Does chicken meat contain iron? Iron-rich foods. What causes a lack of iron in the body?

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is a disorder of hemoglobin synthesis in the blood, caused by a lack of iron in the body. Experts believe that the main cause of the disease is blood loss and lack of food containing iron.

Experts consider the hemoglobin level to be normal for men: 130-160 g/l or may be higher, for women - 120-140 g/l, during pregnancy and in a child under one year old - 110 g/l. It is iron that takes the main part in the production of hemoglobin.

Normal iron levels in the body depend on body weight, hemoglobin level, age, height and gender.

I bring to your attention a table that shows the level of iron in the blood for people of different ages.


Both men and women suffer from iron deficiency anemia. In women, anemia occurs much more often (it is observed in 30% of girls of childbearing age). The main causes include abnormal menstruation and uterine bleeding. Nutrition plays a major role in normalizing hemoglobin levels. Let's talk about that next.

Many people eat an unbalanced diet, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of their body. This occurs as with malnutrition, fasting, or eating the same type of food rich in fats or sugar. At the same time, iron deficiency is observed in such cases, which is one of the main factors in the occurrence of the disease.

Let's take a closer look at foods that can restore iron levels in the blood. So, experts have come to the conclusion that large amounts of iron can be found in foods:


Product name Serving Size Iron quantity(mg)
Beans100 gr.72,0
Hazelnuts100 gr.51,0
Tahini halva100 gr.50,1
Oatmeal100 gr.45,0
Skim milk cheese100 gr.37,0
Fresh mushrooms100 gr.35,0
Sunflower halva100 gr.33,2
Millet groats100 gr.31,0
Pork liver100 gr.29,7
Poppy100 gr.24,0
Peas100 gr.20,0
Swiss cheese100 gr.19,0
Brewer's yeast100 gr.18,0
Sea kale100 gr.16,0
Dried apples100 gr.15,0
Dried pears100 gr.13,0
Prunes100 gr.13,0
Dried apricots100 gr.12,0
Dried apricots100 gr.11,0
Cocoa100 gr.11,0
Cocoa100 gr.11,0
Rose hip100 gr.11,0
Beef liver100 gr.9,0
Heart100 gr.6,3
Powdered oatmeal100 gr.6,0
Yolk100 gr.6,0
Dried mushrooms100 gr.5,5
Beef tongue100 gr.5,0
Almond100 gr.5,0
Rabbit meat100 gr.4,5
Oatmeal100 gr.4,3
Dogwood100 gr.4,1
Peach100 gr.4,1
Nectarine100 gr.4,0
Apricots100 gr.4,0
Turkey meat100 gr.4,0
Wheat cereal100 gr.3,9
Spinach100 gr.3,3
Wheat flour100 gr.3,3
Buckwheat flour100 gr.3,2
Mutton100 gr.3,1
Spinach100 gr.3,1
Raisin100 gr.3,1
Veal100 gr.2,9
Beef100 gr.2,8
Apples100 gr.2,5
Chicken egg100 gr.2,5
Chicken meat100 gr.2,5
Mackerel100 gr.2,5
Pears100 gr.2,3
Plums100 gr.2,3
Black currant100 gr.2,1
Cherry plum100 gr.1,9
Raspberry100 gr.1,8
Parsley100 gr.1,8
Cherries100 gr.1,8
Gooseberry100 gr.1,6
Semolina100 gr.1,6
White bread100 gr.1,5
Cauliflower100 gr.1,5
Beet100 gr.1,4
Cherry100 gr.1,4
Rice100 gr.1,3
Potato100 gr.1,2
Cabbage100 gr.1,2
Pasta100 gr.1,2
sea ​​fish100 gr.1,2
Honey100 gr.1,1
Carrot100 gr.1,1
Melon100 gr.1,0
Corn100 gr.1,0
cucumbers100 gr.0,9
Pumpkin100 gr.0,8
Pomegranate100 gr.0,8
Strawberry100 gr.0,7
Banana100 gr.0,6
Grape100 gr.0,6 Tomato100 gr.0,6 Oranges100 gr.0,4 Tangerines100 gr.0,4 Cottage cheese100 gr.0,4 Zucchini100 gr.0,4 Cowberry100 gr.0,4 Pineapple100 gr.0,3 Egg white100 gr.0,2 Cream100 gr.0,1 Cow's milk100 gr.0,1

