Affirmations for health. We heal with words. We heal the mind and body using affirmations for health. The best affirmations for health.

The most valuable thing is health. Without it, our life will quickly turn into a series of painful days. And how important it is when strong and healthy children grow up in a family! When you don’t have any worries about restoring your well-being, then life around you seems happy and beautiful. No wonder they say that you can’t buy health. However, it can be projected in your mind and brought into everyday life with the help of affirmations.

How do affirmations work?

Phrases that are aimed at fulfilling your desires and saying them frequently are called affirmations. The founder of this practice was the scientist Emile Coue. But Louise Hay went even further and developed a unique method of healing with thought. They both made an important discovery in the field of psychotherapy, since affirmations are phrases addressed to oneself.

Most of all, this technique is similar to either self-hypnosis or NLP (neurolinguistic programming). A person begins to pronounce words, and over time they bring his deepest desires to life. Let's figure out how it works from the point of view of those who connect the mystical moments of our lives and psychology.

IN modern world each of us knows that thoughts are material, although they cannot be touched. When we read the same concept out loud every day for a long time, it begins to accumulate in the form of energy. We tell ourselves, and that means given energy accumulates in our consciousness. Like all living beings on Earth, each of us has a connection with the Cosmos. As soon as our brain is filled with thoughts imposed on it, like a vessel with water, it begins to send this excess in the form of clots of energy into Space.

At this moment, our desires can be heard by the Higher Powers. If they are aimed at the positive, then the Universe will try to fulfill all requests. Moreover, affirmations greatly raise a person’s energy level.

Any specialist will tell you that all people have their own energy field, which differs in different levels of strength. Even if you have it weakened due to all sorts of negative impacts(evil eye, damage), then after frequent repetition of rhythmic phrases, the energy field begins to strengthen and recover.

You will immediately feel a huge surge of strength. They can be directed according to your wishes and needs.

Healing from various ailments. For example, in your house children are sick all the time. you spend large number time, and whatever you do to avoid constant worry about the health of your loved ones. Try using affirmations for disease prevention and healing. Your children will obviously not get any worse from such actions; you are not risking anything, but you are giving your entire family a chance for a happy and long life.

To make your worries go away from you forever, say the following phrases every morning:

  • “My children and I are healthy and happy”;
  • “I am healthy, my husband is healthy, my children are healthy”;
  • “I am a powerful energy that healed everyone in the household.”

Positive words will cleanse your aura of negativity. Remember that at the beginning of your journey it will be difficult for you to overcome all the obstacles. You will suffer from lack of time, or you will be overwhelmed by worries. There is no need to despair and retreat. Go against obstacles. Take your chance.

A cure from a serious illness seems like an incredible event to many. Some no longer trust either doctors or loved ones who are doing their best to support them morally and physically.

In any case, you shouldn’t give up. Repeating phrases aimed at success and prosperity may be one of the few steps towards moving towards the hope of healing. You need to believe in this.

Say the following phrases at the beginning and end of the day:

  • “I am getting healthier and healthier every day”;
  • “I am recovering as quickly as the dough rises with yeast.”

These phrases will help you overcome illnesses and achieve longevity.

Features of compilation

You can come up with healing affirmations yourself or seek help from specialists.

In any case, you must remember that with the help of self-imposed positive thoughts, you can get rid of negative influences and increase your energy potential.

To create health affirmations, Read the rules for writing them first before you get started.

In your affirmations never Don't use the particle "not". Remember that the Universe does not hear this part of speech. This means that you should always say only this: “I am lucky,” and the phrase “I don’t know problems” will be incorrect.

Always write powerful affirmations for children as if you are affirming something and do not doubt your words at all. For example, “I have the energy to heal my children” or “I am confident that my children are healthy and happy.” This way you will “impose” positive thoughts on your consciousness, and it, in turn, will fulfill it within a certain period of time.

If you say phrases in the future tense, for example, like this: “My children and I will soon become completely healthy,” then such a desire may “get stuck” somewhere between the present and future tenses and will never be fulfilled.

