Scenario for the holiday welcoming winter for elementary school. Scenario of the holiday concert "Hello, Zimushka-Winter!" for elementary school. Game-sketch “Improvised fairy tale”



Holiday scenario

Leading - Guys, today we invited you to a holiday dedicated to one of the seasons. To find out exactly what wonderful time of year our holiday is dedicated to, you must guess the riddle:

1 student Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

Leading Well done, guys! Soon the winter girl will come to us for a holiday, and for this the guys will sing a greeting song for her.

2 student Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits on the sleigh -

White-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything is covered in silver.

3 student Hello. dear young lady,

The beauty is the soul,

Snow-white winch,

Hello, mother - winter!

Winter - Hello, guys! Oh, and it was a difficult road from the Far North to you for the holiday! Oh, my horses are tired!

Leading: - Winter! And what are these beautiful white horses in your trio?

Winter: -To find out the names of my white horses, guess three riddles.

My snowflake assistants will wish them for you.

4 student Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

In the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We meet New Year. (December)

Leading - Well done! Winter, according to the calendar, begins on December 1st. December - the first month - will tell us about itself.

5 student December ends the year and begins winter. In ancient times in Rus', December was called jelly. December is paving the way. December nails, December nails.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” (December));

poem "In December".)

6 student Stings ears, stings nose

Frost creeps into felt boots

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me? (January)

Leading -What will the second winter month, January, tell us about itself?

7 student January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle. In the old days in Rus', January was called sechen. Because it cuts winter into two halves.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (January);

poem "In January".)

8 student Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house, -

Either blizzards or blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

Well, what month is this? (February)

Leading - Now let’s listen to you, February. You are the last month of winter.

9 student Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. The Old Russian name for February is fierce. In February there is a lot of snow and the frosts are severe, that is, severe.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (February);

poem “The winds blow in February...”)

Presenter - Well done, guys! You guessed all the names of the winter months! And we learned a lot about them!

Song "Three White Horses"

Leading Zimushka, we can not only sing songs, but also read poetry. So many poems have been written about you! Listen here1

10 student Hello, winter guest!

Forgive us for your kindness

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes

We have separate ones -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

11 student Until recently, in the window

Every day the sun looked

And now winter has come-

There's a blizzard in the field

With noise, with dashing song

Everything was covered with a veil,

Fluffed with snow, fluff -

Everything became empty and deaf

And the river fell asleep again

Ice under the clothes.

The forest has calmed down in its magnificent attire,

Songbirds have not been heard for a long time.

12 student It's a beautiful winter

Across a field of white and blue,

She spins the snow

And after it a blizzard

Runs and spreads evenly

Sings like a beautiful maiden

She growls like an animal.

13 student Small trees and big trees

Something has gone silent

They calmed down something.

Snow from morning to night

Everyone wants to fall asleep...

And the forest is getting quieter

And the snow is getting higher and higher.

14 student It's a nice winter day

Fluffy snow is spinning

snow powder

Calls us to the street

Everyone is rushing up the hill


We love to ride

And play in the snow

Woody - Despite the fact that it is very cold in winter. Still, winter is a very fun time.

Song "Come on, snowball, come on, my friend"

15 student Winter has come... Outside the windows

Where are the rows of black Christmas trees?

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying

They fly, flutter, spin,

Fluffy ones fly

And white soft lace

They envelop the garden.

16 student The snowball has gone

Snowflakes are just a miracle!

The snowball has gone

We've been waiting for him!

Snowflakes are like fireworks stars

At the winter opening celebration!

Winter -I feel good with you. I see you are happy to see me!

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm winds will come in spring

And he will drive me out of the yard.

Leading - Don’t be sad, little winter. We love you and are waiting for you. Listen to how children can solve winter riddles.

And you guys, don't yawn! Answer in unison!

Riddles for the audience

There was barely a breath of winter

They are always with you

Two sisters will warm you up

Their names are...


We are happy to overtake each other,

Look, my darling, don’t fall!

Good, spicy, light



The needles glow softly

The pine spirit comes from...

(Christmas trees)

Tugged by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

Painted a window without asking,

Well, who is it - that’s the question!

All this does...


I took two oak blocks

And an iron runner

I filled the bars with planks

Give it snow, ready...


Fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the ground

Light, fluffy, white...


Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow,

These horses are red

And their names are...


All white - white today

And it’s light, even though there’s no sun

Cold is falling from the sky

White – soft white…

( snow)

It's snowing outside

Holiday is coming soon...

(New Year)

Winter - Thank you guys! Goodbye!

(Winter leaves to the song “Crystal Winter”)

Leading - Did you like Winter? You're glad. Why did she come to visit you today? Although it is cold, we are looking forward to its arrival.

Let's invite the winter girl to our holiday - New Year!

Svetlana Vozilova
Scenario for the holiday “Hello, Zimushka-winter!” for children of the preparatory group

Dear colleagues, before we know it, winter will come. I bring to your attention a holiday scenario that promotes the development of children, helps consolidate children’s knowledge in a playful way, and helps children express and show themselves.

The song "Snow Woman" sounds, music by R. Gutsalyuk, lyrics by N. Solovyov. The presenter, the Snow Woman, enters to the music and dances.

Celebration progress:

S. B- Hello guys! I am a cheerful Snow Woman.

There is snow and cold outside the window, but we won’t be bored.

A joyful holiday awaits us here, we will not be discouraged!

Today, 2 teams are meeting in a friendly match: the “Metelitsa” team and the “Winter Cold” team. Let's welcome them! Each task will be assessed with a certain number of points. Each point corresponds to one snowflake. We will put them in these boxes (shows).

Are the teams ready to start the game?

Then let's begin.

Our first competition is called "Guess It."

1. As soon as there is a breath of winter, they are always with you.

Two sisters keep you warm. What are their names? (Mittens).

2. In a round dance of colorful masks there are characters from different fairy tales.

They are having fun and circling. what kind of holiday? (Masquerade).

3. I live under the very roof, it’s even scary to look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle).

4. He is always busy with work, he cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white everything he sees along the way. (Snow).

5. Fish live warmly during the winter

The roof is thick glass. (Ice).

6. The village is in white velvet - both fences and trees.

And when the wind attacks, this velvet falls off. (Frost).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends will not leave each other.

Both run through the snow, both sing songs. (Skis).

8. First you fly at them from the mountain,

And then you pull them up the hill. (Sled).

9. I powdered the paths and decorated the windows.

She gave the children joy and gave them a sledding ride. (Winter).

10. The stars swirled in the air a little.

They sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflakes).

S. B- Let’s summarize the results of the first competition. Team "Metelitsa" solved *** riddles and receives *** snowflakes. The "Winter Cold" team solved *** riddles and received *** snowflakes.

Our second competition is called "Snowballs".

He will show us how dexterous and accurate you are. Teams receive 2 snowballs, each team member can throw 2 snowballs into the basket. For each well-aimed hit, the team receives a snowflake. Are the teams ready? Let's start!

"Winter Song" sounds, lyrics by T. Elchin, music by A. Varlamov, performed by the show group "Smile". A competition is taking place.

S. B-To summarize.

S. B- I have interesting news for you. The postal dog just brought us postcards. But Baba Yaga, the bone leg, decided to joke, or maybe harm, and cut these postcards into pieces. Who is ready to correct the situation? I will ask two people from each team to come to me. Your task is to assemble postcards from individual parts.

The song "Winter's Tale" sounds, words by A. Usachev, music by A. Pinegin.

Show jumping "Postcards" is taking place

.Children collect pictures (pictures depicting winter)

While the children are collecting, the presentation “Winter-winter” is shown in the background. It is demonstrated to the same music.

Summing up. Distribution of snowflakes.

S. B - One day on a frozen meadow

A white, young, thick snow fell.

Grandfather and woman, to forget their melancholy,

They began to sculpt the snow beauty.

They filled in their eyebrows with black charcoal,

They rubbed their cheeks red with snow.

Suddenly the girl raised her black eyebrow,

She smiled and, of course, came to life.

What kind of girl are we talking about and what fairy tale is she from?

Our next competition is called "Fairy tales dance in circles."

You are asked to take turns calling " winter tales"that you know. Who's first?

S. B- In this competition, the “Blizzard” team earned *** snowflakes, and the “Winter Cold” team earned *** snowflakes.

S. B- Many things await you today,

Smiles, games, fun and laughter.