A very important factor is iron absorption by the human body. There are heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron is considered to be that which is found in hemoglobin. Most of all it is found in meat (liver and kidneys). Non-heme is found in plant foods. It is much less easily absorbed by the body. I give you a list of recommendations for increasing iron absorption:

  1. Vitamin C promotes better absorption of iron by the body. Contains a lot of vitamin C orange juice. It is recommended to combine the consumption of foods high in iron and orange juice.
  2. Consumption of products containing copper will improve the absorption of iron (approximately 2 mg per day). Copper increases the number of skin enzymes, improves the synthesis of red blood cells, restores the elasticity of blood vessels and connective tissues. The main sources of copper include: nuts, meat, seafood.
  3. Eating foods rich in cobalt has a positive effect on iron absorption. Cobalt plays an important role in hematopoiesis. It takes an active role in the formation of insulin, saturating the body with vitamin B12, and increases the amount of protein. There is a lot of cobalt in the following products: strawberries, peas, beets. For humans, the daily requirement is 0.2 mg.
  4. If the body lacks vitamin A, the absorption of iron is greatly reduced. It is recommended to include foods that contain a lot of vitamin A into your diet. Lots of vitamin B carrots, beef liver, butter, broccoli.
  5. Experts recommend minimizing consumption of: black and green tea, coffee, alkaline mineral waters, milk, buckwheat and other cereals. They block the body's saturation with iron.
  6. Calcium has been shown to interfere with the normal absorption of iron. It is necessary to exclude foods that contain a lot of calcium. These include kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese.
  7. After the studies, it was proven that constant stress, various infections, use of medications, poor environment contribute to the occurrence of iron deficiency.
  8. In case of insufficient quantity folic acid Poor absorption of iron by the human body begins. This happens when a person eats too many meat dishes, sweets and eats few vegetables and fruits.


Iron is an important trace element for the human body. Plays a vital role in the human body, promotes the transfer of oxygen, helping to saturate the body’s cells with it, and plays a large role in hematopoiesis. It is important that your iron levels are normal. To do this, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a lot of foods rich in it, and avoid alcohol and smoking.

It is harmful to health when there is a deficiency of iron and when in increased quantities in the body. In both cases, organ diseases begin. During therapeutic nutrition, it is important to follow simple recommendations that can help normalize the level of this microelement in the blood.


I bring to your attention an interesting and useful video about the benefits of iron for the human body.

The question often arises, which meat has more iron? To answer it, you need to figure out why this element is needed, how much of it a person should consume per day in order to avoid its shortage in the body. The main amount of iron is found in food. Therefore, every person should know how to create a menu with a sufficient supply of the element.

Macronutrient function

Thanks to iron, hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to all organs and cells. It then removes carbon dioxide from the body.

There are two types of iron:

  1. Heme.
  2. Non-heme (divalent and trivalent).

The first type of macroelement is found in products of animal origin: meat, liver, kidneys, blood sausage. It is absorbed by the body in full.

Non-heme iron is present in plant foods and in iron-containing medications. It can be contained in the form of trivalent or divalent iron. To convert it from one type to another, a sufficient supply of ascorbic acid is necessary. Therefore, vitamin C is prescribed along with these drugs.

A daily intake of 1.5 mg of iron from food is required. However, the body can only absorb 10% of the element, so to avoid its deficiency, it is necessary to increase the intake to 15 mg. Pregnant women are allowed to consume the mineral contained in food up to 30 mg per day.

Thus, in food of animal origin, most of the heme iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. A small amount of the element comes from plant products and is absorbed if vitamin C is present. In its absence, iron is excreted from the body.

Symptoms of macronutrient deficiency

Usually, iron deficiency can be noticed by several signs. A person develops weakness, malaise and decreased performance. In this case, white streaks appear on the nails, you feel dizzy and may faint. As a rule, hemoglobin decreases and tissues stop receiving oxygen, resulting in an anemic state.

