Beautiful girls in the gym. What should a girl wear to the gym (photo). It's better to do something than complain

What items do you throw in your gym bag? How many pairs of sneakers do you have? Are you hunting for branded limited editions from Reebok And Adidas or maybe you work out in the same clothes you wear at home? Women's clothing, fitness purposes - that's what we're discussing today.

Type No. 1. Fitonyasha


She is either wearing leggings that no mere mortal can get (with a personal autograph embroidered with a cross by Catherine herself). To the extreme - in Reebok CrossFit, of course, a new collection. She has branded socks, panties, wristbands and even an adhesive bandage - everything. The sartorial semiotics of such a look is simple - the girl is most likely a professional fitness blogger and everyone gives it to her. Or she is specifically obsessed with fitness and would rather commit suicide than come to exercise in some super-technological way that does not absorb sweat and turns it into ambrosia in women's clothing. Fitness is everything to her, such a fit girl drinks only the best protein and eats only proven bcaa. Don’t even try to give her anything on the topic of fitness - her polite “shouldn’t” will turn out to be the absolute truth. She already has everything.

Type No. 2. Sincere


She works out in the gym in a T-shirt from the release of the second season of Friends, and leggings that are embarrassing to take into the trash even in the dark of midnight. Her sneakers have seen more than just sights, they have seen everything, they are tired of living and already really want to die. She works out without makeup, her hair is tied with the most terrible terry band in the world, which is a shame to wear, but it is so comfortable, and it is not clear what she is wearing - whether it is from a garbage dump, or whether it is really women's clothing. The fitness club couldn't be happier with her: she works out well, doesn't fuss, doesn't move her legs - she sways and there is a result. She simply does not consider the gym as a place where you need to look good - for her it is like a cosmetologist's office or an hair removal salon, an ugly necessity. When you see her at work, you won’t recognize her - where anything came from. Giving her fitness clothes is also useless - she, with a merchant’s gesture, will throw it all at the feet of her fit friend.

Type No. 3. Fam Fatal

Femme fatale

He comes to fitness for men and nothing else. She doesn't care about your circuit training. Wears the shortest shorts and tank top that exist in nature. It’s impractical to let your hair down; in the locker room, when everything is washed off by make-up, on the contrary, it’s applied. Having found a potential male, she will adapt to him, meet him, get married and forget about fitness forever. The male did not reciprocate? Interested parties hang themselves in toilets, and life goes on.

Of course, these are extremes. There are also normal girls with normal clothes. So be like that!

More interesting things

All girls want a flat stomach, a firm butt and a toned figure, but sometimes they choose strange paths to achieve their goals.

Someone comes to the gym to hunt suitors, someone tries to lose an extra 20 kg a month before vacation, someone works so hard that guys can only envy, someone just chats on the phone or communicates with a girlfriend using exercise equipment. as chairs (“well, we’re in the gym, so by default we should lose weight”). The girls are different. I will try to describe the most prominent representatives of the fair sex who decided to join the sport in one way or another.

Seasonal visitors

They are very easy to recognize when you have been training in the same gym for a couple of years. Usually such girls appear in March-April, shortly before the holiday season. Or, oddly enough, a month and a half before the New Year holidays. Probably to spruce up before “depraved” corporate parties.

They don’t train very hard, they rarely turn to trainers, they try to figure out the equipment on their own and do something, just to do at least something. When I see that a person can simply harm his health, and I carefully try to suggest how to do the exercise correctly, I often get the question: “ What exercise should I do to lose weight??. I usually answer that first of all you need to sort out your diet, limit your consumption of sweets/starchy foods and simply not overeat. Unfortunately, for the most part, girls are offended and disappointed, assuming that I am simply hiding the secret of a beautiful figure. But there is no secret. You can start with this:

But it is easier for such girls to believe in the existence of magical methods and exercises than in banal discipline in nutrition and training. As a result, they quickly become disillusioned with sports and after a month and a half give up on training, which was not very frequent anyway.

Telephone operators

They spend more time in the gym with a phone in their hands than with exercise equipment. The exercise is performed for 30 seconds, then the phone conversation lasts 5–10 minutes, be it a voice call or a text chat. Of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone how to spend their time in one place or another, but often ladies like this engage in telephone communication without leaving the exercise machine or barbell and preventing others from using this equipment. When you politely and carefully ask to release him (due to the lack of analogues in the gym), it’s easy to run into outright rudeness, like: “What’s wrong, I work here, don’t stop me from training!” Yeah, how about “training”.

Girls, if you really decide to spend your time going to the gym and improving your physical condition, leave your phone in the locker room or valuables locker. Don't take him to the gym. There is a great dependence on time in the efficiency of performing the same work. Do ten sets of 10-15 repetitions with a break between sets of 1-1.5 minutes, and you will effectively load the target muscle group in 25-30 minutes. Do the same thing, but with “phone” breaks between sets of 5–7 minutes, and you will simply waste an hour and a half to two hours of your life.


