Little deer, little deer, you're still just a child, author. The fawn refuses to leave the man who saved his life. Lesson progress Organizational moment

Lithuanian tourist Darius Sasnauskas had a chance to watch the birth of two fawns in his yard. near Yellowstone National Park in the USA. Unfortunately, one of the cubs injured his leg and soon fell behind his family, as he could not keep up with her. Then Darius decided to help the unfortunate animal and do everything possible so that he would recover as soon as possible.

Lithuanian Darius Sasnauskas had a chance to watch the birth of two fawns in his yard, not far from Yellowstone National Park.

But one of the fawns injured his leg and could not walk as fast as his relatives, so he fell behind. His mother didn't come back for him

"With so many predators around, she had no chance of surviving on her own," Darius said

He brought the baby home and made a tire for her from a cereal box.

A man fed a fawn milk every 4 hours, and his dog licked the motherless baby

Soon the fawn learned to walk

“She got used to me and followed me everywhere, but I understood that no one could replace her real mother.”

Darius tried several times to release the baby back into the wild, but she always returned to him

Finally, one evening the mother returned for her baby and the family was reunited again. A few months later, the man again noticed the fawn he had saved, and it had grown noticeably and become stronger.


A long time ago, when deer were not yet friends with people, when the Khanty and Mansi did not travel, did not fly, but walked through forests and swamps, got food for themselves, and the wise ancient old people used to say: “If you don’t go, you won’t chew,” “If you don’t go, - you won’t eat,” at the top of the Naidyonaya River there was a camp of the ancient Mansi. Everyone in the camp had children; only one family was not sent children by the spirits. For a long time, the husband and wife asked the spirits to send them a child.

And so, when their life was moving towards old age, like day towards evening, their daughter was born. The parents began to think about what to name her.

“I wish I could choose a name that would bring her happiness,” the mother thought out loud. - She was born with us in the evening dawn. Call it a party, right? However, evening is a time for rest and sleep, lest our daughter grow up lazy and sleepy.

“Don’t be afraid, mother,” said the father. - Morning begins in the evening. Let's call it the Party, maybe my daughter will see the light of dawn in her life in the evening.

“You, father, are into fairy tales,” the mother objected.

“Our fairy tales are also born in the evening around bright fires,” answered the father. - And after fairy tales, you have beautiful dreams, strength increases in your arms and legs, your shoulders become strong, your back bends less towards the ground. Let the Party be for people an evening fairy tale with a hot living fire in the heart, let it warm people's hearts with its warmth.

The mother agreed. She took her baby and carried it to the fire to show it to everyone.

The old wise woman looked at the girl for the longest time, and then said:
- My people, this girl is not like the children I saw. On her face, as in the sky, two dawns converge - evening and morning. She will bring us all a lot of joy.

The people, delighted by the words of the wise woman, perked up and began to sing and dance around the fire. Only Kompolen - the Swamp Spirit got angry and ran through the swamps and forests with a wild scream and squeal. He flew into trees - the trees broke and groaned dead on the ground. The birds got scared and scattered in different directions. The animals fled to distant places, the fish lay down at the bottom of the river.

Kopolen, the Swamp Spirit, scared everyone away: he couldn’t stand it when people were happy.

The fire went out, and the people’s joy also went out. Life became difficult. The Mansi walked from morning to evening through the forests and urmans, looking for animals, but found few. The Party had already grown up and began to go hunting, but the hunt was still poor and unsuccessful.

One day Vecherina was returning from hunting and came across a small, weak fawn in the forest. He lay with his legs stretched out and his head thrown back, like a broken twig in a drought. I walked for a long time, I was very tired. It was hard to walk with a living cargo, but joyful. He walks and whispers:
-Live, little deer, live. When I bring it home, I’ll drink it and you’ll get better.