Hurry up, my friend, have fun soon,

I wish you all joy and success!

I am announcing the next competition “Snowman in the House”.

Making a snowman out of snow at home is quite a troublesome task, because it will melt! I suggest making snowmen from balloons, thread, and tape. You can draw their face with felt-tip pens. Everything you need is on your tables. Get started!

The music is "March of the Snowmen", words by A. Usachev, music by M. Dunaevsky. Children can be helped by the Snow Woman and one of the teachers if necessary. A competition is taking place.

Oh! And now I’m announcing the game competition “Snow Battle”

To do this, I invite 3 people from each team. Players stand on opposite sides of a stretched rope. Your task is to throw snowballs at the opposing team. The game continues as long as the music plays. The result is summed up by the number of snowballs that end up on the enemy’s side.

The song “Winter” is playing, lyrics by S. Ostrovoy, music by E. Hank, you can use a backing track. A competition is taking place. It can be done twice, changing players.

The results are summed up and snowflakes are distributed.

With. B - We will play again and continue our holiday!

I invite teams to take part in the Winter Relay competition.

The first team member runs to the table where jackets, hats, etc. are lying, puts it all on himself and returns to the team. the team undresses the player who comes running and dresses the next one. He runs to the table, undresses and comes back. Etc. Is the task clear? Let’s begin!

There is a song from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”, “If only there were no winter.” and others. A competition is taking place.

S.B- Let's summarize.

Now let's get back to fairy tales. imagine that everything fairy-tale heroes gathered for the carnival, wearing costumes and masks. Now we can only recognize them by the words they like to say. Let's find out who came to the carnival.

A "carnival" competition is taking place.

1. Calm! Only calm (Carlson.)

2. Oh you disgusting, oh you dirty, unwashed pig! (Moidodyr.)

3. Who sat on my chair and broke it? (Mishutka.)

4. And now, maiden soul, I want to marry you. (Komarik.)

5. You’re eating a sandwich wrong, Uncle Fyodor. You need to put the sausage on your tongue, it tastes better. (Matroskin.)

S. B - Let's sum up the results of the last competition and count the total number of snowflakes in each box.

S. B- The holiday could go on: there is plenty in dancing and games!

But, the time has come to say goodbye, unfortunately now.

Goodbye, kids, it's time for us to part!

The Snow Woman hands out gifts to the music "Snow Waltz" and leaves. Gifts can include ice cream or marshmallows.

Scenario extracurricular activity

"Meeting Winter"

Leading: Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the coldest time of the year - winter-winter! What a wonderful time of year it is! Nature seems to be resting in a fairytale dream. People call winter: Winter, Zimushka, Zimonka, Zimishka (frail), Zimischa (strict, long), Winter the sorceress.

Winter is truly a magician, it transforms the world, bewitches it; She is able to paint with one white paint, but in how many shades.
We are all bored and waiting for winter, because this year it has been coming to us for a very long time and has finally come.

Guys, do you like winter? Why do you love winter? Do you want winter to come visit us?

Soon, soon he will rush to you, he will fly in the snowstorms

And it will draw you in, swirl you around, cover the earth with snow,

And trees, and houses, and her name... in unison - Winter

Let's call her:

- Winter-winter!

Winter is coming out. In all white, at the back there is a translucent cape with snowflakes attached (the cape can be made from tulle), and on the head there is a crown of snowflakes.

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I'll throw silver on your roof

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard.

Winter: Hello my little friends!

Children: Hello, winter!

Winter: I am very glad that you look forward to seeing me every year.

I came to you from the far north and not alone, my assistants came with me - the winter months.Have you guessed who they are and what their names are?

December: Hello, dear children!

January: Girls and boys!

February: We are the winter months.

December: I am the first winter month - December, they say about me: jelly, the cap of winter. The forest inhabitants fell asleep under my warm snow blanket. Fish and frogs sleep in ponds and rivers. A bear sleeps in a den. How can they not sleep, because December is the most short days and the longest nights.

January: And I am January, mid-winter. My frosts are severe. There is a lot of snow in January, so it’s good to sleep under the snow! It’s also good to wear warm fur coats, but the birds in the forest are cold and hungry. They fly closer to human habitation. Children! Hang up the feeders and add food.

