Interesting ways to whiten jeans. How to lighten (bleach) jeans at home yourself? Discoloration of jeans with white

In Soviet times, there was a very popular procedure - boiling jeans with the addition of various substances.

Ordinary blue pants turned into beautiful, stylish “washed” jeans, perfectly emphasizing the individuality of young people.

Today, lightening jeans remains relevant, because sometimes you really want to add some zest to your outfit.

You can make stains or completely lighten your jeans at home, using available products and proven methods.

Basic methods of lightening jeans

Everyone wants to look fashionable, even if the clothing market is represented by a huge variety of pants models.

Originals are always on the lookout; as soon as a new method of experimenting with clothing appears, it is immediately tested in action.

A good, inexpensive way out of the situation is to lighten your jeans yourself at home.

The main methods used today look like this:

  1. Application of whiteness. Blue jeans with uneven coloring will help to whiten well with this composition.

    It is based on bleaching particles, so you should choose products that contain chlorine. It is worth noting that bleaches made on the basis of active oxygen are not suitable for this work.

  2. Using soda. Bleach is not suitable for working with thin and delicate jeans fabrics; baking soda.
  3. Lightening with hydrogen peroxide. This component allows you to not only lighten, but at the same time clean jeans from ingrained yellow stains.
  4. Application lemon juice. Lemon juice will be less effective, but natural and safe for clothing.

    It is used to whiten pants of various shades. If citric acid is used, it must be taken in half.

The methods listed above are considered the most common today. Original and creative people sometimes use improvised materials, such as foam sponges, to give texture to stains.


The most effective, proven method is to use store-bought bleach or whiteness.

The product is made on the basis of chlorine, which imparts a light color in a short period of time.

Let's look at how to work with whiteness:

  • Choose your jeans carefully: they should be made of thick textile, then the result will be beautiful.
  • The more intense and brighter the base color, the more interesting the finished version will be - this is worth taking into account for girls and boys.
  • Prepare necessary materials: bleach, clothespins, bucket, rubber gloves and rubber bands.
  • Twist your pants correctly: if you pinch the jeans with clothespins, a star-shaped pattern will appear, and fixing them with elastic bands will leave vertical streaks.
  • Fill a bucket with 2/3 of the water and put it on the fire to boil.
  • As soon as the liquid boils, add a glass of white and wait for it to boil again.
  • Place jeans in a bucket and boil until the desired result is obtained.

In order for the jeans to dye evenly, you need to constantly monitor the process. The longer they are in the white, the more they will lighten.

Important! Be sure to rinse your jeans completely after treatment.

All fasteners on the pants must be removed. If you reach desired result failed - repeat the procedure later, immersing the pants completely.


There are several techniques that allow you to whiten jeans of any shade without being white. One of them is the use of baking soda, which is probably found in every woman’s kitchen.

Pay attention! This technique is relevant for jeans made of too thin fabric, because it will not cause an aggressive reaction and will not ruin the pants.

You can work either by hand or by machine wash. For the second option, you need to mix soda, washing powder in equal quantities and wash the jeans.

The manual method is described below:

Hydrogen peroxide

When the use of chlorine-containing compounds is prohibited due to the characteristics of the fabric, it is recommended to pay attention to another simple method: using hydrogen peroxide for lightening.

Step-by-step actions look like this:

  • Before processing textiles, be sure to wear protective rubber gloves, because peroxide can lighten the skin of your hands and corrode it.
  • You can lighten your pants either in a machine or manually: in the second case, you need to repeat the method’s manipulations with soda, only add peroxide to the basin instead.
  • If you chose the machine washing method, mix 2 tablespoons of peroxide with laundry detergent and place it in the machine reservoir.

With the manual lightening method, it is much more convenient to control the process, which allows you to obtain a uniform color on black or white jeans.

Important! There is another method of treating with peroxide without boiling: just soak the pants in the solution and powder, then put them in the machine for rinsing and washing.

