Reveal the composition of the washing powder. Detergents for washing machines. For hand wash

My transition to veganism has revolutionized more than just what I eat. Food was something like the first step to mindfulness. And then the “avalanche effect” worked - I completely reconsidered everything that in one way or another concerns the cleanliness of my body, namely, what cosmetics I use, what I wash my face with, brush my teeth, my body and hair, what products I use to wash my clothes. In fact, these are all different facets of one question - what do I allow into my body. And I definitely don’t want to introduce chemicals into it, in any way, be it through food, through shampoo or through toothpaste….

In this article I want to analyze in detail what is harmful about the synthetic washing powders we are used to. And tell you about the “household non-chemicals” that I have been successfully using for washing clothes for a long time. Why is this even important? What do washing powders contain? What is the harm?

The composition of standard washing powder from well-known brands resembles the periodic table. There is nothing natural there; every component is pure chemistry, and in the literal sense of the word. Let's see what we can find in powders and what it threatens us with:


They perform the function of quickly removing stains that are difficult to wash off with plain water, incl. greasy stains. Due to their structure, these substances are able to attach molecules of fat (or other dirt) to water molecules, thereby washing your laundry. The problem is that these substances have an extremely aggressive effect on the body. Everything happens along a chain - A-surfactants from washed clothes get onto the skin, are absorbed through it, enter the blood, spread throughout the body and accumulate in the tissues of the liver, lungs, heart, brain . High concentrations of these substances when ingested into the body remain for up to 4 days. Afterwards, the concentration of the chemical decreases, but never drops to zero, that is, A-surfactants are never completely washed out of the body and continue to accumulate in different organs. For example, 1.9% of the total amount of surfactants that come into contact with unprotected skin is deposited in the brain, and 0.6% is deposited in the liver.

The presence of A-surfactants in washing powder is indicated by abundant foaming. The more foam from the powder, the higher the concentration of A-surfactant. Moreover, A-surfactants “stick” most of all to clothes and linen with a complex fiber structure - these are woolen, half-woolen and cotton fibrous fabrics (such as flax).

In many European countries, the maximum dose of anionic surfactants in washing powders is strictly limited - a maximum of 2%. In Russia, this share sometimes reaches 25% and is usually no less than 5%. It is important to know that these substances are found not only in washing powders, but also in all chemical detergents - for dishes, floors, carpets, etc.


They make hard water softer, thus increasing washing efficiency. This is all great, if not for one important point - phosphates additionally enhance the toxic properties of A-surfactants! Namely, they promote the accumulation of A-surfactants in the fibers of clothing fabrics and enhance the penetration of A-surfactants through the skin into the human body. It is a known fact that these chemicals do not completely rinse out of clothes even after rinsing 10 times in hot water! And of course, they penetrate the body through the pores of the skin. The doses are not large, but the toxic effect on the body is significant, and this effect accumulates over time.

Phosphates have a negative effect on the skin - they degrease it and significantly reduce its barrier functions (the pH level, lipid content, and the total amount of amino acids change), which in turn creates conditions for the penetration of toxic compounds and heavy metals into the body . After contact with the skin, phosphates enter the blood, changing the percentage of hemoglobin, protein, structure and density of blood serum, which leads to poor performance internal organs, causes metabolic disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new ones. Some of the most dangerous consequences of poisoning with these substances are cancer and infertility. And for pregnant women - low birth weight of newborns, congenital injuries, allergies in the child, tumors and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

In 1977, the publishing house “Health” published the book “Hygiene in the use of synthetic detergents,” where it was written: “Anionic surfactants have a negative effect on the seminal epithelium.” The combination of phosphates + A-surfactants directly affects the development of infertility.

Phosphates have long been banned in many countries around the world as dangerous chemicals that poison water bodies and harm the environment. It's sad, but the amount of phosphates in wastewater is increasing every year following the increase in the use of synthetic powders. With wastewater, it ends up in sewage treatment plants, rivers and ultimately into the water we drink. The circle is closing! Every year, Russians use about 1 million tons of washing powders, as a result of which 300-400 thousand tons of phosphates end up in rivers, lakes and seas.

An alternative to phosphates are the so-called zeolites. They seem to be less harmful to the environment, but this is when we are talking about natural zeolites (minerals that are found in volcanic rocks). In the chemical industry, artificially synthesized zeolites are often used, and this is a completely different story. Where nature has been replaced by chemistry, you shouldn’t expect any goodness or benefit! In addition, water-insoluble zeolite particles remain on the fabric after washing and are deposited in sewer pipes, clogging them.


Washing powders always contain fragrances and fragrances designed to bad smell powder bases and the unpleasant smell of the dirtiest laundry. These are the widely advertised smells of “frosty freshness”, “sea breeze”, “alpine meadows”... Artificial flavors are 100% chemicals that have an extremely negative effect on the body.. Most often this is an allergy and the symptoms associated with it - itching, burning in the nose, irritation of the eyes. More dangerous consequence may become asthma, poor coordination or severe allergies.


These substances are necessary to retain the smell of fragrances for a long time - without them, the aroma will simply disappear, because this is natural! Phthalates enter the lungs through the respiratory tract, and then into the blood, from where they are not excreted, and accumulate over the years in the body. Phthalates are especially dangerous for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who are just planning to become pregnant. There are a number of studies that link the effect of these substances with disruption of the intrauterine development of the child in the early stages of pregnancy - and specifically, with disorders of the sexual sphere. Infants receive these substances through their mother's milk, then accumulate in their body and after many years can lead to impotence and infertility .


In fact, these are not bleaches, but substances that create the illusion of whitening! What the modern chemical industry can’t come up with! These are chemicals that have a reflective effect - they highlight ultraviolet rays from the entire spectrum of solar color and turn them into a purple or bluish tint. Thanks to these substances, washed clothes seem perfectly clean, cleaner than they actually are! But there is a flip side to the coin - the particles of this “bleach” are not washed out of your clothes, no matter how much you rinse them! This is their essence. Remaining on clothing, these substances react with the skin, penetrate the body, accumulate in it and thereby have a permanent toxic effect .