  • To have healthy heart, you need to be less nervous. Phrases aimed at success help calm the psyche. Words of affirmation will promote your healing. Recite them every morning and evening, sitting in a secluded place. The words should be something like this: “I am calm and my heart is beating evenly” or “I love myself, I live, and my heart is healed.” The principle of self-hypnosis will be most effective in the case of practicing getting rid of cardiovascular diseases, since it is the heart that is directly related to the state of mind.
  • Your kidneys should work in such a way that there are no problems with other organs. You can program your body to heal with something like this phrase: “I am healthy, and my kidneys are healthy.” When pronouncing these phrases, you should run your hands along the lower back as if you were “removing” the pain. After the session, you need to wash your hands under running warm water.
  • Eyes are that part of our body, without which a full human existence is impossible. To restore your vision, you need to try using affirmations that can restore your visual acuity. To do this, make up statements like this: “I see everything around me clearly and clearly” or “I have very good vision.” Say these phrases with your eyes closed in the evenings. At the same time, imagine the picture as if you see everything clearly. And in the morning, on the contrary, look out the window and peer at distant objects on the street. At the same time, do not forget to speak healing phrases in a half-whisper.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease in which your well-being is constantly subject to various changes. The entire nervous system suffers from this condition. To align your psychophone, you can turn to the help of beliefs. Tune your body to the right mood with the following phrases: “I feel good” or “I forgot about my health problems.” At the same time, imagine how your anxious state goes away, headache and tremors in the hands. It is advisable to conduct these sessions in the evenings, before bedtime. Then your sleep will become healing.
  • A terrible disease is cancer. The help of specialist doctors is necessary here. But together with them, begin to “correct” your health with the help of affirmations. You need to treat not only your physical body, but also your spiritual components. Try to come up with words yourself, or you can use the following phrases: “I’m not afraid of my illness,” “I defeated the disease, and it is no longer in my body.” The same words can be spoken for a disease such as a cyst. It can develop in any human organ.
  • With age, changes occur in cartilage tissue - this is arthrosis. It's no secret that tissue can be restored with the power of thought. The following phrases will help with this: “I don’t feel pain in my knees (or you can name the part of the body that bothers you), and my joints have recovered.” At the same time, imagine how your cartilage tissue grows.
  • Colds are the most common illness. If you “caught” ARVI, then expel the viruses with these words: “I’m not coughing or sneezing, the fever has gone down, and I feel good.”

How to apply it correctly?

To recover, especially to recover completely, you need to make every effort.

You need to patiently repeat the same phrase every day to achieve the desired result.

Don't despair if things don't work out right away. Patience and work will grind everything down. Remember that illness and depression will not go away from your life so easily. Illnesses are a consequence of the fact that over the years you have accumulated a large “baggage” of negativity. Dark forces always resist when a person tries to get rid of them.

As soon as you clear your mind, you will immediately feel a surge of strength to heal. In addition, it is not enough to simply pronounce affirmations; you need to think and comprehend every word spoken. You need to visualize what you want to get. If you say that your pain has disappeared, then you need to imagine this state in reality. It’s okay that the aches and pains won’t go away immediately. Still imagine that she is not there.

It is also necessary to do the same when you are trying to heal an organ. For example, an organ such as the liver. If there are problems with it, you need to perform several steps.

  • Retreat to separate room. Sit in a comfortable chair and take a comfortable position.
  • Turn on quiet, soothing music.
  • Imagine a diseased organ that is inside you.
  • If you experience pain in any area, then picture it in your mind as fire.
  • Mentally begin to extinguish the flame that has engulfed the diseased organ. This should be done as follows: imagine that you have a very cold palm made of water. Using circular movements (counterclockwise), move your palm over the area where you experience discomfort. Imagine that your hand is gradually extinguishing the flame that has flared up. It becomes easier for you to breathe.
  • At this time, read the affirmations (choose the most appropriate one): “I have fully recovered,” “I feel comfortable in the liver area,” “I feel blissful because my liver has become completely healthy.”
  • All actions - repeated repetition of a memorized phrase and visualization of liver recovery - must be combined.

