Test: what kind of man do you need? Online test “Name of the guy who suits you” (26 questions) Test for the type of man who suits you

The concept of beauty and ideal is not generalized - it is a personal individual choice that each person makes. In addition to external preferences, it is important that your partner’s worldview, character, aspirations and lifestyle coincide with yours. Which man is right for me is a test that will help you understand both yourself and existing types. The ability to understand people and quickly identify the same psychotype will help you avoid drama and disappointment in your personal life. After all, it is better to understand as accurately as possible how comfortable you are with the chosen man at the beginning of the relationship, than to leave a huge scar in your soul from a breakup several years later.

Which man is right for me - a test that will help you build an ideal relationship

During periods of loneliness, every girl devotes a lot of time to thinking about her ideal chosen one, who is somewhere nearby and very soon will burst into life and make it incredible. But few people think about the specific features and characteristics of their ideal.

Test “Which man is right for me?” compiled in such a way as to help you understand, first of all, yourself. The questions are aimed at analyzing the personality being tested, and based on the generalized portrait, the right type of man is selected. The main criteria by which the decision is formed are: attitude to everyday life, cuisine, sexual character, the need for tactile manifestations of feelings or, conversely, stimulation for activity.

Only one or two common types proposed in the results will help you figure out which man is right for you, and the test itself can be considered a kind of complex image collected from the results of the answers. The main rule is honesty and the absence of long thoughts or analysis. You need to choose what you liked first. Due to this, the subconscious will give all the clues for the correct result.

Each man has a special character, a certain upbringing and temperament. You may like brutal and independent handsome men, but if you marry them, you may end up completely unhappy just because this type of man is completely unsuitable for you. So we can fully explain the painful question that constantly spins in the heads of those women who are in the process of actively searching for their soulmate: “Which man is right for me?” It turns out that the answer to this question can be easily obtained using a conventional psychological test.

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Psychological test “What type of man is right for me?”

1. Which dating method do you consider the most acceptable for yourself?

a) with a bouquet of flowers presented secretly – 1 point;

b) in a nightclub – 2 points;

c) a long and piercing look, inviting to strike up an acquaintance – 3 points;

d) an unexpected acquaintance, which, as it turns out later, was planned in advance - 4 points.

2. What kind of courtship and attention do you expect from a man?

a) flowers, declarations of love, constant tender SMS on the phone – 1 point;

b) exciting touches, passionate kisses, tight hugs – 2 points;

c) meetings from work, regular calls, dinners at a restaurant – 3 points;

d) dates on the roofs of houses or abandoned vacant lots, joint games of chess or billiards - 4 points.

3. When you are next to a man, what do you want most?

a) tell him about a new work that you just started reading - 1 point;

b) have passionate sex with him – 2 points;

c) see him at your feet – 3 points;

d) win against him in the next argument - 4 points.

4. How do you imagine a night of love?

a) mandatory candlelight dinner – 1 point;

b) violent passion all night long – 2 points;

c) with a champagne bath with rose petals – 3 points;

d) during breaks you can play computer games – 4 points.

5. How would you like a man to behave with you among friends and acquaintances?

a) to gently hold your hand and not let go – 1 point;

b) to flirt and turn on you with just one glance - 2 points;

c) to let everyone know that you are the most beautiful, unique and the only one in his life - 3 points;

d) casually, modestly, with dignity and with all his strength, he would let you know that he wants to leave here with you as soon as possible - 4 points.

6. What is your sign that your relationship is getting serious?

a) he introduced you to his family – 1 point;

b) he already knows what you expect from him in bed – 2 points;

c) he gives exactly what you want - 3 points;

d) he finally confessed his love to you – 4 points.

7. How do you feel about the lipstick mark on his collar?

a) it will be stressful for you, you will cry all night, and the next morning you will start a scandal - 1 point;

b) return from work smelling of someone else’s men’s perfume – 2 points;

c) this is the machinations of envious people, you do not doubt him - 3 points;

d) this is his problem, not yours – 4 points.

8. While walking together, you unexpectedly run into his ex-girlfriend - what reaction do you expect from him?

a) he should lower his eyes, and not even look at her, and squeeze your hand tighter - 1 point;

b) let him greet her impudently and boldly and kiss you in front of her - 2 points;

c) he won’t even notice her, but ideally he had no one at all before you, he is a monogamous person, and you are the only love in his life - 3 points;

d) let them talk, they probably have something to talk about after the breakup - 4 points.

Results of the psychological test “What type of man suits me?”

