Happy birthday to my husband. Happy birthday greetings to my husband: the most beautiful and pleasant words. From a loving wife

The approach of any anniversary or even a non-round date is fraught with troubles for everyone. Thus, the birthday boy is concerned about organizational issues related to the celebration itself. Put on top level banquet, dance floor and entertainment program- not an easy task. However, the invited guests, who are spared the tedious participation in preparing the upcoming evening, are tormented by no less complex thoughts. What should you give to the hero of the occasion as a gift? This question can probably be classified as eternal.

I want that for any of my dreams
All my life you were the only border,
I want in the book that you are reading,
Be the first and last page.
I want from all your worries and thoughts
Steal at least half
I want it to suddenly occur to you,
That you are happy - and I am to blame for this!
I don’t want to give you peace,
Be strong and remain weak
I want to call you my love -
After all, I couldn’t live any other way!

I want to be music so that you get used to it
And he couldn’t live even an hour without her.
I want you to silently, where the tongue is weak,
I could reach out from heart to heart.

I want that, no matter how steep our path may be,
He led us not through the desert, but through the garden,
I want twins - love and work
- They lived next to us all their lives.

Be happy and don't change:
Stay as you are.
Among life's adversities and obstacles
You are the most important to me.

You are like a rock, rockier than any rock,
Became a rock, under the Sun that sparkles...
I stood like a sentry and searched for an hour,
When suddenly it arrives, how
An angel, a bird, and the bird flew in.
This is me: And now I am above you and below you,
I don’t have a huge love for you,
I sharpen the beak and clean the feathers.
No, you are not only a giant of the world,
Also a small bird - the ruler!

For me today is the most wonderful holiday,
On this day you were born into this world!
In life you are like my fair wind,
There is no one dearer, dearer or closer!
And with me you are gentle and patient,
Even if, like a volcano, I suddenly flare up...
I want to say thank you
And confess how much I love you!
Long life to you, health and patience,
Let your dreams come true!
May every moment bring you
As much happiness as you give to the world!

I'm going crazy with love.
Without you my whole life is in vain.
Without your eyes, without your lips,
Without your hands I am so unhappy.
I don't understand why
Fate gives me meetings with you.
So that every time I see you,
Be sad when evening comes.

Spouse's birthday
Celebrating at the table
Me, his wife, girlfriend,
I want to tell you about him.
Neither heat nor cold are scary,
The shocks of troubled years,
Behind my husband's shoulder
I am not afraid of adversity and troubles.
It's easy to walk around the world with him,
Find the answer to the question
There is no better husband in the world
And there is no more beautiful man.
Always be beautiful, okay,
Be gentle and simple...
For you, my beloved,
I raise this toast!

My beloved husband, you are my glorious, you are my savior. For everything good and beautiful in my life, I want to thank you. Thank you for being in my life, and also for your wisdom and patience, for your love and loyalty. For me, you are the most beautiful knight on earth.

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive.
And I'm looking forward to
I'm counting the minutes
See you when we
Apart from you,
My favorite
And the dearest!
I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck,
Easy roads,
Happy returns,
My most desirable
And the most beautiful!

You are nearby and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,
For the fact that you exist in the world.
Thank you for these lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you, my beloved,
For the fact that you exist in the world.
We're close, but we could
You won't be able to meet each other at all...
My only one, thank you
For being in the world!

Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of life will be beautiful, that all your wishes will come true as soon as possible, and that your dreams will definitely come true. I wish fate a fair wind, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may your children please you with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and may there be happiness in your heart!

True courage is fortitude, wisdom, generosity, clarity of thought, the ability to make friends, the ability to be a support and support for loved ones. So congratulations on birthday you as one of the most courageous men! And I also want to wish all yours long life always remain the happiest person!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, let your health be such that you don’t even think about it! May your beloved always be nearby, may prosperity and prosperity reign in your home, may all your plans and dreams come true with ease! And may we still celebrate your successes and rejoice at your good fortune every year for many, many years to come!

On your birthday I would like to wish you happiness in absolutely everything. May whatever you undertake bring success in one way or another! I wish you to always remain as wonderful and a bright man like now. May fortune accompany all moments of your life and help you in all your plans. Appreciate what you have and achieve more! Happy birthday!

Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one way - it will be just as successful! Joy, good luck, inspiration! May everything you want come true in your life! Always be the darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place, in right time. Congratulations!