Carry out such sessions until you feel relief. Be patient.

This practice should also be used in other cases when you decide to get rid of, for example, pain in the heart or back. Please note that affirmations must be used in conjunction with traditional treatments offered by medical professionals. Then you definitely won’t put your health at great risk.

Self-hypnosis methods should serve as a complement to the main, traditional therapy, and remember that all our illnesses begin with wrong thoughts.

Most of us (or rather, all of us) want to be healthy; but how can this be achieved? Should we change our diet? Or do you need to give yourself more? physical activity? Or maybe we need to change our job or reconsider our entire lifestyle? What can really make us healthier?

A reliable path to health

Don't be surprised, but we want to offer you another way - affirmations for health. Of course, everything listed in the paragraph above is also important, but it is not always enough. Some find it hard to believe, but very often our illnesses begin in our heads. By clearing your mind, you will not only begin to feel better, but you will also see a direct path to recovery. Health is wealth, and healing affirmations are the key to this wealth. When we have healthy thoughts in our head, it is much easier for our body to feel healthy.

Some of you may be wondering how positive statements, which are what affirmations are, can improve our health. The fact is that many people do have some internal problems that can prevent them from being healthy. Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that anyone wants to be sick, but there are people who have limiting beliefs that prevent them from accepting the healing and health that is within their reach. Instead of dwelling on their inability to get well, it would be better for them to simply start convincing themselves that they are open to positive changes in their health.

The connection between the mind (human consciousness) and the body is already very well known today. It has already been confirmed that many diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Even diseases caused by microbes and bacteria, in some cases, could be called psychosomatic in the sense that the body's immune system is sometimes reduced due to reasons caused by emotional stress.

Our emotions are under the control of thought, and thoughts can be formulated as we wish. Health affirmations help create healthy thoughts. This is how a connection appears between positive statements (affirmations) and our health. “To change your life, change your thoughts,” wrote Sir John Marx Templeton, an English entrepreneur and philanthropist, in his book “The Universal Laws of Life.” And it’s hard to disagree with him. You can fill your body with health just by using the appropriate affirmations. By repeating these statements over and over again, you can change your subconscious mind in such a way that it begins to transform your body to match healthy thoughts.

Even very serious illnesses can recede before the power of thought. The placebo effect, known in medical practice, is purely psychological. Its essence lies in the fact that instead of a real medicine, the patient is given only an imitation of it, but at the same time the patient is informed that he has been given a very strong drug. And he feels better! And the whole point is that the placebo affected the patient’s psyche; he believed that it would become easier for him, and so it became easier for him. Healing affirmations affect a person in a similar way.

There are also facts confirmed by scientists that our body produces various chemicals while we experience certain emotions. When a person is happy, substances are produced that have a beneficial effect on the body. When we are sad, substances that are harmful to health are produced. This was further confirmation that our thoughts significantly affect our well-being. It becomes obvious that positive affirmations can only have a beneficial effect on our body.

Best Affirmations for Health

How to use affirmations to improve your health? From the list we have provided, choose the affirmations that resonate with you the most and repeat them as often as possible every day for at least six months. However, do not under any circumstances stop the treatment prescribed by your doctor if you are sick. Affirmations complement medications, but do not replace them. Positive statements will strengthen your mind and will, change the direction of your thoughts and help your body improve health.