February: Well, I - February - the popular name is fierce. I am angry, cold and windy, I don’t want to give up my rights to spring. I'm in the last month of winter! My snowstorm has been raging all day long.

Winter: These are my assistants, I can’t live without them. They come to you in turns, first December, then January, and then February.

Leading: Stay with us for the holiday, sit with the guys.

Today, you and I will have fun and play.

Winter: Guys, what do you know about me, show me your knowledge. Are you ready?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Then guess my riddles first.

Leading: It's our pleasure! Yes, guys!

Children: YES!

Winter: Well, listen then:

1. What only happens in winter

And covers the whole earth?

Every person knows

What happens in winter... (Snow)

2. What happened to the river?

It's like she turned to stone!

It's just slippery all around,

After all, the river was covered... (with ice)

3. He comes from the sky in winter,

Falls on you and me,

As leaves fall in autumn,

It's winter...(snowfall)

4. Everything around became slippery

Be careful friend!

And whoever is not careful will immediately fall,

After all, it’s outside today.... (ice)

5. It's minus 20 outside today

You need to dress warmer

So that your ears, cheeks, and nose do not freeze

After all, outside...(frost)

6. The cold season has come,

The entire river was covered with ice

And trees and houses

Covered everything with snow….(winter)

Winter: What a great fellow you are! Do you know poems about winter?

Leading : Of course, Winter, the guys really love poems about winter. Please tell me guys.

Winter: You guys are great! I liked your poems so much.

( there is a knock on the door)

Leading: Who's knocking on the doors there?

Leading: Can. Sign in.

The Snowman appears.


Guys, I'm the Snowman.

I'm used to snow and cold.

You blinded me cleverly:

Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

Coals instead of eyes,

The hat is an old basin.

They gave me a broom in my hands -

But this is of little use!

I have to admit, I'm tired of it

Stand alone with nothing to do.

I'm not an ordinary snowman,

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what guys

They do it in winter.

Guys: We make slides. We go sledding.

Snowman: What else do you do in winter?

Guys: We make snowmen and play snowballs.

Snowman: And I love playing in the snow. Let's play!

Leading: Wait, Snowman. How will the kids play in the snow?

Snowman: How? Handles, how else!

Leading: But they will freeze. And children can get sick!

Snowman: Ah, I didn't think about that.

Leading: Guys, what should you wear to prevent your hands from freezing?

Children answer .

Leading: That's right, mittens! Look, you have one mitten on your chairs, and I have the other mittens, but they are mixed up. Let's quickly find a pair for our mittens!

Game find a pair. Children take one mitten, run up to the table with mittens and look for a second pair of their mittens.

Leading: That's how great our guys are!

Leading: Tell me, what else should I wear outside in winter?

Children's answers.

Winter: Well, that's it, now are you ready to play in the snow?

Children: YES!

Snowball fight. Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a certain number of cotton wool snowballs. The music turns on. Children throw snowballs to the music. When the music ends, the game stops.

Winter: You see how fun it is to play in winter! What else do you play in winter?

Snowman. Well done, guys! You throw snowballs deftly!


It's time for us to part.

Goodbye, kids!

I'm a snow sentinel:

Where you are placed, stay there!

In the morning you will come to my garden -

You will find me at the post...

And to the music now

I'll take you home.

Winter: Guys, do you probably know proverbs and sayings about me?


- January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

- New Year's turn to spring.

- Frost and iron tears and hits the bird in flight.

- Winter will ask what summer has in store.

- Summer gathers, winter eats up.

- The Russian blizzard spreads like silk.

- February is a fierce month, he asks how he is wearing shoes.

- December is the end of the year, the beginning of winter.

Winter: How smart you all are!

Winter: And now I want to invite my snowflakes to dance.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.

Winter: Thank you my snowflakes.

Leading: And now, guys, let's remember and sing songs about winter. We listen to music, remember the words and sing. And you, winter, listen to the guys, how they can sing.

Winter: Well done, guys! How talented you all are.

Leading: It’s winter, the guys have prepared and want to show a dramatization of Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang,
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died,
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes,
The dragonfly no longer sings,
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:

Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?
Ant tells her.

Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that it turned my head.

Oh, so you...

I sang all summer without a soul.

Did you sing everything? This is the case:
So come and dance!

Winter: And finally, I want to play with you. The game is called “Snowball.” Everyone stood in a circle and passed the “snowball” to each other and said the words:

We're all rolling a snowball,

We all count to “five” -

One, two, three, four, five -

(sing a song, dance, guess a riddle...)

Winter: Guys, it turns out that you not only know how to recite poetry, sing songs, dance, but also draw, I saw what wonderful drawings you drew. And I would like to reward the best. (awarding)

Winter: Well done, guys! I really liked it with you, it turns out that you really love me and are waiting for me and know a lot about me. And now, it’s time for me and my winter months to hit the road. We still have a lot of work ahead. Goodbye guys! See you again!

Guys: Goodbye winter!

Leading: With this our holiday has come to an end, thanks to everyone for their active participation. Well done!

Scenario of a winter holiday for children 7-10 years old "Sorceress Winter"

Description of material: this development will be of interest to primary school teachers and group educators extended day for organizing winter leisure activities for students.

Target: creating a friendly, comfortable atmosphere in the classroom.
- consolidation of knowledge about winter changes in nature,
- development of children's creative abilities,
- improvement of basic movements: throwing at a target, coordination of movements.
Equipment: audio equipment, a recording of the song “If only there were no winter,” musical accompaniment, a target with hammered nails, snowflakes made of cotton wool, sheets of paper, snowflakes made of paper of the same size.
Zimushka-Winter, Blizzard, Blizzard, Student, six students.

