How to choose compression stockings for pregnant women with varicose veins. Compression hosiery for pregnant women is an educational program for making the right choice. Classes of compression stockings - what are they?

Sometimes pregnancy becomes a little test for the expectant mother. Increased pressure is created on soft tissues and blood vessels, swelling and discomfort occur. To improve well-being and maintain health, doctors recommend using special underwear with a compression effect.

Indications and contraindications

Compression underwear refers to medical knitwear, which is manufactured using special technology. Experts believe that this particular option for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins can save a woman from many problems during pregnancy and after it.

Practical and comfortable compression garments have many purposes:

  • helps maintain the muscle tone of the expectant mother’s growing belly, which increases every week;
  • allows the body to correctly distribute the load on the veins when moving;
  • improves and normalizes blood flow, prevents fluid stagnation in soft tissues;
  • reduces the risk of stretch marks on the skin, creating a good tonic effect.

Pregnant women often experience swelling and fatigue in their legs, which increases as the due date approaches. Proper compression stockings or tights will help solve these problems. But always It is worth remembering the contraindications that can cause negative consequences:

  • the presence of diseases leading to narrowing of veins and blood vessels;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • open wounds and skin irritations.

Compression underwear is made from high quality elastic knitwear. But the delicate skin of a pregnant woman can react with an unexpected allergic reaction due to hormonal changes. Therefore, you should not save money and choose a similar accessory only in specialized stores or pharmacies.


  • For pregnant women: in the early stages, underwear can be an excellent prevention of venous diseases. Additionally, all models are designed to support growing forms and have special bandage inserts. Such underwear gives real comfort and reduces fatigue during active work.
  • For childbirth: Modern maternity wards are increasingly adding special compression stockings to the list of required accessories in the delivery room. This is due to the large overloads that the fragile female body experiences during childbirth. The use of such an accessory significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis or swelling, damage to blood vessels and muscles.

  • After childbirth: special series of shapewear will be a useful prevention of many complications after the birth of a baby. These are various models of corsets, tights or panties that have special properties. They help to add sophistication and fit to a woman’s silhouette, relieving her of complexes about extra folds at the waist. Special fabric inserts tone relaxed and slightly stretched abdominal muscles and help avoid displacement of internal organs. Products are especially relevant for recovery after a caesarean section, which requires increased attention to health.
  • During sports: the tightening effect of compression underwear has found active use in sports lines. Made in the form of a T-shirt, bodysuit or grace, it perfectly redistributes moisture and heat, allowing a person to move freely and easily during training. This is excellent protection for ligaments and tendons, helping to avoid painful injuries.

Types of linen

Any compression garment is made from fabric with a different combination of threads: natural cotton, modern microfiber or lycra, practical nylon. In addition to excellent stretchability, it does not have seams that can rub a woman’s skin and has thermal conductivity. The skin in such stockings or graces “breathes” well and remains dry.

Manufacturers offer women a huge range of products that relate to compression garments. But the most popular are:

  • stockings or high socks;
  • tights for pregnant women;
  • panties of a certain style;
  • semi-graces supporting the anterior abdominal wall.

The choice depends on the medical situation and the need for wearing. This accessory must be selected on the recommendation of an observing doctor who can correctly assess the situation and the degree of support required. The latter lies in the density of the weave of the threads and the sewing style. He must take into account all the features of the future mother’s figure.

All manufacturers produce their models in several main classes, from which you can choose the most necessary:

  • First degree compression is indicated as a preventive measure and is recommended for women who are predisposed to varicose veins and unaesthetic spider veins on the legs.
  • Second class more suitable for complications during pregnancy, swelling and severe pain in the legs. It has a certain healing effect and is more compact to the touch.
  • Third class Compressions should not be used without a doctor's prescription. This is the densest underwear, which is used almost constantly for chronic inflammatory processes in blood vessels.

What to choose: tights or stockings?

During pregnancy, the most correct option is to wear compression tights. Unlike short stockings, they distribute pressure throughout the entire leg and have a comfortable band in the front of the abdomen. They do not slip or roll down, giving confidence to a woman in her position. The right model distributes pressure progressively from the ankle to the very top, avoiding increased compression in the waist area.

Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time when a new life is born inside a woman, it is also a time of great responsibility, as well as close monitoring of one’s health, since during this period the state of a woman’s body is extremely unstable.

The main complaint of expectant mothers is. Today, there are many ways to treat this disease, and for pregnant women, wearing one is considered the most optimal, as it improves blood flow from the extremities and evenly distributes the load on them.

Why do varicose veins haunt pregnant women?

In fact, everything is quite simple here. Varicose veins in expectant mothers occur due to the fact that there is a rapid gain of excess weight and the load simply does not have time to be evenly distributed, so as not to unnecessarily load the legs and.

As a result, a transformation of the venous wall occurs, which will ultimately lead to the expansion of the veins.

Also, a similar disease can be caused by trauma to the vascular walls, which leads to the formation of blood clots, blockage and dilation of blood vessels.

It is important to know: if a pregnant woman is already showing the first signs of developed varicose veins, then compression underwear is used as a retardant of the development of the disease, since wearing it prevents.

How can compression hosiery help?

According to doctors and underwear manufacturers, such knitted products can quite effectively reduce the load on limbs, which leads to recovery in the lower limbs.

Thus, the blood in the veins does not stagnate and continues on its way to the heart. Today, there are many compression hosiery products, wearing which can solve the following problems of pregnant women:

  • in the calf muscles;
  • venous dermatitis;

If, when carrying a child, a suspicion was detected in a woman or varicose veins were detected, then such knitwear products are not a recommendation, but a necessity that should not be ignored, since they provide:

  • protection of veins from varicose veins;
  • reducing pressure on the leg;
  • improving the supply of tissues with oxygen and other nutrients;
  • increasing vascular stability.

What is suitable for pregnant women?

Types of compression garments that can be used by pregnant women:

  1. – high socks, which are used by pregnant women to prevent or eliminate vascular pain in the calf, and their main disadvantage is their not entirely aesthetic appearance.
  2. are the most popular model of special maternity underwear, as they look cute and cover the entire leg without hindering movement. But the fact that the stockings slide down all the time makes wearing them not entirely comfortable.
  3. are considered the best option for pregnant women starting from the 5th month, as they support the stomach well, the product does not slip and is comfortable to wear.

It is important to know: of course, you can replace special underwear with regular underwear, but for pregnant women it will only be useful if there are some local problems with the veins in the legs. Phlebologists themselves strongly do not recommend this solution and advise pregnant women to use it extremely rarely (it can be used in a hopeless situation, for example, when it is not possible to buy underwear for one reason or another).

Review of companies offering quality and reliability

Among the large companies that have lines of compression garments designed specifically for pregnant women, the following should be highlighted:

Features of choice

Choosing a particular product is the most difficult part of the purchase. In order to choose compression products, you must rely on the following selection criteria, which will help you choose the model that is right for you:

  1. The type and type of problem will determine which one will be needed. compression class(this will be discussed below) and product appearance.
  2. Compression class, which determines how much pressure will be applied to the limbs (depending on the nature of the pain). For example, the smallest indicator (23 millimeters) is best suited if discomfort occurs at the end of the day, and the densest product, represented by a 50 millimeter model, is intended to relieve swelling.
  3. Size– this is an important indicator that will determine which knitwear product is best to use.

It is important to know: you need to pay attention to the fact that certified products will have a RAL symbol, indicating that the product is certified according to European qualities.

How to put on quickly and easily - photo instructions

Putting on compression garments is quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to put a sliding sock on your foot;
  • after which the product itself is put on;
  • finally, you need to straighten the knitwear;
  • repeat the same steps with the second leg.

9 months of waiting for a toddler is a serious burden on the entire body of the expectant mother, including her legs.

One of the fairly common troubles that befalls a woman during pregnancy is varicose veins. The expectant mother may not only experience discomfort, but also notice unesthetic visual manifestations of this disease - vascular networks appear, swelling, veins expand and protrude. Moreover, with each subsequent pregnancy the situation only gets worse. A careful and careful attitude towards your health will allow you to promptly prevent the disease or significantly reduce its manifestations. One of the options for affordable and effective help for your feet is wearing special underwear. Compression stockings, which can be worn not only for therapeutic but also for preventive purposes during pregnancy, reduce the load on the legs and help restore a feeling of lightness and comfort.