Ukha replaced milk for the fawn, he began to rise to his feet and eat juicy grass. And when he was completely strong, Vecherina began to take him to the best feeding places. She grazes all day, and in the evening she lights a smoke, sits on a tree stump, and the deer lies down at her feet. The party sings soft lullabies to him. The smoke drives away mosquitoes, the gentle song induces sleep. The fawn closes its eyes. And Vecherina strokes the bumps on his head with her warm palm and sings about what her elder mother, the Earth, taught her, and about what her younger mother, rocking her, sang:

I sing a quiet song.
Sleep, dear little deer,
Gain strength.
Your legs will be strong
Horns will also grow,
Like pine trees, branchy;
Like the sun, radiant...
Lower your eyelashes -
You will have a dream,
You go through the forest to people -
You carry the sun on your horns.
Let the horns grow
Not from evil, but from good.

The fawn was already fast asleep, and the Party sang and sang. The birches, half asleep, sang along with her, the golden pines quietly played along. Only the restless aspen leaves trembled and quietly whispered to each other:

Oh, the evil Spirit Kompolen would not have heard these songs.

Owl overheard their whispers and groaned loudly:
-Boo-boo-boo! Do not be afraid of the villain: the swallows plugged his ears with earth and caulked them.

The deer sleeps, the earth sleeps, and the clouds have long since laid down on the dark sides. The wind dozed off in the forest under the trees. Only the breezes fly quietly over the fawn, over the Party - listening to the song. Then the little winds took the quiet song and the smoke from the smoker into their palms and carried it throughout the forests and distributed it to the animals.

And the animals reached out to the smoker and the Party. The deer came first, followed by the moose. The bear came and turned its nose to the smoker.
For many days, the Party hosted animals at the smoker, protected them from mosquitoes and sang songs to them. The deer got stronger, became happier, ran with the fawns and elk, frolicked, butted heads - he tried his hand.

Whether it lasted long or short, only that time passed. The fawn was fed, water was given to him to drink, the rains washed him, the snow was whitened, and the winds taught him courage. He became an adult, strong, handsome. He didn’t walk in a herd, but floated like a white, clean cloud.

Now he not only came to the smoker himself in the evenings, but also brought many friends. And Vecherina spent the whole day collecting dry stumps and tree mushrooms, laying out a lot of smokers, and lulling everyone to sleep with a quiet, heartfelt song.

Summer passed, autumn came, white snowflake mosquitoes began to swirl. Evening’s heart became cold. I thought: if her deer friends leave her, who will she sing lullabies to? The smart White Deer understood her, came up to her, touched her hands and cheeks with his warm lips, as if he said: “We will be with you, my sister, just call.”

The Party was delighted, thanked the White Deer, then put on a harness embroidered with patterns, decorated its antlers with bright ribbons, sat down on a light sledge, and took the carved trochee in its hands. The White Deer pushed off the ground with its light, strong legs and soared high, high into the sky. And he floated across the sky like a soaring bird, lightly touching the sky with branches of decorated horns - stripes in the sky from deer antlers swayed. Vecherina extended her hand, touched them - and the stripes came to life, sparkled, flashed with the bright, living colors of the northern lights.

An iridescent multicolor of colors embraced the icy Mansi land, penetrated into the huts through small windows covered with frosted moose bubbles instead of glass, illuminated the dark corners of the low huts, and illuminated the Mansi faces yearning for the light with joy. It filled their hearts with joy and called them under the colored sky, into the bitter cold.

The Mansi ran out into the street and saw the Party and its White Deer under the rainbow sky. And they slowly floated under the blazing stripes, easily touching them, like the strings of an ancient sankqualtap¹, giving birth to colorful music. The music flowed like a flood across the sky, rolled down to the ground and brought joy to the Mansi.

Since those long, long ago, on frosty nights, when the northern sky lights up with a multi-colored glow, the Mansi have a holiday: they go out into the street to dance, and the Party swirls invisibly with them.

¹ Sankvaltap - Mansi male musical instrument

An easy way to develop memory in children of primary school age.

We all know very well that one of the important qualities that contribute to successful learning is memory. Each of us knows from our own school experience that those children who memorized the material well and quickly found it easier to study.

Undoubtedly, good memory- not the only condition successful studies, but without it it is very difficult to study. Fortunately, memory can be developed and improved. Memory develops from childhood, the earlier the better. And one of the ways to develop memory is to memorize poetry.