Choose affirmations that you like and start working on your thoughts:

  • Every day I get healthier and healthier, I feel better and better.
  • I love myself and I'm completely healthy.
  • Every cell of my body cares about my health. I was born to be healthy.
  • I am full of energy and vitality, I am calm and happy.
  • I avoid junk food. I eat healthy and nutritious foods that benefit my body and drink plenty of clean water, which cleanses my body.
  • I have only positive thoughts, and I am always happy and joyful, regardless of any external conditions.
  • I always feel good. Because my body feels good, I only radiate good and positive feelings.
  • Every new day is full of hope, happiness and health.
  • I am always happy, cheerful and full of health. I am happy in spirit and cheerful in body.
  • I have a strong heart and a strong body. I am energetic and full of vitality.
  • Every day my body becomes more energetic, more healthy.
  • I view my body as a temple. It is pure and full of kindness.
  • I breathe deeply, exercise regularly, and feed my body only healthy foods.
  • I'm diabetes free high pressure, free from any life-threatening diseases.
  • Health, wealth and wisdom are my life motto. My body is healthy, I am rich, my mind is wise.
  • I create my own health.
  • I free my body to accept healing and health.
  • I'm healthy!
  • I accept the health of my body.
  • I attract people and information that will help me lead. healthy image life.
  • I am open to letting go of unhealthy thoughts.
  • I am open to letting go of unhealthy behavior.
  • I am open to liberation from unhealthy eating.
  • I see myself healthy and happy.
  • I allow my body to heal itself.
  • I let go of my past and leave it behind.
  • My DNA is programmed for me to be healthy.
  • Being healthy is easy.
  • Being healthy is fun.
  • My health is very important to me.
  • My body is very important to me and I intend to take care of it.
  • My health is a priority.

You won't get healthy overnight. Sometimes working on yourself takes months, sometimes even years, depending on your specific situation. The key to success is to focus on the idea that healing affirmations are a great way to heal.

Affirmations are positive statements that change the usual course of life and create the desired future. Repeating affirmations daily will help you change yourself, the world around us and make your dreams come true.

The first step to recovery is positive attitudes, because our state of mind largely depends on our physical health. If you set yourself up correctly, your health will immediately improve, and this is a direct path to healing.

Rules for reading affirmations

Positive phrases do not always give the expected result. Many people constantly practice them, but, unfortunately, nothing changes. There are special rules and requirements, subject to which affirmations begin to take effect.

1. You must believe. If there are only doubts in a person’s head, then he will not feel any changes for the better. For an affirmation to work, you need to believe in its power. To do this, practitioners advise choosing a setting for yourself that most closely matches your internal state and conveys your feelings.

2. Affirmations can only be read in an excellent mood. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’re worried, and your mind is burdened with problems, don’t expect results—nothing will happen. Be happy while saying affirmations! Let the energy of life and positivity flow not only from words, but also from you.

3. Affirmations must be accompanied by visualization. Be clear about yourself desired result. If you want to get well and get rid of diseases, imagine yourself as a healthy and happy person. This will help achieve results in a short time.

4. Don't get carried away with installations. Some people make a big mistake when working with affirmations. When reading guidelines, they expect a miracle, forgetting to back up their words with actions. Remember: positive attitudes are not a panacea for diseases. Health depends on many factors, and affirmations only tune the subconscious to a wave of recovery.

The most effective affirmations for health

Many people have beliefs that prevent them from being healthy. They are constantly worried about how many diseases there are around. Instead, you need to prove to yourself every day that any disease can be overcome. With the help of positive statements, you will be able to create the right thoughts, which will clear your mind and help you feel better.

Believe what you say, choose attitudes that suit you, and repeat them daily:

  • I feel better health.
  • I have good health.
  • I love myself, my body and my soul.
  • The Universe rewards me with the power of life, I am healthy and happy.
  • I create my own health.
  • I was born invulnerable/invulnerable.
  • My life is filled with prosperity, health and joy.
  • I chose the fate of a healthy and happy person.
  • I am full of joy, health and victories.
  • I am constantly in a great mood and feeling good.
  • I feel good just like my body.
  • I have good health and a kind heart.
  • I am full/full of strength and health.
  • I am young in soul and body.
  • Every day gives me even more health and strength.
  • I feel and feel just great.
  • Health settled in my body.
  • I am completely healthy.
  • I am free/free from disease.
  • My body and soul are healing.
  • I was born to live the life of a healthy person.
  • The right image life and longevity is my path.
  • Being healthy/healthy is simple.
  • My health is the main goal of life.
  • I am grateful to life for my good health.