These substances are responsible for breaking down stubborn stains - lipstick, chocolate, coloring sauces and drinks. From the point of view of intoxication of the body, these substances are not considered dangerous, but they can ruin your clothes - not at once, but gradually. The reason is this: enzymes break down fabric proteins, and over time, clothing loses its strength. Therefore, enzymes can be good for washing your favorite item and getting rid of tubular stains. But not for frequent washing of clothes that are not heavily soiled! And washing powders almost always contain these enzymes, that is, you don’t hesitate to use these enzymes every time you wash them, even if you don’t need them at all in a particular case.

Health effects of chemical laundry detergents.

Above is the main list of harmful chemical components in washing powders. Mostly these are petrochemical products. Each of them is dangerous to health in itself, and this is obvious. And the fact that they are usually present all at the same time in the powder is simply shocking. Such powders can cause especially great harm to young children - after all, their skin’s protective function is still very poorly developed. But the impact on adults is also significant. If you think that only a tiny amount of a chemical can be absorbed through the skin, then you are very mistaken. The absorption capacity of our skin is very developed! About 1.5 liters of water can be absorbed through the skin during a shower. Plus, the skin is able to take water from the air. The absorbent properties are especially enhanced during hot weather, when a person sweats and the pores on the skin open.

Do you still assume that the toxicity of the products household chemicals very small? The US Environmental Protection Agency conducted a study which found that inside apartments and houses, dangerous concentrations of chemicals are 2-5 times higher than outside the house - regardless of whether the house is located in a rural area or in an industrial area. Another study, conducted over 5 years, found that levels of certain chemicals in homes were 70 times higher than outside. Therefore, try to ventilate your home as often as possible!!!

The most dangerous thing is that harmful effects We cannot sense these chemicals instantly. Toxic components accumulate in the body for years and essentially slowly poison a person. . Please think - is it worth it? Is it worth washing your underwear and clothes from ordinary dirt, dust and sweat with a product that will leave your clothes covered in indelible chemicals? That is, along with dirt, we are slowly killing our health...

What to do about it? Are there natural washing powders? Do they wash well?

Natural laundry detergents.

For me personally, all this information about harmful chemicals became decisive when choosing washing powders. I don't want to poison myself with these low-quality and toxic petroleum products. I want my skin to breathe freely. In large cities, the air is not very clean, which is aggravated by additional amounts of chemicals from own clothes I don't want to at all.

What could be the solution? Well, first of all, nwe must completely stop using chemical powders for washing clothes. Don't think it's hard to do! Now the market is full of environmentally friendly natural remedies for washing! The choice is huge - from budget Russian manufacturers to more expensive European brands. The price for such products is absolutely reasonable! For example, a Russian powder with a completely natural composition will cost you about 170 rubles. for 1 kg. European manufacturers offer two types of laundry detergents - in powder form and in gel form. Personally, I find washing gel more convenient and economical. A concentrated gel made in Europe costs 400-800 rubles. per 1 liter, depending on the specific manufacturer. It is very, very, very economical! A 1 liter package lasted me exactly a year! I do laundry about once a week, sometimes more often. The packaging of the gel states that it is designed for 43 washes. This is just about a year of use at my washing frequency. Think. spend 400-800 rubles. for a natural remedy that will last for a whole year is not a problem for you. For comparison, chemical powder Persil 4.5 kg costs about 800 rubles. It turns out that the price of natural products is comparable to chemical ones, but in terms of effect and composition they are heaven and earth!

Eco-friendly washing powders do not contain petrochemical products, surfactants, phosphates, sulfates, enzymes, synthetic bleaches, dyes, or fragrances.. No crap! 100% harmless components! It contains only substances obtained from natural sources - wood, starch, cotton, vegetable oils, soda, etc. Instead of synthetic fragrances, natural essential oils are used. These can be oils from seeds, leaves, or plant roots. In addition, such products do not pollute the environment in any way - they are completely biodegradable! And they do not contain animal ingredients, which is also good news!

As for the quality of washing, it is excellent! I've been using these powders for years! And there are no complaints! After washing, the laundry is clean, fresh and does not have a strong chemical smell. What else do you need? If I need to deal with heavy dirt and a stubborn stain, I use natural eco-bleach. Yes, there is such a thing))) He has helped me out more than once and always copes with his task perfectly! Again, 100% natural composition!

You can read a detailed review of specific natural laundry detergents that I personally use in a separate article - Be sure to read it, I’m sure you will find something useful! There I described in detail the composition, quality, and prices of my natural laundry detergents. And of course, my opinion about these products is how well do they do their job and are they worth the stated price?

Don't be lazy to spend 5 minutes throwing away chemical powders and finding new laundry detergents. And let it be a high-quality, natural, environmentally friendly product! This will be a wonderful investment in the health of your entire family. And if you are too lazy to do this, then just purchase the products that I recommended in my review. They are verified by my personal experience, and I can confidently answer for their quality! In general, let your things be truly clean, and along with them, your body!

Important tips for using washing powders with chemicals

If you are still not ready to immediately give up chemical powders, then at least please remember that these are not harmless powders, but chemicals with a very active effect on the body. That's why:

  1. Use moderate amount of powder , don't overdose
  2. Avoid hand washing chemical powders (better wash with soap)
  3. If you still wash by hand - wash your hands thoroughly to remove powder or wash with gloves
  4. Don't do laundry in the kitchen — the distance from the washing machine to food and dishes must be at least 2 meters
  5. Pour the powder carefully – its toxic dust stays in the air for up to 30 minutes, so ventilate the room immediately after pouring the powder into the machine.
  6. Install on washing machine mode with additional rinse , you need to rinse as many times as possible and in hot water (50-60 degrees). In cold water, phosphates and a-surfactants do not rinse out at all.

I wish you health, and your home comfort and cleanliness!

The frequency of washing is not as important as the correctly selected powder, which will wash perfectly, will not harm the washing machine and will safely perform its functions. To determine which washing powder Better, you need to know the criteria for choosing a good powder and the requirements for its composition.

How to choose washing powder: what to look for

Before choosing a product, familiarize yourself with the factors that may affect its quality, safety and effectiveness:

  • composition of the product;
  • price;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • focus on a specific type of washing (for example, hand or machine);
  • compliance with the type of washing machine (for SMA or semi-automatic);
  • effectiveness in removing stains.