Progress of the event

The song “If only there were no winter” plays (from the film “Winter in Prostokvashino”). Zimushka-Winter appears on stage with her assistants Blizzard and Blizzard.
Zimushka-Winter: Hello, children, hello, dears. How much you have grown since last year! Do you know who I am? I am Zimushka-Winter. Every year, when my time comes, I see you on the street, I help you roll snowmen, at night I build a skating rink for you, I sprinkle the paths with snow to make sledding more fun. And here are my assistants - Blizzard and Blizzard. It would be difficult for me without them, there are so many things to do.
A student comes out.
Winter is busy again - needlewoman -
Let nature dress warmer.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
Knits white things tirelessly:
Sleepy trees have fluffy hats,
For Christmas trees, he knits mittens on his paws.
I sewed, knitted and was very tired!
- Oh, spring would come soon...
E. Yavetskaya, “Winter is a needlewoman”
Blizzard: Oh, how much we still have to do! There are so many holidays ahead, for the New Year we need to spread the snow, freeze the ice for Christmas, invite Frost to visit us for the holiday of Epiphany...
Vyuga: Guys, do you know how winter holidays appeared? For a long time in Rus', winter holidays, starting from January 7 to January 19, were called Christmastide. On January 6, Christmas Eve, called Christmas Eve, caroling began. People dressed up, went from house to house and sang special songs - carols, in which they glorified the birth of Christ and the owners of the house. The owners treated the carolers with cookies, sweets or money.
Blizzard: The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is widely celebrated among the people.
Vyuga: Well, okay, about business and business. Let the guys tell us poems about winter.
Students come out and recite poems about winter.
1st student:
Feet are freezing
Hands are freezing
Fur coats are freezing,
Such a cold -
Even ice
And he has a cold.
Only blizzards and blizzards
They sweated from diligence:
Blizzards and blizzards are blowing
Snow-white beds -
Lay out in the yard
V. Lunin, “Who is hot in winter”
2nd student:
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
In cold glass.
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! –
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
The snow is cut up by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
N Nekrasov, “Snowball”
3rd student:
White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.
Dark forest with a hat
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable...
I. Surikov, “Winter” (excerpt)
4th student:
We made a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just
Instead of eyes
We found some coals.
The rabbit came out as if alive!
He has a tail and a head!
For the mustache
Don't delay -
They are made from straws!
Long, shiny,
Definitely real!
O. Vysotskaya, “Snow Bunny”
5th student:
I'm rolling a snowball -
This will be a cat's house.
I'll make a path to the house -
To make it more comfortable for the cat.
There will be a room inside.
Cat, here is your house, look!
You don't need windows -
Cats can see everything in the dark!
I'll crumble some crumbs for the cat -
There will be a snow sandwich!
But for some reason the Cat
To the cat's house...
Doesn't work...
M. Lapisova, “This will be the Cat’s House”
6th student:
How many hats
Different - different!
Blue, red, clean, dirty!
In different hats
Many different -
Even the sad ones
And the unfortunate ones.
Snow sprinkled
Thickly - thickly
And fell asleep
Sad - sad...
There are no sad ones
No grumpy ones -
Lots of white and happy people!
E. Moshkovskaya, “How many different hats are there”
Zimushka – Winter: That's how many wonderful poems they told about winter. And there are too many songs to count. Guys, what songs about winter do you know? (Children name.) And now we will listen to the wonderful winter song “Three White Horses.”
Students perform the song “Three White Horses” (lyrics by L. Derbenev).
Blizzard: I really like this song! She is my favorite! Eh, now I wish I was in a sleigh, but with the breeze...
Vyuga: No, it’s better to ski, but somewhere...
Zimushka - Winter: Don't argue, there are a lot of winter fun. Just ask the guys, they will list you so many... (Addresses the children.) Guys, tell me, what kind of winter fun are there? (Children answer).
Vyuga: Oh, what did I come up with! Let's play right here now. We will have our own winter fun.
Blizzard: What are these?
Vyuga: Yes, for example, you can throw snowballs...
Blizzard: Right here?! What are you talking about, Blizzard!
Blizzard: Not ordinary snowballs, I'll explain everything. Now we will compete to see which of us is the most accurate. Here we will set up a target, three steps from it our “shooters” will be located, to whom I will give snowballs made of cotton wool. Each shooter is given three snowballs. You need to throw them at the target in such a way that they remain on the target. Anyone interested?
The competition “The Most Accurate” is being held.
The winner receives a prize.
Blizzard: I also came up with a winter game! It's called "Walk on the Ice Floes." I need participants. (Invites willing children.) You must walk from the table to the closet without stepping on the floor. Each player is given two sheets of paper, these will be ice floes. You need to step on an ice floe, put another one in front of you, step over it, take the one left behind and move it forward. Well, have we started?
The competition “Walk on the Ice Floes” is being held.
The fastest player receives a prize.
Zimushka - Winter: Can I also offer a game? It's called "Snowflakes". Who wants to play? (Invites those interested.) And the game is simple. Each player picks up paper snowflake and blows on it. The one whose snowflake flies farthest wins.
A competition is held and the winner is awarded a prize.
Zimushka - Winter: It's good for you guys, but it's time to know the honor. It's time for us to leave. But in parting, let’s listen to the song “Winter”.
(Begins to sing)... The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky...
The students sing the song “Winter,” then the characters say goodbye and leave.

The progress of the holiday

The central platform is designed to look like a snow-covered clearing on which the house stands. Along the perimeter of the site there is a snow bank, decorated with plastic hoops and colored sticks.

To the music of the song “Troika” by E. Krylatov from the movie “Sorcerers,” children enter, the presenter meets them and invites them to dance. The signal for the start of the holiday sounds (you can use a bell).

Presenter. Hello children. We are gathered for happy holiday on a magical forest edge. Do you love winter? What do you like in winter?

Children. Play snowballs. Sledding.

Presenter. Yes, winter is a wonderful time of year. You can skate, sled, play snowballs, or just admire the winter nature. And in winter, nature is unusually beautiful: “The dark forest is covered with a wonderful hat...” I just want to exclaim: “You are beautiful, Mother Winter!”

“In winter everything turned white, there was a lot of snow. And here comes the sorceress Winter herself.”

To the music of the song “Winter” (music by Hanok, lyrics by S. Ostrovsky), Winter comes on stage and performs a dance.


The fluffy snow is spreading.

The street is white.

I, Winter Blizzard,

I came to visit you.

Presenter. Hello, guest Winter. We ask for mercy on us.

Winter. You have so much fun here, the guys are all brave, seasoned, probably not afraid of the cold?

Presenter. No, they are not afraid.

Winter. And if I let the north wind blow at you, howl like a strong blizzard?

A soundtrack of wind and blizzard is given.