Iron deficiency occurs with a low-calorie diet, heavy menstruation and any bleeding. Vegetarians usually suffer from this disease because they do not consume animal products.

A decrease in hemoglobin may not be recognized immediately if there are no problems with the lungs and heart. They are able to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Some cite fatigue due to an active lifestyle or work day.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • flickering of flies before the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy;
  • desire to eat chalk, clay;
  • insomnia;
  • constant fatigue.

If your health worsens, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take a general blood test to check your hemoglobin. If the indicator is low, it is necessary to include animal products in the diet and take iron-containing supplements.

Meat products rich in macronutrients

Despite the fact that plant foods contain more iron, it is not absorbed by the body in full - only 6%. The iron content in meat is less, but despite this, about 20% is supplied. Therefore, your diet should include meat, fish or offal every day.

Table of iron content in meat products:

Products Amount of iron per 100 mg
1. Pork liver 29,7
2. Beef liver 9,0
3. Kidneys 7,0
4. Heart 6,3
5. Language 5,0
6. Rabbit meat 4,5
7. Turkey 4,0
8. Mutton 3,1
9. Veal 2,9
10. Beef 2,8
11. Chicken 2,5
12. Sausage 1,7
13. Pork 1,6
14. sea ​​fish 1,2

For example, if 100 grams of beef liver contains 9.0 mg, then the body will absorb only 20% - 1.8 mg.

It is also necessary to remember that some foods reduce the absorption of iron, so they should not be consumed immediately, but after a certain period.

These include:

  • dairy products;
  • rice, pasta, potatoes;
  • egg white;
  • tea, coffee.

You should consume foods rich in iron in moderation, because an overdose of this element can have a toxic effect on the brain and liver. Alcohol abuse causes the accumulation of iron in the body and adversely affects the general condition of the patient, resulting in pathological processes.

The norm considered next hemoglobin level: for men – 130-160 g/l and above, for women – 120-140 g/l, in pregnant women and children under one year - 110 g/l.

Daily requirement body in iron is 20 mg, and for pregnant women – 30 mg. Moreover, on critical days, the female body loses twice as much of this microelement than men.
First place in the list of foods that increase hemoglobin, takes meat, namely beef. This product provides the human body with up to 22% iron. U pork and veal this figure is slightly lower. 11% of iron is absorbed when consumed fish. High iron levels also liver.

Main place meat by-products: liver, kidneys, tongue. Then comes buckwheat, beans, peas, beef, lamb, eggs, oatmeal, millet, apples, pears, persimmons, figs, nuts. Pork, chicken meat, boiled sausages, sausages, cheese, sardines, mackerel, mackerel, herring, fish caviar, bread made from premium flour, pearl barley, barley, rice, potatoes, green onions, radishes, beets, plums, pomegranate are also recommended , cherries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants.

Vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in plant foods, Helps absorb iron contained in meat. Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat dishes with fresh vegetables.

Wheat and other grains bind iron in the intestines and interfere with its absorption, that is, with low hemoglobin, it is better to eat meat without bread, pasta and porridge, and choose potatoes, green peas, cabbage, beans and other vegetables as a side dish.

For better absorption of iron, after eating food rich in this microelement, you can drink a glass orange juice. Thus, the amount of iron absorbed can be doubled. Also tomato juice, add fresh lemon juice, cabbage pickle, sweet peppers, onions and herbs to your food.

To increase hemoglobin in the body at least temporarily better give up milk and dairy products. If this is not possible, eat iron - and calcium-containing foods at different times.

Should reduce the consumption of coffee and tea to a minimum. The tannin contained in these drinks, like phytates, blocks the absorption of iron. You can replace them with freshly squeezed juices and dried fruit compotes.

People with low hemoglobin need spend more time in the fresh air.