I sincerely wish that every new day of your life will be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, meetings with friends and like-minded people. I wish you health, family happiness and always a great mood!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a lot of happiness, kindness and love! And don’t forget that no matter how serious life is, it’s just a game in which I wish you to be a winner!

For you today a thousand warm congratulations and a million good wishes! And the main thing, of course, is the wish for happiness, because with it the world becomes brighter, one can breathe easier and life becomes easy and pleasant! Live long and happily and may all your dreams come true by your next birthday!

Happy birthday card for boyfriend. Photo: sdnem-rozhdeniya.ru

I wish you to perceive life as it is, but always try to see more good in it!

May your home always be a full cup, may your wife be affectionate, and may your children only delight you with their successes and inherit your best traits! May life always be full of such simple, but at the same time true happiness!

Congratulations a thousand times! I wish you to continue to remain the Creator, the Master of your happiness! I wish to increase it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new events to the baggage of good memories, because people like you deserve the best fate!

May you have many years of a happy, prosperous life ahead of you, in which all your dreams come true and you are surrounded only by true friends and your closest people!***

We wish you the most important thing today - be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful beloved and children, live with pleasure, go to victory in all matters. Enjoy every unique moment have a wonderful life, and may you always have plenty of strength and opportunity to fulfill all your desires!

SMS happy birthday greetings to a man

Birthday boy, where have you been?
You forgot to register!
As much as possible, motherfucker,
Wait in vain?!

Where's the liver? Where is the balyk?
Where's the herring? Where is the tongue?
Where is the vodka, cognac, wine?
We've been waiting a long time!

Congratulations excite
Alcohol and food...
Now there's a different situation!
Be happy and be rich!

I wish you to always be healthy,
Happy, kind, young,
Reliable friends, peace in the house,
And of course love!

More colorful moments
Happy life moments,
Not knowing incidents in life
And may adversity pass you by!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you a happy birthday.
Wish you good health,
So that everything is within your reach.

Let your heart be warm
Be loved and loved.
So that all your dreams come true -
Be invincible in business.

Let the weather reign in your soul -
Warmth, joy, comfort.
Let them meet you at home,
They believe, love, always wait.

Let them surround you throughout life
Your true friends.
Remember that you are the best -
Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in verse

Happy Day Congratulations on your birthday,
And, as usual, I wish you.

So that Luck and Success,
They chose you out of everyone.

Everything you dream of
So that I get it right away.

So that Spring lives in the soul,
It would last forever.

So that your health is strong,
Happiness - so that it doesn’t go away.

May the family prosper
And beloved friends.

To make life wonderful
The perspective is clear, clear.

And Fortune, so that she loves,
Never let me down.

Fast career growth,
So that everything is easy and simple.

On your birthday, allow me
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Always be strong and successful,
Trouble and grief cannot be recognized.

In a family of peace and comfort,
And understanding of relatives.
Warmth of a minute
Have a nice long weekend.

In your career - take off, in business - order,
Good health forever.
You are very polite, pleasant,
A good, kind person.

Happy birthday card for a man. Photo: sdnem-rozhdeniya.ru

I wish only what is especially important:
Better health, more luck,
Cash in paper - larger bills.
Container - luck, happiness - carriage,
And bring joy into a bag, and carry it more cheerfully.
Wishes - to come true, money - a van.

Birthday boy, happy birthday!
Happiness, joy, luck,
Health, stronger than wine,
Love forever and, like in the movies,

Friends who will not leave in trouble,
Be lucky in everything, everywhere.

And let your capital grow
Everything you dreamed about will come true,
And your life is a boat
Let the fair breeze blow!

I wish you to always be cheerful,
Handsome, smart, young.
I wish you to always be happy,
Beloved, dear, dear.

I wish you luck
Car, house, apartment, dacha.
Always have a full wallet,
But also to bed for some coffee.

Men don't count years!
They know in advance
Wisdom grows over the years,
Souls of aspiration flight!

Let it rush more quietly on this day,
Fate is an unrestrained tangle,
What would the years have time to do,
There is still a turn in your life!

What can you wish for your birthday?
Already a successful man?
Never get sick, never get sick,
Smile, be the happiest!

Let your career lead only upward,
And the salary is growing daily!
May only success await you in everything,
And dreams come true - instantly!

Happy birthday to you,
And I wish you so many blessings,
So that you can choose only the best,
And give the rest to your loved ones!

Let it be in the sails of your destiny
Only a fair wind will blow,
May everyone's dreams come true
And your path will always be bright.