By following the suggested recipes and methods, you can get beautiful lightened jeans from pants of any shade.

Lightening denim is a creative procedure, so you need to approach it wisely. If you fix your jeans with rags, rubber bands or clothespins, you can end up with gorgeous stains.

  • To create light scuffs on the legs, you can use a pumice stone: gently rub the places where there will be stains, then treat them with a white sponge.
  • Using these methods, you can return your former life to already outdated pants, not only by lightening them, but by refreshing them.
  • If you have artistic skills, dilute citric acid in water and apply patterns to the jeans using a brush.

Many people are afraid to experiment with their favorite pants, but if you strictly follow the advice, you can end up with a stylish and beautiful product.

These jeans will perfectly complement your walking look.

Useful video

Fashion is a very capricious lady with changeable moods, and it is not always possible to keep up with her. Within a short period of time, the models that are relevant today can be replaced by a completely opposite style. To always be in trend, you need to have a decent financial situation, or... a little imagination and knowledge!

As for jeans, every fashion is new fashion season brings surprises. Today classic is in fashion, and tomorrow – military, today a print in the form of holes is relevant, and tomorrow – stains. How can you decorate ordinary jeans yourself so that they cannot be distinguished from a store-bought model?

We make spectacular divorces

Light-colored jeans are becoming increasingly popular, especially those models that have uneven coloring. Using chemicals, you can decorate a new product yourself, or give it as a gift. new life jeans that have long been abandoned in the far corner of the wardrobe. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

White or other bleach

In order to lighten jeans with white or another means, you need to pour water into a container and add bleach to it. When you put your jeans in it, stir them with a wooden stick or with your hands wearing thick rubber gloves. Watch the color change carefully so you don't miss the shade you need.

If the jeans have not changed their color, then perhaps you came across a white of poor quality or the concentration of the active substance in it is less than stated on the label. If this happens, carefully add a little more bleach to the solution and continue to observe the color.

To make light stains on jeans, you need to lower them into a container with a whitening solution in a twisted state. It is important to take into account that The more the jeans are rolled, the smaller the stains will be. To achieve the most powerful effect, the places of twists should be secured with clamps, and to obtain vertical patterns of twists of denim pants, they should be tightly secured with tight elastic bands.

After achieving the desired result, the jeans should be thoroughly rinsed in running water and then washed with regular powder in the washing machine.

Important! If the fabric is kept in the solution or its concentration is not observed, the item can be damaged - the denim will become thinner and holes may appear on it.

Hydrogen peroxide

Compared to caustic white, lightening with hydrogen peroxide will give a mild effect. You can soak your jeans in water with peroxide added, or you can add it to the washing powder compartment during washing. Don't worry about the safety of your washing machine, hydrogen peroxide will not harm her.

Using soda

Regular baking soda also provides a slight brightening effect, which can be enhanced by repeated washing.

Unlike hydrogen peroxide, you should only wash jeans with soda by hand, because it will negatively affect the drum and other internal parts of the washing machine.

Using a cleaning product like Domestos

The active components of bathroom and toilet cleaners are also quite capable of making jeans lighter. To do this, you need to dilute ½ cup of concentrated product in three liters of water and leave for some time to clarify.

Once the desired result is achieved, the jeans should be rinsed thoroughly. A significant disadvantage of this bleaching method is the strong odor that comes from the product. It disappears completely only after at least three washes with fabric softener.

With lemon juice

Lemon is a popular natural bleaching agent used to make skin lightening creams, clean nails and etch dark hair. Its properties can also be used to change the color of fabric. To do this, jeans need to be soaked in a strong solution of lemon juice or citric acid and left for a while.

You can also wash it in a washing machine with lemon solution. Not only will it not harm it, but on the contrary, it will clean scale from the heating element and remove plaque from the internal parts of the machine.

How to completely lighten jeans - “boil” them?