These are very proud ladies. They will never ask the trainer on duty and will not even read the instructions on the simulator. They themselves know how to perform this or that exercise and work with the equipment. Sometimes such girls invent completely unimaginable options for using exercise equipment. Although, not only girls :).

In my many years of practice, I have not often encountered such inventors, but a couple of times I have seen with my own eyes absolutely amazing things they do in the hall. Once I watched this and wondered why the trainer wandering nearby did not react. At first, I tried to gently suggest to him, saying that this thing should be pushed back with one leg, pressing on the platform with the whole foot, and not try to swing your arms, resting on the platform with both legs. When I tried to help, I received a harsh response from two girlfriends, mocking their bodies and the iron machine: “ We ourselves know how to do it!».

Then he hinted to the coach that he had to somehow save the ladies, otherwise they would hurt themselves and crawl out of the hall on all fours, instead of leaving on two. Maybe they will at least listen to the employee. But he replied that for three days he had been trying to help them this way and that, and explain them, but many times he was sent to hell.

Girls, don’t reinvent the wheel and at least read the accompanying instructions that are on almost every exercise machine. They won’t write anything bad there, they won’t hide the truth. Well, it’s also worth listening to coaches.


To be honest, I still haven’t learned to 100% distinguish one from the other. Although, it seems to me, often these two types of gym goers are mixed.

They are brightly made up, dressed openly, their gaze shows contempt for the hard-working and actively sweating athletes, focused precisely on training. They shoot with their eyes, lazily move the dumbbells, and spin closer to the training men.

Usually they leave disappointed that healthy and sweaty louts pay more attention to the “hardware” than to such hunters. Personally, I have nothing against them - they don’t interfere with training, and sometimes they even motivate with seductive shapes and outfits :).

Delicate minimalists

« You know, I want to get rid of my belly, I want my butt to stand up, just don’t put too much pressure on me so that I don’t turn into a man!”, - this is roughly the kind of dialogue I hear very often between the coach and the neophytes. Moreover, girls quite seriously believe that if they suddenly tense up to the point that they sweat or feel a burning sensation in their muscles, then in the morning they will wake up like this:

Or like this:

Girls, dear, even to achieve such a figure:

You have to work like you never dreamed of, keeping a diet and working in the gym a couple of hours a day, five times a week. And even if you bench press your own weight, squat with your own weight and do deadlifts with your own weight, you will not turn into a man. But with such strength training (and reasonable nutrition) you will get a beautiful figure.

In general, such girls, as I call them - “gentle minimalists”, do not lift anything heavier than kilogram dumbbells or 1-2 tiles in block exercise machines. As soon as they feel serious tension in the muscles, they immediately stop the exercise. They get very worried and worried when they are asked to use more serious weight, for example, to do 12-15 reps with difficulty and really force the muscles to work.

I repeat - girls, you won’t turn into a man, don’t be afraid to work hard in the gym and don’t turn it into a convenient excuse for yourself not to work. As they say, you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Fitness Monsters

There are two options here. The first is good, when a girl is really a fan of training, understands what she is doing, works a lot and diligently (by the way, women are tougher than men) and constantly. The result is usually visible to the naked eye:

Second option- not very good. A girl comes to the gym full of enthusiasm and 110% confident that the more she does during the workout, the faster she will lose excess weight and gain a toned figure. Without nutrition control and any training program. Grab more, throw further. First, run for 30 minutes, then work for an hour and a half on exercise machines, then orbitrek or exercise bike for another 30 minutes. And so on 5 times a week. Then cakes, ice cream, sweets and other goodies at night (after all, I worked / will work at the gym!), in the morning - with coffee, at lunch - after a heavy meal, to cheer myself up for a fruitful workout in the evening.

Unfortunately, this principle does not work. Even if you do it every day. Nutrition is 70% of success in getting a toned figure without excess. And overtraining does not bode well. Usually the fuse lasts for 3-4 weeks for girls, after which, disappointed, they disappear from the horizon. There are no miracles.

If you want results, control your diet and don’t rush. Exercise at least 2-3 times a week, but constantly. Limit yourself to sweets and forget about constant snacking with coffee/tea, sweets and cookies. A good piece of cake or 3-4 substantial cookies, which many girls perceive as a small snack, is 400-600 kcal and almost a third of your daily nutritional requirement.

