Essential oils are aphrodisiacs for men. Aphrodisiac essential oils to attract love. Aromaerotica: some methods, techniques and recipes

Recent studies have shown that some components of essential oils are similar in structure to hormones, which allows them to gently interfere with various psychophysical functions of the body.

For example, essential oils can influence the functions of the pituitary gland, promoting the formation of endorphins. This is what hormones do to heighten sexual desires; in addition, they have an analgesic effect and cause euphoria. Natural aphrodisiacs not only have a stimulating effect, they also fine-tune the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, replenishing vital energy and removing toxins.

Often, the lack of sexual desire is explained by prolonged depression and fatigue. To get rid of these alarming symptoms, it is not necessary to resort to the stimulating properties of essential oils; it is enough to use those that effectively fight depression.

Bergamot essential oil is one of the most effective aphrodisiacs. It accelerates blood circulation, eliminates depression and nervous tension. This oil is very effective for erotic massage, as it awakens fantasy and imagination and increases skin sensitivity. For erotic massage, a few drops of this oil just need to be added to the cream or oil that is usually used for these purposes.

For men and women

Ginger oil is essential for men; it enhances potency and significantly increases the duration of sexual activity. This essential oil warms and gives confidence. It is enough to light an aroma lamp with this oil in the bedroom for it to have its effect on the male body.

A classic aphrodisiac is ylang-ylang oil. Its aroma stimulates the pituitary gland, accelerating the production of endorphins, which leads to a feeling of euphoria. Ylang-ylang essential oil helps a woman get rid of indecision. The bright, unusual aroma of this plant will color erotic communication in unique colors; it helps to more openly express one’s sexual desires, which ultimately benefits the act of love. Ylang-ylang oil significantly enhances a woman’s sensitivity and a man’s potency, which allows them to have an unforgettable experience during love play.

Cedar essential oil promotes rapid restoration of male strength. It eliminates discomfort and stiffness and increases sensitivity. The aroma of cedar is truly masculine, strong and spicy. That is why it is so widely represented in men's perfume products.

For thousands of years, many perfumers spent years of their lives searching for a unique scent that would drive both men and women crazy. However, they were unable to find a universal formula for aphrodisiac perfumes, because each of us has our own desires and preferences. Today there is no need for magical perfumes, as it can ignite passion between partners and diversify them sex life Ordinary essential oils can.

The range of aromatic oils that can enhance sexual desire in males is quite diverse. The most popular among them is ylang-ylang. Inhaling its aroma helps:

  • get excited quickly;
  • feel a surge of strength;
  • achieve a stable erection;
  • relax;
  • concentrate on your feelings;
  • get rid of stress.

In addition, when inhaling particles of this essential oil, the functioning of the respiratory system is normalized, blood pressure is equalized, and muscle pain, which often appears after heavy physical activity, is eased.

  • bergamot;
  • vetiver;
  • cloves;
  • patchouli;
  • orange;
  • geranium;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon.

All of them have a beneficial effect on the condition of the male body and contribute to a rapid increase in sexual desire.

Before you start using any essential oil, you need to make sure that your partner is not allergic to it. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Aphrodisiac mixtures

In order to be completely confident in the effectiveness of aromatherapy, experts recommend that women buy mixtures of essential oils. Today, the following drugs are in special demand:

  • Erotica;
  • Natural Aroma Oil Intimate;
  • Nikitsky Garden;
  • Magic love;
  • Temptation;
  • Zeitun.

They include plants such as:

  • verbena;
  • limetta;
  • cinnamon;
  • grapefruit;
  • patchouli;
  • neroli.

The main advantage of purchasing mixtures of essential oils is that they can push a man to... active actions in bed, and also have a number of beneficial effects on the body of both lovers. Their regular use will even out the hormonal balance, relieve skin problems, normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

DIY tool for attracting a partner

If you do not want to purchase ready-made mixtures, then you can prepare the pathogen at home. To do this, use a recipe that includes the following essential oils:

  • lemon;
  • patchouli;
  • sandalwood;
  • ylang-ylang.

In a clean container that closes tightly, you need to mix ¼ of a bottle of each product. Next, the resulting mixture is added 5 drops to the aroma lamp half an hour before the start of the intended intercourse. This will allow the couple to tune in to intimacy and feel each other better.

Aphrodisiac essential oils to attract women

The list of essential oils that can cause a sharp surge of excitement in the fair sex is a little more diverse than the list of aphrodisiacs for men. You can attract your partner and make her interested in sex using the aromas of plants such as:

  • rose;
  • lavender;
  • jasmine;
  • marjoram;
  • juniper;
  • avocado;
  • Melissa;
  • rosemary;
  • ginseng;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberry;
  • chamomile.