The most popular in the 80s of the last century, the “boiled” jeans model is once again conquering fashionable heights. Today you can buy it in a store without any problems, unlike in the scarce USSR. But if you still want to pay tribute to the time and make them yourself, it’s not at all difficult to do.

For this you will need:

  • White;
  • Water;
  • Volumetric enamel container (basin or bucket);
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Wooden or plastic spatula for mixing;
  • The jeans themselves.

To prepare the clarifier, you need to dilute the white in a container (at the rate of 1 glass of white per 7 liters of liquid) and put it on the fire. When the solution boils, lower the pre-twisted jeans tightly into the water, not allowing them to float to the surface. A wooden stirring device, prepared in advance, is perfect for this.

To do on boiled jeans interesting decor, there are several simple ways:

  • Stars can be obtained by making clips on the fabric with ordinary clothespins. It is better to take wooden ones, since when boiling they will not release paint that can stain jeans;
  • To receive For thin stains, jeans should be twisted loosely, for wide ones - much tighter. It is best to fix it with a colorless rope so that it does not fade into the solution when boiling;
  • You can lighten only one trouser leg, or only top part jeans. For this the required part dip into the solution, and keep the rest of the product dry during the entire clarification process.

As soon as the water with jeans boils, we note the time - at least 10 minutes, maximum - you choose yourself, depending on the desired result.

After this, remove the jeans from the bucket or basin, straighten them and rinse under running cold water. It is advisable to dry them in the open air so that all the smell of chlorine disappears.

See the next video for more details.

  • To lighten it, it is better to take classic denim jeans blue or blue color, because it is on these models that the best results will be obtained.

  • In order to make a gradient pattern, you can use a sponge soaked in bleach of varying concentrations. Treat sections of jeans one at a time according to the print, leave for a while, and then rinse thoroughly. The result will exceed all your expectations!


Jeans have long occupied first place in modern fashion. They are an integral part of the wardrobe, regardless of gender and age. Every season new models appear on the market - today jeans in light shades are popular.

In order to look stylish and keep up with fashion, you can transform old trousers you already have in your wardrobe. This will allow you to save your budget and get a new, completely exclusive item.

A few facts about bleaching denim pants:

  • jeans in dark shades can be lightened, but they will not become completely white;
  • the darker the initial shade, the darker the result will be;
  • White color can be given to blue jeans;
  • It is not recommended to bleach colored jeans, since the dyes used for them react differently to bleaching agents;
  • It is much more difficult to lighten jeans completely than to do it in spots, such as “varenka”.

Do not immediately take the item that you want to give a second life, carry out a trial procedure using unnecessary material, this will help identify errors and not spoil the jeans.


When working with aggressive bleaching agents, you first need to think about safety. To do this, follow a few rules:

  • First of all, you need to find a suitable place. A bath is perfect for the whitening procedure;
  • Protect your hands with rubber gloves; contact with chlorine on your skin can cause burns;
  • the bleaching room must be ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning from toxic fumes;
  • Avoid getting the product into your eyes; if this happens, rinse them well with running water;
  • If you get it in your throat, rinse it with boiled water;

How to whiten jeans at home

To lighten jeans at home, you can use various available products. The most famous and accessible are:

  • white;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • citric acid;
  • baking soda.

The ability of these substances to lighten fabric has long been known, but they must be used following the instructions.

Bleach whiteness

Whiteness is the most popular means used in everyday life to whiten things, including denim. It will help give new look old jeans, complement them with various patterns, fashionable abrasions.

Prepare a solution of bleach and water. It is better to use an enamel container: a bucket or basin. Fill it halfway with water, then place it on a hot stove and heat, but do not boil. Add 1 cup bleach, stirring, and bring to a boil. Then you can put the prepared, rolled jeans and cook.

The effect appears after about 15 minutes of cooking; if it does not occur, add more white. You need to keep the jeans on the fire until the shade suits you. After achieving the desired result, remove the item from the container, rinse and hang to dry.