Let's summarize:

1. Meat products: kidneys, heart, fish, poultry, tongue (to maintain hemoglobin levels, you can eat 50 g of boiled beef tongue daily), white chicken meat.
2. Porridge, cereals: buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas.
3. Vegetables and herbs: tomatoes, potatoes (baked new ones with skin), onions, pumpkin, beets, green vegetables, watercress, spinach, parsley.
4. Fruits: apples, plums, bananas, pomegranates, pears, peaches, apricots (dried apricots), persimmons.
5. Berries: black currants and cranberries (you can buy frozen ones, this also helps; cranberries can be covered in sugar), strawberries/strawberries, blueberries.
6. Juices: pomegranate, beetroot, carrot, “Red fruit juice”; Apple juice specially designed for pregnant women with a high iron content.
7. Other: walnuts, black/red caviar, seafood, egg yolk, dark chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.
Short list:
The richest in iron are dried mushrooms, peaches, apricots, parsley, potatoes, onions, pumpkin, beets, apples, pears, pomegranates, buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas, spinach, green vegetables, watercress, and dried fruits.
And the best thing is to eat buckwheat, walnuts, pomegranates, natural pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, green apples, persimmons, dried apricots.
Special recipes to increase hemoglobin :
1) Walnuts, dried apricots, honey, raisins - all in a 1:1 ratio - grind and mix thoroughly, eat 1-3 tablespoons per day (one of the best recipes not only for raising hemoglobin, but also for providing the body with the necessary vitamins ).
2) Grind 1 glass of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, add honey, add 1-2 lemons with skins (aloe juice can be added instead of lemon), eat 1-3 tablespoons per day.
3) 100 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice, 100 ml of carrot juice, mix and drink (raises hemoglobin in literally 2 days).
4) 1/2 cup apple juice, 1/4 cup beet juice and 1/4 cup carrot juice, mix and drink 1-2 times a day.

Important notes in the margins :
1) Iron is best absorbed from food if you consume foods rich in vitamin C along with it, for example, fruit and vegetable juices: you can wash down iron-fortified porridge for breakfast with orange juice, and cutlets for lunch with tomato juice.
2) It is not recommended to use liver as a source of iron during pregnancy - due to the increased content of vitamins A and D in it and the likelihood of their overdose (of all known vitamins, excessive consumption of only these two poses a health hazard).
3) Pomegranate juice is very effective in raising hemoglobin levels, but can cause constipation.

And most importantly:

remember that an excess of iron is just as dangerous as its deficiency!

Excess weight is not always associated with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and banal overeating. There are many girls who go to the gym and stick to a diet, but cannot lose weight. The reason for this is often a deficiency of iron, a microelement that has a direct effect on metabolism and thyroid function. If such a problem occurs, the efforts made not only do not produce any results, but, on the contrary, lead to an even greater gain of extra pounds.

Iron is an essential trace element responsible for many important functions for the human body. Its excess and deficiency negatively affect health and well-being. Both conditions are deviations from the norm, but most often people suffer from a deficiency of this microelement.

The microelement in question is a substance that is responsible for the level of hemoglobin. Iron is an integral part of a huge number of enzymes and performs a large number of important functions:

  • transportation of oxygen to tissues, cells, organs;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • DNA production;
  • formation of nerve fibers and growth of the human body;
  • maintaining the vital activity of each individual cell;
  • ensuring energy metabolism;
  • participation in redox reactions.

In addition, the microelement is responsible for the body’s protective functions and other equally important processes. Iron is of particular importance for a woman during pregnancy, since this time is characterized by the maximum need for the substance. Its deficiency leads to very serious adverse consequences.

The normal content of the microelement in the body is from three to four milligrams. The main part of the substance (approximately 2/3) is concentrated in the blood. The remaining concentration of iron is concentrated in the bones, liver, and spleen. A decrease in the level of a microelement occurs for natural reasons - menstrual cycles, sweating, exfoliation of the dermis. If there are no foods rich in iron in the diet, this inevitably leads to a deficiency of the substance, since the spent reserves are simply not replenished. To maintain a microelement at the required level, about 10-30 milligrams of this compound should come from the daily diet.

The exact amount depends on age, gender and other related factors:

  • children under 13 years old - from 7 to 10 mg;
  • male adolescents require 10 and female adolescents 18 mg;
  • men - 8 mg;
  • women - from 18 to 20, and during pregnancy - at least 60 mg.