Choosing the right product for washing machines becomes more complicated due to four negative factors:

  1. Wide range of assortments on the shelves.
  2. Frequent counterfeits of famous brands.
  3. Constant changes in composition - usually the buyer does not notice this.
  4. Features of using the product.

Before buying an automatic powder, you need to choose it based on its functional qualities. Based on the groups of contaminants, all products can be divided into three groups:

  • Ordinary: for items with light to moderate dirt.
  • With special additives: used for washing clothes with difficult stains and for bleaching.
  • Universal remedy: can be used for patchy stains different types.

When you go to the counter, carefully study the composition of the powder - is it worth risking your health for the sake of too snow-white or pleasantly smelling underwear. We'll talk about the dangers of the components below.

Rating of the best washing powders

Despite the composition and possible harm, the powders are actively bought up by residents of the Russian Federation, so there is a demand for them. We studied reviews and expert assessments and compiled a rating the best means– both ordinary and least harmful. So, study our TOP to choose the best powder.

Sarma Active

Suitable for most fabrics. Pros:

  • Disinfectant effect without the participation of chlorides.
  • Can be used for colored and white fabrics.
  • Economical.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Eat various options packaging.
  • Tackles tough stains.

There are also disadvantages:

  • “Old” stains may not be washed off at low temperature washing conditions.
  • If the cycle is short, for example, “Quick 30,” then the powder is difficult to wash out of the laundry.
  • Aggressive substances in the composition.

Ariel "Mountain Spring"

  • Will cope with stains of grass, wine, juice.
  • Effective on low-temperature washing modes.
  • Light pleasant smell.
  • Economical in consumption.
  • The price is above average.
  • May cause allergic rashes.
  • Cannot be used for washing children's clothes and delicate fabrics.

As a result, Ariel Mountain Spring removes almost all household stains, but you should not use it on fast wash cycles.

Frosch Color

German quality from a famous brand - Frosch Color powder with aloe vera extract. It is an excellent alternative to dangerous chemical mixtures.

Advantages of the product:

  • Not allergenic.
  • High concentration of active substances, therefore used sparingly.
  • Not tested on animals.
  • There is no characteristic “chemical” smell.
  • Works at low temperatures.
  • Doesn't make things look dull.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Does not always cope with old stains.
  • Packed rather impractically - in cardboard.
  • High price.

Eared nanny

One of the most controversial products in the section of household chemicals for children. Consumer reactions and reviews about it vary.

So, the pros:

  • Removes stains of organic and inorganic origin.
  • Effective at low temperatures.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Packaged in different ways: from 400 gram boxes to 9 kg packages.
  • Almost no smell.
  • The composition does not meet the requirements for baby powders; there are a lot of toxins.
  • Allergic rashes occur.

Apart from the disadvantages, it provides quality washing. But it is better not to use it for children's things.

Bimax 100 spots

Manufacturers insist that the product can remove stains without much difficulty.

The advantages include:

  • Compatible with all fabrics except delicate ones.
  • Effective against most types of stains: fats, juices, coffee and wine, grass, dirt.
  • Economical.
  • Convenient packaging: there is a clasp and measuring boxes in large packs (from 3000 g).
  • Availability, low price.
  • Poorly soluble in low temperature washing cycles.
  • It is not always washed out, especially in “fast” modes.

Housewives do not use them every day, but only for “difficult cases”: washing work clothes and difficult spots.

Which powder cleans best?

Good quality powder does not always erase successfully. Therefore, for clarity, it is worth carrying out comparative characteristics the most popular means. See table below.

Amway ARIEL Gloss Persil
Average cost per 1000 g 600 rubles 150 rubles 140 rubles 160 rubles
Concentration Concentrated Not concentrate Not concentrate Not concentrate
Hypoallergenic properties Not allergenic
Smell Weak Cutting Too synthetic Pleasant, not too pronounced
Solubility 90% 70% subject to additional rinsing 80% (with slight sediment) 85% (gave the water a little cloudiness)
Consumption per 1000 g of dry laundry 11 ml 41 ml 40 ml 44 ml
Average consumer rating on a five-point scale 4 4 3 4

Ariel and Losk showed the best performance in terms of efficiency. The rest of the powders did not justify themselves. Judging by customer ratings, ARIEL washes better.

Which powder is the most harmless?

Whether it is worth making purchases, ignoring various BIO-new products, is up to you to decide. We will only tell you about the dangers of the most aggressive chemical additives in modern laundry detergents:

  • Phosphates. Manufacturers add them as part of the product to soften water to improve the quality of washing. The harm of phosphates is that they increase the toxicity of A-surfactants, cause allergic reactions, take a long time to dissolve and are difficult to wash out of fabric fibers (to completely wash out phosphates, you need at least 10 rinsing cycles!).
    When phosphates get on the skin and into the human body, they reduce protective properties skin and can even negatively affect the blood and immune system. Phosphates are harmful to the environment: in reservoirs they provoke the growth of blue-green algae, which disrupts the ecology of the reservoir as a whole. If phosphates get into water or food, it can be dangerous to health: they can affect pregnancy, the appearance of gastrointestinal tumors and a decrease in human life expectancy.
  • Phosphonates. Lightweight alternative to phosphates. They also soften water. Not as harmful as previous substances. Their decomposition is difficult, but they are washed out better.
  • Zeolites. Replace both of the above products, softening the water. Not as harmful, but they do not dissolve in water and leave stains and the fabric will feel hard to the touch. It is better to choose powders with silicates and carbonates.
  • Surfactant. When surfactants enter the human body, they accumulate in cell membranes. If their concentration exceeds a certain level, this can disrupt the biochemical processes in the cell and even destroy it. Simply put, the consequences can be decreased immunity, allergies, damage to organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys, and lungs.

Important! Today, surfactants have begun to be replaced by “tensides”. But to prevent them from causing harm, their concentration in the product should not exceed 7%.