8-12 points

Only sensitive romantic can make up the happiness of your whole life and understand the depth of your vulnerable nature. And in no case do not despair in your search: modern knights also exist, you just need to recognize them and see them in the men around you. You need someone who will read romantic poems on moonlit nights, will sit with you after midnight and have intimate conversations, and will certainly not forget the day you met. A rude lout and a walking Casanova will only break your heart, so make no mistake!

13-20 points

But your type of man is that brutal and stylish handsome man Lovelace. Crazy and sexy, he will be able to give you such pleasure, the existence of which you never even knew existed before. You need a bright, beautiful, rich life, which only this type of man can provide you with. Yes, he will flirt with other women, but this will only spur you on, and your passion will only flare brighter. But with a boring romantic, you will soon wither away and long-term stress is guaranteed.

21-26 points

You painfully chew on your pencil and ask yourself the same question: “What type of man is right for me?” Calm down: you need conqueror, who will long and persistently first seek you out, and then endure all your whims. It will give you reliability and confidence in relationships. Behind this you will feel calm and warm, like behind a stone wall. He will prepare coffee for you in the morning and fluff up the feather bed in the evening. Only with him you will feel like a real queen.

27-32 points

Search secret agent- only such a man can make such an intelligent and highly intelligent woman like you happy. Intrigues, psychological riddles, intellectual duels and labyrinths - this is what will make your life truly filled with meaning. You will never be bored with him, and your bright and interesting marriage will be very strong. Most often, such men are laconic, serious and achieve a lot in life, so he will also be able to provide you with all material things.

The results have been calculated, the type of suitable man has been determined, and your internal search engine has probably already considered all the options that in one way or another fit the description of your type. Well, the question is “Which man is right for me?” has lost its relevance, and a new one pops up: “Which of your friends fits this type?” We wish you a successful search, direct guidance and an accurate hit - right to the heart!

Test - “Which guy is right for you?” very interesting but not small, it has 20 questions. Some questions ask about what attracts you to a guy... to help match you with the man of your dreams. And the rest of the questions are about you... to help you choose the guys who will be most attractive to you. This is in the hope that your score will be as realistic a match as possible!

In your case, after taking our test, you can go looking for that specific guy to suit your needs right now. Understand that he may not be the guy you want in three to five years, and he may not have the desire to be that guy. But that's life.

Which guy is right for you? What will the test show?

A guy who really cares about you, a guy who knows all your flaws and everything that confuses you, but still loves you. The guy who is brave enough to let you know when you're wrong, but willing to admit when you're right. The right guys are the one who is right in front of you but hasn't had the courage to tell you how he feels. This is the guy you should be with.

This "what kind of guy is right for you" test is for those who have always dreamed and fantasized about being together with a fictional male character! From the worlds of Harry Potter to Star Wars to Twilight (and more), there are plenty of guys you could get as a result.


You are attracted to winning men. Principled, self-confident and powerful. They do not sit idle, they are constantly busy with something - organizing a country water supply, choosing building materials, designing a home interior, preparing for kayaking, searching for the optimal strategy in communicating with customers.

They love to organize people, give out tasks, motivate them for success, reprimand, mentor, encourage. They cannot stand it when any matter is decided without their participation; they easily get involved in disputes.

The advantages of such men. Not boring. Volcano people. They are constantly up to something. They can provide the family with material well-being.

The disadvantages of such men. They can be abusers. They can put pressure on you with their control and mistrust. They are overly demanding of their significant other, and subsequently of family members.


Next to you you see a male companion who can engage you with an interesting conversation and support an intellectual debate. But it’s not just his sociability and broad outlook. You like men who are focused on mutually beneficial cooperation and who know how to take into account the desires of both parties.

The advantages of such men. They love to discuss everything, to reason about everything. About what products should be bought on the weekend, what kitchen set should be designed, where is the best place to spend a vacation. They also just love to describe their feelings for you and ask about yours. Compare moral “expenses” and “incomes”. And material ones, by the way, too.

The disadvantages of such men. They look at everything from the point of view of profit, and therefore they may turn out to be boring and/or materialistic. They may inadvertently offend. In this case, the man should be encouraged to realize that not everything in this life can be bought and sold.

Faithful friend

Simple and responsible men suit you. They calmly accept both a woman's leadership and her subordination.

Like winners, they never sit idle, but not because they love to rock like the latter, but because they are economical. The life and comfort of the family comes first for them. They will never lose sight of a malfunctioning cistern or a picture hanging unevenly; they know where to buy viable seeds and a high-quality drill.