Failure to comply with the daily intake of iron leads to disruption of many functions, which even affects appearance. The poor condition of the skin and hair is not always associated with age or incorrectly selected cosmetics. And, when thinking about buying another jar of expensive cream, you should take a closer look at your own diet, since the problem may lie precisely in the lack of iron. This situation is especially relevant for those who often go on diets, wanting to lose weight, limit themselves to eating only some food, paying attention to calorie content, and not to the usefulness of the composition.

The microelement is present in various foods, so it can be heme and non-heme. The latter is found in products of plant origin, and the former - of animal origin. The difference between them also concerns the degree of digestibility. Iron from animal products is absorbed by 15-35%, and from plant products by 2-20%. Therefore, the heme microelement should predominate in the diet and be present in sufficient quantities.

Vegetarians have a more difficult time than those who consume meat products daily. The situation can be corrected by eating food that improves the absorption of iron. These foods include those rich in vitamin C.

The greatest amount of iron is found in:

  • Meat and offal. These are turkey, chicken, beef, lean pork, lamb and liver. Dark meat contains the most iron.
  • Seafood and fish. To compensate for the microelement deficiency, you need to give preference to eating shrimp, tuna, sardines, oysters, clams, mussels, as well as black and red caviar.
  • Eggs. This applies to chicken, ostrich, and quail. Along with iron, they contain unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and magnesium.
  • Bread and cereals. Especially useful are cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat and barley. Wheat bran and rye contain a lot of iron.
  • Legumes, vegetables, herbs. The largest amount of microelement is found in peas, beans, beans, spinach, lentils, cauliflower and broccoli, beets, asparagus, and corn.
  • Berries and fruits. In this category of products, the champions in iron content are dogwood, persimmon, dogwood, plum, apples and grants.
  • Seeds and nuts. All types of nuts contain many microelements responsible for hemoglobin levels. Seeds are not inferior to them.
  • Dried fruits. A large amount of iron is contained in figs, prunes, raisins, and dried apricots.

Note! Not all dried fruits are healthy. Often, along with iron, which is valuable for the body, they contain harmful substances. The appearance of fruits that are too beautiful and clean usually indicates that they have been subjected to processing, which allows unscrupulous manufacturers to increase the shelf life of the product.

Table of foods containing iron

A more specific idea of ​​how many milligrams of iron a particular product contains is provided by tabular data. If you analyze the information provided in them, it becomes clear that the highest concentration of microelement per 100 grams of product is found in chicken and pork liver, as well as shellfish. Bran, soy, and lentils are slightly inferior, but the amount of substance absorbed from them is two times lower.

Product name
pork liver20,2
chicken liver17,5
beef liver6,9
beef heart4,8
pork heart4,1
beef meat3,6
lamb meat3,1
pork meat1,8
chicken meat1,6
turkey meat1,4
black caviar2,4
chicken yolk6,7
quail yolk3,2
beef tongue4,1
pork tongue3,2
tuna (canned)1,4
sardines (canned)2,9

Product nameIron content in mg per 100 g
wheat bran11,1
rye bread3,9
dried apricots3,2
dried prunes3

The opinion that grants and apples contain the most iron is not true. Per 100 grams of these fruits there is no more than 1 and 2 milligrams of microelements.

Enriching the diet with foods high in microelements does not always compensate for its deficiency in the body. There are foods that interfere with the absorption of the substance. This includes products with polyphenols, calcium and tannin. This fact should definitely be taken into account by those who suffer from iron deficiency.

Dairy products do not contain this microelement, are rich in calcium, and, therefore, lead to a decrease in the substance obtained from food. Strong tea and coffee are not the best allies of iron. Lovers of these drinks should get into the habit of postponing the enjoyment of a cup of invigorating coffee or tea until later after a meal. In general, it is better to replace Coca-Cola with dried fruit compotes or rosehip infusion.

The lack of this microelement makes itself felt by general weakness, high fatigue, and a sharp decrease in performance. The blush gives way to excessive pallor. The skin becomes rough and excessively dry. The hair starts to come out. Nails peel and break. Cracks form on the heels and corners of the mouth.