I wish I never knew
The taste of bitterness from defeat
And even the broken ones can stand up,
And never have doubts.

I wish you good health,
Hot love for many years.
I congratulate you on your birthday!
You, worthy Man!

Happy birthday!
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, health,
Rainbows, warmth, care,
Excellent, not dusty work,
Let your dreams come true
And you always look into the distance,
So that aspirations do not end,
And all goals were fulfilled.

I wish you new discoveries, beginnings, ideas,
Have good people in life, so that you meet.
Be a support and a strong wall for your family,
Live as you live, but remain yourself.

Hold the world, it's on your shoulders
Protect the one that protects your hearth.
Go through life, casting doubts aside.
Rest, because today is your birthday.

There's a good reason today
Congratulate a cool man.
We send greetings and congratulations
Happy Birthday:

We wish you a sea of ​​positivity,
At leisure - creativity,
At work - more money
Good health to you - without any certificates!

Let me wish you a lot:
Happiness, joy, eternal love.
Let the road be clear
Let no one stand in your way.

May luck smile on you
Let your friends be reliable.
We wish to become a little richer,
And of course, to be at the helm.

So that I can conquer all the peaks,
He was brave and never timid.
Let me wish you a lot of strength,
May you succeed in everything in this life.

Today is holiday and fun,
After all, on this day and at this hour
A man was born on earth,
Worthy of all praise!

Happy birthday to you
Relatives and friends are in a hurry.
We wish you good luck,
After all, you can’t live without her.

We also wish you to be healthy
And not notice the passage of years
With love in my heart, like for the first time,
You should welcome spring every year.

So that life is filled with meaning,
There is a perky sparkle in the eyes,
And all the hardships and suffering
Let the flow of life carry you away.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness and goodness.
And I wish you more laughter
And in all matters success.

May you always have a true friend,
So that you do not know the disease,
So that you live in abundance,
So that everything is in order.

What would you wish for?
Should I lie down during the day until lunchtime?
Don't go to work?
Is it easy to chop money?
Maybe you'd like a sea beer?
It's better not to know grief.
Always be rosy and fresh,
Eat delicacies more often
Don't forget to smile
And always be healthy.
Prepare some treats soon
Happy birthday!

I wish you good luck and highlights,
Health, success always and in everything,
I wish you to achieve your goals,
May you be happy both night and day!

I would like to wish you career growth,
Luck, good and faithful friends,
Let adversity all evaporate forever,
May your life become more joyful every day!

Happy birthday! Let today
All your dreams will come true.
Hundreds of smiles will come into life.
All things will reach heights.

May your health be strong
And pursues luck on its heels.
Surround joys with love,
Happiness blooms here and there.

I wish you a wonderful day,
Your dreams come true,
Health would be ironclad
The traces of grief have disappeared.

There is order and stability in affairs,
And the house is warmed by the warmth of relatives,
Adversity passed by
You didn't remember them.

I wish you a sea of ​​positivity,
I wish you bright, bright days,
Let yours be life is happy,
Let everything in life be Okay!

Happy Birthday to you,
May you always be young and quick,
And life is long every moment
Warmed by the warmth of smiles!

Happy birthday
Let your dreams come true
And in good mood,
You will always be there.

On this day I wish you
Lots of money and love
To be a good father
And a support for the family.

Lots of strength and patience
To achieve my goals,
Warm, faithful relationships,
So that you are not alone.

On today's birthday,
On the day of fun and gifts
We wish you inspiration,
To be strong and healthy,

So that the house is full,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family,
Household members, so that everyone is yours
You were valued like a treasure

So that your eyes glow with happiness,
So that the world gives success,
So that Love with its destiny
I kept you all from harm!

Today you were born, I congratulate you,
May the sun shine brightly in the sky on this day.
I wish you happiness, I wish you well.
Make a wish - everything will come true, believe me.

You are strong, kind, smart, there are few like you in the world.
Let them be fulfilled cherished dreams.
I still wish you love and good health
And do not encounter obstacles on the path of life.

I wish you smiles and good mood,
Let there be fun in the house today.
Health, good luck and lots of money,
Always and everywhere be satisfied with yourself.

May the sun always warm you with warmth,
And your loved ones never forget about you.
Peace in soul, luck, success,
Happy moments and merry laughter!

We wish you to walk on this day,
Relax in Bora Bora.
Meet Angela Jolie there
And go with her to Bali.