Unfortunately, educational material in literacy textbooks and beyond literary reading have practically no poems to memorize, and therefore I came up with the idea of ​​making a list of poems myself that my children will study in grades 1 and 2. I deliberately did not give the authors of the poems, since I asked the children on their own or with the help of their parents to find out the author of the poem (I taught them to work with information sources) and this worked for almost all children. And I want to note that children are interested in learning poetry and they learn with pleasure. During 1st grade, children learn on average 30 poems. The same for the second one. I print out the poems and distribute them home. There are many advantages to this type of activity, but I did not note any disadvantages. Then, in grades 3 and 4, more poems appear in textbooks, and we try to learn all the poems according to the program. Plus, children are given the task of independently learning a poem on any topic. And in my class there is this view creative work, as an independent composition of poetry on any topic, or about some character from the work covered in the program. This is easy, since children are accustomed to such work.

Children's memory is very receptive; we remember everything learned in childhood until old age. When a child learns poems, he improves his speech, his horizons expand and vocabulary, the general level of culture is formed.

And after some time, it is useful to repeat previously studied verses. This technique forces the child to get knowledge from his “chest”, and this develops long-term memory.

It is very good to combine reading poetry and some movements. Then the child can be reminded of the movement, and he will remember the words himself. Moreover, you can select any movements, the main thing is that it is easy and interesting.

Such small poems - physical exercises - develop children's memory and coordination of movements. Almost any children's poem You can choose simple movements that will make it easier to remember words and the order of lines.

Children love and enjoy memorizing poems by classics of children's literature: Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Elena Blaginina. Small comic poems are easily remembered by children and develop their memory.

Children easily memorize dynamic poems with simple, concrete words, because this makes it easier for them to create an image of an object. It is very good when a poem has a lot of nouns and verbs. This creates a sense of action.

Before giving children poems to memorize, I asked parents to find information on the Internet and other sources on how to correctly and productively memorize poems for primary schoolchildren. Here's what we found:


This method is often confused with simply showing book illustrations. However, this is not the same thing. Absolutely all children need illustration, since schoolchildren are characterized by visual and imaginative thinking. And the picture plan, which appears before the child’s eyes simultaneously with the reading of the poem, is especially necessary for those who have a leading visual memory.

So, after looking at the illustrations for the poem, we give the child instructions for memorization.


Again, after preliminary work, we give the child a memorization setting. Then we invite him to take a large thick thread and “wind a ball out of the poem.” Together with him, rhythmically, we seem to “wind” line by line onto a “reel” in our head. Reeled in? And now we tell it again and unwind it, and then rewind it again.

Then we hide our arms together with the ball behind our backs and “wind it up for fun.” The main principle here is that we give the child - a kinesthetic child (that is, one who needs not only to look, but also to touch) the support necessary for memorization - we reinforce the memorization with a motor act.


This is the most common method. It is usually used in kindergartens. We tell the child that now we will learn the poem by heart together. Let him turn on a tape recorder in his head, which will record and then play the poem. He will listen to you first. Then you will repeat this passage together. Then he will repeat one, and you will follow him again. Here you definitely need to pay attention to the fact that in this method you do not rely on a line, as in the previous two, but on a combination of two or four lines united by rhyme. There is auditory verbal reliance on rhyme. This method is optimal for children with the same leading type of memory. For such children, the two methods of memorization described above not only do not help, but sometimes even interfere with memorizing the poem. So, each verse is learned, and then the entire poem is read.


Not many schoolchildren have logical memory as their leading memory, but there are some. The following method is proposed for them. After preliminary work, we read the first lines of the work, and then we stop and invite the child to tell in his own words what happened next, as he remembers. From the place where he stopped, we again read the line of the work, and then again we offer to tell what happened next. We encourage the child to rely on semantic connections. The second time, after we read the quatrain, let him remember how exactly the author speaks, in what words, about this phenomenon or event.