Watch the video to learn how to whiten jeans using bleach and get a designer pattern.


Baking soda is used to lighten jeans if they are made of thin fabric.

The lightening process occurs as a result of washing. You need to add soda to the powder, then pour this mixture into the container of the washing machine. Depending on the initial and desired tones, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

Hand washing can also be a bleaching method. The advantage here is that the machine will not be damaged by the soda solution. You will also be able to control the whitening. Required quantity- about 20 grams of soda per 1 liter of water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is great for quick and effective whitening denim clothes. The main criterion for this method is saving time.

Change the shade of jeans small quantity Two tablespoons of this solution, added to the machine during washing, will be enough. The procedure is carried out once and does not need to be repeated several times.

When hand washing and using this product, add three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the soap solution. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves.

You can also use soaking jeans in soapy water and adding a solution at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. After finishing, you need to wash the item.

Using citric acid or lemon juice gives very good results.

You need to dilute one spoon of acid or juice per liter of water. The jeans are soaked in this solution for several hours until the resulting shade satisfies you. Then we take out the jeans and dry them.


In addition to the substances listed above, you can use Domestos. The solution is prepared in the following proportions: take a glass of the product per three liters of water. The bleaching process is carried out by soaking the jeans until the desired tone is achieved.

After this, you need to dry the trousers, then wash them in the machine. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the soaking process.

The procedure does not take much time, but it must be carried out observing safety precautions and using protective equipment.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate can perfectly whiten jeans, along with hydrogen peroxide.

Prepare the solution. To do this: take 30 grams. potassium permanganate per kilogram of material, pour into a prepared container with water, add a little citric acid. We soak the item for about half an hour, take it out, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Bleach is used according to the same instructions as bleach, since it is its main component. Heat the water, add bleach, boil the jeans, stirring constantly.

The process lasts several minutes, no more than 20, then carefully, without touching with your hands, we take out the pants, rinse them in running water and dry them.

If you want to achieve a streaky effect on the fabric, tie your jeans in loose knots.

To obtain stains, twist the jeans, securing the necessary places with clips or ropes, the main thing is that they do not have a coloring effect.


To lighten denim, prepare an aqueous solution ammonia and turpentine. Things are soaked in it for several hours until the desired result is obtained. Then rinse and machine wash.


“Hydroperit” tablets for whitening are used along with hydrogen peroxide. One tablet is equal to a tablespoon of 3% solution. Dissolve the tablets in water and soak or wash the pants.

Types of bleaching: in the washing machine or with your own hands

There are several ways to lighten clothes, choose which one is more convenient and easier for you.

  1. Wash at high temperature with the addition of the listed funds is one of the most effective methods.
  2. Hand washing with lemon soda or peroxide is also effective.
  3. Using bleach or bleach requires cooking, but saves time.
  4. Soaking is the simplest procedure; bleaching agents such as Domestos, citric acid and ammonia are suitable for it.

They are all equally effective and will provide the desired result, giving things individuality and a stylish look.

We have looked at the methods and means of whitening, now let’s talk about what options for creating original jeans exist.

  1. Partial lightening. Does not require boiling, you just need to blot the areas you would like to whiten. In this way you can create patterns on fabric. The longer the bleach is in contact with the clothing, the lighter the shade will be.
  2. You can get a star pattern on jeans during the cooking process by pinching the fabric with wooden clothespins.
  3. You can lighten part of the pants by soaking only it in the solution used.
  4. Create original pattern You can use a spray bottle, spraying it on the fabric in a chaotic manner.

Procedures after whitening

After bleaching or lightening, jeans need to be rinsed, then machine washed and dried.