Compression stockings during pregnancy

A wide selection of special stockings often leaves the expectant mother at a loss. First of all, it is recommended to obtain medical advice, since the main rule of any correction and therapy is to do no harm.

Compression garments are an invisible helper for discomfort in the legs and varicose veins.

Carrying a baby is a serious test for the body of the expectant mother. Wearing compression stockings during pregnancy and why this product is often a question for pregnant women. Is this type of therapeutic knitwear really necessary? Increased load on the circulatory system often leads to the appearance of the first symptoms of varicose veins.

  • With the appearance of a new person in a woman’s womb, the viscosity of her blood increases, and as the baby grows, the blood becomes thicker.
  • Pressure on the vessels of the pelvic floor, which increases with increasing weight of the baby.
  • An important factor is heredity. Even if before pregnancy a woman did not experience problems with her legs, but among her relatives (especially her closest ones) there are people with varicose veins, the likelihood of this disease manifesting itself in the expectant mother increases significantly.

The combination of these factors often leads to impaired blood flow and the appearance of congestion. The process of giving birth to a baby is accompanied by bleeding. To prevent blood loss from becoming alarmingly excessive, the body activates the clotting process. If a woman suffers from varicose veins, then the risk of developing thrombosis increases significantly. For this purpose, it is recommended to wear compression stockings not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth. Also, indications for the use of therapeutic knitwear are:

  • If this is not the first pregnancy and manifestations of varicose veins have already occurred before, the woman simply needs to wear medicinal underwear.
  • Varicose veins, the presence of spider veins, “stars”.
  • The appearance of fatigue in the legs, swelling of the limbs at the end of the day.
  • The appearance of pain and cramps in the legs.
  • The presence of chronic venous insufficiency.

Thus, for those who still doubt whether compression stockings can be worn during pregnancy, the answer is yes. Specialized underwear can and should be worn, especially if there are direct indications, although you should not forget about contraindications.

The effectiveness of wearing compression stockings during pregnancy

The use of specialized stockings allows you to create the effect of graduated compression. This means that each area of ​​the leg, be it the thigh, lower leg, ankle or foot, experiences different pressure. The maximum impact is experienced by the ankle, the minimum by the thigh. Thanks to this pressure distribution, it is possible to avoid blood stagnation, ensuring optimal blood flow. Besides:

  • The constant pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels maintains the necessary active blood circulation, ensuring a sufficient outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities.
  • As a result of wearing stockings, the normal functioning of the venous valves is maintained, so the likelihood of blood backflow is minimized.
  • The elasticity of the walls of blood vessels improves, so the veins become less susceptible to expansion.
  • Restoring normal blood flow ensures optimal saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Wearing compression stockings for edema during pregnancy is also justified if this condition is caused by a violation of venous blood flow. In addition to swelling, there is often a feeling of fatigue in the legs, and the vascular network becomes more pronounced. Stockings stimulate the absorption of extracellular fluid by the vessels, which not only prevents, but also reduces swelling.

The use of compression stockings will provide maximum support to your legs during periods of increased stress on them. However, it is worth remembering that before purchasing medicinal knitwear, you must consult a doctor (surgeon or phlebologist) for the correct selection of stockings.

Compression stockings during pregnancy - how to choose the right medical underwear

The whole variety of therapeutic and preventive underwear can be divided into several groups - stockings, tights, knee socks.

Types of compression garments for pregnant women

  • Stockings are the most popular and comfortable form of compression underwear, especially when it comes to pregnant women. Silicone Velcro, which are located on the inside of the elastic band, will securely fix the underwear on the leg.
  • Knee socks are also a convenient type of compression support, but it is advisable to use it if there are problems not higher than the calf muscles. In addition, wearing golf socks does not always attract young ladies from the aesthetic side - underwear can be visible from under a skirt or dress.
  • Tights are a popular type of knitwear, especially when the expansion has affected not only the veins on the legs, but also the external genitalia. As for expectant mothers, they rarely choose tights because of the pressure they put on the stomach, as well as additional difficulties when visiting the toilet.