In the process of work, the child uses the simplest memorization techniques - reads several times, tries to reproduce the text first in small parts, then combining these parts into fairly large passages and, finally, completely. In this case, it is useful to explain to him that some techniques are more effective than others, and to give him the idea of ​​​​the need to compare them with each other and select the best. For example, trying to reproduce the material yourself gives better results than repeating it multiple times from a book. We need to help the child see this for himself. This is how the important work of shaping learning activities begins.

In addition, when learning by heart, for the first time the child is faced with the task of self-control: whether he has learned it or not. At first, the solution is simple: if you managed to repeat everything exactly, you learned it; if you failed, it means you didn’t learn it. It is important that the child generally understands the need to check himself. However, he must also understand that between a well-prepared task and a task that has not been learned at all, there are a number of states when the lesson is not learned firmly and one time it is possible to reproduce the text correctly, but another time it is not. We need to let the first grader see for himself that correct one-time reproduction is not a guarantee that he will be able to correctly repeat the poem in class tomorrow.

Thus, using the example of memorizing a poem, you can show the child all the main elements of a new learning activity for him: and the presence learning task, and working on the material using various techniques, and the need to control the achieved result.

Moreover, this is a favorable opportunity to accustom the child to work diligently, without distractions, to accustom him to the expenditure of effort and stress associated with learning, and perseverance.

In order to understand large and complex material, it is necessary to carry out active mental processing of the material, as a result of which memorization occurs without special effort.

I offer a list of poems for learning in 1st grade:

Lazyboka - red cat

I rested my stomach.

I want to eat

Too lazy to toss and turn.

So the red cat is waiting -

Maybe the bowl will crawl up.

The mice dance in circles.

The cat is dozing on the bed.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat.

Vaska the cat will wake up

It will break up the whole round dance.

A giraffe walked through the city,

He had a good disposition.

Didn't hurt anyone

He nodded cordially to everyone.

But sometimes his hello

Remained unanswered.

And then the giraffe got angry,

Despite his good nature.

Who will give way to the rhinoceros?

He will undoubtedly act wisely.

He, the thick-skinned one, likes to push

And what about the poor passerby?

It's good that such ignoramuses

They will meet less and less often!

They gave me a dog.

No, they didn’t just give it as a gift,

On my birthday I was given

Very nice puppy!

He's still tiny...

He walks funny - funny,

Gets tangled in his paws.

My puppy will grow up -

He is true, alive.

The horse has a foal

Grows out of diapers:

Mother will give you milk

And lick his tongue

He will take you to the meadows,

Where are the tall haystacks?

He will show you some tasty grass,

And he will punish you for mischief!

Fawn, fawn,

You're still just a child:

Thin legs, small horns.

You walk just a little bit,

Take a step and relax.

So mom came galloping,

Licked the baby -

And he goes to caress his mother

Little fawn, barely breathing.

I'll go to bed early today

I'll turn off the lamp first,

But before you

Please wake me up.

It's just a surprise

How easy it is to wake me up!

You put jam on the table, -

I'll wake up in a moment

I'll wake up in a moment

To drink tea with jam.

Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel,

And tooth powder

And a thick comb!

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble

In the tub, in the trough, in the tub,

In a river, stream, in the ocean, -

And in the bath, and in the bathhouse,

Always and everywhere -

Eternal glory to the water!

There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to shake grandma:

Read it please! Read it!

No need to beg your sister!

Well, read another page!

No need to call

No need to wait

Can I take it?

Robin Bobin Barabek

Ate forty people

And a cow and a bull,

And the crooked butcher,

And the cart and the arc,

And a broom and a poker,

I ate the church, I ate the house,

And a forge with a blacksmith,

And then he says:

“My stomach hurts.”

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder.

And from the bird's cry

It only makes my heart sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often

There is no incense in the flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon,

And he will cry sleepily.

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glistening in the blue azure...

The cockerels have fluttered,

But they didn’t dare to fight.

If you get too cocky,

You might lose your feathers.

If you lose your feathers,

There will be nothing to fuss about.

The bears were driving

By bike.

And behind them is a cat


And behind him are mosquitoes

On a hot air balloon.