  • Optical brighteners. They don’t bleach anything – it’s an illusion. It's simple: particles of the product settle on the fabric, and under the influence of UV rays a whiteness effect is created. It is almost impossible to rinse them out. Negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Chlorine. Can cause vascular and heart diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure, allergies. This component can destroy proteins in the body, interfere with normal hair growth, damage the skin, and increase the risk of tumors.

Now let’s determine the most harmless powder available on the Russian market. To give you an objective opinion, we will present to you the TOP of the most environmentally friendly products.

Ecover concentrate

The composition of hazardous components contains anionic surfactants from 5 to 30% and zeolites.

Baby Speci

Dangerous and harmful substances are present in it large quantities: from 15 to 30% zeolites, from 5 to 15% anionic surfactants, optical brightener.

Nordland "Eco"

The composition of the product is identical to the previous version, but the concentration of optical brightener is slightly higher - about 5%.

Frosch concentrated

Our mother

Experts did not find any aggressive “chemistry” in this product.

Children's powder-concentrate "Burti"

Its composition is not without harmful effects: there are from 15 to 30% zeolites, as well as from 5 to 15% anionic tensides.

Alive – concentrate for washing white and colored fabrics

Anionic surfactants in this powder are found in amounts ranging from 5 to 15%.

Persil – automatic powder “Color”

Found phosphonates, anionic surfactants and optical brightener.

Amway SA8 concentrate

It contains phosphonates and optical brightener.


Absolutely harmless powder made from natural ingredients and soda.


“Chemistry” is present in the composition, but there are no potentially dangerous compounds.

Chu Chu Baby Pigeon

Another harmless powder made in Asia.

Based on the list, you can choose the safest and most environmentally friendly option.

Important! The smell is not always a sign of “chemistry”. Manufacturers often use natural flavors such as essential oils and extracts. Just because the powder smells like lemon doesn't mean it's harmful to your health.

If you care about your health, you can make your own laundry detergent - you will find recipes in the article “How to make laundry detergent at home.”

Which powder is best for white laundry?

When choosing a whitening powder, focus on oxygen rather than optical brighteners in the composition.

Today there are a lot of powders for white linen, and we will list them in descending order of effectiveness (tested on washing a white tablecloth with stains of various origins):

  1. Mara.
  2. Ariel.
  3. Dalli.
  4. E Active Plus White.
  5. Tide.
  6. Iceberg automatic.

Important! If you have not decided which is better - powder or washing gel, then the consistency does not affect the quality of washing and bleaching. But the liquid product dissolves faster in water and is washed out better. But manufacturers of washing machines complain about liquid detergents, as they settle on the working elements of the washing machine.

We have told you almost everything about powders: now you know how to choose the best and safest product.

Objectively speaking, the amount of harmful substances in washing powders is minimal. However, no one takes into account their cumulative impact, which over time can cause harm to health. Therefore, the first advice: purchase the safest detergents possible, carefully reading the composition and instructions. The most harmful compounds in washing powders are phosphonates, phosphates, and surfactants.

Surfactants are contained in absolutely all washing powders and The most harmful are anionic surfactants. They are inexpensive, effective, but harmful to humans, as they can accumulate in the body. To reduce harm, you need to choose products containing no more than 5% surfactants or a good washing machine that will remove all harmful molecules during the rinsing stage.

Additionally, I would like to draw attention to the packaging of washing detergents, such as washing capsules. Children especially like these things and are not averse to swallowing or smelling them.. Ingestion or splashing can cause vomiting, mucosal burns, coughing, suffocation, and conjunctivitis. To remove detergent residue from children's clothing, you should use machines with a special high-temperature wash cycle.

Phosphates in washing powders

All mass market washing powders contain phosphates. Their concentration is stated as 15-30%, although in reality it often exceeds 40%. This can be dangerous if washed regularly. Phosphate additives enhance the toxic effect of surfactants, disturbing the fragile chemical balance of the body. At first it is practically unnoticeable, but then the problems become more significant.

The point is that phosphates are almost impossible to rinse out of wool, synthetic, and cotton fabrics. So substances remain in almost all the clothes that a modern person wears. To completely remove them from the fabric, you need to rinse it in hot water about 8-10 times. The simplest washing machines run a rinse cycle 2-4 times in cold water.

Of course, you can additionally rinse clothes in hot water manually, as doctors advise, do not stand near machines while washing , ventilate the room after completing the program. However, it is less troublesome to purchase powders with surfactant content no higher than 5%(sealed packaging, certification, no pungent odor), maintain precise dosage, do not mix different types of detergents.

Technology helps us

A huge amount of phosphates is contained in the powders Eared Nannies, Amway, Pemos, Ariel, Tide and others, that is, this is a problem with almost all modern means. To be fair, it should be noted that manufacturers of washing machines are also thinking about minimizing the impact of aggressive chemicals on humans, which I will discuss below.

Autodosing of detergents

This thing will help you wash with a minimum amount of powder without losing washing efficiency. Basically, this is an advantage of top technology. For example, the i-Dos system is available in technology Siemens. The model turned out to be excellent for the price and quality Siemens iQ800 i-Dos WM16Y892OE. The trick is that the machine’s sensors themselves recognize the load volume and the degree of soiling of the laundry. Based on this, the exact amount of detergent is calculated. In addition, we liked the built-in aquasensor, which can determine the purity of the water when rinsing. This also works to better remove harmful surfactants.

No less Miele's TwinDos autodosing works effectively. Moreover, the Germans have a dispenser for two liquid detergents (two-phase dosing system) or you can choose a machine with a dispenser for dry powder, which is called AutoDos. Essentially, the result is achieved at the touch of a button. These solutions can be found in models of the W1 series: Miele WMG 120 WPS White Edition, Miele WKH 132 WPS. I note that the cost of German equipment with auto-dosing goes through the roof for 110 thousand rubles., plus the manufacturer offers its detergents with reduced surfactant content.

Steaming clothes

Washing with steam, in general, is not a new technology, but it cannot be found in every washing machine. Steam programs solve one of the main problems - the destruction of allergens contained in the powder.