A few tips to follow for better results:

  • Blue or indigo jeans are better suited to bleaching;
  • a gradient pattern can be achieved using a regular sponge;
  • patterns can be created with a solution of citric acid using a stencil;
  • Spraying with a spray bottle will help achieve a blurry effect. different places solution of varying degrees of concentration;
  • sandpaper can also be a way to whiten or create scuffs;
  • Jeans fabric becomes thinner and softer after treatment with bleaching agents;
  • achieve the desired result gradually, try not to overdo it with aggressive means.

When choosing a lightening method and carrying out the procedure, follow the instructions and be safe. Using the available tools that everyone has in their home, you can create an original thing, while spending a little time and saving money. Don't be afraid to experiment, you will definitely succeed!

Denim clothing always remains in trend. Every year the design of the models, color, and decor changes, but it never goes out of fashion.

The variety of models allows you to choose the item of the desired design that will emphasize your figure and complement the created image. However, fashion changes rapidly, and it’s a pity to part with your favorite clothes. Lighten jeans and change their design to white original methods will help.

Preparatory stage

Before the process, you need to think about what desired result you want - just change the shade of the thing or create an unusual abstract drawing. At home, the following substances will help restore attractiveness and originality with the help of digestion and clarification:

  • bleach is the most effective method;
  • baking soda – effective for jeans made of thin fabric;
  • hydrogen peroxide - used to lighten denim in light shades;
  • lemon juice – suitable for creating exclusive designs.

The choice depends on the desired result: lighten the item a little or bleach it completely. It is also affected by the quality of the material and its density. Bleach destroys fabric, especially from prolonged contact with it, so if the jeans are thin, then to change the color you need to choose a less aggressive substance.


Chlorine bleaches are best suited for this purpose. Products based on active oxygen are not able to radically change the color of the fabric.

White is suitable as a bleach. It has a strong whitening effect and is applied only to items made of thick denim, as it can simply dissolve thin ones.

  1. With this method, the thing will cook. Therefore, to start the process, you need to take a metal bucket or pan half filled with water, pour in one glass of white, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula, stick (large ladle, spoon) and put on medium heat. It is better to work in thick rubber gloves.
  2. After this, place the prepared jeans in boiling water. They must be dry and clean. For streaks to appear, they must be twisted, tied or intertwined. For this you will need laces and clothespins. It is better to take white laces so that they do not fade on the item when boiled. With the help of these devices, jeans are twisted and tied. To obtain vertical streaks, the pants should be folded lengthwise and secured; for horizontal streaks, crosswise. For the star effect, make clips with wooden clothespins.
  3. To prevent the jeans from floating, you can press them down on top with some kind of weight (lid or ladle).
  4. In about 10 minutes denim will become noticeably paler. If this is not the result you want, boil the jeans for another 10-20 minutes. If the brightening effect is not noticeable, increase the concentration of bleach. But keep in mind that bleach has a corrosive effect on fabric.
  5. Once the desired result is achieved, remove the dyed item into the wash basin and remove all laces and clips. Rinse the jeans well under running cold water and leave to dry. The achieved effect will be clearly visible on a completely dried item.

To achieve exclusivity, you may want to make only one leg lighter or create “splashes” on the fabric. To lighten a jacket, jeans or shirt, you first need to think about their modified design: where to just lighten, and where you can do it with patterns, where to achieve a whiter color, and where to just change the shade a little.

Using soda

If you want to bleach clothes made from thin jeans, then it is better not to use aggressive bleach - whiteness, but to use soda.

Baking soda has a slight bleaching effect, but it can be adjusted by the number of times you wash it.

  1. You will need bleaching powder for hand washing, baking soda, gloves, and a large basin.
  2. To lighten denim item You need to mix baking soda and powder in a 1:2 ratio in a measuring cup. Pour half the solution into a bowl of warm water and soak the jeans in it for 30 minutes.
  3. Next step - hand wash. Wash the jeans, adding the second half of the solution. Rinse, dry and evaluate the result.