And lie on the sand,
Ride in a Pitt Porsche
Win an apartment in a casino,
Play Schwarzenegger in a movie.

Get an Oscar for this
It's great to live in Hollywood.
Smile while holding the award
And wake up in a joyful sweat.

May today and always
Happiness will answer you “yes”!
And luck will smile
And luck will wake up.

Don't let people upset you
Let the money not decrease
So that you, like Scrooge McDuck,
We swam in the golden mountains.

Let all the fish be golden
And the Hottabychis are gray
Will do it today
A small order for you:

And an expensive car,
The dacha is also small,
Yes, good health for a year for future use,
And a bag of smiles!

Get over it, get through it, get over it!
Make a fist, burn it, scatter it to the wind.
Forget, don't remember, don't regret.
Get over yourself millimeter by millimeter.

Sift all your friends through a sieve.
Lose, gain, but remember in moderation.
You, gritting your teeth, overcome everything,
Without becoming a bad example for everyone.

Everything will come true. Whether we want it or not.
But it’s important that it’s done the way you wished.
And so that the time, place, smell, color
They coincided in the same heart!

Happy birthday.
With new joy and luck.
I wish you
Only the best in fate.

Be successful, wise, strong,
Passionate and loving.
May you have a lucky star
It will bring happiness to boot!

Happy birthday!
And I wish on this day,
Be of good cheer,
In the circle of relatives and friends.

I wish you happiness
Fiery great love.
So that the heart is illuminated,
Clear sunshine inside.

May good luck be with you.
The eyes always glow.
Always be so cheerful
Keep joy in your heart.

I wish you every success,
Let everything go according to plan!
May there be a lot of laughter in life,
May every moment bring joy!

More vivid impressions,
Love to you and warm feelings,
There are only promotions in my career,
May you become richer!

On this clear wonderful day
I'm not too lazy to wish you,
More happiness and goodness,
Loyalty of friends, warmth.

More money, more power
So that happiness knocks on the window.
The wizard was flying above you
What you dream about came true.

Today is your birthday!
So accept our congratulations.
Be healthy and rich
and friends are always welcome!
We also want a girl
With long legs!
And so that you don't end up with huge
with horns!
Today we'll have fun
and it wouldn't be a bad idea to get drunk!
Fill your glasses quickly
and a snack on the table.
Let's drink to you,
dear friend!

I wish you a lot on your birthday
The bathhouse is hotter,
brighter mood!
A sea of ​​cold beer
and a lot of positive things!
Good health,
to meet friends more often
and have awesome fun!
Money in euros,
approximately a million!
Cheerful girls
and show-off friends!
My congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy birthday!
And I wish to avoid frostbite!
Success in business, more happiness
and a thicker wallet!
A simple girl and a cool car!
Jokes and giggles and delicious pies!
Couture clothes
a bunch of green bills!
May your friends always be with you
yours are cool
and lightly salted cucumbers!
After have a nice day birth,
I wish you no hangover tomorrow!

It doesn't matter how old you are,
Let this day be the dawn
Dawn for dear life,
With love, with great joy!
Let the fairy tale come in pairs,
Fulfills your wishes
And Day Celebrating births,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Funny birthday greetings to a man

I wish you on your birthday
A crowd of friends for the mood,
Sultry mulatto, kebab,
And a Versace jacket.

I wish that WOW!

And never OHHO-HO!

A little AH! Well, you can WOW!

To take your breath away.

Of course, to have a WOW!

Let's eat our fill today

Let's drink a lot of sweet wine

It's a friend's birthday today

And we will all say in unison: “Hurray!”

Let's do THIS with you,

Let's celebrate your birthday!

A worthy husband and healthy children are the main components of what is called female happiness. A woman can feel truly harmonious only next to the husband she loves. We sincerely admire couples who live with dignity in harmony for many years. In this article - gentle and touching congratulations for your husbands.

Happy birthday greetings to husband in verse

My beloved husband, happy birthday
I hasten to congratulate you.
All earthly blessings without exception
I want to wish you.
I wish you good health,
And let your dreams come true.
And let happiness be like a flock of birds,
It flies where you go.

You are my beloved husband,
The most expensive
Always be happy
Know: you are only mine!
On this birthday
I can promise:
All your whims
I will do it!

My beloved husband, man,
My dear man,
There is a reason for joy -
It's your birthday.
I wish you, darling,
I am health and love,
So that desires and dreams
All yours were embodied.
So that your boss praises you
And he raised the salary.
And so that you your wife
Never offended.