In this segment, it makes sense to turn to Korean developments. LG washing machines use TrueSteam technology. Steam exposure accompanies regular washing, which removes allergens and completely removes detergent residues. The system is based on the operation of a steam generator. By the way, the Koreans claim that it serves without scale and without the need for cleaning for the entire period. The model produces excellent results LG F12U1HBS4. I note that high technologies are available at half the price of the Germans. The cost of the car does not exceed 54 thousand rubles.

The Swedes have also succeeded in this matter. Electrolux implements SteamSystem technology; the machines operate three different steam cycles - for synthetic, cotton fabrics and freshness of linen. Steam is generated using a heating element; you just need to pour water into the tank. You can get acquainted with technology with machines Electrolux EWF 1076 GDW, Electrolux EWW 51476 WD.

An equally interesting solution can be seen from the Germans. Miele washing machines work with the SteamCare function. How the Koreans implement a steam generator here. The advantage is that individual steam settings are available to the user. This is convenient when processing delicate fabrics. If you have a lot of silk shirts and clothes made of the finest lace, choose the model MIELE W 5967 WPS.

Washing machines with anti-chemical programs

Some manufacturers are making the fight against allergens a separate function. The brand has anti-allergy and similar programs Hotpoint-Ariston. The principle is that The machine rinses clothes in hot water at a temperature of 60 degrees. This removes all phosphates and surfactants from the fabric. Perhaps the most budget-friendly choice in the fight against harmful substances would be the model Hotpoint-Ariston RST 602 ST S, the price of which does not rise above 19 tr.

Identical solutions are available for AEG Okomix. If you want to minimize the hassle with laundry and remove all phosphates from the fabric, pay attention to the model AEG L8WBC61S. This machine will not only wash the entire load, but will also dry it at the end. Alternative choice – AEG Okomix L8FEE965R, which can save energy and water .

Korean technology copes very successfully with allergens. The SteamWasher series machines feature unique Allergiene technology. Allergens and detergent chemistry are washed away with water at a specially set temperature. It’s expensive, the cost of the youngest models in the line starts from 90 thousand rubles. We will highlight a technological unit LGWM2688HNM, presented in deep blue color. For now, this beast is only available to order.

Washing machines with special “children’s” programs

Children's washing programs are also considered anti-allergenic. The cycle itself takes place with more intense water heating - up to 95 degrees, then a thorough rinsing is carried out. In this segment, I once again advise you to pay attention to Korean equipment - a washing machine LG F12U1HBS4 rinses out everything harmful at once, practically sanitizing the laundry. Excellent result of hygienic washing in action! The technology shows good results GorenjeW62RZ02/S.

Antibacterial treatment in addition

Among the high-profile innovations recent years it is possible to highlight the function of antibacterial treatment. Silver ions are added to the detergent solution, which provides this effect. You can look for silver washing in machines LGAgNano And SamsungSilverNano. This is also a good contribution in the fight against allergens.

By the way, the built-in dryer of washing machines also works in this vein. Additional processing helps to obtain completely dry laundry, from which bacteria and allergens have been removed. Models show good results SAMSUNG WD70J5410AW, SIEMENS WD14H442OE, SCHAUB LORENZ SLW TW9431.

The other side of the coin or what is harmful for washing machines

The most pressing and eternal question, like the Chinese wall, is Does your car need water softeners? The competent work of marketers fills us with fears that the washing machine is capable of destroying half of the apartment due to banal scale and the only panacea becomes a foreign or domestic product - anti-scale. Many pseudo-scientific works have been written on the topic of how to approach washing fully armed. We won’t go into depth, we’ll just figure out whether to pay for a miracle remedy or not.

It is believed that hard water leads to breakdown of the heating element. This is perhaps the most persistent myth among people., with which the marketers’ plan was not in vain. The experience of leading technicians and craftsmen who have encountered washing machine heaters hundreds of times proves the opposite. In fact, there is much less scale on Tenah than you might expect from looking at commercials. Of course, this does not exclude the fact that the condition of these units must be monitored, but the service life depends on other reasons.

If you look at the root, the effect of such additives on water is extremely small. Just look at the composition of the most popular products (the same Calgon) and everything will fall into place - ordinary soda works here coupled with the most mediocre washing powder. Pure soda, of course, softens water, but it also costs several times less than a ready-made product. If you add half a teaspoon of it to the powder before washing, you will get the same effect.

So should I add something or not?

I would like to draw attention to the fact that good powders already contain water modifiers. They work to reduce the negative impact of an aggressive environment. Additionally, it is simply not cost-effective to administer supplements yourself. Even the simplest soda will increase the cost of each washing cycle, so it’s easier to just buy a good powder that contains additives against corrosion and salt deposits.

Another point is protection against foaming

In the context of harm to the equipment itself, it is advisable to pay attention to foaming. Excess foam can damage the control system. It makes sense to purchase models with special protection. Such control is not uncommon and is implemented in almost all equipment in the mid-price segment. We advise you to consider slot machines Bosch WLG 20060, Samsung WW65K42E00S.

There is protection against strong chemicals

If you want to keep your whole family safe, you need a comprehensive approach. This competent selection of detergents plus installation of a high-tech washing machine. Korean and German technology demonstrates high capabilities. It is enough to purchase a unit with auto-dosing, steam treatment, anti-allergenic or children's program, and drying. These are the functions of top models, but this is, so to speak, an investment in the future that will pay off more than once.

The advent of automatic washing machines greatly facilitated women's housework. However, the presence of such useful household appliances is not a guarantee of perfectly clean laundry. It is equally important to choose suitable remedy for washing.

By type of wash

Whether you are going to wash by hand or load the washing machine with laundry - the choice of powder also depends on this. The composition of both products is almost identical. However, there is one significant difference between them: hand washing powder creates more foam, which allows it to better cope with stains. In the case of washing household appliances, excessive foaming is unacceptable. Excess foam will prevent the laundry from moving freely up and down in the rotating drum of the automatic machine. There is also a risk of excess foam getting into different holes equipment, which can cause a short circuit.

For hand wash

Can also be used in washing machines activator type, which is confirmed by special markings on the packaging. It contains substances to enhance foaming.