And behind them are crayfish

On a lame dog.

Wolves on a mare

Lions in cars.

Bunnies on a tram.

Toad on a broom...

They drive and laugh

They are chewing gingerbread.

The flower is dried up, scentless,

I see forgotten in the book;

And now with a strange dream

My soul was filled:

Where did it bloom? When? What spring?

And how long did it bloom? And torn by someone

A stranger, or a familiar hand?

And why was it put here?

My bells

Steppe flowers!

Why are you looking at me?

Dark blue?

And what are you calling about?

On a merry day in May,

Among the uncut grass

Shaking your head?

One day I met a stray cat:

How are you doing?

Nothing, little by little...

I heard you were seriously ill...

I was sick.

So, you were lying in bed?

She lay on the street for many weeks.

Homeless, I have nowhere to put a bed.

Like our Miron

A crow sits on the bow.

And there are ruffs on the tree

They build nests from noodles.

The ram boarded the ship

And I went to the garden.

In the garden - then in the garden

Chocolates are growing.

From the window I can see

Wonderful country

Where do Counting Tales live?

Everyone has been there more than once,

Has anyone ever played

Hide and seek or tag...

Miracle - the whale moved

It's like the hill has turned

The sea began to disturb

And throw from the jaw

Ships after ships

With sails and rowers.

Look! Tabby cat

It sits on the cabinet like a nesting doll!

But he jumps off and walks like a pike...

If he gets angry, he's like a viper!

It will curl up and seem like a hat,

If it stretches, it looks like a rag...

She looks like a little bit of everyone.

And occasionally... even on a cat!

For a little son

The mother looked tenderly;

Rocking the cradle

She sang a song quietly:

“Oh, calm down, storm!

Don't make any noise, eat!

My little one is taking a nap

Quiet in the cradle!

It's white in the yard

Well, there is snow!

Two minutes - and from the mountain

Rolling snow globes.

One after another across the ditch,

A city grew out of balloons.

I'm very tired of letters

Sleep and sleep in thick books

At midnight a bunch of crazy

They climbed down from the shelf onto the bed,

And straight from the bed to the floor.

We looked - people were sleeping -

And they started mischief,

A wonderful masquerade.

I was stung by a bee

I shouted: “How could you?!”

The bee responded: “How could you

Pick my favorite flower?

After all, I needed him terribly:

I was saving it for dinner."

A village was driving past a man,

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

A stick jumped out

With grandma in hand

And let's bludgeon the horse on the guy

The horse ate lard

And the man is oats

The horse got into the sleigh.

And the man took it.

Wind, wind! You are powerful

You are chasing flocks of clouds,

You disturb the blue sea

Everywhere you blow in the open air,

You're not afraid of anyone

Except God alone.

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter...

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon.

The Snow Maiden cried

Saying goodbye to winter.

She followed her sadly,

Strange to everyone in the forest.

Where I walked and cried,

Touching birch trees

Snowdrops have grown -

Snow Maiden's tears.

Blue, blue

Sky and streams.

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow

Ice floes - lace.

The first thawed patches,

First grass.

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

Really very warm

Spring has legs.

A friend came to see me

And we played with her.

And here's one toy

Suddenly I liked her:

Groovy frog,

Cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy -

It was my favorite!

But still I'm a friend

I gave away the frog.

Along a steep mountain path

A black lamb was walking home

And on the hunchbacked bridge

Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:

“Brother, here’s the thing:

Two people can't get through here

You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied: “Meh,

Are you out of your mind, sheep?

Let your feet dry out

I won’t get out of your way!”

They don't buy friends

Friends are not for sale.

People find friends

And they also create.

And only with us,

In the toy store

Huge selection

Friends and girlfriends!

I'm my sister Lida

I won't offend anyone!

I live with her very friendly,

I love her very much.

And when I need it,

I'll beat her myself!

Mom and dad are my relatives.

I have no relatives more dear to me.

And my sister and brother,

And the flop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my family very much.

I'll buy gifts for everyone soon.

The breeze is friends with the sun,

And the dew is with the grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly.