My best man, on this day again
I want to tell you my cherished words.
Congratulations on the holiday, my dear, dear.
Know: I am very happy next to you.
I wish you to always be like this:
Kind and reliable, sweet and dear.
I wish you happiness and goodness,
So that only I would be next to you!
On the day I was born, I will tell you again:
I'm proud of you! I love you!

On this day, my beloved husband,
I want to tell you:
Always be so beautiful
Don't forget about your wife.

Be like this: big and strong,
Sweet, loving father.
Always be stable with your wife
And love your sweet home!

Happy birthday
My irresistible husband.
Let health shine in you
Brighter than the circle of heaven.
I love your character so much
Always be like this, baby.
May success prevail
What don't you touch with your hands?
Let the humor never leave you
The limits of your heart.
Let the smile decorate
Your sweet face.

Today is an unusual day,
Today my husband was born.
I want to ask you
Always be by my side.
I want you not to get sick
May I be lucky with my work.
So that adversity does not change
Your kind face.
Let everything you dream about
You will meet in life.
The main thing is that you remember
About me and my family.

Dear husband, happy birthday,
I want to wish you happiness.
Let life be full of fun,
I'm glad I live with you.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
The most faithful and dear.
I want you to be healthy
And so that there is peace in the soul.
Your character is so kind
Always ready to help everyone.
I'm proud of you, my love,
You can overcome everything.

My hero, today is a holiday,
It's your birthday.
Accept give gifts
Among which I am.
You are diligent, elegant,
You value your loved ones and friends.
Let there be more in life
Joyful, happy days.
May health come
Fewer cloudy days.
I hug you tightly
You are ready for anything for me.

My beloved husband, my desired husband,
The most reliable and long-awaited.
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you hope, health and happiness.
I will warm your life with my warmth,
Even in the snowiest wild land.
I wish you unearthly luck,
May all your dreams come true, every single one.
Come on, my dear, let's celebrate
And we will celebrate your birthday with smiles.
Let sadness and sadness not touch us,
I so want to turn my face to happiness.

You see the sun - it shines for you,
You see the sky - it sparkles blue.
You see happiness - it’s me loving you
I’m giving it now for your birthday.
You are my husband and no one else
I don't love so much in the world.
I want to wish one thing
May you always value your life.
So that you know that tenderness is weightless,
That she is always, everywhere with you,
That I, darling, am waiting for you at home,
Keeping your image in my thoughts.

My beloved, dear, unique,
The only and most expensive
Please accept my congratulations today
And wishes for your birthday.

You best husband in the whole wide world,
You won't find anything like this anywhere in the world.
May everything you dream about come true
I will walk next to you.

I love you and I kiss you tightly,
I give you both affection and warmth.
I want to confess to you, my dear:
I am so lucky to have you in my life!

Our husband and dad, happy birthday
We hasten to congratulate you,
You are the best, without a doubt.
We want to wish you
More happy, kind days,
Health as strong as steel,
Always be cheerful and cheerful
Meet any difficulties.
May all your dreams come true
And friends will be true.
May your beginnings be successful
You will complete everything. Your family.

Happy birthday, darling!
Congratulations, dear,
My man, the strongest,
The most tender and dear.

Behind your back is wide
I'll hide from trouble
I'll kiss you on both cheeks,
You are the best in the world.

You forgive me my whims,
And you are always calm,
Are you allowed to spend money?
For rings and furs.

On this day I wish you
May your dreams come true
I melt from your love,
Smile quickly.

I love you immensely
A golden ray of happiness,
And I will always, undoubtedly
I'll be there, my king!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
You, my dear hubby!
Dear, your touch
They pierce me like an electric current.

In a suit with a tie and a T-shirt
I love you dearly.
I love it when you turn the nuts
A big, heavy key.

When you grumble in the store,
When you throw your socks,
When you're covered in paint and gasoline -
We are always close to you.

I love how you miss me
When I catch your gentle gaze.
When you don't answer me
I'm angry, but I still love you!

Let your life be like raspberries.
Everything is just as you dream.
And I am always with you, my love.
I will support you and will not betray you!

Having read the Family Code,
I came up with my own charter.
The only one like it in the world
What works in our apartment.
My rights are there too.
I'll tell you about them a little later.
I commit to letting go
You and your friends for a walk:
To the garage, gym and football.
Don't pester me if you're angry.
And if you drink beer,
I promise not to make a fuss.
There are too many points to count.
There is, however, one nuance there -
I will do everything with pleasure,
But only today, on my birthday.