Things to remember:

  • It is recommended to start washing only after dissolving the special granules included in the composition;
  • The more product is added to the water, the more thoroughly the laundry needs to be rinsed;
  • It cannot be replaced with powder for an automatic washing machine: without a large amount of foam, you won’t be able to wash things properly by hand;
  • Although it usually does not contain aggressive components, it is better to use gloves while working.

Machine washable

The packaging of the product must contain a symbolic image of an automatic machine and the inscription Automatic. It is characterized by an increased concentration of active substances. Contains stabilizers that prevent the formation of excessive foam. It is desirable that additives are present to prevent the formation of scale on the heating element.

To achieve results under different modes, it is important to correctly select the dosage of the powder in accordance with the instructions.

By release form

  • Bulk powders;
  • Gels, liquid concentrates: they contain more active substances, the concentration of which for effective fight with contamination should be quite high;
  • Tablets: easy to use due to the fact that they do not crumble, suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • Granules: concentrated products, used in small dosages.

By purpose

  • Regular: intended for home washing;
  • Professional: used in laundries;
  • Special: suitable for washing woolen or silk items, black or colored laundry;
  • For the care of children's clothing: must not contain aggressive components and cause irritation to the child's skin.

By the color of things

Manufacturers of household chemicals today offer washing powders for colored, white and black laundry.

By temperature

There are the following temperature conditions at which the powder removes stains and dirt:

  • 90 degrees;
  • 60 degrees;
  • 30 degrees.

There are products that “work” at any temperature, starting from 40 degrees.

Components of washing powders

The following types of surfactants are distinguished:

  1. Anionic. They pose the greatest danger to human health, especially children, causing allergic reactions, impaired immunity, damage to internal organs and the nervous system.
  2. Cationic. They do not have detergent properties and are used as a special additive.
  3. Nonionic. Relatively safe, biodegradable. Some of them are made from ingredients of natural origin.
  • Phosphates (sulfates). These are compounds of phosphoric acid salts. They soften water by activating surfactants and preventing the appearance of scale on the parts of the washing machine. Harmful to human health and pollutes nature.
  • Enzymes. They fight complex stains: stains from blood, coffee, oil, etc. Not suitable for washing items made of wool or silk. Too much of them in the composition negatively affects the properties of the fabric.
  • Bleaches:
  1. Chlorine. They bleach the fabric, but may damage it. Harmful to humans.
  2. Optical. Does not remove dirt. They give white linen a blue tint and enhance the brightness of colored fabrics.
  3. Oxygen. Designed for washing clothes at high temperature, suitable for people prone to skin irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Whitening activators. Help bleaches work even at low temperatures.
  • Defoamers. Included in powders for automatic washing machines.
  • Antiresorbents. Prevents dirt particles from getting back onto the fabric during the washing process. Maintains color brightness. Protects white items from turning grey.
  • Flavors and fragrances. Neutralizes the smell of chemicals and imparts a pleasant aroma. May contribute to allergies.

More information about the components in the powders:

How to choose washing powder

  1. Let's study the composition. Today there is a lot of talk about the dangers of household chemicals, so more and more manufacturers are developing and producing environmentally friendly and safe means. If you want to purchase just such a powder, be sure to pay attention to the absence of phosphates, chlorine, anionic surfactants, silicates, and dyes in its composition. It is desirable that among its components there are organic substances (soda, zeolites, etc.). These requirements for the product become mandatory when purchasing washing powder for children's clothes. After all, a child’s delicate skin is much more permeable to harmful substances. Therefore, phosphate-free washing powders are very popular among consumers: they cope well with stains, are safe and are suitable even for newborns.

Those who do not care about the safety of products can be advised to purchase those that contain a small amount of phosphates and anionic surfactants (no more than 5%).

  1. Read the information on the packaging. It should contain the composition and instructions for using the product. A poorly made cardboard box from which powder is pouring out may indicate a fake.
  2. Testing the smell. An overly strong aroma, which can be felt even through the packaging, suggests that in this way the manufacturer is trying to mask the presence of harmful chlorine bleaches.
  3. We decide on the type of washing.

Rating of quality washing powders from the best manufacturers - 2020

Depending on what selection criterion is used by the consumer - how much the powder costs, its functionality, safety, popularity of the brand - he will be able to choose the product that suits him on the store shelves.

Inexpensive washing powders

Budget funds are always in demand among buyers, especially among those who do not have high demands on their composition: it is often not ideal for such powders.

Suitable for white and colored items made from natural and synthetic fabrics (except silk and wool). Can be used for all types of washing. Kills dust mites. A complex of 5 enzymes effectively fights pollution different types.


  • No chlorine in the composition;
  • Antibacterial action;
  • Copes with difficult stains;
  • Affordable.


  • The presence of aggressive components: a-surfactants (5-15%), phosphates, silicates, optical brighteners;
  • When washing quickly, it does not rinse well.

Average price: 50 rub. for 400 g.

Tide White Clouds

Suitable for washing things white. Will cope with complex stains (from cosmetics, coffee, red wine, chocolate, herbs, etc.). The packaging states that it can be used for washing children's clothes, but experts do not recommend doing this: the composition contains a significant amount of a-surfactants.

Tide White Clouds


  • Removes stains of various origins;
  • Economical;
  • Inexpensive.


  • A pungent odor that remains on washed clothes;
  • White items may appear blue;
  • Unsafe composition.

Average price: 22 rub. for 150 g.

Losk 9 Total system

Its distinguishing feature is its versatility. The powder can be used to wash items made from linen and cotton, synthetic and mixed fabrics. Cannot be used on wool and silk items. Suitable for hard water. 9 components in the product get rid of stains.

Losk 9 Total system


  • Removes dirt;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Budget.


  • Unsafe composition: phosphonates, a-surfactants

Average price: 76 rub. for 450 g.

Popular brands of washing powders

Many of them came to our market back in the 90s and still remain a common choice of buyers. Often, when deciding which company’s product is best to buy, consumers rely on television advertising.

Ariel Mountain spring automatic

According to housewives, it removes stains better than many other products. Perfect for washing bed linen, home textiles and cotton clothes. Not intended for caring for knitted clothing: after using it, it may shrink. Instead of phosphates, the composition contains zeolites (their disadvantage is that they make the laundry hard), a-surfactants are also present in significant quantities (5-15%) and optical brightener.