Don’t expect a big effect right away; moreover, it will depend on the intensity of the fabric being bleached. But the good thing about this method is that it allows you to adjust the tone of the lightening, achieve the desired shade and make the bleaching uniform throughout the fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide as a denim brightener

Two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are poured into the washing machine tank along with washing powder for automatic washing. The number of tablespoons of peroxide depends on the desired lightening result.

Peroxide will also help whiten jeans from yellowing that appears over time.

Bleach – lemon juice

You can try to bleach a denim item, for example, pants or a jacket, with a natural bleach - lemon juice or acid.

  1. Prepare a solution at the rate that for 1 liter of water there is 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Soak the item in the prepared solution for about 1 hour. If the effect is not achieved, you can increase the soaking time. Then rinse and dry the jeans.

Please note that there is a chance that the tone will look slightly darker on wet trousers, and after drying the jeans the final result may be slightly different.

Creative approach

If you want to partially lighten your jeans, then soak a sponge in bleach and rub it over the areas you want to make lighter than the base color. To create splashes, use a spray bottle. After which the jeans are left to sit for 5 minutes (no more) to achieve the lightening effect. When the fabric has become discolored, the jeans must be rinsed well under running water, washed and dried.

For an unusual and interesting design at home, jeans can be painted. You can draw the pattern with a regular paint brush dipped in water with the addition of citric acid.

Thus, to lighten a thing, it is not always necessary to boil it; in some cases, it is enough to simply apply the necessary substance.

With any method of lightening, it must be remembered that the more often the fabric is exposed to bleach, the faster it will wear out, so it is not necessary to once again resort to chemistry.

Lightening jeans at home is creative process, which requires fantasy, imagination and simply a desire for change. The resulting items can become the highlight of the image, attracting attention with their stylishness and exclusivity.

Denim clothes firmly established in modern fashion. Jackets, shirts, skirts and trousers are becoming more and more interesting every year. The work of the designers is amazing. It's almost impossible to keep up with fashion. Looks stylish summer option jeans that have abrasions and are made in light, almost white colors. If you dig through your old wardrobe, you can find old trousers that have been forgotten, are no longer relevant and therefore not loved. They are suitable for transformation with the help of lightening. Without spending any special money and putting in a minimum of effort, you can get a new, exclusive item.

How to lighten jeans with white and soda

IN denim lightened at home two ways: using bleach and using soda.

1. Using bleach

There are chlorine-based fabric bleaches, and there are products containing active oxygen. Using the second type of “chemistry” you won’t be able to change the color much, but bleach will change the color dramatically.

In order to lighten jeans you need to have as much as possible:

– bleach works great "White", which contains bleach and is sold at any hardware store;
– a metal container, bucket or deep basin;
– a stick that will be used to stir the jeans.

The process itself is quite simple: water is collected in a basin or bucket, bleach is added (the more, the lighter the fabric will be later), but you don’t need to be particularly zealous. Bleach corrodes fabric; a large amount of it will have a detrimental effect on the item as a whole.

The solution is mixed well with a stick, then jeans are placed in it. All this is placed on the fire. After the water boils, you need to cook the jeans for 20-30 minutes, stirring them occasionally and lowering them from the surface of the pelvis, down.

2. Using soda

Soda lighten jeans, sewn from thin fabric. Bleaching with “Whiteness” will be destructive for such trousers; they will simply fall apart in your hands.

In this bleaching option, washing powder is mixed with soda, diluted with water, and jeans are soaked in the solution for an hour. Then they are erased. You won't get much lightening the first time. The procedure can be repeated several times to achieve the desired effect.

Original ideas to lighten jeans

If you tie knots on them while lightening jeans, you will get patterns on the fabric. Unpainted ropes of different thicknesses and clothespins are suitable for such purposes.

Another option is to spray bleach on the fabric, leave for 5 minutes, then wash. You will get a beautiful splash effect.

By using your imagination and working a little, you can get a stylish item in your wardrobe and save on buying new jeans.

Video on how to lighten jeans at home (Whiteness):

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