The connection between body and mind has long been proven. Our health and body become vulnerable due to severe shocks, overload, and stress. However, our emotions are controlled by the mind, so they can be molded at will. Choose the right thoughts and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.07.2019 06:19

Positive attitudes can work real miracles. This easy way to create good mood and attract...

Everyone is now hearing this fashionable word - affirmation (translated as an affirmative statement). But not many people know that with the help of affirmations you can get rid of depression, cure many diseases, and simply feel young and beautiful. Although magicians and healers have known about this since ancient times. Only they called it conspiracies, love spells, whispers, curses.

I am my own magician and healer!

Knowing the secret and the construction of affirmations, you will no longer need to go to “grandmothers” and sorcerers. Let's heal ourselves!

What is the secret of affirmations for health?

And he is in our head, or rather in our thoughts. Have you noticed that our brain is constantly digesting and analyzing something? The thoughts in my head do not stop for a minute. And they moan and cry. And this minute would be enough for us to improve our health. The biggest difficulty is to keep the brain silent during this time. And when there is silence in your head, you can hear the voice of the subconscious. But without long-term practice you are unlikely to be able to do this. Those who are curious can read about this in Eastern teachings. The result is important to us.

We want to be healthy and happy without special effort and material costs. This is where we can’t do without affirmations.

Here are instructions for working with self-hypnosis formulas:

Let's start practicing affirmation.

Every positive word or sentence repeated many times produces amazing results. This, unfortunately, also applies to the negative. If you complain every day about your sores and Bad mood, the road to health is blocked for you. Let's not talk about the bad. From now on, affirmation will help you be healthy and happy!

From morning to evening and every day!

To get started, use the cheat sheet, and then you can experiment.

When you wake up in the morning, without getting out of bed, out loud or mentally wish yourself GOOD MORNING. Contact the diseased organs or parts of the body with a request

1.I choose health!

2. All my (list diseased organs) are working and feeling great!

3. Throughout the day I feel healthy, cheerful, full of energy!

4.My breakfast is light, healthy and delicious!

5. I can breathe easily and freely on the street!

6. All the people around me love me, and I love them (even if you don’t think so, repeat it anyway, you’ll see that soon everything will be like this)

If you visit a clinic and take medications -

7.You will be with me as long as I need you, but only for now.

Throughout the day, wish yourself health and well-being, come up with affirmations yourself. The only condition is that they must be in the present tense and not without a prefix. You will find many examples of affirmations on the Internet, but the best results come from those compiled by you personally. SPEAK them like a spell, like a conspiracy. Do this often until they grow together with you.

Examples of affirmations for health

I'm healthy.

Happiness surrounds me.

My mental health is fine. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.

Every cell in my body now vibrates with energy and health.

I am free from stress.

Every day I feel healthier and healthier.

I eat healthy and I feel great.

Every day my vision is better than yesterday.

I love to exercise every day.

I am grateful for my healthy body.

Perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now.

Every cell in my body radiates energy and health.

My immune system is very strong.

Every organ in my body performs its functions to an optimal extent.

My body is energetic.

I have enough strength, energy and vigor at any time of the day.

God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.

The light within me has a healing effect.

Every doctor that I meet along the way helps me recover.

My body heals quickly and easily.

My vital energy is increasing every day.

How to use affirmations for health

To tune your subconscious to improve the health of your body and soul, you should recite affirmations in a trance.

In order to enter it, you must first relax and meditate. It is recommended to focus on breathing during meditation practice. It must be deep.

You can apply general formulas such as “I can and do have health.”

Or private ones that are related specifically to your illness.

It's no secret that every disease teaches us certain lessons and you need to find out what your disease is associated with on a metaphysical level.

These could be grievances, suppressed negative experiences, etc.