We are friends with you!

Everything with friends in half

We are happy to share!

Only friends quarrel


I want to ride!

On whom? On an elephant!

I want to swing

On a mighty back.

I'm sitting on an elephant

There are clouds above me.

I'll hit the elephant

Heels to the sides,

I'll spur the elephant

And I’ll tell him: - But!

But an elephant can't understand

"But" orders.

Hey-hey! - I'll tell you

Slowly to yourself.-

Maybe the elephant understands the order



The elephant doesn't even listen to itself.


Not in a hurry, not running, not walking.

And then I will say:

Ride me, elephant!

And, swaying,

The elephant will go quietly.

In the waters of a quiet backwater

Three tritons sang songs.

The first was called Khariton,

He sang in a beautiful baritone voice.

Triton Anton sang gloriously,

He was also a baritone.

But at the third triton

And what if the newt

So this is a powerful bass!

That's the whole story.

My old cat

Ran away from home

He lived with me from birth,

I myself fed him straw,

I fed him fresh carrots.

My cow followed him.

I drove her away myself

For being a stupid cow

I didn’t go into the barn to catch mice.

Now I'm chewing bread and water

And I don’t get off the chest.

Who will give me a bucket of mice?

Who will catch me milk?

With a restless sparrow

The two of us have lunch:

I'm in the dining room

He's in the dining room

Only in the birdhouse, outside the window.

Fidgety sparrow

I say reproachfully:

Don't hang around outside the window like that

Don't chase after every crumb,

I'm afraid for your life!

And in response he: - Chick-chirp!

Brother, I'm used to heights.

What will happen to me, sparrow?!

And here you are...

Playing with a spoon

You tease the cat at lunch

And so a little

I'm afraid for your life!

A mushroom picker was walking from afar.

And there is no fungus in the basket!

Not a single mushroom

Just grass and leaves.

The mushroom picker is tired

And sat down on a tree stump:

You tell me

Tell me, forest,

Are you with or without mushrooms?

Looked at the mushroom picker

The dense forest from above,

He swayed - creaking and creaking! -

Showed a mushroom under the tree...

I'm with mushrooms -

The forest said,

Are you with or without eyes?

Colder, shorter

The days of summer have begun.

But they are visible at night

There are lights on the stumps.

Fresh autumn wind

Howling in the forest.

Fresh autumn wind

Runs into a hole.

And there are fireflies in the hole

They sharpen their skates -

That's why from stumps

And the lights fly!

In the morning, winter was reluctantly busy -

I swept up fallen leaves in the garden.

Then I got to work hot

And the quiet stream was glazed with ice.

Then, getting up

Higher and higher

Winter has whitened the fences and roofs,

Wrapped up the branches

Oak and pine trees

So that they can sleep sweetly

Until spring...

On the stump of three pine trees

The wolf cub wrote a letter:

“Cute little pig!

A neighbor is writing to you

I live near three pines.

Come for lunch."

The day passed and the answer came:

“You should have come yourself, neighbor.

Same address: I live

In that stable you know,

Where are the cows, geese, ducks.

Right next to the doghouse!

Come to us, little wolf!

A fat pig is waiting for you."

List of poems to learn in 2nd grade:

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer.

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us,

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,

And the bare bushes look sad.

The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow.

The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.

The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.

The waters rustled like a fast stream.

The birds flew away to warmer climes.

I wanted to throw a ball

And I invited guests to my place.

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked a crumbly pie.

Pie, knives and forks are here-

But for some reason the guests are not coming.

I waited until I had enough strength

Then he took a bite.

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And he ate the whole pie in a minute.

When the guests arrived,

They didn't even find crumbs.

Nikita hurried to class.

He walked without slowing down.

Suddenly a puppy growls at him,

A shaggy mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He's not a coward!

But Tanyusha walked nearby,

She said: - Oh, I'm afraid! –

And immediately the tears began to flow.

But then Nikita saved her,

He showed courage

He said: - Go quietly to class! –

And he drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way

Thanks for your courage.

Save her one more time

Nikita wanted...