When selecting compression garments, it is worth considering that the beginning of the compression should be 5-10 cm higher than the problem area.

Classes of compression stockings - what are they?

The main task of therapeutic knitwear is to create the correct pressure on different parts of the leg. Depending on the discomfort and manifestations of varicose veins, different degrees of impact on the vessels are required. Stockings are divided according to compression classes (pressure intensity in millimeters of mercury) into the following types:

  • 1st class. Light compression level. The pressure is up to 23 mm. rt. st (18-22).

Expectant mothers can wear such underwear for preventive purposes to reduce the load on the lower limbs, especially if they have to be on their feet for a long time. This class of compression garments can also be prescribed if there is a feeling of fatigue, burning, the first appearance of spider veins, genetic predisposition, i.e. in all cases when there are no obvious manifestations of the disease.

  • 2nd grade. This creates a pressure of up to 33 mm. rt. st (23-33).

This type of compression already belongs to the therapeutic category. Its purpose is associated with the presence of varicose veins in a woman (there are areas of dilated veins, varicose nodes), severe swelling, the appearance of cramps with severe pain in the calf muscles at rest (at night), and also if surgery has previously been performed ( including sclerotherapy). How to wear compression stockings during pregnancy in this case? Every day, from the moment you get out of bed until you go to bed.

  • 3rd grade. Products of this class exert pressure in the range of 34-45 mm. rt. Art.

Therapeutic knitwear of this degree of compression is prescribed in the presence of severe venous insufficiency, the manifestation of trophic processes, deep vein thrombosis, lymphatic insufficiency, and after serious surgical interventions on the lower extremities.

  • 4th grade. Characterized by a pressure of more than 50 mm. rt. Art.

Anti-embolic knitwear is used for lymph flow disorders, long-term immobile lifestyle, and during stay in the intensive care unit. For expectant mothers, this type of compression may be prescribed for use during childbirth to reduce the load on the pelvic vessels.

How to choose the right size of compression stockings during pregnancy

To successfully select therapeutic knitwear, it is important to follow several basic rules - choosing the degree of compression you need (determined by the doctor), correctly determining the size of stockings, and also knowing how to properly wear compression stockings during pregnancy. To do this, you need to take several measurements of your legs in the following places:

  • Leg circumference at the top of the thigh.
  • Leg circumference in the middle part of the thigh (at a height of 25-30 cm from the knee).
  • Knee circumference.
  • Calf circumference (at the widest part, slightly below the knee).
  • Circumference at ankle level.

In addition, it is necessary to measure the distance from the foot to the top of the thigh (for stockings and tights) or the length of the leg from the foot to the knee (when choosing knee socks). You compare the data obtained with the sizing information provided on the packaging of the compression product, and make your choice. It is important to remember that all measurements must be taken in the morning, since in the evening the leg most often increases slightly, but increases in volume. It is necessary to buy medicinal products exclusively in pharmacies or specialized stores. This way you will minimize the likelihood of purchasing a low-quality product.

How to wear compression stockings correctly during pregnancy

In order for compression stockings to perform their functions as fully as possible, it is important to follow a few simple rules for handling the product:

  • Underwear (stockings) must be put on in the morning, even before you get out of bed.
  • While putting on stockings, a woman may experience short-term discomfort in the form of a feeling of tightness and slight coolness, which is normal.
  • First, you need to completely fix the heel in the product (assembling the latter with an “accordion”), and then straighten the stocking further along the leg.
  • There is no single answer to the question of how many hours to wear compression stockings during pregnancy. However, most often women wear stockings all day, which is correct. Remove the product before going to bed so that your legs can rest and “work” on their own.
  • If you are planning water procedures - visiting a bath, shower, swimming pool - you should avoid wearing compression garments during and after the procedure.
  • Wear stockings only when they are dry and on dry skin.
  • If you have difficulty putting on stockings (especially when you are pregnant) or you don’t know how to put on compression stockings during pregnancy, get help from your loved ones.