It's better to do something than complain

Be that as it may, the examples described above are still more the exception than the rule. I have seen and continue to see many girls involved in sports. For the most part, they try to work correctly, listen to the coach, and behave civilly in the gym. Even if not everything and not everyone succeeds, but these people do not sit at home with their hands folded and complaining about fate, about their big bones, or about thousands of other reasons that supposedly prevent them from taking care of themselves. Girls go to the gym and work out, often after a hard day at work, tired or sleep-deprived.

However, you have enough energy, and at the end of the workout you feel better than before. After all, the body gives us exactly as much energy as we demand from it through our actions. But that's a completely different story.

Starting a new life on January 1 is already a tradition. Most often, changes begin with purchasing a gym membership. Many gym goers admit that they don’t always give it their all and often skip classes because they are too busy. However, today we are interested in women who regularly visit the “rocking chair”. Admit it, have you met them?

Makeup queens

Some women often confuse the gym with a disco, but representatives of this category assure that they feel more confident with cosmetics. Most often, by the end of the workout, the makeup spreads all over her face, and the girl looks more like a panda. After class, the makeup queens go to the shower and put on their makeup again, and then take a selfie. Girls, why all this?

Real athletes

The opposite of the previous type are girls who come in special clothes, without makeup and with tightly tied hair. They train intensively and feel confident in the gym. They don't flirt with men and coaches. These girls come to the gym just to train.


These girls are not against flirting with the opposite sex. They try with all their might to attract attention to themselves: they take the heaviest dumbbells, they run longer than others. Sometimes, on the contrary, they simply walk around the hall as if on a catwalk, showing off their new sports uniform.


A little harmless flirting at the gym is one thing, but some women take it to the next level. Instead of focusing on training, they are looking for a husband! Of course, if you exercise regularly, it's logical to look for a man who has similar interests. But is there really a difference between girls parading among the treadmills and those looking for a date in a nightclub?

Music lovers

For some women, music is an integral part of their workout. They have an entire playlist dedicated exclusively to sports. Don't even try to talk to them, the volume is so high that they are unlikely to hear you.

Cardio fans

A balanced workout should include cardio and weights, but most regular gym goers will admit that they prefer cardio. Cardio lovers have a monopoly on treadmills. They can jump off a moving treadmill without tripping and won't leave the gym until they're sweating.


The opposite of cardio is lifting heavy weights. They train the same as men. Lovers of barbells and “pancakes” are easy to recognize; they enter the gym, tightened with belts.

Absolute beginners

They usually appear in January. Girls in a new tracksuit, absolutely not knowing what to do. They often hire a trainer, and if they do it themselves, they often get injured. If you see them at a sports club, be kind and help them. Remember, you were a newbie yourself.


Admit it, at least once in the gym you saw a girl walking around the locker room naked. They don’t necessarily have an ideal figure, but they are not at all shy about their shape. At the same time, other visitors are trying to change clothes, wrapping themselves in a towel or hiding behind a locker door. Still, self-confidence is a state of mind.

Gossip girls

Some girls come to the gym to meet with friends and discuss all pressing issues. They stroll leisurely along the treadmills and gossip. If one of the chatterboxes decides to go in for sports, then the other will begin to look for new interlocutors.

What should a girl wear to the gym?

Believe me, clothes for the gym are of great importance, first of all, for you personally! There are mirrors and men around, and you are in stretched sweatpants and an old worn T-shirt? Due to the fact that such things will make you feel awkward, you will want to leave the workout as quickly as possible. And you bought a subscription not to constantly turn around with the thoughts “everyone is looking at me with condemnation” or “I wish I could get back to the locker room as soon as possible,” but for sports activities and improving your physical fitness.

Stylish sportswear really motivates! You will feel confident and want to become even better, which is what fitness is all about.

What clothes should be for the gym, or what should a girl wear to the gym?

Basic sportswear for a fitness club: shorts, leggings, pants, top, T-shirt.

Example combinations:

  • sweatpants and T-shirt/undershirt/top
  • leggings and T-shirt/undershirt/top
  • shorts and T-shirt/undershirt/top

Shoes for going to the gym are only sneakers. It is possible to wear sneakers, but it is not advisable, since they have thin soles.

Tips: what kind of clothes should you wear for the gym, what is best to train in?

  • It is most convenient to do stretching and other exercises in sports leggings (tights). They stretch well and do not restrict movement
  • sportswear should not press on the body or compress the limbs
  • clothes that are too bright will not last long; due to frequent washing, the colors lose their newness and the clothes look worn
  • choose the size correctly. Clothes should not be too small or too loose, things should fit well
  • give preference to natural fabrics, your body should breathe
  • a strict no to jeans and denim shorts, it’s completely uncomfortable and looks weird
  • You shouldn’t choose an outfit that’s too revealing; the gym is a place to work out, not to flaunt yourself
YaBkupila offers fashionable images of what to wear to the gym for a workout:

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