Ariel Mountain spring automatic


  • Preservation of fabric whiteness during long-term use;
  • Removing contaminants;
  • Economical.


  • Lots of A-surfactants, phosphates, zeolites, optical brightener in the composition;
  • Not universal: not suitable for colored and dark linen, items made of delicate fabrics, knitwear;
  • Cost is above average;
  • May cause an allergic reaction.

Average price: 100 rub. for 450 g.

It can be used when washing clothes made from any fabric. different colors: black, white, colored. Among its components is a liquid stain remover in capsules, thanks to which even old stains disappear.

Persil Expert “Frosty Arctic”


  • Does not contain phosphates;
  • Universal;
  • Removes stains well;
  • Economical.


  • High content of A-surfactants;
  • Optical brighteners included;
  • The aroma of the fragrance is felt for a long time on washed clothes.

Average price: 90 rub. for 400 g.

BiMax 100 spots automatic

A universal washing powder that is suitable for many types of fabric, with the exception of delicates. Cleans well difficult spots, including from drinks and food. Used economically. Does not dissolve well in cold water.

BiMax 100 spots automatic


  • Versatility;
  • Fights pollution;
  • Economical;
  • Relatively inexpensive.


  • A-surfactants and phosphates in the composition;
  • Inconvenient for washing in low temperature water.

Average price: 84 rub. for 400 gr.

Testing of individual tools - in the video:

Phosphate-free powders

Organic components in the composition are safe for human health and do not pollute environment. This product dissolves well in water of any temperature, rinses off and leaves no marks on clothes. A significant disadvantage is the rather high cost.

Frosh Color Aloe vera

This is a concentrated product, so its consumption will not be so large. Its composition cannot be called ideal (there are still zeolites and surfactants), but there are no phosphates, silicates, chlorine, or optical brighteners. Preserves the color of fabrics. Hypoallergenic. The manufacturer claims it as a detergent for washing clothes for adults and children.

Frosh Color Aloe vera


  • Economical;
  • Absence of some harmful components;
  • Suitable for any type of washing;
  • No chemical smell.
  • Can be used for all types of fabrics.


  • Expensive;
  • Contains surfactants and zeolites.

Average price: 550 rub. for 1.35 kg.

Concentrated powder without aggressive surfactants and phosphates. Universal: can be used for both automatic washing and hand washing, suitable for all types of fabrics.


  • No phosphates;
  • Versatility.


  • Contains zeolites;
  • Not cheap.

Average price: 700 rub. for 750 g.

Mako Clean Universal

The A-surfactants included in the powder are plant-based. Designed for hand and machine wash. It can be used for all types of fabrics except those that require special care. Suitable for removing dirt from children's clothing.

Mako Clean Universal


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • No chemical smell;
  • Biodegradable packaging;
  • Economically used;
  • Safe composition.


  • High price;
  • Without pre-soaking, it may not cope with complex stains;
  • Available in online stores.

Average price: 1232 rub. for 2.95 kg.

Garden Universal

It contains not only phosphates, but also zeolites, aggressive surfactants, silicates and other components harmful to humans and nature. The manufacturer positions the product as 100% natural (consists of soap and soda). It can be used to wash both adults and children's clothes: it will not cause an allergic reaction in people with sensitive skin. Concentrated, it is used sparingly, which is important because it cannot be classified as budget funds. Can be used for all types of washing.

Garden Universal


  • Naturalness;
  • Versatility;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Economical.


  • Doesn't cope well with old stains.

Average price: 400 rub. for 1350

Hand washing products

The following requirements are traditionally imposed on them: efficiency, ability to rinse well and careful attitude to the skin of the hands.

Sarma hand wash

The powder is suitable for washing light-colored items. It dissolves in water without problems, does a good job of removing stains, and is easy to wash out.

Sarma hand wash


  • Does not contain chlorine;
  • Whitens and disinfects fabric;
  • Destroys linen mites;
  • Relatively inexpensive.


  • Phosphates, a-surfactants, silicates, fragrance, optical brightener in the composition.

Average price: 60 rub. for 400 g.

Designed to remove various types of contaminants at any water temperature. Dissolves well and rinses out.

Ariel Hand Wash Clean De Luxe


  • Cleans well;
  • Pleasant aroma.


  • May dry out the skin of the hands;
  • Imperfect composition: contains a significant amount of a-surfactants, phosphonates;
  • Not cheap.

Average price: 130 rub. for 450 g.

Can be used for items made from different fabrics, except delicate ones, at any water temperature. Copes with stains of varying complexity, including coffee, tea, berries and vegetables.


  • Inexpensive;
  • The smell is not strong;
  • Removes dirt well.


  • May have adverse effects on the skin of the hands;
  • Unsafe composition: a-surfactant in significant quantities, optical brightener.

Average price: 45 rub. for 50 g.

Detergents for washing children's clothes

When purchasing children's washing powder, you must pay attention to its composition: it should not contain phosphates and phosphonates, a-surfactants in significant quantities, fragrances, or bleaches. The basis of such a tool is baby soap and components of plant origin.

Eared nanny

The product of this brand is very popular in our country. Many buyers are satisfied with its quality and effectiveness: it effectively destroys specific “baby” stains: from juices and purees, paints and felt-tip pens, and waste products. On the other hand, some parents have complaints about the composition: it contains anionic surfactants, phosphates, silicates, optical brightener, and fragrance.

Eared nanny


  • Removes dirt;
  • Does not require pre-washing or boiling;
  • Suitable for different types of laundry.


  • Unsafe components;
  • May cause allergies.

Average price: 285 rub. for 2.4 kg.

Our mother

Made from soap shavings. Can be used to care for newborns' clothes. Hypoallergenic. Suitable for all types of washing.

our mom powder


  • Safety;
  • Versatility.


  • Does not always cope with stains without first washing;
  • Less informative instructions;
  • Dissolution of the product takes time.

Average price: 950 rub. for 2.2 kg.

Phosphate washing powders and their harmful effects on human health and the environment.

The impact of synthetic detergents (SDC) on the environment and human health was studied back in the 60s of the last century.