Recommendations for caring for compression stockings for pregnant women

Proper care of compression stockings is a guarantee of their durability.

  • It is necessary to wash medical knitwear exclusively by hand.
  • The stockings should be dried naturally by laying them out horizontally on a hard, flat surface. Otherwise, fiber deformation may occur.
  • The use of washing machines and dryers is prohibited.
  • To wash the product, use laundry soap and warm water.

Contraindications to wearing compression stockings during pregnancy

Regardless of the degree and form of venous insufficiency, there are practically no restrictions on the use of medicinal products. However, there are a number of conditions that do not allow the use of medicinal products. These include:

  • Arterial insufficiency.
  • Open wounds.
  • Pustular skin lesions.
  • Cardiopulmonary failure with circulatory impairment even at rest.
  • Inflammation of the veins.
  • Diabetes mellitus with complications on the vessels of the extremities.
  • Atherosclerosis and a number of diseases in which the lumen of blood vessels decreases with a decrease in systolic pressure to 80 mmHg. and below.

Any medical product, and compression stockings belong to this group of products, should be purchased only after consultation with a doctor. Only your doctor will tell you how long to wear compression stockings during pregnancy in your particular case.

Popular brands producing compression stockings for pregnant women

The modern market offers many medicinal products. How not to get confused in such diversity? Pay attention to the manufacturers of compression stockings, whose products have shown good results during use during pregnancy, according to reviews. Among them:

  • TONUS ELAST (Latvia). The brand is relatively inexpensive. The products are distinguished not only by their pleasant texture, but also by the fact that they fully perform the functions assigned to them - positive dynamics are noted from the first days of wearing. During use, the stockings do not stretch and retain their shape well.
  • Medi (Germany). The cost of stockings starts from 1300 rubles and above. The manufacturer specializes in the production of anti-varicose products, so knitwear has excellent tactile and performance characteristics.
  • Intex (Russia). The brand offers a wide range of anti-varicose medical products at an affordable price. Stockings not only have a good healing effect, but also have good workmanship.
  • Relaxsan (Italy). Products from this manufacturer are inexpensive. And although the range of compression classes and design variations is quite wide, the stockings cannot boast of durability.
  • Venoteks (USA). A popular brand due to its wide range of models and high-quality workmanship. The price range includes both budget models (1200 rubles) and expensive products (6000-7000 rubles).

Most females experience varicose veins during pregnancy. Swelling and fatigue occur in the legs. In this case, many doctors advise using compression garments for pregnant women for varicose veins. Such underwear will help avoid discomfort and eliminate heaviness.

Many women have a question about how to make the right choice with such an illness?

- this is stretching and lengthening of the veins of the lower extremities with thinning of the venous wall and the appearance of nodes from them. Such nodules begin to appear due to pathology of the walls of the veins, as well as insufficiency of their valves. This occurs due to a genetic defect.

The first stages of the disease in pregnant women are practically asymptomatic. Externally, only slight deformation of the veins is observed. By the end of the day, swelling appears, which completely disappears in the morning.

In the case of severe forms, spasms may appear, disturbing the woman at night.. The patient develops itchy skin. Subsequently, significant deformation of the veins occurs. The cause of this disease is a hormonal change in the body.

Important! If only the first symptoms appear, you should seek advice from a doctor.

How can stockings help during pregnancy?

Compression stockings during pregnancy have the following list of purposes:

  • venous insufficiency;
  • tension in the limbs;
  • swelling in the evenings;
  • spasms in the calf muscles;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • venous dermatitis;
  • veins on the legs;
  • thrombosis.

Can I wear compression stockings during pregnancy? If during pregnancy the patient develops varicose veins, then such hosiery is necessary for the good condition of the expectant mother and a successful birth. This underwear is great for preventing varicose veins. Their healing effect is undeniable:

Preventing varicose veins with stockings for pregnant women will help avoid serious consequences. It is recommended to wear such underwear even at the time of childbirth.. Thanks to this, vein rupture can be prevented. But it is extremely important to choose the right product.