Caring. They will put you to bed if they see that you are tired during the day. They are happy to take children to classes and help elderly relatives.

The advantages of such men. They are the best and most loyal friends you can always rely on. Almost trouble-free, especially in the domestic sphere.

The disadvantages of such men. They don’t understand romance because they are very practical. Holidays and traditions can be called pathos and an unnecessary waste of money. If you really, really want to have an intimate evening, you need to prepare your man in advance. Clearly say what is required of him, what to buy, what to bring.

Creative man

Men who are creative, bright, romantic, and sometimes selfish are suitable for you. They categorically refuse to look at the world with an adult gaze, which is why they are somewhat capricious and stubborn. They are loyal to a woman leader. They need a woman who is decisive, resourceful and able to adequately navigate a stressful environment, because they themselves do not possess these qualities.

The advantages of such men. They help the chosen one look at the world from a different angle, teach her to notice the beauty in the ordinary, to see colors that are inaccessible to ordinary people. Capable of stunning romance.

The disadvantages of such men. They are defenseless in a stressful environment and can easily make trouble. They have difficulties with self-control and are impractical. In a fit of emotion, they can lose a large sum of money or quarrel with loved ones.

    For the first time I saw the test “Name of the guy who suits you.” Usually we came across compatibility according to zodiac signs, but here it is. Of course, I immediately began to walk through. Now I know what name I should look for a young man for a relationship with. Thank you very much, they helped me decide and I enjoyed my time.

    Dear test developers. I hope you can find the “Girl name that suits you” test on your website. My girlfriend just took your test and blew my mind. She, of course, was left impressed. But now every day and more than once I hear that we were predicted the fate of a star and that we are an ideal couple. I want to take a similar test and start taking revenge on her)

    My husband and I have been married for quite a long time. And throughout our entire life together, I never once thought about whether we were suitable for each other or not. It seems that someone read my thoughts, and I ended up on your site with a test about the name. I went with pleasure and, of course, with interest. But now I know that my husband and I were made for each other.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have a serious relationship, and never really had one. I started to think that it was probably me. And I looked for mistakes in every possible way. My sister sent me a link with the test and advised me to take it. After passing the test, the result appeared, which listed the male names suitable for me. Looking at the result, I realized that I had never come across anyone with such names. Now I'll wait)

    Looking at the name of the test, I wondered why I would find out the guy’s name. Soon I couldn’t stand it anymore and out of curiosity I took the test. Although I can't stand various tests. And I have a completely negative attitude towards them. But I liked this test and changed my entire outlook.

    I really like the proposed names) Dmitry, Evgeniy and Egor) indeed, I believe that a name affects a person’s life, and therefore the compatibility in a couple too. Of course, I won’t select a husband by name as the main criterion, but this is all very interesting)

    Well, my boyfriend’s name didn’t turn up in the test…. Well, it’s okay, I won’t be upset, this is just a test) I hope we get married soon. I wish everyone to find their love, no matter what their name is))

    It seems to me that my boyfriend and I are the perfect couple! We practically don’t even know how to swear) and it’s okay that the test didn’t show his name in the results, I think life compatibility is more important

    I have already studied our horoscopes, the compatibility is quite good. Now it’s time to study the compatibility of names)) the test did not give me the name Ivan, but according to the horoscope everything is in order))

    It’s generally difficult for me to find a guy.. Not just by name, but even by interests. And I also have a negative Rhesus, so the guy should also be like that... I think I’ll be the last person to pay attention to my name)

    Alexander, Ivan, Maxim, Daniil are interesting names, but not among my friends. I guess I haven't met my one and only yet.

    Your result: Most likely your boyfriend will be a man named Alexey, Igor, Vsevolod, Pavel or Sergey. Just please, not Igor. That was the name of my ex-boyfriend, I don’t want Igor again (((

    Cool 😍😍😍I’ll be waiting for my Serezhenka, I hope to see you soon.

    Thanks for the interesting test. My husband's name is Andrey, but he is not on the list. I regard this test as a cool toy)) my husband and I live in perfect harmony.

    I generally believe in horoscopes and compatibility. My boyfriend laughs at me, says all nonsense. And I believe that we are an ideal couple. That’s what the test showed 😀

    I passed the test, how good it is that the result is the name Maxim. I will really like it, and I am secretly in love with a guy with that name. I hope we can form an alliance.

    Is there some connection between the names?! I think yes. I think Marina and Evgeniy sound beautiful. M+E. I love my husband Evgeniy very much.

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