Their smell can calm the nervous system, relieve worries and complexes, give confidence in one’s abilities, and also make one feel beautiful and desired.

In addition, aromatherapy using the listed plants has a large list of beneficial properties:

  • normalization of estrogen biosynthesis;
  • reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • enhancing the production of natural lubrication;
  • increased libido;
  • weakening of PMS symptoms (irritability, apathy, sudden mood swings);
  • relief from pain during menstruation.

The best blends for women

To get good results from using aromatherapy, experts recommend purchasing one of the following aphrodisiac mixtures:

  • Pikhtol;
  • Gunna;

  • Tender feelings;
  • Aphrodite Blend;
  • Nikitsky Garden (for women);
  • Erotica Mix.

They include a large list of different essential oils that can instantly excite a woman and make her more relaxed in bed.

Some of them contain additional ingredients:

  • pine;
  • lemon;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

These components help get rid of stagnant processes in the body, treat colds, improve metabolism and promote blood flow to the brain.

How to use aroma oils

The effectiveness of essential oils depends on how they are used. To get rid of minor ailments and improve the quality of sex, simply inhale their smell, and to solve more serious problems in intimate life caused by diseases internal organs, it is necessary to organize direct contact of their components with human skin.

Some aromatic oils have increased phototoxicity (orange, lemon, tangerine). Therefore, before going out into the open sun, they need to be removed from the body with soap.

Oil burner

The simplest and most convenient option would be to purchase a special aroma lamp into which a few drops of any essential oil are added. The instructions for this device indicate that the dosage of the aromatic substance is no more than 10 drops per 15 square meters. Exceeding this norm is fraught with allergic reactions, headaches, nausea and even dizziness.

  • Before starting aromatherapy, it is necessary to ventilate the room;
  • the average session duration is no more than three hours;
  • if the aromatic substance evaporates quickly, then you need to add the next one in the same dosage;
  • candles for heating the lamp should be odorless, otherwise they will interrupt the aroma of essential oils;
  • After the end of the session, you need to open the windows and let fresh air inside the room.

Water procedures

More in an efficient way The best way to use essential oils is to add them to a warm bath. However, you need to remember that dripping the aromatic substance into pure form forbidden. It is pre-mixed with an emulsifier, which is sold in any store. cosmetics. If you don’t have it on hand, then milk cream or natural honey will be a substitute.

To prepare an aromatic bath that both a man and his beloved will really like, you will need 15 drops per 100 liters of water. You should not add more essential oil, as its excess can cause a rash, redness of the skin and itching.

After taking a bath, rinse thoroughly clean water and dry off with a dry towel. If desired, you can add one drop of aromatic substance to the neck, wrists, chest and back of the head. This will prolong the effect of water procedures and enhance the sensations at the moment of intimacy.


One more in a good way The use of essential oils was mixing them with massage cream. During the massage, all components of the aromatic substance will quickly penetrate into the skin and will begin to work almost immediately. In addition, this method will not only increase sexual desire and improve the partner’s health, but also make his body silky and return his good color.

In order for massage with essential oils to bring maximum benefits to human health, experts insist on following the following recommendations:

  • before the procedure, you need to take a shower and clean the skin of dead cells with a hard washcloth;
  • massage cream, to which a few drops of an aromatic substance has been added, is preheated to body temperature;
  • a few hours before the massage you should not use perfume or antiperspirants;
  • After completing the procedure, the body is rinsed with clean water without the use of detergents.

In addition, doctors do not advise combining alcohol with the use of essential oils. Alcoholic drinks reduce their effectiveness and can provoke a sharp increase in blood pressure, which is very dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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An excellent feminine oil that allows a woman to feel her attractiveness and experience the pleasure of intimacy.

Compared to pure essential oils, aroma essences from a mixture of oils have even more pronounced properties that help enhance sensuality and potency, prolong the time of love play and physical contact, and make the sensations unique.

Several recipes for aromatic mixtures that will enhance sensations and enrich love play.

The amount of essential oils is given per 30 ml of base oil (, oil). Apply to skin in the same areas where perfume is usually applied about half an hour before your appointment.

During this time, the aroma of essential oils will open up, mix with the skin’s own unique scent, and will sound most harmonious.

A mixture that increases a man's desire:

  • 6 drops
  • 4 drops
  • 2 drops
  • 2 drops.