A condition in which there is a constant lack of iron is called anemia. It has a negative impact not only on appearance, but also on the body. Examinations often show that even the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract become pale. This indicates insufficient blood supply to this organ, and such a situation is not just a deviation from the norm, but also an indicator that the normal nutrition of the internal organs is disrupted.

Iron deficiency leads to the following problems:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • general fatigue and weakness;
  • rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath even with light exertion;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent colds and vulnerability to infections;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • suppression of appetite and difficulty swallowing food;
  • desire to eat chalk or raw cereals, as well as “enjoy” the smell of paint and acetone.

In addition, as noted earlier, the condition of nails, skin and hair deteriorates. In other words, a person’s well-being and appearance leave much to be desired, which negatively affects all aspects. Of course, you can’t diagnose yourself. Only tests can determine that a person is suffering from anemia. Iron deficiency is indicated by a decreased hemoglobin level. In men it should not be lower than 130, and in women it should not be less than 120 grams per 1 liter of blood.

Natural loss and replenishment of microelements is characteristic of a healthy body. A condition is considered pathological when there is no source of iron or the absorption of this substance does not occur. A deficiency of the compound is most often caused by poor nutrition, if you are overly keen on strict diets or starve, as well as vegetarianism, when there are no accompanying “catalysts” for the absorption of iron, that is, they consume little vitamin C. A sharp drop in iron is typical for a heavy menstrual cycle.

Anemia of moderate, mild, and severe severity is, unfortunately, quite common. About one billion of the planet's population suffers from this disease, especially teenagers, young and middle-aged women. Considering that anemia can only be detected through laboratory tests, you should not delay visiting a specialist if signs of iron deficiency make themselves felt.

The situation is critical when hemoglobin drops below 100 g/l. If this is not the case, the situation can be quickly corrected. It is necessary to adjust your diet by including iron-rich foods in your daily menu. Proper nutrition will help you recover quickly. If the decrease is critical, appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is not always enough for a person suffering from anemia to simply change their diet; they often also need to take iron-containing supplements.

To avoid such health problems, you should not neglect the norms of a healthy diet, get carried away with diets and fasting. By putting external attraction at the expense of health, you can get a completely opposite effect.

Iron. This chemical element is the most common on our planet. Its only competition is hydrogen and oxygen. This substance is vital for human health, since iron forms the basis of such blood cells as hemoglobin.

The function of iron is to transport oxygen from the lungs through the circulatory system to all organs and tissues of the body. With a lack of this microelement, the body as a whole suffers.

Anemia is a deficiency of iron in the blood.

Anemia is a deficiency of iron in the blood, a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, and a decrease in the total number of red blood cells.

This pathology is not an independent disease. This is a consequence and a symptom. The reasons for the development of this pathology are different:

  • low in iron-containing products;
  • various mono-diets;
  • vegetarianism and veganism;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • the body's reaction to aggressive treatment;
  • helminthic infestations.

Normal hemoglobin levels in the blood depend on the age, gender and condition of the patient. Hemoglobin standards for different categories:

  1. Children, depending on age – at least 110–120 units.
  2. Men – 130–160 g/l.
  3. Women – 120–140, while expecting a baby – at least 110 g/l.

Often, a lack of iron in the blood is asymptomatic and a person learns about this condition only during a routine examination. But at the same time, the patient may complain of tinnitus, increased fatigue, lack of air, and lack of appetite.

To treat this syndrome, iron-containing preparations are used, and the patient is recommended to eat a diet with a high content of this substance.

Iron. Types and norms of consumption

It is necessary to maintain iron levels in the body.

This microelement must be included in the diet of any person. But there is a group of people whose iron intake should be kept under special control:

  • women expecting a baby;
  • representatives of the fair sex during menstruation;
  • children and elderly people;
  • patients in the recovery stage.

Products with heme and non-heme iron. Table

Beef contains the most iron among meat types.

How to saturate the body with useful microelements? A table of foods high in iron will help you create a menu.