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.

Dark forest under the cap

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable.

The days have become shorter

The sun shines little.

The frosts came and winter came.

White birch tree under my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches with a snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,

And snowflakes burn in golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily walking around,

Sprinkles the branches with new silver.

And the dishes come and go

It walks through fields and swamps.

And the kettle whispered to the iron:

And the saucers cried:

“Isn’t it better to go back?”

And the trough began to cry:

“Alas, I am broken, broken!”

But the saucer said: “Look,

Who's that behind there?

And they see: behind them from the dark forest

Fedora is walking and hobbling.

But a miracle happened to her:

Fedora has become kinder.

Quietly follows them

And sings a quiet song...

The idlers were gathering for class,

And the loafers ended up at the skating rink.

A thick satchel with books on the back,

And the skates are under the arms on a belt.

They see, the lazy people see:

Out of the gate, gloomy and tattered

The cat is coming.

The idlers ask him:

Why are you frowning, why?

The gray cat meowed pitifully:

I, a mustachioed cat, will soon be one year old.

And handsome, I'm a quitter, and smart,

But I don’t know how to write or read and write...

Who's knocking on my door

With a thick shoulder bag,

With the number 5 on a copper plaque,

In a blue uniform cap?

It's him, it's him

Leningrad postman.

He has a lot today

Letters in a bag on the side -

From Tashkent, Taganrog,

From Tambov and Baku

At seven o'clock he began work,

At ten the bag lost weight.

And by twelve o'clock

I delivered everything to the addresses.

The letter itself

Won't go anywhere

But put it in the box

It will run, fly by,

It will travel thousands of miles.

It's not difficult to write

See the light:

He doesn't need a ticket.

With copper money

Will travel around the world

Taped passenger...

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Here he is, a fragrant bread,

Here it is - warm, golden.

To every home

For every table

He came - he came.

In it is health our strength.

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him?

Protected, protected!...

That's exactly what it's about

The story begins...

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in all activities

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Oh, how many are these hands?

They are doing wonderful things!

They patch, knit, mark,

Everyone is making something...

The night light will be lit for bed

And then they suddenly fall silent.

There is no smarter person in the world

And there are no kinder hands.

Sveta looks through the glass, -

It's bright outside.

It’s late evening outside the window, and all around it’s as bright as day!

It's in the blue sky

The cannons fire in honor of the Victory,

And it sounds over the whole country

May holiday fireworks.

Above the houses, above the gardens

The ringing song is heard.

With colorful lights

All Moscow is illuminated.

Long-tail rockets

Reflected in the river

And somewhere behind the streets

Disappearing into the distance.

The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field.

The ice cracked on the lakes, -

It's like they split it.

The clouds are moving faster

The sky became higher.

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and tracks.

And on the willows with silver

The earrings glow.

Sleep, my child, sleep!

Sweet dreams come to you!

I took you as a nanny

Wind, sun and eagle.

The eagle flew home;

The sun disappeared behind the mountain;

Wind after three nights

He rushes to his mother.

Vetra asks her mother:

“Where did you disappear?

Did the stars fight?

Did you keep making waves?”

“I did not drive the waves of the sea,

I didn’t touch the golden stars,

I protected the child

Rocked the cradle."

On an old linden tree in the yard

Great excitement.

Someone hung it at dawn

This ad:


Classes - from five o'clock,

Here you can even in summer

Study all subjects."

And exactly at five o'clock in the morning

Bird babies flocked:

Sparrows, jackdaws, siskins, swifts, goldfinches,

Magpies, crows,

Tits and starlings.

They chirp and laugh

They squeak, cackle, peck,

They push, they fight...

What can you do - chicks!

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinded my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

I love the canary

What's in the cage on the window,

Stretches out the neck

And caresses me.

How stubbornly I want

My favorite:

I pour grains into the feeder,

I pour water into the bucket,

Don't forget the cage

I clean in the morning:

Sometimes I’ll put up a branch,

Sometimes I’ll give you a nut.

The bird recognized me

I am her own mother.

She's got a habit now

Wait for me in the morning.