Scientists in the USSR carried out scientific research in this area, and their results were almost identical to the results of research by foreign scientists.

The alarming facts that were revealed as a result of research were hidden not only from the consumer, but also from professionals: doctors, chemists, ecologists.

The main active ingredients of all washing powders are the so-called surfactants, which are extremely active chemical compounds.

During experiments on animals, scientists found that (surfactants) definitely change redox reactions, and (surfactants) also affect the activity of a number of very important enzymes, including disruption of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Anions (surfactants) in pastes are especially aggressive in their actions.

They can cause serious disturbances in the immune system, contribute to the development of allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs.

This is the main reason why Western European countries have imposed serious restrictions on the use of a-surfactants (anionic surfactants) in laundry detergents. At best, their content should not exceed 2-7%.

In addition to surfactants, washing powders contain a large amount of phosphates, or rather their derivatives - sodium tripolyphosphate (STP).

This property is good in principle, but this small plus of a household chemical product turns into a catastrophic minus for a specific consumer, the population of the region and the country as a whole. This scale is a disaster. This was recognized in the West; they found a product with similar cleaning properties but without side effects.

Harm (surfactants) contained in washing powder

Scientists have proven that 100g (surfactant) kills a horse weighing 300kg in 24 hours. Phosphate additives not only enhance the penetration of a-(surfactant) through the skin, but also increase the accumulation of this substance in fabric fibers during washing.

They promote such a strong connection of a-surfactants with the fabric that even ten times rinsing in hot water does not completely free clothing from a-surfactants.

Moreover, the more complex the structure of the fiber, the greater the number of a-surfactant molecules that can “stick” to it.

Woolen, half-woolen and cotton fabrics retain a-surfactants the strongest. On average, potentially dangerous concentrations of a-surfactants remain on tissues for up to four days.

Thus, intoxication occurs inside the human body. Having firmly attached to clothing, a-surfactant molecules, upon contact with the skin, are absorbed inside, beginning their destructive path in the human body.

Phosphates pose a great threat to the environment; when they enter water bodies along with wastewater, they begin to act as a fertilizer.

The algae harvest in reservoirs begins to grow by leaps and bounds. When decomposing, algae release large quantities of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, destroying all life in the water.

Overgrowing of reservoirs and water pollution leads to the cessation of water circulation in reservoirs. This leads to gross disruption of the ecosystem of water bodies, deterioration of oxygen exchange in the hydrosphere, and also leads to difficulty in providing the population with clean drinking water.

Considering the high threat to humans from phosphates, the international community has established very stringent requirements regarding the presence of phosphates in wastewater, drinking water and food products. So in Western countries, the phosphate content in wastewater should be no more than 1 mg/liter.

In civilized countries, it has been 15 years since they introduced strict control over the content of phosphates, or abandoned them altogether. Powders that contain phosphates, chlorine or other harmful additives that cause harm to the human body can be compared to a mini Chernobyl.

World science has concluded that the safest washing powders should not contain the following: phosphates, chlorine, sulfates, silicates, ammonia, boron. The amount of anionic surfactants should be limited - no more than 2%, nonionic surfactants no more than 3%, salts of toxic acids - no more than 1%, cationic surfactants - no more than 2%, synthetic flavors - no more than 0.01% or ideally odorless .

Today in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway and the Netherlands there is a law prohibiting the use of phosphates in washing powders.

In these countries, even car shampoo is produced without phosphates. In Belgium, more than 80% do not contain phosphates, in Finland and Sweden - 40%, in the UK and Spain 25%, in Denmark - 54%, France - 30%, Greece and Portugal - 15%. In Japan, phosphates have not been used in washing powders since 1966.

Laws banning phosphates in washing powders and other detergents are in effect in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and South Africa. In the US, such laws cover a third of all states.

How to reduce the toxicity of washing powders

Today there are three main directions for reducing the toxicity of washing powders. The first of them is the replacement of phosphates that soften water with zeolites. Well-known manufacturers Henkel (Germany) and P&G (USA) have developed a formulation based on zeolites.

Today, phosphate-free washing powders based on zeolites are used in more than 50 countries around the world. The second direction to reduce toxicity in washing powders is the introduction of legislative restrictions and the construction of new factories (China, Thailand, India).

The third direction is the complete replacement of washing powders containing phosphates with fundamentally new, third-generation powders with a new formulation, which would significantly exceed the hygienic and environmental qualities of zeolite-based powders.

As it turns out, washing powders based on zeolites, unfortunately, are also not a panacea; they also have their drawbacks:

  • Low coefficient of washing out of powder residues from fabric
  • High content of silicates, which leads to degreasing of the skin of the hands
  • The content is more than 7% a-surfactant instead of the hygienic norm - 2%
  • Cleaning ability is below the standard required
  • Damage to the fabric structure and decrease in its color

As a transitional option while searching for new safe washing powders, zeolites are still suitable for scientists and consumers. But this is only for a while.

Rules for using phosphate-based washing powders

If you still have to use phosphate washing powders, then it won’t hurt you to know a few rules:

  1. Be sure to reduce the soaking time of the laundry
  2. Completely eliminate contact of unprotected hands with the powder
  3. Rinse clothes thoroughly more than eight times after washing.
  4. Use water with a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees; in cold water, a-surfactant phosphates do not dissolve almost completely when rinsing
  5. If possible, carry out large washes once or twice a month.
  6. Do not stay for a long time in the room where clothes are washed

It is still better to use, if possible, environmentally “soft” and physiologically gentle products that do not have phosphates, with a low content of surfactants.

The cleaning abilities of these powders are better than those with a high content of a-surfactants and phosphates, and negative impact on the human body are practically absent.

In addition, phosphate-free washing powders simplify the washing process itself. Contamination is washed out of the fabric by the so-called “molecular washing” even without mechanical mixing and friction.

Soaking, in most cases where phosphate-free washing powders are used, is practically sufficient to achieve the optimal effect.

In addition, after washing, as a rule, there are no particles of washing powder left on the fabric, which in itself reduces the number of rinses. Of course, you and I will not immediately give up the habit of using phosphate powders, but we can reduce the harmful effects of these powders on our body and on the environment as a whole.

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