Please note that if you choose non-heme iron, only 2 to 10% of it will be absorbed, and 35% of heme iron will be absorbed. Amount of iron, mg per 100 g:


  • liver - 20.2
  • pork - 6.9
  • beef - 17.5
  • heart - from 4.1 to 4.8 in different animals
  • tongue - 3.2–4.2 in different animals
  1. pork - 1.8
  2. beef - 3.6
  3. chicken - 1.6
  4. turkey - 1.4
  5. sardine - 2.6

Egg yolk:

  • chicken - 6.7
  • quail - 3.2
  • — 0,4
  • cheeses - from 17 to 37 depending on the fat content of the milk and the type of cheese
  • cow's milk - 0.1
  • oats, rye - 3.9
  • buckwheat - 6.7
  • legumes - from 1.5 to 11.8 depending on the type
  • nuts - from 2.9 to 4.6 depending on the variety
  • apples - 0.1
  • pomegranate - 1.0
  • fresh spinach – 3.5
  • dry spinach – 35
  • — 0,8
  • pear - 2.3
  • potatoes - 1.2
  • tomatoes - 0.6
  • currant - 1.0
  • mushrooms - 12.0
  • peas - 1.4

So the well-known iron-containing foods - apples and pomegranates - actually contain extremely little of this trace element.

The leading positions are occupied by liver and various types of meat.

Iron in food. What interferes with microelement absorption?

Excess iron in the body prevents other microelements from being absorbed.

It is important not only to eat foods rich in iron, but also to do it correctly.

Since there are antagonist products that reduce the absorption of a particular microelement. Iron is no exception. Foods that contribute to poor iron absorption:

  • Foods rich in calcium - milk, fermented milk products, cheeses, sesame seeds,. Therefore, your favorite buckwheat porridge with milk does not contribute to the absorption of beneficial microelements from cereals.
  • Tannins are natural compounds that give foods an astringent or astringent taste. These substances bind protein molecules that carry hemoglobin even at the stage of chewing food in the oral cavity. Tannins are found in both green and black tea, persimmon and some grape varieties.
  • Phytins are a group of substances contained in whole grain flour. Therefore, semolina porridge is not recommended by pediatricians as complementary foods in the first year of a child’s life.
  • Antacids, vitamin E – form poorly soluble compounds with iron, enhancing the excretion of the microelement from the body.
  • Alcoholic drinks contribute to the destruction of iron in food and remove it from the body.

Conversely, an excess of this microelement in the diet prevents the absorption of calcium, tannins, and vitamin E. Therefore, the diet must be balanced, since an excess of one substance can lead to a deficiency of other vital elements.

How to improve iron absorption

Ascorbic acid will help the absorption of iron in the body.

Two methods are used to treat anemia: taking special medications and eating foods containing iron.

If the patient chooses the second path – correction by changing eating habits – then the problem should be approached comprehensively.

It is advisable to eat not just foods rich in iron, but also to do it correctly. How to improve microelement absorption? Doctors recommend:

  1. B vitamins and ascorbic acid provide favorable conditions for the absorption of iron. Nuts, seeds, green vegetables, cheeses, legumes, salads, eggs, and seafood are rich in B vitamins.
  2. Ascorbic acid is found in citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, strawberries, and other sour berries. For example, at best, 2% of iron will be absorbed from spinach, but if you serve it as a side dish for meat or fish, add berry sauce, or finish your meal with a glass of orange juice, you will absorb 5 times more of the beneficial microelement.
  3. The presence of copper, zinc, molybdenum in the diet. Parsley, seeds, nuts, seafood, spinach, legumes, and pork are rich in these substances.
  4. Spicy herbs - cinnamon, thyme, mint, anise - and the natural stimulant ginseng enhance the absorption of iron. It is enough to use spices in your daily diet.
  5. Sauerkraut and cucumbers are fermented foods. When they are consumed, the pH of the gastric juice decreases, while the absorption of iron increases.

Watch your diet. But with progressive anemia, it is very difficult to equalize blood counts with diet alone. As a result, excess weight may become a problem.

Initially, you should find out the cause of iron deficiency and start taking medications containing iron. But also analyze your own and eat foods rich in this microelement.

The video will tell you what the symptoms of anemia are and methods of treatment:

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