Thank you for being you, for all these years
We go through joys and hardships together.
With love and care you are next to me.
You have become both my stronghold and my wall.

Darling, accept congratulations from me
On the solemn day of your appearance.
Be happy, healthy and satisfied with fate,
And I will always be by your side.

Close your eyes. Imagine the boundless
The ocean in the dawn haze...
Darling, this is my tenderness,
I'll give it away every bit.

Imagine an endless valley
Covered with a carpet of flowers...
It spreads to you, my love,
My blooming love.

And the sky... Soft blue
Its bottomlessness attracts...
I am so happy, my dear,
I would like to give it to you.

And that loyalty that is harder than rocks,
And the fiery passions of Vesuvius -
I want you to remember and know -
Through the years I bring only you.

Open your eyes. I'm here. I'm nearby.
I catch your dreamy gaze.
And on your birthday with just a glance
I whisper to you: “I love... I love...”

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to your husband

My priceless husband! I want to congratulate you with all my heart on this amazing day. When I was thinking about what to say, I wanted to wish you happiness, health, good luck... But your health is already stronger than granite. Wish for prosperity? But we already have enough money, we don’t need extra. Strong friendship? But you already have true friends with whom you have been close since childhood. Happiness? But it came! On the day when you and I got married. Luck and success? But they are literally following you. And I understand that I really have nothing to wish for you. Then I wish you to simply increase what we already have. Happy birthday, darling!

Our life is very short. But her specific hours can be very long. So let it be with you and me life together there will be as many such happy, endless hours as possible. I am incredibly glad that the roads of fate brought me together with you. May we continue to walk hand in hand for many years to come. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to husband in prose

On this day I want to congratulate the main person in my life. Next to you I feel comfort and warmth. You give me support, hope, love. You are always there and that is priceless. I can say with confidence that I am ready to share not only joy, but also any grief with you in half. Be healthy, happy and lucky. And for me you were and will be the most desired and beloved in the world. Happy holiday to you, dear!

On this day I want to say a lot of warm words to my soulmate. Every year of our life is happier than the previous one. And every day, every minute I love you even more deeply. May only health, happiness, luck and true friends accompany you through life. Always be in a good mood and don’t lose optimism even in the most difficult times. life situation. I love you!

I am incredibly proud that my husband is exactly like this, the most courageous and wonderful man in the world. You have such important qualities as kindness, tenderness, care, and self-confidence. You are beautiful and smart, purposeful and strong... You are the best I could meet in this life! So, from this day forward, let only luck and success come your way. May you always get what you want, and may all your cherished dreams instantly come true. Happy holiday to you!

Happy birthday greetings to your husband in your own words

My only, beloved husband. Today is the day we have all been waiting for. Because today we can fall asleep to you even more kind words and for the hundredth time say how much we love you! In addition to happiness and health, I want to wish you constant inspiration and as much creative ideas. Let there be only peace, prosperity, tranquility and smiles in our family. I love you, happy birthday!

I often remember the years we lived together. After all, our life is somewhat similar to a necklace made of selected pearls. Each pearl reflects our happiness, love, beauty... My dear, if you had not been in my life, I would never have known what true female happiness is. Everything in the world makes no sense if you are not around. You are like the sun that illuminated my gray everyday life. So shine even brighter, happy birthday my love!

It’s my support, my sunshine, my loved one’s birthday today! I wish that you always live in harmony with yourself, that your soul is always calm, that good health does not weaken over the years. Let it be at work consistent success, and at home - one hundred percent comfort. Be inspired, rejoice, smile! And may you always want to go home, wherever you are in the world, where you are expected and loved. Happy holiday, dear!

Funny birthday greetings for husband

Well, take my words of congratulations! The years are running away from us so quickly, but know that there is still enough time left for some things. Do you know what? To completely conscious nonsense, which is called a little family happiness! May there be more in your life fateful meetings, bright events and amazing trips. Live in such a way that we have nothing to tell our grandchildren about! Congratulations!

Let everything in your life be so perfect that it couldn’t be more perfect! May your salary be decent and your career successful. May your family be strong and your friends loyal. Let the car be new, but the cognac must be well aged. And of course, let luck insistently circle around you. Happy birthday, husband!

Do you know beautiful congratulations Happy birthday to your beloved husband? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

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