A mixture that increases the sensitivity of a woman:

  • 4 drops
  • 4 drops
  • 2 drops
  • 2 drops.

Aphrodite Blend:

  • 3 drops ylang-ylang,
  • 3 drops
  • 2 drops
  • 2 drops of nutmeg.

Winner Blend:

  • 3 drops
  • 3 drops patchouli
  • 3 drops
  • 2 drops.

Tonic mixture:

  • 3 drops
  • 2 drops
  • 2 drops.

A mixture of tender feelings:

  • 4 drops
  • 3 drops
  • 2 drops of bergamot,
  • 2 drops.

Methods of using oils and aromatic essences.

The aromatic components that make up aphrodisiac essential oils can be introduced into the body in two ways:

through the respiratory system and through the skin, entering the blood and lymph flow.

Depending on what effect is expected from the use of specific essential oils, the appropriate route through which they enter our body is selected.

To create an intimate aroma in a room, use. In addition to the fact that it saturates the room with a light, weightless scent, it also helps visual perception, looks very romantic. The candle light itself creates a magical atmosphere. Good method aromatization of indoor air is ozonation. Take a regular spray bottle, fill with water, add 3-5 drops of essential oil, previously diluted in half a teaspoon of alcohol, and spray the room. In addition to adding aroma, it is also very useful, because the air in city apartments with central heating is usually dry, with a suspension of dust - it ages, don’t forget!

You can scent bed linen: put linen in closets paper napkins, onto which drop a few drops of pure undiluted essential oil. As it evaporates, it will transfer its aroma to the laundry.

It’s wonderful, of course, for the two of you to soak in a warm, gentle bath that envelops you in bliss and enchanting aromas. But not all houses have these, and squeezing two people into a standard creation of plumbing designers is, frankly speaking, not an acquired taste. Taking turns taking a bath while “charging yourself” with sexual power is also not the best thing - your partner will be bored and lose the mood at this time. It’s better to take a bath half an hour before your date (the aroma on the skin will remain for a long time), and choose a different method for using essential oils together.

Aroma massage.

The pinnacle of the art of erotic foreplay.

Aromatic essences have special healing properties. The aroma of erotic essential oils has a very strong psychological effect. Therefore, these oils must be used very carefully, strictly following the given rules and ratios. The aroma should be light, otherwise mental depression may occur. Instead of desired result you can get exactly the opposite, and a one-time “failure” is not so bad. An aromatic blow to the centers of perception can cause unconscious fear and even disgust in a partner. Aromatic failure on the first date can lead to a complete end to the relationship.

To play it safe, carefully monitor the quality of the oil. Essential oils that are not natural always contain chemically synthesized components, fragrances, and synthetic bases. The smell of such oils is sharper and noticeably different from similar natural aromas. Essential oils are very expensive, and therefore there is always a temptation to dilute them using a chemical analogue. Buy only proven oils. It’s one thing to use bad oil yourself (it’s just a shame), but if it’s ruined it’s not enough good oil romantic date?

When applied to the body, you should not use undiluted essential oils, even 3 drops precisely measured according to the recipe. The aroma should be present around, create an aura, and not concentrate, for example, only behind the ears or on the ankles. The strong smell of essential oil can repel rather than charm and bring you closer.

When applied to the skin, essential oils and mixtures (aromatization, ) must be added to basic foundation. Almond oil is ideal for erotic purposes. You can also use natural-based creams if they do not contain mineral oils, which will prevent essential oils from penetrating the skin. By the way, this is why you shouldn’t use Johnson baby baby oil, so beloved by many, as a base!


Don't forget that there are some contraindications to the use of essential oils.

The oil is not recommended for use in case of increased nervous excitability, oil and - for kidney diseases (contact use), the oil can lower blood pressure, and therefore for hypotensive people its use is fraught with headache and weakness; those who suffer from allergic rhinitis may react to the oil.

In addition, there is a risk of individual intolerance.

If suddenly, contrary to all plans, during a romantic meeting enriched with the aroma of essential oils, such a nuisance occurs with your partner, this indicates his intolerance to at least one of the components of the aroma essence.

Symptoms of intolerance:

difficulty breathing, suffocation, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, increased heart rate, arrhythmia; allergic skin lesions - rash, itching, burning.

In this case, you need to immediately ventilate the room and go out into fresh air (if you used). Take a shower (if essential oils were applied to the skin). If your health does not allow it, simply wipe off traces of aromatic oil from the skin with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or tonic.

In general, it’s better not to take too many risks, to start mastering aroma erotica with individual oils, and not with complex mixtures, no matter how enticing they may seem.