How to choose suitable stockings?

Which compression class to choose during pregnancy? You need to learn to identify the class that is needed in different situations. Preventative products can be purchased at any pharmacy. But medicinal is divided into 4 class. Only the attending physician prescribes the required class. Linen is divided into:

  • First class. Compression is up to 23 mm. Hg Art. This class is recommended for women to wear when spider veins appear. They also help with heaviness and fatigue in the evenings.
  • Second class. Pressure no more 33 mm. Hg Art. This class is used to treat varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Third class. Compression is no more than 45 mm. Hg Art. This class is prescribed by a doctor in case of severe varicose veins, which is accompanied by a change in blood supply.
  • Fourth grade. Compression no more 50 mm. Hg Art. Such underwear helps eliminate damage to the lymph flow and removes severe swelling.

In addition to these classes, there are also preventive products that are necessary to prevent the disease.. Only a specialist can advise which compression stockings for pregnant women are best after examining the patient and general symptoms.

It is important to choose and wear compression stockings for pregnant women correctly.

How to choose a size? To do this you need to make some measurements:

  • circumference of the lower leg above the ankle.
  • circumference of the calf muscle under the knee.
  • hip circumference at a distance 25 cm from knee height up to 180 see. If it is more than these figures, then at a distance 30 cm.
  • the distance of the leg to the point where the thigh circumference was measured.

Only with such measurements is it possible to choose the right product.

How to put on stockings correctly?

How to wear compression stockings during pregnancy? This question worries every expectant mother. Initially, it is very important for the expectant mother to choose the appropriate size. Unlike ordinary ones, there are special conditions for putting on special therapeutic stockings.

  • put on any type of medical product immediately after waking up, without needing to get out of bed;
  • put on very carefully, without stretching;
  • Initially it is necessary to assemble the upper part into an accordion;
  • Place your palms inside the underwear and gently pull, starting from the toe;
  • gradually straighten and pull it onto the shin;
  • Underwear should only be worn on the hips while lying down; the torso should be raised close to the waist.


From the above, we can conclude that this type of underwear during pregnancy is very effective and is an excellent prevention against varicose veins. In our article, we looked at how to wear compression stockings during pregnancy correctly in order to get the maximum therapeutic effect.

Is it worth buying stockings for varicose veins for pregnant women if there are no problems with veins yet? is in demand among pregnant women, despite its high cost. In some cases, the doctor prescribes underwear, in others, the patient chooses it herself. Why do you need therapeutic stockings and how to choose them correctly?

Varicose veins and pregnancy

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Varicose veins appear as a result of increased stress on the vessels, which leads to stretching of their walls and the formation of pathological sacs. In areas of expansion, blood stagnation occurs, as a result of which blood circulation and tissue nutrition in the affected area are disrupted.

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the main factors provoking varicose veins. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body increases significantly.

If the venous wall is fragile and inelastic, it cannot withstand increased pressure, becomes thinner and stretches. As a result, the tone of the entire vessel is disrupted, and the pathological process can spread to neighboring areas.

The first sign of varicose veins is a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, as well as the appearance of cosmetic defects - spider veins. They indicate the fragility of small capillaries under the influence of increased load.

Small vessels are affected first, then larger ones. Varicose veins are a process that develops over a long period of time and is almost impossible to fully recover. Regular use of compression stockings and tights will help the veins gain mechanical support and improve their tone.

Thanks to this, the development of pathology will stop, and the vessels will have enough time for natural regeneration. Lack of timely assistance transfers varicose veins to the next stage, during which swelling appears, veins swell and physical activity decreases.

Usually complex, and compression garments are only one component of therapy. Additionally, an ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy, a fortified diet, and venotonic drugs for oral administration are prescribed.