Study the books of Liz Burbo, Sinelnikov. All this is described in detail there. And then create your own custom formula. And say it regularly.

It is advisable to combine affirmations with the work of your imagination. That is, visualize a state of high energy and excellent well-being.

In addition, it is important in everyday life not to deny what you say. That is, it is not enough to work with settings for 5 minutes and complain about illness the rest of the time. It is important to constantly monitor your thought programs. And always with negative thoughts switch to creative ones.

Try to spend more time thinking about health and talking about it. See and feel the strength, energy in yourself, concentrate on what is healthy in you, and not what hurts...

Why affirmations don't work

  • Mechanical application. You pronounce formulas without concentrating on them. You get distracted.
  • Lack of faith.
  • Use not in a trance state.
  • Behavior doesn't change. Lesson not learned.
  • Attachment. You are obsessed with the result.
  • Fear for health. Fears and doubts destroy all your work.
  • Inaction.

You shouldn’t rely on affirmations alone to regain your health. An integrated approach is required. That is, look for good doctors and get treatment. Eat right. Remember about sports and fresh air. And use work on the subtle plane in addition to traditional medicine and healthy lifestyle.

Additional Application Methods

In addition to speaking affirmations in a trance state, you can listen to them. To do this, record new thoughts on audio media. The technique of written instructions also showed itself well. Regularly write down your chosen formulas on paper. It works!

For the talented, you can create a video presentation from pictures with the right words and watch it regularly.

How to make your own affirmations

For positive formulas to work, it is important to create them in the first person and in the moment “here and now.” You can write a short setting of a few words, or you can write a whole mood.

I'm healthy.

My body is healthy.

It is permissible to compose affirmations not in the “present moment,” but in the “process of recovery,” since if a person has a serious illness and says “I am completely healthy,” resistance will arise.

That's why some people use settings like this:

I feel better every day.

My body is recovering.

Some note that healing formulas written in poetic form work better.

1. Order magpie before working with affirmations.

2. Work with energy. Do meditations to restore your etheric body. Be filled with 4 elements.

3. Laughter therapy.

4. Act as if you are already healthy. Imagine yourself doing fitness, traveling, gardening... That is, see on your mental screen the actions that you would do if you felt great.

5. Enjoy life.

6. In addition to self-hypnosis formulas, use conspiracies and ho'oponopono.

7. Check yourself for damage and other negativity. If there is, clean it.

8. Fasting and spiritual practices will help you.

9. Reassure yourself that you are already healthy!

10. During water procedures, imagine how water cleanses you of illness.

11. Use health affirmations while walking. Nature heals. And if you combine nature and working with energies, it will lead to miracles.

12. Love life. And look for yourself.

13. Practice gratitude.

Fresh affirmations for health

1. I radiate divine energy. I feel the strength to overcome my illness. I learn a lesson, change my mind and behavior. I deserve health!

2. I'm healthy. I feel good.

3. I love life. Energy overflows me. I want to live. I live. I'm happy.

4. I am regaining my health.

5. I deserve to feel great.

6. I act, I heal my body and step by step bring it to a wonderful, complete state.

7. With God everything is possible.

8. Health is always with me.

9. I love my body.

10. I radiate energy and health. I live a happy, harmonious life.

Examples of affirmations for specific diseases:

Eyes: I see the world through eyes filled with joy and love.

Ears: I listen to myself. I respect my Higher Self and listen to it. I listen to the world with love.

Constipation: I easily let go of what it is time to let go! I am a generous woman (man).

Gastritis: I easily accept everything that comes into my life.

Liver disease: I release anger in a positive way. There is peace inside me.

Heart disease: I live at my own pace. I love. I let go of the guilt.

Tumor/Cyst: I let go of grudges. I forgive myself and the world.

Leg diseases: I walk forward easily.

Migraine: I live the way I want. And I do what my soul desires.

I let go of hatred and hostility. The world is safe. Peace is love.

Women's ailments: I forgive my partners. I discover my femininity.

Health and longevity to you!!!

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