Presenter. We are not afraid of frost and do not hide our nose in our fur coat (pats ourselves on the sides - warms ourselves, rubs our nose),

We'll warm our feet too, we'll stomp soon.

Winter plays the game “Winter and Children” with the children to music (Metlov’s collection “Yolka”, “Santa Claus and Children”).

Winter. Yes, I now see that you are brave children, hardened, and you are not afraid of frost.

Presenter. We will never get used to it, let your frost crack, our Russian blood burns in the cold!

To the soundtrack of the melody “Oh, you, the canopy, my canopy,” Emelya rides onto the stage on the stove.

Emelya. Make way, honest people, I’m going to my home... (gets off the stove). Oh, where did I end up?

Presenter. For the holiday, stay with us.

Emelya. Reluctance.

Presenter. Stay, we're having fun.

Nesmeyana appears in the window of the hut, she is crying.

Emelya. It's fun, it's fun, but who's crying?

The presenter looks among the children who is crying, then finds Nesmeyana.

Presenter. Children, did you find out who it is?

Children. Nesmeyana.

Emelya. Nesmeyana, you, as in a fairy tale, are sad and melancholy, there are jokes, games, dances everywhere, you are not the only one laughing.

Presenter. Emelya, try to cheer her up.

Emelya. Children, let's have fun together Nesmeyana,

Emelya dances with the children, then plays the game “Do as I do.”

Winter. Guess the riddle:

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

Only the sun will bake her,

She will melt and die. What is this?

Children. Icicle.

Presenter. Children, look how magical this icicle is. Let's check it out now.

Winter. This icicle needs to be waved and it will work a miracle.

Presenter. Let's check, turn your back, Winter. I'll point to the guys, and guess who it is - a boy or a girl?

The presenter points at the children with an icicle and asks each time, emphasizing the word “boy” or “girl” in her voice. The presenter repeats this 3-4 times.

Presenter. Yes, guys, the icicle really is magical!

Winter. Everyone can see that the icicle is not easy. As soon as I wave it again, Baba Snow is ready.

A snowman appears on stage to the tune of the song “A Blizzard is Sweeping Along the Street.”


Guys, I'm the Snowman. I'm used to snow and cold.

My head is round. Well, the nose is a carrot.

And in my hands the broom dances deftly.

The snowman performs the “Ducklings” dance with the children.

The Wolf and the Fox appear to the soundtrack of “Variations of Russian Folk Songs”. The Wolf carries the Fox on a sled and says: “The beaten one is not lucky.”

Presenter. Children, did you find out what fairy tale it is from?

Children. Fox, sister and gray wolf.

Wolf. Foxy and I caught a lot of fish and brought them to you. Do you know how to fish?

Children. We can.

Wolf. Now let's see what kind of fishermen you are?

The Wolf and the Fox play the game “Catch the Fish”.

The song “Valenki” plays, to which the Bears appear on stage and hold a competition - tug-of-war. The wolf leaves, the fox remains. Then Winter plays the Carousel game with hoops with ribbons attached to them.

To the music from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” The Hare appears and hides from the Wolf among the children. Wolf runs in.

Wolf. Children, have you seen the Hare?

Children. No.

Wolf. Where did he go? I run after him all the time and can’t catch him.

Presenter. Wolf, you probably don’t exercise at all? And our children do exercises every day, they are dexterous and brave.

Wolf. Yes, I don't like doing exercises. I'm more into aerobics. Do you want me to show you?

The wolf performs rhythmic gymnastics to the song “Aerobics” (music by V. Raimchik, lyrics by V. Neklyaev). The Hare moves along with everyone else and bumps into the Wolf.

Wolf. Well, Hare, wait a minute! (Tries to catch him.)

The game “Catch-Up - Mousetrap” is played on stage. The Hare and the Wolf run away. Music from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” is playing “Let’slive together,” and Leopold the Cat appears. He invites the children to dance.

Winter. Of course, guys, you need to live together and never quarrel. You and I have a lot to do. And among friendly people, work always goes well.

Presenter. The holiday of “Russian Winter” has long been celebrated in Rus'. This holiday is full of fun, jokes and laughter. But now our holiday has come to an end. Let's say to Winter, “Hello, Zimushka-Winter!”

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