Classification of compression garments for pregnant women

Therapeutic stockings for pregnant women are selected by the doctor, since the compression class must be taken into account. There are 4 types in total:

  • 1st class– the pressure that the underwear creates on the veins does not exceed 23 mm Hg. Art. Used at the first manifestations of varicose veins and for prevention.
  • 2nd grade– up to 33 mm Hg. Art. Suitable for people with spider veins, evening fatigue and heaviness in the legs.
  • 3rd grade– up to 45 mm Hg. Art. – compression garments for severe varicose veins. Such models are very difficult to put on and put pressure on blood vessels.
  • 4th grade– the highest degree of compression, which is intended for severe forms of varicose veins, when swelling practically does not go away and trophic changes in the tissues are observed.

Without a doctor's prescription, you are allowed to wear only medical knitwear of the first compression class.

Choosing the right compression garments for pregnant women

The most suitable length model for pregnant women are stockings. They cover a sufficiently large surface of the problematic limb, but do not put pressure on the growing abdomen. If it develops, the doctor may prescribe compression tights.

To choose the right stockings against varicose veins, you need to know the degree of compression (prescribed by the doctor) and individual body sizes. You will need the following parameters:

  1. Circumference of the lower leg at the ankle and below the knee.
  2. Thigh circumference at the end of the stocking.
  3. Leg length from heel to knee.

Therapeutic underwear is needed in order to stop varicose veins, provide the vessels with the necessary support, improve blood circulation and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The pharmacy offers compression garments of different manufacturers, models, sizes and compression. If you find it difficult to choose, ask a consultant or pharmacist for help. You should not buy underwear that does not suit you in terms of parameters or degree of compression.

Rules for wearing and use

During pregnancy, you need to wear compression garments all day long. You are allowed to take it off at night. You can get the desired result from therapeutic knitwear only with its constant use.

You need to put on stockings in the morning immediately after waking up. Place them next to the bed in advance so that you can put them on while lying down. This will immediately set the vessels to the desired tone and prevent blood stagnation in dilated areas.

The underwear must correspond to the individual parameters of the limb. Stockings shouldn't fall down and your toes shouldn't turn blue.

Try to treat your laundry with care to increase its service life. The product is usually replaced every six months.

Also performed in compression garments. As a rule, these are knee socks or stockings.


The use of compression garments is the safest of all methods of treating varicose veins. With the correct compression and size of stockings, you can safely wear them all the time, observing positive dynamics. Manufacturers make knitwear from hypoallergenic fabrics, so the patient does not even experience local side effects.

However, for vascular diseases complicated by infection or other pathological processes, wearing underwear higher than the second compression class is not recommended. These conditions include:

  1. Obliterative disease of the legs.
  2. Angiopathy and polyneuropathy, which occur as a complication of diabetes.
  3. Cardiopulmonary failure in the stage of decompensation.
  4. Soft tissue infections of the affected limb.
  5. Trophic ulcers.

Product care

Compression jersey is made using a special technology that allows you to simulate the natural distribution of pressure in the leg. For this purpose, special fabrics and methods of weaving are used.

Caring for medical underwear should be gentle so as not to damage expensive fibers and extend the service life of the product. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Put on underwear with the pads of your fingers, avoiding touching with your nails.
  2. You can wear regular socks over the stockings on your feet to reduce friction in the heel area.
  3. Wash the product by hand without using active chemicals. It is recommended to do this with regular soap.
  4. Dry the stockings at normal room temperature, placing them on a dry towel. Twisting and squeezing should be avoided.

Review of manufacturing companies

Each manufacturer tries to create several lines of underwear to take into account the needs of each customer. The most popular companies that produce compression hosiery include:

  1. Valento. Linen with hypoallergenic and breathable flax fibers. In addition to its tonic effect, it also has a massage effect.
  2. Venoteks. It is popular due to the low cost of the products. The stockings are of good quality and are effective against varicose veins, but their wear resistance is average.
  3. Medi. A large manufacturer that markets different models of compression products. Here everyone can find what they need. The positive result is confirmed by satisfied reviews from patients.
  4. Relaxsan. The cost of the products is low, but with proper use and careful handling, the therapeutic effect can be maintained for several months.
  5. Ofa Bamberg. High-quality compression underwear, models of which are presented in different colors and made of various materials.

During pregnancy, the functioning of almost all organ systems, including the cardiovascular system, changes. Hormonal changes negatively affect the condition of the veins and lead to

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