He will see and jump,

And whistles hello to me

Or maybe he’s crying,

When I'm not with her.

And I probably know:

It's almost evening,

She is so gentle, measured

He sings only for me.

The next morning started unexpectedly. Sasha, as always, went into the forest and saw an amazing picture.

The wolf cubs she knew were playing at one end of the clearing, and two fawns and their mother were grazing at the other. At first Sasha was very surprised. And then I remembered that the forester, Uncle Vanya, told me that wolves do not hunt near their lair. And he saw such pictures quite often. For several days Sasha watched the wolf cubs and fawns. And I was very happy that everything was fine with them.

But one day, while walking through the forest, Sasha saw a stray fawn. She recognized him by the dark spot on his hind leg. The girl came out from behind the bushes and sat down on the ground. She waited until the fawn stopped reacting nervously to her. Then she quietly began to approach him with an armful of grass. Paka Sasha sat and watched the fawn; she named him “Lesik”. And therefore, approaching him, Sasha said affectionately:
- “Lesik, don’t be afraid, come with me, I’ll take you to your mother.”
Lesik looked at Sasha warily at first, and then followed the girl. Sasha threw him grass, and he followed her.

If someone were watching them now, they would probably think that the girl was a forest fairy. The fawn obediently follows the man.
And the girl walked and told Lesik about how her dad treats animals. And that everything will be fine. And there’s only a little bit left to go.

Soon Sasha saw a doe with a fawn and stopped. And Lesik ran to his mother and sister.

An unexpected meeting.

Sasha returned from a morning walk in the forest when her mother was already at home and her father had gone to give birth on the farm. Mom asked Sasha to go to her grandmother and help her with the garden. Grandfather Nikolai got sick, and grandmother needed help. Sasha took a basket of mushrooms, she picked them this morning, and the medicine that her mother prepared. And she went to visit Baba Lyuda.
Sasha walked along the main street of the village, greeting her fellow villagers. And suddenly I saw a boy whom I really didn’t like. He always teased Sasha and always tried to pull her by the hair, then by the hem, or even just throw a lump of dirt at her. In order to avoid meeting him, she turned onto the next street and calmly walked along it.
And when, as it seemed to her, the danger was over, a large, shaggy, dirty gray dog ​​came out from behind the nearest house. Sasha stopped, she didn’t know what to do. You can’t go forward, and you can’t go back. It is dangerous to turn your back to the animal; it may attack. There is no use in running, it will catch up and then definitely bite. And then Sasha began to talk to him out of fear:
- “So why did you stand here and block the whole road? Let me through please. I'm going to my grandmother. Grandfather is sick and they need help. If you want, I'll treat you to a sausage sandwich. I was in the forest today and forgot to eat it. Here, take it."

The girl took the sandwich out of the basket and put it on the ground, and quietly began to back away. The dog approached the treat, ate it and began to look at Sasha again with his big, intelligent eyes. Then Sasha began to tell him about the hedgehog Fyr-Fyrych, the fawn Lesik, and about the wolf cub. The dog listened and did not move. When Sasha's stories ended, she again asked this furry beast to let her through. The dog reluctantly stood up, growled in Sasha’s direction and left.
And the girl sighed with relief and moved on. She returned to the main street and safely reached her grandparents' house. When Sasha arrived, grandparents were sitting in the gazebo and drinking tea. They were happy about their granddaughter. Over tea, Sasha told her story today. Grandfather smiled and said:
- “Well, you’re a granddaughter just like Little Red Riding Hood.”
And they all laughed together. And grandma said:
- “This is Baba Olya’s dog. Our neighbors. She only recently got him, and before that he was a street dog, so he walks around on his own. But, despite his fierce appearance, he is a very kind dog. Saved Baba Olya from a drunk neighbor.”
And Sasha thought about how appearances can be deceiving; at first the dog seemed scary to her, but it turns out that he is kind and sociable. Or maybe that boy isn’t so bad after all. Maybe he just doesn't know how to meet her. And then Sasha decided that next time she would speak to him first and try to make friends with him.

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