the keeper of the hearth. If a Japanese woman sends her child to kindergarten while she goes to work, this is considered a manifestation of selfishness. In Japan, there is a certain approach to each child’s age: up to 5 years old, the child is a god, from 5 to 15, a slave, from 15, an equal. Everything is allowed for children under 5 years old. Adults try to indulge all the child’s whims and fulfill all his wishes. From the age of five, they take on raising children and literally storm them, not allowing any liberties. Any word of a parent is law. TO adolescence he makes an exemplary Japanese, disciplined, law-abiding, clearly aware of his duties and unquestioningly obeying social rules. From the age of 15, a child begins to be treated as an equal, considering him an independent and full-fledged person. The essence of education in Japanese is to teach how to live in a team. The Japanese cannot imagine himself outside the team. In Japan, it is not customary to stand out from others, so children are never compared here, praised for successes or scolded for mistakes.

Germany. How children are raised in Germany.

Germans are in no hurry to have children until they are thirty, until they achieve success in their careers. If a married couple decides to take this step, then they will approach it with all seriousness. They start looking for a nanny even before the baby is born. Almost all children in Germany stay at home until the age of three, and then they start taking him to a “play group” so that he can gain experience communicating with peers, and then he is placed in kindergarten. From a very young age, the life of German children is subject to strict rules: they cannot sit too long in front of the TV or computer, they go to bed early. From childhood they are instilled with such qualities as punctuality and organization. And school-age children are taught to plan their affairs and budget by purchasing a diary and their first piggy bank.

China. How children are raised in China.

Chinese women stop early breast-feeding in order to send the baby to kindergarten almost immediately after birth. There is a strict regime of nutrition, sleep, games and developmental activities. From childhood, the child is instilled with respect for elders, collectivism, mutual assistance, discipline, hard work and patience. Chinese mothers are obsessed with the early development of their children: after kindergarten, they take their kids to intellectual development groups and believe that the child should be busy with something useful. In the family there is no division between women's and men's responsibilities. A girl may be asked to help rearrange the furniture, and a boy to wash the dishes.

How children are raised in African countries.

It is customary for African children to carry them everywhere with them from a young age. Women wear infants in pieces of cloth wrapped around themselves. There children eat, sleep, grow and learn about the world. African children do not have a sleeping or feeding schedule, and as the child grows up he spends all his time outside with his peers. Often children look for their own food, they make toys or items of clothing. In some tribes, children by the age of two already know how to wash themselves and wash dishes, and by the age of three they can easily make purchases.

India. How children are raised in India.

Raising children in India begins almost from the cradle. The main quality that they want to instill in a child is kindness and love, and not only for people, but for all living things and the surrounding world: animals, insects, flowers, etc. At 2-3 years old, the baby goes to kindergarten, and soon to school itself. Personality development, character building - this is the goal of the school. Not just to give knowledge, but to teach how to learn. They teach you to think, reflect, teach patience, they also teach you yoga, they even teach you to smile. The education system in India is based on preparing a person to create a strong family. Education and career fade into the background. Indians grow up to be patient and friendly, and pass these qualities on to their children.

Russia. How children are raised in Russia.

In Russia, different approaches to raising children are used. But the main traditional method of education is the “carrot and stick” method. Usually the child is raised by the mother, and the father is engaged in his career and making money. By the age of three, the child is sent to kindergarten. Rarely does anyone use the services of nannies; more often, parents leave their children with grandparents if they are forced to go to work. Parents tend to send their child to various developmental clubs or sports sections. Unlike European parents, Russian parents are afraid to let their children go out alone, they see them off and pick them up from school, and they control their child’s communication with peers. And as a rule, children always remain children, even when they start their own families. They help them financially, babysit their grandchildren, and also solve the everyday problems of children who have grown up long ago.

Representatives of each culture consider their methods to be the only correct ones and sincerely want to raise a worthy generation to replace themselves. Based on the kind of people citizens of different countries grow up to be, we can draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of their education system. And in conclusion I want to say that the most best method Education is love for children.

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