* The amount of essential oils given in the table is used per 10 ml of base oil.

* The amount of essential oils for is calculated for a room of 16 sq.m.

If your bedroom is smaller, reduce the number of drops to avoid creating a stuffy, heavy atmosphere. In a larger room, the number of drops can be increased, but it is not necessary, and do not do this right away, first try the indicated amount.

Name Massage, application to skin Oil burner
Bergamot 5 drops 7 drops 5 drops
3 drops 3 drops 3 drops
3 drops 4 drops 4 drops

Remember the moment when Cleopatra captured the heart of Marcus Aurelius? On the open sea, he turned his ship and swam after her ship only because he smelled a wonderful smell. It was a mixture of cinnamon, rose and cardamom. This is how the most powerful ruler of Rome became the slave of an 18-year-old Egyptian girl.

In fact, aroma plays an important role in matters of seduction; half the success depends on how you smell. Have any of you ever been on public transport, turned your head and followed the smell that came from a man? This is because the fragrance contains notes that are attractive to the opposite sex.

Aromatherapy is a great way to increase sexual desire. In order to choose the scent of love, you need to work hard. To make it a little easier for you, we will give several 100% love oils.

Oils to attract love

  • So, jasmine is the king of flower oils, a powerful stimulant. It helps shy people and those who want to conceive a child: it is believed to increase sperm count.
  • Next is an oil with the beautiful exotic name of neroli, which is extracted from orange flowers. The effect of this scent is both calming and stimulating.
  • Sandalwood is an extract of an evergreen tree, its aroma is woody, exotic with notes of sweetness. Sandalwood imitates the natural aromas of the body, therefore it becomes even more attractive and releases sexual instincts.
  • And another classic aphrodisiac is ylang-ylang. This oil stimulates the pituitary glands, which produce endorphin - the hormone of happiness. At the same time, desire and attraction come with this, men unconsciously associate this aroma with intimacy.

Fragrant baths for seduction

In nature there are so-called “love” baths. Of course, they do not have a direct magical effect; they simply allow a man to record YOUR scent, which he will always remember and will strive to spend time in your company. Accept recipes. It is assumed that you will take the bath together, so count the ingredients for one procedure.

To begin, choose your essential oils. Just two drops of each oil are enough to achieve the desired effect. For example, take fennel, anise, rosemary, jasmine, ylang-ylang. Or this combination: rose, sandalwood, jasmine, anise.

You should also not neglect live infusions and herbal decoctions. Brew equal parts of rosemary, cloves, lavender, thyme, leave for 10 minutes and pour into the “sacred vessel for ablution.” The smell is amazing! It will both calm you down and give you strength for the active part of your meeting.

A few more important preparations: brew two cups of mint and linden with boiling water for 15 minutes, strain and pour into the bath.

In general, if you understand aromas and know how to combine them, then come up with your own perfume composition, she will be only yours and your man. And the choice is great:

  • ginger is a “continuation” oil, everything is clear here;
  • rose - oil for newlyweds and inexperienced lovers;
  • verbena, cedar and rosemary - prolong intimacy;
  • Bergamot, cloves, marjoram, juniper and pine will help you relax.

Aromatherapy of love: what you need to know?

All lovers of aroma relaxation should remember about contraindications. Essential oil in concentrated form can irritate the skin, and in the light the reaction from some oils can also be painful (all citrus fruits). The purity of the oil may leave much to be desired; moreover, they are used to dissolve oils. chemical compositions, capable of causing a skin reaction.

And before you fill the bath with aroma, think about the dosage; the smell should not be corrosive, heavy and stuffy. You and your man should enjoy and relax during aromatherapy- this is her true goal.

A woman is created to compete for a man's attention, and if your chosen one is in your bathroom, then half the job is done. All that remains is to let him feel your aroma and the aroma of your relationship. The glands of women secrete special hormonal substances that excite men. But today nature does not have such a strong effect on the opposite sex; men often cannot catch this pleasant impulse. That is why these substances are artificially added to perfumes (read the article Perfumes with pheromones: reviews). And the aromatic oils contain all natural notes that will help you feel a pleasant feeling of attraction. Who said it's not fair?

A woman is the only creature on earth capable of stimulating a man’s decision in different directions. And what secrets and tricks we choose to achieve results is not so important, because they are by and large harmless - perfume, underwear, seductive colors or aromatherapy. The main thing is a positive outcome of the case. Moreover, the feeling of one’s own attractiveness and desirability has never made anyone sad or unhappy.

Especially for Anna

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